Recent content by Samuzor

AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum
  1. S

    Variable Cost vs Fixed Cost - Which is easier to meet up in business?

    I agree with you, fixed cost is more easier to settle than variable cost, the only problem I have about fixed cost is that it's taxed, although you can to manipulate your way to eliminate the tax factor
  2. S

    Benefits of Working Capital Loans

    Capital loan is very very brilliant, one thing I know is that capital loans are not taxed at all. It's the best quality idea, to run your business or buy an estate, or something else you have in mind, And I mean something that will be compounding your profit.
  3. S

    How much is a crate of egg in your country?

    A crate of egg should be around 3$, I think.
  4. S

    Dream Big in Business

    Life is floppy at the same time perfect. One thing that limits a man is his mind, even the bible says 'as a man thinketh, so is he'. Our mind are tied to infinite possibilities. You need to dream big, because your mind with consistency will reflect it self in the physical
  5. S

    How do one overcome fear of failure?

    You need to understand that in life, risk must be taken irrespective of how you feel about it. You need to understand that making attempts is not failure, failure is when you decide to quit, that's failure, making mess-ups when doing something is not failure, they are attempts.
  6. S

    The Need to Adapt as a business person.

    Adaptation is one of the major functions of living things. The ability of one to produce certain qualities for the environment to be favourable to you. In business it's applicable, you need to adopt certain trends in order to profit from the market.
  7. S

    Where to ask for help about business?

    Well, people do tend to have problems venturing into varieties of businesses, some have the phobia to start. My best advice is to find the people who are successful in that area you are venturing into and learning from them.
  8. S

    Dimsum and Juice to go for less than a dollar

    Ohh that's a very nice business approach, the price is very much affordable, I believe you will be successful, and it's taste very nice too. Chinese foods are great, really great.
  9. S

    Do you believe that sharing meals can help people get through cultural barriers in the workplace?

    Yes, it will, think about it. Nigeria as a country is filled with various ethnicity and religions, we have various ideology, culture and social preference. One of the best ways to ensure harmony is with sharing.
  10. S

    How to improve the work environment for workers

    Improving the environment for the workers will increase the efficiency of workers, and this is very important. the best way is to make a good, conducive and stress free environment, and some breaks, to make sure they had rest ,
  11. S

    Talking About Salary: Acceptable or Not

    It actually depends, for the employees, it's beneficial cause they may know if they are cheated on, and things like that, but for the employers, they don't allow it, They have their reasons for this.
  12. S

    Would you rehire a former staff who resigned voluntarily?

    It won't matter to me as an employer, if you want to reapply, so far you were productive, I am of the interest of the growth of my company, so it depends
  13. S

    Wedding Planner business?

    It is actually a good business deal, think about it. You literally get paid good amount for planing for the catering, the designs, themes and so on. It's very lucrative
  14. S

    As a young person, would you do farming business?

    Of course I will, is that really a question? It's a very lucrative. It has one of the most potential increase in profit especially in Nigeria, it's very promising, if managed well would give you great turn overs
  15. S

    Is gambling a good investment?

    Gambling actually is a good investment. First of all, gambling is a game of probability, even life itself is a gamble, you win or lose, even if you put the efforts. You need to determine the probability of success and failure of possibilities.
  16. S

    What are your favorite fruits?

    My favorite fruits, are pineapple, banana, and mango. Pineapple because, it's very sweet, rich in vitamin, and has fluid. Banana is very very sweet. Mango literally makes man go. It's cool
  17. S

    Get paid to search (0.05$ per click)

    Ohh really, thank you for the information, I really do appreciate it, the site does look good, and the pay does seem promising, I'll try it later, I'll also download the Firefox browser.
  18. S

    Get paid to answer questions

    Ohh I didn't know that it didn't pay out, but as for the other ones, I know very well that pay out, but as for study pool, the verification is high.
  19. S

    What do you do with the money you earn from PTP forums?

    Well it depends, I mean, as a student, the bills you get, PTP won't b able to fund, cause it's small, plus takes time. But I do use it for miscellaneous stuffs.
  20. S

    Streetbees phone app, what I think about it

    This is a very nice information that you just gave us, we thank you for that, my question is, how well do they pay, and how much is does each task worth?
  21. S

    Why does ForumCoin look old?

    Forumcoin is a very old forum, though they pay but the payouts are low, it's a good site to work it, although I do encourage that they try to make the user interface of the website more interactive
  22. S

    What is your PTP benefits?

    Well, there are so much benefits other thanthe money gotten from the forum, though i recently joined, I am able to learn a lot of things on this forum, I am able to connect with people I want to connect with.
  23. S

    What is your daily earning on PTP?

    I thought the maximum on RIF is $1, how are you making up to $2-3$ per day, how I can I be able to make to that amount, I really want to know? Is it from other platforms? Which other platforms pays to that amount? 1684674831 But where can I be able to earn by writing good-content-article.
  24. S

    Are There Any Legit Captcha Solving websites that does not Penalize us for our Mistakes?

    How do those captcha solving sites pay, and what is there requirements? Is it that low as it was presumed? What are the chances one could get banned in such websites?
  25. S

    How can Paid to post forums be Sustainable?

    Paid to post forums can be sustainable, if they actually generate revenues from this website, Although I do not know for sure where they generate their revenues from but I do know that they do generate.
  26. S

    Legit đź‘Ť

    This is surely a great site to work with, and the minimum payout is also very low, compared to other sight, I agree, but consider this, the payouts are very low, it's going to take so much time to earn a considerable reasonable amount.
  27. S

    Why are internet forums dying?

    Based on this information given, this is more reason why forum needs to be in place and still paying, reason is this; As there are no much demand, especially for some companies, they have to do some business strategy that would attract customers, paying forum members is one of them.
  28. S

    Earning money from russian sites vs global sites

    What Russian sites do you actually know about, that gives such opportunity, and how can I be able to access those sites, what are their payment methods?
  29. S

    Is it good to invest in a parking space?

    Well, from my opinion, it's actually good to invest in a parking space but, not as good as you think. This is because your region of choice of parking space affects the outcome of such investment
  30. S

    Can you dance Tiktok Lol

    If by meta you imply metaverse? Well thats true, you won't actually get paid if views are very low. And the thing is it takes time to grow audience, unless your contents are kind of unique in a weird way.
  31. S

    Can you dance Tiktok Lol

    I actually can dance different types of dance, so far I put my effort to it, even the TikTok dances, but I am not a tiktoker at all. I don't post videos
  32. S

    How do you describe a business that is successful?

    Success is being measure by different mediums, they can be measured in how exponentially your wealtg grow, the growth of customers, expansion, these are major factors that need to be considered to be called successful
  33. S

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    I woke up around 7am, thinking about how I'll reconstruct my life today, I made sure I took care of myself, and got ready for today's activity.
  34. S

    Bad manners in business

    You really spoke the truth, the bad manners that are being portrayed by employers towards the employees really depreciate the productive of that company
  35. S

    Appreciate the employees in your business or company

    I am in total agreement with you, people need to appreciate their workers, because they try to help in developing the strongholds of the company.
  36. S

    Money Fraud

    This is a common factor in the economic and business sector, money fraud is a very common issue is some countries, the fact that you give out counterfeit notes, this is a serious crime.
  37. S

    Financial statement fraud

    I agree with you, financial statement fraud is a very serious issue, and mist not be over looked, this is a very important issue, of which needs to be eradicated
  38. S

    Games with payout

    The s gaming platform you mentioned is really promising, but due to the fact that you said that it's very minimal shows how's discouraging it is. I would agree with you that it's legit.
  39. S

    Are you a member of forum coin site?

    Well, I'm not a member, yet of Forum coin, but die to some researches I've done and the information I've been given, they actually pay, but the amount distributed is very minimal 1684628360 You are actually correct, the pay is actually minimal, and that also gives me the creeps, I do want to...
  40. S

    What are some of the websites that pay via crypto?

    I think beerforum could actually work, though it's not that easy but you can still try it. Or Bzindusty, that also should pay. They are actually legit but not available at all regions
  41. S

    Being poor: fate or choice?

    Actually, there are two scenerios of how poverty actually works(is), the truth is, if you are born poor, it's not your fault, you can't actually control your birth in anyway, but if you die poor, it's actually your fault, it's not fate at all. It's only fate if you where born with it
  42. S

    Legit đź‘Ť

    How legit is the platform, are they are reliable as this index forum? Are there some restrictions? If not so, I can be able to check out the webpage and see for myself, and also register
  43. S

    This might be an interesting platform, as you said, has been compared to reddit. I'll make sure I check it out, and see for myself, if the platform is worth the while.
  44. S

    Is PTP websites only to make money?

    PTP are actually very interesting platforms to perform activities on. Creating post is also fun stuff to do, along side you are making money from it. 1684628716 PTP forums, of course has its benefits, but still, you shouldn't undermine the fact that PTP is not just to make cash from it, it's and...
  45. S

    Are you earning from Mylot?

    Ohh really, I also heard that from one of my friends also, although I haven't checked it out, I do believe it may be worth the trial.
  46. S

    Have you joined this forum site: FUSION CASH FORUM

    How valid is this information that you've given me, is it legit, do they actually pay,I would like to join
  47. S

    Do you prefer earning money from YouTube or PTP?

    I agree that YouTube is one of the largest online platforms where information can be sourced out from. YouTube indeed require patience, I prefer to wait and make money through that medium. 1684626328 What exactly is the PTP platform, and why has it been to compared to YouTube? What do they...