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AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum
  1. Snoopsaint

    Do you prefer surgically enhanced body parts

    Well I believe some people enhance body parts to gain self confidence but I really prefer the natural ones
  2. Snoopsaint

    One business advice for the beginners

    Where loans may not be advisable it also helps one build a business faster But the best thing beginners should learn is leverage
  3. Snoopsaint

    What are the best practices for customer service?

    Also in order to build good customer service the customer reviews are important
  4. Snoopsaint

    Having a positive marketing mindset

    Positive mindset can never be overrate it helps one to build deligence into his business
  5. Snoopsaint

    Are There Any shortcuts to earn from Youtube?

    I don't think they exist but you can use telegram bots to drive traffic into your channel
  6. Snoopsaint

    Is trust wallet a good wallet?

    Really never knew this before thanks for the information
  7. Snoopsaint

    SEO Vs. SMO

    Seo is more vital because it tends to pull organic Leeds and traffic
  8. Snoopsaint

    Cons of building a website from scratch.

    I think we can't do everything in business ourselves somethings are best to hire someone do them for us
  9. Snoopsaint

    Cancellation of a Done Deal Business

    This is a very helpful article sometimes the buyer may decide not to continue in trade after the deal is done
  10. Snoopsaint

    What time do you usually go to sleep to have energy to work the next day?

    I work from home so I go to sleep late at night
  11. Snoopsaint

    What importances do business plan has?

    A business plan sounds like a foundation for a business to stand without this the business will collapse
  12. Snoopsaint

    What is your pricing strategy and why?

    I consider the value of the product and the demand for it
  13. Snoopsaint

    What problem does your business solve?

    The problem of not being able to markets ones products properly I sell marketing tools
  14. Snoopsaint

    What is BookBoon?

    Wow ... I want to go check it out right now.
  15. Snoopsaint

    Setting up a business goal

    A business without a goal is going no where goals can also be a motivation
  16. Snoopsaint

    Should junk food be banned in schools?

    Rather than banning junk food in school I think the parents have to understand that what their children eat is essential to their health even if junk food is banned in schools the children will still have access to it
  17. Snoopsaint

    Have you tried the NameCheap platform?

    Haven't heard about it before bug it seems interested I will make a research about it
  18. Snoopsaint

    Maximum per day earning from writing forums.

    I haven't been able to generate 1$ per day
  19. Snoopsaint

    What are your experiences on article writing sites?

    Not all sites to write articles are legit but legit ones still exist cause I've been paid a lot of times for writing
  20. Snoopsaint

    Job interviews

    I think self confidence is most important factor to have before going for the interview and preparedness Also not expectant of any thing but studying extensively