Recent content by King Belieal

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  1. K

    Growing plants effectively

    Weeding is very important if you want to have a good yield for the plants that you grow.
  2. K

    Growing of the green vegetables on the back yard

    I have some vegetables that I grow around and they do very well because I fertilize them with poultry droppings from my farm.
  3. K

    Green Tea Vs. Normal Tea: Which One Do You Like?

    I have never taken green tea even though I know people sell it around. I take the normal cocoa tea.
  4. K

    Do you like Green and Black pepper in your dishes?

    Green pepper is red pepper that is not yet ripened. Some people prefer it in their dishes.
  5. K

    Why did you stop gambling or don't gamble at all?

    I stopped gambling when I started using my business money to gamble. And it affected my business.
  6. K

    Have you repented?

    There are some bad things that I used to do which I no longer do and there are some that I still struggle with.
  7. K

    Saving on food

    Is it possible to cook multiple dishes at a time? I cook and eat one meal at a given time.
  8. K

    I'm so sad today, Devin steps out as DBucks owner šŸ˜ž

    I have been a staff of Discussion Bucks and I really felt sad that @Devin left. Man had too much innovations. I am very sure that @fords8 would be a great owner too.
  9. K

    Do you find it easy to move on after a break up?

    I think that the only person that I might find very difficult to move on from after a break up with is a wife that I have kids. If not, it is easy to move.
  10. K

    Do you just buy discounted products

    The first rule of thumb is that I don't ever buy products that I don't need. I don't even care how enticing the discount is.
  11. K

    In China they sell canned air, would you buy it?

    People buy blood. People pay for oxygen and all that is because of situations. There could be situations that people might need to patronize canned airs.
  12. K

    What's your weekends like as an entrepreneur?

    I don't have fixed routines for weekends. There are some weekends that I am in the peak of early production or sales and I have to be very busy.
  13. K

    Should a business organization suspend a staff on the accusation of a sexual scandal?

    It would be better for the staff to stand down and proper investigations done. That would project the business in positive light.
  14. K

    Is it possible to start an online business with $100?

    One can start a drop shipping business with $100. All they need is to create a e commerce account and start advertising.
  15. K

    What strategic planning and execution means in the context of business operations

    When a business makes strategic planning, it means that they consider all possible factors that can possibly affect their plans.
  16. K

    Under what circumstance can a business be granted license to operate as a monopoly?

    Monopolistic rights can be given to a business that knows how to play the politics well and be in the good books of the present government.
  17. K

    Using Earning Platforms That Are Not Popular

    I rather prefer to stick with earning platforms that are popular and I can find people that I know around there.
  18. K

    Is It easy to find house help in your country?

    Care giver jobs in the United States pay very good money and people would prefer to do those jobs in countries like United States and earn better.
  19. K

    Do you find it easy to compromise when working with the team?

    There has to be boundaries though to how much you are willing to compromise or else those people you are working with can easily take you for a ride.
  20. K

    I was a member of Online Book club and I earned quite a bit but I left there.
  21. K Overview

    I have just been hearing about Free wallet and I have no real intention to use it for any reason.
  22. K

    Cereal with or without sugar?

    I am not a fan of sugar. I prefer to take honey rather with my cereals. That is quite healthier for me.
  23. K

    What are the benefits a business enjoys from doing large scale production?

    The main benefits of large scale production is that the costs of production would always be cheaper.
  24. K

    How possible to manage 2 businesses?

    It is quite possible to manage two businesses when you have one of the businesses being already rooted firmly.
  25. K

    What are the qualities needed to be an effective organizational spokesperson.

    An effective organizational spokesperson would be able to calculate the level of information that he relates out per time knowing that anything he says would be taken as the company's position.
  26. K

    What's the importance of staying up-to-date with industry trends?

    A business person in a competitive industry has to understand industry trends to be able to adapt and keep staying competitive.
  27. K

    Importance of registered business.

    Any business that is registered would be able to access some kind of financial facilities provided by the government over businesses that are not yet registered.
  28. K

    Why do organizations/people renege on business contracts?

    Most times, it is because things have happened and the contract has become impractical. That's why people can't keep to contracts.
  29. K

    Quality is not related to products alone.

    Even the way a business attends to it's customers can speak volumes of the quality that the business has.
  30. K

    Understanding the Cross-Cultural Negotiation

    That is why when businesses expand beyond their own territory, there is always a need for a proper understanding of the cultural ethics of the other territory.
  31. K

    Explore All Avenues in Business

    Business is not supposed to be close circuited. Everything must be sure to be touched before finally making a decision on which way to go.
  32. K

    Tackling Business Problems

    Business problems require the right strategy to tackle and create solutions to. You might need to brainstorm to solve business problems.
  33. K

    If you are rich would you invest in sports products?

    Sports has been my fantasy investment. If I had the money, no would have just bought Manchester United and transform them.
  34. K

    How do you apologize to your customers when things go sideways?

    You can offer replacement goods or if that is not possible, you meet the customer one on one and apologize to him or her.
  35. K

    Which action do you consider to be the most detrimental to the decision-making process?

    I think that when panic sets in, it would affect the decision making process and cause it to be less robust.
  36. K

    Business Plan Pro

    There are too many reasons for a business to have a well defined plan before it begins operations. Investors bank on good business plans to make investment decisions.
  37. K

    Would you retain a nursing mother?

    Having a child is a normal phase of a woman's life. I won't lay off a woman simply because she has to go through a normal phase in her life.
  38. K

    Why investment rate is declining in Nigeria

    The Nigerian economy is wobbly and not really strong enough to attract direct investment from other countries.
  39. K

    Quality vs price

    I know that the economy is biting but I would prefer that a business person sells quality for a slightly increased price.
  40. K

    Should Packaging be Attractive?

    Two things that people should place premium on when it comes to packaging and that is firstly, the packaging being effective and secondly, the packaging being eye catching.
  41. K

    Saudi Arabia will sell oil and gas in non USD currencies

    All of these countries have aligned with Russia to fight against the powers of the United States through it's economy. But the US is more robust than that.
  42. K

    Second hand shops

    Second hand shops are just beginning to spring up in my country and they are doing good.
  43. K

    How to leverage on the school uniforms business?

    Schools are about to start and the business of making uniforms are booming for tailors that have those contracts.
  44. K

    What you need to know about business insurance?

    Business insurance has different coverages according to what you pay for and the limits of a particular insurance provider.
  45. K

    What are the typical duties of a business manager

    A business manager is the top management and decision personnel of the business organization and everything passes through him or her.
  46. K

    New šŸš© Can you Earn $2 daily in your free time with Beermoneyforum?

    Just know that it might take up to 25th of the month before your payment would be processed so that you manage your expectations.
  47. K

    Have you gone through the cosmetic surgery?

    I can never think of doing cosmetic surgery except it is recommended for a health condition which I strongly doubt.
  48. K

    Are you afraid of walking alone on the lone paths ways?

    Those kinds of pathways are hideouts for nefarious people and that is the only reason that I can be afraid of them.
  49. K


    I am not afraid of thick forests. The only fear I might have is the fear of getting to match a snake in there at night.
  50. K

    How do you handle online business taxes and accounting?

    My country uses indirect taxation. That is why we don't pay tax directly from the earnings that we make from online work.
  51. K

    Understand who you truly are.

    Your personality can be very important in determining the kind of business that you would excel in. It is important to understand yourself as an entrepreneur.
  52. K

    Starting an Online Educational Institute

    There are already many online schools and they are doing well. Trying to set up that would require a big budget for marketing and promotions.
  53. K

    Do you wear shoes without socks?

    I think that I have already gotten used to wearing shoes without socks and I am beyond redemption now.
  54. K

    How much maximum time do you wear shoes?

    I don't like to wear shoes for a very long time. Highest duration that I wear shoes is just 4 hours.
  55. K

    Do you like arguments?

    I don't like arguments. I would just walk away before an issue turns to an argument. They can escalate very fast.
  56. K

    Do you think it will help us in weight loss if we can walk for 20 mins daily?

    If people that are obese walk for 20 minutes everyday consistently for 60 days, they would see a massive drop in their weight.
  57. K

    How do you typically get your tension out?

    Music helps me to get rid of the tension. Another valuable activity that combats tension for me is sleep.
  58. K

    Social media sites

    Reliability and social media is something that can never work hand in hand. Social media sites are free for anyone to propagate anything whether true or false.
  59. K

    Do not complicate simple things

    I think that it is people that are really emotional that make simple things look big with their emotional outbursts.
  60. K

    Do You Understand Taxation Laws in Your Country?

    I am just happy that my country deals with indirect taxation. I find those taxation laws to be very creepy and something I can barely understand.
  61. K

    China is likely to reverse cryptocurrency ban soon.

    I just know that China would not lift the ban on crypto very soon. But it is not even working.
  62. K

    What's the hardest part of your business?

    The hardest part of my business is having to mobilize for feeds for my birds when I am low on cash.
  63. K

    Hardest part of being an entrepreneur?

    The hardest part of being ab entrepreneur is when one has to source for business funds without any help.
  64. K

    Are Mondays really the hardest in business?

    Mondays are always busy because the business has to resume all the backlog of things that they had paused for the weekend.
  65. K

    Learn from mistakes?

    It is very important that we learn from where we falter so that we don't get to repeat the faltering again and again.
  66. K

    Any Surfing Websites that are legit?

    There are some good websites that pay people to browse through. But it is always like 3 weeks to earn a dollar there.
  67. K

    EV or Hybrid Car

    I would prefer a hybrid car for now. I won't go near an EV when my country is still struggling with poor power supply.
  68. K

    Do you like rainy season?

    For the rainy season weather, I like it. Just that people find it hard to go out during the rainy season.
  69. K

    Do you grow your own Veggies?

    I don't grow my own veggies as of yet. But I have plans to do that as soon as possible.
  70. K

    Do you like eating the same food everyday?

    There is a particular traditional soup in my place that I consider my favorites. I can eat it everyday without getting tired of it.
  71. K

    Describe the strangest person you ever meet

    One person that I find strange is my neighbour in college. He doesn't have any friend and is not close to anyone. Even his family.
  72. K

    How do you intend to build your first house

    I would just stop paying rents from next year and move to the house that my father gave to me. And from there, save the rent money for three years to get a land and start building.
  73. K


    Ladies spend up to $4 to have their nails fixed in my place. I like seeing it though on ladies.
  74. K

    Keeping Money In Bank Vs Keeping Money In PayPal: What Would You Prefer?

    PayPal has a very good reputation and would be safe to keep money there for as long as. But you would have no interest.
  75. K

    The word respect is very important in business

    Every stakeholder in a business must be respected. It is a psychological approach you need to get the best out of that stakeholder.
  76. K

    Renting Generator A Great Business

    I have had the need to be hiring generators quite often and I can say that it is a good business.
  77. K

    Can I become rich overnight with online business?

    There is no business that can make anyone become rich overnight. You would have to work your way through.
  78. K

    Is mini importation business lucrative?

    I have engaged in this business before and it is lucrative based on the products you import and the market you have.
  79. K

    Factors to consider before outsourcing business tasks

    You really have to consider how competent the agency that you want to outsource the task to is in delivering that task.
  80. K

    How do you manage employees in your business?

    I have two staff that work with me in my business and I relate with them as an elder brother. That has helped me to have a balance in how I manage them.
  81. K

    Have you ever hired an accountant?

    My mom is an accountant. I don't need to hire one if I need the services of an accountant.
  82. K

    Apart from taking loans where else do you get financial help?

    I don't do that loan thing as a lifestyle. I just get assistance from family and friends when I need financial help and that too should not be an everyday thing.
  83. K

    What is the proper age for a man to get married?

    I don't believe that there is anything like a proper age for a man to get married. As far as he is an adult and he is mature in thinking and has financial stability, he can get married.
  84. K

    Importance of starting a business in area where you have enough connection

    You likely already have a fan base in a location that you are already popular. Starting a business there gives you much goodwill already.
  85. K

    What are the importance of building a creative business?

    You can build a creative business by just managing talents. But you have to understand the intrigues to groom a talent and sell a creative product.
  86. K

    Importance of having a flexible business plan

    When your business plan is flexible, it would be able to turn things around even with the uncertainties in the business world.
  87. K

    The importance of business monitoring and reporting

    When you monitor your business closely, you would be able to know the interventions to make in order to boost the business per time.
  88. K

    Can you accept payeer as payment method in your business?

    If it is my online music related gigs, I can accept payeer. But I can't accept that for my poultry farm.
  89. K

    What are some techniques for reducing stress that don't involve the client?

    When you know that your business would involve you having to deal directly with clients, you just have to develop a high patience threshold.
  90. K

    What do you like most about RIF?

    As at now, I love index forum because the owner is an expert in forum management. And I love to see him comment and post on topics too. Well done @Cam.
  91. K

    Earning Money By Watching Videos?

    I know that watching videos to earn money works for some people but it won't work for me. I don't find it appealing at all.
  92. K

    Most popular forum sites

    People love gaming so much. I am not surprised that a gaming platform is amongst the most popular forums.
  93. K

    Do you make a to-do list?

    I always have a mental to do list that helps me stay focused and do the things that I consider priority.
  94. K

    Do you enjoy reading physical books or ebooks?

    I think that I am comfortable with any kind of books but I think I find e books more comfortable nowadays.
  95. K

    Sundays are different

    Sundays tend to be busy days for me. I would have to play in two different churches within the space of hours.
  96. K

    Marrying from a different country

    I don't consider all these nepotism tendencies when it has to do with contracting a marriage. I can marry anyone from anywhere provided there is compatibility.
  97. K

    Re-marrying after a divorce

    What we don't know is that some biblical principles can't apply now. If you are divorced, you should remarry if you find love again. No one should be condemned to loneliness in the name of religion.
  98. K

    What do you think of divorce?

    I am a pro divorce. I don't believe that people who don't want to stay married should force themselves or be forced to stay married.
  99. K

    Is there divorce in your country?

    In my country, only very few people are married the legal way. People just seperate in my country as they wish because they hardly do court marriage.
  100. K

    How many rainy seasons in a year do you have in your country?

    We have only one stretched out rainy season in my country. I think it lasts for 6 and a half to seven months.
  101. K

    Reducing Defects in Manufacturing

    When a production business adheres to the prescribed standards and doesn't seek to compromise, they hardly produce defective products.
  102. K

    What is the number one skill to become a marketer?

    It is true that the foundational skill for any marketer would be the ability to communicate effectively. All other skills for a marketer follow this primary skill.
  103. K

    Why does barbing salon business boom on Saturdays and Sundays.

    Weekends are when most businesses that have to do with food and beauty boom because people use that chance of no work to prepare their kitchen and looks for the week.
  104. K

    How to become good at managing money?

    The best way to become perfect with money management is to learn and understand how to budget. And also, the need to budget.
  105. K

    are you addicted to sugar?

    I don't know how I was able to stay free from sugar addiction. But I know for sure that sugar is not appealing to me in any regards.
  106. K

    Do you still invest in the bitcoin?

    There is always a chance as far as the crypto market is concerned. It is all about you knowing what you want to achieve investing in crypto.
  107. K

    Do you still have your best friend?

    That best friend of a thing is something that died years ago because we had different focuses in life.
  108. K

    Do you still carry cash for shopping?

    I buy from a particular shop in my place because it is the only one that accepts bank transfer even for small transactions.
  109. K

    At what age do you say about being self reliant?

    People should show signs that they would achieve self reliance at 20. By 25, they should be completely self reliant.
  110. K

    Do you have a leadership potential?

    People like us the were born to lead really have no place to hide our leadership potentials. We have to work it out.
  111. K

    Save money using mostly shopping app version

    I don't need shopping apps. I prefer to use the web portals of those shopping apps.
  112. K

    Do you compare prices of different stores before buying a product?

    Comparing prices is almost like a standard practice for me. I really have to do it before I think of buying anything.
  113. K

    Do you have a helper at home?

    I live in a very small house that I should reasonably be able to man myself. I don't need any help.
  114. K

    How to deal with high unemployment rates in an area?

    My country is suffering from very high unemployment. I think the key to solve that is for the country to create industries taking their comparative advantage into play.
  115. K

    How to track your business outflow

    There has to be a system that monitors what goes out of the business everyday. Setting limits for daily expenses for business is quite helpful though.
  116. K

    Would you give up your turn for an elderly person?

    I have done this act practically over a hundred times. I see no gain in trying to drag your rights with an elderly person.
  117. K

    one key value you would never compromise as an entrepreneur

    I would never use any harmful product in my production to increase my profits margin.
  118. K

    Can Company Benefit from Free Food?

    I wouldn't want to work in a company that feeds me. It is my personal principle though. If the company has staff like me, there is no benefit in giving free food.
  119. K

    How did you managed the operation of the kiosk business?

    Get a good location for your kiosk business and be sure to sell what people in that location readily buy.
  120. K

    Is growing flower plant a profitable business?

    Planting flowers is a big business in some cities and it is what people use as a sole means of livelihood.
  121. K

    Save money reusing materials for home renovation

    Some roof can still be used again after they have been taken down. It would help save costs on buying new roofing materials all over.
  122. K

    Save money using shopping list

    A shopping list tends to restrict your wild expression when you are shopping so you stick to the core things that you went shopping for.
  123. K

    What are the circumstances for you to increase the selling prices?

    When poultry feeds and drugs increase, I would surely have to increase the prices of the chickens that I produce.
  124. K

    Are your prices fixed?

    The prices of my products are slightly negotiable for long term and repeat customers. And my prices keep changing because of market variables.
  125. K

    New šŸš© Make up to 20$ a day

    @Deep, being sincere, how much have you earned from that platform. We tend to overhype things to get referrals.
  126. K

    No one is rich and no one is poor we get 24 hours each

    Most people like to chase pleasure with their time and that has been the reason they have not improved financially.
  127. K

    How many Twitter followers do you have?

    I recently just joined Twitter and I have very few followers. I don't even think it is up to 10 twitter followers.
  128. K

    Do you think forums are dying off?

    Which forum recently stopped to pay? I think that all active forums are recently still paying.
  129. K

    What do you see the selling of eggs as your business in the locality?

    Eggs would always appeal to the market. Just know the right quantity that you would buy for your market.
  130. K

    Failure and invention are inseparable twins

    If you want to achieve something tangible in life, you must fail at a certain point in that quest.
  131. K

    What things are 100% worth the money?

    I think that my smartphone is completely worth every amount that I spent on it. The device has paid me in full the amount that I used to buy it.
  132. K

    Did you believe in Santa clause when you where little?

    I actually believed that Santa Claus and our parents used it to put us into shape.
  133. K

    Do you have acne

    I don't have any acne on my face as at now. I have taken proper care of my face to completely avoid acne.
  134. K

    Getting a Butt lift surgery?

    No matter any other factor, I won't get close to a girl that has done a butt lift.
  135. K

    How is the reputation of a company determined?

    The reputation of a company is determined by the quality of the products and services they offer and the kind of branding they do.
  136. K

    How to position self for promotion at the workplace

    To get accelerated promotion in the workplace, you would have to have made a positive impact in the workplace.
  137. K

    Small Business Ideas You Can Start with a small capital

    Selling of cosmetics is a very good business that one can start with a relatively lowered capital.
  138. K

    HR and Personal Questions

    It helps with understanding the job role that the person should be assigned and work schedule.
  139. K

    Which do you prefer salary or a wage

    I don't prefer a salary or a wage. I prefer to earn income through profits. It is the best.
  140. K

    How to deal with a disrespectful Boss

    A disrespectful boss would always get to have his staff resign without proper notice because the work environment would be toxic.
  141. K

    How to combat workplace stagnation

    What I did as an employee was to always make myself very valuable at work. That way, I had double promotion.
  142. K

    How much is a crate of egg in your country?

    The price of eggs is now almost out of reach for a middle class income earner to afford.
  143. K

    What is the best bot for crypto trading?

    I think that Bybit Bot is one of the most profitable crypto trading bots there is.
  144. K

    What will happen to the altcoin when bitcoin surges?

    Some altcoins would always appreciate at the same time that the bitcoin appreciates. I know that BCH and BNB have a positive relationship with Bitcoin.
  145. K

    Which is the best Altcoin to invest for long term?

    I think that Solana is evolving to become one of the best altcoins as at now. Even more than Ethereum.
  146. K

    How Are Nigerians Dealing With Cryptocurrency?

    I just downloaded Bitget exchange yesterday. I would verify it and see if it would work for naira transactions.
  147. K

    Best festive memories

    Festive seasons are always times of merriment and I always love it. I love the relaxation that always comes with holidays at Christmas.
  148. K

    What's the best color for a phone?

    I generally like my phones to be dark in color. It gives me that manly feel to carry a dark coloured phone.
  149. K

    Do you drink Alcohol daily?

    The last time I drank alcohol was a month ago. And the window before I drank that was almost two years.
  150. K

    How many hours do you spend daily to earn online?

    Normally, I spend two to three hours to earn online everyday. But for the past few days, I hardly do an hour.
  151. K

    Do you like eating grilled fish?

    Even though grilled fish is quite expensive to buy in my location, that is what I use to relax every Sunday evening.
  152. K

    Do you like to add tomatoes in every dish you prepare?

    We don't patronize tomatoes on every meal in my country. We use it mainly for stew based meals.
  153. K

    Are you an absolutely loyal person?

    I could be so loyal to the point of dropping my personal interest for the person that I am loyal to.
  154. K

    Do you like Mango shakes?

    Mango shakes are very tasty and appealing. I do take lots of them when it is the season of mango in my country.
  155. K

    Between banks or lending institutions, which one do you prefer?

    If I ever have to take a loan, it would rather be from a bank. Their interests rates are always reasonable.
  156. K

    The business of buying broken down cars to resell.

    A lot of young people are getting into the business of selling broken down cars and they are really doing well. Some even sell internationally.
  157. K

    Cons of Using Paid Courses to Build Skills and Knowledge

    Those free courses don't go as in depth and detailed as some paid courses. And that is from experience.
  158. K

    Do You Have to be Loyal to Your Employer?

    In my working days, I was reasonably loyal to my employers. But I didn't do that stupidly.
  159. K

    Investing in your own business vs investing in stock market

    For me, I just have a huge entrepreneurial spirit and would really like to invest in my business more than stocks.
  160. K

    Does stock trading apps have demo accounts?

    Investing in stocks is quite different from frequently trading it like a day job. And trading platforms have a demo account for newbies.
  161. K

    How to become top contributor on this site?

    When you desire to be a top contributor, you should have many good threads that are engaging while also engaging meaningfully with the thread of others.
  162. K

    Are you making money on facebook?

    I have really made good money from Facebook. The marketplace on Facebook has helped me to make so many direct sales of my products.
  163. K

    Should Forums Allow free Exchange of forum currencies

    The thing is that it would place too much workload on forum admins who are already overwhelmed with workload.
  164. K

    What is the Easiest Platform to start selling Online?

    I think the easiest platform to sell any product would be Facebook marketplace. I have had success much easier there though.
  165. K

    Do you think forums are dying off?

    Forums are not dying off. I understand why many people would feel they are. But they just had challenges. They are bouncing back.
  166. K

    Are you insecure in romantic relationships?

    I have never had any reason to be insecure in a romantic relationship. It is a complex thing to be insecure in relationships.
  167. K

    How many friends do you have?

    I don't have any offline friend. I have some people that I have to bond with though as part of my social circle.
  168. K

    A real man looks for a wife, not another girlfriend

    Wives are getting harder to find now. The ladies of this generation are becoming more woke and don't want to marry again.
  169. K

    Stop physically aging?

    It requires good financial standing to take care of oneself not to age so quickly.
  170. K

    Getting Frustrated

    It is quite easy to feel frustrated when you have issues that are not solved. But you don't have to go to the extremes to prove your frustration.
  171. K

    How do you feel when you harvest nothing from the garden that you invested so much in the farming?

    It could be such a terrible feeling putting in efforts into a garden and getting nothing afterwards.
  172. K

    Take care and Stay Away from Eye Flu.

    The eye is a very vital part of the body that should be really cared for regardless.
  173. K

    Do you like the snowing weather?

    Even though we don't have snow in my country, the snowing weather is always too cold.
  174. K

    HBD to me

    @freelancermaria is the secret crush that I have had on online forums. She is super intelligent. Happy birthday lady.
  175. K

    Do you still drink milk?

    I still take milk but not as much as I used to take before when I was much younger.
  176. K

    Have you ever tried to do intermittent fasting?

    If you want me to faint, just tell me to fast anyhow. I don't have the capacity to do a fasting.
  177. K

    Switching your life with another

    I might not even know what another person might be carrying that I want to switch my life with them.
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    Working with unserious persons

    I would rather leave such an organization rather than be counted as incompetent because I am working with unserious people.
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    Recent increase in part time workers

    Part time workers are increasing because most tasks that used to demand full time staff have become automated.
  180. K

    Is seliing/ Registration of Sim Cards profitable?

    I don't know how this business is faring now but I don't think it can be done as a sole business like before.
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    Why Do Many Start-ups Fail?

    Start ups always fail because of lack of adequate knowledge needed to sustain the particular business that they are into.
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    Why So Many People Fail With Affiliate Marketing

    Affiliate marketing takes time of building a brand before it works out. That is why many people give up along the way.
  183. K

    Do You Make Your Own Product and sell it online?

    Since I raise birds from day old to sell, I would say that I make my own products to sell.
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    The business of repairing sound equipment and speakers.

    The trade of repairing sound equipment is a money spinner. People that can do it well are not many. That is why it is very lucrative.
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    Bicycle repair business

    It seemed like it was a business that was looked down in my country but it is slowly gaining relevance again because bicycles became popular again.
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    Which do you prefer beef or pork?

    I don't have one that I prefer more between the two kinds of meat. Just that beef is more handy.
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    How does social media encourage people to embrace their true selves?

    Social media is a place where people tend to pretend and show off. It just helps introverts to express themselves.
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    What travel hacks have saved you a lot of money?

    Travelling during the off seasons is the major thing that has saved me a lot of money.
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    How do you treat fair weather friends

    You have to understand that there are friends that are meant for a season and they are some that are meant to stick around.
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    do you like eating exotic fruits?

    I don't really have an idea what to exotic fruits are. But I love some fruits that are uncommon to my locality.
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    Remember: Only those who genuinely love you accept you the way you are

    Any differences that you think you can't manage. I would always advise you to run away for someone that can manage it.
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    Online program

    I have been taking online courses here and there. I am all about self improvement in all my endeavours.
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    How do you find the online Earning to be, ls it a pleasure or a pressure?

    Online earnings has become an integral part of my life. I sell products and services online and also write to get paid online.
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    Have You Tried working As a twitch Streamer to Earn?

    It is mainly professional game streamers that have had much success with Twitch. All other earning models on Twitch are secondary.
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    Earning as a Writer: Are You a Good Writer?

    I am a good writer. I started writing at quite a young age. I have been doing this for decades.
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    Why do many people fail to earn money online?

    Patience is very important to earn online. If not, one would just easily get scammed online.
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    Unusual Skill That is Handy at Work?

    In my kind of work, the ability to deduce from faint clues is very important. It can define your success.
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    Are your paying business permits in your local or city government?

    I still pay levies for environmental permits. It renews every year. And the amount is not really big.
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    Do you find selfishness as a money saving strategy?

    If the selfishness is about people feeling entitled, you better save your money and don't keep feeding people who you are not supposed to.
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    Let your effort comforts you with your success

    Let us not mistake it. Sometimes, the efforts might not bring the kind of success but we have to I keep pushing.