Recent content by Niyi Briggs

AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum
  1. Niyi Briggs

    What is some popular street food from where you live?

    The combination of spaghetti, rice and egg is a popular street food sold by mobile food vendors.
  2. Niyi Briggs

    How many percent of your monthly income can you dash people?

    I don't have a budget for giving out money to people. I just do it spontaneously and not very often.
  3. Niyi Briggs

    Have you ever hired an accountant?

    I don't need an accountant to manage my finances. It is big time entrepreneurs that need accountants and I would get there.
  4. Niyi Briggs

    Do you wear Specs

    I don't wear specs. Even the fashion specs, I find them uncomfortable. So, no speca for me because I don't have any eye issue.
  5. Niyi Briggs

    Who treated unfairly: the poor or the rich?

    Treating people badly is not a function of one's financial worth. It is a trait that people have inside them.
  6. Niyi Briggs

    Do you take pills even for the small ailments?

    I don't take pills for conditions that I know has to do with fatigue. I would just take rest and I would be fine.
  7. Niyi Briggs

    Best fruits to eat for hair growth

    I only know that some fruits can be applied to the hair to make it grow. For edible stuffs, you eat much egg for your hair to grow.
  8. Niyi Briggs

    How much Does a Teacher Earn In Your country?

    Teachers in my country are so poorly paid that no one even dreams to be a teacher. We would no longer have teachers in the next 10 years if the poor pay of teachers are not reviewed.
  9. Niyi Briggs

    Who is the best person to get advice from?

    The best person to get advice from is someone that is very experienced and exposed in various endeavours.
  10. Niyi Briggs

    What was your Breakfast Today?

    I had rice cooked with oil as breakfast today before leaving for church. The aim was to eat something light.
  11. Niyi Briggs

    Do you mind noises?

    Noises are not good for me. That's why I avoid places that there are children when I want to do a mentally tasking work.
  12. Niyi Briggs

    Is it possible for couples to dislike each other?

    I have actually seen couples that are just staying together for the sake of the children but they don't like each other.
  13. Niyi Briggs

    Do you fight with your Siblings?

    I and my siblings are above the age of fighting with each other. We are mutually very close and jovial nowadays.
  14. Niyi Briggs

    Aside rewards what brings you to PTP sites?

    Paid posting forums gives me the chance to learn about other avenues that I can earn money online.
  15. Niyi Briggs

    I learned that the admin has started paying the users for the contests in June. Great step in the right direction.
  16. Niyi Briggs

    Trendri seems to have removed earning limits for comments.

    I am really looking at going back to being active on Trendri. Seems only positive news coming from there lately.
  17. Niyi Briggs

    How often do you cash out on pay-to-post forums?

    I always request payment from exchangers as soon as I earn something reasonable in the range of $2.
  18. Niyi Briggs

    Legit đź‘Ť Riveiw: Scam or Legit?

    Since December, Trendri has been relatively stable and it is one site that can be called legit.
  19. Niyi Briggs

    Is finance a really broad field?

    Finance is really a broad field when you want to look at it very closely. But what I love about it is that it is practical.
  20. Niyi Briggs

    How do you see the business of making the timber with the power saw?

    Lumbering business is a profitable business but it is physically demanding. The people I know in that business live well.
  21. Niyi Briggs


    I would love to learn German language. It is one language that sounds pleasing to my ears.
  22. Niyi Briggs

    Do you still use the calendar at home?

    I don't have a single calendar in my house any longer. I use the one on my phone.
  23. Niyi Briggs

    Why do you think the rates of unemployment is so high allover the world

    Overpopulation is the reason that we have so many people without jobs. Population growth is too high.
  24. Niyi Briggs

    What's your love language?

    I don't know if I even have a love language. Maybe it is that physical touch that gives reassurance.
  25. Niyi Briggs

    Feeling energized

    When it is sunny, I always feel very weak. The sun in my party of the world is really severe and drains.
  26. Niyi Briggs

    How Did You feel when you first made some money Online

    Having to make money online was a good feeling for me. It opened my mind to possibilities that abound in the digital world.
  27. Niyi Briggs

    You need to spend to grow your business

    Expansion of a business requires capital. You must get that capita externally or you reinvest profits from the business.
  28. Niyi Briggs

    Is it true that business is draining?

    Anything that takes me virtue from you to create value that can be exchanged for money would sure drain you. Business is draining. But be sure the business is worth the drain.
  29. Niyi Briggs

    Mushroom cultivation

    I read that there are hybrid mushrooms that can be easily cultivated but you have to find a reliable breeder of such.
  30. Niyi Briggs

    What are the factors that can make a salon business boom?

    Being able to barb well for sure would make the salon business boom. If the salon has value added services to attract people, it would easily become popular and make money.
  31. Niyi Briggs

    What is the hardest part of an investment

    I think the hardest part of a investment is the ability to stay patient for the investment to yield. It might take years.
  32. Niyi Briggs

    The capital to invest or the investment, which should come first?

    I think one needs to pursue the particular line that he or she wants to invest in first, study it and be certain before working on investment capital.
  33. Niyi Briggs

    Investing in Whisky and Rum Exclusively

    The alcoholic beverage industry is so big and large that it is almost a guaranteed money spinner if one makes investments in it
  34. Niyi Briggs

    Why Do Currency Exchange Rates Change?

    Currency exchange rates exist in a market and the forces of demand and supply cause it to keep changing.
  35. Niyi Briggs

    The simple difference between investing and saving

    Savings is just reservation of money while investment is putting money to work with hope of getting more money from it.
  36. Niyi Briggs

    Investing Tips for beginners

    The biggest investment tip that I always have for beginners is to invest amounts that are so negligible that they won't lose their minds if the investment fails.
  37. Niyi Briggs

    Does investing too much money guaranty success?

    People that have invested millions still lose money. The success of investment is not in the amount of money invested.
  38. Niyi Briggs

    Do you like wearing High Heels?

    High heels actually look very good on ladies. It makes some ladies look super attractive. Love to see ladies wearing it.
  39. Niyi Briggs

    Have You Tried Creating Digital Courses?

    I have created a few digital courses in the past and it was a profitable venture. I sold well.
  40. Niyi Briggs

    Have You Tried Any Indian Food in Your Country?

    I have never tasted any Indian meal. I heard their foods are always too spicy and I tend to dread them.
  41. Niyi Briggs

    Have you tried out food delivery services?

    Food delivery services have become very viable these days and times because people are easily ordering food.
  42. Niyi Briggs

    Are Banks A Business?

    Banks are the core of business. They provide B2C and B2B services all by themselves. They are the perfect model of the corporate world.
  43. Niyi Briggs

    Is mini importation business lucrative?

    Mini importation business is very lucrative. It doesn't carry the complexity of normal importation business and the products imported sell well.
  44. Niyi Briggs

    How to create effective communication between the employer and the employee

    Effective employer employee communication starts when there is a positive relationship between the both parties. 1726169371 Effective employer employee communication starts when there is a positive relationship between the both parties.
  45. Niyi Briggs

    The word respect is very important in business

    You need to make respect a culture of you want to get the most out of your business. Respect for not only customers but also your staff.
  46. Niyi Briggs

    How smartly you use your smartphone?

    I have used my smartphone more to learn and make money. Those are things that have helped my self development.
  47. Niyi Briggs

    When was the last time you broke a promise?

    I promised someone that I would send her money and I couldn't meet up because funds I was expecting didn't come.
  48. Niyi Briggs

    Eat your breakfast like a king

    I was taught that one meal that one should not ever miss is the breakfast.
  49. Niyi Briggs

    Do you like to sleep on bed or on floor?

    There are seasons that I would sleep on the floor. But it is not this particular cold season that we have in my country now.
  50. Niyi Briggs

    Is saving money easy to you now

    Savin mh money has become more difficult for me now because the cost of living leaves you with nothing remaining to save.
  51. Niyi Briggs

    Do you like to add milk in tea or coffee?

    Is it even possible to take tea without milk? I really can't do that. I won't enjoy that tea.
  52. Niyi Briggs

    Can you do anything for money?

    It is not everything I can do to make money no matter how huge the amount involved. I can't do crime for money.
  53. Niyi Briggs

    How does Binance compare with other crypto wallets?

    When you look at just the trade volume of Binance, you would realize that other crypto exchange are no match.
  54. Niyi Briggs

    Is it possible to make $1 from faucet in a day?

    I dare anyone to prove to me that they made $1 in a day from faucet activities. No one has ever achieved that.
  55. Niyi Briggs

    What is the first PTP websites?

    I heard that the first paid to post site was forum wheel. And then we had forum coin too.
  56. Niyi Briggs

    Delayed Payment: Is it considered not legit?

    If the delay doesn't run into months and the admin keeps communicating, people would not consider the site to be scam.
  57. Niyi Briggs

    Until When Do You Intend to Make Money Online?

    I know that I would get to a point in my life that I have outgrown the level of earning that are available on paid to post forums.
  58. Niyi Briggs make money writing articles

    The very fact that we would have to make a monetary deposit before even contributing our own creativity to the platform is a major turn off.
  59. Niyi Briggs

    Always use secured payment method.

    When you use secure payment methods, you reduce the possibility of losing your money to scammers to the barest minimum.
  60. Niyi Briggs

    How did you know about PTP

    It was from a youtube video that I was searching how to make money online that I got to find out about paid to post forums.
  61. Niyi Briggs

    what are the psychological aspects of money making?

    One needs to have a balanced mindset to be able to make money online. Making money online is more of a mental activity.
  62. Niyi Briggs

    Legit đź‘Ť

    I know people are still active on the site and making the little that the site offers.
  63. Niyi Briggs

    Do you compare prices of different stores before buying a product?

    I usually check on Facebook marketplace and jumia for the better offer on pricing before I decided which place to buy from.
  64. Niyi Briggs

    Can money save someone's life?

    There are certain points that you would need financial resources to boost your life to live longer.
  65. Niyi Briggs

    Do you enjoy banana bread?

    I have never had banana bread and I won't know how it would taste. But it is something that I would love to experiment.
  66. Niyi Briggs

    Save money using mostly shopping app version

    These shopping apps want us to overload our devices with apps because of cents discounts. I don't think it is worth it.
  67. Niyi Briggs

    Keeping boarders

    I won't want to be responsible for anyone that I am not legally and ethically supposed to be responsible for. That is why I won't accept boarders.
  68. Niyi Briggs

    Can Company Benefit from Free Food?

    Only very few businesses like fast foods and hotels give free feeding to its staff. It is an additional cost.
  69. Niyi Briggs

    Could a toxic marriage disrupt your business?

    It takes a very strong person to keep running a business when he has personal problems like a toxic marriage.
  70. Niyi Briggs

    Can you accept payeer as payment method in your business?

    My business is a small business to think of accepting an international payment method like payeer. That would be stretching it.
  71. Niyi Briggs

    Which do you prefer to work with, a small or big company?

    I would prefer to work for a bigger company because there would surely be bigger opportunities there.
  72. Niyi Briggs

    Have you ever gotten government grants/loans for your business?

    I don't want any grants from government to help run my business because I would never get it no matter how hard I try.
  73. Niyi Briggs

    How can we increase revenue and profitability?

    Look at your costs of production and see possible places to cut down to increase your revenue and maximize profits.
  74. Niyi Briggs

    Does Binance's actions have any effect on BNB

    As Binance is growing in value, it is just natural that BNB which they sponsor would also grow because people would have more confidence in it.
  75. Niyi Briggs

    Which is the best Altcoin to invest for long term?

    Ethereum is by default the best altcoin. I also believe that Notcoin would do well and worth investing.
  76. Niyi Briggs

    What is the latest plan for your business?

    The latest plan for my business is to expand and establish a branch in the neighbouring city.
  77. Niyi Briggs

    Have you test out trading on Walbi. com

    I don't trade my crypto on just any exchange. I go for renowned few ones. Only Binance and Bybit cut it for me now
  78. Niyi Briggs

    Do You Accept Crypto Payment

    I have been taking crypto payments for my online work for the past three weeks years without any issues.
  79. Niyi Briggs

    What are the risks associated with using a Decentralized Exchange?

    A decentralised exchange is very risky to work with. You might lose your traded assets easily if you don't streamline your trade to favour you.
  80. Niyi Briggs

    Why do people change to bad attitude sometimes?

    People always change to bad sometimes because of the bad influence that they get from people that they relate with.
  81. Niyi Briggs

    Moving in with a partner before marriage

    Why do you think so? I think it is better for those intending couples to get to know themselves better.
  82. Niyi Briggs

    Is marriage becoming scarce?

    Marriage is becoming scarce in cultures where the man has to marry and become the breadwinner.
  83. Niyi Briggs

    Do You Think Age Matters For Success

    For me, success at a very late age is valued but not as celebrated when it comes much younger.
  84. Niyi Briggs

    What matters is, it does not matter

    People that talk about what others are doing always want to force their own thoughts on people. As far as it is making you happy and it is legit, keep doing it.
  85. Niyi Briggs


    I started my business from scratch and I enjoyed the fact that I set it on a path that I absolutely want from the onset.
  86. Niyi Briggs

    Why Do Many Start-ups Fail?

    So many start ups always fail because the people that started it became disappointed with the outcome after some time.
  87. Niyi Briggs

    Should companies still invest in employee training and development

    If I own a company now, it would be completely optional to employ a staff that I would have to train.
  88. Niyi Briggs

    Do you sometimes sleep at work?

    I sleep at work when I am too exhausted but not when a client is around.
  89. Niyi Briggs

    The changing society

    The changing business landscape is majorly focused on tech now and that is applicable to even traditional industries.
  90. Niyi Briggs

    Is Bitcoin still used for payment?

    I don't want any payments in bitcoin. I am not well versed to know how to use the lightning network.
  91. Niyi Briggs

    Apart from taking loans where else do you get financial help?

    I might sometimes need to take salary advances when money needs become really pressing on me.
  92. Niyi Briggs

    Relationship between risk and investment

    I won't say that there is a defined relationship between risks and investment. It is more random than it is fixed.
  93. Niyi Briggs

    Relationship between personal finance and community services?

    It is easier for a person who has a strong financial worth to be able to to do humanitarian services.
  94. Niyi Briggs

    Do you find the purchase of the new clothing very expensive?

    The prices of clothes has really increased. But we still have to buy and wear to look good.
  95. Niyi Briggs

    P2P Trading

    I am still very new to P2P trading despite being in crypto for long. I am about to verify by Bybit account to start out with peer to peer trading v
  96. Niyi Briggs

    Have you ever defaulted on repaying back your loan?

    Taking a loan amount that three times less than your income helps you to pay back the loan without stress.
  97. Niyi Briggs

    Do ladies really like men that are assertive and in control?

    There are many cases of women falling for their bosses. That is a strong pointer that women love men in charge.
  98. Niyi Briggs

    Do you think men should braid their hairs

    I think most regions have grown pass that stage of debating what people want to do with their looks. It is a personal thing.