Recent content by Shortie

  1. Shortie

    How do you make money from your website?

    At the moment the latest site I have I am making money through using user upgrades. I am hoping to be able to get Google Adsense approved with more work but at the moment, working on more content as my site doesn't seem to have enough content to get approved. Once it does it will be user...
  2. Shortie

    Give me a better site for earnings , especially article writing

    I myself have been looking for more places as well. Some places I have looked into have not been the greatest in terms or reviews and some of them you do need to pass their checks before being allowed to use their services. Thank you for this, going to look into this site and see how it goes :)
  3. Shortie

    When Should You Monetize Your Blog

    If I have enough content on my site and I am able to get approved for Adsense I will get them on my site ASAP but other than that I tend to have to wait until I am approved and then add them. At the moment on my latest forum, I have been unable to get approved so trying to get more content going...
  4. Shortie

    How long does it take to earn from your site?

    I have made some income from ads on my sites but it is clear to see that I would need a lot more traffic to my sites before I can earn enough that would be good for an income and a regular one. Don't feel like it's not worth working towards though as when you see the better results coming...
  5. Shortie

    Setting up an online bakery is a profitable business

    You will be surprised at how many people are looking for things such as fresh bakery items rather than buying pre-packaged bread, cakes, and other bakery items that are not as fresh. If you are able to get the prices right and market your business well enough this could be a really good business...
  6. Shortie

    How to make easy money offline

    Making money online is never really easy as it takes a lot of work to be able to earn anything and it also goes by skills each individual has which will determine what they can offer to make money. Everything takes time and patience to earn anything but if someone is looking for people to hire...
  7. Shortie

    What is the easiest way to make money online?

    Making money online is different for each person. One of the best ways to earn online is through freelance work but that would depend if you have the skills to be able to offer that job and take orders to complete. Pay-To-Post forums are also good but again, you can only earn so much from them...
  8. Shortie

    Reasons you are not working on freelancing sites?

    At the moment I am on both freelance websites and also pay-to-post forums and the reason I am spending more time on forums is that I am not getting many orders at the moment. I am hoping to better my article skills though and hopefully offer more.
  9. Shortie

    How to stick to a business budget

    Sometimes sticking to a budget is best for your business, this is why a business plan should be created before hand so that you know what the essentials are for keeping your business running at the beginning. Always stick to what is a priority to ensure you stay within the budget for your...
  10. Shortie

    What do you think about fund raising method of funding a business

    I feel if someone wants to start up a kickstart for a business then they should have the option to do so. I do also believe though that when it comes to things like setting up a kickstart they should also provide a plan for their business so that people can see if it is worth them investing in...
  11. Shortie

    Is it faucet best way to start your earning career?

    I have been looking into faucets myself but I am still new to it all. Some people seem to have had a really good experience with them but others seem to have not so I am unsure if they are worth it or would be rather left. Hopefully, someone can give us some insight.
  12. Shortie

    How easy is it to exchange your forum promotion cash?

    I myself have sold quite a bit of FP$ on Forum Promotion. I sell 1000 FP$ for $2.00 ($0.20 per 100) and people seem happy with that. I also offer a small service of 20 posts or 10 blog comments per 1000 FP$ they buy and many have jumped for that. Hope that helps :) If you offer it in the...
  13. Shortie

    Managing a paid to post forum

    The problem with starting a paid-to-post forum is that it could vary on how much you would need to start out. At first, unless you have enough high-quality content you will not be able to use a service like Google Adsense which could generate revenue for your forum. Secondly, it would also be...
  14. Shortie

    Long Game - Win $1,000

    Wonder how close we are at the moment, getting exciting :)
  15. Shortie

    How do you price your services?

    I base my prices on the hours it would take me to complete the service and competitors' prices. Unfortunately, with freelance work being as popular as it is, you sometimes need to go lower than you would think due to competitive prices, I ensure that I offer mine at around the same price if not...
  16. Shortie

    How many job are you doing?

    At the moment I currently have around 10 jobs that I am working on but due to issues this week with house work being done and also a huge power surge breaking equipment in the house, I have been a little off routine, hoping to be able to get back on track now once everything is sorted. Usually...
  17. Shortie

    Is it safe to sell via social media?

    Facebook seems to be one of the more popular places to earn online, I see a lot of people advertising electric goods, furniture, and such that they no longer need to earn a little and also help someone out. I wouldn't say that it is unsafe to sell and buy through Facebook or even online but you...
  18. Shortie

    How much did you earn the quickest and what platform is that

    It is such a shame that postloop went as it did. I remember using that myself back in the day and it was a great place. Other than that RIF and Bizdustry are the two places I have been earning quite quickly on and also offering my freelance services. Last week I made $250 on freelance work I...
  19. Shortie

    Require a site to earn monthly , daily 10$

    As much as it would be ideal for many of us to earn $10 daily somewhere I can not say that I have seen anywhere you can make this a possibility. Offering freelance services could eventually get you something close to this but it would take some time for you to get custom and also have orders...
  20. Shortie

    Social media platforms

    I am active on a few social media platforms but at the moment I do feel that Twitter is the one that is getting me more money in terms of the services that I offer online with TikTok being a close second at the moment. I would love to be able to look into using Instagram and Facebook more as I...
  21. Shortie

    Number of Ads Per Page

    Whenever I have played ads on my site through any service like Google Adsense I have always had between 3 and 5 ads per page. I feel this is just enough and it doesn't interfere with the site and doesn't make it too much or cause users to feel like ads are ruining their browsing experience. Any...
  22. Shortie

    How to earn money from Bizdustry

    You do need to pay for VIP. There are incentives that come with VIP though including the ability to earn more as a VIP and you can use your forum USD to purchase the VIP upgrades as PayPal and Crypto. The cheapest VIP option is $20. Not sure I am able to link so I will explain how to see...
  23. Shortie

    March Payment from RIF - $190

    That is amazing to see! It just goes to show that hard work really does pay off! Congratulations Ginger! :)
  24. Shortie

    $2,000+ Paid Out!

    That is amazing! Congratulations to Devin, Jordan, and all the moderators and members here at RIF! It's never easy to start a forum like this and get it off the ground so it's amazing to see this success!
  25. Shortie

    How to deal with spot buying

    This is something I used to do a lot if I had the money and it would land me with many problems when I did that if they were not planned purchases. I got to the point where I would be really strict with myself when I went to the store and I would tell myself to only pick up what I went to the...
  26. Shortie

    Helping RIF to grow

    This is very true. Unfortunately, many people will complain instead of trying to help the situation and that doesn't help either themselves or the site out. With so much going on in the world there is always something that can be discussed and if everyone chipped in and made threads when they...
  27. Shortie

    Do you spend time still searching a new website to earn?

    As much as I am already on quite a few sites where I earn, I am always looking for a few more to be able to use to increase my earnings if possible. I would only register and take on as many sites as I was able to though without burning myself out with other commitments I have when it comes to...
  28. Shortie

    How to earn money from Bizdustry

    As a member and also a moderator on this site, I can give some insight on how to earn on Bizdustry and how to withdraw your earnings. You earn for both your threads and replies made and all content you post does need to be informative, good quality, in English, and not copy and paste...
  29. Shortie

    Is it really easy making money on YouTube

    Making money from the content you post on YouTube doesn't happen right from when you sign up and create a channel. It takes work and consistency when creating and posting videos to YouTube to be able to monetize your videos. You can only monetize your videos once you hit the partner requirements...
  30. Shortie

    Postbucks Forum removes login bonus

    As much as it is a hit to many when an owner of a site, especially a pay-to-post site removes something like a login bonus, they usually do not do it out of spite but more so because they are not making enough from the site at the time to be able to cover the login bonus they were given. It is a...
  31. Shortie

    Reading and earn money

    Thank you for this information @nomad :) will look into it and see how it goes. Would be awesome to be able to earn even a little doing something such as reading. Thanks again!
  32. Shortie

    Reading and earn money

    I will be honest, I did not know that there were places that paid people to actively read so this is new to me. It's a shame the app you found only pays very little for the work you put into actively reading. It would be interesting to find out if there are any other places that offer a service...
  33. Shortie

    Should a hosptal be approached as a business!

    I don't agree that a hospital should be classed as a business at all. As much as hospitals rely on taking in ill patients and treating them before they get any kind of payout, in countries like the UK where I live, healthcare is free for most unless they choose to go for private healthcare, and...
  34. Shortie

    How much does it cost to start a Dry cleaner business?

    Setting up a dry cleaner business is very much a great option for a business, especially with the number of people who prefer to have their clothes dry cleaned over just washing them normally themselves. In terms of how much it would cost to start up, I would have it a guess it would more than...
  35. Shortie

    Earn passive income from Only Fans.

    Many do think that is the case with Only Fans due to the stigma it has and the rumors surrounding the site. Having known a few people who do use Only Fans I know that it's not really porn but more of a way for people to show more than they could anywhere else. For example, some people will use...
  36. Shortie

    Second payment from RIF!

    Got my second payment from RIF the other day! Very happy so far with the site as a whole and the service! Thank you.
  37. Shortie

    Earning 50$ online per day is not an easy task I think !

    I agree with you that it is not impossible to be able to earn $50 a day but it would take a lot of work and skills as well. I myself would love to be able to earn $50 per day as that would be ideal for me and would help a lot but at the moment, I am nowhere close to that. Will keep pushing...
  38. Shortie

    Why passive income is so important

    Passive income is so important because it means even when you are sleeping, spending time with friends and family, or taking a break on a family vacation you will always be earning something. It's something that once you are able to achieve the passive income you know you will be solid and...
  39. Shortie

    Selling Furniture A Great Business

    If you either have the ability to purchase and store the furniture you wish to sell or even better, if you have the skills to custom make your own furniture it can be a really profitable business for sure. My Dad was a joiner and he used to make quite a bit of money through his own business...
  40. Shortie

    Renting ones property for money

    It is very true that any kind of renting will help you in terms of profit. Many people who live in homes they own often rent out rooms in their homes that do not get used for rent and also offer them as Airbnb for people who just want somewhere to stay for say a night or even a few days.
  41. Shortie

    Investing in Student Housing

    If you can get into any business when it comes to renting properties it is a very profitable business. Students are definitely the ones who would be looking the most especially when their courses start each year but there are also many people as well also looking for accommodation as well just...
  42. Shortie

    How to monetize your blog

    There are many ways in which you can monetize your blog. Google Adsense is one of the main ways you can monetize your blog and affiliate marketing is another popular way to monetize your blog. Just by searching for ways to monetize a blog, you will find so many more ways that you can help to...
  43. Shortie

    Is it Wise to Buy in Bulk For Business to save money?

    Once your business is established and you have a rough idea of the goods you will need and how many you would need to cover the sales you receive then I would say it is a good idea to buy in bulk. Many companies often give you a promotion when it comes to buying in bulk and that can save you...
  44. Shortie

    Are you good at cooking?

    I grew up watching my mum and my grandma cook and when I was old enough they allowed me to help as well so anything I know regarding cooking is what I learned from both my mum and my grandma. I can cook most things and I like to cook from scratch and make home made when I am able to. I would say...
  45. Shortie

    is it easy to register a business in your country

    I am not sure how much it costs if I am honest in my country, I think it goes by the business that you would like to start. Registering the business is really easy in my country and paying the fees is also pretty easy when registering the business as well so it is all straight forward as long as...
  46. Shortie

    Selling of DVD

    I personally wouldn't take a risk at starting a DVD business mainly because the need for DVDs has declined and many people would much rather now just subscribe to a service and watch movies that way. As much as I know that there are people who do still buy DVDs as they do like to collect them, I...
  47. Shortie

    How best to quit a job

    Sometimes you may need to quit a job because you have a better job ready to move into, this is not something that is wrong and is to be expected and the best way to quit your current job is, to be honest with your boss and tell them why you are quitting. Giving them notice as well looks better...
  48. Shortie

    When Should Employees Be Paid?

    I would much prefer to get paid weekly as that is something that I feel is easier for me. Most places where I live pay weekly and that is how everyone prefers to be paid if possible. You do get some places that pay monthly but the people who get paid monthly know they get paid then and they plan...
  49. Shortie

    Nationalities of Members here

    I am from England, UK. It's always nice to hear where other members are from on a forum and it never needs to be the exact location :)
  50. Shortie

    Another payment from R.I.F.

    Payments were on hold until the 6th of March as Jordan is away and he deals with the payments :) things should be back to normal tomorrow :) Congratulations on your payout @LoukiaCharilaou :)
  51. Shortie

    Are you Getting monthly Payment at work or weekly?

    Over here in the UK, monthly and weekly payments are the most popular with weekly becoming more popular now as well. I myself with running my own business and having my own services that I provide get paid whenever I take an order or in some cases complete and order so my wage is always...
  52. Shortie

    How do you communicate with your customers?

    I have two ways that customers can contact me if they need to when it comes to my business and that is through forums where I offer my services or they can also contact me via email as well if they know my email. I am available for any questions and queries regarding the services I provide and...
  53. Shortie

    What is really high quality posts on PTP forums.

    I myself believe that a high-quality post is between 40 - 70 words long or longer if you like to type longer replies, have good grammar, and also informative as well. Think of it as though you were writing an article for a blog, you wouldn't just write a 10 - 20 word article with barely any...
  54. Shortie

    How easy is it to run a paid to post forum?

    As much as I would love to run a site like this unfortunately it is not something that I feel is feasible at least for myself at the moment. I would need to have a plan to get things going and I would also need funds to be able to start up and be able to make payouts whilst we worked on the site...