Recent content by arunima

  1. arunima

    What is your daily earning on PTP?

    We all go through those days of low motivation. You might need a break for few days to relax and rejuvenate. I often do that if I feel like that. It helps. These days I want to be more online, but there are few important things to be taken care of in the offline world. Despite being willing to...
  2. arunima

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    Is that your fixed time on weekdays as well as weekends? I wake up early on weekdays around 5 in the morning. On weekends, I sleep a little late till 6 or 7.
  3. arunima

    Relaxing while thinking

    Hope you have a good day at the university. Even I have a busy schedule taking care of few things today. I am going to be very busy. Will just peep in here and on myLot to relax in between.
  4. arunima

    Opinion Outpost Survey Site, what I think to it

    You can start the conversation with the concerned person. I think that is the way to get into personal conversation here. Click on the username and it will take you to the profile page of the concerned person. There you would see an option of start conversation. Click that and you can send your...
  5. arunima

    Opinion Outpost Survey Site, what I think to it

    Seems like survey sites are working for you. I don't think that you can put personal referral codes on threads.. Someone can correct me if I am wrong. You can send them on personal messages. I like survey sites that don't take too long to disqualify you. At least it saves our time. Getting...
  6. arunima

    The importance of business monitoring and reporting

    Monitoring and reporting lead to documentation and that is very helpful. There is a blueprint sort of thing documented and ready. Employees might come and go. The workforce doesn't remain stable all the time. A document helps to pass on the responsibilities and power in a smooth way from one...
  7. arunima

    What would you do if your boss was busy?

    I would first try to assess the situation. What's the degree of urgency? If it can wait for a while till the boss is done with his crucial report, I would request the person to wait and pass on the message as soon as boss is done. If it's really urgent, I have to seek boss's intervention soon in...
  8. arunima

    Relaxing while thinking

    I am relaxing here after a good day with family. My daughter is watching her favourite show and I am relaxing here and thinking about the meals to be made this week.
  9. arunima

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    I woke up well rested at 6:30 today. Nothing much to do as it was a cooking free day for me. We enjoyed a good brunch at our favourite fancy dining place here.
  10. arunima

    Did you know about instant-naire

    No one has come up so far with a personal experience or payment proof from the site. So, the doubt about it's being legit is still there. I hope that it is legit. It would be good for people who like more earning opportunities and are interested in micro task jobs too
  11. arunima

    What is your daily earning on PTP?

    Hmm..that would be good. But I am sure that it would not be easy. It will definitely need a lot of time if you plan to earn it solely from paid to post forums. You should have that amount of time available to spend online. My offline job and other obligations take a lot of my time in a day. So...
  12. arunima

    Love at first sight

    I personally feel that love at first sight can be for certain tangible and intangible things that are non human like a good song, a good jewelry, some furniture etc. With a human, you might get attracted strongly to some traits, might be a physical one. But then that attraction need not be true...
  13. arunima

    Let's help RIF

    Even I was waiting for the update on Article writing section here. I am very much interested, but I have not found it yet. I don't see any official update also here when I try to find it.
  14. arunima

    RIF maintenance

    That's good. Glad that RIF was with us. I read the thread on Forum Coin where Jordan updated about this. We are so used to being here daily and we would miss it even if it is under maintenance for a day. I guess the maintenance work is postponed for a while.
  15. arunima

    Relaxing while thinking

    Good for you. I use washing machine except for few delicate ones that go for handwashing. Once out of machine, most clothes need to be ironed except the ones where fabrics can't be ironed.
  16. arunima

    Chit Chat Thread

    I hope the typhoon is over and everything and everyone are safe. I am scared of any Natural disasters. They can be really devastating. Take care and stay safe.
  17. arunima

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    Good to be open to learning and implementing them. Today I woke up a bit late and once the day starts late, things keep lingering on and on for the whole day. I hope that at least the rest of the day goes well and productive.
  18. arunima

    The importance of business monitoring and reporting

    Business has a lot of aspects that need to be taken care of for the business to run smoothly. One need to have a structure to stay on track. Else it can get messy and overwhelming. Monitoring and reporting are important ways to stay structured and on track
  19. arunima

    What is your PTP benefits?

    Is this the first paid to post forum site that you have joined? Welcome to the community and I am sure that you are going to enjoy it here. Have you been associated with any other forms of earnings online? I am sure that in a short time, you too will have points to count where you have benefited...
  20. arunima

    Let's help RIF

    That is good that you have taken the gold membership and it's beneficial for you. It is a wise decision on your part as you are able to optimise your earnings. Others who can devote time here on regular basis should also opt for it. It's going to help them earn more with a little investment.
  21. arunima

    Legit đź‘Ť My earning from Mylot

    Hope I come across you there. I am pretty regular to myLot and I have so many friends there. I am not as such following anyone. I did that when I was new and was under the impression that having followers or following others helps with earnings. It doesn't. It's all about interactions and...
  22. arunima

    What was the best part of your day today?

    Congratulations!! That is a huge amount. I am sure that you must be too happy. You deserve to get a treat for yourself.
  23. arunima

    Daily Motivational Quotes

    Today's motivational quote is " Big jobs are done by small consistent steps".
  24. arunima

    Love at first sight

    I would say that it's more of some attraction and infatuation. This might grow stronger with time as you get to know the person and he/she turns out to be really good. So, it has all chances to grow stronger and become true love. But then the reverse can also happen. As you know the person and...
  25. arunima

    From Where did you Came to know about Referral Index Forum?

    That's interesting! It is the first time that some user has heard about RIF on some social media platforms like Tik tok and Facebook. That sounds good. Seems like the site is getting popular everywhere. Most users have come to know of it from some other paid to post forum.
  26. arunima

    What is your daily earning on PTP?

    I guess that you can easily do that. I see you being pretty active here. One dollar or two dollars is still possible in a day. These days I am making around that as I have summer vacations going on and have more time. From next month, I will get busy with my job and I won't be able to make that...
  27. arunima

    What is your daily earning on PTP?

    One dollar or little more in a day is a pretty achievable target and I am sure that many here would be making that with only paid to post forums. On a good day when I am able to devote two hours or more online, I acheive that target. But the big question is if being worth of that time and effort.
  28. arunima

    Let's help RIF

    I have a very busy offline life and there so many offline obligations. I don't have a fixed time to be online. I can go missing for few days together from a site when things get busy. I have never opted for such offers. I know that I might fail to optimise my earnings.
  29. arunima

    My third payment from here.

    Thank you. I am sure that there would be more coming in the future.
  30. arunima

    My third payment from here.

    Received my third payment from the site. Thank you Jordan. And it was quick within a day of withdrawal request. Thank you RIF. More power to the site. Hope that I can post more here with payment proofs in future
  31. arunima

    The importance of business monitoring and reporting

    Business has to go in a very structured way. Everything needs to be monitored, analysed and reported..It makes things easier and also the business to run smoothly without wasting much of the time and energy. If not monitored and analyzed at each stage, things can go like unguided missile.
  32. arunima

    Talking About Salary: Acceptable or Not

    Salary is personal and confidential. Not everyone will be comfortable discussing it with others at work or in other places. It's a personal choice. And people who are inquisitive to know should respect that. They should not force to talk about it. Once politely denied, they should accept the...
  33. arunima

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    Seems like you are earning good on forums to be able to save more. I hope I understood your statement correctly. Good to know that.
  34. arunima

    Let's help RIF

    We can stay hopeful but not bank on any assumptions unless it is actually announced by the admin. I am sure that Jordan will make some updates with the snowflakes sooner or later. Anyway we don't do anything extra to earn those snowflakes. We are rewarded those. It would make us happy if we...
  35. arunima

    RIF maintenance

    Hope the maintenance process goes smoothly with no issues. We need the site back sooner. It's tough to stay away from it for too long.
  36. arunima

    Relaxing while thinking

    I spent some time at Offtopicz now and I am feeling a bit relaxed. I will take a short break from online world after some time here. I need to iron two loads of clothes lying on the bed. I will come back again later.
  37. arunima

    Chit Chat Thread

    Oh! Hope all goes well.. We had a hailstorm last night. Many trees have uprooted and fell down. Today it was a lot of traffic chaos.
  38. arunima

    Chit Chat Thread

    I had an early breakfast and I am feeling hungry now. It's 12:30 and seems like I will go for an early lunch today. The aroma of the food is making me very hungry.
  39. arunima

    What time do you wake up in the morning? matter it is a little amount as we can not afford big amount to pamper ourselves with so many other financial obligations. But then it does bring a lot if joys and is worth.
  40. arunima

    Let's help RIF

    Oh, yes. I just checked it after reading your post here. I wish we could use our snowflakes for purchasing that. It pinches a bit to shell out RIF cash. Anyway, I would do it once as it's a noble cause. Jordan should consider snowflakes to purchase it
  41. arunima

    RIF maintenance

    Oh! I had totally forgotten about it. How long is the maintenance going to take? It's tough to stay away from RIF for too long. It has become a habit now. I will spend more time on myLot and Forum Coin and not to forget Offtopicz. I am enjoying Offtopicz a lot.
  42. arunima

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    Yes, inflation is everywhere and a lot of factors have to be blamed for that. But then even these little treats matter. One has to be financially disciplined but yet spend a little in our capacity to treat ourselves.
  43. arunima

    Chit Chat Thread

    We had a very heavy rain last night. We even got hailstorm for some time. The weather has definitely become pleasant today but there is traffic chaos with all the flooding that the rain brought.
  44. arunima

    Let's help RIF

    That sounds good and it would be the best use of the snowflakes that I have earned here. I am very interested in doing this. It's a noble thing to do and environmental causes are very close to my heart. Where can I actually purchase that planting a tree here. I can't see the option. Can you...
  45. arunima

    What is your daily earning on PTP?

    Even my husband keeps telling me the same. I have to really take it seriously. I give excuse for lack of time and too many things on my plate. But then they are not justified excuses. I need to plan my time better. Are you having a blog and earning from it??
  46. arunima

    Legit đź‘Ť My earning from Mylot

    Low earnings or high earnings, positive encouraging feedbacks or negative discouraging liking for myLot has stayed the same. I just love the site and would never leave it for any better earning sites. It's unique in it's own way. Even now, I am switching between RIF and myLot.
  47. arunima

    Relaxing while thinking

    After finishing half of the work for the day. I have finished posting on Forum Coin. Now I come here for a while. Switching between myLot and RIF for next one hour.
  48. arunima

    Daily Motivational Quotes

    I just received a very interesting quote..." Stress management is the ability to choose one thought over the other".
  49. arunima

    2023: Worst year for PTP?

    Seems like running a forum is not an easy task. It's getting tough to generate revenue ads and so more forums are not able to generate enough to share it with their users and pay them.
  50. arunima

    Daily Motivational Quotes

    How beautiful is it to find someone, who asks nothing but your company.
  51. arunima

    Chit Chat Thread

    Weather is acting crazy everywhere. It's all unexpected and unusual. We can see Global warming and climate change staring at us. Too late to act now.
  52. arunima

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    You deserve those special treats. We all deserve that. We work hard to earn, support our family and fulfill our financial obligations. Every now and then we deserve such treats.
  53. arunima

    Legit đź‘Ť My earning from Mylot

    I used to follow them when I was new and exploring the site. But then I don't do that. I have followed many earlier and have not unfollowed anyone. And many follow me. So, it's perfectly okay. myLot is a friendly community. We are always there to help each other earn revenue as a community. I...
  54. arunima

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    Good that you have followed a balanced approach there. That's how it should be...some profits to fullfill our financial obligations, some to save and invest and some for self pampering.
  55. arunima

    How will crypto perform in the future?

    Oh! Has the Bitcoin started falling again? I read that the prices are rising after the long bearish phase and many took it as a positive sign. What makes you think that it will continue falling the whole of the year and then start rebounding? What are these speculations based on??
  56. arunima

    Legit đź‘Ť My earning from Mylot

    @astutimeliana723 . I don't follow people. I did it when I was a newcomer but soon realised that there is no point in doing that. It doesn't help you with improving your earnings. And there are few mylotters who have become friends and we exchange mails or messages. But then I am not open to any...
  57. arunima

    Relaxing while thinking

    There are times that I have enough free time to be online and make some earnings. But then I have no motivation left and at times mood. We all have such phases. I don't mind taking a short break from online world and devote it elsewhere. Such breaks are needed and they are helpful.
  58. arunima

    Let's help RIF

    Gold membership would be beneficial for people who are regular to the site and have enough time to devote to the site to optimise their earnings. Else, it would be a waste. And unless we invite good users who can post quality posts here, it's not going to help. Low quality posts by plenty of...
  59. arunima

    2023: Worst year for PTP?

    That's the case with me. RIF, myLot and Forum Coin are the ones left. I also enjoy Offtopicz. Hope that these sites stay strong. Also hoping that the others that have stopped paying would return to the paying mode soon. At least I hope Trendri and BMF do.
  60. arunima

    Chit Chat Thread

    It's 12:03 afternoon here. I got up at 5 AM and since then I have been on my toes taking care of chores and other stuffs. Now I deserve to catch my breath and enjoy online work.
  61. arunima

    What is your daily earning on PTP?

    Yes, that's my plan but I have been procrastinating it for a while..I have bought a domain and got some contents ready. I need to look into web designing and web hosting next. I have a personal blog on blogspot, but that's more like a memoir or personal journal. It has some articles that got...
  62. arunima

    Legit đź‘Ť My earning from Mylot

    I use the same username on almost all the sites that I am working with me. So, you can easily spot me. I might not be among the most active member there, but I am regular there and I do spend some time there. I have lots of friends there.
  63. arunima

    Chit Chat Thread

    Hoping for a good and productive week for all the users here. I had a wonderful weekend and I am looking forward to a good week. Hope Monday has started well for everyone.
  64. arunima

    Relaxing while thinking

    I follow somewhat similar kind of routine when it comes to online earnings. I have also included Offtopicz in that list. I switch between two sites simultaneously. myLot is one place where I keep peeping in throughout the day. It's a great place to relax and unwind.
  65. arunima

    I am new here

    I am glad that you are enjoying it here. I am sure that you will enjoy it even more as you explore it more, become more familiar and become more active.
  66. arunima

    Legit đź‘Ť My earning from Mylot

    I have been with myLot for close to five years and have earned a very good money there. It's legit and it's my favourite. I have made a lot of friends there and I look forward to interacting with all of them regularly.
  67. arunima

    Relaxing while thinking

    I am feeling good about finishing most of the chores. And also I spent some good time on myLot. It's almost 2 PM but I am not yet hungry for lunch. I will be here for a while relaxing before I move to Forum Coin.
  68. arunima

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    I totally agree there. We deserve to be treated well and no one else can treat us better than our own self. I totally believe that self love and self care should be our priority.
  69. arunima

    2023: Worst year for PTP?

    It's the fifth month of the year and already few good ones have stopped paying. It doesn't sound promising at all. We can only hope that they return back to paying mode soon. Keeping fingers crossed for other forums too.
  70. arunima

    Let's help RIF

    That's a great idea. We should help any paid to post forum site where we are working for it to stay strong. Posting quality posts and following the rules are important. I too have snow flakes. Even I would like to exhaust them for this. Where can we find it??
  71. arunima

    What is your daily earning on PTP?

    That's a huge rate to pay for becoming VIP member and request for your payment withdrawal. It doesn't sound fair at all. Can't you ask for payment withdrawal if you are not a VIP member? That does not seem justified. I have not even made a single payout from BMF. It's only recently that I...
  72. arunima

    Earning money from russian sites vs global sites

    I am not aware of any Russian sites. But it would be interesting to know about them. Can you share a few names and certain details here. But then the Russian sites should be open to Global users to get the benefits. If it is limited to accepting Russian population, others can not make use of the...
  73. arunima

    Relaxing while thinking

    Forum coin is one of my favourite site. It's the first forum site that I joined few years back when I was looking for online earnings opportunities. And Forum Coin later made be aware of other forum posting sites.
  74. arunima

    What is your daily earning on PTP?

    That's what I felt too. I guess many users would relate to that. Trendri, Postbucks, Beer Money Forum were some good sites and many users were active there for their daily earnings. These three stopping the pay around the same time is something that has upset daily earnings of many.
  75. arunima

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    We all deserve to do that, let our hair loose on certain days. Even our craving and taste buds need those occasional treats. As long as we come back on the track again sooner, it is okay.
  76. arunima

    What is your daily earning on PTP?

    If one has two to four good paid to post forum sites at hand and has time to invest and optimise on earnings on each one of them, I assume that getting 2_3 dollars every day is possible only with PTP forums. But sadly some good forums like Trendri and Postbucks have stopped paying users...
  77. arunima

    What is your PTP benefits?

    I totally agree there. I have been working on PTP forums from last four to five years. And I have benefited a lot here. Not only the little extra money accumulates to a big amount at the end of year and helps me buy something I want to treat myself with, I am able to stay away from social media...
  78. arunima

    I am new here

    Hello and welcome to the community. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Hope to see you more active and interactive here. It's a wonderful forum and I am sure that you are going to enjoy it.
  79. arunima

    Did You Ever Invest in HYIP?

    I was very clear from the very beginning of my online earnings journey that I will not take any risk by investing online to make some money. And I am still sticking to that. I have read reviews about HYIP on forums and most are negative and discouraging. However, there are some reviews that talk...
  80. arunima

    Did you know about instant-naire

    Like the other two users who have posted their responses before me, this is the first time I am hearing about the site. It would have been good if you gave some more information about it. You can check for the reviews on Google, Trust pilot and other forums.
  81. arunima

    Can one earn a decent living from just being an MC?

    I heard this career MC for the first time and I had to Google to know what exactly is that. Anyways, Master of Ceremony can be a good business if you do a good job and your clients are happy and recommend you to others. It might be a bit tough to begin with.
  82. arunima

    Does investing always have to involve money?

    It depends on the context in which you are using the term. If you are talking about finance and business, investment would involve some form of money or assets. But then in a wider sense, it can be anything... investing time, effort, emotions etc.
  83. arunima

    Why investing in gambling is a crime in some countries?

    It depends from country to country and their reasons would be different. It's right that some countries ban it for religious reasons. There are some that allow some form of gambling but not others. Like in India, buying lottery tickets from certain recognised agency is allowed but sports betting...
  84. arunima

    Do you still invest in hyip?

    I have always stayed from anything online that requires me to invest to earn. I can't develop a trust with any investment online. Moreover, I have read a lot of negative reviews about such sites on various forums and that is discouraging. However, some people still claim that not all HYIP...
  85. arunima

    Relaxing while thinking

    I want to relax for a while and make some money. I am thinking of that right now. So, I would relax, switch between FC and RIF for a while. And make few cents on both these sites.
  86. arunima

    What is your daily earning on PTP?

    I can write very well. I have written many articles online with Associated Content, Helium etc. Made good money with a full time article writing when I was a stay at home mom with two young kids. Now, these sites are not functional anymore and I am back to a good paying job.. PTP forums come as...
  87. arunima

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    That sounds good. It's good to have a healthy weight and maintain it. It's been the same with me. I am the correct weight and I don't put on weight. Have been the same weight in the last two decades.
  88. arunima

    Are you a member of forum coin site?

    The payrate of Forum Coin is not less. You get paid 1 cent or 1.5 cents for each post for the first 10 posts. So, you can easily make 10_15 cents in half an hour and then go and work on other sites. Moreover, they don't have any minimal word limit.
  89. arunima

    What is your PTP benefits?

    I will not complaint about the lower pay rates of forums. It's not a great skill and effort put here. Yes, we have to put our time. As an user, we would always want to have high payrates but then that might not be a sustainable thing for the forum. They have to share their revenue with the users...
  90. arunima

    Money Fraud

    Poverty can not be sited as an excuse for any immoral and unethical work. One always has an option to work hard and earn well. Many people have come out of poverty with their hardwork and rightful work. These people need easy money and they misuse their intelligence. And soon crime becomes an...
  91. arunima

    Websites Like Mylot that pay in crypto

    It's paying and it's very punctual with its payment. You get paid on or before the 15th of every month. Mylot never delays it's payment.. I have never experienced it. It has same payday for all users and you don't need to send a special request for payout. The only drawback is that it pays only...
  92. arunima

    Which one should we develop, technology or business?.

    You have rightly pointed out that both technology and business are interdependent. One can't run well without other. So, they need to go parallel. A good business would need assistance from technology to run smoothly. And a technology would go waste and out of business if it can not be used by...
  93. arunima

    What is your daily earning on PTP?

    I wish I had more time to spend online. Then I could have optimised my earnings. I am on three to four forum sites. On a good day I get to spend two hours online and I make anything between 50 cents to 2 dollars.
  94. arunima

    Money Fraud

    Frauds and scams are everywhere. One needs to be careful and alert not to fall in their trap. These fraudsters and scammers are very smart and they do it so flawlessly. They are sharp to find loops and holes in the system and bring it to their advantages. The incidences of money fraud has...
  95. arunima

    Which one do you prefer, investment or employment?.

    I first got my employment. I got paid from my job and then I planned a budget. I paid bills and other financial obligations. Did some saving. Only when I had savings above my comfort level, I chose to go for investment.
  96. arunima

    Are you a member of forum coin site?

    Oh! I didn't know that the contest was causing more activities than usual..I found that the site was functioning as usual. I mean I didn't notice any reduction in the activity level there. I am sure that Fergal will soon come up with another contest to keep the interest of users alive.
  97. arunima

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    That's great. It is a nice way to start your day. It's a good exercise and I am sure that starting your day with such energetic exercise will make you stay energetic throughout the day.
  98. arunima

    What is your PTP benefits?

    I get very busy with my life. It gets hectic with so much to manage at home and at work. I need some good engagement in breaks to get away and enjoy. Never could get the liking for social media. I find forums better, more engaging and insightful. And not to forget that the little money that...
  99. arunima

    Why does ForumCoin look old?

    Forum Coin is a good and legit website and there is no argument there.. it is pretty old site and has stayed strong. I wish they would update the interface and make it look modern and more user friendly. Also, adding a feature of notifications would be so good.
  100. arunima

    What is your PTP benefits?

    I will do that for the sites that I have joined recently..I would withdraw as soon as I reach the minimum payout..Also, I would request for payment if I see some red flags. Else for a trusted website like RIF, FC etc. I wait for the amount to accumulate to a bigger number, at least in two digits.
  101. arunima

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    I sleep a little late on Friday and Saturday nights.. Since it's weekend I can afford to stay a little late in the bed next morning. I wake up around 6:30-7 on weekends m
  102. arunima

    Why You Need Passive Income?

    Extra money never hurts. And everyone wants to have few sources of earnings for a better financial situation and stability. Also, they might come useful in case you loose your main job or have some financial obligations suddenly coming up
  103. arunima

    Websites Like Mylot that pay in crypto

    Mylot is paying users. And the fact that it has stopped paying is a false rumour. I have been getting regular payments from them..I am at 7.4 dollars as of today and I target to reach the double digit this month..I get paid almost every month there. It pays only through PayPal
  104. arunima

    Are you a member of forum coin site?

    I make sure that I visit the site regularly and make 15_20 cents there.. I am at 22 dollars there. Want to request the payout at 25 dollars. It should be soon..I could not be there last week due to some obligations else I would have reached the payout sooner.
  105. arunima

    What is your PTP benefits?

    It's very well said that slowly the snail fills it's stomach. That's what happens with PTP forums. I have earned a decent money accumulating those pennies. And it's the best use of my free time. And not to forget, I know so much and am updated with things around due to all these interactions.
  106. arunima

    Why you need a good warranty and return policy on your product.

    Warranty and guarantee policy is an assurance to the consumer and so is the friendly return policy . It also implies that the business cares for the consumer and takes responsibility to assure that their products work well and make consumers happy. That builds a good rapport agd trust with the...
  107. arunima

    An Analysis of the 2022 Bear Run in Cryptocurrency

    That sounds good. And it does seem that things are going positive and in an upward trend. Must be bringing hope back to those whose faith was shaken during the bear phase. Those who bought cryptos when they hit the bottom low would be happy to make the right decision.
  108. arunima

    How. best to tackle an envious colleague in the workplace

    I am not sure if I can ever be friends with such person unless the person really changes in a genuine sense. At least as long as things get normal and professional between us, I would be okay with the development and consider the talk to be a big success. I will be a little hesitant to get too...
  109. arunima

    Are you working on BMF ?

    I know that it leaves us with no other option but to devote more of our time on other sites. I have never tried any other ways there to earn incentives. I have not even made a single payout from the site. I hope that this is temporary and they would come back paying for comments in a month time...
  110. arunima

    Are you working on BMF ?

    I just visited other thread on Forum Coin where the same concerns were raised. They are not paying for the comments for now. That was the only way I was engaged there commenting on others post. It seems that there are other ways still available to get paid like writing reviews. I would visit the...
  111. arunima

    Are you working on BMF ?

    Oh! That does not sound good. I hope it is not a red flag for something bad. At least many might take it that. Hopefully, it's a temporary issue and things get settled down soon. I recently started being active there and I was planning to find more time for the site. But I would put that plan on...
  112. arunima

    Are you working on BMF ?

    Oh! That comes as a news to me that they won't be paying for any comments for another one month. This seems like a recent development there. I have not been to the site in the last few days.. Well, I am sure that it will impact the activities level there.
  113. arunima

    Why surveys are not available for Tier 3 countries?

    Most survey sites even when they accept members from tier 3 countries don't have enough surveys for them. Even tier 2 countries are not as favoured as tier 1 countries. It's just because there is less customer base in the tier 3 countries and most brands that conduct these surveys have no...
  114. arunima

    Relaxing while thinking

    Sounds yummy! I just had my breakfast of toast and omelette some times back. Now enjoying my hot ginger tea as I write this. Have a good day.
  115. arunima

    Why you need a good warranty and return policy on your product.

    Very well said that it's like insurance. Customer feels assured if there is a good guarantee and warranty policy as well as a return policy. Customer feels safe. But when it's not there, one doesn't feel assured that they are putting their money in the right place.
  116. arunima

    Legit đź‘Ť

    Not sure why some sites don't prefer writers from certain regions. I wish all were global in true sense. But then they have their own valid reasons and it must be a justifiable one. The site was taken over by Chinese team a long ago. I read it on FC. But then Mr.B was still around for a smooth...
  117. arunima

    Earning $1 from a website or Earning $0.25 from 4 websites?

    One can never predict in advance if a reliable site is going to crash. Sometimes, there are red flags but many a time it just happens and comes as a shock. And not all red flags indicate the crashing, some are just temporary issues. It's always advisable to have few in hand.
  118. arunima

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    I have to leave for work around 8 in the morning. I need to exercise, finish few morning chores, pack lunches, cook breakfast and get ready by then. I need to up and out of bed by 5 else I am rushed up.
  119. arunima

    Are you working on BMF ?

    You don't get paid for commenting anymore? I am a bit confused there.I get paid when I post any comments on their threads..I am mostly into commenting on most of the paid to post forums. I have been with BMF for two years but only recently I have started being regular there. They don't pay for...
  120. arunima

    How. best to tackle an envious colleague in the workplace

    That's a very wise approach. One can do that if one feels that the person is approachable. Communication done in a right way sorts out many issues. So, good to give it a try if one feels that it would work. At least it would let the other person know that you are being negatively effeected by...
  121. arunima

    How to earn writing articles?

    I am still waiting for some good article writing sites. It seems fiverr and upwork get too competitive for beginners. I have written few on Forum Coin and would like to write more. I have seen some like Medium but then you have to get viewership to earn. Can you name a few other than these where...
  122. arunima

    Have you ever sold scrap metals/iron to metal scavengers.

    Here when they come, they do buy metals, newspaper, old books, notebooks, plastic and old broken furnitures or electronic devices. But they refuse to buy glass bottles. Many a times I have sold the items that they buy and given them glass bottles for free.
  123. arunima

    What is the real reason paypal is not working in Nigeria?

    Well, government has to take decisions in larger interests for the people of the country. Any reason can cause them take a strict action for the majority. But then those using the service have to suffer.
  124. arunima

    Relaxing while thinking

    Enjoy your snacks. What are you having? I have to move to some chores after making this post. Catch up with online world later in the afternoon.
  125. arunima

    Why you need a good warranty and return policy on your product.

    Now a days, customers have a lot of options to choose in the market. Brands have a tough competition to stay in the market. Customer satisfaction is the way to stay in the market and no business wants to take risk with that. Guarantee and warranty policies are important for customers...
  126. arunima

    Have you ever sold scrap metals/iron to metal scavengers.

    I guess that one would need different recycling plants to recycle different things. So, the recyclable wastes are first separated and sorted before they are sent to recyclable plants. I don't think that they have same process to recycle metal, plastic and paper etc.
  127. arunima

    An Analysis of the 2022 Bear Run in Cryptocurrency

    The down trend of the market continued for too long in 2022, more than anyone would have expected. Those who had trust kept investing. It seems now it's on a positive side. People who invested during the bearish phase are hopeful to make some good profit. Most experts feel that investment in...
  128. arunima

    Earning $1 from a website or Earning $0.25 from 4 websites?

    I guess the good paying sites have a daily limit. There are others that don't have daily limits but then it's a long to make money there. So, better to first focus on good paying ones and optimise your earnings. Then you can go with others to make some pennies if time permits.
  129. arunima

    What is the real reason paypal is not working in Nigeria?

    Hmm... there are different views here. While some feel that PayPal is the sole reason while some feel the cause is government. It seems that I am right to assume that both goverment of the country and PayPal have roles to play.
  130. arunima

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    That sounds great. It's holiday time for me. So, sometimes I am able to login for online activities early morning. Else I would not get a break till 11 in the morning to be here. I get a short break at work around that time.
  131. arunima

    Relaxing while thinking

    Right now I am taking a short break between chores..I need to go back to them in some time and that's one thought occupying my mind right now.
  132. arunima

    Are you working on BMF ?

    I am going straightaway there after making a few posts here and earning few cents. I planned to be there yesterday but couldn't be there as something or the other kept coming up . Daily login bonus is also one incentive that encourages us to be there regularly.
  133. arunima

    Have You Used Any Survey website that pays directly to Paytm or Bank transfer?

    Yes, Paytm payments are equivalent to bank transfer if you have completed all the formalities of KYC. The wallet gets linked to your bank. Paytm is a trusted digital wallet. But I am not sure if it is global. It definitely works in India.
  134. arunima

    How. best to tackle an envious colleague in the workplace

    One has to do everything to save themselves from any sort of negativity. Once you get into the grip of negative people and negative energy, it will pull down your productivity and would impact you in all negative ways. Find ways to keep yourself unaffected by these sort of people.
  135. arunima

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    I start my day at 5 in the morning on weekdays. On weekends and holidays, I can stay in bed upto 6 or little later.
  136. arunima

    Chit Chat Thread

    It's almost 11 PM and I should call it a day. I hope tomorrow is better and I can start my day with full energy at 5 in the morning. Good night from this side.
  137. arunima

    Relaxing while thinking

    Planning about the future or just refreshing some old lovely memories...I do both from time to time.
  138. arunima

    Why you need a good warranty and return policy on your product.

    When it is an expensive item especially electronic items , it becomes even more important to go through the guarantee and warranty policies well before making the purchase. I personally will look for them even for smaller purchases. If it's a friendly policy and return policy, it increases the...
  139. arunima

    Have you ever sold scrap metals/iron to metal scavengers.

    Recycling and upcycling are the in things these days. More and more people are becoming conscious about environment and waste management.. Recycling projects are being promoted and supported by the governments too..
  140. arunima

    Earning $1 from a website or Earning $0.25 from 4 websites?

    Even a good paying site can suddenly go shut down or just stop paying. So, relying on just one might not be a wise thing to do. Trendri and Postbucks were going good and strong..but then they stopped paying all of a sudden. It's better to have few in our hands.
  141. arunima

    An Analysis of the 2022 Bear Run in Cryptocurrency

    Bearish market is generally seen as an opportunity to buy and invest. It's the same as the stock market. People who have a good knowledge can make use of both bearish and bullish market to their benefits.
  142. arunima

    What is the real reason paypal is not working in Nigeria?

    Oh! I see. Thank you for clarifying it..I was under the impression that even government has a role to play. I remember few Bangladeshi and Pakistani mylotters who were very active on myLot. But then they had to leave the site as PayPal banned those two countries. And Mylot only pays through PayPal.
  143. arunima

    Relaxing while thinking

    When I feel too stressed or overwhelmed by the happenings around, I close my eyes for a while and think of something nice. Or just play a good music and let my imagination run. We all need to momentarily escape from the realities of the life.
  144. arunima

    Why you need a good warranty and return policy on your product.

    I have a drawer in my house where I keep all the guarantee and warranty cards safely. I have them till they are valid. I had to use them a few times to get a free repair or replacement. I make sure that I understand the guarantee and warranty policies really well before I make a decision to...
  145. arunima

    Would you find it comfortable working for a new start up?

    What one loves doing brings a lot of job satisfaction. And no monetary compensation in the world can bring the same joy as you get from work satisfaction. So, if a place whether start up or not is giving you work satisfaction, you might be willing to compromise a bit on monetary compensation...
  146. arunima

    Are you working on BMF ?

    I too plan to be regular there but somehow it doesn't happen. Even when I am there, I post maximum of five or six posts. I don't feel that comfortable and also fear of being banned with low quality post is always there in mind. I am moving at a snail pace there.
  147. arunima

    Have you ever sold scrap metals/iron to metal scavengers.

    I have continued with one person who has a physical store in the neighborhood and we can carry our stuff there to sell. Sometimes when I have a lot of stuffs to sell, I call him. He comes home and picks up everything. That's more convenient for me. He pays a good rate and is a trustworthy...
  148. arunima

    An Analysis of the 2022 Bear Run in Cryptocurrency

    The bearish run was caused by many factors as stated in the above posts. Cryptos like any market would be effected by the economic conditions and changes around. I have no personal experience with cryptos. I am stating it from some article that I read. It seems that the bullish phase of crypto...
  149. arunima

    Have You Used Any Survey website that pays directly to Paytm or Bank transfer?

    Not through Bank transfer. But sites like Rakuten Insight and YouGov pay into your digital wallet Paytm for Indian users. I have not redeemed anything from Toluna in a long time. So, I don't recall the options there. Earlier, I have redeemed my points into Amazon gift cards and I think that even...
  150. arunima

    How. best to tackle an envious colleague in the workplace

    It's rightly said that the only thing that is in our control is self. We have no control over people around us or the situations around us. We can only control the way we behave or react. Even in the best workplace, one is ought to encounter a few bad energy people. One has to learn to stay with...
  151. arunima

    What is the real reason paypal is not working in Nigeria?

    I am not sure as what's the exact reason for ban of PayPal in a country. People come up with various reasons like high rate of cyber crime etc. But then it's not universal. Sometimes, PayPal has been working fine in few countries and then it stopped. In some cases, it started working again. I...
  152. arunima

    Daily Motivational Quotes

    If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.
  153. arunima

    Have you ever sold scrap metals/iron to metal scavengers.

    India is still a developing country and struggles with its own challenges. But it's definitely on a path of development and it's emerging strong on almost all fronts. The current government is very particular about waste segregation and encourages it. It's like a movement here in the last few...
  154. arunima

    Would you find it comfortable working for a new start up?

    When you are at a stage and situation in life where you have a lot of financial obligations, monetary compensation becomes the priority. But I have seen that youth with less financial obligations or the senior ones who are done with their financial responsibilities seek more for job...
  155. arunima

    Are you working on BMF ?

    I have always wanted to. I am so caught up with offline life and obligations. I hardly find some free time to be online on few paid to post forums. But I know that I need to keep myself updated as this is the in thing and I can't deny it. Can you suggest some really good source there for...
  156. arunima

    An Analysis of the 2022 Bear Run in Cryptocurrency

    Lot of investment markets out there are volatile but have existed and survived. When there is more risk involved, there is more profit. But then cryptos is perhaps most volatile of all and also not much is clear about it yet. But then people have been into cryptos and they have faith in it. It's...
  157. arunima

    Have You Used Any Survey website that pays directly to Paytm or Bank transfer?

    Rakuten Insight is a very good survey site. I have been associated with it for few years now and have made multiple payouts there. They pay directly into pur digital wallet Paytm. And the minimum payout is 100 Indian Rupees which is pretty low. But I accumulate it till 900 because when we...
  158. arunima

    From Where did you Came to know about Referral Index Forum?

    I am sure that you are going to enjoy it here. It is one of the best paid to post forum sites at present. In very short time, it has got a lot of popularity and is getting stronger each day. We wish and pray that it grows stronger each day.
  159. arunima

    An Analysis of the 2022 Bear Run in Cryptocurrency

    Hmm... it's shaky and unpredictable market. It keeps changing every single day. That's why they say that the risk appetite involved in investing in cryptos is very high. A slight fluctuation on daily basis is common in many investment markets. But too much dipping of price can cause concern.
  160. arunima

    Would you find it comfortable working for a new start up?

    There are two motivations to stay in a job. It can be job satisfaction and monetary benefits with job security. If one workplace gives both, it's an ideal situation. But at times one thing takes the priority depending on the stage of your life or the situations in your life.
  161. arunima

    Have you ever sold scrap metals/iron to metal scavengers.

    Yes, they do buy old newspapers and even old books and notebooks. They even buy cartons that we get from Amazon and other such deliveries and all plastic items as well as old electronic items that don't work. Everything has a different rate.
  162. arunima

    Are you working on BMF ?

    Thank you. I will explore and see. I guess that you are right. It's high time I should start exploring and learning about it. I know that there are many Indian users who are into cryptos.I am a bit slow at learning and keeping myself updated.
  163. arunima

    What are you thinking right now?

    I do that. I have learnt to live with Diabetes. It has been a loyal partner and has stayed with me for more than two decades.
  164. arunima

    An Analysis of the 2022 Bear Run in Cryptocurrency

    You sound really optimistic. Seems like you have a good faith there that it's going to bounce back like earlier bullish phases. That would give hope to many and would attract many to come to cryptos.
  165. arunima

    Have you ever sold scrap metals/iron to metal scavengers.

    Here in our country, most of the junks can be sold as long as they can be recycled. The rates are also good. And even goverment promotes us to sell them to these people who take them to recycling centres. It's better than throwing them away in bins.
  166. arunima

    Are you working on BMF ?

    That sounds simple. I hope we don't need to disclose a lot of personal stuffs to open an account with Zebpay. I am a bit skeptical about doing that. I assume that they transfer the money to our bank account. Or to wallets? Thank you for the information. I should check that.
  167. arunima

    How. best to tackle an envious colleague in the workplace

    As far as possible, one should avoid the person and all situations that might attract a negative energy. But then when you are working in the same place, it becomes challenging to avoid that. And if you are on the same team, it becomes even worse.
  168. arunima

    Have you ever sold scrap metals/iron to metal scavengers.

    Here, when I sold last November, it was 100 Rs per kilo for aluminium ( around 1.45 dollars) and 80( around one dollar) for iron. Even newspaper, plastic bottles, cartons etc can be sold here. We have a fixed rate.
  169. arunima

    Earn Money Selling Home Cooked Food

    Many people like me enjoy cooking and are very good cooks. But still not all will like to make it as a business. I love to cook for my family daily but making it into a business would need more commitment and other things. I am not sure that I am ready for that. I have made few things on order...
  170. arunima

    Are you working on BMF ?

    I have never felt comfortable with cryptos. I am not sure as to how I can encash it. Also, a bit skeptical about the future. @Sanjeev . Good to know that you are getting paid in cryptos. Since you are also from India, you can actually guide me how you do that. Thank you.
  171. arunima

    How. best to tackle an envious colleague in the workplace

    It's very evident. We work better if we feel happy, comfortable and appreciated. It's a basic human nature that we are more productive in happy conditions. We stay motivated and focused. Businesses these days do all that they can do to make their employees comfortable and happy
  172. arunima

    Earn Money Selling Home Cooked Food

    Depending on the capacity, one can make it as a small business or a big one. One of my mother in law's friend stays here in our city. They are elderly couple and they rent their two apartments to students and office going young people. The tenants are provided with home cooked meals from her...
  173. arunima

    Chit Chat Thread

    I want to eat some delicious mangoes now.
  174. arunima

    Have You Used Any Survey website that pays directly to Paytm or Bank transfer?

    Those from Tier 2 and 3 countries can try out these three survey sites... Toluna, Rakuten Insight and YouGov. These three have worked okay for me and I have got several payments from them. YouGov and Rakuten Insight pay to your Paytm account. Toluna pays in gift cards.
  175. arunima

    What made Red Bull so successful?

    The first name that pops up the mind when one thinks of energy drink is Red Bull. That's how it has established as a brand. And the credit goes to intensive and effective marketing. Also, they maintained the quality and didn't loose their customers.
  176. arunima

    Alphabet fires 12k staff

    Off late, we have seen a huge downsizing happening in many big companies that are brands in itself. Microsoft, Google, Twitter, Facebook.... The reason was not fair..Even good employees get the burnt due to downsizing. Not sure what agd whom to blame. Loosing a good job is no fun no matter how...
  177. arunima

    Earning $1 from a website or Earning $0.25 from 4 websites?

    Since the summer vacation began last month, I am able to be more on online sites. Have been able to make 1.5 dollars to 2 dollars on a daily basis working on few sites and few survey sites.. it's going good.
  178. arunima

    Are you working on BMF ?

    I need to be more regular to BMF and spend some more time there. I have started liking the site and now got a hang of it. I hope that I can find more time to spend there.
  179. arunima

    How. best to tackle an envious colleague in the workplace

    Some sort of hidden jealousy amongst coworkers is pretty okay and natural. As long as they behave professional and don't let it be evident, it is okay. It doesn't effect the energy of the workplace. The problems start when it's evident and brings negative energy to the workplace.
  180. arunima

    Does social responsibility have to be incorporated by businesses?

    That's true and no one can argue over that. The social responsibility work of the companies get them a positive social reputation and indirectly benefit their business. We were talking about the small businesses that don't make enough profits yet to have a CSR program. At least they can do...
  181. arunima

    Have you ever sold scrap metals/iron to metal scavengers.

    Oh! That does not sound good. Well, we have not heard of any such things in our country. It's very much in practice here and many poor households are making their livelihoods from this. It's sad that how much destructive a human mind can be.
  182. arunima

    Are you a nester at work?

    I would like to have a mix of both..a physical workspace to go out and meet co coworkers. I look forward to social connections. And also working from my nest at my own pace. I am lucky to have both.
  183. arunima

    Have you ever sold scrap metals/iron to metal scavengers.

    Last year in November 2022, we had some renovation work done in our apartment. We had a few things changed and replaced. We got a huge pile of things to sell. We sold them by kilos and made around 100 dollars doing so.
  184. arunima

    Have you ever sold scrap metals/iron to metal scavengers.

    I have done it a few times. I do sell recyclable stuff like newspapers, old notebooks, plastics, metals etc. It is a very common practice here in Indian household. I do it very frequently.
  185. arunima

    Legal or verbal agreement, which would you choose for your investment?

    There is nothing concrete and with surety unless it is documented and legal. I will never trust a verbal agreement and build hopes on it. I was once offered a job verbally but I did not get any official job joining letter from them. And verbal things don't hold a place.
  186. arunima

    Are you working on BMF ?

    I know that it is going to be tough for me. But I am still not ready to get into cryptocurrency. I am not aiming too high there. I hope that with a few posts and replies on a regular basis, I somehow can reach the payout in a year or more. I hope that the site stays functional and paying till then.
  187. arunima

    How to Earn Passive Income Through KDP

    I totally agree there. It would be a good way to generate some passive income for yourself in the long run. So, if you do a good job with writing and promoting in the beginning, you can reap the benefit later. But definitely, it will need your time, effort, patience, and perseverance to start...
  188. arunima

    How. best to tackle an envious colleague in the workplace

    Very true! That's why businesses make sure that they develop a better workplace for their employees. They do everything to make a healthy workspace and keep their employees happy. They do a lot of team-building events so that team players get friendly and comfortable with each other. But then...
  189. arunima

    Is frozen turkey business allowed?

    Turkey's farming is not common in our country. I know that it is an expensive affair when compared to poultry farming. And farmers might need some financial support from the government to start it. Someone mentioned that the turkey meat might sound expensive but turns out to be more economical...
  190. arunima

    Does social responsibility have to be incorporated by businesses?

    Not only would they have a bad reputation, but they might also land into a big legal soup. No business would want to get into a legal fight with any government agency. They might have to pay a huge price for that. A huge fine or even getting the business license taken away or being shut by the...
  191. arunima

    Do you know of any other websites from which we can get a launchpad to earn $100 a month?

    People who have professional skills are earning decent from freelancing. But it seems that these days, many are struggling to get orders on freelancing sites like Upwork and Hubpages. Many people are making 4 to 5 dollars per day by posting on a few forums daily. So, they do make a hundred or a...
  192. arunima

    Websites Like Mylot that pay in crypto

    The future of cryptos is not clear in our country and I am not sure how to make use of the ones that we earn. I would like to stay with the traditional way of getting payment through PayPal or maybe gift vouchers from Amazon and other sites that I can make use of. I get paid in my Paytm wallet...
  193. arunima

    What made Red Bull so successful?

    It's been there for so long. One thing that can be attributed to it's grand success is it being a pioneer in the field. When it came up as energy drink, the concept of energy drink was very new to the world. And so people felt curious to try. And their advertisement was tempting. This made them...
  194. arunima

    Does social responsibility have to be incorporated by businesses?

    Other than doing the philanthropy work and serve society in different ways, paying taxes honestly is also a social responsibility. Businesses that don't do that might develop a bad reputation and even face legal consequences. Most IT ( Income tax ) department across the globe are good with scrutiny.
  195. arunima

    Earn Money Selling Home Cooked Food

    Many people end up ordering food from restaurants and dine outs, especially the ones who are staying away from their family for job and studies. Our city has a lot of population belonging to that category. They crave for home made food. So, there is a great demand for home cooked food here and...
  196. arunima

    Were you Part of Digital Global?

    Oh! Okay. I see. So, you are assuming that the two admins might be same based on their positive attributes. Wish your guess was correct. We could have contacted and requested him to restart it.Haha
  197. arunima

    Are you working on BMF ?

    That's been a concern raised by many users there. Seems like few got banned when they were very close to reaching the payout. Well, that can be a bit frustrating. It would have been good if they gave a warning beforehand. That would make users alert and at least they would know what got them...
  198. arunima

    Have You Used Any Survey website that pays directly to Paytm or Bank transfer?

    Three times already and this would be my fourth payment there. I have been with the site for four years. So on an average, I get one payment of $50 in a year. I am okay with it. I would have reached the payout earlier and earned more if I would check my mail regularly and don't miss the survey...
  199. arunima

    Cant access Beermoneyforum

    Good that the site is back to functioning. It seems like it was a temporary issue and it has been fixed. I have not been to the site today. Was planning to go there late in the evening before bedtime.
  200. arunima

    Do you prefer to drink tea or coffee?

    Okay, I will do. I guess you are from Philippines.