Recent content by nomad

AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum
  1. nomad

    Dream Superpowers

    I sometimes fly in my dream, so I guess I act like superman in my dreams. I fly whenever I am in trouble.
  2. nomad

    Knowing about eBooks

    I buy ebooks from Amazon. I like ebooks because they will be delievered instantly. I have also published a lot of ebooks
  3. nomad

    Attention in Class

    The child will pay attention in the class only when he is interested in the subject or if the tutor gives the lesson in an interesting way.
  4. nomad

    Bad Habits

    Well, I would not call it a habit but more of an emotional issue. I would really like to conquer my temper and manage my anger
  5. nomad

    Private Tuitions

    It is not necessary unless the student is very poor in certain subjects and cannot grasp the subject in the school
  6. nomad

    Which do you prefer trade or cash discount

    I like cash discounts as I benefit immediately. Trade option makes me spend more money to get the benefit which does not look good
  7. nomad

    Buying old farm tools to save money

    Are you sure old farm tools will actually work. When there is wear and tear in your farm tools, how can you use them easily
  8. nomad

    Will PayPal Work If You use It While Travelling Abroad?

    If it is verified paypal, there will be no problem. Chage of IP will certainly trigger your paypal and they might ask to provide document, which is not a big deal
  9. nomad

    Thinking about you thrilled me

    If you are in love with someone, you can be thrilled just by the memory of the person. But sadly when we become mature we rationalize a lot of things and we might not feel the same thing
  10. nomad

    Thinking about thinking

    Thinking about thinking? That's a nice term you have coined up. I like the way you think about your thought process
  11. nomad

    Love cold as ice

    That is a nice piece of writing. Love can be as cold as ice or as hot as fire. If it is icy cold, heat it up, if it is hot, douse with ice.
  12. nomad

    What's the one thing you want improvement in your country

    I want to improve education in the country. Currently, out education system is just producing clerks, it is not producing intellectuals
  13. nomad

    How can you rate the government in your country

    I would rate negatively. It would be perhaps minus 100. The government despite being elected by people is very corrupt
  14. nomad

    Chasing the rain

    When I was in my teens I liked to have tryst with rain, rain was love of my life and I wanted to hug the rain tight.
  15. nomad

    Relaxing mood

    I am also in a happy mood today. My mother just video called me and we had a niche chit chat. A little while ago, I took my kids to a restuarant and we had fun
  16. nomad

    The earth going to be ended with fire

    Earth could be destroyed by fire, whether it is a nuclear bomb or an asteroid hits earth, in both case there will be fire on earth
  17. nomad

    Surprised with flowers

    Well, I have given flowers but never received flowers. In our culture, it is not very common for women to give flowers to their men.
  18. nomad

    Mantra for Success

    There is no definate mantra for success, even if there was such thing as mantra fore success, I do not think it would work for everyone
  19. nomad

    Have you ever been bullied?

    I have never been bullied, either in school or in college. I am not a kind of person who is easily intimidated and can be bullied.
  20. nomad

    Master card or Visa card?

    In our country Visa is more popular, most banks and financial institutions use Visa card. I also use Visa card
  21. nomad

    Using cashback sites to save money

    Sadly, most of these cash back sites serve only to the people from tier one countries. I use local apps for cash backs
  22. nomad

    Working In a different country

    I work with clients fro various countries but I have never been to another country to work. When I was in my teens I wanted to do that
  23. nomad

    Can we all make money and be rich?

    In theory, we all can make money and become rich but in a practical point of view, only few of us have actual capacity to become rich
  24. nomad

    Do you just buy discounted products

    I like to buy discounted products but I will buy those things only when I actually need them. I am very strict on what I buy
  25. nomad

    Saving on food

    One of the best ways to save on food is by eating just one type of food at a time instead of cooking multiple dishes.
  26. nomad

    Out of all your family members, who are you closest to?

    That would be my spouse. :D But if I can refer to someone else, that would be my elder sister. I can confide anything with her
  27. nomad

    Intermittent fasting

    I practice Intermittent fasting. This is the best way to reduce your body weight because it will basically create calorie deficit in your body
  28. nomad

    Do you like Facebook and what is the thing you like about it?

    I like facebook becuse I can not only connect with friends and family but also with clients and associates, the best part I can even promote my business
  29. nomad

    Should asking for nudes be a criminal offence?

    I do not think this should be a criminal offence unless someone forces someone to do it and uses pictures to blackmail the person
  30. nomad

    App for daily news

    I do not use any apps particular for news. I have liked multiple news company on facebook, I follow news media on Twitter and also on youtube.
  31. nomad

    Do You have a Slow cooker?

    I do not have a proper slow cooker that we can see in the market but I have a pot that was bought by my grandfather, and I use it as a slow cooker.
  32. nomad

    When were you last time at music festival?

    I do not remember, it was a long time ago, very long time ago. When I was in my teens, I used to go to music festivals frequently
  33. nomad

    Do you prefer the Fitness Gadgets?

    I have never used fitness gadgets but I think they are kind of cool because you can learn a lot of things about your body and also activities
  34. nomad

    Do you know Urdu?

    Urdu seems similar to Hindi, I can understand Hindi well, so I can also understand Urdu, except for some typical words of course.
  35. nomad

    In Italy, probable ban on smoking even outdoors

    In my home country nepal, smoking is already banned in public places. You cannot smoke on the street, parts, bus stands, train stations, etc.
  36. nomad

    Have you repented?

    As the saying goes to err is human, I have made many mistakes and I have also repented, but I am not someone who is locked in repentance.
  37. nomad

    What is the difference in the fees of a government and a private school at your place?

    Government schools, or community schools as they are called here, have zero fees. Private schools charge exorbitant amount of money for tution fees
  38. nomad

    Free Time

    It depends on my mood, I do what my brain tells me to do. Sometimes I like to watch TV shows and sometimes I like to play games, and sometimes I read books
  39. nomad

    Aside money what's motivate you to work?

    Sanity. Working makes me mentally fit, when I work I do not stress out, I have no anxiety issues, and I feel creative and productive
  40. nomad

    I'm so sad today, Devin steps out as DBucks owner 😞

    I have been with Devin on his multiple projects. he creates and sell projects. :D I first new Devin as a owner of a gaming forum. The forum was devoted to Fortnite.
  41. nomad

    Are you aware about Artificial Rain?

    Recently, some middle eastern country use cloud seeding to create artificial rain, it rained so heavily that there were cases of flooding
  42. nomad

    Cereal with or without sugar?

    I do not eat processed cereal, I eat cereal in its natural form like flour or milled grain. I cook and eat with vegetables
  43. nomad

    Do you eat outside on weekends?

    Not on every weekend but I sometimes eat outside during the weekends, it is fun to eat out along with my family.
  44. nomad

    What food would you like to try?

    I would like to try Beijing Duck. It is said that this dish was initially made for Chinese emperor. I have never eaten it and want to try
  45. nomad

    Disconnecting from Technology

    No, I do not see a necessity, you can enjoy everything along with technology. For instance, go on a trek and use navigating device.
  46. nomad

    Working in the morgue for high pay

    I need to enjoy my work, money is a secondary thing. I might try and if I enjoy it I might work in a morgue as well.
  47. nomad

    Do you like wild fruits?

    In my childhood, I used to go to my home town for vacation where there was a forest nearby and we used to go to forest for picking wild beries
  48. nomad

    Do you face any challenges in your work life daily?

    I work from home and my major challenge is distraction. A lot of people tend to believe that I don't go to work so I can always welcome them
  49. nomad

    Why do people gamble?

    I sometimes gamble for fun. As long as you gamble for fun, that is ok but if you gamble to make money, you are in trouble
  50. nomad

    Save money by stopping expensive lifestyle

    If you can afford and if you already have assets, there is no issue with shopping expensive but if that is not the case, you should stop
  51. nomad

    Dealing with depression

    I never have had depression but my father had depression and he managed his depression through alternative healing method, along with medication
  52. nomad

    Online learning vs traditional method of learning

    Traditional learning is better because you can have real interaction but if that is not possible online learning can also be good for you
  53. nomad


    I sometimes wash with my hands, especially my underwear after showering up. I mostly machine wash my clothes
  54. nomad

    Beach or Mountain What attracts you most?

    We don't have beach but we have mountains. I found mountains very fascinating. Last time I was in a beach, I really enjoyed it
  55. nomad

    You most difficult expression

    I have experienced a lot of difficulties in my life and the worst one was I was stranded in a new city without a penny in my pocket
  56. nomad

    How do you deal with body ache

    I will try to go to the root of the problem, and deal with it accordingly. If it is because of inflamatory foods I am eating, I will stop eating those food
  57. nomad

    Is breakfast the most important meal of the day?

    No, your body does not need breakfast. If you do not believe me go and check modern studies that say your body is already full of energy when you wake up
  58. nomad

    Did you do a genotype test with your partner/ spouse?

    Can anyone tell me what exactly is a genotype test? I did not do any kind of test but I think HIV tests should be mandatory.
  59. nomad

    Do you know any haunted places in your country?

    I have heard of a couple of haunted places in my home country but I have not been there and I am not sure if these are just a rumors or actually true
  60. nomad

    Do you have a Generator at home?

    I do not have a generator at home but we have solar power supply and we use it when there is a power cut.
  61. nomad

    Sharing an office with a colleague

    In my last job, I used to share my office space with colleague, I did not like it but I did not have an option to say no
  62. nomad

    How do you consider a failure in your life?

    Let's come to the realistic term, if you are failure, you do not have peace of mind, you do not have friends and family around you, you are dead without being dead
  63. nomad

    Do you prefer to live in the city or in the countryside?

    I live in a city but I have plans to move to the country side after I am ready to retire. Countryside living is so peaceful
  64. nomad

    Do you have the access to the electricity power supply?

    WE have electricity even in our farm in a remote village. Most of the villages in our country is connected to the national power grid.
  65. nomad

    What is something satisfying to see hear feel or smell taste?

    I like the smell of first rain on the soil (after the end of the dry season), I like the sound of raid hitting plants. I like the sight of mighty himalayas
  66. nomad

    I'm so relaxed, I consider folding laundry a form of artistic expression

    I believe any household work can be a way to express your artistic side, even the simple activities like folding clothes or ironing clothes
  67. nomad

    Opinion on babies ears being pierced while they are still months old?

    This looks very bad but I am raised in a culture where babies ears are pierced when they are as young as 6 months.
  68. nomad

    Bungee jumping or skydiving?

    I have never done sky diving and I want to try this once in a life. I have done bungee and I don't think I would do it again, I was scared
  69. nomad

    Do you like lemonade in winters?

    Well, I can drink lemonade all through the year, I like it very much. However, instead of sugar I like to use honey on my lemonade
  70. nomad

    Do you like Curd rice?

    I have eaten curd rice, I don't find the taste distasteful but I would say I am a fan of curd rice, I like vegetable rice more.
  71. nomad

    Do you like Green and Black pepper in your dishes?

    I know black pepper, white pepper, Schiwan pepper but what exactly is green pepper, never heard of something called green pepper
  72. nomad

    Do you use to follow any sports while at school?

    When I was in school I used to play football (soccer), however, when I left school, I also stopped playing football. I don't play any sports these days
  73. nomad

    Would you like to be a TV anchor?

    I never though about becoming a TV anchor, I was never interested in a job like this one. But sometimes I though about becoming a program producer.
  74. nomad

    Any green tea fan

    I sometimes drink green tea but I am not a fan of green tea, I sometimes drink orthodox tea but I mostly drink CTC tea
  75. nomad

    Do you like to learn cooking from cookery shows, cooking Magazines etc?

    Well, I don't learn from cooking shows or magazines, however, I like to follow recipes form youtube. I watch youtube cooking videos frequently
  76. nomad

    What motivates you to work hard?

    Money is a great motivation factor for me, I work because working allows me to make money. When I make money I can buy comfort as well as help people
  77. nomad

    Are you friendly with Your Colleagues?

    I always had good terms with my colleagues, however, I was never too friendly with them. Out of workplace, I never met them
  78. nomad

    Do you have good colleagues?

    I do not work in an organization, so I do not have colleagues, however, when I was working in an organization in the past, I had a good relationship with co workers
  79. nomad

    Do you prefer to buy clothes offline or online?

    It depends. When I see a good clothes online and if I need it, I will buy online, and sometimes I just like to walk into the shops
  80. nomad

    How are you maintaining the peace you have in your life?

    If you can be satisfied with what you have and if you can forgive people, you can have peace. I try to live in the present to find peace in life.
  81. nomad

    Which is your favourite fruit?

    I like grapes, easy to eat, no peeling needed, there are no seeds to throw. After grapes, I like lychee, I like sweet and sour taste.
  82. nomad it makes you feel

    When I was a kid and when I did not know what a rainbow was, I was super excited to see rainbow. ever since I knew what it was, my excitement vanished
  83. nomad

    Do you really like swimming?

    I like playing in water, I like swimming in sallow river but I do not have a proper swimming skills, I never learned how to swim
  84. nomad

    How do you save monthly?

    These days I am mostly saving money in crypto currencies. In the pact I used to save in fiat currency but fiat currency is prone to inflation.
  85. nomad

    What do you think about self medication

    Self medication is bad but I think over the counter pills for things like headaches, fever, etc. can be perfectly fine as long as your symptoms are contained.
  86. nomad

    How do you develop your mental abilities

    You need to do mental exercise to develop your mental abilities. You also need to study and to build your mental abilities
  87. nomad

    What is your most concern when traveling to another country?

    My major concern is language barrier, a new place means a new language and if you cannot understand their tongue, it can cause a lot of issues
  88. nomad

    How often do you use your dining table?

    When there are family gatherings we chat in dining table more than the living room. In my daily life, I sit only my dining table twice.
  89. nomad

    How to spend time traveling long hours in bus or train?

    I do not have any problems with long distance bus or train travel, I listen to music, watch movies or just go back to sleep
  90. nomad

    Why are people interested in history?

    Knowing your history means knowing your roots. Knowing your roots means knowing you you are where you come from. That's why people are interested in history
  91. nomad

    Living in the same place

    I have moved places frequently, with parents when I was a child and with my spouse and kids later in the life for better opportunities
  92. nomad

    If you are rich like Elon Musk; What will do with your billions?

    I really feel bad about how someone can have so much money and some people do not have money. if I were rich, I would help poor people
  93. nomad

    How do you maintain friendship with your friends?

    I gather with my friends for friendly gathering, we have fun with old talks., sometimes we go on a campaign, in fact we do a lot of things
  94. nomad

    When you disagree strongly with your boss, what do you do?

    I strongly disagreed with my boss once and he threatened me to fire. Before he could actually fire me, I resigned.
  95. nomad

    What do you do for relaxation?

    I do a lot of things for relaxation and what I choose depends on my mood. For instance, sometimes I like to go on a walk and sometimes I like to sleep and relax
  96. nomad

    Wish you had more of?

    I wish I had more money, with more money, anything can be achievable, I can even get more time with money because I can employ people to do my work and have free time for other things
  97. nomad

    Shifting careers

    I have never shifted my careers, I started as a writer and I still make money as a writer, but along with writing I also do other things
  98. nomad

    Things that are bad

    never feel lonely because I have a lot of activities that can occupy myself. If I do not want to occupy with physical activities, I do mental activities
  99. nomad

    Social media sites

    If you can verify the source before consuming the content and if you do not take it too serious, I think you can rely on social sites
  100. nomad

    Favourite toy when you where young?

    I had a tricycle and I love it very much. I also had a toy camera and I used to take pictures of all people I saw around me
  101. nomad

    Why Are Women Easily Trapped in Credit Card Debt?

    Most women I know are fond of shopping, they buy things that they don't even use, that's why they end up in credit card debt.
  102. nomad

    The death sentence

    I am against death punishment, I think for grave crime life sentence is worse punishment than death sentence. Let the criminal repent
  103. nomad

    What your take on ghosts?

    I have not seen them for real, I have never experienced presence of ghosts but I believe ghosts are real, they do exist
  104. nomad


    I don't think anyone shops for holidays 6 months in advance. However, it is more common to shop at least one month in advance.
  105. nomad

    One Mistake we do Right

    In this age, I am not sure if we actually love someone truly. But we could of course love something truly, for instance a lot of us truly love money
  106. nomad

    Traditional attire

    I like traditional attire but I don't wear them too often because our traditional attire is not very comfortable. It is only good for cultural functions
  107. nomad

    What do you make with sour milk

    We make cottage cheese with sour milk, once we make cottage we make a curry out of it by adding peas and potatoes.
  108. nomad


    The best way to deal with flies is to use mesh on your doors and windows. If they someone get inside, use flies trappers.
  109. nomad

    Favourite picture of your baby album

    My most beloved photo from my baby album is the one where I am sitting on my mother's lap. My mom is so beautiful and I am so innocent
  110. nomad

    Psychic reading

    I have never visited psychic but many years ago I was interested in psychic reading and I tried learning it but could not do it
  111. nomad

    Breast Surgery

    For some people how they look is very important for boosting self confidence, I think they can benefit from this
  112. nomad

    Chewing gum

    I don't date them but I don't like them either. I don't remember when I last used chewing gum. In my teens I used them more
  113. nomad

    Duration of child spacing

    My kids have 5 years of birth spacing, I think you need to keep more than 2 years between the births of your two kids
  114. nomad

    Wealth creation

    The only way I could make a lot of wealth is when my crypto tokens gain value by 1000 percent, which I don't see happening in at least 5 years
  115. nomad

    Do you prefer tomato Ketchup?

    I like tomato ketchup but usually I avoid buying ketchup from stores, I make my own ketchup at home. I make better than the store bought
  116. nomad

    I'm relaxing my mood in this rainy evening

    It is afternoon here, it was raining a little while ago but now it has stopped. I just had my tea and fruits and now I am ready to work
  117. nomad

    Do you take meds for headaches?

    Unless, my headaches are too much excruciating, I do not take any kind of medications to treat my headaches
  118. nomad

    What part of your house do you like the most?

    In my home, I have set one room as my office. I work in this room, I rest in this room, I play video games and watch movies
  119. nomad

    Do you like Butter

    Butter is ok for me but I don't use it too much either in cooking or eating with bread, I use ghee instead, which is clarified butter
  120. nomad

    Lion as pet

    I have not seen any people having lion as pet from real life but I have seen some celebrities keep lion as pet. I do not like wild animals as pets
  121. nomad

    Cure your depression

    If depression is clinical, you cannot cure by yourself, you need medical treatment. For minor conditions, you can treat with social interactions
  122. nomad

    How to overcome gambling addiction

    Stop gambling, and you will be able to quit gambling addition. If this cannot happen find people like you who want to quit and plat for free, without wagering money
  123. nomad

    What percentage should I spend from my earnings?

    Generally speaking, you should not spend more than 50 percent of your total income for your necessities (rent, food, utility bills, etc.)
  124. nomad


    I have many hobbies, I like to watch TV shows and movies, I like to play video games, I like to cook, I like to do gardening.
  125. nomad


    Black coffee is very good, it has a lot of health benefits, including improving liver functions, however, if you are drinking 20 cups of coffee it is certainly dangerous.
  126. nomad

    Whats your native language

    I am from Nepal. There are over 92 languages and dialects in the country. I speak Nepali, which is not only the national language but also my mother tongue.
  127. nomad

    Do you believe that a nation should celebrate its festivals?

    Festivals are cultural identity, festivals define who people are and what the country is. Festivals are celebrated with a lot of fanfare in my home country
  128. nomad

    Where would you pick for a vacation

    The mighty himalayas are my favorite places to go for a vacation. However, it costs a lot of money to go to the Himalayas
  129. nomad

    What colour of clothes do you mostly have?

    I mostly wear dark clothes below my waste and light clothes above my waste. I wear white, light blue, and dark blue and black
  130. nomad

    You need to be foolish while young to grow old wise, how true is this?

    I think you need to omit the word need. Generally speaking, we all are foolish when young and become wise when we grow old
  131. nomad

    Do you Like to Try new dishes and food from different countries?

    Yes, I like to try different dishes form other cultures and countries but the dish should be something edible. I would never try eating things are are not edible in my culture
  132. nomad

    Do you like Bed tea?

    No, I don't. I do not like to eat or drink on my bed. Bed is not a place to eat and drink but to sleep and rest.
  133. nomad

    Do you like to try different types of tea?

    Well, I like to try different types of teas but usually I drink the same type of tea which is tea made by adding spices, milk sugar, milk, regular tea leaves and water
  134. nomad

    Share your ultimate vacation spots abroad

    There are a lot of countries that I would like to visit but if I want to list my number one spot, it would be China. I want to see Imperial Palace
  135. nomad

    Do you go for vacation frequently?

    I do not go for a vacation too frequently. I am a family man and I need a lot of money to go on a vacation.
  136. nomad


    We do not have starbucks here, but we have a coffee chain called Himalayan Java and it is very popular hang out in the city
  137. nomad


    Fruits contain a lot of pesticides and I think you will end up harming your body more than doing good to your body.
  138. nomad

    Why do you take coffee?

    I drink 4-5 cups of coffee every day. After drinking a glass of water in the morning, I make myself a strong coffee and start my day
  139. nomad

    What was your Dinner today?

    It is afternoon and there are hours left for dinner, I will probably have rice with vegetables. I normally eat rice and vegetables for dinner
  140. nomad

    What can be done when a partner doesn't feel attraction any longer for the other partner?

    If you lose attraction, it is very likely that you also lost love. IN a situation like this it is better to separate and go your own ways.
  141. nomad

    Are you afraid of walking in the dark?

    No, I am not. I am not afraid of darkness. But I am extra cautious of walking in the dark in the remote areas for the fear of wild animals
  142. nomad

    Vegetable You Don't Like?

    I like all sorts of vegetables that are locally available, there is nothing that I dislike but if I need to talk about my least favorite vegetables that would be leafy greens
  143. nomad


    I like ice creams but I do not eat ice creams too often because it has a lot of fats and a lot of sugar. I avoid sugary foods
  144. nomad

    What do you eat immediately when extremely hungry?

    I like instant noodle when I am hungry and need food immediately. It only needs 2 minutes, all I need is to add boiling water
  145. nomad

    Do you sew clothes with hand needle?

    I know how to hand sew clothes, I am not very expert but sometimes when my clothes are torn from stitched places, I sew with needle.
  146. nomad


    I don't know how to swim, I never learned how to swim. In fact I have not even been inside a swimming pool. However, I enjoy playing in water
  147. nomad

    Do you like scrambled eggs?

    I like scrambled eggs more than boiled eggs or omelette. When I need to fix a quick meal I always go for scrambled eggs
  148. nomad

    Are you Allergic to anything?

    I am allergic to dust and pollen. I start sneezing as soon as I am exposed to pollen and dust. However, I have never sought for treatment.
  149. nomad

    Impacts of online earnings on you

    I have been making full time income for many years, while I do not earn a lot of money but I manage to pay my bills every month
  150. nomad

    Where are you planning your next vacation?

    I have been planning to go for a long trek in the Himalayas for a long time but I have not been able to do so for a long time for shortage of money.
  151. nomad

    Do you like Grocery Shopping online or From Stores?

    I like to go for grocery shopping, I do not do online shopping for grocery. When I am buying grocery I need to check each item I buy manually
  152. nomad

    Do you like to add milk in tea or coffee?

    I don't like to add milk to my coffee, I like black coffee. However, when I am drinking tea, I like to add milk. I rarely drink black tea.
  153. nomad

    Are you Punctual?

    I am very punctual, at least I try to be punctual. But sometimes when I am going out with my family, I cannot be punctual because I also need my kids to get ready
  154. nomad

    Are you very good with children?

    I am raising two kids and I believe I am really good with kids, sometimes I do feel annoyed but I think that's a common thing for all of us
  155. nomad

    Do you have a helper at home?

    I am against the idea of employing domestic help. I cannot imagine other people doing my chores. This is disrespectful.
  156. nomad

    Love or career?

    If you have a career you can always find love, however, if you do not have a career you can never find love.
  157. nomad

    Do you enjoy banana bread?

    I have never eaten banana bread, but here in our country, we have a dish that resembles doughnut and is made my adding banana to the batter
  158. nomad


    I do not like to make big purchases, I like to buy in small quantity because when I buy small I can use remaining cash for other purposes
  159. nomad

    What type of games you play to feel relaxed?

    I play video games for relaxation, normally I like to play racing games. I also play sandbox games and strategy and RPG as well.
  160. nomad

    Cold water in the morning

    I don't drink cold water, in summer I drink room temperature water and in the winter I drink warm water. I start my day with a glass of water.
  161. nomad

    Searching for online employment

    Freelance sites like Upwork and remote job sites like remoworker are the best places to find online employments. These are just a few names
  162. nomad

    What time do you usually go to bed?

    My bed time frequently changes but these days I try to go to bed between 10 and 11, so that I can wake up between 4 and 5 in the morning
  163. nomad

    Does the government on your country offer relief food to the needy?

    Government does not offer food relief during normal times but whenever people are victims of natural disasters, government distributed food
  164. nomad

    Corporal punishment

    I am against corporal punishment, no matter how big is the crime human beings should never executed. They need to put behind bars so that they can repent.
  165. nomad


    I do not like in a place where it snows, however, I have visited snowing places a couple of time and I really like snowing, it is fun
  166. nomad

    Chicken Cuts

    For me the best part of chicken is chicken legs. I can can grill it, roast it, or even add in the biryani. I also like wings
  167. nomad


    I do not like to get tanned, I have fair skin and I do not want to get a darker shade. I use sun screes so that I can stop my skin from tanning
  168. nomad

    Why house helps are becoming scarce.

    People do not like to work as a house help, they prefer to work as a laborer in the factory instead of cleaning for rich people
  169. nomad

    How do you like your catfish?

    I like fish and chips, I like my fish to be grilled and served with green salad. I like fish more than chicken or even lamb.
  170. nomad

    Brands and labels

    When I buy something that I want to last for many years, a TV, a laptop, a fridge, etc. I will always buy form a brand, I do not buy brand for things that I don't use for a log time
  171. nomad

    Present and future

    The future never arrives, we cannot stay in the past, we live in the present and we need to make our present better for a quality life
  172. nomad

    Which is better walking or jogging

    I think walking is better than jogging because you do not have to strain your leg muscles yet you can get enough exercise for health and fitness
  173. nomad

    What make your day a good one

    A good day for me is when I get new orders for products and services, my pending payment clears and I do not have any kind of distractions
  174. nomad

    Is money the not important thing?

    Money is very important, the more money you have, the better life you will have. Having a lot of money also means you are happy.
  175. nomad

    Do you like Mixed fruit juice?

    Well, I do not like mixed fruit juice. I do not like to drink juice where you put pretty almost all fruits. I like apple and organce juice but I don't like it when you mix them both
  176. nomad

    Keeping money in house

    You should never keep money on your house, you should always keep money in the bank account. If you keep in your house, keep it in a safety locker and insure your assets.
  177. nomad

    Why did you choose your username?

    In my teenage days, I dreamed of living a nomadic life. I could not live like a nomad but I decided to use nomad as my screen name accorss multiple sites
  178. nomad

    Have you ever had a disappointed blind date?

    Well, I have never been on a blind date, let along being disappointed in a blind date. When I was in my teens I wanted to go on a blind date but it never occured.
  179. nomad

    What do you like thinking about mostly?

    I am workaholic and I mostly think about my work. I usually have have a lot to do list so I don't get time to brood over silly things
  180. nomad

    How do you feel when you dont see your online friend on a site for a long time?

    If I am close with the person, I will try to write to the contact address I have (email, messenger, whatsapp, telegram, etc.). I have done this frequently.
  181. nomad

    Do you own a Fruit Juicer?

    Well, I do not have a fruit juicer. I used to have a manual juice pressure but since it broke I have not bought another juicer.
  182. nomad

    Would you give up your turn for an elderly person?

    I will certainly give up my turn for elderly person, disabled person, pregnant woman. I like helping people who are less privileged.
  183. nomad


    I have never received professional manicure and pedicure, however, I frequently trim my nails myself. Once in a while I ask my spouse to trim my nails.
  184. nomad

    Do you believe that we have too little privacy when we communicate online?

    That's true. If you are too much concerned about privacy, you should never communicate online, no matter how you interact, big tech companies will always track you
  185. nomad

    How many Twitter followers do you have?

    I have over a dozen Twitter accounts and some of my Twitter accounts have as many as 20 thousand followers. However, my personal account has just 1000 followers
  186. nomad

    Roasted peanuts

    I like roasted peanuts, I also like peanut butter but I avoid buying packaged roasted peanuts and bottled peanut butter because of high sodium or sugar
  187. nomad

    Drops make an ocean

    I earn a dollar here a dollar there. I have been doing this for many years. That's how I managed to earn enough as an online worker.
  188. nomad

    3 websites forever!

    That will be Google, youtube and my own website. If I have these websites I can get pretty everything, form knowledge, entertainment, information, and even make money
  189. nomad

    Garbage Management

    We manage our organic waste by tossing them in our compost pit or in the bio gas plant. That's in our farm house. In the city, we just send to garbage truck
  190. nomad

    Where is always your favourite spot when you visit a park

    I don't always visit the same park, even when I visit the same park I don't always sit on the same place, I will get the one that is available.
  191. nomad

    Do you prefer the herbal remedies or the medical advice from doctors?

    I will go after herbal remedies first and if the problem persist even after a couple of days, I will seek advice form a doctor.
  192. nomad

    Do you plant trees?

    I have planted many trees in my life. The first time I planted a tree was when I was an eighth grader. The tree still bears mango fruits for us.
  193. nomad

    Do you like eating grilled fish?

    I like fish more than chicken or lamp. I like all sorts of fish dish but my favorite one is grilled fish. I like eating grilled fish with salad.
  194. nomad

    Do you like to make Ice cream at home?

    I like to make ice creams at home. The best thing is I can use pure dairy product and just right amount of sugar.
  195. nomad

    Have you ever ruined two people’s relationship?

    No, never. I would never do such thing, even if the woman was someone I had crush on. I cannot destroy people's relationship for my self pleasure
  196. nomad

    Do you prefer to live with a Joint family or Nuclear family?

    I like joint family but I don't live in a joint family because in joint family it is very common to have family conflict, if you have nuclear family, you will be closer to your family
  197. nomad

    How many hours do you spend daily to earn online?

    I spend about 10 hours daily online. I am working online full time, so I have to spend a lot of hours online, I work as a blogger and freelance writer.
  198. nomad

    Mango curry

    Never heard of mango curry. We make variety of mango dishes like pickles, jams, jelly, edible mango leather, etc. My mother is very good at making these dishes
  199. nomad

    Do you like to play with Kids?

    I enjoy kids company, however, I was not always like this, about 10-12 years I disliked kids, I even hated them for being noisy. But then my sister had a baby and everything changed.
  200. nomad

    Can you intervene people’s relationship?

    I don't meddle in someone else's relationship, unless I am called for help, I do not intervene in people's relationship. I mind my own business