Recent content by King Belieal

  1. K

    How close are you to your customers and employees?

    One needs to build a relationship with customers and employees but should know how to set healthy boundaries in such relationships.
  2. K

    What does it mean to franchise a business?

    With franchise, you sell the rights for another business to use your brand and reputation to run their businesses as a subset of your business.
  3. K

    Which of these busineses is more stressful to run?

    Food business is a cyclical business and that is what makes it very difficult to run. You don't have rest of you want to succeed with food business.
  4. K

    What are the metrics used to value a building?

    The location of the building is the biggest metric that is used to value a building.
  5. K

    Banking job vs Insurance Job- Which would you rather take?

    I think I would prefer a career in banking to one in insurance strictly based on availability of opportunities.
  6. K

    What are the qualities of an effective manager?

    An effective manager is always agile and ready. He or she is courageous and ready to lead from the front.
  7. K

    Price increase while keeping customers happy

    You can decide to pre inform the customers before you increase prices of the products of your business.
  8. K

    Business Hospitality

    It starts even from the way a customer is received when he or she enters the business premises.
  9. K

    some important financial decisions to have on your financials checklist for the new year

    Paying off debt in time is one that I always don't fail. It gives you a lot of credibility and financial leverage.
  10. K

    Why do companies change the packaging of products over time?

    Companies always change the packaging of products overtime to refresh the brand and attract customers again.
  11. K

    How can you run a shifts job perfectly

    You would just have to condition your mind that you are doing a shift job. You have to be trying to find rest in the afternoons of days you are on night shifts.
  12. K

    Too Much Inventory Can be Lethal for a Business

    A business should not be having too much inventory beyond what it can utilize within the short term.
  13. K

    Should companies be involved with charity work?

    If a company can, they should do a little bit of charity that is separate from their corporate social responsibility.
  14. K

    Small scale business Vs large scale business; which is easier to manage

    When it comes to large scale businesses, there are line managers that make the tasks of managing them quite easier.
  15. K

    Starting Home Repairs and Maintenance company

    A home repairs and maintenance company is one kind of business that would be greatly patronized if formed.
  16. K

    How you must treat your workers.

    The thing is that most employers always think of themselves as do highly above their workers and that they don't need to be respected.
  17. K

    Can you invest with a zero capital?

    It is impossible to invest with a zero capital. What then would yield for you when you don't invest money?
  18. K

    New đźš© Anyone o Upwork?

    I have never had any level to success on freelancing platforms, Upwork inclusive. I probably came too late to have much success there.
  19. K

    How many income sources do you have?

    I have three sources of income. The first is my poultry farm, the second is my music studio and the third is my musical instruments playing side hustle.
  20. K

    Does Passive Income Guarantee Financial Freedom?

    Passive income with no residual income would render you in debts while you are waiting for the passive income source to pay.
  21. K

    How to create a budget that works

    You need to understand how and what to estimate and approximate to be able to create a sound budget that would work.
  22. K

    Poultry farming business.

    I have gotten training on integrated poultry. It is a very technical process but it helps to minimize costs of operations for a poultry farm.
  23. K

    DEX To Naira Exchange Services.

    Withdraw Day is just few days away. You could claim a withdrawal through me even when you have not reached the site threshold. No matter your Dex Balance, I would pay. Shoot me a Private Message here or chat me on Telegram with the number listed on the original post. Please all transfers...
  24. K

    What's Your Favourite Flower

    I don't have favourite flowers but I love the hibiscus, izora and rose flowers. There are the flowers I was exposed to as a child growing up.
  25. K

    What are you worried over?

    What I am worried over now is how to raise money to expand my business and increase my sources of income.
  26. K

    Were you bullied in high school?

    If it is about senior students bullying the junior ones, I really was a victim. The irony is that I couldn't also be a bully when I became a senior student.
  27. K

    Describe your crush when you were in high school,LOL

    I really crushed on this petite intelligent girl back then in high school. We made an attempt to date but I was too young for relationships then.
  28. K

    Do you still frequent visit to your relatives and stay there for few days?

    Any of my relatives that sees me in their house surely knows that I would leave that same day. It is a long time I ever slept out in someone's house.
  29. K

    How did you get over your ex

    I love hard and deep sometimes too. But getting over an ex is something that doesn't take me 24 hours because I don't want to wallow in that place of depression.
  30. K

    How do you describe yourself

    I would describe myself by stating that I am goal oriented and very practical when it comes to life approach.
  31. K

    Cut cost by carrying bottle of water around

    Carrying a bottle of water would definitely help you to save some good money when you count how much you save daily in a month or two.
  32. K

    Borrowing money for investment

    It is easy to make it sound good that you are borrowing money to invest but that is something that I wouldn't do.
  33. K

    Can you invest all your money into something?

    I have never invested all my money. The concept of investing all your money is something that might leave you in financial ruins. I can only invest a part of my money into a particular thing.
  34. K

    Have you ever rented a CD and watched movies?

    More like, we used to borrow from our neighbours. But they used to pay money to rent movie CDs. How Netflix has changed everything.
  35. K

    Do you like movies based on Politicians?

    I love political movies. They teach some things that you might not even know about the interplay of politics.
  36. K

    Do you use Paypal to trade or invest in crypto

    PayPal can easily be used to buy crypto by funding your PayPal account and using it to purchase any kind of crypto listed within PayPal.
  37. K

    Converting BCH to fiat currency

    I don't know why it is a very easy thing for me to do. With Remitano exchange, it takes clicking few buttons and your BCH would be in your fiat account.
  38. K

    Alternatives for the forum posting

    For me, no matter the alternatives available, forum posting remains my forte. It is where I can do so much activities without getting bored.
  39. K

    Is anyone working on BMF here ?

    I find it very convenient to earn on Beer Money Forum. It is one of those forums that doesn't waste time to make payments.
  40. K

    If you want the best growth for your business, be fully committed to your idea

    When you are fully committed to your business ideas, you would be ready to throw in the maximum time and efforts needed for your business to succeed.
  41. K

    How do you stay away from borrowing. money

    I always take time to plan my financial life. And stick to what I can afford. With those two practices, I hardly ever borrow money except an emergency happens.
  42. K

    Things to consider before borrowing money for your business

    Even when you are doing all those analysis, ensure to leave a 20% gap for business failures. That would help you ascertain the ideal amount to borrow.
  43. K

    Have you filed a chargeback with Paypal?

    Someone actually filed a chargeback against me. It was investigated by PayPal and I won the chargeback dispute. That person is even a member of this forum.
  44. K

    Importance of Building Positive Workplace Relationships

    As it stands, I have some very good relationships with my boss and my ex colleagues. We still talk, they still link me up to opportunities that might benefit me.
  45. K

    Giving up

    I always tell people my story if how I contemplated suicide just because I was owing someone a huge amount of money and my business failed. But I held on, the money was paid and today, my business is waxing strong. If my story doesn't lift you, there is obviously no hope for you.
  46. K

    One high school subject you would love to teach others

    When it comes to Economics as a subject, I am an authority. I can plot the curves and analyse them so well.
  47. K

    Missed things about your single life?

    The thing that I would miss most when I get married would be the freedom to come home at anytime I want in the night.
  48. K

    What's your favorite day in a week?

    I don't really have a favourite day in a week. Any week that good money comes in is my favourite.
  49. K

    Have you inherited something from your parents?

    My parents are still alive. Even though they have given me a house, I am not yet ready to live there. But I sure have lots of inheritance from them.
  50. K

    How do you avoid being fed up with posting on forums?

    I just post and rest. I don't do posting as if someone is chasing me. That is how I can stay fresh posting on forums.
  51. K

    If a pay-to-post forum offered crypto payments for VIP

    I don't mind paying for the VIP in order to support the site and get my cash outs.
  52. K

    Do you still watch TV?

    I have not watched TV in a while apart from watching football which is like a weekend routine for me. I don't watch any shows on TV.
  53. K

    Do you use crypto to make payments

    I occasionally use crypto to make payments and it is absolutely very easy especially when you use a wallet like exodus.
  54. K

    The past cannot be forgotten, edited or erased, it can only be accepted

    We don't need to allow our pasts to haunt us into submission. We have to look to the future with hope and leave the past b
  55. K

    Moving on from emotional abuse

    Emotional abuse is even worse than physical abuse because the person is plaguing your very soul. Don't give it a chance as it can lead to suicidal thoughts. Take yourself away from those who abuse you emotionally.
  56. K

    What's your experience with marriage

    The only experience I have with marriage is people that I see around and I would say that marriage is not easy at all.
  57. K

    A day you can't forget In your life

    I obviously won't forget the day I wrote the final paper that confirmed me a graduate. I cried as friends came to sign me out on my T-shirts.
  58. K

    Is it easier for beautiful people to secure jobs?

    Good looks would you some advantage when there is a tie on who to pick for the job.
  59. K

    Do you believe in destiny?

    Do you mind sharing with us? I actually believe in intentionality than destiny. I believe that a man designs his fate by himself with choices.
  60. K

    Early Childhood Education Business

    I think that parents are ready to pay a premium to have the services of these early childhood educators that are very good.
  61. K

    Which do you prefer between a mobile food vendor and a restaurant.

    Anyone that the food is tasty and gives me value for money, I patronize. But it is mostly restaurants these days.
  62. K

    Which is easier to market between a product or service?

    There is a difference in marketing a product and a service. The marketing methodology itself is quite different.
  63. K

    Are your prices fixed?

    The prices of my products are to a large extent fixed. But I might give slight discounts based on discretion.
  64. K

    Is it even possible to truly regulate crypto?

    That's the most they can go. There are decentralised exchanges which no one knows who owns them to regulate them. It is still a dream to regulate crypto.
  65. K

    Getting rich through gambling: dream or reality?

    I can't believe in gambling as a means to get rich. It is not practical and I don't like things that are built on luck.
  66. K

    The importance of staying up-to-date on sports news when investing

    If you are about to invest in any sports team, you have to take time and follow that sport if you didn't prior to the time. You need about a year to study that.
  67. K

    What kind of less risky investment options do you use?

    I think that crypto is a less risky investment. If you know what you are doing with crypto investments, it is less risky. That's my less risky investment.
  68. K

    Do you like to learn English slang?

    I don't learn formal English slangs. I just learn the ones that are applicable to the location that I find myself.
  69. K

    What's the best compliment you've ever received?

    When my ex girlfriend told me, "You are every woman's spec". It really made me feel special.
  70. K

    Do you like to drink water with bottle or in glass?

    I always drink water in a cup. If I don't, I drink water using the sachets that it was bought with.
  71. K

    Is it possible to make friends on forums?

    I have made so many valuable friends from forums. We have to understand that we can network too apart from just earning.
  72. K

    What is your favourite digital marketplace

    It is the Facebook marketplace. It is one platform that you can see people around you to buy and sell things.
  73. K

    Ways to save and start business as a college student

    You can't save to start business as a student unless you have a job that pays you. Pocket money from parents can't achieve that.
  74. K

    Challenges Related to Implementation of Financial Wisdom

    One of the big challenges that keep people from carrying out financial tips like budgeting and saving is lower income.
  75. K

    How to build loyal customers through customer service

    Customer service surely breeds loyal customers. It would build the lasting impression that they would get about your business beyond the products.
  76. K

    How background checks help grow a business

    I don't joke with my employees I terms of background checks. I know the two of them to their parents.
  77. K

    What's the most important thing to remember when creating a marketing strategy for your business?

    You must always remember the target audience and how they would receive the marketing strategy and respond to it.
  78. K

    Start late and slow and expect a negative impact

    You should be pursuing your business with zeal. That is one aspect that has helped to push my business very far.
  79. K

    Disadvantages of using traditional means of advertisements.

    The traditional means of advertising hasn't been cost effective. You spend more and you get less impact.
  80. K

    Business partnership for beginners

    The few times I tried to enter partnership in my business, I got my hands burnt. I won't partner with anyone because I have my own business vision.
  81. K

    Is your business going exactly how you planned it at the beginning?

    It has not really turned out the way I planned it. Thought it would be bigger than this level it is by this 6th year v
  82. K

    Is your business related to what you studied?

    I studied an afro related course and my business is in line with my course of study. I own a poultry farm.
  83. K

    Selling herbs for money

    Some people are already having herbs farm and it is quite lucrative for them because they sell to individuals and organisations.
  84. K

    Do you think you can be successful some day while participating on the cryptocurrency business activities?

    I am still yet to learn the technical part of the crypto trading and I believe I would succeed with it.
  85. K

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    I feel that making money online is a good means of generating extra income to add to your main work.
  86. K

    New đźš© Insured Forum Back with resumption of paid posting.

    All of those information, you might not get it accurately on index forum. Why don't you go read the FAQ of the site?
  87. K

    What house chore can you turn to money making?

    You can easily turn the house cleaning chore to offer cleaning services to people and make money.
  88. K

    Hardest Major at University?

    I don't know which is the hardest major but one thing that I know is that I can't read an engineering course because it has lots of mathematics.
  89. K

    Do you believe on destiny?

    I don't believe in pre determined destiny. Nothing in this world just happens. People shape their lives.
  90. K

    What Are Your Next Plans In Life?

    At this stage of my life, my next plan would be to build and own a house of my own.
  91. K

    Are you presently in love with anyone?

    There is a a lady that I am in a committed relationship with. We are going strong with every passing day.
  92. K

    Do you follow baseball?

    The only other sports I follow after football is tennis and basketball. Baseball? I find the sports to be quite boring.
  93. K

    Your Favorite Football Club?

    Do you know the club called Manchester United? They are more than a football club. They are a culture. Even in trying times, it is still one of the biggest brands.
  94. K

    Do your parents stay with you after your marriage?

    In my culture, it is best to leave your parents and stay alone after you have gotten married.
  95. K

    What is the importance for a smile?

    A smile can ease up every burden that you carry. It is important to smile if you want to achieve every year young outlook.
  96. K

    Does the business of charging and renting of car batteries work in your country?

    It actually works but not as a sole business. If you try to run it as as sole business, it doesn't have enough demand to generate a living income.
  97. K

    How lucrative is load carrying business in your country

    I won't advise anyone I know to think of this kind of business. It would make you to age very fast.
  98. K

    Is money-back guarantee a fraudulent act?

    Money back schemes is not a perfect reason to label a business as scam. You should do more research to find more parameters to base your conclusion on.
  99. K

    Would you beg a customer simply because they pay well?

    Any customer that attempts to go physical with my staff would be properly dealt with. I would get him or her arrested, no matter how much he or she pays for products.
  100. K

    Labor Union in a workplace

    Some employers don't allow any form of unionism in their business organisations. If found, the employees would be sacked.
  101. K

    What are the particular challenges with phone charging business and ways to control/minimize them?

    With the high costs of PMS these days, it is systematically very difficult to run this kind of business of charging phones commercially.
  102. K

    where do you get the latest news about business ideas from?

    I read mainstream newspapers. They have a subsection that solely talks about business. Examples of such platforms are ThisDay newspapers.
  103. K

    One lesson you have learnt as an entrepreneur

    One lesson that I have learned as an entrepreneur is that we should take advantage of every opportunities that come our way.
  104. K

    Cost of registering your business?

    I think that with $30, you can register a business name for a business organisation that doesn't require incorporation.
  105. K

    Different operational cost to be known by business beginners

    Sometimes, when I consider the things that a business person has to meet up with financially, I can't just help but give a big thumbs up to business people.
  106. K

    Christmas bonuses

    When I was in paid employment, there were some Christmas periods that we were not even paid our December salaries.
  107. K

    How to have a productive business day

    Starting your business day early would help to set the tone for the business and allow for some test running if equipment.
  108. K

    How do you cope with doubt in business?

    Whenever I am in doubt about a business proposition, I would take time to study and probably ask questions meticulously to clear my doubts.
  109. K

    Is it true that business is draining?

    There are times that it almost seems that you would break down from loss of energy in business. But you don't have to break down v
  110. K

    What is your customer attraction strategy for your business?

    The customer attraction strategy that I use for my business is to create publicity by flaunting my products. That creates awareness and also attracts people.
  111. K

    The business of tutoring online as a side hustle.

    Tutorial services online seems to pay a very good amount, almost more than double of forum posting.
  112. K

    Don't Have bananas late in the day

    I don't know about that part where banana takes so much time to digest. I always take it at anytime and I have never had any issue.
  113. K

    If you have enough money will you go for Apple Products?

    If I can afford an Apple product, I won't even bother to think about it. I would surely go for it.
  114. K

    Russian-Ukraine war; Who is right and who is wrong

    I think Ukraine miscalculated. You don't get to dare a supposed super power like Russia and don't expect force.
  115. K

    What make your day a good one

    The day would be adjudged to be a perfect one when I accomplish all my tasks for the day. It would be a good one when I accomplish most of my task.
  116. K

    Can you sleep with or without a pillow?

    When I am sleepy, I would just sleep. If I see a pillow, that's fine. If I don't, I still sleep on.
  117. K

    Do you still wear a watch?

    For some very unexplainable reasons, I have not been a fan of wrist watches. I don't even look at wearing a wrist watch.
  118. K

    Do you like to party?

    I don't like partying. I have become a person that loves quietness and most parties are very loud.
  119. K

    Are you a smart type of person?

    Even while being modest, I can proudly say that I am a very smart guy. I always have options to achieve things.
  120. K

    Do you have any pet?

    I don't really have any pet. That's because I don't think that I have the funds to be able to maintain a pet for now.
  121. K

    Causes of products wastage in a business

    When a business organisation can't properly manage it's inventory, products would easily be wasted and some even expired because of no sale.
  122. K

    Social Media Strategy for Your Business

    I use a mix of video tutorials and written contents to drive traffic and engagement to my business Facebook page.
  123. K

    Research and validation

    When you research your business, you can meet other people that have been successful in that business to validate it.
  124. K

    Effective ways for small businesses to reach customers

    The most effective way for small businesses to reach customers is social media. It is equally effective for offline businesses.
  125. K

    How do see the venture of selling on credit?

    Selling on credit is not something that you should embed as a usual part of your business. It would run the business down.
  126. K

    How many years interval do you think is best to increase the employees salaries?

    There would always be a conflict if years of service would be the sole basis of salary increment. I think performance should also be considered as an important factor.
  127. K

    People are the most important in a business to succeed

    Every business succeeds if the people that are supposed to drive it to succeed all have one mind and work with one goal to achieve success. Every other factor is secondary.
  128. K

    Would you restart a business if it fails once?

    A business failing just one time is not enough for you to give up on the business. Anyone that does that can never grow in business.
  129. K

    What part-time job can a student do to earn money

    I think the best thing for a student to do in my country given how tight the academic system is would be to run a small business by the side. Selling of clothes or something like that.
  130. K

    Would you allow your employees bring their babies to work?

    Most nursing mothers just shut down working till when the babies are strong enough to start school.
  131. K

    What's your thought about starting up a video game center?

    I am thinking that I would start this business some time in my life. It is a good business that can make you daily money.
  132. K


    A cleaning agency is going to be a good paying business if it is operated in a big city with a commercial nerve.
  133. K

    Brands and labels

    Isn't it unethical for brands to lie in their labelling. I believe the law allows them to be sued for that.
  134. K

    What do you still love doing that you loved as a kid?

    What about I make a beat for you to sing on? You never can tell what may come out of it? I had also loved music as a little boy and I am a pianist and a music director now.
  135. K

    Non paying forum you post on?

    I always post on Admin junkies and Nairaland. Those are non paying forums but I gain much there.
  136. K

    Non verbal ways of appreciating a loved way

    Just calling to check up on your loved ones regularly is enough to show that you care.
  137. K

    Once a woman realizes she can be fine without you, it's game over for you

    Anyone can move away from anyone when they realize that no one is indispensable. It is both ways.
  138. K

    Teaching Online Vs. Selling Digital Courses

    Selling digital courses is quite easier. You don't need to study everyday like you do when you are teaching online.
  139. K

    Are you comfortable receiving compliments at work?

    It could be a real morale booster when you are complimented in your workplace. It can motivate you to do more.
  140. K

    Have you ever thought about leaving your job due to a conflict at work?

    If the conflict becomes very deep with me directly involved, and the company is not backing me, I would leave.
  141. K

    Have you ever thought of selling one of your body parts?

    I can't sell any part of my body. It is too risky a thing for me to consider because anything can happen anytime.
  142. K

    Have you ever thought of starting a micro finance?

    I can't even think of even managing a microfinance, talk more of owning one. Even if I am gifted, I don't want.
  143. K

    How much do you keep in your savings account?

    I think I have up to an equivalent of $40 in my savings. And I have up to $100 in staked crypto.
  144. K

    Cash or cheque?

    Cheques are somehow stressful to cash. You would have to present an identification. I prefer cash payments instead.
  145. K

    To do List

    For this month, I have a To Do List because there are so many things in my head now.
  146. K

    Mental illness

    I think that depression is a precursor to mental illness. A psychological approach could be the real solution to manage mental illness properly.
  147. K

    Do you sleep early?

    I always try to sleep early so that I can meet up with the things that I have to meet up with.
  148. K

    What is that one thing that can steal your peace

    One thing that can take my peace away from me is pressure from things that need to be done and they are not done.
  149. K

    If you want the best growth for your business, be fully committed to your idea

    Only you knows the prospect of your business and you have to carry it on your head to achieve that prospect.
  150. K

    Business owners have the right to refuse services

    I always refuse my services to some sets of people. There are problematic customers that I don't really want their troubles at a time.
  151. K

    Should employees be allowed with their phones during work hours?

    Even if you are with your phone at work, you must not be found to be fiddling it during working hours.
  152. K

    Is selling snacks profitable?

    If you can know the number of biscuits that are consumed everyday, you would realize how profitable snacks business is.
  153. K

    A must for a mental distraction in business

    I always say that a business person must surround himself with support system that would help him to navigate challenging times.
  154. K

    Would you allow your employees bring their babies to work?

    I am a very sympathetic person and I would not stop my employees from bringing their babies to work if I own or manage an organisation. I would provide a comfortable place for the parents and the babies.
  155. K

    can you allow your employees work without supervision?

    My farm staff is competent to an extent and I can allow her unsupervised work up to an extent.
  156. K

    Why you need a good warranty and return policy on your product.

    If your product has a definite result it is supposed to deliver to the customer, it should have a warranty.
  157. K

    Is it even possible to truly regulate crypto?

    Telegram is the base of crypto now. I am wondering how an instant messenger just transformed to a crypto mining platform.
  158. K

    Do you see the prices for the food items being too expensive for you to afford?

    The cost of food these days is really something that is almost looking unbearable. But eating is a must for every human.
  159. K

    What are the most important things to focus on in your business?

    The most important thing to focus on in your business is keeping a steady cash flow by constantly maintaining and increasing sales.
  160. K

    What are the important things you should consider before buying a smart phone?

    For me, I always consider the RAM and performance of the phone. I don't even care about the camera as an important feature to dwell on.
  161. K

    What are the important things we need to be intentional about?

    We have to be very intentional about our finances and financial life. We don't have to let anything destabilize us financially.
  162. K

    Do you eat RICE and STEW?

    Rice and stew has always been a favourite food of children. I eat it though but just sparingly.
  163. K

    Do you get freebies from your government?

    There is no freebie that I am getting from my government. The only thing they are giving to me is sufferings.
  164. K

    Have you ever been in the ICU

    I have been to the ICU but not a patient in an ICU. What I saw in the ICU the last time I was there scars me for life.
  165. K

    Important things to do before marriage

    You must evaluate your belief system and the person's belief system if they align for you guys to have a successful marriage.
  166. K

    Being a Boss

    I have always been at the forefront of leadership. But now, I am taking myself out of those positions. I only lead in my business. I am tired of managing people.
  167. K

    Do you have your own home?

    I don't get it have my own home. I still have to pay yearly rents in the apartment that I currently occupy.
  168. K

    Do you find it difficult to apologize

    I can apologise very easily. I would even go on my knees to apologize if that is what is needed. It is not difficult for me.
  169. K

    Have you ever been on an aeroplane before?

    I have flown on an aeroplane for like 5 times. The last time though was five years ago.
  170. K

    How many hours can you sleep in one go?

    I don't think that I have slept for more than four hours at a go in my recent life. I have conditioned myself that way and my body has adjusted.
  171. K

    What circumstances qualify a product for a free repair?

    In my country, be sure that the product has not been tampered with by anyone. The product would be repaired under warranty.
  172. K

    What would you do if a business owner sells fake good to you for the second time?

    I don't think a business owner can sell fake products for me a second time. Doing it for the first time is enough to leave that business.
  173. K

    Bad effects of taking solo decisions in a business

    When you take solo decisions without discussing with anyone, you run the risk of taking an unbalanced decision.
  174. K

    What is last earning site you joined?

    I think it is also Forum Filler for me. It is the last earning site that I joined and it has paid me good money.
  175. K

    Legit đź‘Ť Review

    There is no real problem with your earnings for the first seven topics and 3 threads that you make. I am still earning maximally there.
  176. K

    New đźš© Do you earn on the other paid to post sites?

    But the normal rates on Discussion Bucks are still the same. I still earn at a very maximal level on Discussion Bucks.
  177. K

    Have you ever been hospitalised?

    Funny enough, I have never slept overnight in a hospital before as in me being hospitalised. I just go for treatment and come back.
  178. K

    How is the country's finances affecting the personal finances?

    When your country's economy is in a mess, there is only very little that you can do to succeed financially except you join politics.
  179. K

    What's the difference between semi-passive and fully passive income sources?

    A business is never a passive income source. Anyone that wants to run a business as passive income would not go far with it.
  180. K

    Earn Passive Income by building Quarters Near Factory?

    Factory workers are always constantly looking for quarters to stay. And such a quarters near a factory would always be occupied at all times.
  181. K

    How do your fight the brokenness?

    I fight my brokenness by making sure that I earn money every week. That always puts money in my hand so I don't go broke.
  182. K

    Few steps to stay financially informed.

    You can follow financial channels on YouTube. Those channels upload valuable contents that would help you to be abreast of the things happening in the financial landscape.
  183. K

    Cooking just enough

    My girlfriend comes on Sunday to prepare my food for the whole week. That invariably means that we cook once a week v
  184. K

    In your opinion, why is it important to get a college degree?

    I believe that a college degree gives you some kinds of exposure which you might find valuable for life.
  185. K

    What time do you usually go to bed?

    I am striving to be sleeping early so that I would always stay fresh for my activities the next day.
  186. K

    Food and medicine

    We need to be careful about how we eat. We should eat balanced meals to stay healthy. We should not overeat.
  187. K


    I try to be very comprehensive with my decisions because I always believe in taking actions immediately decisions are made.
  188. K

    Normalise Helping others

    If you are sure that you would love people to help you when you are in need, you have to learn to help people that have a need too.
  189. K

    Are you interested in the helping of the needy?

    I don't have any option than to help the needy when I am in a good financial position to do. Sometimes, I even make sacrifices to help people in need.
  190. K

    Can you be close friends with your husband’s friend?

    I just grew up seeing close friends or my mom being close to my dad and vice versa.
  191. K

    Long wait for food

    I can't accommodate that long wait especially when I am extremely hungry. They won't know when my outburst would come out.
  192. K

    What is Your Favorite Crypto Exchange?

    Binance would always be number one for me. There are only two crypto exchanges as far as I am concerned. Binance and the rest.
  193. K

    Using payeer as a cryptocurrency exchange

    Payeer is a solution for some people to exchange crypto since the Payeer funds can be transferred directly to the bank in some countries but it is not for me.
  194. K

    Which TV station do you play the most?

    Even on Netflix, I stream music shows the most. I have a deep affinity with music. I do the news a little bit.
  195. K

    Do you play Crypto Games for Money

    One of the crypto games that people are really playing now are Hamster Kombat. But I have not joined in it. I don't consider it worth my time.
  196. K

    Is posting boring along the line?

    Paid to post forums are never boring to me. That is because there are always so many topics to reply to and many engagements.
  197. K

    Helping RIF to grow

    I don't know why Index Forum has no ads till now. I just hope that @Cam would consider monetizing the site with time.
  198. K

    New đźš© Do you earn on the other paid to post sites?

    I don't earn on one site. I earn from a lot of paid to post forums. Right now, I am taking a try at Advisordia.
  199. K

    Whose fault is it?

    We can't blame anyone but the entire economic situation in the world that has made life very expensive that people struggle to meet ends meet with their pay. The employers should understand.
  200. K

    Is there NO ID, and NO ENTRY policy in your business?

    For my farm, if you are not granted express permission, you can't enter the farm house. That's because of our strict biosecurity regime.