Recent content by riberet19

  1. riberet19

    Why people don't like investing?

    There are people who are quite afraid lose their money or see investment as too complicated, think that it is not something for everyone and not everyone likes risk aversion, if the investment is not for everyone it is because it is not easy and needs a lot of time to master, basically it could...
  2. riberet19

    Stocks Vs.Crypto

    Although I am somewhat more invested in cryptocurrencies, I quite like both and I do not have a preference since it is best to diversify and take advantage of both markets, both have their benefits and disadvantages.
  3. riberet19

    How to avoid losing money due to greed

    The best advice I can give you here is to try to remove the feeling of greed as much as possible because when the market is in a feeling of greed, misfortune does not take long to come, these feelings are true that can generate good profits to investors who have invested a time ago and can make...
  4. riberet19

    Is investing disgusting?

    If you are disgusted to invest, do not really do it, I do not understand why it should disgust a person a way with which most projects and industries in the world are financed and investment encourages progress when you invest you are not only giving your money to make a profit but to improve...
  5. riberet19

    What is Defensive investments

    Defensive investments are those that behave well in times of crisis or other disasters that occur in the world for example a war or others, gold can be a defensive investment or invest in shares of companies related to primary needs such as food.
  6. riberet19

    Investing in Gas

    I never invested in gas so I can not say if it is a good idea or not, but what I do know is that gas is quite volatile and it is difficult to foresee its next movements since it really depends a lot on the macroeconomic situation and geopolitics and more in these days with the war.
  7. riberet19

    Do you like faucets that have faucetpay payment option?

    I'm very happy about it, I just entered cryptowin again and I'm already activating some shares, I hope they continue to grow your shares there, I see that you are doing well.
  8. riberet19

    What is your opinion about postbucks site?

    This happens when you are seven days without entering the forum, it is written in the rules of the forum, in beermoneyforum also happens the same if you do not enter in 1 month, it is a rule to encourage users to stay active
  9. riberet19

    Selling gift cards for money

    There are people who like to earn some money in gift cards for example from amazon or other businesses, I really do not pay attention to this sites since I need real money and that is what I am looking for in a website
  10. riberet19

    Managing a paid to post forum

    I agree with you, $150 can go in a few weeks if you have a few active users in the beginning, it is best to start with a much larger budget.
  11. riberet19

    What is your opinion about postbucks site?

    The website is totally legal, it has the same payout rate as RIF, if you don't want to wait every 2 weeks to receive your postbucks payment just exchange with other users that there is always someone willing available, that's what I do.
  12. riberet19

    4 Ways to Build Passive Income Through Investment

    Yes, that's true, but the range of money you need to enter the stock market, forex or crypto is much lower and buying a property is much more expensive and not suitable for all pockets, so it is better to start at the bottom and create passive income from there, at least I think so.
  13. riberet19

    Did you take advantage of Bitcoin at $18k

    Well you can always save a little money in stablecoin to take advantage of good points to buy or a part of your money that is, a small percentage to take advantage of these possible purchase points, that's what I do.
  14. riberet19

    Solving captcha websites

    Yes, but the difference is that in the faucets maybe it is one every 5 minutes or 15 or so, in these places there are dozens of captchas per minute to end up spending hours there to try to earn $ 1 really is a headache.
  15. riberet19

    Earn from casino forum

    Yes, the more traffic the site in question has, the more advertisers will be attracted to the website and the more they can pay users for it, it is a matter of time and growth.
  16. riberet19


    Yes, from my point of view it is not reliable, because if you did not pay me without having done anything weird, it can happen to anyone, so they are not paying all users
  17. riberet19

    Solving captcha websites

    definitely, you can spend hours there and earn 20 cents or even less depending on how fast you solve the captchas, it's too robotic and meaningless work, everyone who worth their time should look for better options
  18. riberet19

    Is it faucet best way to start your earning career?

    It all depends on how you use the faucets if you want to earn money there to pay your bills you really should give it up if you use it to reinvest the money earned there and grow the snowball they can really be very useful that's true just pick the ones faucets that offer the best conditions...
  19. riberet19

    How did you get to know the RIF site?

    I discovered the RIF forum thanks to the thread that is open in the forumcoin forum, there people spoke very well of this forum and I decided to join, and the truth has been a very pleasant surprise.
  20. riberet19

    Do you spend time still searching a new website to earn?

    Yes, sometimes I look for new ways through especially youtube and the ptp forums to tell the truth, there is always time to investigate if I can earn more money with it, there is a lot of valuable information that you can use to inform yourself.
  21. riberet19

    Solving captcha websites

    I do not recommend these types of sites to earn money, I tried them and to really earn a dollar you will have to spend many hours solving captchas and it is too tedious and boring, I do not recommend it.
  22. riberet19

    Social media platforms

    Well I have never made money with a social network platform to tell the truth, only with youtube, but I think that the people where they are making money the most right now are on tiktok and on instagram.
  23. riberet19


    Once I used it, I reached the payment threshold and they never paid, for me this site does not work and it did not pay me if you respect your time, do not use it since the same thing that happened to me could happen to you, that is, they did not pay me.
  24. riberet19

    How to Grow a Faceless YouTube Channel?

    Well, the first thing that I would recommend is that you try to focus on a niche that is little exploited, the second thing is that you try to upload quality content and take care of SEO on the platform, that is, a good title, a striking cover, good tags, etc. The last thing is that you...
  25. riberet19

    Legal sites

    You can investigate the review posts we leave on the RIF forum to find numerous sites that RIF users work with to earn extra money, there are too many legit sites today where you can earn money, you just have to search for them.
  26. riberet19

    Did you take advantage of Bitcoin at $18k

    Yes and it could fall more even in a few months at least is what i think, crypto are very volatil and you can not be sure what is going to do the price in the near future
  27. riberet19

    Are you a member of Picoworkers?

    No im not part of this micro task site but i heard a lot of it in other forums and it seems that works well, im part of rapidworkers and microtask site.
  28. riberet19

    Hacking computers to make money

    Exists 3 types of hackers the black hat hackers that are the unethical ones the grey hat, this one are neutral and white hat hackers that are good hackers and sometimes work to govermets or other agencies
  29. riberet19

    Penalizing Non active users

    If I were the administrator I would do the same, if you are not active you simply will not earn money on the website and you will have penalties, on the other hand I have not yet had penalties in any forum since I usually stay active no matter how little.
  30. riberet19

    Have you joined Professional Forum Posters?

    I'm going to explore the site seems to pay well for what you say although I do not see members who are part of it I will explore it and if I see someone known there and the topics that are talked about, thanks for the information
  31. riberet19

    Do you have Daily Earning Target?

    I always have a target but then I forget honestly and I end up forgetting about it, but sometimes I do counting and I have fulfilled it and other times I do not haha, a shame.
  32. riberet19

    Did you take advantage of Bitcoin at $18k

    It was a good opportunity but I think they will arrive more at the end of this year, in my local currency was 14k euros which was great for me to buy a good amount I got rid of a part of the amount bought the other I hold it in the long term.
  33. riberet19

    Getting Paid in Crypto Currency?

    I also prefer payments in cryptos and if I need to liquidate the assets I do them by fiat when I need it, in cryptocurrencies it is much simpler and cheaper for both the payer and me to tell the truth.
  34. riberet19

    Ok, but remember that this platform in question is not an application, it is a website you have the link above in my first comment in case you want to join you do not need to download anything :D
  35. riberet19

    How do you manage to work on a multiple ptp websites

    If you like to write and communicate with others, it is not very tedious to do, you also learn how to earn money on other websites thanks to the ptp forums.
  36. riberet19

    What is the best site to earn cents daily basis?

    I tried toloka but I didn't even know where to start the page was a bit confusing for me to tell you the truth, do you still use it, what do you do to earn money there?
  37. riberet19

    Earn from casino forum

    It's normal, Beermoneyforum has 270k users and therefore many more advertisers and can pay more per publication while casinoforum only has 1 sponsor which I think is 1xbit.
  38. riberet19

    This is not a faucet, it is a micro-jobs page, nothing more, it has many youtube videos and paid tasks for more than a dollar, it has nothing to do with a faucet. the value of a ruble fluctuates between $0.013 and $0.017 more or less
  39. riberet19

    Muun wallet

    No problems, muun wallet you can download it from the play store or the app store I think also if you wish, it is a recommended option, good luck with your research
  40. riberet19

    Earn from casino forum

    You can also learn about gambling by being there and reading the comments or asking about it, little by little it will be done to the forum and contribute, I in my case if I have had experience in gambling, but I have seen people join who do not have and stay active.
  41. riberet19

    What low payment? If you do tasks there you can earn even more than $ 1 per task, if you do PTC you will surely be paid little, as is logical I suppose, YouTube videos do not pay much either, if you do tasks the payment is quite good.
  42. riberet19

    What cryptocurrency are you investing on for the next bull run?

    Without problems, if you do an in-depth investigation you can realize the potential that Monero has in the long medium term, it is a matter of time before people realize it.
  43. riberet19

    4 Ways to Build Passive Income Through Investment

    I know the hive token, Leo token I think it's a shitcoin no or something of that I heard in another forum, what percentage of profitability do those tokens give you?
  44. riberet19

    What is your favorite passive income sources

    I think the best passive income comes from dividends paid by public companies and from real estate, both are the least work you have to do to get them, in my point of view, but you need a good capital to start seeing profits in both.
  45. riberet19

    What is Initial NFT Offering (INO)?

    I didn't know this, I guess it's similar to ICOs but in terms of NFTs, it's interesting, but I think you have to be careful in this very new sector, because we already saw what happened a time ago with ICOs
  46. riberet19

    Earn from casino forum

    Exactly, it is better to know about betting and casinos if you are going to enter the site, having experience in gambling I have no problems there, but as you say if you do not have it, it is better to study. I think the forum is growing, it doesn't take long, but coming from mr.b it will...
  47. riberet19

    Muun wallet

    oh ok, i heard a lot about this page called bc game but i haven't tried it yet, if you don't have a wallet yet, muun wallet is very good and safe, but it only accepts bitcoin for now.
  48. riberet19

    Do you like faucets that have faucetpay payment option?

    Haha, do not worry my friend, I am sure you are doing well in offline work too, how are you doing in, do you have many shares active there already?
  49. riberet19

    Can you have too many Faucets?

    I think having many faucets at once distracts you from other more profitable activities, at least I think so, if you want to earn passive in some faucets that give you that option is fine, but to be claiming in 10 faucets, I think it is not profitable.
  50. riberet19

    Muun wallet

    But bc game is a website to earn crypto right? it doesn't have much to do with Muun wallet which is a crypto wallet for mostly making payments with lightning network, does Bc game have anything to do with muun?
  51. riberet19

    What cryptocurrency are you investing on for the next bull run?

    Think one thing, Monero will have an amount similar to Bitcoin in its supply monero I think it will be between 22 million and 23 million for the next decade, it is the most private currency of all and you can not track your transactions today, when they implement the currencies of central banks...
  52. riberet19

    Earn from casino forum

    Don't worry, in the rules of forums like beermoneyforum and casinoforum since they are from Mr.b make it clear that you can ask members whatever you want there and you can learn, you don't really need to have been playing casino games or betting on sports to be there.
  53. riberet19

    Do you like to invest your Faucet Earnings into faucet and earn Interest?

    Yes I sometimes do that too, I try a page if I see that I am not making good money I discard it and look for other options, I think it is the best for us.
  54. riberet19

    Do you like faucets that have faucetpay payment option?

    Yes, I think that when you see the large amounts after all the hard work you feel better when receiving them and it motivates you more to continue, rather than withdrawing small amounts every day.
  55. riberet19

    What are the factors that determine the risk tolerance level for investors?

    But if you see them as gambling, they will give the same result as gambling, in games of chance there really is little intrinsic value to study, in investments what benefits you and gives money thanks to your investments is to find that intrinsic value in a security/asset that hasn't paid off...
  56. riberet19

    What is bonds?

    Yes, investments must be studied in depth since we are putting our money at stake, and more when there is enough capital that you do not want to lose, it is better to use bonds from reliable and solvent countries such as the US, Australia, etc.
  57. riberet19

    4 Ways to Build Passive Income Through Investment

    Perfect, what cryptocurrency are you staking right now? there are some that really offer amazing performance such as Cosmos Atom (21% more or less) or even polkadot (above 10%) too.
  58. riberet19

    What cryptocurrency are you investing on for the next bull run?

    It continues to be in the same position in coinmarketcap, it is still a small cryptocurrency for everything it offers and the great potential it also has, it is also a cryptocurrency that is continuously improving and also offers protection and privacy that no other offers you, it has a...
  59. riberet19

    Earn from casino forum

    You can simply ask there and also make some money, it is not complicated, but it is better to start and study the world of betting before entering in the site.
  60. riberet19

    Warren Buffet words on investment

    Warren buffet is a intelligent investor, nobody doubt that, he likes a lot to invest in shares that gives him dividenda to increase his cash flow that he says that cash flow is one of the most important thing to get rich in long term
  61. riberet19

    Investing in Value Fund

    Well is the first time that i heard about this type of investment or fund but it is so interesting because if these underrated companies that the fund invest in growth in the future could give you some juicy returns
  62. riberet19

    Why do you invest in crypto?

    Well, I invest in it for a few reasons, one is because of its possible great future appreciation due to its volatility, another is also its decentralization and being able to do what I want with my money without intermediaries, and another is because of its percentage of returns in staking
  63. riberet19

    Working earning methods for Africans

    I have seen many people from Africa earning in the ptp forums, I think this is an option in which many people from Africa countries earn money online in these days.
  64. riberet19

    4 Ways to Build Passive Income Through Investment

    I really like passive earnings with staking, it really is the one I am most familiar with, what I never tried was yield farming, I don't have much information about that type of passive earnings.
  65. riberet19

    How to make money on Telegram?

    Telegram has been for a long time in which people go into it to offer services, I have seen channels where they sell trading signals, sell courses, sell betting tips, and other types of services as well, some not very legitimate.
  66. riberet19

    Making Passive Income as a Content Creator

    Could we also catalog affiliate marketing here? If you grow a lot as a content creator, there are many companies that could contact you to offer to enter an affiliate program.
  67. riberet19

    How Long Does it Take to Build Passive Income From Your Business

    I think it all depends on how long it takes to establish the business in question, there are passive incomes that may take longer and others less, there are some that, for example, a month may already be giving results.
  68. riberet19

    Bitcoin core

    Bitcoin core is a software where you download the entire Bitcoin software and you become a validator node of the network, the software downloads all the transactions in the history of Bitcoin and it takes up a lot of space in your HDD to tell the truth, but it has an option of wallet and you can...
  69. riberet19

    Muun wallet

    Muun wallet is a crypto wallet that accepts payments both in the base Bitcoin chain and in the Lightning Network, it is a very useful crypto wallet especially if you receive or make payments in the lightning network, it only supports the bitcoin cryptocurrency, but it has a lot of security...
  70. riberet19

    Earn from casino forum

    What do you need to know about gambling? poker, sports betting, blackjack? It is not really difficult, if you are interested you can send me private messages here, I have no problems. Well actually the payment rate is the same as RIF, it's not that bad either, $0.01 per post and $0.02 per thread.
  71. riberet19

    Investing In Stocks On Your Own or Through A Broker?

    Oh okay, I understand, I don't know what that platform is, to tell the truth, is it a platform used only in your country? or in africa? I think many European platforms cannot operate abroad like eToro I think it is from Israel and it operates in Europe and America I think.
  72. riberet19

    Argentina crackdown on BTC miners

    Bitcoin mining is already 60% from renewable energy, but what is the reason why people say that Bitcoin is harmful? for using dirty energy when it is mostly clean, why does it use c02 release? which I don't think it does, if it's so bad for using electric energy, what about electric cars that...
  73. riberet19

    How Profitable is Cryptocurrency?

    How profitable it can become depends on you as an investor and also the risk that you are going to carry with the investment, the time frame in which you are going to maintain the investment, etc., also in the projects in which you invest, not all of them are going to be winners in the long run
  74. riberet19

    What cryptocurrency are you investing on for the next bull run?

    I am currently investing mostly in Bitcoin, but also in ethereum, cosmos atom, cardano (ADA), matic and Monero I think all of these have potential for future appreciation in a bull run
  75. riberet19

    Investing your hard earned money

    Yes, I heard that also some Muslim banks offer interest of that type or something so a Pakistani friend told me, really Western banks do not offer almost profitability it does not make much sense to leave your money there.
  76. riberet19

    Crypto investment.

    Exactly, that is, if you have faith or confidence in the asset, nothing will happen, on the other hand it is true that the rich are created in bear markets, but it is also important to choose the right assets at that time.
  77. riberet19

    The Central African Republic stops using Bitcoin as legal tender

    You are right and that is true, but I think this is not the case at least not for this country since they have not mentioned any of this in the statement they made, it was a decision because of the disagreement of the banks related to the country with the bitcoin law.
  78. riberet19

    Earn from casino forum

    Basically because I was a gambling player for 2 and a half years and I still play mostly poker and blackjack and during that time I was with sports betting mostly.
  79. riberet19

    What is real estate investment?

    Well today there are some alternatives also such as some type of crowdfunding some are driven even by banks, where maybe you only need $ 1000 or even less than this
  80. riberet19

    Impossible to find a job without help?

    No, I do not think this is so, I got it simply by sending resumes and many friends of mine the same in this way, it is true that entering thanks to someone is easier but it is not the only way to do it.
  81. riberet19

    Earn from casino forum

    So just don't work it and do it on websites where you can do all the work often I guess, you have to have preferences. You will be well received there my friend.
  82. riberet19

    What is bonds?

    If the bonds fail it will not only be the investors who are harmed but the entire population of the country in question since the country will probably fall into default and have to be rescued as happened with Greece so it would affect many people.
  83. riberet19

    Investing In Stocks On Your Own or Through A Broker?

    How will you use apps to lose? to lose money? I do not quite understand you, you can lose money or win it depends on you in the end hehe.
  84. riberet19

    How do stock markets work?

    yeah It will always be easier said than done, but if you do not try you will not know, just open an account in a broker app and try to start trading.
  85. riberet19

    Earn from casino forum

    This is so that the forum is not filled with spam, since the owner is the same owner of beermoneyforum and is a very serious person with this issue, that is why the limit is set at 10 posts.
  86. riberet19

    Get paid for answering questions on Quora

    Thanks for this information I did not know, I do not have an account there, but if it is true that sometimes when I have searched for a question in the search engine I have entered to read answers on quora, maybe it is a good way to earn money.
  87. riberet19

    Do you have investments in big companies?

    There are many platforms where you can buy fractions of shares also from 1 dollar even if you want to invest in large companies, the penny stocks there are many that are consolidated companies even if their price is below $ 5
  88. riberet19

    Is it faucet best way to start your earning career?

    The faucets are an easy way to win online that is true, it can be a good place to start, but it will not give you very good benefits, I think the ptp forums could be a better place to start.
  89. riberet19

    The Central African Republic stops using Bitcoin as legal tender

    Hopefully so the other day the Russian bitcoin legislator said that Bitcoin had no future and stop their legislation, now this with Central African Republic and Biden and his henchmen are also pouring garbage on cryptocurrencies and are depleting them.
  90. riberet19

    Do you have investments in big companies?

    Yes, I have some investments in companies that I do from the eToro application, the last one I bought was from Santander bank, which is a Spanish bank, it is very easy to do, there are some actions that can be considered as penny stocks that have enough potential.
  91. riberet19

    Have you invested on REITs?

    In my country this way of investing in real estate is becoming very popular, and I think it is one of the best, plus you usually do not need so much capital and effort on your part.
  92. riberet19

    How do stock markets work?

    The stock market is basically where assets of all kinds are traded, such as company shares, commodities, minerals, cryptos, currencies among others, you can buy these assets for the price established by the market and if you hit your investment you can liquidate it and make a profit,
  93. riberet19

    What is bonds?

    Government bonds can also fail when it becomes insolvent and many can be converted into junk bonds when their credit risk rises, for example many bonds right now could be considered junk because of the risk of bank failure in some places, you have to look for those of the most solvent countries.
  94. riberet19

    Are you making money from Ibotta ?

    I have never used this service to tell the truth, and I have not used any cashback application but I think it is a good way to save money with your online purchases.
  95. riberet19

    Did you miss the arbitrium airdrop?

    I understand, well I really found out late about this airdrop, I guess people will have made good money, I would sell it as soon as I receive it because surely there will be a tide of sales and there will not be a pump
  96. riberet19

    The Central African Republic stops using Bitcoin as legal tender

    Yes, banks are probably behind all this as the reports say, banks know the role bitcoin has and how it can rob them of power over people and their money.
  97. riberet19

    The Central African Republic stops using Bitcoin as legal tender

    Yesterday Bitcoin ceased to be legal tender in the Central African Republic where the national assembly approved new amendments to the bitcoin law that had been in force since April 2022 following the same law model as El Salvador, it is speculated that it has been due to the pressures of...
  98. riberet19

    What is the future of cryptocurrency across the globe?

    Well you have to be aware of how everything develops in terms of cryptos, yesterday bitcoin ceased to be legal tender in the Central African Republic, everything could happens in the future.
  99. riberet19

    How to grow your savings

    The best way to save is to invest in more or less safe and consolidated assets, this can grow your savings slowly but progressively and accumulate more and more the asset with a DCA strategy.
  100. riberet19

    Is it safe to use BOTS in trading Forex and Crypto.

    I do not know how safe they are, but I am not convinced, I prefer to make my trades myself, so I learn and I know that if I fail it is my fault and I can correct my mistakes, I think bots deprive you of that.
  101. riberet19

    Did you miss the arbitrium airdrop?

    I heard about it but I have not participated, but as I have heard some influencers that it has not been as expected, what has happened with this airdrop at the end?
  102. riberet19

    Investing In Stocks On Your Own or Through A Broker?

    I refer to a broker or personal assistant of the stock market, that you contact to buy or sell shares, it is true that apps are brokers, but you choose to buy when to sell etc, that's what I meant when I said that I prefer to do it on my own, but it is true that you still need an intermediary.
  103. riberet19

    What are the factors that determine the risk tolerance level for investors?

    Yes it is better to indentify what is your risk aversion and decide in what assets to invest knowing your financial possibilities too to dont do things you can regret later to tell you the truth
  104. riberet19

    Can we discuss crypto as an escape route from banking system.

    Yes this is true for now the crypto world can not be decorrelated from the banking system or fiat world is something that maybe can be done in the future but not now i think
  105. riberet19

    What is the future of cryptocurrency across the globe?

    This is something that we can not know, for now the crypto world is going for the right way, the adoption is growing both in bussines and individuals and i think it will continue like that
  106. riberet19

    Investments with extremely low risk.

    If we talk about bonds as low risk we must look at those of countries with high credit credibility, otherwise at any time it could become what is known as a junk bond, and at any time increase the risk of the investment
  107. riberet19

    Investing In Stocks On Your Own or Through A Broker?

    I really prefer to do it on my own to tell the truth, I like to study the assets and invest myself and not depend on anyone, if I make a mistake I did it and I do not owe anything to anyone.
  108. riberet19

    What are the factors that determine the risk tolerance level for investors?

    The fact that a person has more risk aversion or is not within his personality or his goals, if you want to make a lot of money having a low capital you should take more risk if you want to get there, otherwise you will have to invest with a more moderate risk and invest little by little and...
  109. riberet19

    What is real estate investment?

    It is investment especially in properties, it is a market in which you need a lot of money to tell the truth, luckily in my country solutions are coming out to be able to invest in real state through crowdfunding.
  110. riberet19

    How much does it cost to Sponsor A Football team?

    I think it is enough money that is needed but for example the big teams I think it is the sponsors themselves who contact them to advertise for example in their stadium or on their shirts.
  111. riberet19

    Is it possible for cryptocurrency mining to Ruin Your SmartPhone?

    I think it doesn't make much sense to try to mine from a mobile phone if you know you can damage the device for a few cents, it really doesn't seem profitable to me.
  112. riberet19

    Which is more profitable Ethereum or Bitcoin?

    I believe that if we talk about fiat profits it may be more profitable to invest in ethereum since it may have a higher percentage increase than BTC because it needs less market capitalization for it.
  113. riberet19

    Can we discuss crypto as an escape route from banking system.

    It can be helpful with what is happening, but let's not confuse two things, cryptos are closely correlated with fiat, and could not escape at all, since all assets are measured in fiat, in addition exchanges are very correlated with the banking system since they obtain financing from them, we...
  114. riberet19

    China and Russia agrees to replace USD with Yuan

    The US block and its allies are increasingly damaged and this is just one more move on the board to gradually weaken the US, it is a war without weapons between the two.
  115. riberet19

    Coinbase wallet

    I understand, well sure there is some video explaining it, it must not be so difficult to do so, since many people want to spend their money earned with cryptos to fiat with PayPal.
  116. riberet19

    Can one earn big with faucets?

    Yes, patience pays off, you will soon reach 0.10 btc if everything continues like this, I'm glad, on the other hand I also use it, the money grows fast there too.
  117. riberet19

    Yield Farming vs Staking as Passive Income

    Honestly I prefer staking, I have not tried yield farming although I was tempted to do it on the Okx exchange, but those returns seemed too high, and I really did not know very well what risks yield farming entails.
  118. riberet19

    Deposit $25 to Earn Up to $400-$1000

    I think this is just one more attempt at scam, if so much money can earn with $ 25 that person in question who continues the same with the business and does not go looking for new unwary, this is nothing more than a scam.
  119. riberet19

    Is Google Stock Investment Profitable?

    I think it can be profitable in the long term since it is a great company and is very consolidated and is also a leader in many sectors and surely its future performance will continue to be positive.
  120. riberet19

    How was your experience in Digital Gold Investment?

    Right now I am investing a little in Pax gold the cryptocurrency of paxos trust that follows the behavior of gold, I think it is a good option to consider.
  121. riberet19

    How to know the right products to offer your target audiences

    Many companies what they do is study the products of the competition to improve possible failures in these and innovate a little in their product in question, it could be a good strategy.
  122. riberet19

    How to exchange PerfectMoney to Payeer

    I think there are some websites that let you do this, for example we could say the bestchange site which I think allows such an exchange beetween perfect money and payeer.
  123. riberet19

    Outlook for Ethereum in 2023.

    I have heard that soon there is another ethereum update on your ethereum 2.0 roadmap, if anyone can confirm, I dare not make a price prediction, but I wish it would go back to $ 2000 at least.
  124. riberet19

    Are you holding doge coin?

    Right now I do not invest in doge coin nor do I think I do it because it has too large a supply and does not stop growing and every year it does it in greater magnitude, I do not like such inflationary tokens.
  125. riberet19

    Florida Governor to ban CBDC

    I have also heard that the Federal Reserve will soon launch its token fedcoin as a pilot test of what could be the CBDC of the dollar, hopefully the country of the rods and the stars rejects this abomination
  126. riberet19

    Keeping your crypto assets safe

    Having your crypto assets safe is of vital importance, it is obvious but sometimes we do not, it is best to have a cold wallet but if it is not the case there are very safe and decent wallets such as electrum, exodus coinomi etc.
  127. riberet19

    How many job are you doing?

    Yes, calm I rest one day a week hehe, thanks for the advice I do sports and take care of the food, sometimes it is tiring but everything is fine ;)
  128. riberet19

    What coin will perform best in 2023?

    We can not know which is gonna have the best performance and less in the macroeconomic panorma that we find, I think now we have to take a look at Bitcoin, as he behaves, we can also look at the altcoins
  129. riberet19

    How many job are you doing?

    I think it is not the most correct thing to do in any way, you can not depend solely on a single variable to make money, as you say if this variable fails, you will return to the starting point, you have to look for more options.
  130. riberet19

    Investing your hard earned money

    Exactly, banks today pay you crumbs to have your money there, which they usually do not have, they invest it generate a return on it and you pay a really tiny return, it is not mine either.
  131. riberet19

    How can you achieve financial success

    You can consider several aspects, investing, saving and starting your own businesses if you combine these three and do it well, you can succeed in your financial goals i think
  132. riberet19

    China and Russia agrees to replace USD with Yuan

    It is a clear strategy to weaken the hegemony of the United States just at the moment when the country is increasingly weak economically and politically, in addition to that the yuan and the ruble I heard that they want to back it with real gold, which if it is real gives a value to both...
  133. riberet19

    Can one earn big with faucets?

    He refers to, that money is earned over time and buying many shares on the page in question, it is a long process you have to work the page for a while
  134. riberet19

    As a young person, would you do farming business?

    Well it is not a job that interests me too much and also in my country is too poorly paid with hardly any benefits, it is definitely not for me to tell the truth
  135. riberet19

    How many job are you doing?

    I have a part-time job offline, online I do many things also including ptp forums, you have to do different jobs to earn enough money, not to depends only of one site.
  136. riberet19

    Best Crypto Wallet for Indian Users

    I think that nationality has little to do with wallets because if the wallet is decentralized your nationality does not matter, whether you are Spanish, Nigerian Indian or wherever, just look for the one that has high security and works according to your needs.
  137. riberet19

    Which exchange will you recommend as the best?

    I would recommend that you use Kraken exchange is the oldest exchange dating from 2011 and has never had problems and is regulated in the state of wyoming as a bank, which gives it credibility, on the other hand as DEX I recommend Kucoin and Okx.
  138. riberet19

    New digital currency from Elon Musk "Tesla Coin

    I saw many ads of the alleged tesla coin this is nothing more than a crude scam for sure, do not trust these coins taken out of the sleeve, they are pure hype and deception
  139. riberet19

    Crypto investment.

    Exactly, if the market continues to fall there is no need to worry, just invest as you say what you can afford and everything will be fine, also if it continues in this trend we will have the opportunity to buy cryptos on markdowns
  140. riberet19

    Can one earn big with faucets?

    Exactly, the important thing is to use a faucet with staking function and use the money you can afford if you want to win large of them, there is no other way.
  141. riberet19

    Coinbase wallet

    You' are welcome my friend, I guess there must be a way to get it since I saw quite a few YouTube videos where they explained it, if you understand English better there are quite a few of them.
  142. riberet19

    Earn From

    Ripple is in autofaucet dutchycorps you can get it there and with better rates to get it, I think it is better to withdraw from there since they have too many cryptos available.
  143. riberet19

    Coindiversity - no pop up ads faucet

    Yes, I used this faucet a long time ago, but the profits were very low to tell the truth for my taste, there are faucets that give you 5 sats in a single claim, I consider them better.
  144. riberet19

    No problems my friend, you will see how you like it and you will earn a decent amount of money there if you work it, it gives much more than a faucet.
  145. riberet19

    Can you have too many Faucets?

    It is better then to dedicate your time to other types of profits, such as ptp forums, if your earnings are considered low it is not worth your time to tell the truth.
  146. riberet19

    How do you budget for investment?

    I almost always dedicate a percentage that is more or less 25% to investments and another 10% more or less to savings apart, I think investment is one of the pillars of good finance.
  147. riberet19

    How will crypto perform in the future?

    I think it is hard to say with everything that is happening in the world right now, but I think institutional adoption is getting bigger, so we can expect future growth.
  148. riberet19

    Coinbase wallet

    I think that option does not have it, to be honest I never saw that you could withdraw to PayPal, I have always done it directly to a bank account, but there are some videos that seem to explain how to pass money from kraken to PayPal, I do not know
  149. riberet19

    Is It Wise to Invest in Litecoin?

    Litecoin is still a good cryptocurrency in which to invest, it is the little sister of Bitcoin, its supply is quite scarce only 84 million coins and there will be no more, in all the bullrun has made historical maximum following its older brother bitcoin, it has been existing since 2011 being an...
  150. riberet19

    Have you been scammed by cryptocurrency exchange?

    Very well my friend, that is what you must do, it is always better to have the money in your own wallet, because remember the famous saying, "not your keys not your coins"
  151. riberet19

    Not Paying 🚫

    We are still few members there, but it is growing little by little, we are already almost 150 members, it is a good forum and pays on time, and the atmosphere is very nice, join it
  152. riberet19

    The Best Bitcoin To Invest?

    The best of all the currencies that its name begins with bitcoin is bitcoin itself, the others are forks of the mother currency, which have small changes, but bitcoin is still number 1
  153. riberet19

    Can one earn big with faucets?

    I think it's difficult, you can only earn well in those that have staking functions or that have a native token, or those in which you can do some well-paid surveys
  154. riberet19

    Coinbase wallet

    It is the oldest exchange so far is since 2011, and there have been no problems, it is regulated in the state of wyoming as a bank also, on the other hand you have many functions I do not know if the same as binance since I am not a member of binance, but you have staking, purchase with credit...
  155. riberet19

    JP Morgan Questions Bitcoin 21m limit

    If you do the calculations, the last bitcoin would just be issued in that year, that is why, but anyway if there is something clear is that what will not stop being issued is the fiat currency.
  156. riberet19

    Using solar power generator for business

    I think sunlight can be a good alternative in terms of energy production if you want to save money, but I think this also depends on the climate that your country has.
  157. riberet19

    Have you been scammed by cryptocurrency exchange?

    No, I have never been scammed by any exchange to tell the truth, but I have a friend who was banned from using the exchange for no apparent reason, I do not know why that was
  158. riberet19

    Is It Wise to Invest in Litecoin?

    The good thing about litecoin is that it has a security similar to bitcoin since its birth was in 2011 and it is one of the oldest cryptos in the ecosystem
  159. riberet19

    Rug Pull Strategy or Scam?

    I do not think there is a strategy here really this is nothing more than a crude scam to steal investors' money, a pity that this happens more commonly than I would like
  160. riberet19

    Earn Doge From

    Well 0.5 doge coin every claim is really enough you have proven this to be true, do you have payment proof that can verify that? because it is really high compared with other faucets to tell the truth
  161. riberet19

    Coinbase wallet

    Yes, of course if they remove bitcoin and the exchange falls apart, but in general they must improve a lot, I keep staying with kraken, which always works well and has everything I need included bch
  162. riberet19

    What is the age when one should be asked to start earning?

    I understand, that I think may be possible in your country, in my country there is a regulation that prohibits this, that child would be taken to an orphanage and if they find him working they close to the company where he worked.
  163. riberet19

    Do you believe cryptocurrency will always exist?

    Yes, I also hope the best for cryptocurrencies since I am invested in them and I have money there, but that does not mean that we should be cautious you know
  164. riberet19

    Gold or bitcoin?

    Yes, if you have little money available and you need it for your day to day, bitcoin right now is not an option to shuffle, since its volatility is too aggressive.
  165. riberet19

    Cannot solve qbkcaptcha at Coinpayu?

    You can always combine it to earn more money since you only have to run it in the background and do not spend more than 5-10 minutes complete everything, good as long as you are on a pc
  166. riberet19

    Are you Part of Binance?

    I open a thread in this forum about okex take a look when you can, it is a decentralized exchange that has all the main cryptocurrencies, you can also do staking there or yield farming which is another way to make money, you will only need to enter your mail and you can access, and you can...
  167. riberet19

    Earn from

    I only use faucets as I said where I can invest in their token and receive passive rewards as I said, also as I can do surveys there I get profitability, really if you can not do surveys are a bit wasted time.
  168. riberet19

    Do you like to invest your Faucet Earnings into faucet and earn Interest?

    I understand, you may be saturated, just leave them for a while then, it will be better, or focus on the ptp is a good option as well i think :)
  169. riberet19

    Do you believe cryptocurrency will always exist?

    It is normal they still have a very uncertain fate and we do not know what can happen to them so we can not make such drastic claims as that they will never go anywhere, we can not say that.
  170. riberet19

    Coinbase wallet

    In short, they will have to do something if what they want is to keep the exchange afloat, because fewer and fewer people use it and its functionalities are decreasing, a disaster, and that they do not admit BCH is scandalous too.
  171. riberet19

    Coinbase wallet

    Yes, you are right, recently delisted the coins of BCH, XRP, stellar and another cryptocurrency which right now I do not remember, supposedly for low volume of transactions, we are sure that something has to do with US regulations, because XRP has a lot of volume of transactions but is engaged...
  172. riberet19

    Kucoin and Circle Pay investing for Digital Yuan

    I also heard that in Japan they are planning a stablecoin correlated with the Japanese yen, these proposals are interesting to be able to do a little forex within the crypto ecosystem in any case.
  173. riberet19

    Are you Part of Binance?

    In any case there are many exchanges where you do not even need to pass a KYC better you go to any dex and do what you want to do there for example okex that does not have commissions as high as other dex.
  174. riberet19


    Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world but I am still not a member of this exchange since in my country they opened a headquarters and now they sell all the information of the users to the government and I do not like that.
  175. riberet19

    DEX vs CEX

    In general I do not like to stake in the exchanges I like to do it in decentralized wallet where I have the possession of my tokens in addition the staking profits in the dex can be diminished by the high commissions that they usually have
  176. riberet19

    Coinbase wallet

    I do not like the coinbase wallet very much to tell the truth, I remember that I downloaded it at the time because they gave away $ 4 in ethereum for doing it, but when I explored it I did not like it
  177. riberet19

    Glow wallet

    The glow wallet is only for solana and solana token or does it also allow other types of cryptocurrencies and tokens in the wallet in question? I would like to know it
  178. riberet19

    Do you like to invest your Faucet Earnings into faucet and earn Interest?

    Well I don't think it's really a win-win because if the faucet just disappears and goes away all your winnings vanished, because remember that faucets are not regulated by anyone.
  179. riberet19

    Cannot solve qbkcaptcha at Coinpayu?

    There you do not have any wallet you see your ads and complete your faucet, once you get a minimum of 3000 satoshis you can withdraw in bitcoin, faucetpay or other altcoins to a decentralized wallet.
  180. riberet19

    Do you believe cryptocurrency will always exist?

    The main problem is that it is still highly correlated with the fiat system and if this does not change and the fiat system falls the cryptocurrencies will fall anyway, so until a bitcoin is valued in a bitcoin anything can happen.
  181. riberet19

    What's Initial Exchange Offerings (IEO)?

    You must stop to read what you write, this detailed above one is offered by start-ups that do not ensure anything and the token can be a scam and the other is offered by an exchange with the guarantee that if something happens the most affected will be the exchange.
  182. riberet19

    JP Morgan Questions Bitcoin 21m limit

    I do not know if bitcoin will stop issuing at 21 million, we will know in 2140, what is certain is that they will not stop printing paper money, so what it is better?
  183. riberet19

    Starting a Fashion store?

    Yes, you are right, it is quite profitable if you have the experience and money to do it, fashion is always in high demand and people willing to spend large amounts of money on it.
  184. riberet19

    Earn from

    As I told you I only earn referrals I have not worked for a long time, since I do not like how long it takes to send withdrawals and the profits are not encouraging.
  185. riberet19

    Why Do Women Invest?

    Although women generally have less appetite for risk and investment, it is true that there are many more women investing than before nowadays, and it is not uncommon to see
  186. riberet19

    Do you like to invest your Faucet Earnings into faucet and earn Interest?

    Well there are some users who have won there I also got to have up to 20 shares and charged them without problems, I also recommend investing in space token of dutchycorps, since this is kept directly in your metamask
  187. riberet19

    Terra Founder is Wanted by Interpol

    Yes, I think that sooner or later justice will be done and he will have to answer before the law, at least in his country that is South Korea, where they want to catch him to be true.
  188. riberet19

    What is your preferred place to earn online?

    I certainly know them for a short time, if I had discovered them before they would have become one of my favorites also a long time ago, but currently they are to tell the truth.
  189. riberet19

    Gold or bitcoin?

    That is good not everyone has the stomach to digest the volatility that bitcoin entails, only if you have a good risk aversion you should venture to it to tell the truh
  190. riberet19

    What motivates employees?

    Yes, definitely sometimes when you can not increase the salaries of the employees can be a viable solution to keep them happy and productive, or so I think.
  191. riberet19

    Bitcoin and Ether Predictions 2023

    But it is the first time that it faces an economic crisis worldwide, and this is not known, so we can not be so sure, better to be forewarned just in case
  192. riberet19

    Do you like to invest your Faucet Earnings into faucet and earn Interest?

    There are several legal faucets in which you can invest money and earn some interest or you can also invest in your native token which some faucets have, they are good ideas, but only what you can afford or the same earned on the website in question
  193. riberet19

    How is the reputation of a company determined?

    I believe that the reputation of a brand can be due to many factors, such as the quality of the product offered, the quality of customer service as well, good business management, having strong values, helping the communities where it operates, treating its employees well etc.
  194. riberet19

    Starting a Fashion store?

    I think this can be a good idea as long as you have the money available for it, clothes is an indispensable item and everyone needs it in their day to day, there are people who are really fans of buying clothes, if you create a good own brand and sell it and you are successful you can earn a lot...
  195. riberet19

    What motivates employees?

    Yes, this is true, but sometimes they can not because of the conditions of the country where they operate, but well some benefit they have to really give if they want to keep employees motivated, if not as you say, they will leave
  196. riberet19

    What is happening in bitcoin now

    Bitcoin today continues to rise, has reached more than 28k, it seems that it still has strength to continue, while the traditional markets continue to collapse in the face of all the banking commotion.
  197. riberet19

    How to make $100/day online?

    Making $100 a day online is not easy to do even in Tier 1 countries, so you'll need to learn new skills or invest your money in case you want to go that far in my opinion
  198. riberet19

    Earn from

    Yes, in addition with the increase in prices of cryptocurrencies these days has lowered the amount of btc I had there, but well today I managed to withdraw, withdrawals are slow there to tell the truth.
  199. riberet19

    What is your preferred place to earn online?

    Yes, although sometimes working in many forums tires a bit since it is difficult to take them all at once, but it is a good way to win and one of my favorites too to tell you the truth
  200. riberet19

    What motivates employees?

    The problem is that for some companies this is something difficult to do sometimes, that is why sometimes there are other ways to get it such as giving more vacation days or other bonuses.