Recent content by Sanjeev

  1. Sanjeev

    Tips on Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance

    Creating balance in both lives is important.I always try not to think about work at home and always spend time with my family and friends. I know we have to prioritize things in our lives; we should never be working alcoholics and give time to our personal lives.
  2. Sanjeev

    How healthy is losing weight eating less calories

    Swimming is a great exercise and it's very useful in reducing beings and even helps in increasing height. Many of my friends say this
  3. Sanjeev

    Are you a member of Afri Peeps forum site?

    I never heard of this site before. I won't be interested to join it because I won't like to write such long posts.
  4. Sanjeev

    Is it better to focus on your income growth than cost savings?

    Both are equally important. If you're a salaried person, you cannot expect your salary to increase every month; there is a time frame for that. So if your expenditures increase as compared to your earnings, then you need to cut your expenses.
  5. Sanjeev

    How healthy is losing weight eating less calories

    This is not good. We should eat balanced and healthy food. One needs to exercise a lot to burn extra fat to stay fit and lose weight
  6. Sanjeev

    Do you think it is healthy to eat snacks?

    Yes, eating healthy snacks are good for the health. I don't think it's bad but one should avoid eating junk food.
  7. Sanjeev

    What are your strategies for the better online earning?

    I am in search of some good and legit sites through which I may be able to have good earnings.
  8. Sanjeev

    Which gender would you prefer as your first child?

    I never mind if my first child is a boy or a girl. I had twins a son and a daughter and I love both my kids equally.
  9. Sanjeev

    A child attending public or private school

    That's the problem with the government employees, they are so lethargic and don't wish to work.
  10. Sanjeev

    Do you ever regret on your wrongly decisions?

    Yes, sometimes I regret for my wrong decisions but realise it that there is no use of regretting for it
  11. Sanjeev

    Have you ever installed or purchased an Anti-virus for your mobile?

    Yes, I did on my first phone. They charged for it since then I have never bought it
  12. Sanjeev

    Have you ever Purchased Referrals for any Faucet?

    I have never bought referrals for any site. Even I never bought followers on the social media, I don't like the idea of buying them.
  13. Sanjeev

    Have you ever Purchased second-hand or used books to study?

    Yes, I have purchased second hand books in school, they can be bought in half the rates you get for the new books.
  14. Sanjeev

    Have you ever purchased a Neck fan?

    I don't know what is neck fan. I have not seen anyone having it here. Do you own it?
  15. Sanjeev

    Have you ever purchased jewelry online?

    No, I have never purchased jewellery online. I don't prefer to buy things online.
  16. Sanjeev

    Do you live in your own house?

    Property's rates are very high now a days. I have been thinking to buy a property on loan for investment and rental income
  17. Sanjeev

    A child attending public or private school

    Yes, the private schools are better than the government schools here because the teachers of private schools take pain and responsibility for the child whereas as the teachers of the government school don't take much of the responsibilities.
  18. Sanjeev

    Is winter better than summer?

    Winter is better than summer in my opinion. I hate sweating in the summer.
  19. Sanjeev

    Which is better In your country private or public hospitals

    Resources and infrastructure is good in the private hospitals here in comparison to the government hospitals. If course the doctors of the government hospitals are highly qualified but they don't work like the doctors of private hospitals.
  20. Sanjeev


    I have not visited any country in last few years but wish to visit Bhutan soon next year, let's see what happens.
  21. Sanjeev

    Have you travelled to most parts of your country?

    India is a big country, so it's not easy to travel to each corner of the country. I have traveled almost half of the country and have a wish to travel each part of the country soon.
  22. Sanjeev

    What is your country’s favourite sport?

    @freelancermaria Do you watch cricket? I think most of the Asian people liking watching cricket matches
  23. Sanjeev

    What is your favourite way of entertaining yourself?

    My favourite way to entertain myself is by watching movies and playing with the kids.
  24. Sanjeev

    Do you live in an appartment or a house?

    @Springtime it difficult to own a house in the city here but easy in the village. We have a land in the village and we are thinking to build a house there.
  25. Sanjeev

    Do you live in your own house?

    Yes, I live in my own house. It's hard to live in a rented house because the renting a house here is very expensive.
  26. Sanjeev

    Do you own a lemon squeezer?

    I own a lemon squeezer but it is not automatic , it's a manual one and we squeeze lemon in it through hands.
  27. Sanjeev

    Do you use lemon to clean your house?

    No, I don't use lemon to clean the house, but I use detergent and phenol for the same. We use lemon to wash out strains from the clothes sometimes.
  28. Sanjeev

    Do you clean your room yourself or do someone else do for you?

    I don't have a separate room, our maid cleans it daily.
  29. Sanjeev

    What Was Your Best Experience on a Forum

    @Niyi Briggs Yes, that was my best memories on a site. It was a pleasure to earn $10 a week and I don't remember I am able to earn so much money from a forum site
  30. Sanjeev

    Is power cut normal at your place?

    I am fortunate that we don't have power cuts here. It's irritating to live without power supply. AC is essentially required these days so when there is a power cut we AC cannot be switched ON.
  31. Sanjeev

    How was your experience with the Ysense survey site?

    I don't have a good experience with the survey sites so I don't apply on any of them.
  32. Sanjeev

    How was your experience in Digital Gold Investment?

    Congrats for making $10. I have not tried investing on digital gold but I know people invest on it and make profit.
  33. Sanjeev

    How was your experience working on the Forumcoin site?

    I am a member of that site but don't actively participate on the forums there. I have other sites to work on.
  34. Sanjeev

    What is or was your favorite subject in school?

    My favourite subject is Maths from my school days. I wanted to do PHd in maths but destiny wanted me to become an engineer.
  35. Sanjeev

    What is your favorite vacation place?

    I have seen photos of Hunza valley, it's so beautiful place. My favourite place in vacation is Kashmir, it's a heaven on the earth.
  36. Sanjeev

    What's your favorite thing about the holiday season?

    I enjoy watching Tv and spending time with family and friends.
  37. Sanjeev

    One thing you want to really have

    I want to have lots of money. I am tired of sacrificing my wishes because of a lack of money.
  38. Sanjeev

    How do you treat stressful but older customers in business?

    I will try to help them to an extent and after that I will ask them that I can't help them any more.
  39. Sanjeev

    Treat a customer as a king

    That's so true. Without customer no business can survive, therefore customer is a king for every business and things should be made as per the customer delight
  40. Sanjeev

    How do you treat fair weather friends

    I don't consider them friends they are acquittance. I believe that you cannot make friend everywhere and everytime.
  41. Sanjeev

    What is your country’s favourite sport?

    Yes, I have seen lots of Kenyan athletes performing well in world championship, Olympics. I think they have better stamina than others
  42. Sanjeev

    Do you really like gossiping?

    No , I don't like gossiping and the people who do it about others. They waste their and others time while doing it.
  43. Sanjeev

    Can you really see who viewed your profile on Facebook?

    Maybe there is a purchased app which can tell you who has viewed your profile but I have never tried to know about anything like this.
  44. Sanjeev

    Are you really being afraid of failing?

    I am not scared of falling or the failure when I start something new because that's how I learn something new.
  45. Sanjeev

    Do you really use the power banks?

    Yes, I use power banks when I am travelling somewhere. It's useful when you visit a place and there is no power supply.
  46. Sanjeev

    Is power cut normal at your place?

    I understand, it is frustrating when you are doing something and suddenly the power supply is cut.
  47. Sanjeev

    Sideline Jobs

    That's true, in our company , they don't allow us to work part time. And you hide it and they come to know about it you may get punished for it.
  48. Sanjeev

    Have you ever thought of selling one of your body parts?

    No, I will never think of it. I will donate my body parts to someone whom I love is dying for it.
  49. Sanjeev

    Have you ever thought about leaving your job due to a conflict at work?

    No, I won't leave if I have a conflict with a coworker. It is a normal think to have conflicts at work and for it you cannot think of leaving a job.
  50. Sanjeev

    Have you ever thought of quitting your job over low pay?

    Yes, I have left many jobs due to salary issues. With the increasing inflation, you cannot survive with a low-paying job when you know your expenditures are greater than your earnings.
  51. Sanjeev

    Do you easily apologize for your mistakes?

    Yes, I apologize for my mistakes easily. I hate people who don't; their ego hurts if they don't see, even when they commit mistakes.
  52. Sanjeev

    What are your best ways to save water?

    I have read that taking showers consumes more water than when we use tap for taking bath. I always try not use shower.
  53. Sanjeev

    Do you like to join and use every social networking app and website?

    No, I don't like social site and that's the reason I don't join them. They are waste of time and you may get addicted to them.
  54. Sanjeev

    How can I join affiliate program?

    I am willing to join an affiliate program, but I don't have enough knowledge for it. It looks good when someone mentions that he or she is making good money from affiliate marketing. I am bored of posting in the forums and need something from which I may be able to earn a good amount of money.
  55. Sanjeev

    Would you join your own family business or start a new?

    I would definitely join a family business, as it would be established once I joined it.
  56. Sanjeev

    Do you own a Rice cooker?

    Yes, it is very common to use rice cooker. Do you have an electric cooker or a normal cooker?
  57. Sanjeev

    What's the fruits your country have this season

    We have mangoes, watermelon in the season of summer. Banana is one fruit which can be seen every season.
  58. Sanjeev

    What is your country’s favourite sport?

    It's not a popular sport here but people watch world with great excitement.
  59. Sanjeev

    What is your favourite sport and why?

    Volleyball is a good sport, I have played it in the school. You need to be very quick to play the game well.
  60. Sanjeev

    Is power cut normal at your place?

    This is because of the high demand in the summer and supply of the same doesn't meet it
  61. Sanjeev


    For how many months you received the payment from that forum.?
  62. Sanjeev

    Do you own a Rice cooker?

    Yes, we own rice cookers. It's not easy to cook rice without it
  63. Sanjeev

    Do you get bored posting on forums?

    I was doing it on many of the forums since last few months. But as I got bored of the same and reduced my time on them.
  64. Sanjeev

    What is the Ideal time for Salary Increment?

    Also the inflation increases every year so they should get increament in their salaries.
  65. Sanjeev

    What is the Ideal time for Salary Increment?

    Yes, it is based on the performance, every year, evaluation of the performance of each employee is not and the appraisal is done on the basis of the same.
  66. Sanjeev

    Do you get bored posting on forums?

    Yes, that's many of the people do that. I try not to do that. That's the reason I am not active on all the forums altogether, daily.
  67. Sanjeev

    Benefits of knowing your customers better

    Yes, it is better to know your customer when you're a business owner. That will help you to design and modify your product for the better sale.
  68. Sanjeev

    Do You Have Emergency Fund?

    Yes, I have emergency fund. Who knows when someone have an emergency so emergency funds are always helpful.
  69. Sanjeev

    Which toothpaste do you use?

    I use Sensodyne. I have heard that this toothpaste is the best for teeth
  70. Sanjeev

    Heat situation in your country

    It's too hot in India these days. It's hard to go out from the home in the afternoon.
  71. Sanjeev

    Do you still listening to the radio?

    I enjoy listening radio but these days I get little time to switch it on
  72. Sanjeev

    Are you interested in learning about history?

    Yes, I am interested in knowing the history of my country. I want to know about the great people who helped innthe growth of our country.
  73. Sanjeev

    Are you Learning Cooking from Youtube?

    I don't like cooking so I don't watch YouTube for anything related to cooking. Yes, I have seen people making and trying new things watching YouTube.
  74. Sanjeev

    Buying Food Vs Cooking Food?

    I don't buy cooked food because they are not healthy to eat.
  75. Sanjeev

    Buying from a supermarket or an open marker

    I prefer to buy things from the open market because I get things cheaper than at supermarkets.
  76. Sanjeev

    Do you like Buying Second hand or used products?

    I don't like to buy second hand products or used products because there is no guarantee of their performance.
  77. Sanjeev

    Will the demand for online product continue to grow?

    The demand will grow. In the future, people will be busy with their work to earn money to survive and won't like to go window shopping. They will prefer online shopping.
  78. Sanjeev

    How can I grow my money?

    First step is, you have to work hard initially and when the things are settled you have to work consistently for its growth. Second is you should have enough capital to invest in the business.
  79. Sanjeev

    Do you grow your own Veggies?

    Yes, it is good for saving and health but what to do when you live in an appartment and don't have enough space to grow them.
  80. Sanjeev

    Do you still frequent visit to your relatives and stay there for few days?

    I agree but we should visit them, no matter if we stay there after all they are relatives.
  81. Sanjeev

    Do you still holding your bitcoins currently?

    I don't invest in cryptocurrency because of the restrictions in my country. We have to pay tax for the transactions
  82. Sanjeev

    Do you still wear a watch?

    Yes @Starmix in your profession watch is better than a mobile phone. In many of the educational institutions , even carrying a mobile phone is not allowed
  83. Sanjeev

    Do you still watch TV?

    I watch TV only when someone at home is watching it. I mostly like to watch live news and sports. I don't like watching movies which is a waste of a time in my opinion.
  84. Sanjeev

    Do you still watch black and white movies?

    That's what I also like. But my kids don't like it and don't allow me to watch them on TV.
  85. Sanjeev

    Do you like Black tea?

    I don't like black tea. I would prefer black coffee. In office I usually drink black coffee. At home we always have milk tea.
  86. Sanjeev

    Starting up an elderly care business

    It is good to have such business because these days there are lots of families who have money but don't have time to look after the elderly people.
  87. Sanjeev

    Starting a Paid to Post Forum as a Business?

    Won't it be discrimination among the users? I think it won't be acceptable by the users.
  88. Sanjeev


    Maybe he could not calculate how to pay the members and simultaneously earn profit for the site.
  89. Sanjeev

    Any forum gives money for reply to our thread?

    Let me check if again on Trendri. I need to find some other sites also. I have to meet my goals for the year.
  90. Sanjeev

    What is the Ideal time for Salary Increment?

    We have annual increament where I work and that is what people wait for eagerly.
  91. Sanjeev

    What a shower that was!!

    The weather is hot everywhere in the world, I guess. Are still facing the water crisis there? I heard people are buying drinking water in double rates.
  92. Sanjeev

    Do you still email?

    It's very rare I do email except for the official information, these days everything is done on WhatsApp here.
  93. Sanjeev

    Are you still being entertained by the radio?

    No, I only listen to the radio when I am travelling in my car. I guess listening radio has become outdated these days
  94. Sanjeev

    Easiest Ways to Make Money Online

    I don't think anything is easy to earn online. Still posting on the forum sites is easy but you earn little on them. Blogging is of course a good option but one has to be skilled in writing contents.
  95. Sanjeev

    Do you prefer bathing with the rainy water?

    I like taking bath in the rain water as it feels good when rain drops fall on the body and head.
  96. Sanjeev

    What do you do on the rainy days?

    And because the weather gets cool we are vulnerable to get cough and cold.
  97. Sanjeev

    How do you easily make friends

    But it is a matter of sustaining those friends. Most people, because of their busy schedules, cannot sustain their friends.
  98. Sanjeev

    What do you do on the rainy days?

    Hmm. . that's the problem, we also don't stand in the rain for longer time.
  99. Sanjeev

    Do you prefer A soap or Bath gel/ Shower gel for the bath?

    By the way which is better soal or the gel. We use soap here and I think it is a better option if you consider cost.
  100. Sanjeev

    What a shower that was!!

    We are still waiting for the rain to fall here. It's too hot here these days and I hope things will get better after the rain.
  101. Sanjeev


    Being diabetic, I don't fast now except on the festival of Janmashtami, where we eat fruits, so it's not a hard fast. I felt like I had won a fort the first time I fasted.
  102. Sanjeev

    Do you get bored posting on forums?

    I know you are a special person who doesn't get bored on the forums. You always have ideas to post your own threads.
  103. Sanjeev


    I don't go out in rain because of water logging problems on the roads. I hate it. The government doesn't take action on it.
  104. Sanjeev

    What do you do on the rainy days?

    I don't go out on the rainy days and sleep whole day and play with kids. Sometimes, get to the terrace with the friends and get wet in the rain.
  105. Sanjeev

    How do you easily make friends

    People who have a profession of interacting with the people often find easy to make friends. They have special gesture and good communication skills.
  106. Sanjeev

    Alternatives for the forum posting

    Writing skills are important to earn from blogs and article writing apart from forums. I don't blog because I know I won't be able to spend much time on my blogs which is essential to earn well there.
  107. Sanjeev

    How do you easily make friends

    I cannot make friends easily so I cannot comment on it. But what I have learned from the people that the people who are positive in their life easily make friend.
  108. Sanjeev

    Do you easily react?'s very common in the real life people fight because they misunderstood what someone told them.
  109. Sanjeev

    Would you like to tell people how much you’re making?

    I don't find anything wrong with it to tell them about the sites from where I am earning. We should help each other.
  110. Sanjeev

    Do you tell your friends about earning online through the posting on forums?

    No, I don't tell it to my friends because you don't earn well from the forums, and I don't want them to respond badly to me once they join it regarding the earnings.
  111. Sanjeev

    Do you easily react?

    Yes, it happens many times that a person pranks and we react on it badly. People should take a pause before speaking as you cannot take your words back afterwards.
  112. Sanjeev

    Do you make friends easily?

    That's what I have always wanted to achieve in my life but I never could. I am trying to change myself now a days.
  113. Sanjeev

    Do you easily react?

    No, I don't react at anything straight away. I analyse the things before commenting on anything. The people who react on the things immediately is not considered good as it may be the cause of conflicts.
  114. Sanjeev

    Do you get bored posting on forums?

    That's good way to post on the forums. If you spend lots of time in posting on forums you will easily get bored from it. I have tried it and don't consistently post because of the boredom. I am trying to change my way now.
  115. Sanjeev

    Indeed, life is never the same after the covid

    Absolutely, I was lucky that I didn't lose my job or the employer didn't cut my salary during the lockdown
  116. Sanjeev

    Do you work online in the midnight?

    I don't work on the phone at night. I have to wake up early so I am not used to work at night.
  117. Sanjeev

    Indeed, life is never the same after the covid

    Yes, things have changed after the pandemic . There are lots of businesses which got close after the pandemic. Tourism, hotel business were mainly affected by it. And it is still taking time to recover.
  118. Sanjeev

    Don't care about what others think

    You cannot control what people say about you; you should keep working your best. You will always find people who will talk about you to discourage you.
  119. Sanjeev

    Don't compare yourself to others

    That's true. You won't get any thing if you get jealous of others sucess. You need to see yourself.
  120. Sanjeev

    I don't believe in luck, I believe in me

    I also believe in luck, but in myself. There are people who always believe in luck and don't work hard for anything they do. They suffer at the end.
  121. Sanjeev

    Don't compare yourself to others

    Whereas I believe one should compare with other so that you may know where you stand and get motivated to work hard
  122. Sanjeev

    Always forgive to live a happier life

    Putin may have gathered lots of haters in the world at the moment. He is a murderer, and he has killed lots of innocent people. He is cursed by many people and will have a dreadful end.
  123. Sanjeev

    Best Strategy to Make Money Through Faucets

    For me, I don't like earning in crypto currency so I have never tried faucet sites.
  124. Sanjeev

    Who is the best person who can give you a business advice?

    I am not a business owner but I guess one may find advisor or can check out Google for the same.
  125. Sanjeev

    Best Crypto Exchange

    I don't earn in crypto, only one site which used to pay in crypto was and from there I used to convert it to real money from an app "Zebpay" . I don't know if it works everywhere.
  126. Sanjeev

    The best revenge is no revenge ...just forget the person exists

    That's what I feel too. Forgiving and forgetting is the best revenge. It will keep yourself relaxed. It's better to ignore such person in the future so that he may not cause any problems for you.
  127. Sanjeev

    Do You Always Pay Your Credit Card Bills on Time?

    I don't use a credit card here because I don't like to take a loan and pay the interest on it. I have enough money and can pay for the bills without using a credit card.
  128. Sanjeev

    Always forgive to live a happier life

    I easily forgive people, which affects me less. For a murderer who killed my family member, I cannot forgive him for his crime.
  129. Sanjeev

    How many days you took to learn driving a two wheeler?

    Yes, the age limit is 18 years in India too but police won't catch you if you don't drive on the road because traffic police mostly stand on the roads to check any traffic violation.
  130. Sanjeev

    Learn to sleep alone

    I am not an investors so should I learn to sleep alone or not? 🤔
  131. Sanjeev

    How you protect your skin in winter?

    For dry skin, gels and creams are the best methods to protect your skin in winters.
  132. Sanjeev

    In the winter season which country is your best choice for a holiday?

    Switzerland is a good place to visit in any season. It will also be my first pick. I guess Sweden and Austria are also good place to visit in winter
  133. Sanjeev

    Do you think you can repair gadgets?

    No, I don't have the talent to repair the gadgets but maybe with the help of YouTube I may be able to repair gadgets
  134. Sanjeev

    Do you know we can repair any gadget for free?

    There is YouTube where you can get the information for the same. I have tried it few times to investigate what's wrong in the gadget and how to repair it.
  135. Sanjeev


    Maybe they paid for some selected members only. They had a condition that you must write at least three posts a day.
  136. Sanjeev

    Is it wrong to treat people in the same bad way they treated you?

    I believe in "tit for tat." I believe if someone treats you badly, he should also be treated the same way, because that is how that person comes to know how someone gets hurt by it.
  137. Sanjeev

    Do you eat fish in winter and summer?

    What is the reason you gave it? I just eat chicken as non vegetarian food. I have tried fish pakoras only few times in life, they are tasty no doubt about it.
  138. Sanjeev

    Do you like to eat Sweet pickles?

    Even I am allergic to mangoes therefore I eat them in moderation.
  139. Sanjeev

    Which gender of kids do you think are easiest to raise?

    I think raising a girl child is easy to raise because they are not naughty as the boys are.
  140. Sanjeev

    Business of making plastic doors

    Yes, it may be profitable because plastic floors are widely used these days.
  141. Sanjeev

    Do you like the plastic made kind of utensils?

    No, I don't like plastic utensils, we only use utensils made of steel.
  142. Sanjeev

    Soothing colours

    Absolutely, blue and green are my favourite colours and soothes my mind.
  143. Sanjeev

    Do you find it difficult to learn subjects that are connected to your native tongue?

    No, never. My mother tongue in Hindi and I never found it difficultly in the subject related to it.
  144. Sanjeev

    Do you find it difficult to apologize

    I never find it difficult to apologize if I have a mistake and there is no point in apologizing for it.
  145. Sanjeev

    Do You Find It Difficult to Earn With Adsense

    I don't have a blog where I might have applied for adsense but have known from the people it is not easy for the people to earn from it
  146. Sanjeev

    Do You Find Adsense Approval Really Hard?

    I don't have website so don't know the procedure to take approval of Google adsense. But have heard from people that it's not easy to get their approval.
  147. Sanjeev

    Do you really find any pleasure with your online money earning activities?

    For me it's like a bonus for fun. I don't spend much time online for money.
  148. Sanjeev

    Do you really enjoy for staying single?

    I am married and now I cannot imagine to be single. It's not easy to stay single for whole life.
  149. Sanjeev

    How do you enjoy bananas?

    No, I don't like eating bananas. I like other fruits like oranges, apples, pineapples, grapes 🍇
  150. Sanjeev

    Do you enjoy swimming on the ocean?

    I don't know swimming , also we don't have an ocean here so never experienced the same.
  151. Sanjeev

    Do you know swimming?

    No, I don't know swimming. I could not learn it because we have no swimming pools nearby
  152. Sanjeev

    When Did You Create Your First Website?

    I have never created my own website , maybe after few years I will think about the same.
  153. Sanjeev

    How did you manage the multiple earning websites?

    I have prioritise my work on the sites. There are few sites where I don't spend much of the time because they pay very less amount.
  154. Sanjeev

    Can you manage to live alone?

    Same with me @Starmix I cannot live alone. Loneliness kills me. Just for few hours I can stay alone but not for long time.
  155. Sanjeev

    How Much Interest Do You Pay For Your Car Loan?

    I don't own a car with a loan. My company sold it to me on discounted rate and have to pay an installment every month
  156. Sanjeev

    How much do you keep in your savings account?

    Yes, the interest on saving is very less but we cannot withdraw or invest while money, as won't be able to use it when have an emergency. Withdrawing all money is a risk as it may be stolen.
  157. Sanjeev

    Can you keep the snake as you the pet?

    I am scared of reptiles specially the snakes so I can never think of keeping them a pet.
  158. Sanjeev

    Do you have any pet?

    No, I never owned a pet. Here, we live in an appartment and because of lack of space here we don't want to keep a pet.
  159. Sanjeev

    Do you know horse riding?

    No, I don't know horse riding. I am scared to do it.
  160. Sanjeev

    How you protect your skin in winter?

    I don't use any cream or moisturiser because my skin is oily and doesn't get dry in winters
  161. Sanjeev

    Is power cut normal at your place?

    We don't have power cuts here. I remember in the past we used to have outages, sometimes the supply was cut for 2-3 days and we have to arrange water from somewhere else or had to buy it from the market. We are fortunate that now a days we don't have power cuts here. What about you?
  162. Sanjeev

    Have you ever forgotten the closing of the main door before you go to sleep in the night time ?

    Yes, it has happened several times with me and I am fortunate that I did not lose anything.
  163. Sanjeev

    Do you like to sleep on bed or on floor?

    I prefer to sleep on the bed. I never slept on the floor as it's very uncomfortable.
  164. Sanjeev

    Ideal for summer

    Lemon juice, squash, energy drinks, and Jaljeera are various things that I like to prefer in the summer to fight with the heat.
  165. Sanjeev

    What is the Ideal time for Salary Increment?

    We get salary increament every year and it's nearly about 10-15,% of your present salary as per your performance and the terms you have with your boss.😩
  166. Sanjeev

    Only very few members posting on RIF

    @Starmix this site has changed alot. I remember when I joined it, we used to have the opportunity to earn at least $1 daily or more than this but now it looks different.
  167. Sanjeev

    Can you enlist few sites to earn?

    Any PTP sites which is paying well these days. I don't like forum coin and Trendri. Please don't mention them.
  168. Sanjeev

    Do you prefer Monthly Pre-paid Recharge or Yearly?

    I prefer to have monthly prepaid recharge, maybe because we find variety of cheap plans in it.
  169. Sanjeev

    How much money do you spend weekly?

    I cannot say how much money I spend monthly, it depends on what I have to buy in that particular week.
  170. Sanjeev

    How much do you keep in your savings account?

    Whatever salary I get from my job is kept in my saving account and as most of the payment I do online I don't require to withdraw money from my saving account.
  171. Sanjeev

    How do you repair ruined reputation

    I don't know how to repair it but that's for sure it will take more time to repair than it took to ruin.
  172. Sanjeev

    Do you carry umbrella with yourself in rainy weather?

    No, I don't carry umbrella ☔ during rainy season because I like to get wet in rain😀
  173. Sanjeev

    Do you like rainy season?

    Yes, I like rainy season only when I am at home and watching outside from the window but when I have to go out in the rain , I feel bad.
  174. Sanjeev

    Speakchatforum owner not replying

    The owner stopped paying to the users but forum was working and after few days when I checked I was not able to open the site.
  175. Sanjeev


    Yes, I was there and got two payments of $18 per month for two consecutive months, and then they stopped paying to the users. Maybe the owner was not getting any profit from the forum.
  176. Sanjeev

    Any forum gives money for reply to our thread?

    I registered on Trendri years ago, but because of their conditions of posting a few threads and comments for free and then they will start paying you, that upsets me. Then I discontinued.
  177. Sanjeev

    Do you get bored posting on forums?

    Yes, when I see no one is there on the forum and I have to search old threads to post my comments
  178. Sanjeev

    What do you do when you are Bored

    I talk to someone, watch reels, sleep or go for a walk. I don't watch TV when I am bored which most of the people do.
  179. Sanjeev

    How many glass of water do you drink daily?

    7-8 glasses of water is sufficient to keep your body hydrated. Sometimes , even when I don't feel thirsty I drink half glass of water .
  180. Sanjeev

    Using Earning Platforms That Are Not Popular

    Yes, mylot is dying . I don't see old users there these days. Maybe they have migrated to some other place. It has become very slow earner now a days.
  181. Sanjeev

    What is the most popular brand of Refrigerator in your country?

    Whirlpool, LG, Samsung, Kelvinator are popular brands here but I prefered to buy whirlpool make refrigerator.
  182. Sanjeev

    What is the most popular brand of Washing machine in your country?

    Yes, whirlpool, LG, Samsung are few popular brands here but I use IFB, it's a German brand I guess.
  183. Sanjeev

    Do you still frequent visit to your relatives and stay there for few days?

    I remember when I was a kid, my parents used to send me and my brother to my maternal grandma's home for a month, and we used to get happy to stay there, but now a days we don't allow our kids to do the same thing. Maybe things and time are changing.
  184. Sanjeev

    Selling Candles, Wheat Flour, Grocery items Oil, Diyas Outside Religious places?

    Yes, this is a profitable business. People have shops outside the temple/churches to sell these items and they earn good amount of money from this business.
  185. Sanjeev

    Do you like to go to religious places for worship daily or weekly?

    Same with me , I go to the temple occassionally. I am not very religious person.
  186. Sanjeev

    How many glass of water do you drink daily?

    3 glasses of water in summer is not sufficient , you should drink more water to keep your body hydrated
  187. Sanjeev

    Any forum gives money for reply to our thread?

    That's very less amount. That's one of the reasons I never tried to join Trendri.
  188. Sanjeev

    Which is your favorite sports team and why?

    Which tennis player you like the most? I like Andre Aggasi, Djokovic the most.
  189. Sanjeev

    How many glass of water do you drink daily?

    In summer I consume 8-10 glass of water daily whereas in winter it reduces to 3-4 glasses. What about you, how much water do you drink daily?
  190. Sanjeev

    Do you use to cry while going to school in childhood?

    Mostly, kids cry when they start going to school and after then when they become used to the school they stop doing that.
  191. Sanjeev

    Do you play Crypto Games for Money

    No, I have never played such games. Have you earned from them @nomad ?
  192. Sanjeev

    Do you know how to play the guitar?

    No, I don't know how to play guitar. Infact I don't know how to play any musical instrument.
  193. Sanjeev

    Have you ever used ATM machines to make cash deposits?

    Yes, I have used ATMs to deposit cash only once or twice. As the bank is near my home, I prefer to deposit cash at the counter in the bank.
  194. Sanjeev

    Have ever used the electric motor bike?

    No, I don't use it, I already have a two wheeler which runs with petrol.
  195. Sanjeev

    Do you like working Online on the late hours all alone?

    No, I sleep early as I get tired after coming from work so I don't work late night.
  196. Sanjeev

    Online Education or Offline

    I would prefer offline education because there are many kids who don't focus on online classes but do wonders when they are in the offline class.
  197. Sanjeev

    What does it feel when you are not paid on time?

    Delayed payments sometimes cause frustration. I remember we have to borrow money from others when our salary used to get delayed.
  198. Sanjeev

    Do you feel uncomfortable when there is silence at work?

    I don't mind. It depends on the type of work I am doing. If I am working on something that requires lots of concentration, then I would like to have silence around me; otherwise, not.
  199. Sanjeev

    Are you comfortable meeting new people?

    Yes, I am comfortable in facing strangers. I like to talk to them to find out what is there in them.
  200. Sanjeev

    Are you Comfortable Riding bicycle?

    Yes, I am comfortable in rising a bicycle but these days as I don't own it so don't ride.