Recent content by Ratine

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  1. R make money writing articles

    As of me l am yet to make a follow up on that before l can proceed with that.
  2. R

    How to make money by writing articles about general topics?

    Nowadays the general information forums are very much wide and people can write about anything.
  3. R

    Have you ever used the finances management apps?

    As of me this depends on the the levels of the financial status for the person on context.
  4. R

    what is the secret of earning money online? Share your experience

    The only secret for the online earning is the skillet required for the particular online jobs
  5. R

    Which earning website do you enjoy using most

    Definitely that earning site should be the Indexforum forum for that matter.
  6. R

    What is the oldest earning site you are using?

    For now l can say that it's the trendri. I have been using that platform for more than five years now
  7. R

    Using Earning Platforms That Are Not Popular

    So long as they are paying generously l don't care whether they are popular or not.
  8. R

    Why Meme Coins are so Popular?

    Because they tend yo make some people cryptocurrency investors to the most potential millionaires
  9. R

    What is some popular street food from where you live?

    Most food vendors sell some chapattis with some beans and vegetables.
  10. R

    Apart from taking loans where else do you get financial help?

    It's only a couple of days ago that learned about the crypto loans. I would be taking these kinds of loans this time around
  11. R

    Where you learn new food recipes

    Nowadays that had been made so simple as the internet is flooded with the most useful resources.
  12. R

    Where do you get short term loans?

    I have realized that most banks give soft loans that are payable for a period of one to three months.
  13. R

    Where do I enter my Login/Begin 8-Digit Code?

    For sure l am hearing that thing for the first time ever and l really would like to check it further.
  14. R

    New project

    I would seriously check that at a later date for sure. I think it would be something very useful to me.
  15. R

    New 🚩 - $0.25 Sign-Up Bonus - $0.50 Minimum Payment - GPT/PTC Site

    Do you accept users from all over the world because l don't see mu country in your list
  16. R

    Selling Few Products or Selling a Lot of Products?

    I think here this main point is the value addition for the products. The higher valuable goods attracts more profits for sure.
  17. R

    Do you still frequent visit to your relatives and stay there for few days?

    For me l can say that l did that a very long time ago and l even can't remember when last l did that for sure.
  18. R

    Can you enlist few sites to earn?

    The major earning sites for me are the discussion bucks and Indexforum here for the truth of the matter.
  19. R

    Few steps to stay financially informed.

    One can achieve through keeping updated to the current trends on the business with the watching of the news, reading Newspaper among other ways.
  20. R

    How to stay up to date in cryotocurrency.

    There are constantly emerging trends on the world of business and for that reason l am using the business daily newspaper to stay updated.
  21. R

    What is the latest plan for your business?

    I have planned to get a motorbike for commercial purposes only for that matter l must say.
  22. R

    Have you test out trading on Walbi. com

    This is the very time l am hearing about that. Maybe l spend my time to check on that.
  23. R

    Make $300+/Day Trading Futures | FREE SIGNAL | OLYMPUS TRADING

    The future trading is very much risky for sure and only the experienced can really make it with it.
  24. R

    Free Time

    In my free time l like to spend it with my family cracking jokes and pass time with them.
  25. R

    What is the toughest password you have ever used?

    For me l usually construct something that l can easily remember though it may seem very difficult to others.
  26. R

    Have ever used the electric motor bike?

    They are yet to become popular here in my country while most people fear about the failure for getting some important spare parts on cases of broke downs.
  27. R

    Have you ever used the finances management apps?

    As for me l can say that l don't need anything like that ad l can manage my own finances.
  28. R

    How many friends do you have?

    In a matter of fact l have lost contact with a better chunk of them. Most people live on their own in this trying times .
  29. R

    How many income sources do you have?

    For now l have only one source of income and l am really trying very hard to have more and more.
  30. R

    How many percent of your goods can you sell on credit?

    Surely that depends on the type of the sellers one deals with. Most businesses don't sell on credit here.
  31. R

    How many rainy seasons in a year do you have in your country?

    This year's rain season was to end in June but l can see that we still have some rainfall up to now
  32. R

    How much did you earn here?

    For me l have had a very great in the earning from here. I have earned like $12 here before.
  33. R

    Do you watch old movies?

    Of course yes and l am still interested in the old movies like the Titanic for sure
  34. R

    Do you watch movies on youtube?

    I rarely watch movies on the YouTube channel. I usually do that on very rare occasions.
  35. R

    Do you still watch black and white movies?

    I can remember very well that such movies were so unique in the sense that one could master the whole scenes on the movies.
  36. R

    Do you watch movies on Telegram?

    For me l was not aware whether the telegram can allow people to watch movies on the app.
  37. R

    What kind of movies do you like?

    For me l can get relaxed with the watching of the drama comedy with some horror movies.
  38. R

    Do you like Movies with sad ending?

    I think l must watch that with someone else. That because such movies can be very traumatizing at times.
  39. R

    Do you still watch TV?

    The television is still a very entertaining tool here in my country and most people are really using it to stay updated with news and movie series.
  40. R

    Do you still wear a watch?

    The watch seems very reliable as phone could run out of power and stay without the wary of time.
  41. R

    Share your experience with podcasting

    For sure l have been engaged with that kind of venture before for that matter..
  42. R

    Share your experience with user-generated content

    Of course that had been a great tool for making a great marketing for ones business for sure.
  43. R

    Share your experience with web scraping

    For me this is the first time l get to hear about that. I have to spend some time to research more on that.
  44. R

    what is the secret of earning money online? Share your experience

    I think the most secret comes in the resilience part and being patient on the accumulation of pennies to some five dollars before you request a payment.
  45. R

    Share your experience with online business ecommerce solutions?

    As a matter of fact I have never participated on the commercial programs before for sure
  46. R

    Share your most unforgettable experience 😁

    I have had so many unforgettable experiences for my life. Mostly l encountered that during the childhood.
  47. R

    What is your experience with Blackberry?

    For me l had never used that kind of phone before. I only saw one with my neighbours.
  48. R

    Which is latest Game for Mobile Phones?

    For me l am not into the games and online gaming activities for such matter.
  49. R

    Have ever used the portable WiFi gadgets?

    The portable gadgets seems very expensive and the most benefits with is the usage of multiple devices.
  50. R

    Have you ever been accused wrongly by your boss before?

    There is no bad thing like being accused for by their bosses for sure my friend.
  51. R

    Have you ever used ATM machines to make cash deposits?

    Baptism is a very important practice by the christians to undergo because it's somehow spiritual connected. 1726561409 Most of the time l really haven't such time for depositing money on the bank accounts using the ATMs
  52. R

    Have you ever used walkie talkie?

    I can confidently say that l have never used one before for the truth of the matter.
  53. R

    Have you ever been successful through the taking of loans?

    Most loan people that l have seen are really loosers as they go bankrupt once took the loa
  54. R

    Have you ever been food addicted?

    Of course l have been addicted to the tea that l usually take im the mornings and evenings.
  55. R

    What's the importance of staying up-to-date with industry trends?

    In my country the industrialization is still very unpopular here. They have projected to start it in 2030.
  56. R

    I'm so relaxed, I consider folding laundry a form of artistic expression

    As of me l only take that as a very simple matter for that matter.
  57. R

    Don't forget to register your business

    For me in my country one is entitled yo start the business immediately they register the businesses.
  58. R

    Where do you get latest updates on investments?

    I am currently into the coin market cap. I get all the alerts on the cryptocurrency price movements.
  59. R

    Do you still have confidence in Binance?

    For me l still have trust on that exchange and l am continuing to using it for sure.
  60. R

    What do you do to avoid being broke?

    Engaging on the job and or business activities are mostly likely to guaranteed money to individuals.
  61. R

    Do you think that crypto would become a norm for financial transaction?

    I think that would come to pass because there are some countries that are now accepting payments through cryptocurrency.
  62. R

    Importance of knowing your target audience

    I can say that it's very ideally if you get to know your target audience for that matter.
  63. R

    Always know where your money goes

    In this life when one wants to be successful in the finances they should learn to avoid spendthrift. 1726560269 In most cases, it's very difficult to look for money but spending can be that easy. 1726560293 In most cases, it's very difficult to look for money but spending can be that easy.
  64. R

    How would you respond to a coworker that you believe makes jokes too frequently?

    As of me l am a very serious person that l don't like jokes for that matter.
  65. R

    How would you respond if your employer suddenly asked you to relocate for one to two years to a foreign nation that you did not find appealing?

    I would just go because l don't have that chances for arguing with bosses for sure.
  66. R

    Respond in a timely manner to consumer's questions and issues

    When customers submit support tickets they expect immediate responses for that matter l must say.
  67. R

    How would you respond in an interview, when asked for the password of your email ID?

    I have never been asked such kind of questions on any interviews that l attended ever.
  68. R

    What is the toughest password you have ever used?

    For me l don't have the tendency to create the most difficult passwords for sure.
  69. R

    Have ever used the electric motor bike?

    I have known that the electric bikes are very environmental friend and cheaper to manage for sure.
  70. R

    Have you ever used the finances management apps?

    I had realized that most of those programs doesn't help in any way for sure.
  71. R

    Which gender of kids do you think are easiest to raise?

    For me l think that almost every gender is equal and have the same challenges for that.
  72. R

    Do you save money in the name of your kids?

    Ever since l start saving for my children l find some problems and obstacle that make me spend the savings.
  73. R

    Investing For Your Kids

    I had started saying for my children long time ago when l was still working. However for now l really find it difficult because l don't have income plans.
  74. R

    How would you teach value of money to your kids?

    For me l think that most children lack the mentorship on good morals and well being for the people.
  75. R

    Do you think kids should have an hour break in school to watch cartoons?

    I back for the kids to go for breaks to play at the playgrounds which is very good.
  76. R

    What should you watch out for before joining a PT site.

    I think one should make sure that the site is very legit at least you see two payment proofs.
  77. R

    Joining a site with no information about the admin

    For me l always sign up for new sites after ensuring the legitimacy for the sites.
  78. R

    Under what circumstance can a business be granted license to operate as a monopoly?

    In my country it's mandatory for every business to acquire license before it starts the business operations.
  79. R

    Is a fishing license required in your country?

    Of course yes. The fishing license is required for one to practice fishing on the ocean.
  80. R

    Do you know any haunted places in your country?

    There are so many haunted places in my country and l can never attempt to visit that for sure
  81. R

    How many rainy seasons in a year do you have in your country?

    Last year we had like three rainy seasons. This year we had only one short rain season.
  82. R

    How is the country's finances affecting the personal finances?

    The government is the one that is regulating the country's economy through the country's central bank.
  83. R

    What is your country’s favourite sport?

    Here is the basketball. We have really been doing best on that game in a matter of fact.
  84. R

    Did you do a genotype test with your partner/ spouse?

    As of me l have never done that kind of test before. I have never found any importance for that.
  85. R

    3 factors to consider before investing in cement industry

    The cement manufacturing plants are deemed as multi-billionare projects. One intending to engage on that business must be well equipped with the required resources
  86. R

    Factors to consider before investing outside your country.

    Ensure that the kind of business you intend to conduct outside the country has a good market.
  87. R

    Do you play NFT games

    For me l have never played the NFT games for that matter. I would however look at that.
  88. R

    Do you play Minecraft

    I have never played that game before. Most people have find real pleasure while playing that game.
  89. R

    Which TV station do you play the most?

    Mostly l like watching the church channels especially the local churches here in my country.
  90. R

    Do you play crypto casino

    For me l have never played the cryptocurrency casinos for that matter. I dislike gambling at times.
  91. R

    Do you play indoor games?

    I always played the keyboard in my house all alone sometimes back in the days
  92. R

    can you allow your employees work without supervision?

    I can just leave the most trusted employees to work without supervision because they know what they are doing.
  93. R

    Who treated unfairly: the poor or the rich?

    I think that the poor people are being treated with so badly in the name of having nothing.
  94. R

    China is likely to reverse cryptocurrency ban soon.

    That would be a very positive approach yo the cryptocurrency enthusiants in that country and the whole world at large.
  95. R

    In China they sell canned air, would you buy it?

    For me l wouldn't buy the canned air. That is because l don't need it
  96. R

    China is already making it a reality to have an android to help you WATCH IT!

    For l always say that China is very much into the tech industry and it really stands out of her neighbours like the lndia
  97. R

    Does avoiding direct sugar can help in weight loss?

    For me l really wonder if the sugar influx have a direct relationship with the body weight.
  98. R

    Do you think it will help us in weight loss if we can walk for 20 mins daily?

    I think that the twenty minutes walk is not enough for making us physical fit for that matter.
  99. R

    How much maximum time do you wear shoes?

    For me l usually wear the closed shoes time when l am going out or at work.
  100. R

    Do you wear shoes without socks?

    I had never done that thing before. The socks would make my foot very comfortable
  101. R

    Making money through social media sites

    Nowadays most people are making money on the social media sites through the content marketing for instance on the Facebook and Instagram reels
  102. R

    Social Media Pages for Your Websites

    For the case of me l am yet to own the websites in the coming days
  103. R

    Selling on Social Media Vs. Selling on eCommerce Sites

    For me l have really tried out the selling on the social media sites only.
  104. R

    Do you think you spend too much time on social media?

    As for me l really don't like being active on the social media platforms as they waste my time a lot.
  105. R

    Do you like posting on social media websites?

    For me l rarely make posts on the social media platforms as l mostly lack that time for sure.
  106. R


    Of course yes. I can l am really very afraid in visiting the forests for that matter.
  107. R

    Starting an Online Educational Institute

    I think that shouldn't viewed as an easy thing as one should really be equipped with the required tactics for doing so.
  108. R

    Understand who you truly are.

    I have realized that that is one of the greatest milestones for most people in these world.
  109. R

    New 🚩 Can you Earn $2 daily in your free time with Beermoneyforum?

    In the past the site was really paying so much money and ot was one of the leading PTPs.
  110. R

    Get paid for sharing internet, completing surveys, quests, Honeygain alternative

    For me l am not that ready to share the internet bandwidth anyone for sure.
  111. R

    Are you afraid of walking alone on the lone paths ways?

    Of course yes that can be very daring especially during night time when you are all alone
  112. R

    Social media sites

    As of me l really don't believe in the social media as it is being flooded with so much fraudulent activities 1726381498 I have realized that nowadays the social media has really revolutionized the business sector to the digital world.
  113. R

    Getting a Butt lift surgery?

    Unless for the sexual workers here in my country l had not experienced that for most of the people
  114. R

    Have you gone through the cosmetic surgery?

    I am supporting you for this. That is a totally wastage of money and resources.
  115. R

    Breast Surgery

    If every woman could remember that they are wonderfully made by God they couldn't alter their body parts
  116. R

    I'm relaxing my mood in this rainy evening

    For me l am always done with the posting in the morning hours for sure.
  117. R

    Business isn't a coincidence, so never put it to a test

    For the businesses to thrive, the business managers should really strategies the businesses on a way that can be easily noticed by the clients.
  118. R

    How to easily spot an investment Ponzi scheme scam

    The ponzi schemes are very easily identified as they are very pleasing with good rewards and deals.
  119. R

    Do you replace your old plan with a brand-new plan?

    I mostly accomplish my plans on a timely manner to avoid contradictions on the newly formed plans.
  120. R

    What do you intend to retire from online job

    For me l have never thought of retiring soon from the online jobs for that reasons.
  121. R

    Is it true that business is draining?

    For me the business would really be sweet only when the business makes some profits for that matter.
  122. R

    You need to spend to grow your business

    Of course yes. The business constantly requires some business funding for it to flourish for that matter.
  123. R

    Feeling energized

    I too can't withstand the hot temperatures indoors on the sunny days here.
  124. R

    Why do you think the rates of unemployment is so high allover the world

    For the case in my country, the government has really failed in making out jobs in my country.
  125. R

    Do you still use the calendar at home?

    I find myself to get going with the hardcopy calendars at home rather than the digital ones on phones.
  126. R

    Feeling trapped in a relationship

    For me l always move on toxic relationships. I have the idea of exploring some new challenges.
  127. R

    Feeling so happy for the Philippine's first gold in the Paris Olympics

    Congratulations for that. Even my country preformed so well too on the Olympics for that matter.
  128. R

    Do you sometimes or always feeling tired paying bills?

    I too feel very bored when paying my bills especially for that pay TV which is like wastage of money.
  129. R


    Nowadays l have discovered the TikTok video app that kill my time when l am bored.
  130. R

    What do you prefer between the post paid electricity bill payment or the token type kind of payment for the electricity?

    I always like the prepaid kind of electricity way of payments for it is very economically.
  131. R

    Which do you prefer: burger or pizza?

    For me l don't prefer any of the two. I really dislike those foods for sure.
  132. R

    New 🚩 - $0.25 Sign-Up Bonus - $0.50 Minimum Payment - GPT/PTC Site

    For me l would visit that site today after l am being done with the daily work schedule for sure.
  133. R

    What payment mode do you prefer, is it daily, weekly or monthly basis.

    Weekly payment is indeed very great as one plans on their expenses on the right manner.
  134. R

    Do you prefer the plastic or the wooden chairs?

    I have realized that the wooden chairs are the most ideally because they are very durable for sure.
  135. R

    Which do you prefer beef or pork?

    For me l would prefer the beef in most of the times. That's why beef is very cheaper.
  136. R

    Do you prefer cooking for yourself or eating out?

    I prefer cooking for myself for the truth of matter. That is because l like cooking so much.
  137. R

    Do you prefer cooking with the gas or the wood?

    We normally combined the two here. That is because wood cooks the hard to cook foods on a very economically way while gas cooks most light foods
  138. R

    Do you use gas or electricity when cooking?

    In my country the gas is the mostly used type of fuel here because electricity is very expensive.
  139. R

    What are the advantages of self-employment?

    Self employment gives one the flexibility of working for their own schedules for that matter.
  140. R

    3 factors to consider before investing in cement industry

    For me l would consider the availability of the market and the raw materials for the cement manufacturing plant.
  141. R

    Factors to consider before investing outside your country.

    I have realized that the investing in the outside country is very challenging and one should have some adequate marketing.
  142. R

    Adopt gardening

    The agriculture is the backbone of my countr's economy. Therefore participating on that means a plus to you.
  143. R

    Electric cars

    In my country, we really expecting the electric cars to spread so fast in the 2030 for sure.
  144. R

    How to easily spot an investment Ponzi scheme scam

    Ponzi scheme businesses seems very easier to start and have higher rewards for that matter.
  145. R

    What are the factors that influence the investment risk profile?

    As far as l am concerned, l can attest to that every investment has their own levels of risks.
  146. R

    How do you see the business that deals with the cereals?

    I have seen that, for business to be so lucrative in my country, one should stock every type of cereal on their cereal businesses.
  147. R

    Ideal Business Type?

    For me l can say that the most ideal business is the one that earns you amazingly profits
  148. R

    Business isn't a coincidence, so never put it to a test

    For one to succeed on the businesses they must equip themselves with the right knowledge and tools
  149. R

    Failures are delayed success

    You are very right indeed. Most people that are not patient they always loose the battle.
  150. R

    Can you get sick from being in the rain?

    For me l would constantly prohibit my children from playing on the rain for the fear of them getting sick.
  151. R

    Selling When Market is Down

    I hope that most investors aim to sell when the market is on the bullish trend for profit optimization.
  152. R

    Selling Services Vs. selling Products to Make Money Online

    For me l go for the selling of services businesses than the provision of services for that matter.
  153. R

    Teaching Online Vs. Selling Digital Courses

    For me l think that the teaching online os very much lucrative compared to the selling of digital courses.
  154. R

    What are the circumstances for you to increase the selling prices?

    In my country the business managers or owners are expected to increase the prices when the inflation rates increase.
  155. R

    selling this forum at low cost

    For me l have never come across such website before. However l think that most people would be craving for that website.
  156. R

    Selling Fixed Asset to Start a Business

    I think that sources of capital is very crucial and people should really be careful on making that decision.
  157. R

    Best ways to start saving for retirement

    I think one should be saving money for the future and incorporate that savings to the retirement benefits.
  158. R

    How To start Blogging And Start Earning?

    One should repackage themselves better when coming to the blogging venture for that matter. That is because the venture requires some commitments and hard work
  159. R

    How to Start Blogging as a Side Hustle

    One of the best online gigs of all time ever has been the blogging for sure.
  160. R

    What is your favorite way to repay multiple loans?

    One that has multiple ways of income ought to pay their loans so seamlessly for that matter.
  161. R

    What is your favorite niche

    For me l am into the entertainment industry for that matter. I realized that its very profitable here.
  162. R

    Inventing a new business idea or join existing one?

    I can say that the existing business motives are very simple to operate than new business ideas.
  163. R

    How do you intend to start your future business?

    As far as l am concerned, my future business is determined by the 1726154897 I have a very highly intensive capital business to start in the near future that's why l would take a little bit of time to engage on that.
  164. R

    How do you intend to cut costs during this holiday

    For me l really have no plans for going out on vacation anytime soon this time around for sure.
  165. R

    How do you intend to become rich someday?

    For now l try as much as possible to save little by little and invest for the future.
  166. R

    How do you intend to build your first house

    For me l have planned to build my first house in a very unique way for that matter.
  167. R

    What do you intend to retire from online job

    For me l would like to study some online courses that could boost my online earnings before l think about retirement.
  168. R

    Factors to consider before investing outside your country.

    I think one should conduct a vivid feasibility business study on the particular niche of the interests.
  169. R

    3 factors to consider before investing in cement industry

    I can say that the cement industry businesses are multi billionaire businesses and only a few people can manage it.
  170. R

    Factors to consider before outsourcing business tasks

    The business managers should ensure that they are really not able to execute those tasks on their own.
  171. R

    Factors to consider before taking part time job

    Part time jobs are always side gigs that can be done alongside other jobs for that matter.
  172. R

    Factors to consider before trying to be self employed

    I can say that one should have saved enough money to start the business and have like three months budget for the personal expenditure.
  173. R

    What are the factors to consider before obtaining a personal loan for your business?

    For me l always check on whether the business can be in the position to repay back the loans in the designated time.
  174. R

    What are the factors that influence the investment risk profile?

    I have realized that almost every online investment venture has their own risk levels.
  175. R

    What are the factors that can make a salon business boom?

    For any business to thrive there should be a high amount of capital and demand for the business products
  176. R

    When searching for a business, what factors do you think are crucial?

    For a business to thrive there must be a clear strategy and proactive measures for the business to prosper.
  177. R

    Can someone explain the factors that contribute to business profit?

    In most cases the business profits may be affected by the volume of sales and the availability of the market.
  178. R

    What are the factors that contribute to success apart from hard work?

    I think one should employ high strategy for the business to be sustained in very appropriately manner.
  179. R

    Can You Become Rich By Working Online?

    I think it's very possible for one to become very rich by participating on the online jobs.
  180. R

    Do you participate on the sports and games on the society?

    I have realized that the most common games that the societies prepare are meerly for peace and cohesion promotion.
  181. R

    Do you easily get influenced by advertisements online

    No l really don't get so influenced easily with any promotion or advertisement online for that matter.
  182. R

    What is a free reporting tool to embed into software easily?

    I have realized that the web is full of free tools that can are very useful for different webmastering usage
  183. R

    How to easily spot fake products

    Most fake stuffs don't posses the original mark of quality for that matter l must say.
  184. R

    How to easily spot an investment Ponzi scheme scam

    They normally promote and promise too good to be true deals for that matter l must say.
  185. R

    Success doesn't come overnight

    Of course the success doesn't come so easily and one has to apply some effort before attaining that.
  186. R

    Keeping money

    I can say that l rarely get some money to save. I have been working on the hand to mouth basis.
  187. R

    Keeping money in house

    For me l usually have very little amount of money to keep that's why l usually keep it at home.
  188. R

    Do you have an unforgettable experience?

    Most of my unforgettable experiences are the childhood experiences and memories. Whenever l try to recall it's very amazing l say
  189. R

    Is marriage becoming scarce?

    Marriage is becoming scare and scarce because it's implications are really terrifying for the people that are not yet married.
  190. R

    Things to consider before borrowing money for your business

    The most important thing to consider is the legibility for the business to repay back the loans.
  191. R

    A significant percentage of being a newly hired versus a new business person

    I think the newly employed person is in a better position for earning some regular salaries and wages for that matter.
  192. R

    How do you avoid being fed up with posting on forums?

    I think the participation on the most passionate forums on the forums of interest doesn't make anyone to be fed up in posting.
  193. R

    Revamping my blog

    For one or two reasons l have not been able to start out the blog business.
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    Do you compare prices of different stores before buying a product?

    Most people that would like to save more money on the shopping would do just that for sure.
  195. R

    What relationship between crypto prices and the stock market?

    I think there is a deep relationship involved there because the cryptocurrency rely on the fiat currency to be purchased with.
  196. R

    Are your prices fixed?

    I have realized that when you set some fixed prices you ought to sell in cash basis.
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    What are the circumstances for you to increase the selling prices?

    Sometimes that comes automatically especially during the inflation times where the prices skyrockets because of the higher inflation rates.
  198. R

    Do you see the prices for the food items being too expensive for you to afford?

    The organic foods especially in my country is very expensive for sure. One couldn't afford that for that reason.
  199. R

    Save money using cloth towel than paper towel

    The cloth towel can save you a lot of money because it's very durable for that matter.
  200. R

    Save money by using the bicycle

    The bicycles are well known for their economical feature on the saving of the environment and money being spent in fuel.