Recent content by Shavkat

  1. Shavkat

    What is life?

    I always believe that life is a gift from God. It should be cherised and treasured while still here on Earth.
  2. Shavkat

    Ex business

    Thank you for knowing the real person she is. There are no regrets, but there is no need to reminisce the past.
  3. Shavkat

    Strive even in the hardest battles

    I will try my best to be a good warrior. Although I also think that there is always limitations.
  4. Shavkat

    How to create a budget that works

    This is always the crazy task for me. It is mind-blowing how to budget things up here lately.
  5. Shavkat

    Do you work better on forums with your PC or mobile device?

    I prefer to use my personal computer. It is more convenient and I do it while teaching online.
  6. Shavkat

    How much does it cost to buy a mining device?

    I have not seen a mining devices yet. All I know is that you can use them with the browsers that we are using.
  7. Shavkat

    Why do you visit a persons profile?

    I randomly do this. It is best to check their profiles before having some transactions with them.
  8. Shavkat


    If I have the chance, I will just stroll around my city. Or, I might just sleep and deal things that made me upset.
  9. Shavkat

    Are happy at your current job?

    I am happy with my current jobs online, but I am not happy with the rate of my salary.
  10. Shavkat

    Would you like to get an Ex back

    For me, ex is an ex. I do not want to go back with my ex because it will surely not work out. I am not saying a hundred percent it might happen. For the reason that some people believe that "Love is sweeter in the second time around."
  11. Shavkat

    Trekking to work to save money

    I sometimes do this. Since we are talking about keeping fit, it is a good way to hit two birds at the same time.
  12. Shavkat


    Indeed. When I am still living in a country with winter season, I prefer to stay at home and not to work.
  13. Shavkat

    What one incident you don't ever want to remember

    The only thing that lingers in my mind is to remember when my biological parents died. No one wants to experience this in their lives. But then, we also need to accept the real fact of life in relation to death.
  14. Shavkat

    Apartment leasing business

    This is what I wanted to have in the future. It was like my aunt. She has her apartments and does not need to work now.
  15. Shavkat

    How you must treat your workers.

    We must treat them equally as much as possible. In this way, we can able to boost their confidence and potential.
  16. Shavkat

    What makes a poor leader in business?

    A poor leader in business is not a good follower. They should be open to any recommendations and accept things that he or she does not know. Asking help will not harm him or her.
  17. Shavkat

    Find Happiness

    If we always whine about something, true happiness cannot be attained. It is not only that. We can affect others for being like this.
  18. Shavkat

    Have you inherited something from your parents?

    I am not referring to any tangible things that they gave us. All I know is that we have the education and wiser knowledge from them.
  19. Shavkat

    One high school subject you would love to teach others

    I will teach math and English to the students. These subjects are so essential to make them knowledgeable, especially if they wish to learn other subjects at school.
  20. Shavkat

    4 ways to know what happening in your business

    I think it is not limited in doing them. There are other factors that we need to consider in knowing the real business in a business world.
  21. Shavkat

    How Much Inventory Should You Stack?

    I think the best way is to know how to do inventory forecast. In this way, we can able to continue giving services to others.
  22. Shavkat

    The benefits of investing in small-scale farmers and rural communities.

    One thing is for sure, we can improve the quality of their lives. There is no reason why we cannot help them.
  23. Shavkat

    Transferring of bad luck

    I think it is a myth. There is nothing such. We are still the ones who bring luck to ourselves. It is not with the other people who will cast this thing to us.
  24. Shavkat

    The importance of continuous learning and professional development in business

    It is important to be more wiser and knowledgeable. Learning any business topics and updates can make us more well-skilled in any business industries.
  25. Shavkat

    Best ways to start saving for retirement

    This is really a challenging part for all of us. If I can only have an early retirement, I will surely do.
  26. Shavkat

    Reason why passive income is important?

    It is essential because we can have the financial freedom and not to work harder.
  27. Shavkat

    Best ways to deal with clients who refuse to pay

    If they do refuse, then we need to file a formal legal case against them.
  28. Shavkat

    What is the Downside of giving our employees too much freedom?

    If we do this, employees will abuse the kindness of a company. Thus, we still need not to be lenient to them.
  29. Shavkat

    Do you feel Irritated because of season change?

    I am used to change of weather in my city. We do not need to choose about the seasons here. For the reason that we only have two seasons: dry and wet.
  30. Shavkat

    Are You Quick at chopping veggies?

    Since I am an amateur in cooking, I am not that fast in chopping them up.
  31. Shavkat

    The importance of customer service to the success of your business

    As they said, "We need to treat customers as queens and kings." It can bring a good result if we do a good customer service to them.
  32. Shavkat

    Borrowing money to invest

    As much as possible, it is best not to borrow money in starting up a business. In my view, a working capital should not be loaned from any legit lenders.
  33. Shavkat

    What are the importance of building a creative business?

    People who are working in their respective companies should be innovative and creative to maintain and increase their customer base.
  34. Shavkat

    Do you look at brands before buying a Grocery Item?

    As much as possible, I wanted to buy the branded ones. If out of budget, I can find others with the same quality.
  35. Shavkat

    Can you invest with a zero capital?

    I am investing my time in Bigo Live lately. In time, I can earn something from it. It means I do not need any capital for this venture.
  36. Shavkat

    Are you doing anything special today?

    The only special thing that I have done today is to stroll around my city.
  37. Shavkat

    Do You Buy Canned Food?

    I also buy some whenever I am doing my grocery. They can be useful during the rainy season here.
  38. Shavkat

    Between banks or lending institutions, which one do you prefer?

    As much as possible, I do not want to loan from either of these two.
  39. Shavkat

    What kind of car are you looking for?

    I am looking for a car that can fly. In New York City, they had launched the flying taxis early this year.
  40. Shavkat

    What do you notice to products that are on sale?

    I noticed that the prices are not really discounted. In fact, they are the original prices.
  41. Shavkat

    Rough and Tough

    The toughest thing that I am experiencing is to work hard and earn more than before.
  42. Shavkat

    Do you believe in destiny?

    I do not believe in destiny sometimes. There are some instances that destiny does not work in my life.
  43. Shavkat

    Flooding in a hot afternoon

    In my city, we never experienced flood. Since we are living in the mountain, landslides will surely happen occasionally.
  44. Shavkat

    Who are you financing this time?

    Since my biological parents are not here anymore, I need to continue supporting my siblings financially as an eldest brother.
  45. Shavkat

    How To Invest In A Foreign Property To Generate Passive income?

    I am not sure in other countries. Foreigners cannot buy any kand properties in my country.
  46. Shavkat

    How is the country's finances affecting the personal finances?

    It varies from one country to another. As you had mentioned, it will greatly affect the people's finances the their respective countries' economy is not good.
  47. Shavkat

    Technically My First payment from Index forum (Cam Era)

    Congratulations! I am sure you are so motivated to work herr. It is always a good feeling.
  48. Shavkat

    Don't Have bananas late in the day

    Consuming bananas is good for us because it is a good source of potassium. I don't eat it after dinner.
  49. Shavkat

    Do your parents stay with you after your marriage?

    In some families, young married couples live with their parents. It is a culture practices here.
  50. Shavkat

    Do You like movies based on sports?

    I sometimes like watching inspiring sport movies. It can make me learn the importance of teamwork.
  51. Shavkat

    Do you like movies based on Politicians?

    I must say that I am not into politics. It will make me feel bored.
  52. Shavkat

    Do you like to watch all movies of your favorite actor?

    If I have the chance to see them in certain films, I will watch them.
  53. Shavkat

    Have you ever rented a CD and watched movies?

    I used to buy them before. The only thing I can do is to borrow some from my friends before.
  54. Shavkat

    Have you watched any comedy movies recently?

    My life is always on the go. So, I do not have the time to watch any films lately.
  55. Shavkat

    Do you remember the Car racing game?

    Yes, I experienced doing this before. We loved playing car racing with my childhood friends.
  56. Shavkat

    Are you following any Youtube channels to be aware of the latest gadgets?

    I am sorry to say that I am not into following YouTube channel related to modern gadgets.
  57. Shavkat

    Make Use of your available resources first

    As much as possible, we need to use them first before having the new stocks.
  58. Shavkat

    Do you like Kite flying?

    I must say that I tried to fly kites during my childhood years. It happened only when going in the countryside.
  59. Shavkat

    Sharing bills at home

    I think it depends with the agreement. For me, it would be great if they can both share to pay it.
  60. Shavkat

    If given a chance would you like to shift to any other country and why?

    As much as possible, I prefer to live in my country. However, I am considering to work abroad because my country's economy is not good these days.
  61. Shavkat

    Broken promises

    I had broken my promises before and the feeling was not good. Thus, I do not promise anything.
  62. Shavkat

    Leg cramps

    I am not sure if you are lack of Vitamin B. My aunt's nurse told me to eat more bananas because they are reach of Vitamin B.
  63. Shavkat

    Time is gold

    Times flies so fast. Because of this, I need to use the time wisely and not to waste it.
  64. Shavkat

    Writing more effectively

    It has been a long time that I have not write articles lately. I wish I could have time to do it.
  65. Shavkat

    Do you sometimes feel like a loser and why?

    I also feel this moment sometimes. But then, I keep on telling myself that I can do it, too.
  66. Shavkat

    What’s your proudest story?

    My proudest story is when I had touched a lot of lives in Tajikistan. I was able to help PWDs.
  67. Shavkat

    Posting without thinking

    Kudos to you, my friend. As for me, I do not have enough time to think any topics lately. I am so preoccupied with so many things now.
  68. Shavkat

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    I have an acqainted friend who got addicted to it. In fact, the mother needs to bring to a rehabilitation center.
  69. Shavkat

    Zero tolerance

    Most of my friends are like this now. Because of this, I just ignore them.
  70. Shavkat

    How to have a productive business day

    I believed that most business companies need to impose sales quota to their salesmen. In this way, they can be more productive.
  71. Shavkat

    Do you use LPG for cooking or electricity or wood?

    We are still using the LPG. Although I am planning to buy an electric stove as a backup.
  72. Shavkat

    Have you ever been to a military parade?

    I never been to a military parade. I have seen them doing this only on TV.
  73. Shavkat


    I am not using any herbs. Although I just use petals of butterfly pea as my tea every day.
  74. Shavkat

    The most organized person?

    My younger sister is too organized at her home. She will be in rage if things are misplaced.
  75. Shavkat

    Have you ever Stored Rain Water?

    We have a drum container to store the rainwater. This is used for watering the plants in the garden.
  76. Shavkat

    Do you think it is easy to direct a movie?

    I think if the director is a good one, then it is easy to make the film. They just need the money to make the film.
  77. Shavkat

    What is the importance for a smile?

    Wearing a smile can make a big difference. It is a contagious thing to do to make others do the same thing.
  78. Shavkat

    What's the importance of staying up-to-date with industry trends?

    We need to consider this to be more competitive. We cannot afford to be left behind.
  79. Shavkat

    How can I look out for opportunities in a struggling market?

    The best thing is to know if the business in mind is profitable. If it is, then there is nothing to worry about.
  80. Shavkat

    Do you follow baseball?

    It is sad to say that I do not follow any baseball teams. It is because baseball is not popular in my country.
  81. Shavkat


    I usually compare the prices of certain products online and even offline. In this way, I can able to buy the best and affordable products.
  82. Shavkat

    What habit are you struggling to stop

    During cold days in my city, I sometimes pushing myself to wash the dishes. But then, I need to do it because it will be piled up and the more I do not want to do it in this sense.
  83. Shavkat

    What is your favourite street food? Why?

    We do have local street foods in my country. But then, I need to brace myself for having them because they are high in cholesterol.
  84. Shavkat

    What is your favourite type of holiday?

    Since I am being busy all my life, I just find ways to entertain myself every day. I might be here and there, or trying to do something new.
  85. Shavkat

    What is your favourite way of entertaining yourself?

    If I were living near the beach, I will surely be at the seaside listening to the sea waves. For now, I am just enjoying closer to the nature in the mountain.
  86. Shavkat

    Did you attend computer classes?

    We had some classes during my university days, then I tried to have further study after graduating my university.
  87. Shavkat

    What do you still love doing that you loved as a kid?

    I need to polish my skills in singing. Unfortunately, I am not good at playing any musical instruments. It is one of my frustrations in life.
  88. Shavkat

    What skills do you use to save money

    I think it is a good thing you do this. I also do the same thing. But then, I need to work hard to more. It is not a bad thing to aim for something.
  89. Shavkat

    Do You LIke Tree house?

    In my city, I had seen a family tree but it is made of cement. It is not realistic for me. I prefer the old fashion way.
  90. Shavkat

    French fries sauce

    Some of my friends prefer this, too. For me, I can only deal with not too spicy. I do not want to be inflicted with hemorrhoids.
  91. Shavkat

    What are you worried over?

    I think that most people have their own difficulties and we just need to bear in mind not to give up.
  92. Shavkat

    True happiness

    I do agree with you. We have to know our real purpose in life. In this way, we can do things that are possible for the betterment of our lives.
  93. Shavkat

    What habit are you struggling to stop

    I am with you. Lately, I am also trying to do intermittent fasting. I hope I can sustain it, so that I can lose weight.
  94. Shavkat

    How do your fight the brokenness?

    You have a point. There are some ways to earn money online. The sad part of this, some people refuse to try them.
  95. Shavkat

    The past cannot be forgotten, edited or erased, it can only be accepted

    It is indeed that we cannot turn back the time. Thus, we just treat them as our learning proess to make ourselves better.
  96. Shavkat

    Where you are neglected

    You are so right. We cannot force others to accept us. What they see is what they get. It is not healthy to try fitting ourselves to them.
  97. Shavkat

    Have you thought ways to bring more social interactions into your home life?

    It is also a good idea. We can socialaize with others by meeting them outdoor. They can do some outdoor activities.
  98. Shavkat

    Did you attend computer classes?

    I just had basic classes with the use oothe computer. It is just a matter of learning the others through searching on Google.
  99. Shavkat

    How do you know your pet loves you?

    All I know is that they do love me when they wiggle their tails with me.
  100. Shavkat

    Earn money by playing games: Possible or not?

    For those gamers, some of them do earn a lot when livestreaming while playing certain online games.
  101. Shavkat

    The past cannot be forgotten, edited or erased, it can only be accepted

    Indeed. Things what had said cannot be taken back. That is why we need to be careful of what we says to others.
  102. Shavkat

    Have you thought ways to bring more social interactions into your home life?

    You have a point. I also do the same things with my neighbors and friends.
  103. Shavkat

    Why do people change to bad attitude sometimes?

    They changed because they forgot where they came from. This is the reality that we cannot change.
  104. Shavkat

    Where you are neglected

    I had learned to ignore those people who neglect me. I cannot dwell and entertertain the way they treated me.
  105. Shavkat

    Giving bonus for workers to motivate them.

    In my previous company, they do have profit sharing. It was a good thing to motivate their employees. I am sure some companies do give incentives.
  106. Shavkat

    Present and future

    I agree with you. We need to be always have the present in mind and think what would be the outcome in advance.
  107. Shavkat

    Why motivation is important in a business setup

    It essential to motivate people in business. There are times that stressors come along with business. So, they need to be motivated to face these challenges and be reminded with the common goals in the company.
  108. Shavkat

    First disappointment

    It is a part of life to experience disappointment. We just need to face them and do something about it.
  109. Shavkat

    Religion is the most lucrative business

    I am not sure about this concern. Although I heard that some people claimed that evil deeds go along with business in some religions..
  110. Shavkat

    Do you like to eat bread with sauce?

    In this case, I will use the bread with tomato sauce and add other ingredients to make a home-made pizza.
  111. Shavkat

    Irresponsible co worker

    It is better to conduct an internal investigation with this concern and let the problem be faced by this co-worker.
  112. Shavkat

    If you have enough money will you go for Apple Products?

    I must say no. I had bad experiences using my iPhone before. I cannot download apps that I can extra.
  113. Shavkat

    Brands and labels

    I also think that labels can be changed by some manufacturers. They tend to change them to gain more profit, which is not a good thing.
  114. Shavkat


    I do agree that housekeeping is one of the good services that can earn money handsomely in my city.
  115. Shavkat

    Would you restart a business if it fails once?

    I think I need to conduct a business feasibility study to determine if it is still viable to have this failed business.
  116. Shavkat

    Which is your favorite color and why?

    I like simple colors: blue, black, and white. I can match them with particular shoes and it just makes me simple to look at. That is what I wanted.
  117. Shavkat

    What do you still love doing that you loved as a kid?

    When I was a kid, I love watching English films and reading English novels. Now, I cannot even squeeze my time doing them.
  118. Shavkat

    Tips to hair growth!

    Some people prefer to use fresh extracted aloe vera for their hair. It is a healthy way to do it.
  119. Shavkat

    How much do you keep in your savings account?

    I am keeping three savings account. They server their purpose for online salary with my teaching and writing stunts online.
  120. Shavkat

    What skills do you use to save money

    I tried to be a frugal one in terms of buying things. It needs to be practical and be a good saver of money every pay day. I usually save 10 to 20% of my salary twice a month.
  121. Shavkat

    Tree lover?

    During the pandemic, I was planning to have a master's degree in social forestry. It is because I wanted to save trees in my city.
  122. Shavkat

    Do You LIke Tree house?

    During my childhood years, I always wanted to have a tree house in the yard and even now, I still dreaming to have onee. Hopefully, I can have it in the future.
  123. Shavkat

    French fries sauce

    You can please me for having a mixture of ketchup and mayonnaise as a dipper for my French fries.
  124. Shavkat

    What is your favourite local dish?

    There are so many local dishes that I wanted in life. Now, I am more eating vegetables and low calorie food. I am aiming to lose weight.
  125. Shavkat


    I must say that I do not like surprise parties. I prefer to celebrate my birthday in a simple way.
  126. Shavkat

    What are you worried over?

    I am not that a worrier anymore. I just take things lightly despite the difficulties. Instead of whining about, I just continue to keep on looking for resolutions to these problems.
  127. Shavkat

    One seasonal fruit you missed when out of season

    I always crave for ripe yellow mangoes. It is always what I am waiting during the summer season.
  128. Shavkat

    What unexpected sources of passive income have you discovered for yourself that may not be known to most people?

    I think there are so many ways. So far, I find Bigo Live is one of the secrets that some members earn passively. I recently joined using this app.
  129. Shavkat

    practical ways to deal with addiction

    In my view, if you are in a serious addiction on something. It is best to seek for help from a specialist. The will to be rehaibilitated is the best option.
  130. Shavkat

    True happiness

    For me, true happiness is how you feel the ultimate fulfillment of life. It is how I wanted to be in a situation.
  131. Shavkat

    What habit are you struggling to stop

    Being a workaholic makes me different for having this kind of habit. Despite my day off, I still want to work.
  132. Shavkat

    How do you like your catfish?

    I must say that I am not into eating catfish. In my country, most locals usually grilled them and add some local side dishes.
  133. Shavkat

    Which brand of perfume do you like?

    I can wear any types of perfumes for men. Although I still prefer to use Davidoff.
  134. Shavkat

    Planning out Content Creation, for being Paid to Post

    I wish I could be a certified content creator. However, I do not have the guts to be exposed on YouTube or any other forms.
  135. Shavkat

    How to earn writing articles?

    I used to write my articles on Literacybase. However, I just only got one payment from this site. The earning is so slow like a snail.
  136. Shavkat

    Are you a pet lover?

    In my family, I am a certified pet lover if being compared with my other siblings. I am a dog lover, but I can love other domestic animals. I can have wild ones if they are trained to be tamed.
  137. Shavkat

    Are you a smart type of person?

    I think I am smart in my own ways. It does not need to say it. Let the actions and the outcomes show the real smartness of a person.
  138. Shavkat

    Who do you think would win in the US presidential election?

    I just hope that the locals will vote the right one. It is best to be wise in doing so.
  139. Shavkat

    Is it possible to earn $10 per survey?

    I am not sure if it is possible. All I know is that some can do it. I have not tried it because it is not for me to do surveys online.
  140. Shavkat

    What's your favorite car?

    I cannot choose which one because I like all the high-end cars available in the market.
  141. Shavkat

    Can you sleep with or without a pillow?

    I must say that I cannot sleep without it. I need even if only pillow with me.
  142. Shavkat

    What make your day a good one

    My day will be a good one if I am having a productive day. In this way, I am doing my real purpose in this world.
  143. Shavkat

    Your favorite weather?

    It may sound unusual among the others. I prefer rainy days because it is more comfortable weather for me.
  144. Shavkat

    Which is better walking or jogging

    I prefer brisk walking daily. It is how I keep myself fit. It is one of the best ways to do an exercise.
  145. Shavkat

    Russian-Ukraine war; Who is right and who is wrong

    I am not going to choose to either side of these countries. All I want is to stop the war.
  146. Shavkat

    How do you spend your weekend

    There is nothing much happening on weekends for me. These are days that I am so busy.
  147. Shavkat

    Saving money buying refurbished items

    I think there is nothing wrong to be frugal in buying things like this. We are just being practical to save money.
  148. Shavkat

    Chicken Cuts

    For me, I prefer the breast part of it. Although I still love munching drumsticks and most kids love it.
  149. Shavkat


    When I am still working on a coastal area, I used to have sunburns. But, it can be prevented using high ph level.
  150. Shavkat

    Why house helps are becoming scarce.

    I am considering to work abroad again. If I can be in my country with a stable job, I will just be here.
  151. Shavkat

    When last had you had the malaria?

    It is not common to be inflicted with malaria in my country. I believe it is common in Africa.
  152. Shavkat

    Are you an Introvert or Extrovert?

    I used to be an introvert, but I broke free from it. Now, I am an ambivert.
  153. Shavkat

    Happiness depends on you

    Since we are the captains of our lives, we need to choose the path of finding the true happiness.
  154. Shavkat

    A must for a mental distraction in business

    It will be a toxic life to have a business. Planning to have one needs a strong commitment.
  155. Shavkat

    Is it possible to earn money through the browser?

    I think there are sites that they allow to mine using our browser and the like.
  156. Shavkat

    What is the most expensive item you own?

    The most expensive ones are the jewelries that I am buying every pay day. They are good investments.
  157. Shavkat

    Why you should seriously protect your business reputation

    It is indeed an important thing not lose the clients. It is a bad thing for a company to have a bad reputation.
  158. Shavkat

    People are the most important in a business to succeed

    You said it right. The local people are the kings and queens to be treated by the companies.
  159. Shavkat

    Should employees be allowed with their phones during work hours?

    For some companies, it is not allowed. It depends what kind of company you are working with.
  160. Shavkat

    can you allow your employees work without supervision?

    I can just install CCTV to monitor them, which some companies do these days and it is an effective one.
  161. Shavkat

    Would you allow your employees bring their babies to work?

    If being humane, it is fine with me. We can just ourselves to their shoes. I am sure they do not have the choice.
  162. Shavkat

    Is it possible to earn more than $10 daily with PTP?

    In my entire life, I only experienced this with Bubblews. This site died so soon.
  163. Shavkat

    Do you have your own home?

    We used to have a family house. However, the evil relatives sold it. Now, I am hoping to have one.
  164. Shavkat

    Being a Boss

    I wish I could be a boss someday. A boss that can also beneficial to others.
  165. Shavkat

    Favourite Mayo Brand

    In my country, Lady's Choice is what most locals buy in the market. It has been a brand that the locals are used to having.
  166. Shavkat

    How do your fight the brokenness?

    It is also my dilemma lately. The only thing that we can do is not to give up.
  167. Shavkat

    Do you like to collect old coins?

    It is what I wanted to do full-time. However, it is too expensive to have this hobby in life.
  168. Shavkat

    Challenge you are facing

    There are so many challenges that I am having at present. The most outstanding is to earn more than before.
  169. Shavkat

    How you feel relaxed?

    I am more relaxed when having enough sleep. So, I rather sleep than doing other things.
  170. Shavkat

    Who live happily?

    True happiness is not limited into one factor. it varies from one person to another.
  171. Shavkat

    Challenges of an online course creator.

    The only downside that a creator may face is to capture the attention of the viewers. In this way, they can a handsome income.
  172. Shavkat

    Overcoming Frustrations and Challenges in Pursuit of Online Income Opportunities

    At some point, it is really frustrating. I had come to realize that we need to find a stable job online to survive.
  173. Shavkat


    There is nothing wrong to ask or seek advice from experienced people. Although it is still our discretion to accept or not.
  174. Shavkat

    Gear approval

    I will not change my outfit for the day. If they do not want me to come, it is fine with me.
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    It has been a long time that I had this kind of activity. The last time I had was early this year. It is all about how to conduct classes online.
  176. Shavkat

    What was your breakfast today?

    Since I am doing intermittent fasting, I am just going to have my brunch. Although I had a cup of decaffeinated coffee this morning.
  177. Shavkat

    Corporal punishment

    In the past, corporal punishment is acceptable and not for now. It is not a good thing to do this for the children. It will surely violate the children's rights.
  178. Shavkat

    Will you let your friends know what you know?

    I do not usually share my personal things to them. Most of the things being shared are only superficial concerns and nothing else.
  179. Shavkat

    What’s your best high school memory or story?

    When I was in high school, I am a timid individual. At some point, I was almost being bullied.
  180. Shavkat

    Time and Freedom

    At present, I do not have enough time to do things that I love most in my life.
  181. Shavkat

    Can you date someone online

    I had tried to have a date someone and met online. It did not go well.
  182. Shavkat

    Mental illness

    It is better to consult a shrink if having mental illness. It cannot be treated by doing something not been seen by the specialist.
  183. Shavkat

    What is that one thing that can steal your peace

    It can steal my peace if someone is nagging me and keeps on doing it non-stop.
  184. Shavkat

    Moan or complain

    It is best to voice out whatever makes us whining. It is not healthy that we are keeping it deep inside.
  185. Shavkat

    Stressed Out

    I just take it slightly. I will try to find ways to resolve whatever the causative factor/s for being stressed out.
  186. Shavkat

    Time is moving so fast!

    It is indeed time flies so fast and we cannot control it. I have so many things that I have not accomplished yet.
  187. Shavkat

    Introvert or Extrovert?

    I am an ambivert. It is a combination of introvert and extrovert. It means I am a flexible person.
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    has being an entrepreneur affected your personal choices?

    Things always change in doing activities in certain businesses. They need to be more innovative and willing to accept changes.
  189. Shavkat

    Movie recommend

    I have not watched any movies lately. But I can recommend to watch the Kite Runner.
  190. Shavkat

    Do you like Fritters with tea?

    I would like to have some with tea. It is how we do snacks from time to time.
  191. Shavkat

    How do you like to communicate with your online friends

    I usually communicate with my friends using the Facebook Messenger. It is more convenient than having mobile data.
  192. Shavkat

    Country things

    At present, I am not satisfied in my country's progress. I hope it will become better soon.
  193. Shavkat

    Have you started investing this year?

    I am starting to invest with my modern devices before I can do other investments.
  194. Shavkat

    Selling When Market is Down

    I have not experienced this, but it does happen now. I heard the China's economy is decreasing these days.
  195. Shavkat

    Reducing business unnecessary costs with expenses tracking

    It is best to be reminded that we can recycle things up in a company to save money.
  196. Shavkat

    Do you think that the automation employed in industry is increasing unemployment?

    It is possible and it is also happening in manufacturing companies now. In time, people will be replaced by these things.
  197. Shavkat

    What Are Your Views on Abortion

    As far I am concerned, I am not in favor with this matter. It is the life that we are terminating. It is not the right thing to practice.
  198. Shavkat

    What do you think about other religion?

    I respect the beliefs of other religions. I do not want to create conflicts between them.
  199. Shavkat

    Do you prefer Stairs or elevators?

    I prefer the stairs because I wanted to do some physical exercises as much as possible to lose weight.
  200. Shavkat

    Would you like to be a pastor

    I think I am not suitable to be one. I am fine for what I am right now.