Recent content by freelancermaria

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  1. freelancermaria

    How do you drink more water every day?

    I prioritize staying hydrated by drinking water throughout the day. To make sure I drink enough water, I use an insulated water bottle that I refill daily. In addition to water, I also enjoy sipping on green or matcha green tea.
  2. freelancermaria

    What can you do to help a partner that is neck deep into gambling?

    I will help my partner overcome it and work through any issues we face. If our efforts are not successful, I will seek professional help. If even that does not lead to improvement, I fear that our relationship may not be sustainable and could fall into a repeating pattern of challenges.
  3. freelancermaria

    Have You Ever Purchased a Website?

    No, I have never bought a website. However, I plan to buy one when I have the budget, especially if it has a good page rank.
  4. freelancermaria

    Have you ever purchased jewelry online?

    Yes, I bought fake jewelry online because I do not feel safe acquiring real ones, and I can't afford them anyway.
  5. freelancermaria

    Do you like to share personal problem online

    I sometimes share my problems online because I know the people who will read them do not know me personally. It helps to unload some problems, especially when there is no one to talk to. LOL.
  6. freelancermaria


    I have a few pairs of sunglasses, but I rarely wear them. I only put them on when it is extremely hot outside or if I want to take a picture.
  7. freelancermaria

    Comfort at relative's place

    When I was younger, I used to enjoy vacationing at my relatives' place, which was only an hour away from our house. However, now that I am older, I do not feel as comfortable staying at their house. They tend to be judgmental, and I do not like it.
  8. freelancermaria

    What is your favourite sport and why?

    My favorite sport is bowling. I learned it in college, as it was part of the curriculum. When my grandparents were still alive, they used to go out with me to watch me play bowling at the bowling alley near their house.
  9. freelancermaria

    What is your favourite memory from high school?

    In my case, spending time with my friends after class was the highlight. High school was not that enjoyable due to daily bullying about my weight and acne problems.
  10. freelancermaria

    Where do you prefer to live, in the city or in the countryside?

    I would like a home in the city and the countryside. I currently live in the province, and I enjoy the peace and quiet here. I appreciate not having to deal with traffic and negative people. However, I do miss living in the city at times.
  11. freelancermaria

    What’s your all-time favourite memory?

    My favorite memory was traveling with my grandparents when I was younger. We usually went to Hong Kong to visit my aunt.
  12. freelancermaria

    What are your favorite things to do during the wintertime?

    We do not have a winter season in our country; we only have a the summer and a rainy/wet seasons. During the latter, I usually stay at home and enjoy the sound of the rain.
  13. freelancermaria


    Yes, I often daydream when I am bored or stressed, as it helps alleviate stress. I daydream about becoming a millionaire and helping those in need.
  14. freelancermaria

    Have you broken any bone?

    Yes, I almost broke a bone in my right foot before. I experienced it while riding my bicycle.
  15. freelancermaria

    I don't believe in luck, I believe in me

    While luck can be a factor, we should not completely depend on it. Hard work is essential to attaining our personal and professional goals. Effort is required for everything we desire in life.
  16. freelancermaria

    Don't try to fix what's broken beyond repair

    Yes, do not try to fix what is impossible to fix. The best thing to do is to move forward and live your life.
  17. freelancermaria

    Have you broken a promise?

    I do not make promises because I am afraid of not keeping them. I simply do whatever I can to help someone.
  18. freelancermaria

    What was the .last Music you heard today?

    I did not listen to any music today. However, the last song I heard this week was "Seven" by Jungkook. Every time I hear that song, it makes me want to dance. Hehe
  19. freelancermaria

    Is there anything changed with your finances since you started working online?

    Ever since I started working online, my finances have been quite unstable. However, when the pandemic started, they became more stable as I learned to save and became more practical.
  20. freelancermaria

    Do you do anything on your phone apart from making money?

    Aside from earning money online with my smartphone, I use it for online banking transactions. I also use it to stream movies or TV series on Netflix.
  21. freelancermaria

    Can you do anything for money?

    I cannot do anything for money. There are some things that I can never do, and one of them is stealing money.
  22. freelancermaria

    Do you eat fish in winter and summer?

    Whether it is the summer or the wet, rainy season, I find joy in eating delicious fish dishes. I often complement the fish with a variety of fresh vegetables, creating a satisfying meal.
  23. freelancermaria

    What was your Breakfast Today?

    I no longer have breakfast, only lunch and dinner. I do not wake up early these days. Occasionally, I have healthy snacks in between.
  24. freelancermaria

    How do you easily detect toxic people

    I have quite a talent for spotting fake or toxic people, which might be a typical Virgo trait. It is funny because I know many others who are just like this. It is easy for me to tell when someone is lying or being fake.
  25. freelancermaria

    Do you easily react?

    I can only respond to things that are falsely directed at me. Some people take pleasure in destroying your reputation, either for their entertainment or to save themselves.
  26. freelancermaria

    What is your country’s favourite sport?

    In our country, basketball and volleyball are the favorite sports. People enjoy playing and watching others play them.
  27. freelancermaria

    Do you clean your room yourself or do someone else do for you?

    I take care of cleaning my apartment on my own since I spend most of my time living alone, and I actually find joy in keeping the house clean.
  28. freelancermaria

    Ideal for summer

    I am all about making refreshing cold beverages to stay cool in the summer, like fresh juices without any added sugar.
  29. freelancermaria

    What is the Ideal Platform For Video Content Creator

    It really depends on your preference. If you enjoy making longer videos, then YouTube is the way to go. On the other hand, if you prefer creating shorter videos, then TikTok would be more ideal for you.
  30. freelancermaria

    What was your least/most favorite job?

    I have been working as an online freelancer for over a decade, and I enjoy it.
  31. freelancermaria

    What is or was your favorite subject in school?

    During my school days, I liked Algebra and Biology. In addition, I had a liking for basic Accounting.
  32. freelancermaria

    What was the most expensive clothing item you owned and how much did it cost?

    Before the pandemic, I used to splurge on branded items, but now I have become more practical. I only spend $5 to $8 on clothes.
  33. freelancermaria

    Why did you end your last relationship?

    I ended my last relationship because we had different perspectives. It is a good thing it ended because we were not meant for each other.
  34. freelancermaria

    When did you last time visited zoos?

    It's been ages since I have been to a zoo. I do not really want to go again because I can't help but feel sorry for the animals. Seeing them locked up in cages just does not sit right with me.
  35. freelancermaria

    Do you like Black tea?

    I like drinking tea, and that includes black tea. I find myself enjoying over 5 cups of tea daily.
  36. freelancermaria

    Are you Comfortable Riding bicycle?

    I can ride a bike, but I do not feel comfortable riding one around here in our province. Hehe.
  37. freelancermaria

    When did you last enjoyed your favourite drink?

    I make it a habit to drink water and tea every day, with a special preference for green tea and matcha green tea. Hehe
  38. freelancermaria

    How did you manage the multiple earning websites?

    After completing my online tasks, I usually head over to websites that offer better pay rates.
  39. freelancermaria

    What type of shows do you watch on television?

    I stick to watching content on Netflix and YouTube. Recently, I have been really into watching vlogs from my favorite YouTuber.
  40. freelancermaria

    Are you the type who invests big or small in something?

    I only invest small amounts at The moment, but I plan to increase my investment in the future.
  41. freelancermaria

    What is something that always puts a smile on your face and makes you feel like you're having a good time?

    I find joy in many things. Getting paid, spending time with my pets, and being at the beach all bring a smile to my face.
  42. freelancermaria

    If you want something, pay the price

    That is right. If we want something, we must put in the effort. Ultimately, we are the only ones who can truly help ourselves.
  43. freelancermaria

    What is the most disrespectful thing someone has done while you were shopping?

    I find it disrespectful when a salesperson follows you wherever you go as if they think you are going to steal something.
  44. freelancermaria

    Making a Living By Working Online

    I have been making a living by working online. There are times that I do not have a job, though. This is why it is essential to have side gigs.
  45. freelancermaria

    Aside money what's motivate you to work?

    I spend most of my time at home and need to stay busy, to maintain my sanity. In addition to earning money online, I need tasks to keep me busy and prevent boredom.
  46. freelancermaria


    You can earn money from your passion, without a doubt. If you have a knack for baking, you can sell your baked goods online, offline, or both.
  47. freelancermaria

    What's your passion level for your online work?

    I am passionate about generating income through online platforms. However, there are times when I feel ill, which limits my ability to dedicate significant time to the websites I am a part of. There are days when I can only manage to create and post 5 items.
  48. freelancermaria

    Do you work online in the midnight?

    I used to work online until the wee hours of the morning. However, I noticed that it was negatively impacting my physical and mental health, so I only work until evening.
  49. freelancermaria

    Suing a family member

    Considering the severity of the sin, the decision becomes difficult. There are instances when it is necessary to hold a family member accountable and make sure that they face the appropriate consequences so they will learn.
  50. freelancermaria

    Are you a member of a cooperative?

    Oh, that is great! I am not part of any cooperative. In fact, this is the first time I have heard about it. I will check if there are any cooperatives I can join here in the province.
  51. freelancermaria

    Are you a member of Hive Micro?

    I could not agree more. The pay is very low, and some of the tasks are quite challenging. I do not like the idea of signing up for tasks that require my email.
  52. freelancermaria

    Only very few members posting on RIF

    Although many things have changed, I am glad to see more people becoming active on this website once again. I hope that new members will join in the future.
  53. freelancermaria

    Can you enlist few sites to earn?

    I do not know of any new websites where we can earn. If you want a stable online job, you might consider updating your skill set.
  54. freelancermaria

    Do you tell your friends about earning online through the posting on forums?

    I do not share information about forums with my friends because they do not pay well. Instead, I recommend they try online jobs. However, I advise them to update their skill set before doing so.
  55. freelancermaria

    Have you financed someone else business?

    I have never provided financing for anyone's business, and I currently do not have the resources to do so.
  56. freelancermaria

    How else do you all make money online?

    I have an online job. You can update your skill set and work as an online freelancer.
  57. freelancermaria

    Joining a site with no information about the admin

    I have previously signed up for forum websites without knowing who the admin was. However, it is more reassuring when we have some knowledge about the admin, as it helps establish trust.
  58. freelancermaria

    Choosing Sites

    I prefer websites that have a user-friendly interface and are easy to navigate. In addition, I appreciate websites that offer payment. Hehe
  59. freelancermaria

    Should I manage a school by myself as the business owner?

    It is essential to remember that running a school requires effective management and the support of others. It is simply not feasible to manage a school single-handedly.
  60. freelancermaria


    I am not a member of that website. Nonetheless, I have heard that some members on this platform have received payments in the past.
  61. freelancermaria

    Alternatives for the forum posting

    I work online as a writer, but I have noticed a substantial drop in the amount of work I am getting.
  62. freelancermaria

    You need money to make money

    Yes, starting some businesses entails capital. However, you can venture into online selling without any initial investment. You can sell used items on platforms like eBay and so on.
  63. freelancermaria

    which is the correct website that gives more money online?

    Currently, I am into Discussion Bucks. I am also enjoying RIF again. I am on the lookout for a new website that pays.
  64. freelancermaria

    What's your favorite sports?

    In college, I had the opportunity to learn how to bowl as it was part of the curriculum, so it is bowling for me.
  65. freelancermaria

    Have you sold affiliate products through social site

    Yes, I sold two items on TikTok recently. I hope I will be able to sell more in the future.
  66. freelancermaria

    Which is your favorite sports team and why?

    I had a favorite sports team, the Chicago Bulls. I used to watch the NBA when my grandfather was alive. Our top players were Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen.
  67. freelancermaria

    Micro Freelancing on Sproutgigs

    I have a Sproutgigs account, but I hardly ever visit the website because the tasks are quite challenging, and the pay is low. I am not sure if I can list my gig right away; I still need to check the requirements.
  68. freelancermaria

    Do you still listens to the radio

    I rarely use the radio unless I am in the car. I mostly depend on Spotify for listening to music.
  69. freelancermaria

    Do you still use the radio?

    I have stopped using the radio. There is no radio in my flat, and I do not plan on getting one. When I want to listen to music, I open Spotify on my smartphone, which I have had for a few years.
  70. freelancermaria

    Do you still use the mp3 audio players?

    I no longer use an MP3 player for listening to music. I still have my old MP3 player, though, but I am not sure if it still works.
  71. freelancermaria

    Do you still email?

    I only use email when it is necessary. I prefer to use Messenger or Viber to send messages.
  72. freelancermaria

    Do you still frequent visit to your relatives and stay there for few days?

    When I was younger, I used to live in my late grandparents' house. However, after they passed away, I stopped having sleepovers.
  73. freelancermaria

    Are you choosy about the platforms you work on?

    Same here. It is not about being picky, but instead choosing tasks I can handle in my free time. I do not want to take on too many commitments that I can't do. I used to do that in the past, but I have learned my lesson. It was taking a toll on my health.
  74. freelancermaria

    Do you get bored posting on forums?

    Yes, when you are alone on the forum website, it can be boring. It feels like no one will engage with your posts. 1716556840 Haha. That is correct. It feels quite creepy when you are alone working on the forum website. I felt that way before.
  75. freelancermaria

    Do you make money through Reels

    I have never earned money from Reels. I do not have a large following of users who regularly engage with my social media content. I create reels only for pleasure and as a creative outlet.
  76. freelancermaria

    Where do you make most of your online income?

    I mainly earn my income online through my job. It is not a huge amount, but it is better than nothing.
  77. freelancermaria

    What do you do when you are Bored

    When I am feeling bored, I usually watch a movie or a TV series. I also like tidying up the house or heading to the beach to relax and enjoy the view.
  78. freelancermaria

    Do you get bored posting on forums?

    Honestly, I sometimes get bored because my daily routine can feel monotonous. However, I take breaks to relieve the boredom and remind myself that I am not rich and I need to work to survive. Afterward, I felt motivated to start forum posting again. How about you?
  79. freelancermaria

    Making money as a writer: what are your issues?

    I'm currently facing job instability, which started when the pandemic hit and AI tools became more popular.
  80. freelancermaria

    Making Money as a Freelancer: What are your issues?

    I am in the same boat. On days when I do not have work, I spend my time posting on different forums. It is one of the drawbacks of being an online freelancer.
  81. freelancermaria

    How do you make more money from paid to post

    I work on different online forums to make money and discover new ways for earning online.
  82. freelancermaria

    Do you have a fixed routine in daily life?

    I follow a daily routine, but on weekends, I often take it easy and go with the flow. Hehe
  83. freelancermaria

    Why should you improve your posture?

    Maintaining good posture is essential for keeping your body in good condition and preventing body pain, particularly back pain. You can improve your posture by standing up straight, avoiding slouching, and investing in a firm, high-quality mattress. Do you think maintaining good posture is vital?
  84. freelancermaria

    Starting an online business

    I am currently focusing on my online business, which involves my online job and affiliate marketing. Although I plan to start selling products online again, I have not had the time to do so because I am studying.
  85. freelancermaria

    What are your strategies for the better online earning?

    I am working on improving my skills to explore better online job opportunities. I am doing this during my free time.
  86. freelancermaria

    Are you comfortable meeting new people?

    I am generally okay with meeting new people, but as an introvert, it is not my thing. However, when I do connect with someone, for instance, we clicked, I consider them to be like family.
  87. freelancermaria

    In how many days do you cut nails of your feet?

    I do not have a set schedule for cutting my nails. I just do it whenever they start looking untidy. Although, on average, I tend to do it about once every two weeks.
  88. freelancermaria

    How Many Genders Are There

    I recognize and respect the existence of multiple genders and support the LGBT community. Although some people may despise them due to their orientation, I do not share those feelings. I believe every person, regardless of gender, deserves to be loved and respected.
  89. freelancermaria

    Using social media for promoting website

    I used social media platforms to promote my website when it was still active. It certainly contributed to increasing the traffic.
  90. freelancermaria

    Using Social Media: Mobile Apps Vs. Web Browsers

    I typically use the social media apps that I have installed on my smartphone as it makes using them much more convenient.
  91. freelancermaria

    Do you really find any pleasure with your online money earning activities?

    I enjoy engaging in different online tasks and try to find pleasure in what I do. I make sure to take breaks to prevent burnout.
  92. freelancermaria

    Changes in making money online

    I also observed that the websites that shut down used to pay well, but nowadays, the payouts from new websites are not as high.
  93. freelancermaria

    How Long Did It Take to Earn Your First Dollar?

    I earned my first dollar from my website. It took a couple of months before I made my first dollar. However, it was worth the wait.
  94. freelancermaria

    When Did You Create Your First Website?

    It has been more than a decade since I created my first website, around 2008 or 2009. That website helped me make some money.
  95. freelancermaria

    How long did it take to make money form your website

    It took me a few months to start earning from my website. At first, I posted relevant content and engaged in link exchanges with other websites.
  96. freelancermaria

    which website a person is currently relying on to make money each month?

    I have been working online for over a decade; it is my bread and butter. Therefore, I am grateful for websites that offer opportunities for making money online.
  97. freelancermaria

    What is your favorite gig work?

    Same here: I enjoy writing on forums, not only to make money but also to learn new things that can help me with my online freelancing journey.
  98. freelancermaria

    Have you ever managed to tell lies for your personal gain?

    I do not lie for my benefit. It is just not something I do. I might tell a few white lies, but never to the extent that it would hurt anyone in any way.
  99. freelancermaria

    Would you like to tell people how much you’re making?

    I keep my income private, even from my family. There is no need to share that kind of information.
  100. freelancermaria

    What's your favourite vegetable?

    I like spinach, bitter gourd, and broccoli. I find them delightful. However, I must confess that okra's slippery texture does not quite agree with my palate, so I tend to steer clear of it at times. Hehe
  101. freelancermaria

    What are your thoughts on bringing a lunchbox to work?

    Bringing a lunchbox to work is a great idea. Not only will it help you save money, but you will also know what is in your food. If I had an offline job, I would surely do such a thing.
  102. freelancermaria

    Is laundry service a lucrative business ?

    In the province where I live, the laundry business is thriving. There are many thriving laundry shops, each offering high-quality services. One of the shops stands out by providing a complimentary cup of coffee to customers who use their services.
  103. freelancermaria

    Do you do the laundry work by yourself?

    I wash my clothes by hand since I do not have a washing machine in my apartment. However, I take my bedding to the laundromat.
  104. freelancermaria

    Do you really like gossiping?

    I prefer not to participate in gossip. It can be stressful and ultimately pointless. This is why I am picky about the people I associate with, avoiding those who engage in such behavior. Some people go so far as to propagate false information about others, which I find morally unacceptable.
  105. freelancermaria

    Do you really use the power banks?

    I use my power bank when I am outdoors and need to work or during power outages.
  106. freelancermaria

    Are you really being afraid of failing?

    Failure is a natural occurrence in life. If we are afraid of failure, we will never reach our full potential. When we fail, we must be brave enough to get back up and try again. We must not let our failures stop us from accomplishing our goals.
  107. freelancermaria

    A woman being a bread winner

    I believe there is nothing wrong with the arrangement. In some families, the husband takes care of the children and manages household chores while the wife works in the office. I am quite sure they have carefully discussed and agreed upon this arrangement.
  108. freelancermaria

    Tell yourself everyday : I was born to do great things

    Always to remind yourself that you are destined for greatness and that you have the power to bring positive things into your life. However, it is essential to complement this mindset with concrete actions. We must put in the hard work needed to attain great things in life.
  109. freelancermaria

    What do you eat with ice cream?

    They typically use "monay" bread and fill it with ice cream. It is absolutely delicious! I nearly had one daily when I was living in Pasig City for a month.
  110. freelancermaria

    Do you eat RICE and STEW?

    I like eating rice and stew, but because I do not eat meat that much, I do not make it regularly.
  111. freelancermaria

    What do you prefer between sending the Mail the video calling?

    I am not a fan of video calls because I am introverted. I'd rather communicate through text, email, or Messenger.
  112. freelancermaria

    Do you prefer cooking for yourself or eating out?

    I like eating out, but I'd rather prepare my meals. It allows me to save money and fully control my ingredients and spices.
  113. freelancermaria

    Would you prefer to patronize your friend if her goods are expensive?

    I will support their products if they are good, and I will spread the word about their quality. But that is where it ends. I will seek out a more affordable alternative that delivers the same level of quality.
  114. freelancermaria

    Which one do you prefer, shopping online or purchasing in a local store?

    I enjoy both, but lately, I have been favoring online platforms because they are more convenient and offer free shipping discounts.
  115. freelancermaria

    Which online shopping site do you prefer? And why?

    I have not tried buying from Amazon yet. Currently, I mainly use Shopee and sometimes TikTok for shopping, but I mostly prefer Shopee. I am a platinum member and I like the free shipping discounts I get to enjoy from time to time.
  116. freelancermaria

    Do you prefer dogs or cats and why?

    I have always been a dog lover, although I do like cats too. At the moment, I have two dogs, but I lost my first one last year, and the pain of that loss will always stay with me.
  117. freelancermaria

    Do you prefer talking to the phone while traveling on bus?

    I'd rather not take phone calls, whether I am on the bus or not. I prefer texting or using Messenger to communicate.
  118. freelancermaria

    Do you prefer the eating of the maize meal in your country?

    I enjoy having maize on occasion, especially during the rainy season when I often prepare corn soup, which I usually pair with fried fish.
  119. freelancermaria

    What was the last thing that made you laugh?

    I can definitely remember the last time I laughed. Last week, I had a really good laugh while watching a movie.
  120. freelancermaria

    When was the last time you went for an outing?

    I love heading to the beach, which is just 15 minutes away from here. It already is an outing for me and a perfect way for me to relax without spending too much. Yesterday, I took my furry friends to the beach.
  121. freelancermaria


    I took my fur babies to the beach yesterday. Living just 15 minutes away from the nearest beach is one of my favorite ways to treat myself.
  122. freelancermaria

    Save money by using the bicycle

    Bicycling is a great option for short travels. Not only does it save you money on gas, but it also helps to protect the environment and makes you healthier.
  123. freelancermaria

    Do you write your own content

    Yes, when I had my website, I wrote all the content myself. I did not hire anyone to write for me.
  124. freelancermaria

    Do you own a lemon squeezer?

    I have had a lemon squeezer at home for a few years now because I enjoy drinking water with freshly squeezed lemon.
  125. freelancermaria

    When was the last time you took a foreign trip?

    It's been quite a while since I last traveled overseas. The most recent country I visited was Shenzhen, China.
  126. freelancermaria

    What was the last website that you visited?

    I just stopped by Beer Money Forum to earn some login points before answering this question.
  127. freelancermaria

    Do you see the taking of alcohol as a stress reliving strategy?

    When I was younger, I used to drink alcohol, but always in moderation. I believed it would help me forget my problems, but I was wrong.
  128. freelancermaria

    Taking water before or after eating

    I usually do not drink water before meals, but there are times when I make an exception, especially when it is scorching hot outside or when I want to feel full more quickly. Sometimes, I will have some water in between or after eating - it depends.
  129. freelancermaria

    What was the best part of your day today?

    I have just woken up and have not started my day yet. It is 11 in the morning here, and I am planning to cook lunch in a little while.
  130. freelancermaria

    What are you addicted to?

    I am quite hooked on making money online because it is my main source of income. Hehe
  131. freelancermaria

    Do you consider yourself to be working online while posting?

    I enjoy considering paid-to-post forums as both a hobby and a side hustle. It is great that I can earn from something I like doing.
  132. freelancermaria

    Do you consider Yourself Disciplined?

    I consider myself quite disciplined. I often do tasks ahead of time to ensure I do not miss any deadlines. However, it can be challenging, especially when I am feeling under the weather.
  133. freelancermaria

    One thing you are passionate about aside work

    I am passionate about growing my produce, preparing meals, tending to my pets, cleaning the house, and relaxing with a good movie or TV series.
  134. freelancermaria

    What is the smartest thing you have ever done with your smartphone?

    I found a smart way to make money using my phone. Since I do not have a 9-5 job, I need to work online to make a living. Hehe
  135. freelancermaria

    How smartly you use your smartphone?

    I depend on my smartphone mostly for work-related tasks. In addition, I use it to take part in surveys, engage in different forums, and explore new opportunities online. Of course, I use it to entertain myself, too.
  136. freelancermaria

    Have you ever got a bad experience with online shopping sites?

    Yes, I did. Some items I thought would be good in person turned out to be disappointing. They did not meet my expectations.
  137. freelancermaria

    How is the experience with the connection of your smartphone to the smart TV?

    I have never managed to link my smartphone to the TV. It would be really nice to do, though, especially if you are using an Android.
  138. freelancermaria

    Is smartphone is necessary in your daily life?

    I depend on my smartphone as an essential tool, especially when I prefer not to use my laptop for work and for doing online banking.
  139. freelancermaria

    Daily soaps and serials? Aren't they addictive?

    I have stopped watching TV. Instead, I prefer streaming on YouTube or Netflix in my free time or before bed. Sometimes, I'd rather sleep than watch anything.
  140. freelancermaria

    Employing a male or female chef

    Same here. I think both genders are equally capable of doing the job effectively. I am a supporter of gender equality, so I do not have a preference whether the chef is a man or a woman. Hehe
  141. freelancermaria

    closest to in your family?

    I have a strong bond with my younger sister and nephew. Spending time with them is something I enjoy because they are both wonderful people.
  142. freelancermaria

    Do you eat meat every day?

    I generally avoid eating meat, especially red meat. My usual diet consists of fish and vegetables. I believe that having less meat is better for our health, and it also helps me save money since meat can be quite pricey.
  143. freelancermaria

    Do you like to eat leftovers?

    I make it a point to eat any leftovers I have. If I am not in the mood for them the next day, I share them with the stray dogs or cats that come around the apartment. This way, no food goes to waste.
  144. freelancermaria

    Non verbal ways of appreciating a loved way

    Whenever I visit my parents, I express my love and appreciation by bringing them food and groceries.
  145. freelancermaria

    The non-paid forum you are spending more time on now

    To be honest, I do not spend time on forums that do not offer compensation. Time is valuable. And, as the sole provider for my family, I need to hustle. Hehe
  146. freelancermaria

    How are you spending your paid to post funds?

    I typically save my money, but I am considering investing some of it to increase my earnings. Hehe
  147. freelancermaria

    Streaming or Cable

    My parents used to have cable TV, but they decided to cancel their subscription because they did not find it worth it.
  148. freelancermaria

    Do you have fear from heights?

    I am scared of heights, which is why I avoid activities that trigger my fear. I am worried that I might faint if I pushed myself to do them. LOL
  149. freelancermaria

    Do you have cable TV or Dth?

    I do not have a cable TV subscription because I am not a big fan of watching TV. I prefer to stream on Netflix.
  150. freelancermaria

    is the cable price in your country affordable?

    I think it is quite expensive considering the internet speed. The connection tends to slow down, especially when it is rainy.
  151. freelancermaria

    Do you like Rice for breakfast?

    I have been skipping breakfast for a while, but I would not mind having rice for breakfast because it is a staple food in our country.
  152. freelancermaria

    What is your favorite ice cream flavor and why?

    I have quite a few favorite ice cream flavors. Some of them include cheese, pistachio, vanilla, and chocolate mint. Hehe
  153. freelancermaria

    What's one of your favorite books or movies from childhood and what did you love about it?

    I was an avid reader of fairy tales during my childhood. I have fond memories of spending most of my nights engaged in the pages of these captivating stories.
  154. freelancermaria


    Yes, there are some Korean movies worth watching. "Train to Busan" is one of my favorite Korean movies.
  155. freelancermaria

    What's one of the most interesting places you've ever traveled and why was it so memorable?

    My first trip overseas was to Hong Kong with my late grandparents when I was in elementary school. It was memorable since it was the first time I went abroad.
  156. freelancermaria

    Places you want to visit

    I have got a lot of destinations on my list, including Japan, Switzerland, Iceland, New Zealand, Taiwan, and Vietnam, among others. I am also eager to explore more of my own country. :)
  157. freelancermaria

    How often do you eat rice?

    I eat rice daily since it is a staple in our country. I typically have it twice a day. I go for black or brown rice.
  158. freelancermaria

    How often do you eat Non-Veg?

    I usually stick to a diet of fish and vegetables. I tend to avoid red meat because it is not good for the kidneys.
  159. freelancermaria

    Don't compare yourself to others

    It is essential not to compare yourself to others. We all have different personalities and paths in life. Rather, focus on your journey and reaching your goals. Comparing yourself to others won't bring any benefit.
  160. freelancermaria

    Don't let envious people kill your dreams

    Avoid being around jealous individuals as they can negatively affect your life and are unlikely to celebrate your achievements.
  161. freelancermaria

    Do you watch your diet?

    I make an effort to watch what I eat, especially due to health concerns. Fish and vegetables are my go-to choices. To cut down on oil, I use an air fryer instead. Although I'd prefer to use olive oil, it is quite costly here, so this works for me. Do you watch your diet?
  162. freelancermaria

    Do you prefer the powder detergents or the bar washing soaps?

    I always opt for powder detergents, even when I am hand-washing clothes. I just find them more convenient. Sometimes, I will use bar soaps, especially when I am washing rags.
  163. freelancermaria

    Do you prefer connection of your phone to the Bluetooth devices?

    I use Bluetooth to connect to my wireless earphones, but I still find myself preferring wired earphones up to this day.
  164. freelancermaria

    Do you prefer pap in the morning

    I typically enjoy a nap in the afternoon, lasting at least 30 minutes or more. This helps me to recharge.
  165. freelancermaria

    Do you prefer lemonade to Soft drink?

    Yep, I drink lemonade. I quit soda because it is not good for the body. There are times that I add some mint to my lemonade drink.
  166. freelancermaria

    Do you prefer any Soft drink with Pizza?

    I have cut out soda from my diet. Now, when I have pizza, I usually go for green tea or water.
  167. freelancermaria

    What toppings do you like on your pizza

    I enjoy bell peppers, beef, mushrooms, onions, and pepperoni on my pizza. Sometimes, I also like pineapples on my pizza, too.
  168. freelancermaria

    Why are you working?

    Apart from earning money, I appreciate the opportunity to improve my skills, stay engaged to avoid boredom, and learn new things, among other benefits.
  169. freelancermaria

    Pains of working online full time

    Sometimes, I struggle with technical problems and the feeling of being isolated. My internet connection is intermittent, and I experience loneliness.
  170. freelancermaria

    Hiring event planner for your events

    I have never actually hired an event planner, not even for my debut. However, for big events and if you have the money, it is a good idea to bring in a pro, but for simpler ones, you can always do it yourself.
  171. freelancermaria

    Hiring paid writers for your site

    I have never hired any writers for my blog before, but if I decide to set up a domain website again, I might consider giving it a try.
  172. freelancermaria


    I believe I had a Virily account in the past, but I was not active on it because I was not sure if it was a legitimate website.
  173. freelancermaria


    I had heard about this website before, but I did not sign up because I was already swamped with other commitments at that time. I am not sure if I will join since you mentioned that it is no longer paying.
  174. freelancermaria

    What encourages you to be consistent with the online work?

    I do not work a 9-5 job, so I have to stay consistent with my online work. Since I am not rich, I need to support myself and make sure I can save for unexpected expenses.
  175. freelancermaria

    Do You Make Money on X/Twitter?

    I no longer use it since the change of ownership, and neither do my family and friends. When I want to stay informed, I just visit news websites.
  176. freelancermaria

    Do you make money on Facebook

    I have sold some second-hand items on Facebook Marketplace in the past, but I do not use it anymore.
  177. freelancermaria

    Do you ever prefer the eating of the cassava?

    Cassava is one of my favorite foods because of its delicious taste. When I have extra money or am craving something sweet, I love to treat myself to a slice of cassava cake. Fortunately, there are some stores in my area that sell cassava cakes.
  178. freelancermaria

    What's the greatest risk you ever took?

    I took the risk of living alone, and it was the best decision I ever made. Now, I have peace of mind and do not have to deal with toxic people. In addition, I learned how to become more independent and practical.
  179. freelancermaria

    Have you ever registered a business company?

    No, I have not started an offline business yet. However, I helped my aunt register her franchise business many years ago.
  180. freelancermaria

    An entrepreneur must be calm

    It is essential to maintain a calm demeanor. When faced with difficult situations, staying calm can help you make more informed and sound decisions. On the other hand, acting out of panic and making impulsive decisions can have adverse effects on your business.
  181. freelancermaria

    Which business is currently too saturated in your country?

    In our province, there are many gasoline stations, both big and small. I am surprised to see so many businesses in this industry, and even more surprised that new ones continue to open despite the saturation. Some of the older businesses have closed down due to stiff competition.
  182. freelancermaria

    Twitter now has a new competition in Meta's 'Thread'.

    Although I have a Threads account, I do not use it often due to my reservations about the platform. It quite works like X, but unfortunately, I am not particularly a big fan of X either. In addition, the fact that only a few of my friends are active on Threads has also contributed to my lack of...
  183. freelancermaria

    Do you own a business now?

    I made my first sale using TikTok for affiliate marketing and hope to make more sales in the future. Good luck with your new business, my friend.
  184. freelancermaria

    Have you completed computer course?

    The subject of computers was part of the curriculum, and that is where I learned it. Without this subject, I do not think I would be quite proficient in computers.
  185. freelancermaria

    One course that was difficult for you in college?

    Throughout my high school years, I always found physics to be a difficult subject. Despite putting in a lot of effort, I never seemed to get the hang of it. However, with hard work, I was able to pass the subject. LOL.
  186. freelancermaria

    What was the best phone you ever had? Why?

    I love my current smartphone. Its camera feature is quite decent, allowing me to capture every moment beautifully. The storage capacity of this phone is also impressive.
  187. freelancermaria

    What does your smartphone's homescreen look like?

    The home screen of my smartphone is quite organized, with a beautiful wallpaper that shows my late dog playing at the beach.
  188. freelancermaria

    What phone do you use right now?

    I am currently using an iPhone since it is fool-proof. The applications that I can download on it can be quite limited, though.
  189. freelancermaria

    Do you or do you not use a case on your smartphone?

    Since I own a smartphone, I make sure to protect my device from sudden shocks or other potential hazards that could damage it. To ensure maximum protection, I always make it a point to use a phone case. Instead of buying cases from traditional offline stores, I prefer to shop online.
  190. freelancermaria

    do you love cats

    I enjoy both cats and dogs as pets. My parents provide their adopted cats with two meals a day. Hehehe
  191. freelancermaria

    Do you buy chicken or rear them at home?

    We typically buy chickens from the supermarket or wet market, but if I were to raise them, I would keep them as pets.
  192. freelancermaria

    Do you buy Your Grocery Once A month or many times a month?

    I follow a grocery shopping schedule in which I buy all of my basic needs in bulk twice a month to avoid multiple trips to the market. Grocery shopping is a relaxing pastime for me after a long day.
  193. freelancermaria

    When do you go on a shopping spree

    I prefer grocery shopping over clothes shopping because it is more practical and I do not need new clothes or gadgets since I stay at home most of the time.
  194. freelancermaria

    Have you ever been asked to bribe?

    I have never been asked to bribe; if someone does, I will refuse. I prefer to work hard to acquire what I like or need.
  195. freelancermaria

    Do you like to go for shopping?

    In the past, I enjoyed shopping. However, my desire to shop has faded over time. While I do not dislike it, I no longer enjoy it as much as I once did. Nowadays, I prefer grocery shopping to clothing shopping; the former seems more practical and necessary, whereas the latter feels more like work.
  196. freelancermaria

    Finally at home

    I am glad to hear you are finally home. I hope next semester will be a good one for you.
  197. freelancermaria

    Face Book Market Place

    Facebook Marketplace is a popular platform for people to sell and buy different things. In my case, I had a great experience buying a small cabinet using this platform. The process went smoothly. The seller was responsive and professional.
  198. freelancermaria

    How can I make money if at PC every day 8H+?

    Your PC has the potential to be a valuable source of revenue. If you want to generate some additional money, you have plenty of options. For instance, you may try your hand at freelancing, providing your skills and knowledge to clients all around the world. Also, you might create a blog or...
  199. freelancermaria

    What is the secret to making money online ?

    I believe that to be successful, you must choose a specific area of focus, continuously update your skill set through both online and offline courses, and invest in technology, especially if you possess highly valuable skills. I think there are no any secrets.
  200. freelancermaria

    How much can I make daily on timebucks?

    Despite having a Timebucks account, I have not been active recently because the website does not offer many surveys. Moreover, I am always disqualified from the few surveys that are available.