Recent content by You

  1. You

    25 Posts on

    Done. my username: You.
  2. You

    25 Posts on

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  3. You

    Do you like to take OTC meds for almost everything?

    No, I don't like to take OTC meds for almost everything. I prefer natural remedies or simply resting when I can.
  4. You

    Do you take meds for headaches?

    Yes, I do take meds for headaches occasionally. When the pain becomes too much to handle with just rest and hydration, I usually reach for over the counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
  5. You

    Have you ever bought a property before?

    Not yet, but it's a dream of mine! I've always been fascinated by the process of finding the perfect home, and I can't wait to start my search.
  6. You

    What are some of the best computer games of all time?

    What are some of the most iconic and influential computer games of all time? From classic arcade shooters like Pac-Man and Donkey Kong, to groundbreaking RPGs like Final Fantasy VII and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and modern masterpieces like The Last of Us and Portal. which games have left an...
  7. You

    Are you friendly with your Neighbors?

    I'm fortunate to have wonderful neighbors who have become like an extended family.
  8. You

    Which is your favorite soft drink brand?

    Pakola, hands down! There's something about the iconic green bottle and the sweet, creamy flavor that takes me back to childhood summers. It's more than just a drink. it's a nostalgic experience.
  9. You

    Can you stay for 24 hours without your phone

    Going phone less for 24 hours? That's a challenge! I know it's essential for mental clarity and self reflection. I'd replace screen time with nature walks, reading, and meaningful conversations. With a bit of preparation and mindset shift, I'm confident I can survive even thrive without my...
  10. You

    How do you halt start of falling sick

    When I feel the onset of illness, I halt its progress by listening to my body and taking swift action. I prioritize rest, hydration, and nutrition, indulging in warm soups and comforting teas.
  11. You

    What embarrasses you the most and what’s been your most embarrassing moment?

    My most embarrassing moment was when I accidentally walked into a glass door thinking it was an open entrance.
  12. You

    If you were to be animal which will that be?

    If I could be an animal, I'd choose to be a dolphin! I'm drawn to their intelligence, playfulness, and grace in the ocean.
  13. You

    Online shopping

    I'm a mix of both! While I enjoy the convenience and flexibility of online shopping. For ease and efficiency, I often opt for online shopping, especially for repeat purchases or when I'm short on time.
  14. You

    Do you find it aesthetically disgusting to eat with bare hands?

    Eating with bare hands can be a sensitive topic, but personally, I don't find it aesthetically disgusting. In fact, I believe it's a natural and intimate way to connect with food. Many cultures practice eating with their hands, and it's a sign of appreciation for the meal.
  15. You

    What would consider before buying a residential property

    When looking to buy a house for my family, I consider several factors. First, location is key proximity to good schools, public transport, and amenities is essential. Next, I think about space and layout enough bedrooms and bathrooms for everyone, plus a backyard for the kids to play.
  16. You

    How do you deal with a bad day

    When I'm having a bad day, I take a step back, breathe, and prioritize self-care. I acknowledge my emotions, then shift my focus to something positive a walk outside, a good book, or a funny video.
  17. You

    Make up or no make up

    I'm a 'no makeup' kind of person! I believe in embracing natural beauty and individuality. Makeup can be fun for special occasions, but daily life is about being comfortable in my own skin.
  18. You

    What colour of clothes do you mostly have?

    In my wardrobe, the most common colors you’ll find are pink, white, and blue. These shades appeal to me for their versatility and charm.
  19. You

    Favorite Dish

    My favorite dish is biryani. Whether it’s chicken, mutton, or vegetable, biryani always satisfies my cravings and leaves me feeling content.
  20. You

    Have you ever felt disappointed before

    Yes, I have felt disappointed before. It’s a common part of life. Expectations sometimes don't match reality. For instance, when I didn’t get a job I really wanted or when plans fell through.
  21. You

    Can you marry someone who’s too busy?

    I believe marrying someone who's too busy would be challenging. for me, marrying someone who can't make time would be difficult.
  22. You

    What do you do to relax?

    To relax, I enjoy reading a good book or watching a favorite TV series. Sometimes, I take long walks in the park.
  23. You

    How Do You Show Someone You Love Them?

    I show someone I love them through small gestures like listening actively, surprise gifts, and thoughtful notes.
  24. You

    Do you workout at Gym or prefer to exercise at home?

    I prefer to exercise at home rather than going to the gym. It's more convenient and allows me to work out at my own pace and schedule without the need to commute.
  25. You

    Do you like Pumpkin Pie?

    No, I'm not fond of pumpkin pie. The flavor and texture don't appeal to me personally.
  26. You

    Do you like Pancake

    Yes, I enjoy pancakes, especially with fresh fruits and a drizzle of maple syrup. They're a comforting treat for breakfast or even as a snack.
  27. You

    What’s a goofy hobby you have?

    Sure, a goofy hobby I enjoy is collecting vintage rubber ducks.
  28. You

    Do you like Green Veggies?

    Yes, I enjoy green veggies quite a bit. They're not only nutritious but also versatile in cooking.
  29. You

    Are you Good at staying patient?

    Staying patient is something I strive for, though it can be challenging.
  30. You

    Favorite Breakfast

    I enjoy a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs with avocado on toast, accompanied by a side of fresh fruit and a cup of coffee.
  31. You

    Can you survive a week now without money

    Surviving a week without money would be quite challenging for me. I would struggle with basic needs like food and transportation.
  32. You

    Do you have a plan to change your daily routine?

    Yes, I'm considering tweaking my daily routine to include more exercise in the mornings and setting aside dedicated time for reading before bed.
  33. You

    What do you do when you are Bored

    Certainly. When boredom strikes, I usually pick up a good book to read, try out new recipes in the kitchen, or take a walk outdoors.
  34. You

    Have you ever been babtised?

    I haven't been baptized because I'm not Christian.
  35. You

    Keep moving

    I don’t give up easily. When faced with challenges, I try to stay persistent and focused on finding solutions.
  36. You

    Do you have Semi or Fully Automatic Washing machine?

    I have a fully automatic washing machine. It's very convenient and saves a lot of time.
  37. You

    Which is better work from home or in office?

    In my opinion, working from home offers more flexibility and comfort, allowing for a better work-life balance.
  38. You

    How do you start your day?

    I wake up at 5 AM and begin my day with prayer. This quiet time sets a positive tone for the day. After that, I enjoy a healthy breakfast to fuel my body and mind. Then, I take some time to plan my tasks and goals for the day, ensuring I stay organized and productive.
  39. You

    Do you take a lot of sugar?

    No, I don't take a lot of sugar. I try to maintain a balanced diet, so I limit my sugar intake.
  40. You

    Do you like Almonds?

    Yes, I like almonds. They're not just tasty but also packed with nutrients. I enjoy them as a quick snack, in my breakfast cereal, or even blended into smoothies.
  41. You

    Have you ever tried to do intermittent fasting?

    Yes, I have tried intermittent fasting. It was an interesting experience that required discipline and planning. I found it helpful for managing my eating habits and maintaining energy levels throughout the day.
  42. You

    Do you Like Egg Curry?

    Yes, I like egg curry. It's a delicious and hearty dish, especially when paired with steamed rice or naan.
  43. You

    What kind of exercise do you do?

    For exercise, I enjoy a mix of activities to keep things interesting. I often go for runs in the morning, which helps clear my mind.
  44. You

    how much do earn online ?

    Haha, my online earnings are a personal secret! Let's just say it's a comfortable income that allows me to live life on my own terms. I'm grateful for the financial freedom and flexibility that comes with online work.
  45. You

    The reason why you are working online?

    I work online for the freedom and flexibility it offers. I can choose my own hours, work from anywhere, and pursue projects that bring me joy and fulfillment.
  46. You

    Do you dress to impress other

    I dress for myself, not to impress others. My style is a reflection of my personality, comfort, and creativity.
  47. You

    What makes you happy?

    Simple moments make me happy. A warm cup of coffee on a chilly morning, a good book on a rainy day, or a laughter filled conversation with loved ones.
  48. You

    Giving your property to orphans even when you have children

    I believe in the value of giving, but I wouldn't give away my property to orphans if my own children are struggling.
  49. You

    Washing clothes manually or with a Washing Machine?

    I prefer the convenience of a washing machine! It saves me time and effort, allowing me to focus on other tasks.
  50. You

    What do you think makes a healthy lunch?

    A healthy lunch is all about balance and nourishment! I believe a combination of whole foods, vibrant colors, and varied textures makes for a satisfying and nutritious meal.
  51. You

    Is the circumcision allowed in your culture?

    Yes, circumcision is an established practice in my religion, Islam. It's a sacred tradition that symbolizes purification and submission to God,
  52. You

    Are there any things you keep from childhood?

    Yes, I still treasure my childhood toys! They hold a special place in my heart, reminding me of simpler times and fond memories.
  53. You

    What do you think about being a house wife or house husband?

    I believe being a stay-at-home partner is a remarkable and undervalued profession. I think it's wonderful to have a partner who can devote themselves to creating a warm and supportive environment, allowing the other to pursue their career and passions.
  54. You

    Do you act gentle when you are in front of strangers?

    Yes, I always strive to be gentle and kind when interacting with strangers. I believe that a warm smile, a listening ear, and a compassionate heart can go a long way in making a positive impact.
  55. You

    When last do you shed tears?

    I last shed tears when my loyal cock, a faithful companion of 4 years, passed away.
  56. You

    Do you like Resins?

    I'm fascinated by resins. The way they transform from a liquid to a glossy, solid finish is mesmerizing.
  57. You

    Healthy snacks

    When hunger strikes, I crave something satisfying and flavorful. I reach for comfort foods like a juicy burger, crispy pizza, or a hearty bowl of pasta.
  58. You

    Do you love sashimi

    sashimi? I'm not familiar with its taste. As someone who hasn't tried it, I can't say I love it or dislike it. The idea of eating raw fish is intriguing, but I've never had the opportunity to experience it.
  59. You

    What kind of movies do you like?

    I enjoy a wide range of movies, but my favorites are thought provoking dramas and sci-fi films that explore complex themes and ideas.
  60. You

    Do you miss online chat rooms?

    No, I don't miss online chat rooms. While they were once a hub for connection and community, I've found that social media and specialized forums have evolved to better facilitate meaningful interactions .
  61. You

    What can stop you from working?

    Several things can stop me from working, but top on the list is my health. If I'm not physically or mentally well, it's challenging to focus and be productive.
  62. You

    How do you relax on a very hot day

    On a sweltering hot day, I relax with a refreshing glass of iced tea or a revitalizing dip in a pool.
  63. You

    Do you like travelling abroad?

    Absolutely! Traveling abroad is a passion of mine. I love immersing myself in new cultures, trying exotic foods, and exploring historic landmarks.
  64. You

    Do you like to drive a Car or Motor Bike?

    I love driving my car. The feeling of freedom and control as I cruise down the highway is exhilarating. I enjoy the comfort and security of being enclosed in a safe vehicle, and the ability to travel long distances with ease.
  65. You

    Do you know how to swim?

    Yes, I know how to swim. I learned when I was a child, and it's been a lifelong passion. It's a skill I'll always treasure, and one that allows me to connect with nature and clear my mind.
  66. You

    What are your favorite fruits?

    Strawberries and grapes are my absolute favorite fruits! Whether snacking on them fresh, blended into a smoothie, or savored as a sweet treat, strawberries and grapes never fail to put a smile on my face and satisfy my cravings.
  67. You

    Do you use to cry while going to school in childhood?

    Yes, I used to cry on some mornings when I was a child, resisting the idea of leaving my comfort zone and the warmth of home to face another day at school.
  68. You

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    I wake up at 5:30 AM every morning, eager to start my day. This routine sets a positive tone for the day, allowing me to feel grounded and focused.
  69. You

    When did you wake up today?

    I woke up early today, just before sunrise. It was a peaceful moment, with the world still quiet and the darkness slowly giving way to light.
  70. You

    Why did you resign from your job

    es, I have resigned from a job in the past. The cause was a lack of growth opportunities and a mismatch between my values and the company's culture.
  71. You

    Which do you like to drink Milo or Ovaltine? 😁

    As a nostalgic treat, I prefer Ovaltine. The rich, velvety texture and deep chocolate flavor transport me back to childhood memories of warm, comforting nights. Milo is delicious too, but Ovaltine's unique taste and aroma hold a special place in my heart.
  72. You

    Career you wanted to do as a child

    As a child, I dreamed of becoming an astronaut, captivated by the mysteries of the universe and the thrill of exploration. I spent hours gazing up at the stars, imagining what it would be like to walk on the moon or discover new planets.
  73. You

    What do you do when you want to be alone?

    When I crave solitude, I often retreat to nature. Being in nature helps me clear my mind, recharge, and reconnect with myself. I also enjoy curling up with a good book, listening to soothing music.
  74. You

    One sad moment you can't forget

    One sad moment that still resonates with me is the loss of my childhood pet, Mikky. He was more than just a dog.
  75. You

    How do you handle gossips

    When I hear gossip about myself, I take a deep breath and remind myself that it's often a reflection of the other person's insecurities. I don't engage or react, as it can fuel the fire.
  76. You

    Do you like your mother or your father?

    I love both my mother and father equally. They each bring unique qualities to my life that I cherish.
  77. You

    Do you spend sleepless nights if failed of something?

    Yes, I sometimes spend sleepless nights if I fail at something. The weight of disappointment and thoughts about what I could have done differently keep me awake.
  78. You

    Is there someone you keep on thinking about?

    Not yet. I haven't found someone who occupies my thoughts constantly. My focus is mainly on my personal goals and daily tasks.
  79. You

    How do you choose your friends?

    When choosing friends, I look for qualities like trustworthiness, kindness, and shared interests. Honesty and a good sense of humor are also important to me. I value friends who are supportive and reliable.
  80. You

    Drug that's always in your house?

    In my house, I always keep a few essential drugs on hand. These include pain relievers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen, cold and flu medications, and basic first aid supplies like band-aids and antiseptic cream.
  81. You

    What time do you wake up every morning?

    I usually wake up at 5.30 every morning. I find it’s the perfect time to start my day, allowing me to get a head start on my tasks.
  82. You

    Do you prefer a Semi Automatic or Fully automatic Washing machine?

    I prefer a fully automatic washing machine. It saves time, effort, and ensures my clothes come out clean and well-rinsed.
  83. You

    Do you prefer to drink tea or coffee?

    I prefer drinking coffee over tea. Coffee gives me that quick boost of energy and helps me start my day on the right note.
  84. You

    $0.30 Value Dex For Signup

    This offer is still available :) Anyone interested ?
  85. You

    $0.30 Value Dex For Signup

    Rule no 1 Sign up here Rule no 2 Register to participate in June 2024 contest here: ForumRace June 2024 contest : Titans Enterprise Type my name, "Yusra" in (Who referred you? From ForumRace(optional) Option then click on "Quick order" and complete...
  86. You

    What is the best email marketing tool?

    I'm looking for a user-friendly platform that offers advanced automation features, customizable templates, and reliable deliverability. Should I opt for popular options like Omnisend, ActiveTrail, or HubSpot Email, or explore other alternatives like Brevo or Salesforce? What features matter most...
  87. You

    Have you ever prepared soap at home?

    Not yet, but I've been curious about the process. Making soap at home seems like a creative and practical skill.
  88. You

    What do you like to eat with tea or coffee?

    I enjoy pairing tea or coffee with light snacks like biscuits, muffins, or scones.
  89. You

    Do you like too spicy food or moderately spicy?

    I prefer moderately spicy food. Too spicy food can drown out other flavors and make the meal less enjoyable.
  90. You

    Do you like lemonade in winters?

    Yes, I enjoy lemonade in winters because its refreshing citrus flavor contrasts with the cold weather.
  91. You

    Do you have fear of dark?

    No, I don't have a fear of the dark, but I'm cautious in unfamiliar surroundings.
  92. You

    Do you like Curd rice?

    Yes, I do like curd rice, but it's not something I crave often. It's a comforting dish on hot days or when I want something simple and soothing.
  93. You

    Are you good at painting?

    Yes, I have some skills in painting, but I wouldn't consider myself an expert. It's more of a hobby than a profession for me.
  94. You

    Do you prefer to learn online?

    Sure! Yes, I prefer learning online for its flexibility and convenience. It allows me to study at my own pace and access a wide range of resources from anywhere.
  95. You

    Do you consume tobacco or any drugs?

    Certainly! No, I don't consume tobacco or any drugs. I strongly dislike them due to their harmful effects on health and well-being.
  96. You

    Is It easy to find house help in your country?

    In my country, it's relatively easy to find house help. Many families hire domestic workers for various household tasks like cleaning, cooking, and childcare.
  97. You

    Is it easy to find a Yoga teacher in your city?

    Finding a yoga teacher in my city isn't always straightforward. There are a few studios offering classes, but options can be limited.
  98. You

    Do you still have your best friend?

    Yes, I still have my best friend. We’ve known each other since childhood, and our bond has only grown stronger over the years. Even though life has taken us in different directions, we always make time to catch up and support each other.
  99. You

    Do you talk and sing to yourself?

    No, I don't talk or sing to myself. I usually keep my thoughts and melodies in my head. When I'm alone, I prefer to enjoy the silence or listen to music through headphones.
  100. You

    Do you really enjoy the cold seasons?

    Yes, I really enjoy the cold seasons. it's a great time for relaxation and reflection. Cold seasons bring a unique charm and comfort that I look forward to each year.
  101. You

    Do you really love everybody?

    No, I don't really love everybody. While I strive to treat everyone with respect and kindness, love is a deeper connection that I reserve for family, close friends, and significant others.
  102. You

    Would you like to work like a tutor?

    Yes, I'd like to work as a tutor. Sharing knowledge and helping others understand new concepts is fulfilling.
  103. You

    Are really afraid of driving on a busy traffic road?

    It's surprising that some trained drivers struggle with busy traffic despite their training. It might be due to anxiety or a lack of real-world experience.
  104. You

    Do you use to follow any sports while at school?

    Yes, I used to follow several sports while at school. Football was my favorite, and I enjoyed watching the matches and discussing the games with friends.
  105. You

    Do you prefer the plastic or the wooden chairs?

    I prefer wooden chairs because they offer a timeless aesthetic and a sense of durability.
  106. You

    Which one do you prefer perfume or deodrant?

    I prefer perfume over deodorant. Perfume has a more refined and lasting fragrance that suits different occasions and moods.
  107. You

    Do you know any haunted places in your country?

    Are there any spine-tingling, hair-raising haunted places in your country that I shouldn't miss?
  108. You

    What are some signs that indicate a teacher is good or not?

    What are the telltale signs of an exceptional teacher? Is it their ability to explain complex concepts simply, their patience and empathy, or their enthusiasm for the subject matter? Or is it something more?
  109. You

    Do pictures speak louder than words?

    Can a single image really convey a message more effectively than a thousand words? I'm curious to know if the old adage still holds true in today's visually driven world. Share your thoughts. do pictures have the power to transcend language and capture our attention like never before?
  110. You

    What is a free reporting tool to embed into software easily?

    What's a free and easy-to-use reporting tool that I can seamlessly embed into my software? I'm looking for something with a user-friendly interface and robust features that can help me generate insightful reports without breaking the bank. Any recommendations for a hassle-free integration...
  111. You

    Do you get a backache from tidying the mattress for a long time?

    Tidying the mattress for an extended period can be a real pain literally! My back and shoulders ache from lifting and adjusting the heavy mattress, and my hands cramp up from gripping the sheets.
  112. You

    Do you like to add cashews to your dishes?

    Absolutely! I love adding cashews to my dishes for a crunchy texture and nutty flavor. They're so versatile. I toss them in stir-fries, salads, and even use them as a topping for soups and curries.
  113. You

    Do you like to buy Fruits and veggies online?

    No, I prefer to buy fruits and veggies in person. I like to see and touch them before purchasing to ensure they're fresh and of high quality.
  114. You

    What can you Do with Lemons?

    I can use lemons in various ways: squeezing them over salads for a tangy twist, making lemon-infused water for a refreshing drink, or using their zest to add flavor to baked goods. T
  115. You

    Morning Walk Or Evening Walk

    I prefer morning walks. It's a peaceful time to clear my mind, enjoy the quiet, and set a positive tone for the day.
  116. You

    Do you prefer a lady boss or a gent boss?

    I don't have a preference for a lady boss or a gent boss. What matters most to me is their leadership style, competence, and how they support their team.
  117. You


    No, I've never had the misfortune of staying in a leaking house. I can imagine how frustrating and uncomfortable it must be to deal with constant drips and water damage.
  118. You

    Do you Iron your clothes?

    Yes, I do iron my clothes regularly to ensure they look neat and presentable.
  119. You

    Where would you go for a vacation

    If given the choice, I would love to go on a week-long vacation to Japan.
  120. You

    Do you follow brands when you buy anything?

    I don't always follow specific brands when making purchases. Instead, I prioritize quality, reviews, and value for money.
  121. You

    Do you use the energy saving light bulbs or the normal bulbs?

    I prefer using energy-saving light bulbs for their efficiency and longer lifespan. They help reduce electricity bills and have a positive environmental impact.
  122. You

    Do you like to go on trips with your friends?

    I enjoy going on trips with friends. It's a chance to create lasting memories, share experiences, and strengthen bonds.
  123. You

    Do you prefer only fruits for breakfast or in any meal?

    For me, fruits are a refreshing addition to any meal, not just breakfast. Whether it's a fruit salad alongside lunch or a mixed berry smoothie for a midday snack, fruits offer a healthy, vibrant choice that I enjoy throughout the day.
  124. You

    Have you ever tried spicy water balls?

    Yes, I'm obsessed with spicy water balls! They're my go-to snack when I need a flavor boost.
  125. You

    Do you prefer cooking with the gas or the wood?

    I prefer cooking with gas because it's convenient and provides precise temperature control.
  126. You

    Do you like tomatoes?

    Yes, I do like tomatoes. They're versatile in cooking, whether fresh in salads, roasted for sauces, or sliced on sandwiches.
  127. You

    Do you go shopping with your own carry bags?

    No, I usually don't bring my own carry bags when shopping. However, I'm mindful of using reusable bags whenever possible to reduce waste.
  128. You

    Let us talk about which country you would love to relocate to in africa?

    I would love to relocate to South Africa. It's a vibrant country with diverse cultures, beautiful landscapes, and a rich history.
  129. You

    Do you like to chat with friends or do you call?

    I prefer to chat with friends rather than call. Messaging allows me to take my time responding and think about what I want to say. It also fits better with my schedule since I can reply when I have a moment free.
  130. You

    Have you ever felt difficulty with getting up from bed in the mornings?

    No, I haven't really felt difficulty with getting up from bed in the mornings. I try to maintain a consistent sleep schedule which helps a lot.
  131. You

    Is it okay to ask about your age when having the job interview?

    I guess it depends on the context of the interview and the laws in your area. In many places, asking about age directly can be considered inappropriate or even illegal due to age discrimination concerns. Employers should focus on your skills, experience, and suitability for the job. If age comes...
  132. You

    What are you doing after work?

    After work, I like to unwind and relax. I often spend time with my family, watch a movie, or read a good book.
  133. You

    How do you see people who love to beg all the time?

    I see people who love to beg all the time with a mix of sympathy and frustration. On one hand, I understand that some might be in genuinely tough situations and need help. On the other hand, constantly begging without trying to improve their circumstances can be disheartening. It’s important to...
  134. You

    Do you brag about your wins?

    I don’t typically brag about my wins. I believe in staying humble and letting my actions speak for themselves.
  135. You

    What are you best at?

    I’m best at organizing and planning. Whether it’s arranging events or managing daily tasks, I find joy in creating order out of chaos.
  136. You

    Do you keep on thinking about things that affect your decisions?

    Yes, I often keep thinking about things that affect my decisions. However, sometimes overthinking can be counterproductive, leading to unnecessary stress and indecision.
  137. You

    What are the most useful money investment and saving tricks?

    I'm looking for actionable tips and tricks to grow my wealth, such as diversification techniques, high-yield savings accounts, or tax-advantaged investments. Share your expertise to help me make the most of my money and secure my financial future.
  138. You

    What are some money saving rules that rich people follow?

    What money-saving rules do the wealthy swear by? I want to know the secrets to their financial success. Do they prioritize investing over spending? Avoid lifestyle inflation? Use cash instead of credit? Share the habits and strategies that have helped the rich build and maintain their wealth.
  139. You

    What are your best money saving hacks that are not common knowledge?

    What are some lesser-known money-saving hacks that can give me an edge? I'm tired of the same old advice and want to know the secrets only savvy savers know. Share your most innovative and unconventional tips to help me save more and achieve financial freedom faster!
  140. You

    What is the strangest money-saving strategy idea your boss ever came up with?

    My boss once suggested we save money by repurposing old office supplies as planters for our desk plants! It was an...interesting idea. We ended up with a few mason jar pen holders and a lot of raised eyebrows. While it didn't exactly revolutionize our budget, it did bring some humor and...
  141. You

    What is your best money saving idea for retired people?

    What's the most effective money saving strategy for retirees? I'm looking for practical tips to stretch my retirement funds further. Should I prioritize downsizing, travel hacking, or smart investing? Share your expertise to help me make the most of my golden years and ensure a financially...
  142. You

    Dashing or selling off your old clothing

    I prefer gifting old clothes to family and friends rather than selling them to random people.
  143. You

    Do you have ice cream parlours closeby?

    Yes, there are ice cream parlors conveniently located nearby where I can indulge in various flavors of ice cream. It's always a treat to visit them, especially during hot days or for a sweet craving.
  144. You

    How do you handle lost of money

    Handling the loss of money can be challenging. I try to stay calm and assess the situation objectively. I prioritize basic needs and review my financial situation to understand the loss's impact.
  145. You

    Do you like walking in the rain?

    Yes, I enjoy walking in the rain because it feels refreshing and calming. The sound of raindrops and the cool breeze create a peaceful atmosphere that I find soothing and rejuvenating.
  146. You

    Can You Work As A Hypeman?

    No, I wouldn't work as a hypeman because it's not aligned with my interests or skills.
  147. You

    Would you support if Government completely bans the consumption of alcohol, tobacco?

    Certainly! My support for a complete ban on alcohol and tobacco consumption would hinge on the broader societal benefits, including improved public health and reduced social issues linked to substance abuse.
  148. You

    Things you bought but turn a waste later?

    Yes, there have been items I purchased that later proved to be regrettable buys. Sometimes, gadgets or appliances that promised convenience ended up being unused or ineffective.
  149. You

    Where you learn new food recipes

    I learn new food recipes from various sources like cooking websites, food blogs, and YouTube channels dedicated to culinary arts.
  150. You

    Modern cooking utensils to own

    I have a range of new cooking utensils and wares that enhance my kitchen's functionality. These include a versatile chef's knife, a non-stick skillet for easy cooking, silicone spatulas for baking, and a sturdy cutting board.
  151. You

    Do you have a fridge?

    Yes, having a fridge is essential for keeping food fresh and extending its shelf life.
  152. You

    Being a chef?

    Certainly! While I'm not a chef myself, cooking professionally can be incredibly fulfilling and rewarding.
  153. You

    As a woman, can you marry a younger man?

    Certainly! Marriage is about compatibility, love, and respect, regardless of age. If the connection and understanding are strong, age becomes less significant.
  154. You

    How many friends do you have?

    I have a few close friends who I trust and enjoy spending time with. Quality matters more to me than quantity when it comes to friendships.
  155. You

    Can you get married to someone who smokes?

    No, I wouldn't be able to marry someone who smokes. It's a personal preference due to health concerns and the impact of smoking on daily life.
  156. You

    How much do you take cold water?

    I don't take much cold water, especially preferring room temperature or slightly cool water instead.
  157. You

    Do you like to fix your nails?

    Yes, I enjoy fixing my nails as it's a relaxing activity for me. I find it therapeutic to care for my nails, whether it's trimming, shaping, or applying nail polish.
  158. You

    Do you believe in ghost?

    No, I don't believe in ghosts. it's hard to accept the existence of ghosts as anything more than a product of human imagination or cultural beliefs.
  159. You

    How do you deal with distractions in your life?

    I manage distractions by prioritizing tasks, setting clear goals, and creating a conducive environment for focus.
  160. You

    Do you often feel bored?

    No, I usually find ways to keep myself engaged and interested in various activities, whether it's hobbies, reading, or spending time with friends and family.
  161. You

    Do you like crowded places?

    No, I prefer quieter environments over crowded places. They allow for more peaceful interactions and better focus.
  162. You

    Is geography uself?

    I guess yes, geography is useful. It helps us understand the world around us, including the physical features of the earth, climates, and human populations.
  163. You

    Is a fishing license required in your country?

    Yes, in my country, a fishing license is required to fish legally. This helps regulate fishing activities and protect aquatic ecosystems.
  164. You

    Do you typically lend a hand to those in need?

    Yes, I do. Helping others in need is important to me. Whether it's friends, family, or strangers, I believe in offering support whenever possible.
  165. You

    Can you find a job that suits your interests?

    Yes, I believe you can find a job that suits your interests. It involves understanding what you're passionate about and aligning it with your skills. Research companies and roles that resonate with your interests.
  166. You

    What’s a good money saving idea?

    What's a simple yet effective money saving idea that I can start using today? I'm looking for something practical and easy to implement, like a savings challenge or a clever budgeting hack. Share your favorite tip to help me save more and achieve my financial goals!
  167. You

    How do I develop good saving habits?

    What strategies can I use to develop good saving habits? I want to make saving a priority, but I struggle to get started. Should I set specific goals, automate my savings, or use a budgeting app? Share your tips and tricks to help me build a consistent saving routine and achieve financial stability!
  168. You

    What are some good money saving tips for a couple expecting their first child?

    As we prepare for our little bundle of joy, we want to make sure we're financially ready! What are some practical money saving tips for expectant parents? From baby gear to diapers and childcare, how can we cut costs without sacrificing quality? Share your wisdom to help us start our new chapter...
  169. You

    What are the simple money saving hacks that can save you thousands?

    Some of my go-to money saving hacks include meal prepping to avoid dining out, shopping with a grocery list to prevent impulse buys, using energy-efficient appliances to lower utility bills and opting for DIY home repairs when possible. Additionally, I always compare prices before making...
  170. You

    What are some good house hacks (ways of saving money, saving time, more safety, more fun, more health, etc.)?

    im Looking to optimize your home life? What are some clever house hacks for saving money, time, enhancing safety, having more fun, or promoting better health? Share your favorite tips and tricks for making life at home easier and more enjoyable!
  171. You

    Do you like Beer?

    No, I dislike beer, and it's prohibited by my religion. I prefer to abstain from it due to personal and religious beliefs.
  172. You

    Will there be more people taking public transportation in the future?

    The future of public transportation depends on various factors such as urbanization, environmental concerns, and technological advancements. With increasing congestion and environmental awareness, there might be a growing trend towards using public transportation.
  173. You

    Do you believe that some people are more creative and others are more effective at putting ideas into practice?

    Yes, creativity and implementation are distinct skills that individuals possess to varying degrees. Some people excel in generating innovative ideas, while others are adept at executing and bringing those ideas to fruition.
  174. You

    Are you a lousy person?

    No, I don't consider myself a lousy person. but I strive to be considerate, respectful, and empathetic in my interactions with others.
  175. You

    How do you handle backstabber?

    I haven't had any personal experience with handling backstabbers yet. However, I believe in maintaining open communication and addressing conflicts directly and calmly if such a situation arises.
  176. You

    Are you an onion skin?

    No, I'm not an onion skin. TSome may have thicker skins and are less affected by external factors, while others may be more sensitive.
  177. You

    Do you Believe Ghost Busters Work is Profitable?

    I'm not entirely sure. While the concept of ghost-busting may have entertainment value, its profitability depends on various factors like demand, competition, and the effectiveness of the service.
  178. You

    Have you ever taken An IELTS Exam?

    Not yet, but I plan to take the IELTS exam in the future. Preparing for it requires dedication and practice to achieve the desired score.
  179. You

    Do you eat from your neighbour's place?

    Sometimes, especially when someone sends food for a special occasion, I might enjoy a meal from my neighbor's place. It's a gesture of goodwill and community that fosters positive relationships and connections with those around me.
  180. You

    How do you see the issue for marrying more than one wife?

    In Islam, men can marry only five times. not many times. 1718189694 In Islam, men can marry only four times. not many times.
  181. You

    Why do people change to bad attitude sometimes?

    People may adopt negative attitudes due to various factors such as stress, personal issues, or external influences.
  182. You

    Why do ladies have big boxes and bags full of clothes?

    Ladies often have big boxes and bags full of clothes due to various reasons. It could be because they enjoy having a wide range of outfit options for different occasions, seasons, or moods.
  183. You

    Have you suffer from high blood pressure?

    No, I haven't suffered from high blood pressure. I prioritize a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, to keep my blood pressure within a healthy range.
  184. You

    Always believe in your abilities

    I absolutely agree. Believing in your abilities is crucial for personal growth and success. When you have confidence in yourself, you're more likely to take on challenges, push through obstacles, and achieve your goals.
  185. You

    Do you believe that people can find happiness through singing?

    I don't think singing alone can guarantee happiness for everyone. While singing can be a source of joy and expression for many people, happiness is complex and influenced by various factors such as relationships, personal fulfillment, and mental well-being.
  186. You

    Are you good at singing?

    No, I'm not particularly good at singing. While I enjoy music, singing isn't one of my strengths. I prefer to listen to talented singers rather than attempt to sing myself.
  187. You

    Do you engage in self medication?

    No, I don't engage in self-medication. I believe in seeking professional medical advice and treatment when necessary.
  188. You

    Do you believe in ghost?

    No, I don't believe in ghosts. While I find stories about the supernatural intriguing, I approach them with skepticism. I think many supposed encounters with ghosts can often be explained by natural phenomena, psychological factors, or simply the power of suggestion.
  189. You

    How do you save money when on a date

    I haven't dated yet, and I'm not particularly interested in those kinds of things.
  190. You

    Have you ever blamed your parents for your failure in life?

    I haven't blamed my parents for my failures in life. Instead of assigning blame, I focus on taking ownership of my actions, learning from mistakes, and striving to improve.
  191. You

    Have you ever late to report to work and what are the reasons for that?

    Yes, I've been late to work before due to various reasons such as traffic congestion, public transportation delays, or unexpected personal emergencies.
  192. You

    Which youngsters have the biggest hearts that you've ever met?

    The youngsters with the biggest hearts I've met are those who selflessly dedicate their time and effort to helping others. They show compassion, empathy, and kindness beyond their years, making a positive impact in their communities and beyond.
  193. You

    Is it bad for a woman to be a bad cook?

    I believe a woman should know how to cook to some extent. It doesn't have to be perfect, but having basic cooking skills is essential. While traditional roles suggest women should handle household tasks, sharing responsibilities, including cooking, can foster equality. Both men and women should...
  194. You

    Bad effects of worrying

    Worrying can bring negative effects to the body. Always expecting the worst can take a toll on emotional and physical health. It is good to avoid worrying as it can sap emotional strength, leaving one feeling restless and jumpy.
  195. You

    How do you deal with lousy people

    Dealing with lousy people can be challenging. I try to stay calm and patient. If they’re negative or disruptive, I set clear boundaries and limit interactions. I focus on keeping my environment positive by surrounding myself with supportive and uplifting individuals.
  196. You

    What's the best money saving purchases?

    What's the best money saving purchase you've ever made? Was it a energy efficient appliance, a quality kitchen tool, or a reliable used car? Share your smartest investment that's saved you money in the long run, and how it's made a positive impact on your finances and daily life!
  197. You

    What are some money saving hacks no one talks about?

    What are some unconventional money saving hacks that don't get enough attention? Are there hidden gems like using cashback apps for online shopping, negotiating bills with service providers, or repurposing household items to reduce waste? Share your unique and creative strategies for saving...
  198. You

    What is your best money-saving travel hack?

    My best money saving travel hack is to book flights and accommodations during the off-season or on less popular days, like Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I also use travel rewards credit cards and cashback apps to earn points and discounts. Additionally, I pack smart, avoiding checked baggage fees...
  199. You

    Can money save someone's life?

    In emergency situations, funds can mean the difference between life and death, such as accessing critical medical treatment or purchasing life-sustaining medications. But can wealth also impact longevity and well-being in more subtle ways, like reducing stress or enabling healthy lifestyle...
  200. You

    What are your top five tips to save money?

    What are your top five tips to save money? Are they setting a budget and tracking expenses, cutting back on unnecessary subscriptions and habits, taking advantage of sales and discounts, investing in long-term value, or something else entirely? Share your most effective strategies for building a...