Recent content by Bisolami

  1. B

    Can you pay a bride price of $1,000,000.

    I was listening to a song this afternoon and the artiste mentioned that the family of the bride wanted him to pay them $1,000,000 as the bride price. I’m sure it is an imagination. Do you think such can happen in real life and if you happen to have the money, will you pay such?
  2. B

    What have you always wanted to do in the rain?

    Hehe I still live it when I’m trekking or playing under the rain. If you call me a baby because of this, I won’t deny. It is always something of fun
  3. B

    There is always a backstory to every news report. Do you think so?

    I believe and I read this same thing somewhere. I heard that they don’t like to tell us everything that happened so they keep a lot of things to themselves
  4. B

    Always get reviews from your customers

    It is really helpful so that you will know how your business is doing outside instead of just having the mindset that it is doing well even without you asking
  5. B

    What is the most interesting thing about finance?

    The most interesting thing about finance is the fact that it will save you from so many mess that you can find yourself in
  6. B

    Is finance a really broad field?

    It is a very broad field thinking of how to spend the money, how to manage the money and so much more. It is a very broad field for real
  7. B

    Is abstinence really possible for someone that is 20+ of age ?

    Ooh wow I never knew you were married. Well, it doesn’t really make sense to be married and trying to abstain You have the full right to do such
  8. B

    Are really afraid of driving on a busy traffic road?

    There is nothing in this life to beat traffic only of it goes down by itself Everybody faces traffic even though we don’t like it I think it is inevitable
  9. B

    Are you patient enough to make money online?

    That’s just the basic thing unlike people who want to make millions overnight and we all know this thing is not possible but they still engage in it
  10. B

    Are you patient enough to teach kids?

    Honestly, I once worked in a school and I realized that I was not really patient when it got to teaching kids. I can try it again though cos it’s good to be able to teach kids
  11. B

    Are you patient enough to make money online?

    That is why those set of people cannot wait to make money from legitimate sources. They would rather decide to engage in fraudulent activities
  12. B

    Have you ever been in an aircraft?

    I’ve watched so many videos on this and it keeps me scared but I just know I have to be a part of that someday. It will be a very good experience
  13. B

    Are really afraid of driving on a busy traffic road?

    I am really afraid of this and that is why I have never drove on the express road till now even though I have learned how to drive for over three years
  14. B

    Do you really love everybody?

    There is no way I can love everybody even though I try. At the same time, not everyone loves me and that’s basically how life is
  15. B

    Do you really enjoy the cold seasons?

    The cold season is my favorite season on earth. I love it when everywhere is cold but the only thing I don’t really like is the way the ground becomes mushy
  16. B

    Is abstinence really possible for someone that is 20+ of age ?

    I understand how you feel but this is still about self control. I’ve done this for a year before until I felt like I wanted to do it again
  17. B

    Is it possible to project two laptops on the same external screen?

    Oh wow So you mean that with this you are saying now, we can actually project two laptops on a screen? I haven’t heard about that before though
  18. B

    Is it possible for someone not to ever be depressed?

    You are right and it is quite unfortunate that some people find it hard to achieve that. They always find it difficult to come out from the state of depression
  19. B

    What is Google pay?

    I thought the way we used to make some payments online was what Google pay is about. I’m talking of some payments we make on play store and all
  20. B

    How much is your Internet subscription and how much do you make from it?

    That’s about the rate I spend online too. I always want to make sure that I do not spend a ridiculous amount of money all because of data
  21. B

    Losing control of the finances in business is a disaster

    That’s right. Nothing lasts forever so we should always do well to make sure that we manage our finances and also save up
  22. B

    Have you ever felt in love with any of your school teachers?

    Ooh wow That would have been so scary. Was he ill or what was the cause of his death?
  23. B

    What kind of movies do you like?

    We all have movie genres and we have the ones that we all prefer. We have the tragedy, comedy and tragicomedy. Which one of those do you like most? As for me, I love the tragedy movie because it gives more meaning and usually more interesting. How about you?
  24. B

    Do ladies like it when they are on their period?

    Honestly, being on your period is rally good and a sign that you are not pregnant but so many ladies like me feel uncomfortable because they don’t like to wear pad coupled with the fact that they will be dripping. I don’t really like it but have no choice. Is there any other lady with a...
  25. B

    Have you ever forgotten to switch off your mobile data for the whole night?

    I think this is actually thoughtful of you, but I do not think I can do this because I use an iPhone and my battery gets drained almost immediately
  26. B

    Do you use the Radio app on your phone?

    Having a radio application on the phone will actually be very good but I do not have one and I am hoping to download one as soon as possible
  27. B

    What phone do you use right now?

    I use an iPhone 12 right now and I changed it a month ago. I’m hoping to change it again but not this year anymore because I have things I want to use money for.
  28. B

    Is it right to get a loan for your wedding?

    It is good for those who have repayment plans, but I do not think it is ideal to take a loan because you want to have a wedding ceremony
  29. B

    How to handle rude online students?

    There are even some parents or guardians who know the behavior of these children, but they fail to tell them the truth
  30. B

    How many income sources do you have?

    I make money from two different platforms online and I have a minimart that I am managing off-line, but I am trying to have more sources of income
  31. B

    How many members of the forum are housewives?

    I feel it is even good for housewives to have online job instead of stressing themselves to go out to work and still come back home to take care of the house
  32. B

    Is it okay to argue with your boss?

    I think this is not really reasonable. There are times when you may not be on the same page with your boss so you have to be polite about it.
  33. B

    Is it okay to use social media platforms as a meeting place?

    It will even make things easier because you can be in meetings in the comfort of your home instead of having to go out all the time
  34. B

    Are you enjoying paying Bills

    This is even why I usually buy as much data as possible so that I will not run out of data even when I am broke
  35. B

    Losing weight reducing calories intake

    I am glad this is what you can handle since you are in the medical field, and this is one of the advantages of being in the medical field
  36. B

    Losing business money

    That is just the best thing because if we decide to wait for a while before we buy some goods, we might have spent the money
  37. B

    Losing control of the finances in business is a disaster

    The world economy is not smiling so we need to be very careful of how we spend And we should always be calculative
  38. B

    Do you still have your best friend?

    It is very sad to lose someone and the pain can never go away, even though it may feel like we have healed from the pain Sorry about that
  39. B

    Have you Ever Purchased Referrals?

    This is why it is very good to put some things into calculations before you decide to give it a go so that you’re not going to regret it at the end of the day
  40. B

    How did you managed life with the higher cost of living with low salaries?

    I am making sure that I work online and off-line coupled with the fact that I spend a very low amount of money so that I can be able to save up and invest in something
  41. B

    How did you get over your ex

    The best thing I did was to check social media platforms, and do things that will help me or keep me busy instead of thinking about him
  42. B

    Did you mine Notcoin?

    I was actually aware, but I did not trust it because I have participated in so many airdrops and the majority of them were scam airdrops so I did not even bother to join
  43. B

    Can you invest in crypto with all your money?

    It is actually good to take risks, but I do not think I can do this kind of thing because I will regret it if it goes the other way around
  44. B

    Losing a customer that owes you money.

    This is a very good standard that you have set for yourself and I think I’ll try to make it of this method and I hope I succeed
  45. B

    What you are enjoying about adulthood

    The only thing we can enjoy about adults food is the fact that we can make decisions by ourselves, but there is nothing more to enjoy aside from paying bills
  46. B

    Do you find it easy to move on after a break up?

    Being in love is a beautiful thing and it is usually sad when you leave your partner or when the person leaves you. Back then, I used to find it very difficult to deal with a breakup. I could cry almost everyday because my lover broke up with me but I’ve stopped being that girl. I move on so...
  47. B

    Do you like an elaborate wedding?

    I love wedding ceremonies a lot and I love to go for people’s wedding but I get scared when it comes to me having to do something that is really elaborate. I am very scared when it comes to me having a big wedding. I wish to have a lowkey wedding in my life and that’s just what I want it to be.
  48. B

    Do you take a lot of sugar?

    I b take a lot of sugar due to the fact that I love to take soda drinks and I have to take as little as a hundred centiliter daily. I’m trying to reduce it though so I won’t have diabetes. Do you also take too much sugar?
  49. B

    How well do you go to the hospital?

    Going to the hospital is not really my wish but we have to go there sometimes for medical check up. Also, there are some of us who may be having some underlying health issues and we have to visit the hospital a lot. I go to the hospital for about five to six times a year. How about you?
  50. B

    Can you marry someone who’s too busy?

    It’s really good to get married to someone who always want to fend for the family but I think it should not be them being busy all of the time. I don’t think I can accept to marry someone who will be too busy to take care of the home. How do you feel about this?
  51. B

    Losing a customer that owes you money.

    You have a points, but I am sure that when you have your business, you are still going to have another thought about this
  52. B

    The best time for the online working

    I am also planning to change my time working online to this time frame so that I can be free throughout the day and focus on my off-line work
  53. B

    Working earning methods for Africans

    There are so many options to explore, but it would have been better if we have opportunities like people from the top tier countries so we can earn more
  54. B

    In how many days do you cut nails of your feet?

    This is really good and it shows your level of Ness, but I only do mine once a week so that I won’t cut myself
  55. B

    How many hours or Minutes do you spend for online earning daily ?

    The good thing is that the off-line activities you are having is paying you. It would have been worse if you are not getting paid from it at all
  56. B

    How many passive income should one be having.

    They are usually very expensive, and this is why we see that the only people who benefits from passive income adults who have enough money to invest so that we can have a reasonable profits
  57. B

    How many hours do members of this forum who have a job work?

    I am glad you had to change that due to health reasons because it does not make sense to be working or straining your eyes on the system or your phone all the time
  58. B

    What you are enjoying about adulthood

    The basic thing I am enjoying about adulthood is the fact that I can make decisions by myself without having to ask anyone about the decision I have made
  59. B

    Are you enjoying paying Bills

    I do not enjoy paying bills, but one thing I enjoy is that I do not lack whenever it is time to pay bills so that is the best thing instead of not having the money to pay at all
  60. B

    Any New Paying website Other than RIF, BMF, Forumindex,FC,Postbucks, Trendri, Bizdustry, Insured forum?

    I think you just need to show him a proof so that he’s going to believe what you say. You know people love it when they get to see a proof
  61. B

    Update on Paid Posting forum

    It will be good to join the forum as long as you have not heard any bad review about it, but the money is a whole lot for me right now
  62. B

    Do you like to party?

    It is really good to go for events or go to the beach and get to meet with a lot of people instead of going to parties that may not even be reasonable
  63. B

    I never dreamed about success, I worked for it

    This is actually reasonable because there is no point dreaming of a life that you cannot work for. You only achieve what you work for.
  64. B

    How many hours can you sleep in one go?

    It is really good to sleep for a reasonable amount or number of hours, but I think I have to start depriving myself of sleep so I can make more money
  65. B

    Have you Ever Purchased Referrals?

    There was a time I wanted to try this, but I had to calculate the money I was going to make from the platform and I realized that it wasn’t worth it so I stopped
  66. B

    Have you ever purchased jewelry online?

    It is good that you already have a trustworthy website where you can buy all your jewelry instead of wasting money to give some vendors that will eventually bring fake products
  67. B

    Do you still invest in the bitcoin?

    Bitcoin still has a bright future even though it feels like it has gotten to the peak, but I am not investing in bitcoin right now
  68. B

    Do you still have your best friend?

    I am still very much in good terms with my best friend, but I think I need to change my best friend now because I am not really benefiting anything from her like teaching each other how to make money or how to be greater people in the world
  69. B

    Do you still invest in hyip?

    The majority of this platforms are scam platforms because there is nothing you can do in this world that will help you double your money every day so you have to be very careful
  70. B

    Losing control of the finances in business is a disaster

    This is why it is very good to learn the habits of financial management before you decide to have a business because losing your business money will be very bad
  71. B

    Losing business money

    This is what I also do in my shop instead of removing the money to buy shoes or clothes. I always make sure that I restock the goods immediately.
  72. B

    Losing weight reducing calories intake

    There are some people who will reduce the way they eat and still not get to keep it so you need to ask your doctor what is good for you or for your health
  73. B

    Is it okay to use social media platforms as a meeting place?

    That’s just the best thing and this is what a lot of people are doing right now and it is saving them a whole lot of cost
  74. B

    How many members of the forum are housewives?

    Being a mother makes some people very busy because they have to attend to their children, but they can still do some things by the side that will not really affect how busy they are
  75. B

    How to handle rude online students?

    You are right about this and the best thing we can do is to tell the appearance or guardian about what is going on so they can know what to do
  76. B

    Do you notify the customers in cases of emergency closing of your business?

    It’s always good to notify them so that they will begin to search for their potential customers before you totally shut down the business
  77. B

    Losing weight reducing calories intake

    I used to do this when I was trying to lose weight but not anymore. I’m now looking so slim and I’m looking for a way to chop up
  78. B

    Losing a customer that owes you money.

    You’re right about this but there are some people who deserves to buy credit If someone patronizes you and buys goods of at least a hundred thousand naira in a week, won’t it look somehow when they want to buy on credit and you tell them no?
  79. B

    Have you ever purchased jewelry online?

    The good thing is that you bought drone a seller who is trustworthy. There are some sellers who are not trustworthy and they’d deliver fake products to you
  80. B

    New 🚩 Insured Forum Back with resumption of paid posting.

    The platform is always looking scanty and that’s because it was still a bit new when it shut down with trended and it was yet to gain members
  81. B

    Do you like to party?

    There are some people who are introverts and extroverts. Some people believe that extroverts are the ones who usually like party and all. I’m an introvert and I love to party. The only reason why I’ve not been partying like before is because I don’t have funds. I love parties a lot. How about you?
  82. B

    How often do you step out?

    When I was in the university, I stepped out almost everyday but not anymore. Now, I want to get my life together and that’s why I am not going out anymore. I only go to important places and I only go out maybe once a month or once in two months.
  83. B

    How do you feel when your debtor dies?

    A friend came to my aunt this night and began telling her a few things about her life. She also mentioned that someone was owing her $10,000 and the person died. Honestly, I’d have fainted. What would you do if it were you?
  84. B

    Do you like to use emojis while typing?

    I have a friend who introduced her boyfriend to me. Whenever he wants to text me, he loves to type with emoji a lot and I’m sure that’s a way he is expressing his feelings. I love it but I don’t like too much of emojis in my text. What about you?
  85. B

    Do you sleep early?

    Some people love to go to bed early so that they can wake up early to do whatever they want to do. Some people love to sleep late maybe because they are scrolling social media pages or doing one thing or the other. I love to sleep early so I can wake early. How about you?
  86. B

    Update on Paid Posting forum

    Hmm That’s true and I am already considering trying to register on the platform but I’m scared to risk my money
  87. B

    How can you encourage one that is grieving

    That is true. We need to make sure that we don’t say things that will annoy them or make them sad. We have to care for them too
  88. B

    How to handle rude online students?

    I feel the best thing is trying to make sure that the things they do not really get to you that much. You just have to do your thing and try your best that they listen to you
  89. B

    How do you handle people that take your things and use without your permission?

    That’s just the right thing and I will make sure that I keep my things in a very safe place that they won’t be able to touch it or get close to it
  90. B

    What are the things you can't help someone do?

    Well, this actually depends on who the person is. If the person is my sibling, I can do anything for him or her. You get my point, right?
  91. B

    Things you bought but turn a waste later?

    That’s a good one. It is better than just keeping the cloth in your wardrobe without having any plan on how to give it out to the needy
  92. B

    How many hours do you sleep

    I sleep for seven hours but now, I have some tasks that I want to start doing and it will take time so it will be better to start in the midnight which will shorten my sleep
  93. B

    How many hours can you sleep in one go?

    This actually depends on how tired I am. I can sleep eight hours on a stretch but that is mostly at night. I can’t sleep in the afternoon like that
  94. B

    How many hours do members of this forum who have a job work?

    As for me, I own my business but I work ten hours daily. There are even times when I spend twelve hours at work. It depends on my mood
  95. B

    How many members of the forum are housewives?

    That’s a good one. They will not even have to go out to work or something. They can always make money online and also take care of the home
  96. B

    Do ladies really like men that are assertive and in control?

    It’s very annoying and this is one of the reasons my aunt is planning a divorce with her man. It makes no sense when a man does not have a say
  97. B

    Is abstinence really possible for someone that is 20+ of age ?

    At the same time, it is not very easy to abstain especially when you have done it before but it takes a lot of dedication
  98. B

    Is it okay to use social media platforms as a meeting place?

    It is really okay and it won’t cost you so much. The only thing it will cost you is your money for data instead of you stepping in out to pay for transportation and all
  99. B

    Do you think it's okay to work at night?

    It’s good to work on shifts but I prefer day shift. I have someone who loves night shifts a lot but I don’t like to cheat nature so I can’t do it
  100. B

    Have you ever felt difficulty with getting up from bed in the mornings?

    This is actually a normal thing to experience especially when you have to wake up when it is still very early and dark
  101. B

    Have you ever forgotten to switch off your mobile data for the whole night?

    This happened to me sometime ago and my battery was drained throughout the night. I woke up realizing that my phone was very hot
  102. B

    Have you ever saw a ghost up close?

    Well, it usually look like they are making up their stories but at the same time, it sounds so true sometimes but I don’t wish to see one
  103. B

    Have you ever defaulted on repaying back your loan?

    That makes sense and I just hope that you never get to that situation. It can be a very crazy one. I have done that once but I paid on time
  104. B

    New 🚩 Insured Forum Back with resumption of paid posting.

    It is a good platform. I have actually not resumed back because I’ve been busy but any forum that is owned by Fecoms is always a good one I can vouch for him
  105. B

    Legit 👍 Forum Filler

    I’m surely going to do that. I just love to be sure if a platform before I join since I don’t have much time to waste
  106. B

    Never quit until you live the life you dream of

    It is actually not going to make any sense if we quit so we need to strive and fight hard for the life we want and also think we deserve
  107. B

    Dream Big in Business

    Well, this is true because some people only dream big but don’t take action towards it so it is important to dream big and also take actions
  108. B

    Legit 👍 Update on Socialseo: Paid to Post forum

    I never knew this platform was still working. I even disregarded a post about it two days ago because I felt it may not work again
  109. B

    Have you ever been successful through the taking of loans?

    I have never really taken any loan that is serious and I don’t think j I will be taking loan anytime soon but for now, I have never been successful taking loans
  110. B

    Taking pap or tea

    This shows that they don’t take pap in your place. Well, pap is also a drink but it is usually made from corn and the process isn’t long
  111. B

    What pet do you have?

    I have always wished to have pets but I’m also scared of them. Also, I used to have a cat until I mistakenly broke its leg one day and I no longer have a pet anymore. How about you?
  112. B

    Do you act gentle when you are in front of strangers?

    Someone asked me this question a few days ago and I don’t think it has to do with me being gentle. The best and normal thing is to always comport yourself when you realize that you are amongst new people. That’s how it is supposed to be. Do you agree with me?
  113. B

    Why do people dislike those who say the truth?

    We all know that the truth is bitter and so many people get angry when you tell them the truth and they tend to run away from you. That’s why they can see you next time and start talking negative things about you all because you advised them. Have you ever witnessed or noticed this?
  114. B

    Are you a selective person?

    I feel if is never a bad idea to be selective. You have to know what you want and stand right by it. I’m not very selective though and it doesn’t mean I’m not classy but I’m not just that choosy type. How about you?
  115. B

    Do you love music?

    Music is just like my therapy and I don’t only listen to it when I’m sad but I listen to it all the time. Music also has a way of catching my attention and makes me feel alive again Music is life!
  116. B

    Have you ever felt disappointed before

    I have felt disappointed before. I trusted someone with all my heart and the person betrayed me. It made me so sad and hard to trust people
  117. B

    Have you ever felt in love with any of your school teachers?

    There was a time when I was crushing on my lecturer because he was so fine but unfortunately, he’s a married man so it is a no go area
  118. B

    Have you ever felt difficulty with getting up from bed in the mornings?

    Yes and this has happened to me in two ways. There were times when I woke up and realized that I already fell sick and there are times when I don’t just feel like standing up
  119. B

    Have you ever saw a ghost up close?

    That’s actually scary and I’m surely going to develop PTSD if I ever see that. I have never seen a ghost close up and I don’t want to see it
  120. B

    Have you ever bought a property before?

    It is surely going to be a good thing and I am very sure that this is one day so many people have hoped and pray for. It feels good to have a property
  121. B

    Is there a big mirror in your bedroom?

    I have a very big mirror in my bedroom and not just one. I still have another mirror which is attached to my shelve. I love to look at the mirror a lot
  122. B

    Big Bucks Update

    It’s just a pity to remember all we have gone through and all the stress we have been through just because we want to earn. Scam websites annoy me a lot
  123. B

    Update on Paid Posting forum

    Honestly, it is already sounding like a scam site because I don’t think any reasonable platform will require you to spend that huge amount for registration
  124. B

    Do you take forum posting seriously?

    This is exactly what I do but I just make sure that I am able to earn something reasonable at the end of the day
  125. B

    Have you ever thought of starting a micro finance?

    And I don’t think I will be able to handle this business. Well, I can handle funds but not when it is too huge. I’d begin to get scared
  126. B

    What happens when the people you lend money don't pay back?

    I usually feel bad and I can go to the extreme especially when it is a lot of money. I can even post up their pictures and tell everyone what they did
  127. B

    Do you pay for funeral contributions in your community?

    I have never done this before but it is usually done in my community and this is amongst the elderly people so I feel I have no business with it for now
  128. B

    Do you pay your debt fast?

    It is really sad and this is why we hear some cases that some people were being arrested by the police because they have failed to pay their loan
  129. B

    Do you give personal information to your colleagues?

    When I’m with my friends or colleagues, I talk a lot but I am always mindful of the things I say. I don’t ever tell my colleagues what is happening to me personally
  130. B

    Personal ways that you handle customer complaints

    That’s true but some of these customers may be very rude to the point that they can also make your frustrated
  131. B

    Reasons not to depend on paid to post task online

    Aside from the fact that you can easily be banned, those platforms may also decide to shut down anytime and no one can question them for it
  132. B

    Do you ask for donations?

    I have never done that and it is never my wish to do something like that but we never can tell what the future holds but I don’t wish for it though
  133. B

    Ask referrals from customers to grow your business

    Well, I don’t think that will be a good way to put them to test and that’s because some people may buy be good at referring other customers
  134. B

    Do you ask for the change from your spouse after the shopping?

    Ooh that makes sense though. I don’t really give my man money to buy something. The highest I can do is buy it for him. Well, men mostly give the change
  135. B

    Do you give your neighbors discount?

    Well that makes sense as long as the discount you gave them does not stop you from having your profit and it is not all the time
  136. B

    Have you ever been babtised?

    I am not a Christian and I don’t think baptism is a bad thing. It’s a good one and I’m glad you’re a born again Christian
  137. B

    Have you ever defaulted on repaying back your loan?

    The good thing is that you were able to repay the loan even though it took time. It would have been bad or worse if you didn’t pay it all
  138. B

    Do you brag about your wins?

    Your nuclear family members are just the ones we should tell and it should just stay within us instead of telling other people our wins They may not be happy for us
  139. B

    What is your favorite way to repay multiple loans?

    Firstly, having multiple loans is bad because you may want to pay all of them maybe after you get your salary and your money will be finished once you make the payments
  140. B

    Do you pay your debt fast?

    That’s just the best thing. Well, there are times when things may go wrong and you may big be able to pay on the promised date but we have to beg the owner of the money to give us more time instead of not picking their calls
  141. B

    Do you take forum posting seriously?

    There was a time when I used to disregard forum posting because I felt the money was too small for me and I could not manage but right now, no matter how little the money is, I always take it seriously. That’s why I am turning up everyday to make sure that I earn from forums everyday.
  142. B

    Have you ever bought a property before?

    Well, anything can be a property including your phones down to your cloth but that’s not what I mean here. I meant property like house, land and so. I am planning to buy a land next year and I hope things go well for me so I can afford what I want. Do you have any property of such?
  143. B

    Can you invest in crypto with all your money?

    I read the story of Tom on X. Tom is a young guy who was working in a restaurant before and he was investing all his money in BTC until it became expensive. Right now, he’s in money. I’m glad he made it but that decision is risky. What if the plan went wrong?
  144. B

    Do you give your customers end of the year gift?

    This is something my mum does when I was working in her shop. This is also what other people do in their shops too and they may give them those gifts in December. I now have my and it will make sense to do that too. What do you feel about it?
  145. B

    Is it possible for couples to dislike each other?

    I know a couple who had a smooth love life but recently, things changed and they no more like each other. Now, they don’t communicate and even use the same things in the house anymore and they curse each other. Do you think they dislike each other?
  146. B

    How do you see people who love to beg all the time?

    There was a boy during my university days who I always beg all the time and I always run away from him anytime he’s coming towards me
  147. B

    Do you brag about your wins?

    That’s the best thing. It will not make any sense to be bragging and blabbing about our achievements. The achievements should speak for themselves
  148. B

    How many members of the forum are housewives?

    I am not a housewife here. My only aim is to become the wife of someone and that’s all but I will be making sure that I have a job that I do
  149. B

    Why Many Forum Are Stopping Pay to Post?

    I was really sad when they stopped their paid to post forum because that was one of the platforms that I was making so much money from back then
  150. B

    Can you be friends with a lousy person?

    Noise annoys me too but when I’m with my friends, I can be the noise maker. In this situation, I always make sure that I know when to comport myself
  151. B

    Do you really keep up dated to the current times of the year?

    I think I am lagging in that aspect of life. Work has taken almost every aspect about me and I am not really updated about what is happening in the world
  152. B

    Do you keep on thinking about things that affect your decisions?

    I also cannot avoid thinking about them but one thing I always do is making sure that I don’t let bad or negative things overshadow my feelings
  153. B

    Things you bought but turn a waste later?

    There was a time I went to the market to buy a few things and some dresses but I didn’t later wear them because they were bad and I didn’t see it from the market
  154. B

    Reminisce on things you have failed at

    IT is taking over the world and at the same time, I feel it is not very compulsory to know so much about it. You can just know a little so you won’t be totally naive
  155. B

    What are the things you can't help someone do?

    It is very sad but there are times when some serious people may need money and they will always refund but we won’t borrow them due to past experience
  156. B

    How do you handle people that take your things and use without your permission?

    That’s right. Even though we are very close, I always make sure that I ask before taking other people’s things. I don’t just take it without their permission
  157. B

    Do you give your neighbors discount?

    Hmm this is another point and one problem there is that they will always continue to buy it around the price that you have sold it to them because you already gave them discount earlier
  158. B

    Working earning methods for Africans

    It is not easy and that is why we always hold on to the earning platforms that we have. I’m sure there will be more earning opportunities as time goes on
  159. B

    What is the biggest red flag for scam applications?

    I don’t even bother to work on platforms that will promise me a very huge amount of money or the ones that requires me to invest a lot of money
  160. B

    Do you think it's okay to work at night?

    It is very okay to work at night but it will have some underlying health issues. That’s because it isn’t good to cheat nature It’s good to sleep when you feel like
  161. B

    Is it okay to ask about your age when having the job interview?

    Well, I don’t think it is awkward because they always want to know the age range and so many things to know if you will be the best for them
  162. B

    Do you ask for the change from your spouse after the shopping?

    That’s reasonable but for me as a woman, no matter how much or little it can be, I will always give my husband he change because that’s the right thing
  163. B

    Personal ways that you handle customer complaints

    Ooh that’s right because some customers may be very funny and they will just be making fake complaints that do not even exist
  164. B

    What are the most important things to focus on in your business?

    You are right but we have to focus on the finance part too. It won’t make sense to be making so much sales that we won’t be able to account for
  165. B

    Do you pay your debt fast?

    It is good to always pay your debt fast so that the person will be willing to borrow you some next time
  166. B

    Why Many Forum Are Stopping Pay to Post?

    That’s good. I think they have found a better solution to how they will be paying posters in a way that they won’t get too affected
  167. B

    How do stay away from eating out always

    I stay away from eating out always by preparing a very good food for myself. If my food is delicious enough, I won’t have any reason to eat out
  168. B

    How do you stay productive in your business while traveling?

    One thing is that my phone is handy so I can always check the update on my phone. Luckily for me, I work online so it will make things to be easy for me
  169. B

    How do you stay organized while working on multiple projects?

    This also helps a lot. One thing I do is set a time for all my tasks. If I do it that way, I’d know that I have one thing or the other to do at a particular time
  170. B

    Working on earning sites vs. working for individuals

    The pay is not really good and that is why we should never focus on earning from just one platform alone. We need to work on more platforms to earn a reasonable amount
  171. B

    Do you brag about your wins?

    Bragging about our wins is something that is now common in the kind of world that we live in especially on social media. Also, there are some kind of trends that I can never follow. I can never brag about my wins no matter how little or much it can be. I won’t do that. How about you?
  172. B

    How do you see people who love to beg all the time?

    There are some people who will sit beside you for just one hour and within that period of time, they must have begged you for so many things. It annoys me a lot and I don’t like to move with those kind of people. Do you like to live with those set of people?
  173. B

    Have you ever cheated on your partner?

    I am a kind of girl who has some policies and I always go by my rules. I don’t ever go against them. At the same time, I don’t like to share myself with another man. I feel it doesn’t make sense and that is why I am always sticking to one person and most importantly, dating someone I love. I...
  174. B

    Can you go a day without talking to your partner?

    If I am in love with someone, I am always thinking about them and I can’t go six hours without talking to them. I can call them over ten times in a day and that’s just to show that I’m in love and I think about them all the time. As for me, I can’t go a day without talking to my partner. How...
  175. B

    Quarrel is inevitable in a relationship.

    I feel there is no way you and someone will be together and call yourself lovers and not be intimate. Also, when you tend to be close to someone, there are chances that you both have some rifts and misunderstandings in the relationship. Do you think quarreling is something you can do without...
  176. B

    How often do you withdraw money from your bank account?

    There are some of my bank accounts that I do not touch at all and there is a particular account that I put a little amount of money so it can help me during emergency and I withdraw money from it once a week
  177. B

    How often do you change your toothbrush?

    There was a time when I used to wait until it gets bad, but I do not do that anymore because I have realized that it is good to change toothbrush every two months
  178. B

    Why do people change to bad attitude sometimes?

    It may also be due to the things that people have done to them so they may be already made up their mind not to be a good person anymore
  179. B

    Why do ladies have big boxes and bags full of clothes?

    I think we women were created to love different kind of things including different kind of colors and that is why we always want to have everything
  180. B

    Do you engage in self medication?

    It is good to know that you do not engage yourself medication, but a lot of people feel that going to the doctor is quite expensive so they try self medication first
  181. B

    Biggest difference between a business owner amd working for someone

    Being the owner of the business means that you do not have to wait for anybody before you take decisions and you can do what you like at anytime
  182. B

    What is your biggest loss?

    I think one of my biggest losses was when I was trading Forex and I lost about $60 in one trade and it was very painful, but I am hoping to start again
  183. B

    What is the biggest red flag for scam applications?

    That is why some platforms will tell you that they will double your money within one hour, which is never possible so our sense should tell us that it is a scam platform
  184. B

    Have you been given any form of bribe and what was the reason for that?

    This is because people want me to do one thing or the other for them and they feel the best way I can do that is when they give me some amount of money
  185. B

    What was the best part of your day today?

    It feels very good to complete a project because there are so many people who always start up a project, but they do not get to complete it due to procrastination
  186. B

    What was the biggest loss you had in an investment?

    I am glad that your common sense was able to rescue you then because there are so many people who use their school fee to engage in this program
  187. B

    Have you ever defaulted on repaying back your loan?

    I have never been in this kind of situation in my life, and it can happen to anyone, but I always make sure that I tell the person the reason why I was not able to pay the loan on the promised date
  188. B

    Have you ever blamed your parents for your failure in life?

    I am not the kind of person who blame other people because of my failure or something that I am not able to do. I only set my things right when I know there is more to do in my life
  189. B

    Have you ever late to report to work and what are the reasons for that?

    It does not make any sense to go to work late, but there are times when this happens, and I am sure that there will be one reason or the other
  190. B

    Reasons you can't be in a polygamous marriage

    I think this depends on the man because there are some men who know how to take good care of their home and they will never be a problem between the two wives
  191. B

    Reasons for doing part time Jobs

    There are some jobs that I have taken and the payment is very small, but it takes just a little time and I am doing them because I need to pay some more bills
  192. B

    Working earning methods for Africans

    I think this is one of the major problems that we Africans are facing because there are so many platforms we can make money from, but we are being excluded
  193. B

    Working on earning sites vs. working for individuals

    You are right about the aspect of being patient because things may not go exactly the way you want it at first so you just have to be patient
  194. B

    Do you really give money to your family members even if they don't ask for it?

    It is a very good thing and I am very, very sure that they are going to pray for you because it takes a lot to give someone money even though it is a little amount
  195. B

    Do you find it hard to live with your family members?

    I think moving out from your home will actually help you to focus on your life better because there will not be any reason for distractions
  196. B

    How many friends do you have?

    I am actually not the type of girl who loves to keep so many friends. I just keep a little circle and I’m good with that. Presently, I have just one close friend and two other friends who are not very close to me. How about you?
  197. B

    As a woman, can you marry a younger man?

    There is something a lot of people say that age is just a number. I also feel age is a number but I don’t think I can date or get married to a man who is younger than me. I really don’t know how that will work. I prefer to marry a man who is very much older than me and maybe ten years difference.
  198. B

    Can you get married to someone who smokes?

    I feel this is a straightforward answer and it depends on what you like. Some people smoke and they don’t like to date people who smoke. At the same time, some people don’t smoke but they love partners who smoke. Which one of them do you think you are?
  199. B

    Is marriage becoming scarce?

    My friends and I got talking about marriage and right now, none of us is in a relationship not to talk of getting married. I’m really scared. Does it mean that a lot of people don’t want to fall in love anymore or what exactly? It’s because common and weird.
  200. B

    How much do you take cold water?

    Taking too much of cold water is not very good for us but unfortunately, I do this everyday of my life and it is already affecting my voice including my breathe. What do you think I can do to stop taking cold water? I really wish to stop but it is hard.