Recent content by Hate2Wait

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  1. Hate2Wait

    How much of your income is passive income?

    I don't have any major source that is helping me earn passive income and the only thing I can remember is bank interest but it's quite low paying
  2. Hate2Wait

    No one is rich and no one is poor we get 24 hours each

    It's good to look at things this way and then we can work hard to achieve our goals but those with so much money have so many advantages.
  3. Hate2Wait

    Do you have any kind of short term loans?

    I think having a credit card is equal to having a short term loan, only thing is we need to pay on time and if not then we need to pay a penalty for that.
  4. Hate2Wait

    Is it profitable to sell personal protective equipment PPE ?

    Not sure if it'll be profitable to sell personal protective equipments at this time when COVID-19 scare is thankfully away from us although it's not bad aa hospitals still buy these
  5. Hate2Wait

    Regular customers

    It's not easy to have regular and confirmed customers but if you can manage then it'll be best as then you can expect confirmed income and earnings
  6. Hate2Wait

    Which is easier to market between a product or service?

    Both are difficult but as per majority of studies, marketing a service is tough because you don't have anything to show for a service so it's hard to describe
  7. Hate2Wait

    Should companies still invest in employee training and development

    Yes they should invest in employee training but it should not be a very long And detailed training and should not be more than a month
  8. Hate2Wait

    Should companies spy on their employees on social media?

    No, I don't think companies should spy upon their employees and it's like invading their privacy which is not a good thing
  9. Hate2Wait

    Starting Tattoo business.

    These days tattoo business is in trend because somehow youngsters feel that it's cool to have tattoos on arm and even Girls do prefer to have tattoos on their bodies
  10. Hate2Wait

    Most difficult aspect of being a business owner?

    There are so many challenges that a business owner faces and needs to make timely decisions and should pay all taxes and follow all the rules of the land
  11. Hate2Wait

    Do you talk much while attending to customers?

    Ideally we should not because not every customer likes to talk a lot and thats why it's better to talk only when it's required and not all the time
  12. Hate2Wait

    What other animals can one farm apart from poultry and cow to make money?

    I think sheeps are also popular and many but these for wool and there are people that do like to earn money with the help of honey collection
  13. Hate2Wait

    Favorite Pastime?

    I do like to watch movies, listen to music and watch cricket matches even if they were old matches because these are the things that makes me feel good
  14. Hate2Wait

    Lion as pet

    I have seen a news where a person in Pakistan have lion as a pet but it's not a popular thing and most prefer to pet a dog or cat
  15. Hate2Wait

    Using Photoshop to Make Money

    Photoshop is quite popular because you do need to edit pictures and make changes to the old pictures so it's handy to learn it to start making money
  16. Hate2Wait

    Do you take meds for headaches?

    We should let our body heal on it's own and it's not good to have meds for every ailments that we experience in our day to day life
  17. Hate2Wait

    which forum is better to earn Rif or trendri?

    Although Referral Index forum has already changed hands thrice but still it's a very good website and have a long history of payments till date so I prefer it
  18. Hate2Wait

    Does Your Company allow you to take Groceries from the Company store and pay when you get your salary?

    It's a very good thing at least for the labour or the low level employees because that will help them get groceries from company and pay them from salary
  19. Hate2Wait

    Food you love now but hated during childhood

    These days I also don't mind to have bitter gourd and other different types of Gourd veggies as these are all so good for our health and skin
  20. Hate2Wait

    Do you have a fixed schedule to wake up?

    I do prefer and like to wake up around 6 Am and even today I woke up around 6 am even though I slept around 12.30 am yesterday night
  21. Hate2Wait

    Do you like Butter

    Butter is also good for health and these days many people have started to use butter to cook different dishes and this does enhance taste of the dishes too
  22. Hate2Wait

    How many languages do you know?

    I know 3 Languages, English being International language, Hindi being the Indian National language and Punjabi as my mother language and I hope to learn at least 1 more language
  23. Hate2Wait

    Do you have a Rice cooker?

    I do like to have rice at least once or twice a week but I don't think I need to buy a Rice cooker as we are able to cook in regular pot too
  24. Hate2Wait

    Do you like Raw onions?

    Raw onions can heal and help us stay good even when there is extensive heat like we have just experienced a few weeks ago and it does makes us immune to heat related diseases
  25. Hate2Wait

    Do you prefer tomato Ketchup?

    We always have Tomato ketchup at home in stock because I do like to have fritters every few days and we do add it to our dishes too
  26. Hate2Wait

    Do you like to try different types of tea?

    There are times when I don't mind trying any type of tea as long as it's good for health and makes us feel fresh.
  27. Hate2Wait

    Do you look at brands when buying medicines?

    I do look at the brand name because there are brands which are not good and you cannot rely on every brand and should go for brands that works for us
  28. Hate2Wait

    Are You Good At Baking

    It's still very good if we can learn to bake and prepare things at home and have fresh because there are many things that we prefer to have homemade like bread
  29. Hate2Wait

    I'm relaxing my mood in this rainy evening

    Rain does helps in making us feel good more so when the weather is too hot and humid and this is what exactly we are experiencing here
  30. Hate2Wait

    Any New Paying website Other than RIF, BMF, Forumindex,FC,Postbucks, Trendri, Bizdustry, Insured forum?

    I came to know about forum race but the only way to earn from forum race is by participating and winning contests so it's not easy for everyone to earn from it
  31. Hate2Wait

    How do you avoid being fed up with posting on forums?

    I have always felt bored posting on pay to post forums and the reason is my inability to earn from micro task and other such websites.
  32. Hate2Wait

    Do you make money through writing?

    I would like to start writing articles and earn money from it and was planning to start with Forum coin but I don't have any experience in writing
  33. Hate2Wait

    How many days do you earn $1 in RIF?

    It'll take longer to make a dollar on RIF and that's why we should not rely on a single website and should combine number of websites.
  34. Hate2Wait

    how much online money you earned so far?

    It's not possible to keep track of your total earnings and I feel it's not good too. Although it's fine to have a rough idea so that we can calculate our budget and knows how much we are earning
  35. Hate2Wait

    Earn Passive Income by building Quarters Near Factory?

    It's actually a very good way to earn passive income. You can expect regular income because mostly labour's are in need of affordable housing nearby their factory or work.
  36. Hate2Wait

    Brush before or after

    We should have our breakfast only after brushing our teeth and it's important to take care of oral hygiene.
  37. Hate2Wait

    Any New Paying website Other than RIF, BMF, Forumindex,FC,Postbucks, Trendri, Bizdustry, Insured forum?

    I have seen some other forums too but I am still not able to decide if I should join these too as they are also paying at a very low rate
  38. Hate2Wait

    How do you avoid being fed up with posting on forums?

    For this we need to have different ways from which we can earn like we should have micro task websites, games and some other ways too
  39. Hate2Wait

    Reasons not to depend on paid to post task online

    It's not wise to depend upon online earnings at least for those that have some other source of earning as you cannot be assured of getting paid
  40. Hate2Wait

    Do you make money through writing?

    I am not a writer so I am yet to start earning from any article-writing websites so at present I am just earning from pay to post forums
  41. Hate2Wait


    I am only active on a couple of websites so my daily earnings from different websites are just 20 odd cents and trying to add more
  42. Hate2Wait

    What are the requirement to become an online tutor?

    Every website and platform has different requirements and some even ask us to deposit some fee and also submit our education certificates and degrees
  43. Hate2Wait

    which forum is better to earn Rif or trendri?

    Referral index forum is my favorite from a long time and have never joined trendri and no such plans to join it at present
  44. Hate2Wait

    How Can a Small Business Grow

    It's actually a good way to set up a business and we should start from a small business and if we are doing well with it only then we should expand and should go for bank assistance to expand it
  45. Hate2Wait

    How many days do you earn $1 in RIF?

    5 days to earn $1 so we can make more than $5 in a month and can get paid through Paypal and crypto and I hope to get my payment soon after reaching $5
  46. Hate2Wait

    Do you actually save money

    I am not saving any fixed percentage of money every month and just trying to not spend on unnecessary things and this is how I feel I am saving money
  47. Hate2Wait

    how much online money you earned so far?

    I used to make $30 to $50 every month in the past year but from a year my earnings have declined considerably and only able to earn 20 odd cents daily now
  48. Hate2Wait

    Are you a member of the site where you began your online journey?

    Yes I am still part of both forums from which I started to earn online and really love both these websites and still earning from these
  49. Hate2Wait

    Are you a member of forum coin site?

    I am one of the oldest users of forum coin and I just love the simplicity of this website and how professionally both admins work
  50. Hate2Wait

    How much do you earn daily on Referralindexforum?

    We need to post around 23 comments to earn 20 cents and this is what I am earning now, I am trying to find more ways to earn online
  51. Hate2Wait

    Do you really find any pleasure with your online money earning activities?

    I do like to make money from home and in this way I am my own boss so it makes me feel good and I really like it
  52. Hate2Wait

    Share the Internet and earn from 5 to 20 $ per month!

    I have read so much about these websites but I dislike these as they are not safe and can even be a privacy threat to us
  53. Hate2Wait

    Making Money From Short Videos: Which is the Best Platform

    These days Instagram reels and Facebook reels are doing great in India because Tiktok is banned from years and Youtube shorts is less popular
  54. Hate2Wait

    Is making money online difficult?

    There are risks to consider when we work and expect to earn and get paid online because you cannot trust all websites
  55. Hate2Wait

    The best time for the online working

    I do like to work online during the day time but since I am earning less I should consider working in the evening and in the morning too
  56. Hate2Wait

    Using Photoshop to Make Money

    If this can really help in making money then I should learn more about photoshop and see if it can help me make some money
  57. Hate2Wait

    what is the secret of earning money online? Share your experience

    There is no secret when it comes to making money online, you just need to be patient and you will be able to make decent money
  58. Hate2Wait

    Can you share your online earning experience?

    It's not bad and I have made some money and was not required to look for any part-time job although that would have paid more
  59. Hate2Wait

    Are You Comfortable Joining Earning Website without Payment proof?

    To be frank I joined Referral index forum without seeing any payment proof and I have done well so we need to act as per our instinct too
  60. Hate2Wait

    What is your strategy for the repayment of loans?

    I haven't taken any loan but if you are then you should pay as per the terms and no need to prepone your payment because in most cases it does not help
  61. Hate2Wait

    No one is rich and no one is poor we get 24 hours each

    This is the type of attitude we should have and should work hard and should try to achieve all our goals
  62. Hate2Wait

    What was the highest amount of money that hit on your PayPal account at ago?

    It was long ago when I used to be super active and used to run exchanges on both fc and here and on other forums and used to do well in contests
  63. Hate2Wait

    How much do you earn daily online across all website?

    At present my earnings are quite low so I am earning around 20-30 cents daily but I guess its not a bad start and I can do well
  64. Hate2Wait

    How many days do you earn $1 in RIF?

    At the present earning rate and if we post daily then we can make a dollar in 5 days and should keep an eye on the contests announced by admin or even tasks
  65. Hate2Wait

    Do you make money through writing?

    If you consider forum posting as earning from writing then yes I am learning from pay to write and from past many years I am earning from pay to post forums
  66. Hate2Wait

    A lucrative site to earn !

    At present I don't have any lucrative website or way to earn big and quickly so I am just looking for more ways to earn
  67. Hate2Wait

    Are you really making money online?

    I won't say I am making big money online but I am just starting again and earning around 20-30 cents daily is not a bad start
  68. Hate2Wait

    Is there any Micro task website with a high number of tasks and no requirement of ID proof verification?

    I will check out this website soon but my experience with these micro task websites was never good and mostly wasted my time on these
  69. Hate2Wait

    Should video gaming be considered a career?

    It depends because if you are able to earn a decent amount in a month that can pay all bills and helps you save money too and you are consistent with it
  70. Hate2Wait

    Why do new paid writing sites just stop paying?

    There should be a way to way but new website owners do make mistakes by offering a higher amount at first and then are unable to pay so they close down
  71. Hate2Wait

    How much do you earn daily on Referralindexforum?

    At present, you cannot earn more than 20 cents so this is the max we can make but we can expect admin to raise the earnings after some time
  72. Hate2Wait

    Making Money Online: Is It Beginner Friendly?

    If you are good at facing the challenges put upon you by online earning websites and platforms then you can do well with online earnings
  73. Hate2Wait

    Can you share your online earning experience?

    Everyone is facing the heat, I used to make $50 odd dollars every month and for the past year could not even make $5 every month
  74. Hate2Wait

    Have you Ever Purchased Referrals?

    I don't like to buy from micro task websites as these can be fake but I have posted tasks on forums and like to choose the genuine users and do well with it
  75. Hate2Wait

    Do you take forum posting seriously?

    I am serious about it and expect to earn $100 but for many reasons I am unable to achieve this amount and if I can then that would be best for me
  76. Hate2Wait

    Is making money online an easy task?

    Earning money is never easy and when you talk about online earnings then there are so many risks and not everyone can take those risks
  77. Hate2Wait

    What online skill can a child learn?

    We should let kids/ children enjoy their childhood time and should not push them to learn this or that and let them enjoy the moment
  78. Hate2Wait

    Is Bizdustry Paying it's Mods?

    Some of the pay to post forums do find a way to appoint independent mods and generally they are not paid but they are still very good at work
  79. Hate2Wait

    What is your total earnings on PTP?

    For the past 1 year, I have not been earning online as per my routine so my online earnings have decreased a lot but I don't like to make a count of the money I earned
  80. Hate2Wait

    Best discussion and forum site to earn money

    I do like forum coin and just today I got 7 dollars for a task I completed yesterday so it was good and made my day
  81. Hate2Wait

    Making money

    Its tough to earn money online but if you have the skills and temperament and can spend time daily then you can do well
  82. Hate2Wait

    Trendri or Insured forum Which is better?

    I am not on any of these forums although I was interested to join Insured forum but then they stopped paying before I joined.
  83. Hate2Wait

    Do you still post on non paying forums?

    I don't have so much time to post on non paying forums because these days we all are money minded and like to make money and don't like to waste our time like that
  84. Hate2Wait

    Which PTP site pays more?

    I have seen users posting that Db is paying more but I am still not active on it and if this is the case then I need to start early
  85. Hate2Wait

    Alternatives for the forum posting

    I never felt comfortable with micro task websites and this is the reason I am not even active on single such website
  86. Hate2Wait

    Are you really making money online?

    Money can never be enough as we all look to earn more but in my case, I am earning the lowest these days which is not even 25 cents a day
  87. Hate2Wait

    How many days does SocialSeos take to pay?

    These days they are taking 7-8 days to pay but as per their terms they take around 5 working days to pay but its fine as they are legit
  88. Hate2Wait

    One mistake you made with your online money making

    My mistake will be that I have trusted people blindly and got scammed multiple times and never really tried to adopt any skills that would have helped me earn more
  89. Hate2Wait

    which forum is better to earn Rif or trendri?

    I have no experience of trendri and earning from referral index forum for a long time so I will choose Index forum and best of the lost
  90. Hate2Wait

    The best time for the online working

    Whenever I am free and feeling good that's my right time so it does not matter if its early morning or day time but I don't like to work online late nigh
  91. Hate2Wait

    Are you Comfortable accepting PayPal payments?

    I have started to look for crypto, mostly LTC payments but if its not available then I go for Paypal although I have preferred Paypal all my life
  92. Hate2Wait

    Making Money Online: Is It Beginner Friendly?

    No, its not easy and that's why many people start with high hopes of making big in short time and are perished seeing the challenges
  93. Hate2Wait

    Are You Comfortable Joining Earning Website without Payment proof?

    It's not easy but since even the websites that are paying are turning scam you never know so its better to make your own decision
  94. Hate2Wait

    Is Upgrading an account on a PTP Site profitable?

    I did that twice on the Index forum and the experience was good but other than that I don't have any other experience and don't think it as a good idea
  95. Hate2Wait

    How many days you can wait if you are not informed about the payment delay?

    I think 7 days is enough because more than that it will be a burden and you will start doubting about the website and its capabilities to pay on time
  96. Hate2Wait

    From the bizdustry experience, should someone do exchanger business on paid forums?

    You cannot be sure about any website so there will always be an element of risk but if you like to make some money through exchanges then you need to take that risk
  97. Hate2Wait

    Pains of working online full time

    It's hard if you are earning only from online websites because I consider that as very risky and you never know when these websites stop paying
  98. Hate2Wait

    Best discussion and forum site to earn money

    I like Index forum, forum coin and even discussion bucks and consider these as good forums and will start posting on other forums too
  99. Hate2Wait

    How many days do you earn $1 in RIF?

    Since we are earning 20 cents in a day now so now you can make a dollar in 5 days, which is not bad considering I am still not fully into online earnings
  100. Hate2Wait

    Is there a simple strategy to make money with Amazon?

    When you like to make money, nothing is simple because there are so many challenges and its not easy to expect big income from amazon
  101. Hate2Wait

    Are you patient enough to make money online?

    I am doing ok now but previously I lost interest in online earnings and wasn't earning even a cent and at present I am just earning from Index forum
  102. Hate2Wait

    How do you find the online Earning to be, ls it a pleasure or a pressure?

    It's a pleasure but if you are busy with something or not feeling well then you may feel pressure to complete your daily goal
  103. Hate2Wait

    Making money

    If you start from forums then it will be easier as you will find many like you and many that will be interested to help and guide you
  104. Hate2Wait

    Why do new paid writing sites just stop paying?

    The problem can of lack of revenue and there are times a website does not expect so many members but instead they have more so they have no other option
  105. Hate2Wait

    Do you have any experience of teaching online?

    I have no experience of teaching, not even offline but its good to have some experience and then we can utilize that to earn by teaching online
  106. Hate2Wait

    When Last Did You Claim Faucets?

    I think it has been a year or so since I lost interest in these faucets and actually they are not even worth it because of low earnings
  107. Hate2Wait

    Investing in your own business vs investing in stock market

    It's a good idea to invest in your business too but you should not invest a very big amount and should have a proper expansion plan fo that
  108. Hate2Wait

    Best discussion and forum site to earn money

    Forum coin and even Index forum are one of the best as you can get opinion from others as there are number of active users
  109. Hate2Wait

    Biggest mistake in financing

    No one is perfect, we all make mistakes and should learn from our mistakes and should try to learn things that can help us take best finance related decisions
  110. Hate2Wait

    How do you make sure you avoid the poverty?

    We should try to stay away from any sort of debt as its the debt that can make things tough for us and is a very bad habit
  111. Hate2Wait

    Do you really give money to your family members even if they don't ask for it?

    Why would someone give money even to its family members even if they are not asking for it unless there is some routine to give money for expenses to parents etc
  112. Hate2Wait

    How many percent of your monthly income can you dash people?

    If its a person whom I trust and I know they can pay back then I don't mind helping them with any amount as long as I have that
  113. Hate2Wait

    What are some good house hacks (ways of saving money, saving time, more safety, more fun, more health, etc.)?

    I shop with open eyes and like to find the best deals and even bargain as per my capabilities LOL as I am still not the best person to bargain
  114. Hate2Wait

    Have you ever defaulted on repaying back your loan?

    Thankfully it has never happened to me and I would do my best that it does not happen to me as I don't like to hurt my CIBIL score
  115. Hate2Wait

    How much do you keep in your cash box?

    I think it's handly to have around $100 or $200 in cash at home because there can be times when we really need to pay via cash
  116. Hate2Wait

    Can you be a guarantor to your brother to secure a loan?

    Yes, why not, we all know if our brother is trusted or not and if they are then there is no harm in helping them getting a loan
  117. Hate2Wait

    Renting Vs buying a house

    I would rather pay bank interest then to pay rent so its better to own and in few years you will be the owner of that house
  118. Hate2Wait

    Do you like fixed income or variable income?

    Fixed income has its own advantages like we can expect a fixed income coming from our job but then we can't expect more than that
  119. Hate2Wait

    Where do you get short term loans?

    If the amount is not so big then you can even take help from the different apps like Paytm, Gpay and even PNB
  120. Hate2Wait

    Again and again in debts

    I am also feeling the heat with the credit card debt so I really need to spend wisely with these and also need to pay its yearly fee
  121. Hate2Wait

    Sharing you ways to save money

    We all can learn from each other and save money because there are still many ways to save which are not very common between everyone
  122. Hate2Wait

    What was the highest amount of money that hit on your PayPal account at ago?

    I think it was over $200 and was from this very website a year or so ago when I used to run exchanges and used to accumulate big amounts
  123. Hate2Wait

    How many income sources do you have?

    I invested in paytm and it was a big amount as per my knowledge but I just sold those shares and at present, I am invested in 2 shares which are currently yielding only losses
  124. Hate2Wait

    How do you keep the bank account active?

    Most of my bank accounts are linked to UPI so I am able to send and receive payments with it and this way we can keep it active
  125. Hate2Wait

    What is the item that tends to last the longest in your household?

    It's the Mayo which I got last year and actually no one likes that in my house and its only me who likes to have it sometimes
  126. Hate2Wait

    Do you see the prices for the food items being too expensive for you to afford?

    It's getting little tough now but this is inflation and every person likes to make more so they add their profit and margin
  127. Hate2Wait

    What is the most expensive thing that you achieved through saving little by little money?

    I did got my laptop which I don't use much now and looks like its broken a little too not sure how but I got that with my savings
  128. Hate2Wait

    Do you have a fixed deposits

    I have a couple of FD's and may not get these extended because I feel its not a good option looking at the increase in the inflation
  129. Hate2Wait

    What is your best summer drink?

    I yesterday got a pack of Such flavoured vanilla milk of Britannia and it does taste so good and tried Amul Kool too and it was good too
  130. Hate2Wait

    How many glass of water do you drink daily?

    We should consume at least 2L water in summer but we need to see how much we need to consume as its different for different persons
  131. Hate2Wait

    Sharing your secrets with others

    I have the habit to share mine with the person I like but its not a good thing and I should stop doing this
  132. Hate2Wait

    Do you use to cry while going to school in childhood?

    I actually don't remember correctly LOL but I guess I was better than other kids and used to like going to school
  133. Hate2Wait

    What are your favorite fruits?

    Bananas and Grapes are my favorite and I also like Apple, Pineapple and oranges, not to forget Watermelon and mangoes
  134. Hate2Wait

    How many of you are watching T20 cricket World Cup?

    Glad Australia is out of the T20 Worldcup now and we will witness Afghanistan and South Africa in 1st Semi Final
  135. Hate2Wait

    Do you like to drive a Car or Motor Bike?

    I prefer to drive a bike and yes its easier also because this way we can move swiftly even in traffic
  136. Hate2Wait

    How to fall in love again after being heartbroken so many times.

    It hasn't happened to me but I can imagine it's not easy but you should look for someone who can heal this vacuum and fill you with love and laughter @Bisolami
  137. Hate2Wait

    What's your motive for going abroad?

    I have never planned to go to any other country for work or for better future and doing my best to do well in India
  138. Hate2Wait

    How many friends do you have?

    I used to have so many friends when I was in school and college but most of us are not in touch now as they are in different countries
  139. Hate2Wait

    Do you have Semi or Fully Automatic Washing machine?

    That's right, you can save time and effort with a fully automatic washing machine and I may have fully when ever I will go for my next washing machine purchase
  140. Hate2Wait

    Do you prefer a Semi Automatic or Fully automatic Washing machine?

    Fully Automatic is good but it's expensive too, we have semi-automatic one and are glad its serving the purpose, although we got it repaired and serviced last month
  141. Hate2Wait

    Do you keep to promises?

    I am quite good at keeping promises and that's why I am one of those who can be trusted to keep secrets and also to keep up with promises
  142. Hate2Wait

    True love can't be bought and sold

    That's correct and you cannot buy feelings from the market as these are natural and come from natural and pure love
  143. Hate2Wait

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    Yesterday I stayed up till midnight as was busy with the cricket match but still I managed to wake up 5 mins before 6 am
  144. Hate2Wait

    Can money save someone's life?

    Money can certainly help a person to have the best of the treatment in the best of the hospital but there is no surely that they will get life
  145. Hate2Wait

    What can I do to keep me busy and away from depression?

    You can chat with the persons you like the most as they can make you feel cheerful and can also keep working to keep yourself busy
  146. Hate2Wait

    Do you like Pineapple or Apple?

    I like apples but I guess the taste of Pineapple does beat apple and that's why lately I have started to love pineapple more
  147. Hate2Wait

    Do you know how to swim?

    No, I don't and have never ever planned to or tried to learn to swim but I guess its not a bad thing to learn
  148. Hate2Wait

    Do you drink rainwater?

    I haven't done that anytime in my life and you cannot be sure that its good for health, it could be from acid rain too
  149. Hate2Wait

    How many glass of water do you drink daily?

    I don't have any such rule but because its summers, I am consuming around 3L of water daily
  150. Hate2Wait

    What is your best summer drink?

    I like drinks prepared from Milk or Curd so Lassi is my favorite and I also like lemonade and flavored milks that are available in the market
  151. Hate2Wait

    Can you marry someone who’s too busy?

    You need to see the person and if they are busy with what. So if they are busy making money then its not bad lol
  152. Hate2Wait

    Do you like to drive a Car or Motor Bike?

    I prefer to drive a Motor bike because till now I don't own a car and have no plans to own at least for 3-4 years
  153. Hate2Wait

    Do you like to learn different languages?

    It's good thing to learn about different cultures and different languages and in case you need to move to a particular place or even go for a vacation then you won't face any problem if you are aware of their language
  154. Hate2Wait

    How do you make sure you avoid the poverty?

    My first borrowing is when I applied for a credit card and always making sure to pay my bills well before time
  155. Hate2Wait

    What is your best money-saving travel hack?

    I think we should travel during weekdays so that we can easily find hotel and other tourist spots less busy and may get the tickets at lesser price too as there won't be any surge
  156. Hate2Wait

    Education loan

    No, we managed from our own sources and never even planned to take an education loan so no such case for me
  157. Hate2Wait

    Have you ever defaulted on repaying back your loan?

    I haven't gotten any loan till now in my life so there is no question about it but I have a couple of credit cards which I always pay on time
  158. Hate2Wait

    Do you live in your own house?

    I am staying with my parents and its a big house so I don't even need to go for a separate house but if I have money then I will go for another
  159. Hate2Wait

    Not paying enough for retirement

    We need to plan for ourselves and can research for such calculators online that can help us determine the exact amount we need for our retirement
  160. Hate2Wait

    How many passive income should one be having.

    The more the better and for me, I am just earning a very small amount in the form of bank interest which is quite low so I don't have any major resource to earn passive income
  161. Hate2Wait

    Working earning methods for Africans

    These days I see most Africans earning from different pay to post forums and other earning websites and they are very good at it
  162. Hate2Wait

    Do you really give money to your family members even if they don't ask for it?

    NO, I don't and if they ask then I may help them but if they make this a habit then I am not ready to help
  163. Hate2Wait

    What are your best money saving hacks that are not common knowledge?

    I am not really sure of any such saving ways that are new or strange to anyone but I try as much to not to go for impulse buying and always look to save money
  164. Hate2Wait

    Renting Vs buying a house

    Buying is best every day of the week because if you need to pay rent every month then its like an additional burden
  165. Hate2Wait

    How many income sources do you have?

    At present its only 3 and other 2 are just low paying which includes my online earnings and another is my earnings from stocks where I am still fairly new
  166. Hate2Wait

    How many percent of your monthly income can you dash people?

    I don't like to give away my hard-earned money like that and in case I need to then I won't spend more than 5 % of my monthly salary
  167. Hate2Wait

    Do you find the purchase of the new clothing very expensive?

    Yes, of course and most of the sellers do charge a very high price but if you are good at bargaining then you can find better deals
  168. Hate2Wait

    How did you managed life with the higher cost of living with low salaries?

    It's hard for everyone but you need to keep finding more and smart ways to earn and should save money and this is how you can survive
  169. Hate2Wait

    Again and again in debts

    I agree with some of the posts above that its due to lack of planning or improper and immature planning that a person finds itself in debt again and again
  170. Hate2Wait

    How do you make sure you avoid the poverty?

    The most important thing is to not go for debt anytime and in case you are in debt then you should pay off that first
  171. Hate2Wait

    What payment mode do you prefer, is it daily, weekly or monthly basis.

    I prefer to get paid weekly even from my job but this is not popular in India so we only get paid monthly
  172. Hate2Wait

    Is PTP site a passive source of income?

    No it's not because you need to post to earn and you cannot earn passively and you can earn passive income through referrals but for that you need more referrals
  173. Hate2Wait

    What are some good house hacks (ways of saving money, saving time, more safety, more fun, more health, etc.)?

    We need to save money by comparing priced before going for a purchase and should look to bargain and find best deals
  174. Hate2Wait

    Do you like fixed income or variable income?

    Who does not love a higher fixed income but sadly not many are able to achieve that and in most cases its low fixed income
  175. Hate2Wait

    Are you Comfortable accepting PayPal payments?

    For a major portion of my online earnings journey, I was accepting only Paypal payments and even now but these days I am more comfortable with LTC
  176. Hate2Wait

    Have you Ever Purchased Referrals?

    I have mixed experience and it is like a hit or miss as many times our paid referrals are not good enough to win us any contests
  177. Hate2Wait

    Is Upgrading an account on a PTP Site profitable?

    First, we need to see if the website is legit and if it is then we should see if we can spend more time on it and earn more to recover our upgradation fee and if its yes then we should
  178. Hate2Wait

    Legit đź‘Ť Update on Socialseo: Paid to Post forum

    Social seos is one of my favorite websites and I have been paid thrice from it but these days there are not many tasks on the website so earnings have decreases considerably
  179. Hate2Wait

    Alternatives for the forum posting

    If you are good at micro tasks then there are many micro task websites and some of these pay really well like Hive micro
  180. Hate2Wait

    Do you still post on non paying forums?

    I am not and I don't see any reason to post on a non paying forum unless I have some other reason to do that
  181. Hate2Wait

    Keeping money

    I only keep small amount in cash and rest is in bank and these days I am also taking help of credit card to pay of my expenses
  182. Hate2Wait

    Making money

    Nothing is impossible or hard but we need to have someone who can help us learn and guide about online earnings
  183. Hate2Wait

    Are you really making money online?

    Without any special skills, we cannot make big money online so we need to either adopt and learn those high paying skills or need to feel satisfied with whatever amount we are earning
  184. Hate2Wait

    Do you have any experience of teaching online?

    I don't have any experience of teaching and this is why I am not even comfortable starting to teach online
  185. Hate2Wait

    Which PTP site pays more?

    Actually I am not sure but in my view its still beer money forum and they also have the minimum threshold at $2 only
  186. Hate2Wait

    Do you take forum posting seriously?

    As long as we are making money online from pay to post forums we need to take it seriously and should do everything to improve
  187. Hate2Wait

    Are You Comfortable Joining Earning Website without Payment proof?

    I have done that a few times and the experience was mixed so we cannot just join any website like that and even joining after seeing a payment proof does not make a website legit
  188. Hate2Wait

    Are you patient enough to make money online?

    I am and that's why I am earning online and have been doing this for years now although my earnings have decreased but I know I can earn more with hard work and dedication
  189. Hate2Wait

    The best time for the online working

    I don't think there is any good or bad time, you need to see when you are feeling good and comfortable and that will be your ideal time
  190. Hate2Wait

    Can you share your online earning experience?

    My experience is good, although I have been scammed multiple times by websites, colleagues but still I like to earn online
  191. Hate2Wait

    Is making money online an easy task?

    Actually earning online is touch if we compare it with offline earnings as we need to stay patient for long and there is no assurance of getting paid
  192. Hate2Wait

    New đźš© Do you earn on the other paid to post sites?

    I am earning very small amount from forum coin and planning to start posting on beer money forum again to earn at least a dollar daily
  193. Hate2Wait

    Any green tea fan

    I am not a fan of green tea and many say it does not provide any benefits but if they do then its fine to have one cup daily
  194. Hate2Wait

    Time can heal a broken heart -agree or disagree

    I think if we can find true love in that time then it will help because a broken heart can be healed with love
  195. Hate2Wait

    Do you take meds for headaches?

    I try to avoid taking meds for headache unless its so terrible and even yesterday I was experiencing headaches in the evening and opted to sleep around 9.30 and didn't took any meds
  196. Hate2Wait

    Would you go for a job that pays more with more pressure or one that pays less with lesser pressure?

    I am one of those that are fine with earning less but don't like to work under pressure as its more like staying in a jail
  197. Hate2Wait

    Do you like Green and Black pepper in your dishes?

    I prefer spicy food so we mostly add these sort of spices in our dishes and I have even seen people adding Green chillies in curd
  198. Hate2Wait

    Do you like to drink water with bottle or in glass?

    I prefer to have water in a glass as with bottle I am not very comfortable but if glass is not available for any reason like I am outside then its fine to have it with bottle
  199. Hate2Wait

    Do you have friends in different countries outside forums?

    I still have a few friends but these days we are not in touch but earlier on I was touch with all and it was a fun time
  200. Hate2Wait

    Do you like Green and Black pepper in your dishes?

    I do like to add green pepper in many of my dishes and even in curd too and we also add green chillies in most of the dishes