Recent content by IB D

  1. IB D

    Do you like religious movies?

    Religious movies are not always objective. That's why I refuse to to watch them. They tell stories that are not balanced.
  2. IB D

    These days most shows are ladies based

    They are trying to push forward a certain narrative that women are heroines. But nobody actually disputed that.
  3. IB D

    Do you like movies that make you cry?

    There is no movie that can make me cry. No matter how emotional the movie might be with numerous tragedies, I would still watch it with the mindset that it is all acting.
  4. IB D

    Has your internet access been blocked anytime?

    My internet access has been blocked but I have been blocked by several institutions from accessing some specific platforms.
  5. IB D

    How has the internet impacted you personally?

    The internet has impacted me because some of the things that I used to travel long distances to accomplish, I can do it now online. Example is to register for a program.
  6. IB D

    How Can I Tell If My Workplace Is "Toxic"

    If people are not free to express themselves reasonably in a workplace, then that place is a toxic place.
  7. IB D

    Do you eat from your neighbour's place?

    Neighbours rarely give people food these days. They are just trying to manage their little lives and I don't expect them to give me food, even for once.
  8. IB D

    In what place would you like to go to relax?

    I always go to a fast food restaurant in order to relax. I get a good meal and just enjoy the environment to relax my nerves.
  9. IB D

    Do you typically lend a hand to those in need?

    When people are in need and I can help, there is nothing that would stop me from helping. Even if the person has offended me before.
  10. IB D

    Never cheat customers in your business

    People should understand that it is not good for a business to have a tag of being a business that cheats customers. A business with such identity would just close.
  11. IB D

    Should companies still invest in employee training and development

    When the training costs are very expensive, companies don't want to invest but hire already experienced employees. I still train my staff though since I train them myself.
  12. IB D

    When you're serious about your business, be ready to be alone

    The thing is that it is only you that sees the vision that you have for your business and you shouldn't expect people to see it with you.
  13. IB D

    Do you sometimes sleep at work?

    That nap can be very useful to keep you energised and refreshed to get back to work after the launch break.
  14. IB D

    Failure is inevitable

    When you fail in business, you should understand that it is nothing strange. Business don't turn out profits every time. It is about you adjusting what you need to adjust to get back to profitability.
  15. IB D

    What is your customer attraction strategy for your business?

    I dwell on offering highest quality products and services at reasonable prices as my major points of attraction for my customers.
  16. IB D

    Is email support still relevant form of support system?

    Customers are not really taking businesses that offer email support as serious as businesses that offer live support.
  17. IB D

    Is it easier for beautiful people to secure jobs?

    The physical looks for a person could be a very strong selling point for that person when candidates attend being considered for jobs. Attractive people are considered and favoured if there is a tie amongst candidates that are competent.
  18. IB D

    Early Childhood Education Business

    Any business that has to to with educating kids would work very well if you can package it well to attract the attention of parents.
  19. IB D

    Have you ever thought of starting a micro finance?

    Micro Finance banks are financial sector businesses that I don't really think that I can handle. They are always too technical for me.
  20. IB D

    How did you build your financial knowledge?

    I built my financial knowledge by reading books on leadership and finance. And then from experiences of people around me too.
  21. IB D

    Relocating to Countryside to Cut Lifestyle Costs

    There are facilities that you would need to access in rural areas that would cost you so much to access.
  22. IB D

    Where do you get short term loans?

    I get short term loans from friends and family members. I don't use any financial institution for short term loans because of too much interests.
  23. IB D

    Again and again in debts

    I had really wished and hoped that I would not be in constant debts. Those people that are always again and again in debts never get out of it.
  24. IB D

    What was the highest amount of money that hit on your PayPal account at ago?

    The only time that money hit my PayPal account, I couldn't withdraw it because we are not allowed to receive PayPal funds in my country and I never knew. That's how the money got lost.
  25. IB D

    How many income sources do you have?

    For now, I have just two sources if income. I am actively working to add more streams to make sure I get to 4 sources if income.
  26. IB D

    Do you have a fixed deposits

    I don't have fixed deposits. I don't tend to like it. You would have money and you can't access it even when you are under emergency.
  27. IB D

    Is "you are looking sexy' a compliment in the real sense?

    There is no big deal in being sexy. People ought to take things less serious because sexy is quite innocent.
  28. IB D

    What is the real reason paypal is not working in Nigeria?

    The thing is that Nigerians are loud mouthed people. That's why they have earned a really negative reputation concerning the fraud thing.
  29. IB D

    Do you have any suffering story

    There was a time in my life that I couldn't afford anything in life. Really suffered during that period but God saw me through.
  30. IB D

    Do you see the taking of alcohol as a stress reliving strategy?

    I don't think that alcohol relives stress. It just takes your mind momentarily off the situation.
  31. IB D

    If you want something, pay the price

    Everything has a certain thing that you have to let go to achieve that particular thing. And if you don't let it go, you won't achieve it.
  32. IB D

    25 Posts on

    @Cam, I am also done with this. Joined the site after you approved the task and my post count is now 25.
  33. IB D

    How did you managed life with the higher cost of living with low salaries?

    I have tried to adjust my lifestyle. I have cut down on how much I eat snacks and I manage every resource like water and power so I don't incur extra costs.
  34. IB D

    Apart from taking loans where else do you get financial help?

    I get financial help from family and friends majorly when I am stranded. They are the first option and they don't disappoint me in such circumstances.
  35. IB D

    Do you save money in the name of your kids?

    I would always have savings in the name of my kids. It is what a responsible parent should do for his child.
  36. IB D

    What do you do when your internet connection suddenly freezes?

    I just turn off the phone and turn it on again. By the time it reboots, the internet would be restored but it is terrible especially if you are in the middle of something.
  37. IB D

    Are you still being entertained by the radio?

    The only radio show that I listen to is a sports banter show involving fans of rival clubs.
  38. IB D

    Technology - How far will it go?

    The Internet of Things is taking us to an era where your gas cooker would be connected to the internet for you to monitor it's performance.
  39. IB D

    Is there anything like unconditional love?

    I even believe that only the love of a mother is unconditional. Fathers tend to lose the love they had for an insolent child if he or she doesn't change.
  40. IB D

    Do you easily make friends?

    When it comes to being generally acquainted with someone, it is something that happens to me naturally. But allowing people into my closet as friends, it is a really big thing for me.
  41. IB D

    Do you give your neighbors discount?

    If you are not doing a promo, you are not obligated to give discounts to anyone based on one sentimental reason or the other.
  42. IB D

    Do you ask for the change from your spouse after the shopping?

    I am not yet married but no husband should ask for change after shopping. It reeks of miserliness and financial insecurity.
  43. IB D

    Does a Online Business Owner Need A Good Camera?

    Every online business owner needs a good camera. Even if you are selling digital products, you might need to snap invoices or even yourself for identification in the online selling process.
  44. IB D

    At what age do you say about being self reliant?

    I was 20 when I started to take care of myself. I never had rich parents and I needed to take the initiative for myself at that age.
  45. IB D

    Do you easily get influenced by advertisements online

    I am always tempted to see ads and most times I am always triggered to make a purchase if the ad interests me.
  46. IB D

    Have you ever traveled outside the country?

    I have traveled to Togo and Cameroon. Those are the countries surrounding my country. On both occasions, I went to buy goods to come and sell in my country.
  47. IB D

    What is the most prevalently reason for you to smile?

    I smile when I see kids play and laugh with their innocence. And I just remember I was once like them and I just can't help smiling to myself.
  48. IB D

    Do you like the cracking of jokes?

    I have a super sense of humour and I don't allow there to be a dull moment. Life is not supposed to be too serious. I crack jokes almost all the time.
  49. IB D

    Time and chance happens to everyone.

    I see people that are crying that they don't have money. Ask them how much enters their hands everyday that they use in soothing cravings.
  50. IB D

    How Long Does it Take to Learn a Money Making Skill Online?

    It depends on the particular skill and the person learning. On average, it would take 6 months to learn professional online writing, 1 year to learn crypto trading and 2 years to learn programming and other specialized tech skills.
  51. IB D

    How many posts would earn a user $1 on forum coin?

    From what I gathered, it is practically impossible to reach 10 cents on forum coin. That is a complete waste of time and bandwidth.
  52. IB D

    Do you have any experience of teaching online?

    I don't know of a viable platform that I can sign up to teach online. I have taught offline before and I am good at it.
  53. IB D

    Trendri or Insured forum Which is better?

    Both are good sites owned by the same admin. I would say that the both of them are equally good at the same level.
  54. IB D

    New đźš© Never make this mistake

    Even when I am not active, I check into the sites at least once in two days so that I get updates. They are very important.
  55. IB D

    New đźš© Insured Forum Back with resumption of paid posting.

    I was a member and I had 3 payouts from the forum. And I am definitely going to return back to posting there.
  56. IB D

    New đźš© Which section of Paid to Post forums do you have the most posts and earn most from?

    I love the personality finance, business and crypto section of any forum. That's where I gain the most applicable knowledge that I need.
  57. IB D

    Legit đź‘Ť

    Which sections are people earning up to 0.015. I don't think there is a section like that on FC. I would love to know about it.
  58. IB D

    Which ptp site is best to earn fast? RIF OR TRENDRI?

    As things stand now, if you put in some good efforts on Trendri, you would earn from there faster than on RIF.
  59. IB D

    Is online job/hustle really unstable.

    Online jobs have not always been stable. I am now running my own business alongside my return to online jobs. I have seen so many online earning platforms crash.
  60. IB D

    Changes in forum coin pay rate

    Those changes that came in around September last year has completely killed the forum. I can bet that the site doesn't have up to 12 consistent posters any longer.
  61. IB D

    Is online tutoring a good way to earn online?

    I have attended some online webinars and I can tell you that if one holds a class that imparts value, he or she would make so much money from those webinars
  62. IB D

    It seems making money online is hard

    It is not only making money online that seems hard. Making money generally is a difficult thing that people have to toil for.
  63. IB D

    Why do new paid writing sites just stop paying?

    Advisordia which was started by an incredible person has since started paying again. For that iforumtalk, it was a scam from the very first day.
  64. IB D

    Is anyone working on BMF here ?

    I am on Beer Money Forum and have been active throughout. I have been getting paid every month from the site.
  65. IB D

    Why do some people concentrate on gaining referrals to earn more on GPT sites?

    For those people that concentrate on getting referrals, they are very good at it and it might be easier than having to participate in GPT tasks.
  66. IB D

    Is PTP site a passive source of income?

    Paid to post forums are not passive income sources. They might be classified as a side hustle but it is nothing close to being passive.
  67. IB D

    Do you have any passive income source online?

    There is no passive income source for now, even though I have just opened a YouTube channel but it is yet to be monetized.
  68. IB D

    Has your bank account ever been limited with funds inside?

    That is why we should just arm ourselves with every requirement needed to open an account before going to open it. All these things happen because of incomplete documentation during account opening.
  69. IB D

    No matter how much you try, someone's child would never be your child.

    I would always sit down and ask myself if I would be able to do something before I venture into it. I won't get someone's child if I am sure I can't be patient enough to handle him or her like mine.
  70. IB D

    No matter how skillful you are, get certification to command a higher pay.

    It is not really difficult to get a certificate now. From the comfort of your home, you can easily get a certificate. Don't shortchange yourself just because you are too lazy to work on getting a certificate for yourself.
  71. IB D

    What Business Systems and Principles Must You Master That will Gaurantee it not to Fall Nomatter What?

    When a business stays consistent in delivering quality products, it might have minor shakes in the beginning but it can never fail as it progresses.
  72. IB D

    You can't defeat a businessman who doesn't care about rejection or losses

    These kinds of business people already feel that there is nothing more to lose. They have seen it all and are used to the shame. They easily get things achieved.
  73. IB D

    Why does organisations always switch the work schedule of staff regularly?

    I don't think that is the reason. The main reason would likely be to check the exceses of staff that might easily have too much power in one department.
  74. IB D

    Losing control of the finances in business is a disaster

    Finances are the bedrock of every successful business and losing grip of them can spell disaster for the business. There should be measures to put financial controls in businesses.
  75. IB D

    Check the most sensitive products in your business before closing it in the evening

    I believe that for every business, there should be a system that monitors inventory at least every two days to prevent theft.
  76. IB D

    Are you aware of the fees that is involved in Bitcoin transaction?

    Generally, the fees charged for Bitcoin transactions are very expensive and make the entire bitcoin thing unattractive for small players.
  77. IB D

    Working on earning sites vs. working for individuals

    The pay rates from individual clients is far better than what you earn from a site. A site typically pays $1.5 for an article while an individual client can pay up to $5 for the same article.
  78. IB D

    Which Social Site is Best For Earning Money

    The good thing about Facebook reels is that you get to earn more even from one engagement with your contents. You don't require high engagement to be approved to earn.
  79. IB D

    How to avoid charges from PayPal and other Wallets in transactions. I had a BCH Wallet and not sure if I was charged while converting dollars.

    I learned that PayPal charges almost 20% for small transactions. That is very terrible charges. I am even grateful that it is not even available in my country.
  80. IB D

    Legit đź‘Ť

    It has been close to a year that I visited the forum coin website last. I don't even know what is going on there but learned they reduced rates drastically.
  81. IB D

    When is your side hustle pay you?

    Any kind of hustle that you do which pays you frequently is primed to keep you free from financial struggles.
  82. IB D

    How do you spend the monthly emergency funds when no emergency happened on that month?

    The emergency funds is expected to keep accumulating till it becomes oceanic enough to cover up for any kind of emergency. It is not supposed to be withdrawn for anything else.
  83. IB D

    Are you really happy with your salaries?

    Given my level of responsibility, my salary is just okay to take care of my needs and that is satisfying for me.
  84. IB D

    Do you support your parents and family financially? Is it a strain on your finances?

    I am the last child of my family and if anyone would be needing any financial support, it has to be me. My senior siblings support me financially.
  85. IB D

    Has your bank account ever been limited with funds inside?

    It has happened to me before and I had to get my utility bill and national identity card to come and remove the limit. It took about 4 days to finish that process.
  86. IB D

    Do you avoid paying tax?

    In my country, it is not really possible to avoid tax because we use the indirect taxation system where you pay tax as you buy goods and services.
  87. IB D

    When to trust a partner

    I would have to assess how that partner relates with money and other women before I can decide to trust him or her. I would put him through several tests with these two things because they are the two things that can make a person become disloyal.
  88. IB D

    25 Posts on

    I have taken a spot for this offer.