Recent content by King Belieal

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  1. K

    When should a business rebrand.

    When the current brand shot out by the business is stale, it surely needs to be rebranded.
  2. K

    Between opening and running a school or a hotel- Which is more profitable?

    A school looks more profitable than a hotel but it depends on the particular conditions of each of them.
  3. K

    Permissions in a business center

    Using the toilet only twice? That means people with stomach disorder are not permitted to come to work in Japan.
  4. K

    Should a successful business expand immediately?

    I don't believe in rapid expansion. A business should be able to grow organically so that it won't crash land at the end.
  5. K

    Do hard workers make better leaders/managers

    The person that carries loads in the market works hard. Would you hand over your entire organisation for him to manage because he works hard? Managing a business requires skills which must be learned overtime.
  6. K

    Customers and employees satisfaction

    There must be a balance trying to satisfy employees and customers. I think I that when employees are optimally satisfied, they would be able to satisfy customers by serving them well.
  7. K

    Most difficult aspect of being a business owner?

    Organising things all by yourself is the most difficult aspect of being a business owner, especially when factors are out of your hands.
  8. K

    Do you talk much while attending to customers?

    These customers have turned me to a chronic talkative. I think it is normal for every business person to actually talk much.
  9. K

    Do you believe that a devoted worker is always a good worker?

    I always tell people that I am not moved by people that have so much zeal. It is not enough to convince me.
  10. K

    Selling Fixed Asset to Start a Business

    I have been so many people do this and it works well for them. It is all about the kind of business you want to start and the expertise you have to make it succeed.
  11. K

    Is selling bikes and their spare parts and services a good business to start?

    I always believe that any business that has to do with transportation at any level is profitable because it is a basic need. Bikes and it's parts /services shouldn't be an exception.
  12. K

    Do you think men should braid their hairs

    Whatever anyone of any gender wants to do with their hairs, it is all up to them. There are certain things I don't bother about.
  13. K

    Which Sports You are Good at?

    It is always football for me. There is no other sports that I can boast of apart from football. And maybe volleyball.
  14. K

    How do you quench a need when there's no money

    When there is no money, you have to discipline yourself and know that the need would be met when there is money.
  15. K

    Why do you think saving is good

    Saving helps you to be able to compound funds that you can use to achieve a particular financial target.
  16. K

    How do you start your day?

    I don't have a fixed regime of how I start my day nowadays. All I know is that I must check my phone first thing as I wake up and then go ahead to gym.
  17. K

    Do you believe in excuses?

    I believe in results. Before I take your excuses, I must see that you have genuinely exhausted all possible options and no headway.
  18. K

    How do you see the act of being generous to people that you even don't know?

    It is good to be generous to people you don't know. Some people though might want to capitalize on your generosity to harm you. That's why you need to be careful.
  19. K

    What do you think about housewives getting monthly payment from their husbands

    Whether my wife stays at home or she is working, she would definitely be getting monthly allowance from me. Even girlfriends get it. That is one thing that I have decided v
  20. K

    How much does it cost to open a medical store?

    I think that with $500, one would be able to start a basic business that sells medical supplies.
  21. K

    How much does it cost to Set up a Transportation Business?

    It depends on if you want to set up a transportation company or an informal transportation business. A transport company is more expensive to set up.
  22. K

    How do you easily detect toxic people

    Toxic people are never happy generally. You would see that they are critics and saddists.
  23. K

    Do you easily get influenced by advertisements online

    It was before that online adverts could push me to be instinctive and make purchases. I am more balanced now and won't do that.
  24. K

    Do you easily react?

    I am trying to learn how to control myself and not always react to everything. Reacting unnecessarily can endanger one's life.
  25. K

    What can you do to help a partner that is neck deep into gambling?

    I don't bother dealing with these kinds of people. I just leave them to find a way and heal themselves. They would always drag you down.
  26. K

    Have you ever felt difficulty with getting up from bed in the mornings?

    I have outgrown that thing since I started being financial responsible. I always wake up with ease to face the challenges of business and money making.
  27. K

    What would consider before buying a residential property

    The number one thing that I would consider when buying a residential property is the security of the place.
  28. K

    How do you deal with a bad day

    No matter how bad a day might be, when I sleep, I am able to deal with it because every negative thing that happened that day would leave my mind when I wake up.
  29. K

    What does it mean to work like a horse?

    Horses rarely get tired. Working like a horse means that you work without being tired or fatigued.
  30. K

    Tolerating a wrong love

    When someone is not adequate for me, I don't tolerate. I would just leave the person. No pressure.
  31. K

    How do stay away from eating out always

    When I buy foodstuff and keep in my house, I am obligated to cook rather than having to eat out.
  32. K

    How to Write a Great Content?

    Writing great contents that can be published in professional platforms is really technical. You have to understand how to use keywords and align them with the ideas.
  33. K

    How do you deal with jealousy in a relationship

    If you have made up your mind that you would be stupidly jealous in a relationship, there is nothing that I can do to help you.
  34. K

    do you want to go back to school?

    I managed to graduate from college and I am so tired with anything they call school. The one I went to has not really been beneficial to me all that v
  35. K

    Should modernization remove ethics form the business

    Business ethics have not changed. Modernization and technology only serves to create new opportunities and ways to take advantage of them and not to eliminate business ethics.
  36. K

    Can you file a legal case when your boss asks you to do other tasks not included in your job responsibilities?

    If you have a clearly defined job contract, you can file a suit but that would be after talks in that regards with your boss doesn't work.
  37. K

    Regular customers

    When you have regular customers, that means your business already has a base to achieve profitability. Other ones are just coming in to boost your profitability.
  38. K

    Fear could destroy your business

    Business is full of uncertainties and one can't sometimes help the doubts from creeping in. But courage is what defines a successful business person. They would leverage on that and move.
  39. K

    Building Good Relationship in Your Workplace

    When you are in a workplace and you are unfriendly with co staff, you can easily be set up.
  40. K

    Is cost of living relative to average salary?

    When vendors perceive that people are paid higher, they feel the purchasing power is higher too and would always sell higher.
  41. K

    Does transportation affect the cost of living?

    Everything in the economy almost hinges on transportation. When transportation costs rise, almost everything would rise because almost every good has to be transported to places that they would be sold.
  42. K

    How Can a Small Business Grow

    A small business would grow if it came in with a solid plan into the industry. And has a micro segment of the market that it aims to satisfy.
  43. K

    How to Transition from Job to a Business

    It is something that you don't just wake up and do. You should have months or even years of planning before you would be able to succeed with switching from jobs to business.
  44. K

    What is the average cost of apartment rentals in your country?

    In some places in my country, it has even more than doubled. And it keeps increasing almost on a yearly basis.
  45. K

    What Is Your Dream Business?

    I am already doing my dream business. I wanted to be an agricultural entrepreneur. I am already in it as I have a poultry farm. But not quite at the level that I dreamt of.
  46. K

    Can you survive a week now without money

    Staying without money is not something that anyone should aim to achieve. It surely won't turn out good at the end.
  47. K

    Do you workout at Gym or prefer to exercise at home?

    I have my dumbbells and use it to work out at home. I save the cost of having to work out in the gym and pay subscription.
  48. K

    Have you ever caught a thief?

    I just don't pray to catch a thief. I would hand him over to the police and follow up to press charges so he doesn't get off the hook.
  49. K

    Have you ever felt disappointed before

    I have felt disappointed several times when my expectations are not met the way I would have loved it to be met.
  50. K

    Do you like wearing work uniforms?

    I hate work uniforms with passion. You can give me a dressing pattern but not a defined uniform. It makes me feel restricted.
  51. K

    How much would you charge an apprentice or an intern that wants to learn your business?

    True. You have to give value to your skills by making people pay for you to impart. But those helpless people, you really would have to help them out.
  52. K

    Do You Sell Evergreen Products or Seasonal Products

    The products that I sell has a peak season and also has considerable demand all year round.
  53. K

    Poultry Business: Which is more profitable between egg and meat production.

    Eggs are more profitable. And would always fetch you a daily income. With meat, you really have to be strategic to get optimum profits.
  54. K

    Why does organisations always switch the work schedule of staff regularly?

    That's just it. When they stay in a particular position for a long time, they become too powerful and you can't control them again.
  55. K

    Must you depend fully on your business?

    When a business is fully established, it would be able to take care of your needs. But just make sure that you don't depend on a business that is not established.
  56. K

    How to positively deal with someone trying to take your work or position

    It is their business if they are competing with me. Because the kind of personality that I have, I won't even notice you but that competition would fail as I know my onions in every endeavour I undertake.
  57. K

    What online skill can a child learn?

    A child should learn how to play games online to make money. That is about the easiest way for even 7 year olds to earn online.
  58. K

    how much online money you earned so far?

    I have earned online money up to $4000 since I started working online. And I am hoping to take that total to $100, 000 soon.
  59. K

    Should video gaming be considered a career?

    In the world of today, one can monetize anything as almost every skill is a potential career. Video gaming is already a budding career and would continue to be.
  60. K

    What is your best money saving idea for retired people?

    I just believe that people that know they are going to retire someday should build a very strong business for themselves.
  61. K

    Do you have some unique strategies for being disciplined with your budget?

    I don't desire things that are out of my budget's reach. I make sure I don't covet what others have so that I won't overshoot my budget trying to be like them.
  62. K

    Has your bank account ever been limited with funds inside?

    How can you be broke and your account is also limited? I think that limits on account is placed on accounts that have excess money?
  63. K

    Do you have any kind of short term loans?

    How are you able to manage loan repayments and the burden of meeting up with everyday survival. Does it lead to financial crisis for you?
  64. K

    Why the rich get richer and the poor remain poor?

    The rich buys things in bills and gets discounts. The poor doesn't have that privilege. There is no way they won't stay poor.
  65. K

    Who treated unfairly: the poor or the rich?

    It is a normal life expectation that people who are richer are always given preferential treatment. Even atge Bible says that a poor man's wisdom is useless.
  66. K

    No one is rich and no one is poor we get 24 hours each

    What makes the difference between people who eventually become rich or poor is the mindset and that sponsors actions/ decisions that eventually make them poor or rich.
  67. K

    How did you managed life with the higher cost of living with low salaries?

    You just have to keep on with working hard and see how you can adjust your lifestyle to meet up.
  68. K

    Is marriage becoming scarce?

    The truth is that it is men that determine the rates at which marriages happen because they are the ones that would actually marry someone. And most men now don't want to get married when they can have baby mamas.
  69. K

    Do you ask for the change from your spouse after the shopping?

    When once I give money out to a partner, it is out. I don't care or bother what she does with it.
  70. K

    Must you depend fully on your business?

    You don't have to depend on your business for everything. It would choke the business to death. That's why multiple sources of income is always emphasized.
  71. K

    How can you improve the sales of the bread on the bakery business?

    For a bakery business, you would need to work on the distribution network and make sure that it is very tight if you want to boost the sales of your bakery products.
  72. K

    How many days do you earn $1 in RIF?

    It all depends on your activity level. The way the site is set up, it is expected that it would take 5 to 6 days to earn up to a dollar here.
  73. K

    Has your internet access been blocked anytime?

    The only time that my internet access had real issues was when the underground sea cable was breached. I wasn't able to access the internet at all.
  74. K

    Should a partner monitor the other partner's phone for texts and calls?

    It is only people that are unexposed that go about snooping on their partner's mobile phones. Such a person is the definition of toxicity.
  75. K

    Can you pay a bride price of $1,000,000.

    There is no way that I would be paying such huge money as bride price. There are always better options at even a cheaper rate.
  76. K

    Is it money or knowledge?

    If money comes without proper knowledge, you would just crash. I think you should actively work on getting knowledge while the money is yet to come.
  77. K

    The price of your sins is loneliness

    I don't know how this works for other people but no one can ever leave me for me to feel lonely. There are plenty of people that can come into your life the next minute.
  78. K

    Can you work on weekends?

    If there is a good reason that I might have to turn up at work over a weekend, I just would. The truth though is that it doesn't have to be a regular thing.
  79. K

    Are you Good at staying patient?

    Patience is not my forte. I am in the class that wants things to be done as it is hot.
  80. K

    The impact of salary increase in a workplace

    Anyone working in an organisation should checkout how lively and motivated staff would be when they just have their pay increased. They feel they have a future in the organisation.
  81. K

    Is it necessary for the salaries to match with the level of proficiency on the workplace?

    That's why I know my level. And I am only employing a staff that can just put in a shift. I can afford to pay her.
  82. K

    Why Freelancing is Better Than a Regular Job

    When you are freelancer and you are big and establish in it, you to a very large extent determine the income that you would be earning every month.
  83. K

    Should companies spy on their employees on social media?

    I would check on the social media pages of my employees. They represent my brand and people would always relate their social media activities to my brand and business.
  84. K

    Middle men

    The only kind of agency that I might even consider doing is rental and property agency. That might just be a bit easier than most kinds of agencies.
  85. K

    Staying in good terms with your competition

    Business competition has never been a war that should be fought. It is just about superior strategies. You don't have to see your business competition as an enemy.
  86. K

    Can you be a guarantor to your brother to secure a loan?

    It would really take so much for me to guarantee anyone for a loan. What if uncertainties happen and you are stuck with having to repay a loan because you are the guarantor.
  87. K

    Save money using cloth towel than paper towel

    If you can maintain good hygiene for the cloth towel, it is a very financially sensitive move to make than using a disposable paper towel.
  88. K

    What is your favorite way to repay multiple loans?

    From where I look, getting multiple loans can be very depressing. I even think that one would not have anything to survive on if they have to payback multiple loans.
  89. K

    How much do you cash out weekly on RIF?

    The payment rates are okay for the site to be sustainable. Index forum is not a job that you should be expecting to be cashing out every week.
  90. K

    renting of billboard space

    Getting license to operate a billboard is not something that is very easy to get. It is really expensive to operate.
  91. K

    What do you think will be the next form of communication?

    I am feeling that the next medium if communication would be through sensors. But I am scared humans would be more robotic.
  92. K

    Which is the best laptop brand in your country?

    HP laptops are just the most popular brands of laptops in my country. They are found everywhere. Dell comes second.
  93. K

    One disadvantage of technology to you

    The only disadvantage of technology to me is that it has really affected my depth if thinking as I depend on technology for logical solutions.
  94. K

    Have ever used the portable WiFi gadgets?

    We only use the portable mifi when we want to upload very large musical files online after production.
  95. K

    Does government control the media in your country?

    I think the biggest media houses are all owned by politicians in my country. In fact, a news channel in my country that can easily be ranked into top 3 in that niche is owned by the president.
  96. K

    Your location can also affect your price

    There is no doubt that it you operate in a big city, the pricing would not be the same as operating in a rural setting.
  97. K

    Qualities of a wife material

    Is it that drop dead gorgeous women that are also intelligent are very hard to find? I believe I would find. Can't settle for something less. And she must also be good in za oza room. Very important.
  98. K

    Why Freelancing is Better Than a Regular Job

    I can't do a regular job as it stands but I am currently doing freelancing and it is not affecting me negatively one bit.
  99. K

    Why do new paid writing sites just stop paying?

    As an insider on a paid to post forum, I can relate with what you are saying. Paid to post forums struggle to generate revenue.
  100. K

    From the bizdustry experience, should someone do exchanger business on paid forums?

    You talk like a novice. Ask @uptrendfinancialsignal. He lost over $80 accumulated from exchange business on Bizdustry because it stopped paying. Exchange business on paid to post forums are complete risks if you don't know. Ask @Hate2Wait how his money got stuck on this site for more than 5...
  101. K

    How do you care for your laptop

    I make sure that I shut the laptop down properly to ensure that the operating system is very safe.
  102. K

    Do you make money through writing?

    Most people on paid to post forums can't make money through proper writing because it takes extra skill to write an article that someone would pay you for. I have made good money as a writer.
  103. K

    Why did you resign from your job

    I left a company because I felt that I had outgrown the amount they were offering as renumeration.
  104. K

    Do we need to spend a lot of money to relax?

    If people are creative and open minded, they can always found very cheap or even free ways to get fun and entertainment.
  105. K

    Investing in Popular Businesses

    Most popular kinds of businesses are always oversaturated and putting your money in such businesses doesn't really yield much.
  106. K

    The right number of hours businesses should work per day

    There is no specific number of hours that a business should work. It depends on the operations of the business. There are businesses that work 24 hours all round the clock.
  107. K

    As a skilled person, how would you manage an apprentice that cannot pick up the skill after three years?

    For such an apprentice, it is always better for them to just forget about the trade and look within again to find something that suits them.
  108. K

    Effect of high cost of transportation

    Prices of the things that we used to produce have all tripled because of the high costs of fuel and transportation.
  109. K

    Is it wrong to have one supplier for your business?

    Everything in life has a backup. And businesses must have backup suppliers because there is nothing that is guaranteed.
  110. K

    Bouncing check

    People generally find it much easier to ask that another should lend money to them. When it comes to the time to payback, it is always a problem.
  111. K

    Anyone Using Uphold

    All these unpopular wallets is not what I consider to use. They are always full of some kinds of commas.
  112. K

    Is it wrong to treat people in the same bad way they treated you?

    As far as it is not going to cause any physical harm to the person or it is any criminal act, I treat you the exact same way you treated me. If you snubbed me when I needed your help, sorry, when you need my help, I would snub you.
  113. K

    How much do you take cold water?

    I am a naturally sweaty person. Even in extremely cold weathers, it doesn't take me much to sweat. That's why I always have a preference to drinking cold water.
  114. K

    How much do you keep in your cash box?

    I mostly keep cash that is up to $10 physically so that I can use to meet up any needs that might arise.
  115. K

    Can you get married to someone who smokes?

    I sincerely can't stand a smoker. I think that is the one thing that I really can't stand in my life.
  116. K

    Qualities of a wife material

    A wife material for me must be pretty and intelligent. I need to always see her and wow. Also, I need to have engaging conversations and share ideas with her.
  117. K

    Drug that's always in your house?

    For me, I must have pain killers like paracetamol at home. I also must have flagyl at home incase I experience stomach upsets.
  118. K

    How do you choose your friends?

    For me, anyone that is not going in the same direction or has the same vision with me can't be my friend.
  119. K

    What online business do you find boring?

    All of these are boring. I can't just find myself doing any of those. The interaction on paid to post forums make it interesting for me.
  120. K

    As a business manager, how would you help a new staff settle in?

    An orientation for a new staff is something that would help the new staff understand the organisation and acclimatise very quickly.
  121. K

    What is the number one skill to become a marketer?

    A good business marketer first and foremost needs to be able to know how to identify leads even without speaking to the person.
  122. K

    Best ways to deal failure in business

    Dealing with failure in business involves having to map out strategies to contend the immediate and remote causes of the business failure.
  123. K

    Have you experienced technostress?

    I don't feel techno stress. I actually believe that the smartphones are making me to be more alert rather than lethargic.
  124. K

    Do you miss the time when we used to replace smartphone batteries with ease?

    Nowadays, one needs a technician to be able to remove the battery of smartphones. It is disadvantageous in a situation where a mobile phone falls into water and one needs to remove the battery ASAP.
  125. K

    Are you still being entertained by the radio?

    The only thing that has taken be back to radio is that I am part of a team that has launched an enterprising online radio station.
  126. K

    How do you care for your gadgets

    I make sure that I install all protective accessories for my gadgets. I have a screen guard for my phone and a casing for my laptop to protect it.
  127. K

    is mobile toilet Business lucrative

    As far as events are concern, mobile toilet business would always thrive. It also works for public spaces like markets.
  128. K

    Should companies still invest in employee training and development

    Companies should just give new staff the basic training they need and nothing much more than that. Loyalty is something that is easily traded in this age.
  129. K

    Starting alone vs. starting with a team

    I think that someone should run their business for a while by himself or herself to be grounded before they can think of getting a business team.
  130. K

    Why fall short of your business?

    People should always understand and assess business risks/ challenges before they enter any business. It helps them to know that to expect so that they would not be overwhelmed.
  131. K

    What is your biggest loss?

    I have lost big time on Dogecoin. I bought Doge worth more than $100 and it turned to $40 in just 5 days.
  132. K

    What are the requirement to become an online tutor?

    To be an online tutor, you just need to determine the academic discipline that you are good in. Sharpen up your teaching skills and start applying for teaching positions in that niche online.
  133. K

    New 🚩 Insured Forum Back with resumption of paid posting.

    I am interested in the niche but I don't know how to manage my time to cover that insured forum too. Would come up with something pretty soon.
  134. K

    Do you have a fixed deposits

    I don't yet have a fixed deposit but I am intending to open one soon. I think I need to start locking up some funds for my business.
  135. K

    How do you keep the bank account active?

    I only open a bank account when I have the need for it and would be regularly funding it. I don't open bank accounts for fun.
  136. K

    Healing self naturally

    Inhaling ginger and garlic through boiling water can go a very long way in helping to eliminate respiratory problems.
  137. K

    One witty and sweet Nigerian I met on a forum site 😍

    Don't joke with a Nigerian guy. They are very romantic and would easily sweep every woman off their feet. @Starmix I think that you should give that brother a chance. Distance shouldn't be a challenge.
  138. K

    Is smartphone is necessary in your daily life?

    My smartphone is my mobile office and I don't think it is possible to go for 2 hours without it, not to talk of a single day.
  139. K

    Do You Think Building A House In Life Is Necessary?

    Owning a house gives you some much needed freedom and reduces your expenses on paying for rents.
  140. K

    Is it necessary for the salaries to match with the level of proficiency on the workplace?

    It is necessary as that would ensure that people are adequately rewarded and money is not unduly given to unproductive people.
  141. K

    How to gain a company's trust in handling financial services

    You have to be consistent in aligning to best practices and show clear sign of honesty to establish long term business relationships.
  142. K

    Hoarding Old stocks and selling them as brand new

    I won't criticise this as long as it doesn't cause any inherent danger to the customers. Business is all about making profits.
  143. K

    The ultimate formula for your business success is consistency

    It is easy for people to get bored. But if they have consistency in them, they won't easily be yield to the boredom or challenges.
  144. K

    There is always a backstory to every news report. Do you think so?

    They only tell us the part they want us to hear depending on how they want us to react to it.
  145. K

    Is finance a really broad field?

    Finance is broad as it encompasses different levels and types of finances. When you are done with personal finances, you enter corporate finances and other areas.
  146. K

    How did you build your financial knowledge?

    For me, I just stumbled into a tape about finances and I started taking financial intelligence seriously. Since then, I have bought several tapes and books on finances.
  147. K

    Do ladies really like men that are assertive and in control?

    I spoke with a married lady and she said that she argues with her husband but she expects him to be in charge and do what is right regardless of her arguments.
  148. K

    How can you encourage one that is grieving

    Sometimes, I don't bother comforting someone who is grieving. I feel allowing them to grieve it out would help them feel better than bottling it in.
  149. K

    Do you consume tobacco or any drugs?

    I don't even do the least thing as alcoholic wines. I don't want anything to mess with my system and predispose me to diseases.
  150. K

    Are you friendly with your Neighbors?

    I don't see any point in not being friendly with my neighbour. I try to live in peace with everyone. I am not close to them but I am friendly with them.
  151. K

    Do you miss online chat rooms?

    I never used to be part of the chat rooms. Seems I started on the internet when these chatrooms has already existed and gone.
  152. K

    Reducing Risks in a New Business

    For business risks that has to do with economic fluctuations, the business person must be an attentive and sensitive person to know when the economic tides are against his business.
  153. K

    When you strongly disagree with your boss, what do you do?

    I would just walk into the office of the boss in his cool time and present my honest views about the situation or proposal hoping that he sees reasons with me.
  154. K

    Cosmetics shop profitable or not?

    If a cosmetics shop gives customers what they want, they would be able to make money and become a big player in no time.
  155. K

    Do you have any experience of teaching online?

    I don't even know any platforms that allows someone to teach online. No experience in that regards. I have only taught offline but I believe I can do well teaching online.
  156. K

    What Are Beginner-Friendly Online Money-Making Methods

    I think what would determine the easy to do tasks for online earning is the skillset of a person. I know if someone that despises paid to post forums as a beginner but highly prefers transcription tasks to earn online.
  157. K

    Are you Comfortable accepting PayPal payments?

    It is not convenient for me to use PayPal because I would need the services of an exchanger for it to get to me as fiat.
  158. K

    Is Upgrading an account on a PTP Site profitable?

    The thing is just that the benefits sometimes doesn't have an intrinsic value. But I would say that the upgrade on Discussion Bucks offers real value and is cheap too.
  159. K

    Effect of technology on your business

    Technology has been very significant in my business. It has helped me to sell products and also, it has helped me with more research that has positioned my business properly.
  160. K

    Always get reviews from your customers

    Reviews from your customers are always very important because they let you know what customers feel about the product or service.
  161. K

    Customers always asking for a decrease

    If it is possible for me to reduce the price, I would reduce it. But if it is not, I won't bother reducing it.
  162. K

    When was the last time you went for an outing?

    I went out on a movie date yesterday evening with my new girlfriend. It was really a memorable moment.
  163. K

    Do you like wearing all black outfit?

    I don't like to wear an all black outfit. Black generally depicts morning in my culture. Wearing black, I have to mix it with some other colours.
  164. K

    Is there anything like unconditional love?

    I am not about any unconditional love. I must see what I would benefit from you before I love you. Can't be wasting my love on unconditional love.
  165. K

    Is abstinence really possible for someone that is 20+ of age ?

    I really can't abstain from two weeks. I am an adult. By right, I am supposed to have a wife but because of finances, I don't. But don't expect me to stay for too long without action.
  166. K

    Are really afraid of driving on a busy traffic road?

    I used to be scared of driving knia busy road when I started with driving but not anymore. I can navigate any time road, no matter how busy it might be.
  167. K

    Are you patient enough to make money online?

    I have learned how to wait to get paid by working on paid to post forums. It has really taught me to take things easily if I don't want to crash in my earnings journey.
  168. K

    How do you treat first time customers?

    The goal when attending to a first time customer is to retain him or her. I make sure that I speak nicely with him or her and give a very warm and friendly welcome.
  169. K

    How has the internet impacted you personally?

    The internet has helped me to make sales and expand my business beyond geographical borders and boundaries to places that it would never have reached.
  170. K

    Does Facebook need a dislike button?

    There are certain things that we see on Facebook and we really want to dislike them. It truly needs a dislike button.
  171. K

    CoinGecko Vs CoinMarketCap

    I use Binance to study the crypto market. They give live updates of token prices. I don't have to go to a special site to monitor crypto prices.
  172. K

    Do you use to follow any sports while at school?

    I was a soccer player in school. Played in the school team both for high school and college as a right winger. Can't forget my days of sprinting the lines to the admiration of all, especially the female cheerleaders.
  173. K

    Would you like to work like a tutor?

    I have worked as a tutor. It can be very fun but very demanding. You would have to put in lots of efforts in yourself to be able to deliver. Tutors earn very low though.
  174. K

    Do you find it easy to move on after a break up?

    My ex girlfriend broke up with me on Sunday around 9pm. And before 10pm, I had a new girlfriend that I picked up from the same street that my ex broke up with me at. My ex called Monday morning to see if we can work things out. Told her I have moved on. I and new girl are going at it bit by bit.
  175. K

    Opinion on babies ears being pierced while they are still months old?

    My niece's ear was pierced when she was barely 2 days old. As people grow older, physical incision become more painful to bear.
  176. K

    How well do you talk?

    I don't need up to 10 minutes to start creating jokes even when I am in a place with strangers. That's how I make lots of friends.
  177. K

    Cut toxic people out of your life

    Toxic people being around you would influence your life and make it miserable. They would always want you to wallow in toxicity with them and that would damage your mental health.
  178. K

    Sometimes sorrow and pain are caused by an ordinary lack of love

    No one actually lacks love. Just that we always tend to seek love from an external source. Loving ourselves is sufficient love.
  179. K

    Be the best friends of your kids

    It is something that I had always wanted to do. For every girl child that I would have, I would be their first boyfriends. And for every son that I would have, I would be his first buddy playing video games together.
  180. K

    Biggest mistake in financing

    One of the financial mistakes that was embedded into our sub conscious is the idea of jobs. That has created so many people that can't think beyond a job.
  181. K

    Do you find the purchase of the new clothing very expensive?

    Adding to your wardrobe is quite something very expensive nowadays. I just got a fabric to make a vintage shirt and I spent almost $15 on just one shirt.
  182. K

    Is it right to get a loan for your wedding?

    It is one of the most stupid things that I have heard. Why would someone use loan money to marry? It doesn't make sense. You are starting the marriage on a financial back foot.
  183. K

    Do you prefer the plastic or the wooden chairs?

    I use banquet seats made of wood. Plastic seats tend to break quite easily compared to wooden seats.
  184. K

    Do you Prefer Local Smartphone Brands or Best International brands?

    We don't have a local smartphone brand in my country. I am currently using a Xiaomi smartphone. I love the brand.
  185. K

    What is Google pay?

    Most Americans are using Google Pay and Apple Pay for their everyday transactions. It is a very convenient way of making payments but not yet available globally.
  186. K

    THE BATTLE OF AI; Google have start rolling out its AI called Bard

    Bard has evolved to Gemini ans and I have to say that it is super impressive and giving open ai and chat GPT a run for their money.
  187. K

    What payment processor do you use the most?

    The payment processor that I use the most is crypto. I have Binance that I use to get my crypto payments.
  188. K

    How much is your Internet subscription and how much do you make from it?

    On average, I spend about $5 on internet subscription monthly and I make nothing less than $50 from it working online.
  189. K

    What are they must have apps on a phone

    Sometimes, I just scan my phone looking for apps to uninstall. I have majorly financial apps and writing tools on my phone. Must have apps depend on who owns and uses a particular mobile device.
  190. K

    Have you ever forgotten to switch off your mobile data for the whole night?

    I always intentionally leave mobile data on with my Mobile all through the night. I don't have any challenge with that because I always like my apps to auto update.
  191. K

    There is always a backstory to every news report. Do you think so?

    I know of media outlets that just render unedited news as it happened. There are not many. Most media houses are sentimental in their reportage.
  192. K

    Is it okay to argue with your boss?

    Argue? No. Constructively disagree? Yes. When you argue with your boss, it can easily be interpreted as contempt.
  193. K

    Losing control of the finances in business is a disaster

    Every business persist should have the financials of his or her business on the fingertips. That is to say he or she studies the financials of the business everyday.
  194. K

    Deals that cam be used to maintain customers

    When implementing all these deals, be sure that you have creatively weighed the pros and cons. Be convinced that it won't lead to extreme losses.
  195. K

    What do you think might be the reasons for your business failure?

    If you put in all efforts and a business fails, shut down the business for some tome and embark on a training because knowledge is lacking in that business.
  196. K

    Are you Good at Photoshop?

    Photoshop is a professional photo editing service. You can't be good at it without undergoing a sort of training. That's the thing with professional software.
  197. K

    How do you feel when your debtor dies?

    What would you feel apart from pity for the person that just died. You should feel agony for the family of the person. How much is $1000 compared to the life of someone?
  198. K

    How to deal with frustrating situations

    I have always encountered situations that are highly frustrating. Sometimes, it can be resolved immediately with some efforts while sometimes, it can't. What I do at all times though is to give myself rest.
  199. K

    Peace of mind or money

    I can't compromise my sanity for any amount of money. It is possible though to make good money without losing your sanity and that is what I am going for.
  200. K

    Do you have ulcer?

    I don't have ulcers. For some reasons, some of these common health conditions are something that I don't have at all.