Recent content by Bisolami

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  1. B

    Can you marry a woman who doesn’t have a job?

    Normally, a man is supposed to take responsibility of every finance of the family. At the same time, the economy is not smiling so a woman needs to support. Now, imagine you are very rich and you have enough money, will you marry a woman who does not have a job?
  2. B

    Do you prefer to take a loan or buy goods in credit?

    These are one of the two ways to run a business. When you take a loan, you will need to pay back with profit but when you buy in credit, you will only need to pay for the goods you have bought and no extra profit attached to it. For this reason, I will rather prefer to buy on credit. How about you?
  3. B

    Do you buy goods in credit?

    I have never bought in credit because it is a new business but I am still going to do that. It doesn’t really mean anything and the good thing is that I can always pay back when I have sold those goods. Do you agree with me or you don’t?
  4. B

    How do you feel about business losses?

    Today, I found out that there are some goods in my shop that are expired and it’s not my fault. There have not been much sales these days coupled with the fact that the particular product gets expired so fast. I really felt bad because I can’t sell it to anyone. How would you feel if you were...
  5. B

    What do you do when you realize that the product you bought is expired?

    Honestly, this is in two ways. If I have always bought from the same seller and I have never had any complaint like that, I will not return it. I can let it slide but if it has happened to me before by the same seller, I won’t let it slide. I will make sure that I return the product. How about you?
  6. B

    Is smartphone is necessary in your daily life?

    You’re very correct especially for people like me and you who make their full money online. I have not started to spend the money I make from my business
  7. B

    Have you ever purchased jewelry online?

    The purchaser can also make sure that someone who is very familiar with jewelries goes with him or her so they won’t scam him and sell fake to him
  8. B

    What is your dream saving goal?

    I can’t really say an amount but I hope it is an amount of money that my generation will never lack again even if they spend a lot of money from it everyday
  9. B

    What's your dream job?

    I have a dream of becoming an artiste and I am very sure that it will happen. I’m at the verge of starting my music career and I can’t wait
  10. B

    Time is like a dream

    One thing I know about time is that it waits for no one and that’s why we see that time moves so fast even without us having to notice
  11. B

    Conquer your dream whatever it is

    Running away from our dreams won’t make any sense and won’t even bring any change to our lives. It is best to conquer it and face whatever wants to happen
  12. B

    Have you ever installed or purchased an Anti-virus for your mobile?

    I have never installed such on my new phone because I use an iPhone and I think it will be quite difficult to experience a virus on my phone I don’t know if I’m right though
  13. B

    Have you ever Purchased second-hand or used books to study?

    There was a time when I was in high school and I didn’t have enough money to buy new books so I went for the used one and they were useful
  14. B

    Have you ever purchased a Neck fan?

    Honestly, it is not useful and will just be making noise in your ear. I’m not saying it is totally useless but I don’t see any reason why I should use it
  15. B

    Where to sell original art work online

    But I am wondering how the artworks will be sold because people cannot buy something they haven’t seen but if the owner showcases it, it is possible for others to copy
  16. B

    Do you sometimes get tired of your business?

    I mostly get mentally tired of working online just like how I’m feeling today. It’s a normal thing but no matter how bad I feel, I always make sure I work
  17. B

    Does a Online Business Owner Need A Good Camera?

    You are very right because a lot of people get enticed with the way you snap your goods and that’s what made them patronize you so you need to take that aspect seriously
  18. B

    What is the effect for using of the smartphone while charging?

    From what I heard, they said it is not good and also drains the battery very fast. I am guilty of this too because there are times when I’d be charging and I’d need to do important things on my phone
  19. B

    How smartly you use your smartphone?

    The only thing I do on my phone now is earn money with it. These days, you can’t see me play any game online or watch social media because I’m very busy
  20. B

    Is smartphone is necessary in your daily life?

    Smartphone is very important in my life. My smartphone is what helps me to earn and also save some money so I can’t go a day without my smartphone
  21. B

    Indeed, life is never the same after the covid

    That’s true A lot of people have also had the fear of relating with others after Covid especially those who spent longer time at home during the lockdown
  22. B

    Never give up on what you're doing you believe essential to your business

    Anyone who gives up is actually a loser so no matter how difficult something may seem to be, it is better to keep trying till you achieve what you want
  23. B

    You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream for your business

    I actually feel the ones who usually say that they are too old to achieve so many things are those who are lazy. Lazy people won’t go anywhere
  24. B

    Never expose your next move in your business

    A lot of people will quickly hijack that idea and you will be very surprised when you see them start using it so it is very important to keep things to yourself
  25. B

    Would you ever patronize a harsh business owner?

    You’re right but the moment they begin to disturb you, it makes you get tired of the job and you may want to resign forcefully even when you don’t have another one
  26. B

    Problems In business that should be swiftly handled by business owner's

    The price increase is really affecting a lot of people and so many business owners cannot make so much sales because of the economic condition
  27. B

    What would you do if a business owner sells fake good to you for the second time?

    This is the same as me. The only time when I can patronize the person again is if he apologized about the previous one that happened so I will know that it is not intentional
  28. B

    How was your experience in Digital Gold Investment?

    A lot of my friends are also investing in it and they are making profit from it too. I’d surely give it a trial and I hope I’m able to make profit from it too
  29. B

    How was your experience working on the Forumcoin site?

    That’s the same as me. I’ve always been a member of the site for so long but I don’t know why I always feel lazy to work on that website
  30. B

    What was the most expensive clothing item you owned and how much did it cost?

    Wow That’s really expensive and I so much love it when I see people who can spend that amount of money on clothes It makes sense
  31. B

    What are the things you spend your money on daily?

    Food is something that we have to spend money on whether we like it or not. It is really tiring because things are expensive but we have to eat
  32. B

    Have you ever ruined two people’s relationship?

    There was a time I had a friend and I was still very young to realize that it makes no sense to tell your friend that their partner is cheating. Fortunately, they don’t break up because of me. I’m just so happy so I won’t be the reason of their break up
  33. B

    Have you ever purchased a Neck fan?

    This may seem useful to you but not me. I have a friend who uses it but I feel it is too small and even smaller than what I can call a fan
  34. B

    Have you ever purchased jewelry online?

    You’re right but do you know that you can still buy jewelry offline and you will still be cheated on? Well, that’s for anyone who does not recognize a good jewelry though
  35. B

    Telling a partner about the other's cheating habit

    You’re totally right. It isn’t your business at all because if the two of them later settle it, they will blame you for being the hypocrite so it is better to stay quiet
  36. B

    Is it compulsory to use a stabilizer for your fridge?

    I have a fridge in my shop and I haven’t been using a stabilizer for it. Anyway, I have been advised by so many people to get a stabilizer for it even though it is working very nice. Do you think I should get a stabilizer or it isn’t really important?
  37. B

    What would you do if a business owner sells fake good to you for the second time?

    There was a time when I bought an android charger for my power bank. When I used it, I realized that it was very slow and my power bank may not move from zero to one percent in one hour. I went back to him and he changed it but it was the same thing. When I went back again, he said he was not...
  38. B

    Would you ever patronize a harsh business owner?

    There is a woman who sells pepper beside my shop and she speaks to all her customers in a very harsh and rude manner but they still keep coming back. If I were the one, I would never want to buy from her again. Why do you think people still buy from her despite the fact that she is very harsh?
  39. B

    Does a Online Business Owner Need A Good Camera?

    We all know that people who sell things online always showcase them online before people buy them. I am sure that no one will love to buy something that does not look good online. This is why so many business owners always make sure that they have a good phone camera and some of them usually...
  40. B

    Why do people change to bad attitude sometimes?

    Also, the person must have noticed a negative attitude from the other party too for him or her to be behaving in such way. I don’t think it is possible to bring up a bad attitude without any reason
  41. B

    Do you sometimes get tired of your business?

    This is a normal thing and there are times when you will be very agile that you can do anything at that time. It works hand in hand
  42. B

    What was the best part of your day today?

    The best part of my day was when my food was ready. My sister made the food and just called me that the food was ready. I didn’t work or help her but I ate
  43. B

    What was the best phone you ever had? Why?

    Iphone12 is the best phone I have ever used and that is still the phone I am using at the moment. I am planning to upgrade but not anytime soon until I have the money
  44. B

    What Was Your Best Experience on a Forum

    This is exactly my best experience on a forum too. I was really happy then and I made sure that I do not miss any single day on this platform no matter how busy I am
  45. B

    How was your experience with the Ysense survey site?

    I can’t say the site is not good but I would not like to work on that kind of website and that’s because I am not from a top tier platform and I don’t get to earn well from surveys
  46. B

    which site was not your favorite?

    I never liked the site too maybe because of how it looks like but the site was a good one because I was earning from it but not anymore
  47. B

    Enjoy the little things

    The little things that we don’t count actually matters and that is why I always make sure that I do not underestimate any act of kindness
  48. B

    What are the things you spend your money on daily?

    There is no how we will not feed in a day. Feeding is really expensive and if we are not careful, we can spend all we have on it
  49. B

    Where to sell original art work online

    I think there are some freelancing platforms where you can post your artworks, but not all of them so that you can get more gigs and you will be able to sell from there
  50. B

    If you want something, pay the price

    If we really need something, we should try hard to achieve it no matter how difficult it may seem to be, and that is what I understand by paying the price.
  51. B

    How would you feel and react if your teenage daughter gets pregnant out of wedlock?

    Honestly, I’d feel very bad but it will be her choice whether to abide the pregnancy or not. It’s a thing of shame but there is no one who is above mistakes
  52. B

    Do you feel pressure when you are indebted to someone and you haven't paid?

    I don’t really like to be in debt. It gives me sleepless nights and that’s why I always make sure that I pay the money I owing someone so my mind can be at rest
  53. B

    Do you feel bad when your age mate achieves that you haven't?

    Some people may feel very bad but it is a normal thing and one thing you should have in mind that God has a very beautiful plan for you so you just need to focus
  54. B

    What was your least/most favorite job?

    My least favorite job is to be a marketer because I find it quite difficult since I am not someone who would like to be in the sales department in the future
  55. B

    What is or was your favorite subject in school?

    There are times when I imagine the reason why some people love mathematics because it is the most difficult subject I have ever came across
  56. B

    How do you manage your angers in case of anything?

    This is the same as me but I think the basic solution I have found to that these days is that I always walk away anytime I’m angry so I won’t over react
  57. B

    Is there anything that you have achieved in life?

    That’s really amazing. As for me, I have saved some amount of money for my future and I also have a business that is running effectively so I’m glad about that
  58. B

    Do you do anything on your phone apart from making money?

    The basic thing I do on my phone now is work. I don’t even take pictures like before anymore even though I am using a very good phone that can take good pictures
  59. B

    Should you invest money in silver in 2024?

    Have you checked the chart of silver any of these days? It has really gone up and I can boast my chest that if I have any free money, I will invest in silver
  60. B

    Can you invest all your money into something?

    It does not even make any sense because you still need to have some funds for yourself no matter what. That should serve as emergency fund
  61. B

    Do you do anything on your phone apart from making money?

    That’s what I do. I check social media but I don’t even check it for two hours daily because all I want to do with my life right now is make money
  62. B

    Have you ever experienced any case of bankruptcy on your businesses?

    That’s really sad but I’m glad that you were able to put the business alive again. Some people would have even stopped the business because it is about to run down
  63. B

    Can you invest all your money into something?

    Investment is always good and the profit can save you from unnecessary panic in the future. At the same time, it is always good to have some reserved money for anything in case anything happens. Now, can you invest all the money you have in life into a business and you won’t have any more...
  64. B

    Do you sometimes get tired of your business?

    Running a business is the best thing you can ever do to yourself. Well, every business always have its ups and downs. There are times when I may not want to leave the house because I’m tired of the business. Does this happen to you too? Do you sometimes get tired and feel like you don’t want to...
  65. B

    How many percent of your monthly income can you dash people?

    There is no way some people won’t ask you for money. It is a normal thing because they may be broke and need help at that moment. We all have an amount of money that we earn everyday and there are times when we give out. As for me, I can’t dash more than 5% of my kindly income and that’s...
  66. B

    How much money do you spend every month?

    Honestly, there was a time when I could account for the amount of money I always spend at the end of every month but these days, I’ve been paying a lot of bills and I cannot say exactly how much money I spend every month. If I am able to calculate well, in the past three months, I’ve been...
  67. B

    What are the things you spend your money on daily?

    We all have things we spend our money on daily. As for me, I go to work everyday so I spend money on transport fare, I also spend some money on food. Those are the two basic things I spend money on daily but I spend some money at the end of every month mostly to pay bills.
  68. B

    Buying ForumCoin

    Do you still buy Forumcoin so I can always send to you when I have some?
  69. B

    Have you ever purchased jewelry online?

    I have never done this before. I always want to see what I’m buying before I spend my money on it. It won’t be nice to pay for something and I won’t like it when they bring it
  70. B

    Have You Ever Chased A Customer Away From Your Shop?

    Well, you have a point but at the same time, there are sometimes that some customers will frustrate you to the point of chasing them away from your shop. Have you met those kind of customers before?
  71. B

    How much are you earning daily on Referralindexforum?

    That’s what I do a day too but I can’t go further because the earnings will be reduced after then. It is never easy but I just have to keep pushing
  72. B

    Starting a Paid to Post Forum as a Business?

    It’s a very good business. If I ever have the money to create a website and I’d be earning from it to pay people, why not? It will be a means of earning to me and the posters
  73. B

    Starting up an elderly care business

    That’s a good business but it is sometimes difficult because some families will want you to do more than what they are paying you for
  74. B

    What do you feel when getting money by surprise?

    I always feel good because it takes love or an amount of love for someone to be debited and credit your own account. If I have someone like that, I usually pray for them
  75. B

    Do you feel happy about the success of your colleagues?

    I’m that kind of person who never gets angry when my friends or colleagues are doing well in life. It is normal so that when my time comes, they’d be happy for me too
  76. B

    Do you feel bad when your age mate achieves that you haven't?

    It’s really hard not to try to compare yourself to other people but that’s just the best thing to do. Your only competitor should be yourself. That’s why you gotta keep doing better
  77. B

    What was your Breakfast Today?

    I had fried rice but I didn’t cook it this morning. I made the fried rice last night so I ate the remaining one this morning. Have you ever tried such before?
  78. B

    How did you manage the multiple earning websites?

    I spend a lot of time working online and it is now affecting my eyes but I’ve got no choice since money has to be made. I don’t want to ever suffer in my life
  79. B

    Which skill you want to learn that will help you in your business?

    I want to learn customer service and also how to be patient because I usually talk back at some customers who are rude to me. I can’t take it
  80. B

    What can you do to help a partner that is neck deep into gambling?

    The best thing is to make some people examples for him so he can learn. I mean people who have ruined their lives due to gambling
  81. B

    Telling a partner about the other's cheating habit

    Honestly, I’m not going to say this because it is likely for the two of them to settle and they will make me their enemy. I won’t tell my friend
  82. B

    Do you like cheating for self gaining of something?

    I don’t ever do this in my life. I’m the type of person who thinks about others and I’m not self centered. Selfish interest is really bad. I can’t do it
  83. B

    If you want something, pay the price

    I agree with you. It may be quite difficult to pay the price because a lot of people don’t want to suffer for what they want but that’s just the best thing
  84. B

    What is something that always puts a smile on your face and makes you feel like you're having a good time?

    There is no one who won’t feel happy when he or she is getting paid. We all need money in life so it feels good to get paid. Every Sunday is my pay day and you can never catch me dull on Sunday
  85. B

    What is or was your favorite subject in school?

    Literature is a very interesting subject. It makes you think deeper and even helps you to understand life more. It’s my favorite subject and it will always continue to be
  86. B

    What was the most expensive clothing item you owned and how much did it cost?

    Wow That’s a lot of money. I’m not the type that spends a lot of money on clothes but I just want to start doing that. It feels good to look good
  87. B

    How did you spend the first profit that your business made?

    Ooh that makes sense. That’s what I’m planning to do now so I can at least have enough money for my business. I’m not sending from it now
  88. B

    How to deal with employees who are just playing at workplace?

    The best thing to do is make them answer a query and if they don’t change, they get fired. There are so many people in search of jobs
  89. B

    How to deal with the nepotism system in business?

    This is very rampant and I don’t think there is a way that can be dealt with because it is obvious that so many people mix emotions with business
  90. B

    How do you deal with nagging customers

    Honestly, I have a customer like this but I don’t talk when he comes up with his drama. The only thing I do is look at him
  91. B

    How do you deal with customers who don’t fulfill their promises?

    You’re right. Once I don’t see them on the promised day, I always make sure that I call them to remind them about the money they want to give me
  92. B

    Is it true that business is draining?

    Today, I was just thinking of closing my shop because I was really tired especially from the drama I get sometimes from customers
  93. B

    BCH; the most stable cryptocurrency

    I’m just getting to find out that so I don’t know. How come you make sure of faucets. Does it pay well?
  94. B

    Who is the best person who can give you a business advice?

    I feel Google cannot be the best because there are some real life situations that Google cannot handle but it needs someone in real life
  95. B

    What do you do on the rainy days?

    During rainy times, I usually feel lazy and won’t be able to do anything so the last thing I do is watch movie, take hot tea and sleep. I won’t even work online
  96. B

    Do you like rainy season?

    Really? Well, I think that may be because you don’t like the fact that so many places get mushy and that’s why rainy season gets me tired of rainy season
  97. B

    Have you ever been to the herbalists?

    I’ve never visited an herbalist’s house but I have called one of them on phone when I was having a problem and they helped me out
  98. B

    Have you ever experienced fraud from a site or forum?

    God knows I’m not even going to work that hard and that’s why I like platforms that have lower threshold so that I can get paid as soon as possible
  99. B

    Have you ever experienced any case of bankruptcy on your businesses?

    So many business owners go through this but we just have to manage and adjust that’s also why stick count is good especially at the end of every month
  100. B

    Don't let your emotions manage your business

    Business should be strictly business and should not be run based on emotions or else, the owner of the business will lose a lot of money especially in the aspect of trying to please people
  101. B

    Don't let envious people kill your dreams

    I always stay away from those kind of people. When I realize that I’m somewhere and the people I’m telling about my plans are making me feel bad about it, I always stay away from them
  102. B

    I don't believe in luck, I believe in me

    Hmm you have a point but luck works at times too. Have you seen cases whereby you know that you are far better than someone but the person gets lucky and wins maybe all competitions
  103. B

    Don't surround yourself with wrong people, you will end broke and leave you humiliated

    It’s very good to make sure that you are surrounded with people who always want to achieve their goals and they are very serious about it
  104. B

    Is it wrong to treat people in the same bad way they treated you?

    But do you know that if you keep letting things slide, people will always take you for granted so there are times when you just need to act up
  105. B

    How do you deal with customers who don’t fulfill their promises?

    The best thing is to keep reminding them and also making sure that we never sell goods to them on credit again so that we won’t be bothered
  106. B


    It’s actually possible for the owner to revive the platform again but I just hope that people are able to trust them again and forgive them for what they have done
  107. B

    Have you ever Purchased Referrals for any Faucet?

    Those ones are not even profitable and if I see anyone doing them now, I always have in mind that those people do not have a choice and that’s why they are doing them
  108. B

    Correcting customer's wrong deeds

    I feel the best way to do that is by telling them what they did and making them realize that what’s they have done is wrong so that they can adjust
  109. B

    Is it wrong to have one supplier for your business?

    Having one supplier is surely going to disappoint you so it is always better to make sure that you have more than one supplier so that you can always have where to fall back to if one disappoints you
  110. B

    Have You Ever Chased A Customer Away From Your Shop?

    Yeah those are the kind of customers I’m talking about and the funny thing is that a lot of them don’t even buy a lot of goods
  111. B

    What do prefer between the buying and selling and the production of your products and selling?

    I feel production is better because you are the first owner of the product and you can decide to sell it at any price you want to but at the same time, you may be needing a lot of money for production
  112. B

    Which do you prefer between a mobile food vendor and a restaurant.

    Ooh that’s actually sad. What about now? Is the country calm now maybe you can start it up again or you are not willing to run the business anymore?
  113. B

    How did you manage the multiple earning websites?

    Now that I don’t even have so much to do, I am willing to work longer on platforms but I don’t know the platforms that I can work on. Can you share any?
  114. B

    Building mental abilities

    There are even times when I read articles of other people so that I can be able to make use of their writing technique but not to the point of copying their style
  115. B

    How did you manage to repay back your last loan?

    I’m glad you have never taken a loan. Well, taking a loan is old and can be helpful to you but at the same time, some people may not have their mind at rest because of the loan
  116. B

    What’s that thing making you sad right now?

    The only thing making me sad is that I don’t have enough money for the things I have planned to do these days and that’s why I’m striving hard to make sure that I achieve it. I am also willing to work on other platforms. If you have any, please let me know.
  117. B

    Do you work online in the midnight?

    There are times when I may be very busy during the day and I won’t have enough time to work I online so I mostly shift the work to midnight. Also, there are times when I may feel like being free during the day so I’d do all I have to do in the midnight. I even prefer to work online during the...
  118. B

    What do you do if someone keeps on returning your goods and tells you it is not good?

    Would you believe that I have some customers who always complain no matter how good the product is? This can be very annoying. I have a particular customer who will always have something to say about all the things I sell but other people don’t complain. What do you think I can do to this...
  119. B

    Who is the best person who can give you a business advice?

    People come and go then they talk about different things. Some people who have no idea will even be the ones to suggest on how to run your business for you which is quite normal since everyone just want to talk. As for me, I feel the best person we can take business advice from is someone who...
  120. B

    How many percent of your goods can you sell on credit?

    We all know that there is no way you will have a business and won’t sell on credit. We just have to be careful of those we are selling on credit to and they have to be people we know very well. If I’m to sell on credit, the overall percentage of my goods that I can sell on credit is 7%. Do...
  121. B

    How much do you keep in your cash box?

    A lot of businesses or companies even prefer to accept transfer to cash. I think people don’t want to start going through the stress of taking cash to the bank
  122. B

    Is it wrong to have one supplier for your business?

    I feel this is wrong because one supplier for your business may not make you have all the goods. There are some times when the person may not have some particular goods and you’d need to get from another supplier
  123. B

    Is it wrong to treat people in the same bad way they treated you?

    Well, I can’t say that it is wrong or not. If you treat people the bad way they treat you, they will wise up. If you don’t do it back, they will always take you for granted
  124. B

    How do you treat stressful but older customers in business?

    You’re right. I also had to adjust my standard because some customers will want to stress life outside of you so I just have to adjust the way I relate with them
  125. B

    How do you deal with customers who don’t fulfill their promises?

    If I have a business partner or a customer that does not fulfill to their promises, I will make sure that I dong sell on credit to them anymore because they cannot be trusted
  126. B

    Can you invest and lock your money for five years before you get it?

    I don’t think I will be able to invest $1000 for five years and I will now make $100 profit. I don’t think that’s really profitable though but it depends on how you are satisfied with it or not
  127. B

    How much do you keep in your savings account?

    All the money I make online is what I spend and all the money I make offline is what I always use to reinvest into my business. I’d change the plan very soon though
  128. B

    Do you prefer bathing with the rainy water?

    Whenever there is rain, I always love to take my bathe outside under the rain. I have a special kind of likeness for the rain and I’d still do that when rain falls
  129. B

    Do you like rainy season?

    The only thing I don’t like about rainy season is that everywhere will be looking mushy and the road we have here is not really good
  130. B

    What do you do after a heartbreak?

    I don’t even think we can come back because if he loves me enough, he will think about my mental health. Well, I’m glad I’m doing well without him
  131. B

    Do you like to Wash your clothes in a Washing machine or manual washing?

    Whenever I wash clothes with my hand, I get injured so let me just guess that my skin is soft. I’d rather prefer to make use of the washing machine
  132. B

    Do you use Washing soap or detergent for clothes?

    Well, I only make use of detergent and bar soap. The detergent will make the water foamy and the bar soap will be what I will use to scrub the cloth to make it clean
  133. B


    It’s a very lucrative business but the sweet thing about this business is if the person has wide range of customers that can always buy for him
  134. B

    Does a music video generate more money for an artiste?

    You know that there are platforms that you can post your music video on and earn some more money just like YouTube. You know that right?
  135. B

    Does music motivates you to write?

    I have music for everything. There are some kind of songs I listen to when I’m sad, there are ones that I listen to when I’m working so that it will boost my morale
  136. B

    Any forum gives money for reply to our thread?

    That’s really nothing but I wish to work on Trendri again. Do you have an idea on how many words I can write per thread and comment?
  137. B

    Between public bank and private bank, which one do you prefer?

    I feel public bank is better but only when it comes to investment. This is Nigeria and we all know how public sectors make life hard for people so I’d rather go for private
  138. B

    What do you prefer between sending the Mail the video calling?

    I am a fan of video calls but it sends on who the person is. If it is someone whom I’m close with, I’d prefer the video call more
  139. B

    Which do you prefer between a mobile food vendor and a restaurant.

    Wow Can you please tell us little of the experiences you had as a restaurant owner and what exactly made you stop the business?
  140. B

    Is 18% investment profit reasonable to you?

    I am actually going to grab the opportunity as soon as possible. There are some bills I want to pay but after then, I’d begin to invest in it
  141. B

    Do you really find any pleasure with your online money earning activities?

    What I do online brings me money and anything that brings or earn me some money is definitely going to make me happy. I love all the things I do online
  142. B

    Do you really use the power banks?

    The electricity we have here in Nigeria is not really stable so I have a power bank because my iPhone battery does not last long
  143. B

    Do you really enjoy for staying single?

    Well, I can’t say that there is no joy in staying single but it isn’t easy to stay single. There are times when I may wish to talk to someone but there will be no one
  144. B

    Do you enjoy swimming on the ocean?

    I can’t even swim in the pool not to talk of swimming on the ocean. Well, I have friends who can do that and I think they enjoy the swimming that way
  145. B

    Do you enjoy having your boss around?

    I presently work for myself but when I used to work for someone, I prefer having my boss around because she works better than me and make work easier
  146. B

    Do You Enjoy Having Multiple Streams of Income

    That’s why I even came back to this platform so that I can earn here and also make money from other platforms too so I can pay all my bills
  147. B

    Have you noticed some false advertising lately?

    That’s true so even if they want to advertise the products, they should make sure that it is a good product so that people can keep buying
  148. B


    I think that should be the reason then because it will not make sense to keep paying people when he’s not getting anything from it
  149. B

    Can you invest and lock your money for five years before you get it?

    We all know that investment is about you putting your money into something for a period of time before you get it back or get your profit. Some people can wait for so long before they get their profit. As for me, I can only wait for a year before I get my profit. Can you wait for five years?
  150. B

    Is it true that business is draining?

    Business is really sweet when you are the owner of the business and at the same time, it can be very draining. There are times when I may be too tired and I may not not want to open the shop. Also, there’s re some customers that may want to stress you which is really draining. Selling on...
  151. B

    Do you like rainy season?

    If I’m being asked the weather or season I love most, I’d surely go for rainy season. I don’t know if that is because I was born during the rainy season but I have always loved it. Also, whenever it is raining, I love to drink hot tea and make sure that I am seeing a very fantastic movie to...
  152. B

    How do you deal with customers who don’t fulfill their promises?

    There is no way you will have a business and not sell on credit. This is because there are some potential customers who usually buy a lot of goods and it will not make sense not to sell on credit to them. Unfortunately, there are some people who usually buy and pay when they promise to and...
  153. B

    Have You Ever Chased A Customer Away From Your Shop?

    I have never done this before in my shop but I have seen cases in which my mum had to send a customer away from her shop because the customer was stressing her. There are some customers that will want to make life difficult for you and the majority of them don’t even buy a lot of goods?
  154. B

    How did you manage to repay back your last loan?

    Once I take a loan, my mind is not always at rest so I always make sure that I try my best to pay it as fast as possible
  155. B

    How did you manage the multiple earning websites?

    There was even a time when I was thinking of earning from a site that is slow but I realized that I will only end up wasting so much time on the platform
  156. B

    What do you do after a heartbreak?

    That’s just the basic thing. Right now, I’m not really happy but I know there is joy for me in the future so I’m not worried since I know everything will be alright
  157. B

    Using Earning Platforms That Are Not Popular

    You’re right and that’s why it is always very good to make sure that we check review platforms before we even try to work on any platform since that will serve as a guide
  158. B

    Are you choosy about the platforms you work on?

    That’s the same as me too and that is why I don’t always work very hard on any platform that I haven’t gotten paid from
  159. B

    How much do you keep in your savings account?

    I always save 50% of my income to my savings account. At the same time , I have a crypto account where I usually save some little amount of money too
  160. B

    How much maximum time do you wear shoes?

    I can literally wear a shoe for twelve to fifteen hours. I always make sure that I wear any kind of shoe that I will feel comfortable in
  161. B

    How much do you keep in your cash box?

    I don’t have a cash box. I’m not really used to making use of a cash box but I prefer to make use of bank. I mostly save all my money in the bank
  162. B

    What can I do to keep me busy and away from depression?

    Ooh that makes sense. What I do is ignore everyone and cry for hours but I’m sure that after then, I’m never going to cry again and then I’d begin to listen to music
  163. B

    What percentage of your income do you think you should save?

    I don’t think that will be the best idea. You know that you still have to buy a few things or feed yourself for the month so you can’t just pay bills and save the rest of the money
  164. B

    What aspects of keeping a healthy lifestyle do you find most difficult to maintain?

    I am finding it difficult to stop taking cold water even though I know it is not good for my health and also for the fact that I am asthmatic
  165. B

    How healthy is losing weight eating less calories

    Eating less can actually help but it depends on the kind of body that you have. Some people won’t reduce no matter how they stop eating. So you need to know your body 1716567733 Eating less can actually help but it depends on the kind of body that you have. Some people won’t reduce no matter...
  166. B

    Losing a customer that owes you money.

    Anyone who buys on credit, I always make sure that I know them very well or even know their house before I can release my goods for them
  167. B

    Why did you end your last relationship?

    I no feel he does not love you enough because if you really love someone, you don’t have to beg them to love you or to make you feel loved before they do so
  168. B

    Risks Involved in Cryptocurrency Investment

    Everything we in do life itself is risky so we just have to manage our risks by making sure that we make research before investing in anything
  169. B

    Testing the legitimacy of the site

    Thank you for sharing all of those with us but when I checked, the majority of them are old platforms and some of them are no more functioning. You have any idea of some?
  170. B

    How did you spend the first profit that your business made?

    Honestly, I went to buy food on that very day. It feels very good to make profit for the first time so I was too glad and I went to buy food
  171. B

    Have you ever experienced fraud from a site or forum?

    I have experienced scam in so many ways. There are even some forums that I worked on and when I got to the withdrawal threshold, they refused to pay me
  172. B

    Have you ever experienced any case of bankruptcy on your businesses?

    I have never experienced any case of bankruptcy in my business and I don’t wish to experience it. I am being very careful to make sure that my business does not run down
  173. B

    Have you ever encountered any physical abuse at work

    This has never happened to me and I hope it does not happen because I will feel bad and even disgraced don’t is better to always stay calm
  174. B

    Ever encountered something scary in your room

    There was a time I saw a scorpion in my room and I was very scared because we all know how dangerous a scorpion can be so I called my dad to kill it
  175. B

    What is something that always puts a smile on your face and makes you feel like you're having a good time?

    That’s right. There is no way you won’t feel relaxed especially when you know you have some money in your bank account. At the same time. Wizkid makes me smile all the time
  176. B

    Having a male or a female as a help

    When it comes to home duties, the best person who can do it is the female gender but we have some men who are good at that than women
  177. B

    Is having a lot of passive income the easy solution to financial freedom?

    Yeah you are right and the person will even be able to save up some money since he has enough ways to earn so that’s the best
  178. B

    Did you mine Notcoin?

    It’s a good thing that you could invest. When the coin was launched, a lot of Nigerians made so much money from it.
  179. B

    What can I do to keep me busy and away from depression?

    I haven’t really been in a good mood for days and that’s because my relationship is about to sink. Well, that’s a normal thing but I wish to get back to work immediately so I won’t always think of him. So now, I’m planning to have so many works on my table so that I won’t even be able to think...
  180. B

    Losing a customer that owes you money.

    There is a customer of mine who comes to my shop to buy goods and when she’s done selling, she pays up to buy another one. For about three weeks now, she has not been consistent so my sister and I got wondering what could have gone wrong. Luckily, there was a phone number written at the front...
  181. B

    Is 18% investment profit reasonable to you?

    I got to the bank yesterday to make interbank transfer and I met a banker who introduced me to their mutual funds and the interest rate. She told me that I’d be receiving 18% interest at the end of every month and I find it fair because you don’t get this in most cases. I love it this way. How...
  182. B

    Are you choosy about the platforms you work on?

    Aside from the fact that so many of us don’t have a choice and we have to come make money online which led us to posting on forums, do you have some special online sites that you work on? Are you choosy about it? Are you the type who will want to work on article platforms alone or what’s your...
  183. B

    What do you do after a heartbreak?

    Heartbreak is a normal thing and this can happen to anyone at anytime. Recently, my guy has stopped picking my calls or responding to my texts and I’m sure that he’s done. The only thing I wish to do now is focus on my dreams and work harder to the point that he will wish to come back but it...
  184. B

    Did you attend a boarding school? Would you let your child attend one?

    I never attended a boarding school but my older brother did so. I can’t let my child attend a boarding school because he or she must know how to do so many things like home chores and all
  185. B

    Did you attend computer classes?

    This made me remember when I was in high school. I attended computer classes a lot because it was fun and we were allowed to play games and do all other things
  186. B

    Why did you end your last relationship?

    Ooh I love the fact that you want to feel loved. It would not make sense to say yes to someone who’s you don’t feel loved with. That’s nice
  187. B

    Testing the legitimacy of the site

    Ooh that makes sense and thanks to you for sharing that fantastic idea. Do you have any site that you work on aside from RIF? I’d appreciate if you can tell me about it
  188. B

    What does your smartphone's homescreen look like?

    Mine is just the normal iPhone wallpaper. I checked my phone two days ago, if not, my little brother’s picture is what I will be having there
  189. B

    What does it feel when you are not paid on time?

    It makes me feel very bad and that’s the reason why I stopped working with a man two months ago. I was not paid on time and it really got me angry
  190. B

    Does investing always have to involve money?

    Investing may not always have to do with money. There are times when you have to invest your time into something so it depends on you and what you wish to invest in
  191. B

    Does investing too much money guaranty success?

    I can’t say that investing too much money guarantees success but it has a way of pushing you forward and also closer to your goals
  192. B

    How does money speak in business?

    If there is enough money in a business, you may have nothing to worry about because you are sure that you will be able to solve whatever problem you face
  193. B

    Not Paying 🚫 Speak Chat Forum (SCF)

    I also heard that the owner of the website has not been responding to messages he’s getting from people. Let’s just assume that he’s going through one thing or the other because we never can tell
  194. B

    How did you spend the first profit that your business made?

    Honestly, I went to eat when I made my first $1 because that was the profit then and I was extremely glad because I have never made money online before then
  195. B

    Why did you end your last relationship?

    I am not sure the relationship has ended or not because he has been acting up since a long time now but I’d just make sure to give him the space he needs
  196. B

    When did you last enjoyed your favourite drink?

    Pepsi is my favorite drink and I can’t go a day without it. The last time I drank Pepsi was yesterday in my shop and I’m sure I’d take today before the day runs out
  197. B

    Did you mine Notcoin?

    There are so many of them and you may never know until you are told or you heard about it somewhere We have to be informed
  198. B

    How did you manage the multiple earning websites?

    That is why we just have to find a balance between working online and offline. It can be a very task to achieve but it will be very good so that you can earn more
  199. B

    Is having a lot of passive income the easy solution to financial freedom?

    Honestly, if you have a lot of passive income, it can lead you to financial freedom for life as long as the passive income is consistent and very sure
  200. B

    Passive Income from Youtube

    The thing you will do is that you have to continue making YouTube videos because if you are consistent, people will continue to see you and you will be getting more views