Recent content by Stardom22

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  1. S

    how much online money you earned so far?

    For sure l have earned quite some money for my online tasks. Though yet to make some calculations but l have earned some money.
  2. S

    which forum is better to earn Rif or trendri?

    I can say that for now the is the highest earning on the paid to post forums across the web.
  3. S

    Do you participate on the sports and games on the society?

    In the community there is always sports and competitions ongoing. I am currently very engaged in life issues to have time for that.
  4. S

    Which Sports You are Good at?

    I too have a liking to the basketball. l had been playing the basketball since my elementary school.
  5. S

    Making Money Online: Is It Beginner Friendly?

    The making of money online is never easy. Consistency and hardworking may determine the success in earning online.
  6. S

    Favorite Pastime?

    I like the watching of the drama and comedies for that matter. In most cases l pass my time with the forum posting.
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    Having a million USD to Invest

    I would like to invest in the stock market offline. I have realized that is one of the profitable kind of investments.
  8. S

    Lion as pet

    As a matter of fact l can't afford to keep the lions as pets in my household.
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    Using Photoshop to Make Money

    For me l had known the Photoshop as the great tool for the graphic and designing venture worldwide.
  10. S

    Is TikTok a Good Way to Earn Money

    I think the tiktok app is a very great way to make online by some content creators.
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    What part of your house do you like the most?

    With regards to the house l really like the living room the most because most of the times l stay in the sitting room.
  12. S

    Do you like Butter

    Of course yes. I really have the liking for butter and more especially the peanut butter.
  13. S

    Food you love now but hated during childhood

    For me l hated the pawpaw fruit when l was a child but it happens to like it for now.
  14. S

    Do you have a fixed schedule to wake up?

    For me l do wake up on random times. I sleep at different times in everyday.
  15. S

    How many languages do you know?

    I had discovered that it's not that easy to learn so many languages in my country as it's always being costly for that matter
  16. S

    Do you have a Rice cooker?

    For me l have never bought such an item in my household. However l am a great fan for the rice and l have thought about that for some time.
  17. S

    What other animals can one farm apart from poultry and cow to make money?

    For me l think that people can practice the rearing of goats, sheep, pigs among others for commercial purposes.
  18. S

    Do you talk much while attending to customers?

    For me l don't talk so much when l serve the customers on my business. I talk softly when attending to them.
  19. S

    Earn Money from TikTok

    For me l am not really interested in the using of the tiktok app for the content creation procedure.
  20. S

    Should companies spy on their employees on social media?

    I don't see any reason whatsoever they should do so. L bet that the social media has no connection with the job life
  21. S

    Ways to Cut Electricity Expenses

    For me l am on the prepaid kind of electricity user. I usually buy the electricity token that l can afford.
  22. S

    Have you ever felt difficulty with getting up from bed in the mornings?

    For me l usually experience that especially during the cold and rainy days in my country.
  23. S

    Does everyone have the right to make noise?

    Like in my country, everyone is entitled to make some complaints accordingly. The freedom for expression for that matter.
  24. S

    What does it mean to work like a horse?

    I think that the working like a horse means to work extremely hard with less rewards.
  25. S

    Because a business is lucrative does not mean everyone we succeed

    For one to succeed in the business venture, they must be very hardworking and diligently on the business.
  26. S

    How much does it cost to Set up a Transportation Business?

    In my country the setting up of businesses is very costly. For the transportation sector the business is likely to be even more capital intensive.
  27. S

    Does transportation affect the cost of living?

    According to me, when the cost of transportation is raised, everything is likely to be hiked and so the cost of living.
  28. S

    Is cost of living relative to average salary?

    According to me the salary is never enough to satisfy the family and my needs at all.
  29. S

    What is the average cost of apartment rentals in your country?

    The cost of the appartment rental in my country is said to have risen by 20% due to the high inflation rates.
  30. S

    Do you actually conduct the medical body check ups after six months?

    For me l have never had anything like that in my life. I rarely go to hospitals for body check ups.
  31. S

    What do you actually do on the birthday's eve?

    I discovered that most people nowadays celebrate their birthdays. In the eve of the birthday one is supposed to be praying so hard.
  32. S

    What do you actually do when you get so tired?

    For me l would go to my laptop and watch the comedy drama to relieve myself for that reason.
  33. S

    Do you actually save money

    What l have seen is that it's currently not easy to save money while there is insufficient supply for the economic resources. 1719636827 Frankly speaking l find it very difficult to save money as l don't have enough everytime.
  34. S

    Do You Actually Save More By Purchasing in Bulk

    I really have great faith in the saving a lot of money with the buying in bulky.
  35. S

    Can you share your online earning experience?

    The online earning journey has not been so easier before l discovered the legit and paying paid to post programs among other gigs.
  36. S

    Best discussion and forum site to earn money

    For me with the look at things l can say that pays so well compared to the other PTPs
  37. S

    How to Ensure That Your Online Store is User-Friendly?

    The online merchants should make sure that the online stores are very simple and easy for everyone to adopt on while using it.
  38. S

    What Are Beginner-Friendly Online Money-Making Methods

    As a matter of fact l can say that the survey offers are so good for beginners.
  39. S

    Are you friendly with your Neighbors?

    I try as much as possible to be so friendly with them because l have realized that most of them are not that friendly.
  40. S

    Can you stay for 24 hours without your phone

    For me leave alone 24 hours, l can't stay for like six hours without touching my phone.
  41. S

    What does it feel when you are not paid on time?

    It feels very sad especially when you are waiting for the money to clear on your pending debts that are in higher pressure.
  42. S

    Do you have any kind of short term loans?

    In a matter of fact that's my very types of loans. Whenever l need one l would take one because of the flexibility in the repayment.
  43. S

    Are you the kind of person that is a one man squad?

    On the matter of fact l am that kind of the person that you are really talking about.
  44. S

    What kind of exercise do you do?

    Frankly speaking l do the riding of the bicycle to and from work a five kilometres away distance.
  45. S

    What kind of movies do you like?

    For me l really like the comedy and kinda of drama for that matter so to speak.
  46. S

    Going to sea to swim

    Finally me l always going to the beach to relax my mind on the sand beaches but l don't like swimming at all.
  47. S

    Do you know how to swim?

    For me l really don't how to swim and l am not interested in that.
  48. S

    How much would you charge an apprentice or an intern that wants to learn your business?

    I think that would depend on multiple factors on your business. Interns don't have much money for me to charge them highly.
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    For me l used to earn so much online in the past. However the earnings have greatly reduced so much for that matter.
  50. S

    How much do you earn daily online across all website?

    For me l do earn like $1 daily across all the earning websites for that matter.
  51. S

    According to you, why should people embrace the family planning?

    Family planning is something that most people should really embrace doing. That's because through it we got to plan for the future.
  52. S

    Do you believe in ghost?

    In a matter of fact, the ghost really exist for that matter. I have seen so many of them.
  53. S

    Do you believe that the internet has made people closer?

    Indeed yes. The internet has really made the world like a small village. It has really made globalisation.
  54. S

    How has the internet impacted you personally?

    Of course yes. I can say that it has impacted my life positively for that matter.
  55. S

    Has your bank account ever been limited with funds inside?

    That's a normal thing for me. I have been oftenly experiencing that as l am a very broke in most of the times.
  56. S

    Have you ever been babtised?

    For sure l am a typical Christian that was baptized and being saved by the blood of Jesus Christ
  57. S

    Have you been given any form of bribe and what was the reason for that?

    I too bribed some people on monetary value to seek for Job opportunities in business companies and organisations.
  58. S

    What was the highest amount of money that hit on your PayPal account at ago?

    Sometimes it's very great to be receiving money in large quantities as it rejuvenates my heart so much.
  59. S

    Making money through website flipping

    That business is very profitable. However that business is a capital intensive and most people don't engage in that
  60. S

    Do you make money through writing?

    I have realized that there are so many opportunities in the writing ventures so to speak.
  61. S

    How do you feel when your debtor dies?

    For sure l can't question the God's plans. So l would accept the losses and move on with life.
  62. S

    How would you feel and react if your teenage daughter gets pregnant out of wedlock?

    For me l would simply take heart and allow her to deliver then l take her to school.
  63. S

    How do you react to manipulators in your life?

    In my country l have really found these kind of people. For me l would just ignore them
  64. S

    How do you react to customers when you are sad?

    For the sake of the provision of the quality services to the customers, l would not open the business during the times that l am very sad.
  65. S

    What's one of your favorite books or movies from childhood and what did you love about it?

    For the books l have really liked the my life in crime by Jack Zollo
  66. S

    What is your favorite way to repay multiple loans?

    For me l would start by repaying back of the smaller loans onwards. I would clear all of them promptly.
  67. S

    Do you think that a businesses always have risk mangaers ?

    Most businesses that l have come across and even work on them they didn't have that.
  68. S

    How can I start a risk free business?

    I think this can be arrived at by brainstorming the most sure and excellent business ideas that could bring in profits no matter what.
  69. S

    Is there risk I having too much money?

    I think for the people that are unable to control money the the having of a lot of it can pose a higher risk to them.
  70. S

    What is your favorite crypto investment platform?

    I have realized that it's very difficult to find any legit and profitable cryptocurrency investment platform for that matter.
  71. S

    Are you Good at staying patient?

    For sure l am not very good at being patient. In fact l hate to wait so much.
  72. S

    Which is the best brand, Realme or Samsung?

    I would too opt to use the realme brand kind of phone. I have realized that the unpopular brands have excellent products too.
  73. S

    Why Should You Avoid HYIP Sites?

    The high yield investments platforms are very likely to be scamming websites. They usually come and go without notice.
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    Should you avoid Coinbase?

    For me l have really bad experience with that but there are some people that they really have no problems with the exchange.
  75. S

    Middle men

    I think it's very difficult to avoid the middle men in our lives. As far as the business is concerned.
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    Do you think men should braid their hairs

    I would not allow that to my sons at all. The braiding of the hair is something that is obligated to the ladies.
  77. S

    Why should we change our socks daily?

    This reminds me of buying some pairs of socks today as l have some shortage of the same.
  78. S

    Should companies spy on their employees on social media?

    I don't see any reason as why they should do so as many people have the freedom of socialisation.
  79. S

    Should companies still invest in employee training and development

    It's very important idea as the companies would enjoy cheaper labour than outsourcing experienced workers.
  80. S

    Do you still wear a watch?

    The last time l remember wearing the wrist watch was when l was gifted one by my girlfriend in 2016.
  81. S

    Have you ever bought a property before?

    For me l can say that l have never bought any property for that matter.
  82. S

    Have you ever saw a ghost up close?

    I think had never experienced that thing before. I heard that most ghost are very dreadiest to look at.
  83. S

    Have you ever late to report to work and what are the reasons for that?

    For me the reporting to work so late is very bad manners in my society.
  84. S

    Reasons to reduce intake of fried foods

    Fried foods contain high amount of cholesterol. The continued using for that would result in the high levels of the higher blood of creation.
  85. S

    How do you save money when on a date

    I think this can be achieved through the buying of the most affordable dating items for that matter.
  86. S

    Anyone Using Uphold

    For me this is not the first time l hear about that platform. I however not interested in that thing so much.
  87. S

    Can a 30 year old person live peacefully with his or her parents?

    For me l wouldn't accept that thing for that matter. A 30 years old person is a very old one to live with their parents.
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    Investing in Your Own Business

    I have realized that when you make good use of the investments in your business, you can can start reading the fruits for the business.
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    Investing in your own business vs investing in stock market

    For me l would rather invest in the stocks. I have realized that running a business in these days is very tough.
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    Investing in Popular Businesses

    That's the goodness of the well known and the renowned businesses for that matter. Investing in such businesses would be more profitable. 1719340289 I have never thought of investing internationally before. The reason being, l run a very small business that l can't reach that far.
  91. S

    What is some popular street food from where you live?

    In my country we have the Chapattis, beans, among some other products for that matter in most cases.
  92. S

    Where would you pick for a vacation

    I would pick the Canada. That's because l have been longing for visiting that country for sure.
  93. S

    Have a pick!

    I am however not interested in that as l am a non alcoholic so to speak.
  94. S

    As a skilled person, how would you manage an apprentice that cannot pick up the skill after three years?

    Six months are more than for the apprentice to have grasped almost everything being involved in the work.
  95. S

    If you could pick up a new skill instantly, what would it be and why does that appeal to you?

    I could go for the web designing and graphics skills. This is would place me in a very good position on my business.
  96. S

    How to kill boredom during business hours

    I think the business owners should work on the increasing of their customers rather than being bored on their businesses.
  97. S

    Don't let envious people kill your dreams

    The Envy is one of the nature of most the people so to speak. Therefore once you discover about them stay away from them.
  98. S

    Which skill you want to learn that will help you in your business?

    I would like to learn the management skills that l think they can help me in the management of the business.
  99. S

    What is the number one skill to become a marketer?

    For me l can say that marketers ought to be very opportunistic for that matter.
  100. S

    How to kill suicidal thoughts

    Suicidal thoughts are very bad as they can cause one to commit suicide anytime for that matter.
  101. S

    Do you use to cry while going to school in childhood?

    For sure yes l can remember everything that happened at that time. So l used to cry a lot.
  102. S

    Is Money Making Your Primary Motive Behind Starting a Website?

    For me almost everything that l do online is all after the money and so is the motive for starting of the websites.
  103. S

    The motive or the gifts?

    For me l go for the motive of the gifts. Mostly the gifts are just items.
  104. S

    What's your motive for going abroad?

    In most cases, you can find better opportunities and greener pastures for that matter. Mostly better life is oftenly found abroad.
  105. S

    Going for events uninvited

    At times it's deemed as bad manners. Though in my society you will have majority of the uninvited people on function
  106. S

    Going for events uninvited

    I am always very cautious about the attendance on only the invited places on occasions.
  107. S

    Do you like to drive a Car or Motor Bike?

    For me l enjoy more on driving the motor bike compared to the car. This is because the motorbike is a little bit faster.
  108. S

    Is marriage becoming scarce?

    I can say so because most youth nowadays don't find the needy for getting into marriages because its being said that it becomes very costly.
  109. S

    Do you think you spend too much time on social media?

    Personally speaking l can say that l don't have time for the social media sites for that matter
  110. S

    Going on a hot balloon ride

    For me l am hearing that for the first time. I have never experienced that thing before nor had l tried out that.
  111. S

    Keep moving

    As an entrepreneur, l am not entitled to despairs so easily. I possess some kind of patience that really helps in embarking with the challenges.
  112. S

    Do you like to learn different languages?

    It fascinates me so much to be speaking in different languages but l can't withstand that costs associated in learning them one by one.
  113. S

    I am so sad this day

    For me l am really getting bored on the Mondays. l have discovered that Mondays are very boring to me.
  114. S

    Do you like Movies with sad ending?

    Surprisingly l find myself liking those kinds of movies and l seem to be concentrating much on them.
  115. S

    One sad moment you can't forget

    One of the saddest moment that l ever experienced was the death of my father and later my mother in my life.
  116. S

    Do you like your mother or your father?

    In a matter of fact l loved my late mother more than the father and that was because my late father was very harsh to me.
  117. S

    How to maintain self care and love in a relationship

    I think that the love for oneself is very vital for that matter. One must love themselves before they can be loved.
  118. S

    Do you love music?

    I can say that l have a natural liking for the music. I rarely like music for that matter.
  119. S

    How do you see people who love to beg all the time?

    It depends on the abilities for the person. For instance the disable people are allowed to beg for that reason.
  120. S

    Perennials or seasonal flowers?

    For me l have the liking to grow the seasonal plants but l really don't know where to get them.
  121. S

    Cut flowers

    This kind of businesses is really thriving especially in my country where the competition for that business is very low.
  122. S

    Are you planting flowers around your home

    Yes l really like the planting of the flowers around my house. They give me the sense of heart relieving stress experience for that matter.
  123. S

    Is home schooling better than the traditional schooling?

    For me l back for the traditional schooling. Home schooling is far away from the normal school routine.
  124. S

    Have you ever tried online dating?

    For me the online dating is something that l don't believe in it and that l can't try that one at all costs
  125. S

    Have you ever tried to do intermittent fasting?

    With that l really believe in. The fasting would work best on the loosing of weights.
  126. S

    Have you ever late to report to work and what are the reasons for that?

    I have realized that most people in the workplace for the previous company that l worked for was the drunkenness
  127. S

    Reasons not to depend on paid to post task online

    While the earning through the posting on the paid to post forums being a great source of online money, there are some shortcomings that comes with it.
  128. S

    Reasons to reduce intake of fried foods

    I am always worrying about that. However, l have realized that it's not that easy to avoid the oily foods in my region.
  129. S

    Reasons for doing part time Jobs

    For instance l would do the part time jobs for the purpose of meeting up with my expenses in my household.
  130. S

    Pressure of marriage

    In my society marriage is a must and one should get children in their marriages so that they can build generations and generations.
  131. S

    What was the main purpose for your marriage?

    According to the bible the woman was created to accompany Adam because he was so lonely.
  132. S

    Moving in with a partner before marriage

    In most cases in my country you will find that most marriages are of this kind of set ups.
  133. S

    What are the similarities that two people must share to have a successful marriage?

    The main similarities that the lovers should be having is being faithfully to one another for the sake of a great relationship.
  134. S

    Reasons you can't be in a polygamous marriage

    For me l can't be in a polygamous marriage because my religion doesn't allow that.
  135. S

    Is marriage becoming scarce?

    The problem with marriages is that one should be well financial stable especially the man to provide and take all the responsibilities for the household.
  136. S

    True Love

    For me l am a beneficial to the true love. I am however happily married with the right partner of my life
  137. S

    What is your favourite fruit to eat in the summer?

    For me l really like the pinanaples during the summer seasons. It's my favourite fruit so to speak.
  138. S

    What is your favourite summer outfit? Why?

    I can say that we are used to the summer weathers as mostly we are in that climate and l can put on anything that gives me the sense of comfortability.
  139. S

    What is your favourite type of holiday?

    I rarely go to holidays. I always face the brokenness and wouldn't be in the position to travelling for holidays.
  140. S

    What is your favourite street food? Why?

    For me it's the potato chips. I prefer taking it with the roasted chicken for that matter.
  141. S

    Payout from Index Forum

    It's very motivating to see all this happening in a paid to post forum like this l too received mine from this site.
  142. S

    How are you contributing to the world

    For me l give whatever l have to the needy and the physical handicapped persons in the society.
  143. S

    How can you improve the sales of the bread on the bakery business?

    I think that the marketing for the products is a very crucial factor in increasing and scaling higher scaling up for the business.
  144. S

    How to Improve Public Speaking to Earn More

    I have realized that good communication skills is among the best tools to have by the entrepreneurs. It's really an added advantage for that matter.
  145. S

    Must I give my contact to every guy?

    I think that depends on the personal choice on that matter. I would however choose to give or not for that matter.
  146. S

    Must you depend fully on your business?

    I think one should not depend on the one kind of business rather than having some side hustles and extra sources of income.
  147. S

    Do you have Semi or Fully Automatic Washing machine?

    For me l don't have any washing machine. I am however not aware of what that entails.
  148. S

    How many cups of Coffee do you drink daily?

    For me l usually take a roughly two cups of coffee on daily basis for that matter.
  149. S

    Ideal Business Type?

    I think that barrister business is very profitable and popular in my country. I heard that it's a very great business abroad.
  150. S

    What is your ideal holiday?

    My Idea holiday is visiting the favourite destinations and have fun with the my family.
  151. S

    How do you deal with distractions in your life?

    I can say that we can't avoid distractions on life. For instance one should be equipped with the emergency funds to deal with distraction in life.
  152. S

    How do you deal with jealousy in a relationship

    For me l can say that the jealousy is very mandatory in the relationships. One should be worried on how they relate with other people.
  153. S

    How to positively deal with discrimination in the workplace

    As the business manager, one should be a team leader that means they should be in a position to unite all the walks of life to fulfill the demands of the company.
  154. S

    How to positively deal with someone trying to take your work or position

    For me, l would work as per my abilities and qualifications according to the way l am competently at.
  155. S

    Is Bizdustry Paying it's Mods?

    For me l am not in a position to attest that because l am not an active member for the Paid to post forum for that matter.
  156. S

    From the bizdustry experience, should someone do exchanger business on paid forums?

    I think one can choose on what to do to earn extra money on the paid to post forums
  157. S

    How do you sell your freelancing services?

    I do the Marketing for that on the social media platforms and so forth for that matter
  158. S

    Why Freelancing is Better Than a Regular Job

    For me l have different perspective on the same that the regular jobs are better than most freelancing sites.
  159. S

    Do you take meds for headaches?

    I usually don't take tablets when experiencing headaches. I would take some black tea to relieve the pains.
  160. S

    What's the most important thing to focus on in your business growth?

    The business couldn't grow without it generating high volume of sales. Therefore the business manager should be focusing on the promotion and marketing for the business.
  161. S

    Is breakfast the most important meal of the day?

    It's indeed very important for me. It's the meal that rejuvenates the body every morning.
  162. S

    Important aspect to look out for when hiring an employee?

    It's the right for the employer to hire competent and qualified employers for that matter.
  163. S

    Hiring paid writers for your site

    For me l have never tried out that one before. I don't own a site that actually needs that.
  164. S

    Hiring Forum Poster

    Is this offer still active, l am indeed interested in this
  165. S

    How do you make sure you avoid the poverty?

    I think by engaging in the business activities or job opportunities so that you can something at the end of the end day.
  166. S

    What do you avoid buying in order to save money?

    I usually avoid the purchasing of the cigarettes, alcohol and everything that seems luxurious to me.
  167. S

    How to avoid errors in the workplace

    By being so accurate in every bit concerning the business operations is the only way to avoid errors for the same.
  168. S

    Buying and Selling Websites

    This is indeed a very great kind of business. The business is very profitable as one decides on the prices for the websites.
  169. S

    Buying and Selling Backlinks

    For me l have never purchased the backlinks before. I am yet to own a website that could make use of the backlinks.
  170. S

    What do prefer between the buying and selling and the production of your products and selling?

    For me l prefer the production of my own products and selling of them for higher profits.
  171. S

    Buying and Selling Guest Posts

    I am hearing about the guest posting jobs on the forums. I have never been engaged on that before.
  172. S

    Legit 👍

    For me l have earned so much on the forumcoin site and l am very active for that
  173. S

    Do you prefer to learn online?

    I have learned so many things online. I found it very conveniently so to speak.
  174. S

    Are you patient enough to make money online?

    Of course yes the online money making requires patience of the highest standard l must say so.
  175. S

    Taking treatment at home or in the hospital?

    This depends on the type of the illness. The serious sicknesses can be dealt with in the hospital while the mild cases can be handed at home.
  176. S

    how are you taking care of your mental health in business

    I have realized that mental health in the business is very crucial factor that affects the business growth.
  177. S

    Health juice for morning walkers

    I too don't prefer the idea of eating some foods that are being sold on the streets as most of them are not prepared in the recommended hygiene
  178. S

    Health benefits of taking quava

    For me l have liking for the fruits so much. It's however beneficial if has such positive health contribution on the body.
  179. S

    Benefits of establishing business in the rural areas

    I can say that in the rural areas, there is potential for the business growth as most businesses are located on towns and major cities.
  180. S

    What Are the Benefits of Long-Term Debt for Your Business?

    For me l try as much as possible to run the businesses with my savings money and avoid the higher interests being charged on loans.
  181. S

    Do you pay your debt fast?

    For sure it is indeed very ideally to clear up your debts on time. This not only gives you a safe credit report but also gives a peace of mind for being debt free
  182. S

    Can Debt Consolidation Actually Improve Your Finance?

    I think it's ideally for one to clear all their pending debts before they can embark on the journey for the financial freedom.
  183. S

    Did you mine Notcoin?

    For me l didn't know about the notcoin. I have heard about it on this forum site
  184. S

    Agree or disagree that first love never dies

    I have realized that the love on the first site is very genuine and great for that matter.
  185. S

    Agree or disagree that in true love, money is irrelevant?

    As far as l am concerned, l know that with the true love money is not a must.
  186. S

    True love can't be bought and sold

    True love only exists between the lovers. For instance when the lovers remain faithful to each other we can call that true love.
  187. S

    Keeping money

    I think almost everyone in my country that has attained the age of 18 years and above have one way or the other earned some money and that they are subjected to save little by little.
  188. S

    Keeping the spark in a long distance relationship

    The long distance relationships is very tricky in management for that. The communication seems to be very important factor on that.
  189. S

    Losing weight reducing calories intake

    Subsequently there are some foods that can boost the loss of the calories on the body.
  190. S

    Losing business money

    Do they sustainability growth in the business the business managers should be very crucial in the money management activities.
  191. S

    Losing control of the finances in business is a disaster

    I agree with you on that. That's because the cash flow is indeed very crucial department on the business
  192. S

    Do you still invest in hyip?

    Investing in this kind of investment platforms is like loosing your money like that. The level of risks is very high.
  193. S

    I never dreamed about success, I worked for it

    I think the human being is governed by the dreams. One should be setting and working towards achieving the dreams for them to live happily in life.
  194. S

    Do you like to party?

    For me l really don't like taking party in parties. That's because l really don't have time for them
  195. S

    The best time for the online working

    I think this time around is still very ideally for the online working activities as the environment is still very conducive.
  196. S

    Losing a customer that owes you money.

    That is a very tough experience any business manager wouldn't like to found themselves in.
  197. S

    Which one do you prefer perfume or deodrant?

    I really dislike the perfumes. I hate the Idea of being identified by a certain scenty
  198. S

    Do you find it easy to move on after a break up?

    It sounds so bad and irritating but as time goes by one forgets and get another lover and life goes on like that.
  199. S

    Do you like an elaborate wedding?

    I am not even a wedding fan. I didn't hold a fancy wedding ceremony. We have had a family wedding.