Recent content by freelancermaria

  1. freelancermaria

    Do you wish to have multiple babies at a time?

    I have no intention of having children of my own as life has become increasingly challenging. I struggle to take care of myself, so raising a child seems daunting.
  2. freelancermaria

    When did you start using social media?

    I believe I was in high school or college when I first ventured into the world of social media. My initiation into the social media world took place on the platform called Friendster.
  3. freelancermaria

    Start over if you fail until you succeed

    Never give up easily. Do not throw in the towel after your first attempt. Keep trying until you reach success.
  4. freelancermaria

    Start late and slow and expect a negative impact

    Yes. Punctuality is key. If your business is scheduled to open at 8 in the morning, customers anticipate that you will start operations at that exact time, not a minute later.
  5. freelancermaria

    Do you act gentle when you are in front of strangers?

    The approach depends on the stranger. If someone is being rude, there is no need to treat them with gentleness. Just walk away.
  6. freelancermaria

    How do you see the act of being generous to people that you even don't know?

    I often enjoy helping others, particularly when I have the means to do so. I prefer to help without anticipating anything in return.
  7. freelancermaria

    Can you get sick from being in the rain?

    I have always had a weak immune system, so getting soaked in the rain often leads to me catching a cold. This has been the case for me since I was a child.
  8. freelancermaria

    How to know one playing games with you

    I have a strong sense of detecting insincerity. I am quite good at reading people's true intentions, so when I sense someone is taking advantage of me or playing games with me, I will create some distance or confront that person.
  9. freelancermaria


    I have not been to another country this year. Hopefully, I will have the opportunity to travel overseas again in the future.
  10. freelancermaria

    Have you travelled to most parts of your country?

    I have not had the chance to travel to other parts of the country due to financial and health challenges. Nevertheless, I am still hopeful that I will be able to explore more in the future.
  11. freelancermaria

    What kind of exercise do you do?

    I typically engage in walking, cardio, and ab exercises at home. This routine helps me manage my chronic condition.
  12. freelancermaria

    What kind of people do you seek advice from?

    I often seek advice on investments and work-from-home opportunities, as I find them essential for addressing my current financial needs.
  13. freelancermaria

    Raw mango jam

    I have never tasted raw mango jam before, but I am interested in trying it out sometime. I enjoy exploring new recipes on YouTube, especially when tired of eating the same things every week.
  14. freelancermaria

    Do you like Raw onions?

    I am not particularly fond of raw onions, but I can tolerate them. I prefer having them as a garnish for pork or fish steak, rather than eating them on their own.
  15. freelancermaria

    Do you take a lot of sugar?

    In the past, I used to have a sweet tooth, but now I make a conscious effort to manage my sugar cravings. I typically go for sugar-free options because diabetes is prevalent in my family.
  16. freelancermaria

    are you addicted to sugar?

    I have got a bit of a sweet tooth, but I have been able to keep my sugar cravings in check. I usually opt for sugar-free options, and when I feel like having chocolate, I usually go for dark chocolate.
  17. freelancermaria

    Take out or dine in?

    It all comes down to the ambiance. If the environment is welcoming, I'd choose to dine in. But if it is not, I'd rather get the food to go and enjoy it at home.
  18. freelancermaria

    Ever thought of giving up on your business?

    No, I do not think of giving up on business. It can be hard at times, but I won’t give up.
  19. freelancermaria

    What's your thought on pre-marital sex? is it a sin?

    The Bible teaches that pre-marital sex is considered a sin. However, in today's modern world, it is a common occurrence, particularly in mature relationships. Asking for forgiveness from God is the best course of action in such situations.
  20. freelancermaria

    What exactly do you do when money isn't forth coming as expected

    I will wait a few more days for my client to pay me. If the situation does not improve, I will explore some side hustles to make extra money.
  21. freelancermaria

    What online business do you have in mind?

    I am thinking of giving drop shipping a try. I have sold many things online in the past, so I am considering getting back into it, too.
  22. freelancermaria

    What do you actually do on the birthday's eve?

    I have not made any plans for my birthday eve, and no one has surprised me either. LOL
  23. freelancermaria

    What do you actually do when you get so tired?

    When I am feeling tired, I take a nap for a couple of hours to recharge. It helps me feel refreshed and energized when I wake up.
  24. freelancermaria

    Do You Actually Save More By Purchasing in Bulk

    I acquire items in bulk to take advantage of discounts and minimize my trips to the grocery store. By buying in bulk, I can save money.
  25. freelancermaria

    Using Photoshop to Make Money

    Yes. If you have a good understanding of Photoshop, there are many ways to monetize your skills. You can market your creations, create and share Photoshop tutorial videos, and more.
  26. freelancermaria

    Are you using any money management apps?

    I am not using any app right now. I am currently using MS Excel to manage my finances.
  27. freelancermaria

    What does it feel when you are not paid on time?

    It is really upsetting when you do not get paid on time for all your hard work. You have bills to pay and they won't wait.
  28. freelancermaria

    What is the average cost of apartment rentals in your country?

    The cost differs based on the apartment's features and other factors. It can be expensive or budget-friendly depending on the location as well.
  29. freelancermaria

    Starting a business from scratch or running an existing business, which is easier?

    I believe that it is more manageable to take over an established business since everything is already set up for you. Starting from zero will be quite challenging, especially if you are new to this.
  30. freelancermaria

    Which is easier to market between a product or service?

    I find it easier to market a product than a service. When it comes to promoting a service, you need to illustrate its value by providing proof of your past work, taking tests, etc.
  31. freelancermaria

    Which is easier to manage between a TV station and a Radio station?

    I personally think that managing a radio station is easier. You do not have to worry about being on TV and how you come across on screen. In addition, maybe you do not need a lot of things when you manage a radio station.
  32. freelancermaria

    How do you manage your fiances?

    I used to use an app on my smartphone before. However, I now only use MS Excel. It is more practical. Hehe.
  33. freelancermaria

    How do you feel when your debtor dies?

    It is sad. There is nothing you can do about it but to move on. I do feel bad for the one who lent the money. It is probably best not to lend money to anyone.
  34. freelancermaria

    What do you feel when getting money by surprise?

    I absolutely love the thrill of receiving surprises, especially when it involves money. It is so helpful for me since I need money to support myself and help my parents.
  35. freelancermaria

    How can I stay updated on industry trends and changes that might affect my passive income?

    I keep myself informed by staying updated on the latest news online. I also engage in online forums and dedicate some time to staying informed about my passive income.
  36. freelancermaria

    Do you have a separate bank account for online earnings?

    I only use one main account for savings and online earnings. For expenses, I have a separate account.
  37. freelancermaria

    Has your bank account ever been limited with funds inside?

    No, it has never happened to me. If this happens, call the bank right away.
  38. freelancermaria

    Have you ever been prayed for?

    Yes, I have been the recipient of prayers from many people in my life. It was an incredibly comforting experience.
  39. freelancermaria

    Have you ever been stranded because you exceeded the transaction limit on your account?

    No, that has never happened to me. I always make sure to carry extra cash when I travel, just in case there are no nearby ATMs or if I have trouble accessing my account.
  40. freelancermaria

    What is the most unique flavor of ice cream you have tried?

    I am pretty sure it was sweet corn, too. It is not a typical ice cream flavor, so it was unique. You can hardly find this flavor around here.
  41. freelancermaria

    Do you have some unique strategies for being disciplined with your budget?

    It is not unique. It is something others do, too. I make it a point to stick to my budget. However, there are unexpected expenses at times.
  42. freelancermaria

    Do you like to use emojis while typing?

    I occasionally use emojis when I send a message, but I make sure not to overdo it.
  43. freelancermaria

    Do you watch movies on Telegram?

    I just found out about this. I might need to find some channels where I can watch movies. Hehe
  44. freelancermaria

    What kind of movies do you like?

    My family enjoys watching horror, thriller, and action movies, and that is why I am into them as well.
  45. freelancermaria

    Do you like movies that make you cry?

    Yes, but it depends on my mood. I usually go for horror or thriller movies. Hehehe.
  46. freelancermaria

    Do you use to cry while going to school in childhood?

    When I first started school, I bawled my eyes out like a baby. But after a week, I got the hang of it. LOL
  47. freelancermaria

    What is one childhood memory that you treasure, and what makes it so special to you?

    One of my most cherished childhood memories is the time I spent at my grandparents’ house. They looked after me and cared for me deeply.
  48. freelancermaria

    What do you think makes a healthy lunch?

    I always opt for a healthy, well-balanced meal to stay energized and happy throughout the day. My go-to lunch usually consists of fish and vegetables, as I prefer to limit my consumption of red meat.
  49. freelancermaria

    What makes you happy?

    I experience joy when I have a substantial amount of money. It allows me to provide for my family and meet my needs, particularly regarding healthcare. In addition, my pets and being able to travel also contribute to my happiness.
  50. freelancermaria

    Are you happy with the management of your personal finances?

    I am feeling quite unhappy with my finances. Unexpected expenses keep cropping up occasionally, and they are inevitable.
  51. freelancermaria

    What are some money saving rules that rich people follow?

    Wealthy individuals often seek opportunities to invest their money and make it grow, prioritizing investments and entrepreneurial endeavors over traditional savings to increase their wealth.
  52. freelancermaria

    What are your best money saving hacks that are not common knowledge?

    I am not aware of any new saving strategies. I usually just do the usual way of saving.
  53. freelancermaria

    What is your best money saving idea for retired people?

    It is essential for retired individuals to have a source of passive income. One viable option is investing in property, particularly in an apartment, as it offers the potential for consistent monthly earnings.
  54. freelancermaria

    Legit 👍 SEOClerks: Make Money as a Freelancer

    SEOClerk is a great freelancing platform. It used to be my favorite before they introduced the upgrade option to boost your listing and visibility.
  55. freelancermaria

    What is the strangest money-saving strategy idea your boss ever came up with?

    Yes, that is quite a good idea. I won’t mind doing the same thing if it will help save money.
  56. freelancermaria

    Relationship between personal finance and community services?

    Some wealthy individuals contribute to the community by giving back. They often initiate feeding programs, provide financial assistance, and so forth. If I were wealthy, I would certainly give back.
  57. freelancermaria

    How to create a successful online course and generate passive income

    I do not plan to create an online course because I do not have enough expertise in any particular subject. I believe that creating an online course requires being knowledgeable and experienced in a specific area. I'd feel dishonest if I were to create a course without adequate expertise in a...
  58. freelancermaria

    Do you like fixed income or variable income?

    I currently have a variable income from my online job, which is quite unstable. I am hoping to supplement this variable income with a more steady source of revenue.
  59. freelancermaria

    Have you ever witnessed something that you know for sure was supernatural?

    After my relatives passed away, I felt their presence. Sometimes, I would smell flowers in my room, even though I did not have any. There were moments when the lights would flicker unexpectedly.
  60. freelancermaria

    What was the highest amount of money that hit on your PayPal account at ago?

    The most money I ever received in my PayPal account was $200. This happened while my website was still up and running.
  61. freelancermaria

    Do You Use Photoshop for Graphic Designs

    I do not use Adobe Photoshop. I do not have the skills to do graphic design. I will just leave it to the experts. Hehe
  62. freelancermaria

    Are you Good at Photoshop?

    I am not really skilled at it. I wish I were, but when it comes to this, I just do not have the talent. Hehehe
  63. freelancermaria

    Does Facebook need a dislike button?

    I think adding a dislike button is a good idea as it would give us the option to express disapproval for toxic posts. LOL
  64. freelancermaria

    Has your internet access been blocked anytime?

    The internet becomes intermittent when it rains hard outside. I am not sure why it happens at times.
  65. freelancermaria

    How has the internet impacted you personally?

    I owe my ability to work online as a freelancer to the existence of the Internet. Therefore, I am thankful for the invention of the internet.
  66. freelancermaria

    Do you miss online chat rooms?

    I used to visit online chat rooms when I was younger. I do not miss them, though.
  67. freelancermaria

    Do you miss the time when we used to replace smartphone batteries with ease?

    I recall those days. I used to have Nokia phones and had to swap out their batteries when there was a need to do it. I prefer today's batteries, though.
  68. freelancermaria

    Do you care about what other people say?

    I do not care anymore about what others say about me. It is a waste of time dwelling on it, especially if they are not true.
  69. freelancermaria

    How do you care for your gadgets

    I take care of my gadgets by not using them while charging. I also make sure not to overcharge them.
  70. freelancermaria

    Investing Internationally

    I see. I will save some money for it because I want to give it a try. I will make a thorough research on it first. Thank you
  71. freelancermaria

    How do you care for your laptop

    I am not sure if this makes a difference, but I do not use my laptop while it is charging. I also avoid leaving it in sleep mode overnight.
  72. freelancermaria

    What's your best outfit brand

    I used to buy clothes from different brands, but now I prefer non-branded ones because they are more affordable. I used to be a huge fan of GAP.
  73. freelancermaria

    Which is the best brand, Realme or Samsung?

    I have never used a Realme brand before so I will go for Samsung. Samsung is a reliable brand. I believe Realme is good, too.
  74. freelancermaria

    What brand of laptop do you have?

    I currently rely on my Macbook Air for multitasking and seamless phone connectivity. I have been using it for nearly two years now.
  75. freelancermaria

    Which is the best laptop brand in your country?

    I believe HP, Apple, and Lenovo are some of the best laptop brands in the country.
  76. freelancermaria

    Are you patient enough to teach kids?

    I have always enjoyed teaching children. When my nephew was little, I looked after him and shared my knowledge with him.
  77. freelancermaria

    Do you prefer to be married to someone or staying single for ever?

    I will consider it. If someone proposes marriage and we genuinely love, respect, and accept each other, then I am open to it. However, having children is not in my plans.
  78. freelancermaria

    Are you Good at staying patient?

    I am pretty patient, but I can become impatient when I feel like someone is telling lies without concern or when toxic people surround me.
  79. freelancermaria

    Are you patient enough to make money online?

    I am willing to be patient with websites that are legitimate and actually pay out. However, I have no patience for sites that have challenging tasks but offer very low pay.
  80. freelancermaria

    Effect of high cost of transportation

    When there is an increase in the cost of transportation, expect that the prices of goods will increase, too.
  81. freelancermaria

    What is the effect for using of the smartphone while charging?

    From what I have heard, it is said that using your smartphone while it is charging can potentially harm the battery in the long term.
  82. freelancermaria

    Effect of technology on your business

    My business heavily depends on technology. It enables me to seamlessly offer my services and effectively communicate with my clients.
  83. freelancermaria

    Is it wrong to have one supplier for your business?

    It is totally okay to depend on a single dependable supplier. Nevertheless, it is essential to be prepared for any unforeseen issues and have a backup supplier in mind.
  84. freelancermaria

    Tolerating a wrong love

    Never settle for a love that does not feel right. Do not remain in a relationship that is not meant for you. I'd prefer to be single than be with the wrong person.
  85. freelancermaria

    Is it wrong to treat people in the same bad way they treated you?

    There are times when seeking revenge may seem tempting. Nevertheless, it is wiser to opt for walking away and cutting off all contact with that person forever.
  86. freelancermaria

    How do you treat first time customers?

    I usually give them the best customer service and continue to do so even after buying my product or service.
  87. freelancermaria

    Exploring Diverse Freelancing Avenues

    Yes, it is a great idea to explore other avenues in terms of freelancing. Apart from having an online job, try online selling, forum posting, affiliate marketing, etc.
  88. freelancermaria

    Why Freelancing is Better Than a Regular Job

    I have never had a traditional job, so I can't really compare. Freelancing allows you the freedom to work anytime, anywhere, and spend more time with your family. However, the income can be unpredictable.
  89. freelancermaria

    Earn Money from TikTok

    I like TikTok because it entertains and educates me. In addition, it helps me to earn some money through affiliate marketing.
  90. freelancermaria

    Investing Internationally

    I have never invested internationally, but it is something I want to consider doing in the future. I only invest locally.
  91. freelancermaria

    investing in one or multiple places

    I like to spread out my investments. I am not keen on putting all my eggs in one basket to prevent the risk of losing everything in a single place.
  92. freelancermaria

    Have you ever made a very successful business on the current location?

    I do not have an offline business yet but I will get there. I hope I will be successful just like the others.
  93. freelancermaria

    Your location can also affect your price

    Yes, there are places where they charge double or triple, especially in some remote areas.
  94. freelancermaria

    Do you use the location features on your phone to locate the actual places that you visit?

    Yes. When I am unfamiliar with the place I will visit, I will use Waze or Google Maps.
  95. freelancermaria

    Do you like crowded places?

    No, I dislike crowded places. I get dizzy when I go to a crowded place.
  96. freelancermaria

    Do you know any haunted places in your country?

    I have visited some haunted places here in the past, but I did not feel scared or have any ominous experiences.
  97. freelancermaria

    What is the most expensive thing that you achieved through saving little by little money?

    In my case, it has to be my Macbook laptop. I use it for work and other things.
  98. freelancermaria

    Do you see the prices for the food items being too expensive for you to afford?

    There are some food items that I can’t afford, especially these days. Everything is more expensive now.
  99. freelancermaria

    What is the most expensive item you own?

    It has to be my laptop. I do not own a house or a car at the moment. Hehe.
  100. freelancermaria

    What is the item that tends to last the longest in your household?

    When it comes to home appliances, I'd say the refrigerator and air fryer. The electric kettle also lasts a long time.
  101. freelancermaria

    When Last Did You Claim Faucets?

    It has been quite a while since I last checked out a faucet platform. I believe it was almost a year ago when I last visited one.
  102. freelancermaria

    How did you get over your ex

    After my breakup, I threw myself into different activities to help me heal/move on. I found solace in throwing myself into work, dining out, and exploring new hobbies. The end of our relationship came quickly, but looking back, it was no surprise given our many differences.
  103. freelancermaria

    How many hours can you wake up? Or longest hours did you wake up?

    The longest period I stayed awake was almost 24 hours. It happened when my grandmother passed away, and I accompanied my aunt to take care of everything.
  104. freelancermaria

    When did you wake up today?

    I woke up at around 8 in the morning today, but it was a struggle since I had a difficult time falling asleep last night.
  105. freelancermaria

    What time do you wake up every morning?

    I usually wake up around 7 to 8 in the morning. I used to wake up around 6 last year, but things have changed. Hehehe.
  106. freelancermaria

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    I usually wake up around 7 or 8 in the morning. There are times beyond that, especially when I do not have a good night's sleep.
  107. freelancermaria

    As a woman, can you marry a younger man?

    If the young man is emotionally mature, exhibits kindness, takes responsibility for his actions, demonstrates commitment towards achieving his goals, shows diligence, respects me, has a strong faith in God, and is faithful, then I would be open to the idea of marrying him.
  108. freelancermaria

    Can you marry a woman who doesn’t have a job?

    If I were a wealthy man, I would not have any reservations about marrying a woman who does not have a job, as long as she possesses qualities such as kindness, faithfulness, responsibility, and reverence for God. However, if I were to encounter a woman without a job with an unpleasant...
  109. freelancermaria

    Can you marry someone who’s too busy?

    It is understandable for someone to be busy, especially if it is to support the family. I do not mind. We can still find a time when schedules are not tight.
  110. freelancermaria

    Is there someone you keep on thinking about?

    I am not thinking of anyone right now. Hehe. The only one I miss is my late dog, who passed away last year.
  111. freelancermaria

    What is your best summer drink?

    Yes, homemade lemonade is my favorite. I like water and watermelon shakes as well. They are my go-to drinks during the summer season.
  112. freelancermaria

    How many glass of water do you drink daily?

    In my case, it is 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. It can be more, especially when it is scorching hot outside.
  113. freelancermaria

    Do you drink rainwater?

    I prefer not to drink rainwater as I am not sure about its safety without proper filtering. Hehe.
  114. freelancermaria

    Which do you like to drink Milo or Ovaltine? 😁

    I am not a huge fan of both, but I remember drinking Milo when I was younger. I like its taste more than Ovaltine.
  115. freelancermaria

    is mobile toilet Business lucrative

    It is possible that they could be profitable, but it really differs depending on your location. Some places might not have a need for one, especially in remote areas where there are few events. I really am not sure.
  116. freelancermaria

    How lucrative is mobile old clothes stitching in your country

    The sewing business is not popular in this area. Sewing shops are stationary and typically set up near schools, offices, and other high-traffic areas.
  117. freelancermaria

    Do you like to try on clothes before you buy them?

    I usually like to try on clothes before buying them. Since I have a medium to large build, it is essential for me to make sure that the clothes I am interested in buying will fit me well. However, I do not buy clothes frequently, as I do not have a substantial need for them.
  118. freelancermaria

    Best way to deal with life's fears

    I used to overthink a lot, but now I have learned to manage it by practicing mindfulness and staying focused on the present.
  119. freelancermaria

    The best of life

    I value financial independence and prefer not to depend on others. I previously ran a successful online business to meet my needs and am now saving for my future offline business. I also provide financial support to my parents as I am their sole provider. Unexpected expenses do arise from time...
  120. freelancermaria

    Do You Sell Evergreen Products or Seasonal Products

    I used to sell evergreen products before. I want to do it again in the future.
  121. freelancermaria

    Do you think you spend too much time on social media?

    I do not spend too much time on social media, especially these days. I prefer to be productive by working, doing side hustles, and whatnot.
  122. freelancermaria

    How much do you take cold water?

    I do not drink cold water often; I only have it when it is extremely hot outside. Normally, I prefer my water to be warm or hot.
  123. freelancermaria

    How much do you keep in your cash box?

    I have been using a mason jar to save money for quite a while, and it has been really effective in helping me reach my savings goals.
  124. freelancermaria

    Do you keep to promises?

    I tend to avoid making promises because I fear not being able to fulfill them, especially when it involves finances. However, when I do make a promise, I am committed to keeping it.
  125. freelancermaria

    What will keep you busy today?

    I am going to complete my tasks and engage in different forums. After finishing the laundry, I will take a short break before starting my online work.
  126. freelancermaria

    What can I do to keep me busy and away from depression?

    Indulge in some self-care activities. Consider pampering yourself with a spa day, catching up on some great movies, hitting the beach, engaging in different online forums, etc.
  127. freelancermaria

    How do you keep the bank account active?

    I ensure that I keep my bank account active by maintaining the minimum balance and doing at least one transaction annually, particularly with my passbook.
  128. freelancermaria

    Keep moving

    It depends on the situation. If I had made many attempts but still failed, I would step back. I'd take a break and give it another shot once I feel better or try other things.
  129. freelancermaria

    Moving in with a partner before marriage

    I think cohabiting with your partner before tying the knot is okay. However, it can be challenging if you come from a conservative family.
  130. freelancermaria

    Is marriage becoming scarce?

    It is understandable that some people are hesitant to tie the knot. Marriage requires preparedness in all areas, particularly financial stability, and with the increasing challenges of modern life, many prefer to postpone marriage. In addition, some are apprehensive about committing to the...
  131. freelancermaria

    At what age do you think a teen should start driving

    In our country, the legal driving age is 18, allowing teenagers at that age to start driving.
  132. freelancermaria

    At what age should your child boldly introduce his girlfriend or boyfriend to you?

    It is acceptable to introduce a boyfriend or girlfriend to a child when the child is already employed and can support themselves.
  133. freelancermaria

    Do you still holding your bitcoins currently?

    Yes, I am still holding some of my coins, hoping that their value will increase in no time.
  134. freelancermaria

    Do you still have your best friend?

    The only true friend I had was my dog. I had a best friend in elementary school, but we drifted apart.
  135. freelancermaria

    True love is about loving the soul, not the face

    Of course. It is not a general thing. It depends on the person.
  136. freelancermaria

    How to maintain self care and love in a relationship

    Even when we are in a relationship, it is important to prioritize self-care. By taking care of ourselves, we are better able to care those around us.
  137. freelancermaria

    True love is about loving the soul, not the face

    Physical beauty is fleeting, but a kind heart endures. I prefer to be with someone with a kind heart rather than someone attractive but with an ugly personality.
  138. freelancermaria

    True love can't be bought and sold

    Some people do this to improve their lives. I can't blame some of them because they are trying to escape poverty.
  139. freelancermaria

    How do you see people who love to beg all the time?

    I'd avoid that person because I am not into that kind of thing. I am not a fan of begging either. If it is toxic, count me out.
  140. freelancermaria

    Can you beg your friend to stay in your shop for a day?

    If I ever owned a shop, I would simply close it for a day. I would not want to impose on a friend by asking them to take over for me.
  141. freelancermaria

    Have you Ever Started Your day with Apple only?

    I used to start my day with an apple when I was trying to lose weight. Now, I usually have apples between meals or as dessert. Hehe.
  142. freelancermaria

    What do you prefer Google or apple devices?

    I prefer Apple since it is fool-proof. I tried using a Google device before, but I had quite a difficult time using it.
  143. freelancermaria

    Do you like Pineapple or Apple?

    I like them both, apples and pineapples, but my preference leans toward the latter because I find them more enjoyable to eat. Before consuming it, I typically like to chill it in the refrigerator to improve the refreshing experience.
  144. freelancermaria

    Do you like pineapple on your pizza?

    Yes, I enjoy having pineapple on my pizza. It adds a tangy flavor that improves the overall taste. Although some people prefer not to have pineapple on their pizza.
  145. freelancermaria

    What is your favourite fruit to eat in the summer?

    Same here. I enjoy eating watermelon during the summer; it is so refreshing and quenches my thirst. I usually chill it in the fridge for a few minutes before indulging.
  146. freelancermaria

    What is your favourite summer outfit? Why?

    I do not have a favorite summer outfit. I usually wear the same thing I wear in the rainy/wet season: a plain T-shirt paired with shorts. Hehe.
  147. freelancermaria

    What is your favourite way of entertaining yourself?

    My favorite way of entertaining myself is watching a good movie on Netflix. I like watching movies in my spare time. It makes me forget my problems for a while.
  148. freelancermaria

    What is your favourite street food? Why?

    There are several street foods that I enjoy as snacks. However, my most favorite is fish balls, which I like to dip into a mixture of sweet and chili sauce.
  149. freelancermaria

    What is your favourite type of holiday?

    I enjoy Christmas, especially when my relatives who work abroad come home to celebrate the holidays with us. I also like giving gifts during Christmas, as it is the thought that counts, even when the Christmas gifts are simple.
  150. freelancermaria

    What type of food would you recommend to a foreign client visiting your country?

    It is a good idea to ask about their food preferences as a courtesy. You can then take them to restaurants serving their favorite cuisine and introduce them to local dishes later.
  151. freelancermaria

    Visiting the seven wonders of the world

    I have never visited any of the seven wonders of the world. If given the opportunity, I would go without a doubt.
  152. freelancermaria

    How are you contributing to the world

    I make an effort to help the environment by using eco-friendly bags and insulated water bottles, turning off unused appliances, conserving water, and more.
  153. freelancermaria

    How do you deal with jealousy in a relationship

    That is true. It is essential to actively build trust in a relationship. Reassurance is necessary at times, but if it becomes constant, it can be draining.
  154. freelancermaria

    How do you deal with distractions in your life?

    Since I have been working from home, I make a conscious effort not to get distracted. I am quite disciplined during work hours and only indulge in watching movies or TV series during my free time or after work.
  155. freelancermaria

    Sharing your secrets with others

    I do not share my secrets with people I know personally. I have learned my lesson, and some have turned against me. I'd rather keep my secrets to myself.
  156. freelancermaria

    How many cups of tea or coffee daily?

    I am more of a tea lover. I drink over 5 cups of tea every day. I am drinking matcha green tea right now while making this post. LOL
  157. freelancermaria

    How many cups of tea do you drink daily?

    I am a green tea lover. I drink over 5 cups of green tea or other types of tea in a day. My day feels incomplete without drinking one. It is a staple beverage for me.
  158. freelancermaria

    How many cups of Coffee do you drink daily?

    I do not consume coffee frequently, only when I feel like it or need a slight energy boost. I have a preference for green tea.
  159. freelancermaria

    Do you have Semi or Fully Automatic Washing machine?

    Here in my apartment, I do not have a washing machine, so I wash the clothes by hand. I only visit the laundromat for my bedding and curtains. At my parent's house, we use a semi-automatic washing machine.
  160. freelancermaria

    Be the best friends of your kids

    That is correct. It is something I have not experienced before. I always bottle up my feelings, even up to this day. If I ever have kids, I will be their best friend. They can tell me anything that is on their minds.
  161. freelancermaria

    Making Money Online: Is It Beginner Friendly?

    A beginner can engage in different online forums, pursue writing gigs, and participate in surveys. However, the latter generally favors individuals residing in top-tier countries. They can also explore affiliate marketing.
  162. freelancermaria

    What Are Beginner-Friendly Online Money-Making Methods

    Participating in different online forums, completing surveys, and blogging are some beginner-friendly ways to make money online. For higher earnings, freelancing platforms are recommended.
  163. freelancermaria

    Are you friendly with your Neighbors?

    I have a friendly relationship with my neighbors in my province. I often smile at them when I see them, although I might not do that when I am not feeling well. However, when they smile at me, I make sure to smile back. Hehe
  164. freelancermaria

    What do you do if your neighbors are always fighting?

    Neighbors who are constantly arguing pose a risk to you and your family. It is best to report them to the authorities and let them handle the situation.
  165. freelancermaria

    Do you like to collaborate with people that always agree or disagree?

    Yes, we must find common ground and learn how to compromise, listen to each other's opinions, and understand that disagreements are normal as part of communication or interaction.
  166. freelancermaria

    Agree or disagree that in true love, money is irrelevant?

    When it comes to true love, the importance of money cannot be overlooked. It plays a key role in different aspects of a relationship. While love itself can be a source of strength, financial stability is essential for both individuals involved. It requires a concerted effort from both parties to...
  167. freelancermaria

    Do you use to follow any sports while at school?

    I used to play badminton in high school, and I learned how to play bowling in college as part of our curriculum.
  168. freelancermaria

    Would you like to work like a tutor?

    I considered working as an online tutor but realized it was not for me. In addition, I have dogs at home and need a quiet background for teaching.
  169. freelancermaria

    Growing of the green vegetables on the back yard

    I am growing some vegetables in small pots to save money on my favorite vegetables, as my apartment does not have a backyard.
  170. freelancermaria

    Have you ever tried out the business for selling green vegetables?

    I have never tried this before, but selling green vegetables is a rewarding business idea. Many people are doing it here, and they seem to be doing well. More people are becoming vegetable eaters these days.
  171. freelancermaria

    Any green tea fan

    I am a huge fan of green tea. My day feels incomplete without having a cup of green tea or matcha. It has many benefits, including reducing the risk of chronic illnesses.
  172. freelancermaria

    Green Tea Vs. Normal Tea: Which One Do You Like?

    I enjoy all types of tea, but I have a preference for matcha and green tea because of their many health benefits. I can easily drink over 5 cups of green tea or matcha in a day, and it feels like my day is incomplete without having a cup.
  173. freelancermaria

    Do you like Green and Black pepper in your dishes?

    I have a preference for spicy food, which is why I like to incorporate both green and black pepper into my cooking. Specifically, I tend to add black pepper to certain dishes to attain that satisfying peppery kick.
  174. freelancermaria

    Do you take meds for headaches?

    When I have headaches, I usually just sleep or apply some ointment to relieve the pain. I do not take any medicine for it.
  175. freelancermaria

    Do you like to take OTC meds for almost everything?

    For over-the-counter medicines, I only acquire paracetamol, but I rarely use it even when I am unwell because I prefer not to rely on other medications.
  176. freelancermaria

    Cosmetics shop profitable or not?

    I believe this is a great business idea. Nowadays, more and more people, especially women, are prioritizing self-care. Looking good is important to them as it contributes to their confidence.
  177. freelancermaria

    I never dreamed about success, I worked for it

    I could not agree more. Action speaks louder than words. You must work hard to attain whatever your goals are. Without action, they won’t happen. They will stay as your dreams.
  178. freelancermaria

    Never expose your next move in your business

    I have a strong belief in the "evil eye." I am careful about sharing my business plans with others because I believe that some people might try to sabotage them out of envy. It is important not to reveal all your business moves to avoid negative energy from others.
  179. freelancermaria

    Peace of mind or money

    I'd go for both. Having money ensures that we can put food on the table today, tomorrow, and the day after. Yet, money alone can't bring peace of mind, so having peace of mind is equally important.
  180. freelancermaria

    Would you go for a job that pays more with more pressure or one that pays less with lesser pressure?

    Yes, those jobs that pay higher are often really challenging. It will test your knowledge, skills, patience, commitment, etc.
  181. freelancermaria

    What are some good house hacks (ways of saving money, saving time, more safety, more fun, more health, etc.)?

    When it comes to food, I always make sure to either reheat the leftovers or give them to stray animals. I also make a point to turn off any unused electrical appliances.
  182. freelancermaria

    House and pet sitting business

    Caring for pets can be rewarding, but its popularity dramatically depends on your location. In terms of house sitting, very few individuals engage in house sitting in this area. Instead, most people lock their homes when leaving for a business trip or vacation.
  183. freelancermaria

    Avoid last minutes booking to reduce business travel expenses

    It is always a smart move to make bookings ahead of time to cut costs. However, there might be instances when you have to make a booking at short notice, particularly if something urgent pops up.
  184. freelancermaria

    Used Car or New Car?

    If I were to get my first car, I would go for a new one. A new car can go a long way without any problems, especially if you keep up with regular maintenance.
  185. freelancermaria

    Have you used Pinterest for ecommerce?

    I do not use Pinterest much. I mainly use it to get inspired. Perhaps I will use it for my e-commerce business down the line.
  186. freelancermaria

    How to handle rude online students?

    I will call their attention initially. If they continue to disrupt, I will simply ignore them and act as if they are not part of my online class. If they asked questions, I would not answer. LOL
  187. freelancermaria

    How do you handle rude clients?

    I have no patience for rude behavior. Maybe I will try to be understanding for a while, but if it continues, I will distance myself. I won't tolerate any more rudeness.
  188. freelancermaria

    Do you talk and sing to yourself?

    Yeah, I do that sometimes just to entertain myself. Hehe. Luckily, I am by myself most of the time.
  189. freelancermaria

    How well do you talk?

    I struggle with communicating with people and often find myself being very quiet. I think it might be because I have always been this way since I was young.
  190. freelancermaria

    Do you talk much while attending to customers?

    I am introverted and do not talk much. I only engage in conversation when someone has questions or when I need to update them on the item's condition.
  191. freelancermaria

    Online Tutorial Business

    Yes, I think it is a rewarding business idea as more students from different parts of the globe want to hire online tutors.
  192. freelancermaria

    Online Tutorial Company

    I think it is a lucrative business idea because there is a growing demand for online tutors who can help students with their education.
  193. freelancermaria

    Is having a lot of passive income the easy solution to financial freedom?

    Yes, having several passive income streams can be of help in achieving financial freedom. However, it is not a walk in the park.
  194. freelancermaria

    How Easy is it to Create and Sell Digital Products

    I am not sure as I have never done it before. I will watch some YouTube videos on how to create one when I have the time.
  195. freelancermaria

    Is it easy to find a Yoga teacher in your city?

    Here in the province where I live, I believe it is not easy to find a yoga teacher. Yoga teachers usually can be found in the city.
  196. freelancermaria

    Is It easy to find house help in your country?

    It is quite easy to find a helper in our country. However, it is advisable to source one through an agency and perform a comprehensive background check.
  197. freelancermaria

    Where do you prefer to work, a quiet place or anywhere?

    I prefer working in a quiet environment because noise makes me easily distracted. Luckily, working from home provides a peaceful environment most of the time.
  198. freelancermaria

    Do you prefer to learn online?

    These days, I find it more convenient to learn things online. With just a few clicks, I can easily access the information I need.
  199. freelancermaria

    Why some people prefer online retail sales to traditional retain sales

    I typically only make online purchases when I have to buy dog food or need something for my apartment.
  200. freelancermaria

    Do You prefer Traditional TV Watching or Streaming Live Tv?

    I prefer streaming over traditional TV. I find it more convenient as I can watch movies without being exposed to the potentially toxic content often found in the news. Besides, the TV schedule rarely offers good movies anyway.