Recent content by Etini Willie

  1. E

    Having a million USD to Invest

    A million USD would give me a state of the art musical studio. I would invest part of it in a clothing line.
  2. E

    Are you Good at staying patient?

    I am trying to work on my patience threshold. I don't want to easily be losing myself because I was angry.
  3. E


    Chips of any kind are great snacks that people easily grab to munch during long days. It is profitable if you see where to sell it.
  4. E

    Would you blow whistle on a co-staff you caught stealing company products?

    The thing is that if the company runs down, it would affect me too. I would blow the whistle on any staff I see doing that.
  5. E

    Will Start a Business but Afraid of Failure?

    I won't criticise anyone who is scared to fail in business. It is a normal fear. But when you see business failure as just an event, you would rise above it.
  6. E

    The kind of persons who are good in business

    People that are highly creative usually make good business people. Also, people that are very analytical also make do well in business.
  7. E

    How do you control risks on your business?

    The risks that I am exposed to in my business has to do more with damages of equipment. I manage that risk by taking preventive measures to prevent equipment from damage.
  8. E

    Do you ever engage in informal conversations in a business setting?

    A little bit of informality won't kill the business. Being too serious in the workplace can easily breed toxicity.
  9. E

    How to reduce fixed costs of a business

    Fixed costs like rents and machinery don't reduce except you want to scale down the capacity of your business.
  10. E

    What do you feel when getting money by surprise?

    I actually feel very elated when getting surprise cash. I feel lucky that I didn't have to sweat for that particular money.
  11. E

    Which is better Online or offline passive income?

    For online based passive income sources, you can set it up with little money but for offline passive income sources, you need to have good money to set up.
  12. E

    Do you have a health insurance?

    I don't have a health insurance and I am not planning to enroll in anyone soon. I very rarely fall sick. I believe it would be wasted. I might get one as I grow old.
  13. E

    Women taking the lead in business.

    Business was not supposed to be a gender thing. There are so many women who are knowledgeable and gifted in business and are doing excellently well.
  14. E

    Did you mine Notcoin?

    Notcoin really paid a lot of people. It has really been a very long time I had seen a legit airdrop.
  15. E

    How Are Nigerians Dealing With Cryptocurrency?

    I am just certain that these people can't stand against our resolve. People are now using ByBit through a VPN to continue their crypto trading activities.
  16. E

    What is your favorite crypto investment platform?

    I am a loyal user of Binance and KuCoin to stake my crypto. These are the only two platforms that I can trust for staking crypto.
  17. E

    Cut cost by carrying bottle of water around

    People might tend to under rate this method of savings but it adds up to reduce accumulated expenses on water when out.
  18. E

    What's your thought on pre-marital sex? is it a sin?

    As far as I am concerned, there is nothing sinful about having sex within the confines of a mature relationship. Pre marital sex is no sin.
  19. E

    What exactly do you do when money isn't forth coming as expected

    I always allow like a day to pass before I go ahead to remind the person about the payments. I can be patient like that.
  20. E

    How to be outgoing as an introvert

    Introverted people have no business with being outgoing. They always prefer the comfort of themselves. It is only something like business that can make them attempt to be outgoing.
  21. E

    Do you look at brands when buying medicines?

    I always prefer to buy the top brands if drugs. It is only when I am broke that I look at the generic brands.
  22. E

    Brush before or after

    For me, I brush before I eat. That was just how I was trained. But I brush finally at night before I sleep.
  23. E

    Have you ever been betrayed by a friend

    I have been betrayed multiple times by friends and it is always because of money and women that these people sell me out.
  24. E

    Regular customers

    Regular customers make the work of marketing the products and services of a business quite easy. And they can easily give you referrals for your business.
  25. E

    Which is easier to market between a product or service?

    Services are better marketed by testimonials and reviews. But products are best marketed through physical marketing.
  26. E

    Is it profitable to sell personal protective equipment PPE ?

    I think that the general public only needed personal protective equipment during the pandemic. Even nose masks have all disappeared from the market as at now.
  27. E

    What other animals can one farm apart from poultry and cow to make money?

    That's true. But some regions of the world frown at the consumption of pork meat. But it is very profitable in regions that consume it.
  28. E

    Right skills to acquire for animals farming

    For me, I think that the right skills to acquire to farm animals successfully is to have the skills of setting up a strong biosecurity system.
  29. E

    Ths importance of compromise in business.

    Compromise leads to low breakdown if business deals. A company that can't compromise would miss lots of business deals.
  30. E

    Offline passive income

    The best offline passive income source is undoubtedly real estate. That is the only one I can subscribe to. And probably, the renting of items that are in demand.
  31. E

    Drug that's always in your house?

    I always have Sudrex in my house. It is a drug that is used to relieve painful symptoms.
  32. E

    How can kidnapping crime be stopped?

    I think every city should have CCTV cameras that can cover the entire city installed. That way, kidnappers can be tracked.
  33. E

    How Do You Show Someone You Love Them?

    The best way to show someone that you love them is to truly care and show them that too with every word and action.
  34. E

    Place that you want to revisit?

    I have been to Kenya and I would love to visit there again. Lots of bright minds and fun places there.
  35. E

    Never cheat customers in your business

    When you are cheating a customer, remember that for another business, you are also a customer and you won't like it if you are cheated. It is simple ethics.
  36. E

    Drone renting business

    Big events always need drone services. It is a very lucrative side hustle that would put money in your pocket most weekends.
  37. E

    How do you handle trust issues when it comes to online business.

    I mostly work on pay after delivery. And sometimes you, I just take the risks and transact after reading reviews that are genuinely positive.
  38. E

    Do you notify the customers in cases of emergency closing of your business?

    Businesses that I patronize, when they are operating half days or not operating at all, they send emails and SMS to notify customers. It is a perfect thing to do to show customers you care.
  39. E

    Treating a customer as a king concept

    The challenge is that customers now use this concept to abuse and harass business owners and they're expecting to be treated as king.
  40. E

    How to reduce workload for workers

    Cut out processes that you may consider redundant. Let the staff focus on the core job responsibilities. Avoid unnecessary bureaucratic processes that stress staff out.
  41. E

    Is laundry service a lucrative business ?

    I have seen a laundry service start very small and keeps getting bigger till it is a multimillion business on worth.
  42. E

    The job you love or the one that pays well?

    As far as the one that pays well is a kind of job that my capacity can carry, I would always go for it.
  43. E

    How lucrative is mobile old clothes stitching in your country

    The business is major business in Nigeria and it has patronage because they charge cheaper to amend clothes than those that have a shop.
  44. E

    Do you like wearing work uniforms?

    I am indifferent about wearing work uniforms, as far as the uniforms are presentable, I would wear them.
  45. E

    Do you play Crypto Games for Money

    Those games that you play to earn crypto offer very low rates and that is very discouraging. It is for kids.
  46. E

    How much do you earn daily on Referralindexforum?

    The days that I find the chance to be active here, I always earn about 20 cents here. Some days, it is less though.
  47. E

    New 🚩 New contest on TopGold Forum

    I think that I would join this forum later today. I have heard about the forum for a long time now. It is not paid to post though.
  48. E

    Are you a member of forum coin site?

    I am a member of forum coin but I am no longer active on the site. Rates are very low.
  49. E

    Are you a member of the site where you began your online journey?

    I still have an account on the site where this all began. And I still check in once in a while because they keep sending emails.
  50. E

    Can you marry someone who’s too busy?

    I don't see myself being able to marry someone that is too busy. Relationships grow as couples spend more time with each other.
  51. E

    Why business owners looks only experienced worker to hire in their place?

    Having someone that is not experienced handle a task could be very risky. They get assurance with an experienced staff.
  52. E

    Change the plan but not the goal in business

    Unless your goals in business are not realistic before you change it. That's why people need to have a proper understanding of the business to be able to set goals aright.
  53. E

    How do you handle a successful business partnership?

    Handling a business partnership requires that you have excellent capacity to work as a team and carry someone else along.
  54. E

    How do you see the business that deals with the cereals?

    Cereals are popular foodstuff for babies and adults alike. And the business that deals with it is very good.
  55. E

    How to deal with employees who are just playing at workplace?

    The deal breaker for such employees would be when they are not able to turn in their tasks on time. They would go down for it.
  56. E

    Do you consider competency for business jobs?

    I don't do certificates as a basis for employing someone. That era has passed as certificates are very cheap for anyone to own nowadays.
  57. E

    Biggest difference between a business owner amd working for someone

    What shifts when you switch from an employee to owning a business is your mindset. You begin to think more organised and robust.
  58. E

    Some questions every entrepreneur should ask themselves daily.

    All of these questions help an entrepreneur to set goals for his or her business and measure them on a daily.
  59. E

    Do you believe in jungle justice?

    Jungle justice should not be encouraged anywhere. It is something that belongs to the jungle as the name suggests.
  60. E

    Do you believe that a devoted worker is always a good worker?

    There are people that are very good with doing activity. We call them workaholics and they are not necessarily the most efficient staff available.
  61. E

    Is a voiceover artist still a lucrative business?

    As someone that does commercial voice over recordings, I can tell anyone for free that voice over artists are still trend and earning well.
  62. E

    Start late and slow and expect a negative impact

    Working 18 hours in a day is something that I have never seen anyone do. It is very suicidal to try to work at that kind of pace. You can easily die from overwork.
  63. E

    Does a Online Business Owner Need A Good Camera?

    I think people that have online businesses always have good cameras as their priority specs when looking out for a phone to buy.
  64. E

    From the bizdustry experience, should someone do exchanger business on paid forums?

    Running exchange services on forums is exactly as risky as running currency exchange business in real life. Same risks.
  65. E

    Is making money online an easy task?

    Making money online has been a very tough task from my own opinion. It requires utmost commitment for you to call out a single dollar online.
  66. E

    How many members have used Followfast?

    I have not even heard about this site before. I have to say that there are so many platforms that one is even yet to know about. Seems it is not functional again.
  67. E

    Are you really making money online?

    I am really making money. My ISP is quite cheap. And I don't repair my device everyday. Making money on forums is truly worth it for me.
  68. E

    New 🚩 Do you earn on the other paid to post sites?

    The number of paid to post forums are not decreasing. It seems to me like they are even increasing. Consider Advisordia, Trendri and BMF.
  69. E

    The Power of Dreaming

    People are free to dream as big as they want. The only thing that stops them from dreaming big and achieving anything is their limited mindset.
  70. E

    How can you rate your hard working level

    I know I work quite hard at my own level. It might not be as hard as I want it but I always give a fair shot.
  71. E

    Do playing music motivate or distract you while working?

    When I turn on some lovely motivational songs and I am working, the work flows at full pace because it is like the music gives extra adrenaline.
  72. E

    Time can heal a broken heart -agree or disagree

    The pain is more severe during the early days of the hurt but as everyday passes, the pains gets away. Time is truly an amazing healer.
  73. E

    What do you do if your neighbors are always fighting?

    I would just alert an official authority to their fights. It could lead to something disastrous that could affect life.
  74. E

    What's the most important thing to focus on in your business growth?

    The most important thing to focus on while growing as a business is that you stay true to your vision and don't get distracted by things that seemingly are enticing.
  75. E

    Benefits of establishing business in the rural areas

    If you are going to be doing a cross country journey, it doesn't make any sense to establish a business in a rural area.
  76. E

    Why Freelancing is Better Than a Regular Job

    Each of them has it's pros and cons. Freelancing is better than a regular job simply because it gives flexibility. But freelancing has unstable income.
  77. E

    Important aspect to look out for when hiring an employee?

    I would look more at his records from his former employer. That would give me a good clue on what to expect from him.
  78. E

    Why do you invest in crypto?

    Crypto has shown itself to have a huge potential as an investment tool. If strategically done, it can easily multiply your investment.
  79. E

    What kind of less risky investment options do you use?

    My parents are using a fixed deposit account for the proceeds they got from the sales of a landed property. I think it is just waste of space.
  80. E

    Can you invest all your money into something?

    Investing all your funds into one thing leaves you open without a backup to fall back to if things go south.
  81. E

    investing in one or multiple places

    I would prefer to have my investments spread out across different portfolios than have it on one. It is safer when spread out.
  82. E

    which forum is better to earn Rif or trendri?

    I have been a regular on Trendri abd I would say that it is an amazing platform. Very solid paid to post site with an outstanding admin.
  83. E

    Cash on delivery

    Some online stores no longer offer cash on delivery any longer. That's because their delivery persons are always robbed when they go to make delivery.
  84. E

    Hiring Forum Poster

    @nomad would love to jump on this if you wish me to. Hope there is no dateline so that I can do at my own pace.
  85. E

    At what age should your child boldly introduce his girlfriend or boyfriend to you?

    A child of 15 years can have a boyfriend or girlfriend which I know about. You as a parent knowing or not. They would still have it. Why encourage them to hide it?
  86. E

    As a woman, can you marry a younger man?

    I don't see anything wrong with marrying a younger person as long as it is a legal age and the person is mentally mature. But women in my country don't see it that way.
  87. E

    How many phones do your have?

    I have just a single phone that I use for everything. I don't like guzzling many devices when I am stepping out.
  88. E

    What can I do to keep me busy and away from depression?

    You have got to understand that the worse that can happen might still happen. Build your defence mechanism and move on with your life.
  89. E

    Do you prefer cooking with the gas or the wood?

    Cooking with wood is only for commercial scale cooking. I don't use it personally because it is laborious.
  90. E

    A woman being a bread winner

    Every home should be defined according to specific values that make it tick. I am not saying it is wrong or right for a woman to be provider. But if it works for a home, it is fine.
  91. E

    Do you brag about your wins?

    The social media age pushes people to always be talking about cars they have and clothes they wear. I love me a quite life without unnecessary attention to myself.
  92. E

    What will keep you busy today?

    On a Saturday like this as it is, I don't go to work. What would keep me busy all day is cleaning and laundry. Then, I step out to play around evening.
  93. E

    Are you patient enough to teach kids?

    I don't like having to teach kids. They stress the living hell out of me. I prefer being their friends from a distance and not their teacher.
  94. E

    Taking treatment at home or in the hospital?

    I advise someone to only take very minor treatments at home. If things get a bit complex, just get to the hospital. It is safer that way.
  95. E

    Is marriage becoming scarce?

    The thing is that people are busy pursuing career and finances and are putting marriage as a far secondary consideration now.
  96. E

    Do ladies like it when they are on their period?

    For some people, the menstrual period is always painful. For others, it usually makes them weak.
  97. E

    When was the last time you went for an outing?

    I haven't gone for an outing in some time now. I have just been choked up with work and I don't even have the time for an outing.
  98. E

    Do you like wearing all black outfit?

    I love to wear black. A black jeans on a black sneakers is something out of this world.
  99. E

    Is there anything like unconditional love?

    Is it that it is impossible to love anyone unconditionally? I know that parents love their kids unconditionally. Romantic love is all about interests.
  100. E

    How to Improve Public Speaking to Earn More

    Even as a general business person, you need to be able to speak well if you want to attract some kind of upper class customers.
  101. E

    Customers that always price but never purchase.

    Those kinds of situations are to be expected in business. I am always positive about that anf I reach out to find out what happened.
  102. E

    The price of arrogance is failure

    Business persons that are arrogant always drive people away from them. And they won't get patronage that way.
  103. E

    Customers always asking for a decrease

    The business world is all about everyone trying to maximise the greatest benefits for itself. Customers would always ask for a decrease. Just stand your ground especially if you know you are on a fair pricing.
  104. E

    profit over social responsibility?

    Social responsibility over profits anytime anyday. By doing social responsibility, you are indirectly sowing seeds for future profitability.
  105. E

    How did you managed the operation of the kiosk business?

    Kiosks are structures that have helped people to own businesses without having to rent a shop. Just be sure that you are placing it legally.
  106. E

    How did you managed to outsmart your competitors?

    You have to be continually strategic to bring out counter strategies from the one the competitor is bringing in order to outsmart them.
  107. E

    There is always a backstory to every news report. Do you think so?

    The media has the power to build narratives and propagate them and no one would know what is hidden under.
  108. E

    Always try to understand your customers

    In everything, just try and strike a balance. As a business person is expected to understand his or her customers, they should also understand the business person.
  109. E

    Did You Use Coinbase Pro

    Coinbase is not available in my country. And I even hate the exchange because it charges incredibly high fees for transactions.
  110. E

    What's your experience with online training

    I have actually been able to learn some skills online and it has helped me in my career as a music producer.
  111. E

    The best time for the online working

    I always feel that the best time for someone to work online is in the early hours of the day when one is still fresh.
  112. E

    Education loan

    My president just introduced this into my country. But I would not go for it because of the terms that you must pay back the loan in two years.
  113. E

    What genre of movies do you like?

    I love to watch only Sci Fi movies. I get to learn much about the future of science and technology from them.
  114. E

    Had you ever had a sponsorship?

    I was sponsored all through school by my parents. They paid my fees and took care of every other utilities that I needed in school.
  115. E

    Do you believe that some people are more creative and others are more effective at putting ideas into practice?

    Everyone surely has a speciality and being able to function in your aeas of specialization while others complement you is the best way to achieve goals.
  116. E

    Which type of speaker are you—passive or aggressive?

    I am an assertive person. I don't have time for soft talk. Maybe, it is because I love to be in control of things.
  117. E

    Do you feel happy about the success of your colleagues?

    I feel happy about the success of people and at the same time, I feel challenged to also achieve the things that they have achieved.
  118. E

    Do you feel comfortable wearing suits?

    I am not comfortable putting on a suit. My life was not wired to be formal. That's why I have struggled working in a corporate setting.
  119. E

    Can you be friends with a lousy person?

    I don't think that I can stand a person that is lousy. I am generally a quiet person and a lousy person annoys me.
  120. E

    Love Talk: Can you marry an HIV positive person out of love?

    I can't even think of kissing an HIV positive person. Forget all those talk of stigmatisation, hiv people scare me to death.
  121. E

    Are you a lousy person?

    I am not a lousy person. As a matter of fact, one would rarely hear my voice. I can be indoors for days and you won't know that I am in.
  122. E

    Reminisce on things you have failed at

    I have failed to learn programming and IT when I had the opportunity to. It seems like it is totally out of reach for me now. And IT is taking over the world.
  123. E

    What are the things you can't help someone do?

    Lending money to people is something that I have regretted and told myself that I would not ever do.
  124. E

    How do you handle people that take your things and use without your permission?

    You won't say that they are thieves. They are just exploitative acquaintances that are not sensitive to the fact that some things are personal and should be permitted by the owner before using it.
  125. E

    Do you give your neighbors discount?

    If you give discounts to your neighbours, that is nepotism and shouldn't be part of business. It can breed jealousy amongst your customer base.
  126. E

    Can you beg your friend to stay in your shop for a day?

    I don't think I would be comfortable to have anyone man my shop even for 2 hours. It could easily turn disastrous.
  127. E

    How do you feel about business losses?

    There is nothing much you can do about the situation. You just have to keep an eye on such products in future and stock minimally.
  128. E

    What are the things you don’t like about business?

    I hate it when there is something to be done to boost the business and there is no funds to push it and it would now be like you don't know what to do.
  129. E

    Which PTP site pays more?

    I think all the paid to post sites work with the same model and pay rates, apart from forum coin. In all the paid to post forums, you would have to put enormous efforts to earn.
  130. E

    Keeping boarders

    If you are opening a hostel, you know you are investing in a really estate property. That boarding of a thing is not tenable.
  131. E

    On the management of your personal finances do you use any automated program?

    I only use my mobile banking app to do budgeting and to track the performance of the budget I made.
  132. E

    Are you really happy with your salaries?

    When i combine all my income streams, I would gladly say that it is satisfying the level at which I earn.
  133. E

    How often do you change your toothbrush?

    I think a toothbrush should ideally be changed after every two months at the maximum duration. Some people use toothbrushes for up to a year.
  134. E

    Do you like wearing all black outfit?

    All black outfits can be very fashionable for a man. It could be scary for some people if they add a dark sunglasses to the dressing.
  135. E

    Is smart watch allowed in the schools at your place?

    When I taught in a School, I allowed by students to wear smart watches. I even allow them to reasonably bring smartphones to school v
  136. E

    No matter how skillful you are, get certification to command a higher pay.

    I went to a construction site. The engineer wasn't as good as the artisans in terms of knowledge about the job. But the engineer was the one that paid the artisans.
  137. E

    How do you find the business that deals with the soft drinks?

    Soft drinks are hot cake products that would always sell. The major challenge is to operate in a capacity that would enable you to have all year round.
  138. E

    As a business person, focus on building capacity.

    A stagnated business can't withstand the shocks that happen in the business cycle. That's because it doesn't have firm roots to withstand such.
  139. E

    Does social media marketing actually support offline or online commerce?

    Every business, offline or online, should have an online presence and a dedicated social media page if it wants to go beyond it's physical location.
  140. E

    Businesses that have survived over 20 years- What's the secret?

    I know of an animal feeds shop that has been running for 30 years now and is a mega brand. Hope the kids of the founder won't run it down when he is gone.
  141. E

    Being a sentimentalist businessman doesn't make sense

    When people try to apply emotions in business, I just laugh. You won't go to the supplier with emotions and explanations to restock.
  142. E

    Starting alone vs. starting with a team

    You were very lucky the contract didn't oblige you to payback their investment. I prefer to start alone than with a team.
  143. E

    Have you heard of Exodus Wallet?

    Exodus wallet is very good but saying that it is better than Trust wallet? That would be your personal opinion formed by experience. Trust wallet has it's challenges but on it's day, it is the best crypto wallet for me.
  144. E

    Do you have some unique strategies for being disciplined with your budget?

    When I am on a budget, I don't go to shopping malls or boutiques at all. I turn off all ads when browsing so that I won't be tempted.
  145. E

    Holding all your assets in a close relative's name. Pros and Cons.

    I just feel that it is not too safe holding assets by proxy. I don't trust people with financial assets except my mom.
  146. E

    Have you ever been stranded because you exceeded the transaction limit on your account?

    That's why we really need to understand the limitations on each accounts that we own so that we can know how to operate them.
  147. E

    Have you ever defaulted on repaying back your loan?

    The first and only loan I took, I actually defaulted in paying back at some point. I was almost arrested. Since then, I have a phobia for loans.
  148. E

    What are some dos and don'TS when creating a strong banking password?

    Don't ever use your birthday as your banking password. People would always guess investigate your birthday and try to use it to access your mobile bank account.
  149. E

    Technology - How far will it go?

    Very soon, we are going to have smart cities where everything is interconnected. We would have cars that would understand the flow of traffic to drive themselves. Exciting and scary.
  150. E

    Have you ever planned to buy an iphone?

    I had plans to buy an iPhone and was saving for it before something just came up and the money was used up.
  151. E

    What do you do when your internet connection suddenly freezes?

    I think the airplane mode toggle really works. But it can be frustrating to leave something important I'm the middle to toggle airplane.
  152. E

    Do you watch movies on Telegram?

    I am on the official channels if some TV stations and I enjoy watching premium movies for a very low subscription.
  153. E

    What, in your opinion, is the most irritating thing about Facebook?

    The misinformation really gets to me and that is a big negative about Facebook. Another terrible thing about Facebook is the ease people find to cyber bully others.
  154. E

    How Can I Tell If My Workplace Is "Toxic"

    When you are in the interview process, keenly observe how the staff that are already in the company behave and you would know if it is toxic or not.
  155. E

    Ever fought for love?

    I don't need to fight for love. I just have to find it. When I have to wrestle for it, I won't have the strength to continually fight to keep it.
  156. E

    Are you insecure in romantic relationships?

    There is no need to be insecure when you approach a relationship with an open mind. It is only people that expect too much from relationships that get insecure.
  157. E

    What motivates you to make the personal savings?

    I think the biggest thing that motivates people to undertake personal savings is the goals that they have set to achieve. For me, I desire my personal house and that is why I am aggressively saving.
  158. E

    Have you ever worked with a Robot?

    Do we even have robots in my country? I am fascinated by the thought of having to work with a robot.
  159. E

    What are the things you can't help someone do?

    I can't give anyone my phone to make calls. So many people have trouble because someone used their phone to make illegal calls.
  160. E

    How do you want to be treated when you are angry/moody?

    When I am angry, I love my own company. Any attempt to try and explain or resolve things might end up hurting the person trying that.
  161. E

    Do you think before the action?

    I am lucky that I have outgrown the era when I used to act instinctively because I was angry. Nowadays, I am calmer and calculated when taking actions.
  162. E


    I love Afrobeats music. It has influenced so many other genres of music. It could be infectious with upbeats and melodies.
  163. E

    Must I study Mass Communication to be a TV presenter?

    We have moved pass the era of certificates to practical ability. I know someone who that studied chemistry but is now a topshot presenter.
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    Do you let your kids play violent games?

    When I have kids, I would make sure that I must give a nod to every game they have on their devices before it is installed. If they happen to play violent games, it would be from outside devices.
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    Have you ever fought in your shop?

    You don't go about creating rancour in your business place and hope that people would patronize the business. They would tag your business with rancour.
  166. E

    Assess your business idea first before putting it into action

    It is always important for someone to put any business idea into empirical tests to determine it's viability.
  167. E

    What aspects do you evaluate before making a decision in business?

    I always make sure that I evaluate the financial costs of that business move and decision. You won't want to be making business decisions that would end up costing you money.
  168. E

    Is gold better than money in the bank?

    Gold is certainly better than money in the bank as a savings and a financial hedge. The only downside is that you can easily access money in the bank anytime but for gold, you have to sell it first.
  169. E

    Does letting wealthy reach peoples invest on our business harm us?

    If you think you don't want to part with some equity of your business idea, don't seek investment. Investors would always look for their interests. But the ace is that you should always ensure that you don't sell off your interest because you are desperate.
  170. E

    Have you ever been scammed by an investment platform?

    I have not even scammed by an investment platform since all my investment are offline and are with reputable and verified institutions.
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    Is PTP site a passive source of income?

    Passive income sources require minimal efforts from you. The only way that one can earn passively from paid to post forums is of the person is offering exchange services.
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    How do you earn some extra cash for your finances?

    I try to take up every extra gig related to my skills. I do audio production and voice overs. Nowadays, I am into sound management all to earn extra income.
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    Do you still watch TV?

    The only programs that I watch on TV is sports and little bit of music shows and awards. Even those, I stream on my devices.
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    25 Posts on

    Only 7 people are in. I would take spot number 8.
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    Do you support your parents and family financially? Is it a strain on your finances?

    Some people have to work and support very large families. It is always difficult for such people to be financially free.
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    Have you ever withdrawn everything from the bank and to what reason?

    I have not withdrawn everything from my account before. My bank doesn't allow you to withdraw the last $1 unless you want to close the account.
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    Have you ever been scammed or financially exploited by a partner/ spouse?

    Romance induced financial fraud is a very common thing. Some people enter relationships with wealthy people just because they want to extort money from them.
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    Taking loans

    I have not really been a fan of loans. I would rather prefer to do the project bit by bit with what I can afford.
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    Have you planned to Marry or remaining single?

    If I have my way, I would remain single. I don't think I have any benefit that marriage would afford me. I can get a child without necessarily being married.