Recent content by Fidelia

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  1. F

    Do you prefer the eating of the maize meal in your country?

    In its season, I enjoy eating maize. I mostly take it as my dinner. My grandma cultivates it meaning I have access to it as much.
  2. F

    Do you consume tobacco or any drugs?

    The last time I took alcohol, I couldn't leave the house for three days. No drugs in my system at all.
  3. F

    Have you repented?

    If you are talking about that repentance that has religious undertone, I don't bother about it.
  4. F

    Free Time

    Free time is very hard to come by for me. I only get such on Sundays which I use for rest.
  5. F

    The Opinion World survey site is legit.

    I don't know about this survey site. It won't surely work for me despite everything.
  6. F

    How to make money by writing articles about general topics?

    I think all the paid to post forums that allow articles accept general topics articles on diverse subjects.
  7. F

    Which earning website do you enjoy using most

    Discussion Bucks is the one site that I enjoy to work on and earn from the most.
  8. F

    Importance of Supply Chain in Business Growth

    The supply chain for my business is quite efficient because we can easily buy our inputs from the open market.
  9. F

    Have you ever discussed a business opportunity with a third party?

    I have always sought to hear what people that know business more than me think of any business idea I think of.
  10. F

    Explore All Avenues in Business

    I have not yet taken advantage of all the opportunities that are available in my business line but I am slowly getting there.
  11. F

    How much can I charge for my online teaching service?

    Rates for teaching online are quite competitive. And it should be between 3 dollars to seven dollars per hour.
  12. F

    Respond in a timely manner to consumer's questions and issues

    When businesses act arrogant by ignoring the quest of their customers, they hurt their businesses without knowing.
  13. F

    How do you feel about whistle blowing?

    Whistle blowing has to come with some very significant rewards to encourage people to blow the whistle and help the organisation.
  14. F

    How many percent of your goods can you sell on credit?

    Products are not meant to be sold on credit. I don't sell any percentage of products on credit.
  15. F

    What is the latest plan for your business?

    My next business move is to get more equipment that would make my sewing business easier. And also move to learn and sew casuals.
  16. F

    Should family members be hired in my company?

    If a family member is equally qualified, I would prefer to have the family member over an outsider.
  17. F

    How many percent of your monthly income can you dash people?

    My relatives don't call me every time to ask for money. I do about 10% to my cousins too on some months.
  18. F

    What would you do if your spouse doesn’t support your career?

    I am glad that I have not yet married. I can't marry anyone that doesn't support my career.
  19. F

    How do you want to be treated when you are angry/moody?

    When I am angry, you better not try to talk back at me. Just let me rant unless we would become enemies.
  20. F

    Can you find a job that suits your interests?

    I was able to find a job that suits my interest in my business. I go to work every morning feeling motivated.
  21. F

    DO you sometimes feel bored on Sunday?

    Sundays are always fun days and it is always very unusual for me to feel bored on Sundays.
  22. F

    Do you play indoor games?

    I play a little bit of board games. I think that is the only kinds of indoor games that I do.
  23. F

    A child attending public or private school

    Public schools don't really have any value any longer and people don't want to send their children there. That is speaking about my country.
  24. F

    Are you a selective person?

    I am a highly selective person. I select the kind of people that I mingle with. I even select the kinds of clothes that I wear.
  25. F

    Why are people interested in history?

    People are interested in history because they want to understand how things got to the present level.
  26. F

    Informal Tone is a Big NO to Business Emails

    There is no way that business communication can be informal. It shows a high level of unprofessionalism if a business communication becomes formal.
  27. F

    Is selling snacks profitable?

    My grand mom started making snacks as a hobby. And before you know, it has turned to one big business.
  28. F

    can you allow your employees work without supervision?

    The people that I have in my business right now can't dare to work without supervision. They might end up not doing things the right way.
  29. F

    How lucrative is load carrying business in your country

    Load carrying as a business is quite a craft that people do to keep body and soul together. I believe it has adverse health effects.
  30. F

    Rent standard events stage and lighting to earn passive income.

    Of you have stages of different sizes and patterns, you already have a big passive income business in your hand. You can easily become a millionaire.
  31. F

    Earn passive income from renting event decoration materials.

    Event decoration materials are good sources that people have been renting out in different sets on a regular to make passive income.
  32. F

    Earn Passive Income From Your Cars

    You can hire your car out on days that you art not going out to make some money from it. But it is risky though and you have to manage the risks.
  33. F

    Creating passive income from nothing

    Every passive income stream ever created needs a foundation. It now requires more work to lay the foundation and build the passive inco
  34. F

    Are passive income sources trans generational?

    Most tangible passive income sources are trans generational. Take for instance, a building. It can be passed from generation to generation. Likewise a business.
  35. F

    How often do you withdraw money from your bank account?

    I don't withdraw money too often from my savings account. I have an account that is meant for daily upkeep that I can withdraw at any time I need money.
  36. F

    How to become good at managing money?

    People would have to start adapting characters that would help them get better in financial management like budgeting and stopping of impulse buying.
  37. F

    How do you repair ruined reputation

    You just need to look at the factors that caused the reputation to be ruined and try to turn around those factors.
  38. F


    There is nothing that would ever take me to a thick forest. I am very scared of such a place.
  39. F

    What is your favourite type of holiday?

    My favorite holiday is the Christmas holidays. It is always a period of reunion for us in our family.
  40. F

    Are you a hater type of person?

    I am not a hater and I always wish that nothing in this life would ever make me to be a hater.
  41. F

    How do you develop your mental abilities

    I am a creative person by virtue of my job as a fashion designer and it helps to build my mental ability.
  42. F

    What do you think about self medication

    I think self medication should not go beyond trying to manage some simple symptoms like fever and headache.
  43. F

    Which is your favourite fruit?

    I actually love guava so much. It is not really common here in my location but it is worth the price I pay to buy it.
  44. F

    Assess your business idea first before putting it into action

    Any proposed business idea must be critically looked into first and possibly it should be discussed with other people before implementation.
  45. F

    What is the reason that your business doesn't perform so well.

    My business is progressing well. Just that it is slow but it is just following the normal growth process for my kind of business.
  46. F

    Does social media marketing actually support offline or online commerce?

    Social media marketing can also benefit offline businesses too. It makes them to be more recognized beyond their locations.
  47. F

    How to handle a business merger?

    I can only imagine the complexity of a business merger and the things that have to be sorted out before a successful merger.
  48. F

    Do companies produce different specs of the same products for different countries and regions?

    I think the companies do that looking at the purchasing power of the various markets. That is why they tailor different qualities to different locations.
  49. F

    Is catering services a good business?

    They don't have much businesses to do when it is not the festive period. That's because events are few and limited at this period.
  50. F

    How can we ensure contractors are not cheated

    People talking about contractors being cheated. But the contractors are the biggest cheaters always doing sub standard work.
  51. F

    Do you cook in your shop?

    I used to cook in my shop before but I no longer do. I don't even have the time to do so.
  52. F

    Dream big in business

    Every big dream in business is geared towards pushing the business to steadily grow and expand.
  53. F

    Don't forget to register your business

    Before the end of the year, I should register my business. I need more credibility as I am trying to make my business corporate.
  54. F

    Need for reception area for a business

    I don't have a reception area for my business because I don't have the space for that.
  55. F

    Herbal Oils and Liniment, Is it profitable ?

    I don't know if coconut oil and the likes qualify as herbal oils. If they do, they are very profitable products to sell.
  56. F

    Getting a Butt lift surgery?

    I believe that I am already good looking the way that I already am and that is true. I won't go for any butt lift and won't support anyone to do so.
  57. F

    How do you settle quarrel with your spouse?

    From time immemorial, I had learned that quarrel between spouses are settled at night on the bed. I stand to be corrected.
  58. F

    What Hobbies can make money?

    I think every single hobby that exists in the world can make money. Not even one that can't make money.
  59. F


    I love to listen to music too. I enjoy cooking when I have the chance.
  60. F

    Did you ever feel lonely as an extrovert

    I am not an extrovert. I am very introverted and I have never felt lonely.
  61. F

    Why do you think the rates of unemployment is so high allover the world

    Government failure has a part. But our educational system has failed too. They have raised job seekers than job creators.
  62. F

    Do you like wearing a hat?

    I don't have anything against people that wear hats but I would not wear a hat. It doesn't fit me.
  63. F

    Things that are bad

    Loneliness and lack of sleep can be very killing. I can even manage loneliness when I am able to find sleep.
  64. F

    Wish you had more of?

    I need money much more than anything in my life now. Give me more money and I would be forever grateful.
  65. F

    Impact of Workplace Stress on Employee Health and Well-being

    There are too many people that are doing very stressful jobs. I think employers should always consider giving their staff some respite.
  66. F

    Don't let your money change your attitude in dealing with your customers

    This is something that happens to most busines people. Little success they have in business gets into their head and they start to misbehave.
  67. F

    How to Choose eCommerce Marketplace to Sell Products

    Apart from reviews, check for e commerce platforms that have easy checkout options and an easy to navigate interface.
  68. F

    What are the typical duties of a business manager

    The manager oversees to make sure that every aspect of the business is working at the best possible level.
  69. F

    Buy on credit

    I really don't like buying things on credit. It has a negative effect on my finances
  70. F

    China is likely to reverse cryptocurrency ban soon.

    They even have one of the highest numbers of people that have crypto according to latest stats. No one can fight crypto.
  71. F

    Transferring money from Faucetpay to bank account

    I have never seen someone exchange crypto directly to fiat from a decentralized exchange. And faucet pay is one of such.
  72. F

    The Opera Crypto Wallet

    I don't fancy having to use a crypto wallet that is based on a browser I'm case I mistakenly uninstall the browser.
  73. F

    Do you still have confidence in Binance?

    I still have enormous confidence in Binance. They have challenges here and three but they are to be trusted.
  74. F

    Have you ever been scammed by an Exchanger?

    I have been actually scammed by an exchange. That was some 10 days ago. That's why it is better to stick to safe crypto Exchanges.
  75. F

    What feature do you wish your phone had?

    I actually wish my phone had a feature that can detect my mood and auto adjust itself.
  76. F

    Have You Seen The Wolf and the Lion?

    I have not seen Wolf movies for a long time since the days of werewolves.
  77. F

    Which do you like better, the rain or the snow?

    I would go with the rain since the tails that I have heard about the snow is that it is unbearably cold.
  78. F

    How many times do you cook in a day?

    There is nothing that can make me to cook more than once in a single day. Cooking is not easy.
  79. F

    Can you get sick from being in the rain?

    I do get sick if I get drenched by TV rain. That's why I am always indoors when it rains.
  80. F

    Ladies, do you like to wear lipstick daily?

    I apply a little lipstick everyday before I leave my house. Everything though is in moderation.
  81. F

    What's your level of tolerance high or low?

    I am not high or low when it comes to tolerance level. I just know that I can tolerate just enough.
  82. F

    Failures are delayed success

    Failures are the lessons that you learn which helps you to build capacity to achieve success in your business.
  83. F

    Learn from mistakes?

    It is only someone that is bound to be eternally foolish that won't appraise his or her mistakes to learn from it.
  84. F

    Business isn't a coincidence, so never put it to a test

    You don't try your luck in business. It involves capital which is money and is not what one should try luck with.
  85. F

    What Are the Benefits of Long-Term Debt for Your Business?

    At the end of the day if you can secure long term loans, it is easier to repay and doesn't take away your peace of mind.
  86. F

    Ideal Business Type?

    When a business resonates with what you are passionate about, I think it should be pursued as with it, there would be fulfilment.
  87. F

    As a business manager, how would you help a new staff settle in?

    I would show warmth to the new staff to help him or her be comfortable. I would encourage other staff to relate with him or her.
  88. F

    Exploring Diverse Freelancing Avenues

    If Fiverr didn't work for me, there is no lie need exploring smaller freelancing platforms that don't even have good traction.
  89. F

    As a skilled person, how would you manage an apprentice that cannot pick up the skill after three years?

    I have such an apprentice. I had to make her pay to extend her apprenticeship for another 5 years and I take it very slow with her. She is picking up.
  90. F

    Would you like it when customers return goods?

    It breaks by heart as a business person when customers have to return goods. It means that I failed at meeting the needs of such a customer.
  91. F

    Some questions every entrepreneur should ask themselves daily.

    One question that I ask myself for everyday as an entrepreneur is if I am offering the greatest possible value to the society.
  92. F

    How do you see the business that deals with the cereals?

    Cereals are daily food for billions of people in the world. It is practically impossible to lose with that business.
  93. F

    What are the factors that influence the investment risk profile?

    Knowledge about the workings of an investment helps me to know the level of risk that I can take with that investment.
  94. F

    Factors to consider before investing outside your country.

    One must consider the size and preference of the market abroad before they make a decision to invest abroad.
  95. F

    Aside rewards what brings you to PTP sites?

    Keeping it real, there is a great deal of knowledge that one can gain from paid to post forums.
  96. F

    Aside money what's motivate you to work?

    While I value money in my work, I also get motivated by the passion and creativity to make designs that people love.
  97. F

    Do you like to prepare noodles at home?

    Noodles ain't a thing for me to prepare. And I prepare it regularly at home. Five minutes, I am done preparing.
  98. F

    How many hours of sleep?

    I think that anything between six and seven hours of sleep everyday is ideal for every human.
  99. F

    Do you like to meet your friends online or offline?

    I think nowadays, I am having more of online friends and that is because I am having less time to build offline friendships.
  100. F

    How to handle online bashers?

    When I am online, I don't look for anyone's troubles. No one has every bashed me online.
  101. F

    Is money the not important thing?

    Money is very important in our everyday existence no matter how much we try to downplay it. It can't be eroded away.
  102. F

    Roasted peanuts

    I don't think that I have ever had roasted peanuts. It sounds like something that could taste really good.
  103. F

    Pimples and acne

    I have been very lucky to always have a clear face at all times. I am a different definition of "fine girl, no pimple".
  104. F

    Do you pay dues in your business?

    My business doesn't have a regulated union that would need me to be paying dues. I don't pay dues in my business.
  105. F

    The ultimate formula for your business success is consistency

    When you stay consistent in a particular business, you are creating a reputation for yourself in that business which would pay off overtime.
  106. F

    How to encourage healthy communication in the workplace

    It starts from the top management. If they have healthy communication with the subordinate, it would naturally trickle down.
  107. F

    It is Possible to Make a Lot of Money Online?

    I have made money selling products online. I believe making good money online is possible but depending on several factors.
  108. F

    Do you really have to create your own online store?

    I have been making good sales online and I am yet to have my own online store. You don't need to create your own online store.
  109. F

    shopping for others

    I actually dread the idea of shopping for others, no matter how much I am paid. It can easily turn messy.
  110. F

    Recent increase in part time workers

    The world has gotten to the point that people are not really willing to commit the whole of themselves to one entity. They better do part time in many places.
  111. F

    Love or career?

    Choosing between love and career is a simple choice. Build your career first so that your mind would be relaxed to make the most of love when it comes.
  112. F

    Do you make a to-do list?

    I don't think that I need a To do list to work online since it is not a main job for me.
  113. F

    Most popular forum sites

    I have always wondered why non paying forums would be bigger and have more members than paid to post forums.
  114. F

    Have you ever hired an accountant?

    I don't have such big money to need an accountant. If I hire an accountant now, he or she would be bored because there would be no work for him to do.
  115. F

    Do you have a helper at home?

    The only time that I might think of hiring a help is when I have given birth and need assistance for one to take care of the child.
  116. F

    Pressure of marriage

    I have insulated myself against those kinds of useless pressures. Anyone that tries to fan those kinds of pressure gets cut off from my life.
  117. F

    Be your own best friend

    If you don't learn to love and pamper yourself, no one would actually pamper you. Self love is number one love.
  118. F

    Do you participate on the sports and games on the society?

    When I have ample time, I go to the local stadium to do some workouts with others.
  119. F

    Why don’t white countries welcome immigrants of color?

    That is not true. We hold the whites in high esteem in my country but people from my country are not treated well in those white countries
  120. F

    Do you buy chicken or rear them at home?

    Even if I will be want to rear chickens at home, I won't have the time to be looking after them.
  121. F

    How do you avoid being fed up with posting on forums?

    I post in batches. When you want to post everything all at once, it is easier for you to be overwhelmed.
  122. F

    Delayed Payment: Is it considered not legit?

    There has been times that beer money forum delays payment. We already know it is legit and there is no need to doubt it's legitimacy.
  123. F


    I had the chance to start out as a fashion designer much earlier but I was short sighted.
  124. F

    How do you spend your weekend

    Weekends for me means just Sundays. I go to church, and come back home to do some fun stuffs and chill.
  125. F

    How to get out of comfort zone?

    Nothing would take a person out of comfort zone if they don't realize the danger of being too comfortable in life.
  126. F

    How did you know about PTP

    I learned about paid to post forums from a non paying forum that I usually visited.
  127. F

    Can money save someone's life?

    I have seen some people that are innocent go to jail because they didn't have money to hire a good lawyer to prove their case.
  128. F

    Present and future

    We should always live in the present and have hopes and consciousness for the future.
  129. F

    Brands and labels

    I look out for brands when I want premium quality for a thing and wouldn't mind paying more for the trusted brand.
  130. F

    Chicken Cuts

    I love the laps of chicken. It comes with so much flesh and I love to tear and munch them.
  131. F

    What time do you usually go to bed?

    I am trying not to stay too late at night. I step out for work early everyday so I sleep latest 9.
  132. F

    Love or career?

    At this point of my life, I am putting all my efforts to build my career and become a success with it. I am dating but I am not allowing relationships interfere with my career.
  133. F

    Searching for online employment

    Online employments abound in entry level on freelancing platforms. And you can also checkout the paid to post forums too.
  134. F

    How do you like your catfish?

    I prefer my catfish to be fried till it completely dries. And I take it with a chilled drink.
  135. F

    save money by combining your orders

    I am looking for someone that I can combine order to buy some business inputs online. Ordering alone would be too expensive for me.
  136. F

    Do you like Mixed fruit juice?

    The combination should not be more than 3 trusted mixtures. All of those fruits have chemical components that shouldn't just be mixed haphazardly.
  137. F

    Do you have a helper at home?

    The only time that I have had a semblance of a helper at home is when my sibling comes visiting. And it is always for a short while.
  138. F

    Would you give up your turn for an elderly person?

    I won't even hesitate to give up my turn for an elderly person. It is a seed sown for the future.
  139. F

    Can You Become Rich By Working Online?

    It is very possible to get rich by working online. That's how the owner of Ali Express has become a billionaire.
  140. F

    How to deal with a disrespectful Boss

    I won't even think about how I would deal with a disrespectful boss. I would leave such an organization instantly.
  141. F

    The best of life

    Financial independence doesn't come from just creating a business alone. You can achieve it with a career too. But financial independence is the high point of life.
  142. F

    Why did you choose your username?

    My username is my real name and I am proud to use it as it reflects by personal brand too.
  143. F

    Having both a store and a warehouse for one business

    It is possible to have a store and a warehouse if the business deals in wholesale of its products.
  144. F

    Do you think you're an effective negotiator in business?

    To the best of my ability, I am very good with handling price negotiations in my business.
  145. F

    Why do you think people engage in business

    People engage in business so as to gain financial freedom and pursue their innovative dreams.
  146. F

    Is woodcarving a good business?

    Wood carving is the business that directly or indirectly produces the furniture that we use, meaning it is a very sound business.
  147. F

    Challenges to overcome in partnership business

    The first challenge to overcome in partnership is how to align the interests of the several partners of the business.
  148. F

    What fresh initiatives do you believe would benefit your existing workplace?

    I run my business and I would say think that introduction of a casual wear line to my fashion business would greatly boost it.
  149. F

    Casava produce

    Starch is one derivative of cassava that is really sold widely in my country. Some companies even have to book down.
  150. F

    How do you feel about sharing ideas in a business meeting?

    I feel anyone that loves the company he is working in would be able to share ideas to make the business grow when they have a staff meeting.
  151. F

    How is the reputation of a company determined?

    The first thing that determines the reputation of a business is the quality of products or services they sell.
  152. F

    one key value you would never compromise as an entrepreneur

    I have pledged to never inflate prices at any point to give myself more than a 30% profit margin.
  153. F

    How to avoid being scammed by sellers online

    As far as it is not a mainstream seller, you have to opt for payment on delivery. It is safer that way.
  154. F

    Do You Keep Detailed Record?

    Keeping of records is very important for a business to be able to track it's progress and know where to make interventions.
  155. F

    How to stop self doubt from killing your small business

    I think that having knowledge about the business before you step out would really boost your confidence about the business.
  156. F

    How to deal with high unemployment rates in an area?

    Governments would just have to stimulate the citizens to take up entrepreneurship to create jobs for themselves and others.
  157. F

    The importance of business monitoring and reporting

    Business monitoring and reporting helps to track the progress of the business and make adjustments where necessary.
  158. F

    Can customer loyalty really be created?

    With a simple thing as good relationship with your customers, you can make them to be loyal to your business.
  159. F

    Can a Blog Help Your Business

    A blog can really help a business that has a community. It can be used to offer support services.
  160. F

    Which abilities do you believe are most important for convincing the opposing side during a negotiation?

    Persuasion and the ability to break down your points are necessary to convince the other party of a negotiation.
  161. F

    How to combat workplace stagnation

    I think personal development is the major key that can help to push higher in career and jobs.
  162. F

    Juggling between Online Business and Offline Business

    It is not really easy to juggle both especially when the market demands are quite different. I focus on selling online
  163. F

    Be Terminated Upon Company's Discretion

    I can't take up a job that a company can just wake up and lay me off. That would leave me financially stranded.
  164. F

    What is the best way to approach potential customers?

    The best way to approach a potential customer is to give the person a genuine smile.
  165. F

    Have you ever tried out the business for selling shoes?

    I sell clothes and it is related to shoes. I can tell anyone for free that they hardly lose with the business of selling shoes.
  166. F

    Pooling of ideas

    I believe that when people pull ideas, it is easier for them to achieve a goal rather than one person bringing ideas all the time.
  167. F

    How do you manage your finances?

    The best way that I manage my finances is to make sure that I am always budgetting.
  168. F

    Which do you prefer beef or pork?

    I prefer pork and I use it to prepare most of my soups. I like beef normally too.
  169. F

    First disappointment

    I think living in the illusion that we would not be disappointed is what brings crisis in human existence
  170. F

    DO you like movies which are action packed?

    There are days that it is only action movies that appeal to me. It is not an everyday thing though.
  171. F

    Have you played any Cricket Game?

    I have never seen a cricket court or pitch in my entire life. Don't know even one cricket equipment
  172. F

    Have you ever rented a CD and watched movies?

    I don't think I was mature to see that era when people rented CDs to watch movies. Never done that.
  173. F

    How much is a crate of egg in your country?

    A crate of egg in my country now sells for $3.2 from just $1 that it was selling some 15 months ago.
  174. F

    Do you have an unforgettable experience?

    The unforgettable experience that I have is when I was pick pocketed in a commercial vehicle.
  175. F

    Do you view the age as a number or having a more than that significance?

    Age is more significant than just being a number. It is used to measure life progress.
  176. F

    Staff requirements

    The role of a typist has evolved to become company secretaries that have vital role in the operation of a business
  177. F

    What are the managerial tips that enhances good decision making for the business?

    The ability to utilize data would give a business a excellent decision making process that would produce solid decisions.
  178. F

    Are you good at managing funds?

    I am very good at managing funds. When I have money, I sttategize before I start spending it.
  179. F

    Why Do Many Start-ups Fail?

    It is just a case of the social survival of the fittest. The business world comes up with challenges that filter out weak businesses.
  180. F

    Is there an existing problem in your business?

    The thing that I would say that I find challenging is how to expand the business to industrial level.
  181. F

    What are the advantages of self-employment?

    Self employment offers more opportunities for career growth because there is no limitations to how much one can decide to advance.
  182. F

    What are the advantages of online business?

    With an online business, one is able to create a community round the product and effectively get feedback.
  183. F

    No one is rich and no one is poor we get 24 hours each

    The difference between the rich and the poor is how well they utilize their time.
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    How do you control the household's tight budget?

    When the household is on a tight budget, the family just needs to lower expectations when it comes to level of life.
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    Save money using cloth towel than paper towel

    With a cloth towel, it would be a one time purchase. It is more about maintenance from there.
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    Who financed your business?

    I worked for some years to save money and add with the one my family supported me with to start my business.
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    How do you treat fair weather friends

    I keep fair weather friends at a distance. They are not people that you can rely on when chips are down
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    Joke gone wrong

    We should be very sensitive when making jokes. We shouldn't make jokes with people we don't really know much about.
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    Lift on a stranger's vehicle

    My country is really insecure and I wouldn't risk accepting lifts from strangers. It is too risky.
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    HBD to me

    @freelancermaria , you are such an amazing and focused person. Kind of person I would love to relate with in real life. Happy birthday to you.
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    Planning meals in advance

    Thinking about what to eat can really take time. Planning meals in advance would save time and money.
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    Do you like cold or the hot weather?

    Any weather that is heating or freezing is not ideal for me. I would prefer a temperate weather condition.
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    Do you wear shoes to work or casual shoes or sandals?

    I wear casual shoes. There is no need to wear formal shoes since I am going to take them off and match machine.
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    Working with unserious persons

    Unserious people can really make work tiring for you if you are the serious type.
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    Unusual Skill That is Handy at Work?

    A customer would just bring a design that you have never seen before and you would have to make it for him or her.
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    Do you find selfishness as a money saving strategy?

    I am not a selfish person. I believe in lending a helping hand at your financial convenience.
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    How do you find the business that deals with the soft drinks?

    As far as there is a good population, people would always get to consume soft drinks.
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    Online membership program

    When you have popularized your products and made it a brand, you can create a membership program around it.
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    Do you find any pleasure while running your business activities?

    I really enjoy running my business. There is nothing else I would rather do to get self satisfaction.
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    The potential for investing in custom-made shoes

    Custom made shoes are highly valued. And investing in a business that deals with such would really pay.