Recent content by You

  1. You

    Can you get sick from being in the rain?

    For me, it's a common myth, simply being out in the rain does not directly cause someone to get sick. Illnesses like colds and flu are caused by viruses, not exposure to water. What you think?
  2. You

    What have you always wanted to do in the rain?

    One rainy day fantasy I've always harbored is to joyfully spin around with my face tilted up, letting the cool droplets kiss my cheeks as I twirl. What About you?
  3. You

    Which do you like better, the rain or the snow?

    While both rain and snow offer their own unique charms, I have to give the edge to snow. Rain is lovely too, but for sheer winter whimsy and childlike delight, nothing beats the arrival of freshly fallen snow. What About you?
  4. You

    Do you drink rainwater?

    To be perfectly honest, I don't make a habit of drinking rainwater directly. While I'm captivated by the beauty and serenity of rainfall, I'm also aware of the potential contaminants it can pick up from the air and surroundings. Unless I had a proper filtration system in place, consuming...
  5. You

    How does rain make you feel?

    I love rain. The pitter-patter of raindrops has always brought me a profound sense of peace and tranquility. What About you?
  6. You

    What do you often do with the internet?

    For me, internet is deeply woven into my daily life and routines. Beyond the obvious uses for work, communication, and information gathering, I frequently utilize it for entertainment purposes as well.
  7. You

    Do you think life is better with the usage of the Internet?

    in my point of view, internet has undoubtedly revolutionized modern life in countless ways, both positive and negative. Ultimately, like any powerful tool, the internet's impact depends on how we as a society learn to wield it responsibly and in moderation.
  8. You

    How long can you hold your patience?

    Patience is a virtue I continuously work on cultivating. While I don't have an unlimited reserve, I'm generally able to remain patient and level-headed through most trying situations and delays.
  9. You

    What is your character?

    I'd describe my character as equal parts diligent and lighthearted. I have a strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, always striving to be reliable and get tasks done to the best of my ability.
  10. You

    Do you want to learn how to cook well?

    Absolutely, learning to cook well is a skill I deeply desire to master. I know developing strong culinary skills will pay dividends in both nourishing my body and soul for years to come.
  11. You

    Do you use a menu in your household?

    Yes, Creating a weekly menu has been a game-changer for our household. It not only helps reduce food waste by allowing me to plan meals and grocery lists, but it also saves us time and mental energy each evening.
  12. You

    Do you like Fried Nuts?

    Fried nuts are an indulgent snack that I absolutely love. My favorites are the honey-roasted varieties the perfect balance of sweet and savory flavors. I could easily demolish an entire can in one sitting if I'm not careful.
  13. You

    Do you still catch up with your school-time friends?

    For me, Maintaining friendships from my school days has been a challenge, but I've managed to stay connected with a few close friends over the years. With busy lives and living in different cities, it's not always easy to find time together.
  14. You

    Do you like Master chef Tv program?

    I'm a huge fan of MasterChef! I love seeing the amazing dishes they can craft from simple ingredients. And the judges' feedback is both educational and entertaining. t's one of my favorite shows.
  15. You

    Ways to Cut Electricity Expenses

    Absolutely, I also did that. cutting back on energy intensive appliances like TVs, refrigerators, air conditioning, and fans can significantly reduce those high electricity bills.
  16. You

    Multitasking and it's Effects

    I try to avoid multitasking as much as possible, as I find it hinders my productivity and focus. At work, I aim to fully dedicate my attention to one task at a time until completion. At home, I make an effort to be present with family and separate work from personal time.
  17. You

    Buying brand new things

    While cost is certainly a factor, there are times when I opt for purchasing new items over used ones, even at a premium.
  18. You

    Do you think you are a good listener?

    I believe being a good listener is one of my strengths. When engaged in conversation, I make an active effort to be fully present and focused on what the other person is saying.
  19. You

    Do you do some cooking?

    Cooking is definitely one of my hobbies and a way I like to unwind after a long day. While I wouldn't call myself a master chef, I thoroughly enjoy experimenting in the kitchen and trying new recipes.
  20. You

    Are you spending you online money or saving it?

    When it comes to the money I earn online, I try to strike a balance between spending and saving. A portion goes into a dedicated savings account each month to build an emergency fund and work towards long-term goals.
  21. You

    At what time do you wake up?

    I'm an early riser and typically wake up around 6 AM each morning. As much as I sometimes wish I could sleep in later.
  22. You

    What motivates you to work online?

    For me, The flexibility and freedom that comes with working online is a huge motivator for me. Most importantly, online work allows me to better balance my career with other life priorities like family.
  23. You

    Do you procrastinate often?

    Procrastination is definitely a bad habit I struggle with at times. Despite my best intentions, I occasionally find myself putting off important tasks until the last minute.
  24. You

    How do you spend your hard earned money online?

    I tend to be quite prudent when it comes to spending money online. A large portion goes towards essentials like bills, groceries, and other shopping costs.
  25. You

    How many hours do you spend daily to earn online?

    I typically dedicate around 4-5 hours each day to various online earning opportunities.
  26. You

    Do you like to Save money every month?

    Absolutely, saving money each month is a priority for me. Having a dedicated savings plan allows me to work towards my financial goals.
  27. You

    Do you like a heavy breakfast or lunch?

    I definitely lean towards favoring a hearty breakfast over a heavy lunch. A light lunch is usually my preference, allowing me to power through until a moderate dinner.
  28. You

    Have you ever ruined two people’s relationship?

    No, I didn't intentionally ruin a relationship between two people.
  29. You

    Do you think it is healthy to eat snacks?

    In my opinion, Snacking can be part of a healthy diet when done mindfully. snacks like fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and yogurt provide vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber to keep you energized between meals.
  30. You

    A child attending public or private school

    I can understand your perspective on public schools in your country potentially providing an inadequate education. In my country, the quality of public schools varies considerably by region and funding levels. However, many public schools do offer excellent curricula and dedicated teachers...
  31. You

    What's your favorite thing about the holiday season?

    My favorite aspect of the holiday season is the warm sense of community and togetherness it fosters. I cherish the simple joys of decorating, baking classic recipes, and basking in the twinkling lights and holiday cheer.
  32. You

    What is your favorite vacation place?

    If I had to choose a favorite vacation destination in my country Pakistan, it would be the breathtaking Hunza Valley. What about Yours?
  33. You

    What is your favourite type of holiday?

    My favorite type of holiday is one that allows me to fully immerse myself in a new culture. I love traveling to places steeped in rich history and traditions vastly different from my own. Whether it's wandering ancient ruins, sampling exotic cuisines, or conversing with locals to understand...
  34. You

    What is your most memorable holiday experience?

    My most memorable holiday was a solo trip I took to Muree a few years back. I spent two weeks exploring the incredible biodiversity. What about Yours?
  35. You

    What is your ideal holiday?

    My ideal holiday is one that strikes the perfect balance between relaxation and exploration. I envision traveling somewhere with stunning natural scenery maybe a cozy cabin nestled in the mountains or a beachfront bungalow with the waves lapping at my doorstep. :love: What about Yours?
  36. You

    What made you quit your job

    After years of dedication, I realized my job was no longer fulfilling or aligning with my values. The long hours and unrealistic demands were taking a major toll on my work-life balance and mental health.
  37. You

    Is Making Money Fun?

    For me, making money isn't necessarily fun in the traditional sense, but it can be incredibly fulfilling and rewarding.
  38. You

    Can you be happy if you don't have money?

    For me, the thought of being completely without money, even temporarily, is quite daunting. When you're broke, a sense of insecurity and stress can be overwhelming.
  39. You

    What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?

    One thing most people don't know about me is that I have a secret passion for beatboxing. I taught myself years ago by watching online tutorials and practicing relentlessly. While it may seem at odds with my usual polished demeanor.
  40. You


    I do have a small garden, and it brings me so much joy. For your yard, I highly recommend planting some classic flowers like sunflowers or cosmos. they're vibrant, easy to grow, and attract pollinators.
  41. You

    Early Bird or Night Owl

    I'm definitely more of a morning person. I can work late when needed, but I tend to lose steam and concentration as the night wears on. My ideal schedule allows me to wake up around 6 AM, knock out my most important tasks, and then have evenings free to relax and recharge for the next early morning.
  42. You

    What do you consider your best physical feature?

    If I had to choose my best physical feature, it would be my eyes and smile.
  43. You

    How do you know people are beefing

    In my point of view, It's not always easy to recognize when someone is harboring ill feelings or trying to start drama.
  44. You

    Herbal Medicines and Cosmetic

    Yes, I prefer using herbal medicines and cosmetics whenever possible. I believe nature provides many effective remedies and ingredients that are gentle yet powerful.
  45. You

    How do you style your hair?

    I tend to keep my hair styling pretty simple and low-maintenance. Most days, I just let it air dry after showering and run a bit of leave-in conditioner through it to tame frizz. If I'm feeling fancy, I'll blow dry it straight or use a round brush to add some volume and loose waves.
  46. You

    Do you clean your room yourself or do someone else do for you?

    I take pride in keeping my personal living space tidy, so I always clean my own room.
  47. You

    Do you easily apologize for your mistakes?

    Admitting when I'm in the wrong is something I strive for, though it doesn't always come easily. Once I've had time to process the situation with a clear head, I make an effort to sincerely apologize without making excuses.
  48. You

    Have you ever Purchased second-hand or used books to study?

    Absolutely, I used to buy second hand books, especially for academic purposes. Not only is it much more affordable than purchasing brand new copies, but used books already have that perfectly broken in feeling.
  49. You

    What was your least/most favorite job?

    My least favorite job was working as a telemarketer during college. Having to make cold calls and deal with frequent rejection and rudeness from strangers really drained me emotionally.
  50. You

    Who treated unfairly: the poor or the rich?

    It's an unfortunate reality that those living in poverty often face systemic discrimination and lack of opportunity.
  51. You

    What’s your all-time favourite memory?

    One of my most cherished memories is the summer family vacation we took when I was 10 years old.
  52. You

    Perfume Vs. deodorant

    I definitely prefer using deodorant over perfume in my daily routine. When it comes to fragrance, I tend to favor more natural, essential oil-based products over traditional perfumes.
  53. You


    Daydreaming is definitely something I do, especially when facing stressful situations or problems. Like you, I enjoy mentally escaping reality for a bit by imagining myself somewhere pleasurable, like exploring an exotic foreign city.
  54. You

    Have you broken any bone?

    Yes, unfortunately I have experienced the unpleasant phenomenon of breaking a bone. When I was 12 years old, I took a spill rollerblading and ended up with a fractured radius in my left forearm. It was extremely painful.
  55. You

    Don't try to fix what's broken beyond repair

    You are right. No, a broken heart cannot be easily repaired. Though time may eventually heal the pain, the initial impact is severe and cannot be undone quickly.
  56. You

    Do you make follow-ups on the current trending issues in your country?

    I do my best to stay informed about the major issues and events happening in our nation. I try to follow reputable news sources to understand the key details and diverse perspectives.
  57. You

    Do you really keep up dated to the current times of the year?

    Absolutely, I make an effort to stay aware of the changing seasons and major events happening throughout the year.
  58. You

    What is your favourite way of entertaining yourself?

    My favorite way to entertain myself is getting lost in a really engaging book or video game.
  59. You

    Have you travelled to most parts of your country?

    Yes my family took many road trips which allowed me to see a good portion of our vast country. I've been fortunate to visit around half of the 23 states, traversing from coast to coast. However, there are still large regions I have yet to explore.
  60. You

    How many times do you pray in a single day?

    I mostly pray five times in a single day.
  61. You

    How do you drink more water every day?

    Increasing my daily water intake requires conscious effort and developing new habits. I keep a reusable water bottle with me at all times and make a point to refill and finish it multiple times throughout the day.
  62. You

    What are your best ways to save water?

    Some of the most effective ways I save water include taking shorter showers, fixing leaks promptly, only running full loads of laundry/dishes, and avoiding letting taps run unnecessarily while brushing teeth or washing dishes.
  63. You

    How likely are you to provide life-saving treatment in a crisis to a loved one?

    In a crisis situation where a loved one's life was at stake, I would absolutely do everything in my power to provide any potential life-saving treatment or care. I'd likely act urgently based on whatever basic medical training I've had, even if risky or unconventional measures were required.
  64. You

    What do you want to know about history?

    When it comes to history, I'm endlessly fascinated by the stories and perspectives that don't make it into mainstream narratives. I want to learn about the lives of everyday people across cultures and how major events shaped their realities.
  65. You

    What is your most embarrassing moment at school?

    My most cringe worthy school memory was in 2th grade when I accidentally called my English teacher "mom" in front of the entire class. :D
  66. You

    If money weren’t an issue, where would your vacation home be?

    If money wasn't a factor, my dream vacation home would be a beautiful villa perched on a cliff overlooking the Mediterranean in the Amalfi Coast of Italy.
  67. You

    When to stop learning

    I don't believe there should ever be a time when we completely stop learning and growing. The human mind has an amazing capacity to continue absorbing new knowledge and skills throughout our lives.
  68. You

    Best travelling system in your area

    For inter-city travel, I generally prefer taking the train whenever feasible. Trains provide a comfortable way to travel between cities while avoiding heavy traffic and allowing you to relax or be productive during the journey.
  69. You

    How can you rate your hard working level

    Honestly evaluating my work ethic, I would rate myself as highly driven and diligent, but still with room for improvement.
  70. You

    Is giving up a habit?

    I agree that giving up too easily can become an unhealthy habit that holds us back from growth and achievement.
  71. You

    Pandemic experience

    The pandemic taught me the importance of adaptability, resilience, and not taking things for granted.
  72. You

    Comfort at relative's place

    Visiting relatives on vacation can be a mixed bag for me. On one hand, it's great to spend time with family and catch up. But sometimes the living situations aren't ideal like sleeping on an air mattress or dealing with outdated amenities. Personally, I try to have an open mind and remember that...
  73. You


    For me, they tend to give me headaches too if I wear them for too long. It's probably the tightness around the head. I do own a couple of pairs for those bright, sunny days, but I'm just as happy wearing a cap with a visor.
  74. You

    How much is a litre of honey in your location?

    Honey is indeed a healthier choice as a sweetener since it's natural and contains antioxidants. However, in my area, honey is quite expensive as a premium product from local beekeepers. A liter of high-quality honey can cost around $10-15.
  75. You

    Do you like to share personal problem online

    No, I generally prefer not to air too many personal problems or private matters publicly online.
  76. You

    Do playing music motivate or distract you while working?

    For me, having some background music playing definitely helps motivate and boost my productivity while working rather than being a distraction.
  77. You

    Bad Experience Online Shopping

    Unfortunately, I have encountered a few frustrating situations when shopping online. One time, an item arrived looking completely different from the photos and description. Another order never showed up at all despite being marked as delivered. And I've definitely fallen victim to deceptive ads...
  78. You

    Do you feel bad when your age mate achieves that you haven't?

    I try my best not to compare myself to others, it's only natural to sometimes feel pangs of envy when friends or peers achieve major milestones that I haven't yet reached myself.
  79. You

    Where do you prefer to live, in the city or in the countryside?

    If I'm being honest, I'm much more drawn to the tranquility and open spaces of the countryside over bustling city life. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate urban amenities and culture. But the slower pace, natural surroundings, and room to breathe outside metropolitan areas appeals to me more for...
  80. You

    Where do you prefer to work, a quiet place or anywhere?

    When it comes to optimal working conditions, I definitely lean towards preferring quiet, distraction-free environments.
  81. You

    Cash on delivery

    You raise a good point about cash on delivery helping to prevent potential issues with online orders. I have utilized this payment method before, especially when ordering from an unfamiliar website for the first time.
  82. You

    What makes you happy?

    There are so many small joys that bring happiness into my life like spending quality time with loved ones, being out in nature, and achieving little victories.
  83. You

    Have you broken a promise?

    Unfortunately, I have been guilty of breaking promises in my life, though I deeply regret those lapses in integrity.
  84. You

    Do you make friends easily?

    While I'm a friendly person by nature, I can't say making new friends comes easily to me.
  85. You

    How do you control the fatigue and tiredness?

    To combat feelings of fatigue and tiredness, I focus on lifestyle factors within my control. Getting 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night is crucial for feeling well-rested. I also prioritize regular exercise, even just going for walks, as physical activity boosts energy levels.
  86. You

    How are you keeping fit aside exercising

    Absolutely, maintaining overall wellness requires a multifaceted approach beyond just physical exercise. I strive to get sufficient sleep, manage stress through practices like meditation, and fuel my body with a balanced, nutritious diet rich in whole foods.
  87. You

    How healthy is losing weight eating less calories

    Eating less alone can lead to weight loss, but it may not be the healthiest approach long-term.
  88. You

    Which gender would you prefer as your first child?

    Truthfully, I don't have a strong preference for the gender of my first child. While I know some parents dream of having a son or daughter first, I believe I would love and cherish a child of any gender equally.
  89. You

    Do you wish to have a leader that pampers you?

    I don't necessarily want one who pampers me excessively. I'd prefer a leader who challenges me constructively and helps me reach my full potential.
  90. You

    Do you wish to have multiple babies at a time?

    I personally would prefer to have one baby at a time. I believe I could provide each child with the focused care, attention, and resources they need during those crucial early years.
  91. You

    What is your favourite memory from high school?

    One of my favorite high school memories was our senior prank. A bunch of us snuck into the school overnight and filled the principal's office with hundreds of balloons. Seeing his stunned face the next morning as he waded through the balloon sea was priceless. We didn't cause any damage, but...
  92. You

    What is or was your favorite subject in school?

    My favorite subject in school was always English literature. I loved getting lost in the rich narratives and analyzing the deeper meanings behind the words.
  93. You

    What was the most expensive clothing item you owned and how much did it cost?

    The priciest item in my wardrobe is a cashmere overcoat I treated myself to a few years back. It's from a high-end Italian brand and set me back around $80.
  94. You

    Which clothing brands you like to wear most?

    When it comes to clothing brands, I tend to gravitate towards ones that offer a good blend of quality, style, and value. A few of my go-to brands are maria B, Levi's for denim and Gul Ahmed.
  95. You

    What clothes do you usually like to wear?

    I tend to go for comfortable yet stylish casual wear in my day to day life. You'll usually find me in jeans or chinos paired with a simple shirt or frock. I like classic styles that don't go out of fashion quickly.
  96. You

    Aside money what's motivate you to work?

    I agree, jobs provide structure and purpose beyond just earning money. While I'm not extremely extroverted, I find satisfaction in putting effort towards tasks and projects. My online work allows me to apply my skills and knowledge in productive ways. It's rewarding to take on challenges and see...
  97. You

    Have you used a floor paint to protect your concrete?

    Yes, I've used an epoxy floor coating to protect the concrete floors in my garage. It's a two part paint that you mix and then roll or brush onto the clean, etched concrete surface. Once it cures, it provides a durable, glossy finish that resists stains, chemicals, and abrasion.
  98. You

    Do you believe in excuses?

    No, I don't believe in entertaining excuses when it comes to results. While circumstances may present challenges, making excuses prevents taking responsibility and finding solutions. At the end of the day, results are what matter most.
  99. You

    What do you want to be when you are small?

    When I was a child, I had big dreams and ambitions like most kids. I remember wanting to be everything from an astronaut exploring space to a veterinarian helping animals.
  100. You

    How best can one cope with a quarrelsome neighbor?

    I would first try having an open and respectful conversation to understand their perspective and address any misunderstandings. If that fails, I may involve a mediator or the landlord/homeowners association.
  101. You

    Country you might never visit and why?

    There are a few countries I would hesitate to visit due to ongoing conflicts, human rights concerns, or extreme authoritarianism. For example, I likely wouldn't travel to North Korea given the political instability and lack of freedoms.
  102. You

    What can you do to help a partner that is neck deep into gambling?

    For a partner struggling with gambling addiction, I would approach with empathy and suggest seeking professional help together.
  103. You


    The first time I attempted an extended fast, it was quite an unusual experience. Initially, the hunger pangs and food cravings were intense, making it difficult to think of anything else. However, after pushing through the first couple of days, I entered a state of clarity and heightened mental...
  104. You

    Do you like Frozen Chicken?

    I don't mind using frozen chicken, as it can be a convenient and affordable option. However, I prefer to buy fresh chicken whenever possible.
  105. You

    Can you Eat One Dish in All meals?

    While I certainly have favorite foods I could enjoy repeatedly, I don't think I could realistically eat just one single dish for every meal, day after day.
  106. You

    What was your Breakfast Today?

    This morning, I kept things pretty simple but nutritious. I made some overnight oats by soaking old-fashioned oats, chia seeds, milk, and a touch of maple syrup in the fridge overnight. In the morning, I topped the creamy oat mixture with fresh blueberries, sliced almonds, and a drizzle of...
  107. You

    Do you have any pets?

    Yes, I have a beloved pets cat, parrots and dog named Buddy who brings me so much joy. He's a loving golden retriever that has been by my side for 6 wonderful years now.
  108. You

    Are you still in touch with your School buddies?

    Absolutely, I've made an effort to stay connected with many of my closest friends from school over the years. Anytime we're in the same area, getting together feels like not a day has passed.
  109. You


    I can't say that I necessarily fall ill more often on rainy days themselves. However, the cold, damp conditions that tend to accompany rainy weather can sometimes make me more susceptible to catching colds or feeling under the weather.
  110. You

    Do you like Black tea?

    I absolutely love black tea and it's my go-to morning beverage. I also enjoy exploring different regional black tea varieties from around the world for their nuanced flavors.
  111. You

    Price hike in foodstuffs

    Unfortunately, my country is facing very similar struggles with skyrocketing food costs becoming increasingly unaffordable. Grocery staples like produce, grains, and proteins have seen double-digit inflation, making it a real burden for average households to keep food on the table.
  112. You

    What is your favorite flower?

    My favorite flower would have to be the sunflower. Whenever I see a sunflower's bright bloom, it instantly lifts my spirits and makes me appreciate nature's simple but beautiful gifts.
  113. You

    At what age do you think a teen should start driving

    While most states allow teens to get a learner's permit around 15-16 years old, I believe 16-17 is an appropriate age range to begin driving.
  114. You

    Are you interested in learning about history?

    Absolutely, I find history fascinating. I'm particularly interested in social histories that illuminate how ordinary people lived and the forces that shaped their realities.
  115. You

    What interesting thing are you looking forward to?

    One thing I'm really excited about is an upcoming trip I have planned. I'll be visiting a region that's entirely new to me, with a rich cultural heritage to explore.
  116. You

    Health benefits of taking quava

    Guava is indeed a nutritional powerhouse that I try to incorporate into my diet. I simply enjoy guava's unique sweet-tart flavor and creamy texture.
  117. You

    Drinking water first thing in the morning

    You're absolutely right. Drinking water as soon as you wake up is an excellent habit. After going all night without hydrating, your body is dehydrated and in need of replenishment.
  118. You

    What's the fruits your country have this season

    Living in a temperate climate, we're just entering the prime summer fruit season. Right now, some of the major fruits available here are plump strawberries, tart rhubarb, sweet cherries, and mango.
  119. You

    Are you Learning Cooking from Youtube?

    Yes But it's not just cooking. I've also used YouTube to learn things like home repairs, crocheting, basic coding, and more.
  120. You

    Are you planting flowers around your home

    Yes, Gardening and cultivating blooms around my home is one of my greatest joys.
  121. You

    Do you embrace going for the medical check up after atleast six months?

    I understand the importance of regular medical check-ups, I can't say I fully embrace getting one every six months. That feels rather frequent unless there are specific health concerns.
  122. You

    Are you aware of your Credit score?

    Absolutely, I'm very aware of my credit score and make an effort to monitor it regularly.
  123. You

    Do you still listening to the radio?

    Yes I still enjoy listening to traditional radio from time to time.
  124. You

    Do you still use Fixed landline phones?

    No, I don't currently have a fixed landline phone in my home. Like many people these days, I rely solely on my mobile phone for all voice calls.
  125. You

    Do you like eating the same food everyday?

    I generally don't like eating the exact same thing day after day. I prefer rotating through different dishes, cuisines, and ingredients to keep things interesting and to expose my palate to new flavors.
  126. You

    Do you have the problem for ove eating?

    Yes Overeating has definitely been an issue for me at times in my life. Like many people, I have a tendency to turn to food for comfort or as a coping mechanism when stressed or emotional.
  127. You

    Are you a worrier person?

    Absolutely, family is extremely important to me. I have a very close knit family and we make an effort to get together for holidays, birthdays, or just casual hangouts. My parents and siblings are some of my best friends.
  128. You

    What are your favourite colour combinations

    My favorite color combinations tend to be nature-inspired palettes. I'm drawn to earthy tones like sage green paired with warm terracotta or rich emerald complemented by sunny yellows reminiscent of summer days. For a bolder look, I love jewel tones like sapphire blue and amethyst purple together.
  129. You

    Do You Have Emergency Fund?

    Absolutely, having an emergency fund is a crucial part of my financial plan. You never know when unexpected expenses like medical bills, home repairs, or job loss could arise.
  130. You

    Heat situation in your country

    The heatwave you're experiencing sounds brutal. Fortunately, where I am, the weather has been relatively mild this summer so far. I always try to stay hydrated and limit time outdoors during peak heat hours when it does get toasty. Hopefully, this intense heatwave breaks soon and you get some...
  131. You

    How many hours do you sleep

    As an adult, I typically aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Getting enough quality sleep is crucial for my overall health and well-being.
  132. You

    Having a no spend day

    Absolutely, I've tried implementing no-spend days or even no spend weeks as a way to reduce unnecessary spending and boost my savings. It's an excellent exercise in mindfulness and separating wants from needs.
  133. You

    Do you like Buying Second hand or used products?

    I like to buy things secondhand, like furniture, books, and appliances.
  134. You

    Do you like Bell Peppers?

    Bell peppers are an absolute delight. I particularly enjoy roasting them until they're slightly charred, which brings out their natural sweetness.
  135. You

    Ever had an encounter with gents of the night

    Thankfully, I've never had a direct encounter with armed robbers, but the mere thought of it is terrifying.
  136. You

    Are You Good At Baking

    Baking is one of my favorite pastimes. While I'm no professional, I've honed my skills through years of practice.
  137. You

    Can you Prepare Yummy Pizza at home?

    Absolutely! I enjoy making the dough from scratch and letting it rise before rolling it out. Then, I top it with flavorful tomato sauce, gooey cheese, and an array of fresh veggies or proteins. Baking it in a piping hot oven results in a crispy crust and melty perfection.
  138. You

    Do You like Green veggies?

    Absolutely! I like green vegetables. From nutrient-packed spinach and kale to the delightful crunch of green beans and broccoli, I can't get enough of them.
  139. You

    Which toothpaste do you use?

    I've been using Crest Complete Whitening + Scope toothpaste for years now. It effectively cleans my teeth while also providing long lasting fresh breath with its minty flavor.
  140. You

    Do you like to Wash your clothes in a Washing machine or manual washing?

    I vastly prefer using a washing machine to wash clothes over manual hand-washing.
  141. You

    Have you ever purchased jewelry online?

    Yes, I have purchased jewelry online on a few occasions. The most recent time was last year when I ordered a beautiful necklace from an online jewelry retailer. While I was a bit apprehensive about buying something so valuable without seeing it in person first, the online reviews reassured me...
  142. You

    Life changing encounters

    A few years ago, I was involved in a serious car accident that left me hospitalized for weeks. While recovering, I had a lot of time to reflect on how fragile life is and how quickly things can change. It made me realize I needed to start living more presently, appreciating each day, and not...
  143. You

    Taking pap or tea

    While pap may be a popular breakfast choice for many, I can understand your preference for tea. Like you, I find that tea provides a more energizing start to the day without the potential for feeling sluggish.
  144. You

    Have you ever experienced tutoring service?

    Yes, I have experienced tutoring services in the past. During my college years, I struggled with a few courses and sought out tutors to help me better grasp the material.
  145. You

    What's your passion level for your online work?

    I'm absolutely passionate about my online work. The ability to connect with people globally and constantly learn new things is incredibly exciting. Every interaction presents an opportunity to expand my knowledge and perspectives. While the work can be challenging at times, I find it deeply...
  146. You

    Practice makes perfect

    Absolutely, practice makes perfect rings true for all kinds of skills. The more you repeat and hone a particular ability, the more proficient you become. It's fantastic that your typing has improved through dedicated practice. For me, writing is an area where consistent practice has paid...
  147. You

    How do you stay off trouble

    To stay out of trouble, surround yourself with positive influences and make wise choices.
  148. You

    What’s that thing making you sad right now?

    The constant stream of bad news weighs heavily on my mind lately. Every day, it seems like there's another disaster, conflict, or injustice unfolding somewhere in the world.
  149. You

    According to you, why should people embrace the family planning?

    Family planning allows couples to have children when they are truly ready financially, emotionally, and practically. It's an important consideration for creating the family dynamics people aspire to.
  150. You

    Have you ever been to the herbalists?

    I have been to an herbalist a few times, mostly out of curiosity about alternative medicine. My experiences were quite interesting.
  151. You

    What do you do on the rainy days?

    I love spending those gloomy hours curled up reading a good book or watching a new show. If I'm feeling more productive, rainy days are great for tackling indoor projects like organizing, decluttering, or trying new recipes.
  152. You

    Choosing a friend or a friend choosing you?

    I prefer letting friendships develop more organically. When you wait for people to gravitate towards you naturally, there's an inherent mutual desire and compatibility that forms the foundation. Forced friendships can feel inauthentic.
  153. You

    Do you ever regret on your wrongly decisions?

    Regret is unfortunately something I've had to grapple with over poor decisions made in the past. While I try not to dwell on mistakes, there are certainly choices I look back on and wish I could change or do over.
  154. You

    One thing you want to really have

    If I could have one thing, it would be true peace of mind. So often I find myself worrying about the future or ruminating on the past instead of being present. I crave the ability to fully embrace the current moment without anxiety or regrets weighing me down.
  155. You

    What's your secret cure to fixing dry winter skin?

    My secret cure for dry winter skin is a rich, homemade body butter. I whip together shea butter, coconut oil, and almond oil, infusing the mixture with a few drops of vitamin E oil. This deeply moisturizing concoction not only hydrates my skin but also creates a protective barrier against the...
  156. You

    In the winter season which country is your best choice for a holiday?

    For a winter holiday, my top pick would be Switzerland. Switzerland may be pricey, but for a truly enchanting winter escape, it can't be beaten.
  157. You

    How do you fight winter blues?

    The shorter days and lack of sunshine can really dampen my mood during the winter months. To combat the winter blues, I make an effort to get outside as much as possible, even if it's cloudy.
  158. You

    Which is your favourite moisturiser in winter season?

    My go-to moisturizer during the dry winter months is the CeraVe Moisturizing Cream. Its thick, ceramide rich formula deeply hydrates and restores the skin's protective barrier without feeling greasy. I love that it's fragrance-free and non-irritating, even for my sensitive complexion.
  159. You

    How you protect your skin in winter?

    For me, I make sure to use a thick, fragrance-free moisturizer daily, focusing on areas prone to dryness like hands, feet, and lips. When going outside, I bundle up with scarves, gloves, and a moisturizing sunscreen to create a protective barrier against the elements.
  160. You

    Building mental abilities

    As a writer, I prioritize practices that sharpen my mental faculties. I make sure to get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and maintain a nutritious diet to fuel my brain.
  161. You

    Did you ever found yourself in the police custody before?

    No, I have never been in police custody. I have always tried to be a law abiding citizen and avoid any situations that could potentially lead to an arrest or detainment.
  162. You

    Do you like to sleep on bed or on floor?

    I vastly prefer sleeping on a comfortable bed over the floor. While sleeping on the floor may appeal for camping or certain cultural traditions, at home I relish the luxury of an elevated bed. It supports my body's alignment and prevents soreness upon waking.
  163. You

    Do you have any pet?

    Yes, I have cat , parrots and an adorable golden retriever named Buddy who has been my faithful companion for the last 6 years.
  164. You

    Do you know horse riding?

    I haven't had the opportunity to learn horse riding extensively, it's definitely an experience I'd love to have.
  165. You

    Can you manage to live alone?

    While living alone can seem daunting, I've found it to be an enriching experience of self-reliance and personal growth. Managing all aspects of my living space has taught me valuable life skills like budgeting, home maintenance, and healthy meal preparation.
  166. You

    Have you experienced a perfect moment?

    For me, One perfect moment that stands out was watching the sunrise over the ocean while on a beach vacation.
  167. You

    Have you experienced riding on a plane domestic or international?

    Yes, I've had the opportunity to travel by air both domestically and internationally. I always enjoy the miracle of human engineering that allows us to traverse vast distances so efficiently through the skies.
  168. You

    Soothing colours

    Absolutely, green and blue are renowned for their calming, therapeutic qualities. The soft, natural hues are easy on the eyes, reducing strain and fatigue, especially for those with vision issues.
  169. You

    Do you know swimming?

    Swimming is one of my favorite activity. I took some lessons and spent countless hours in pools and lakes practicing different strokes. Nowadays, I try to go for a swim as often as I can..
  170. You

    Do you buy Your Grocery Once A month or many times a month?

    I prefer to do my grocery shopping multiple times per month rather than trying to buy everything all at once. Stocking up on fresh produce, dairy, and other perishable items once a month often leads to food waste as things spoil before I can use them. Instead, I'll do a bigger trip every week or...
  171. You

    What you usually do when its your birthday?

    For my birthday, I like to make it a truly special day celebrating with loved ones. It often starts with sleeping in and enjoying a delicious breakfast made for me. In the evening, we'll have a lively dinner at one of my favorite restaurants.
  172. You

    How do you usually spend your Sunday?

    Sundays are my favorite day to slow down and recharge. I love starting the morning with a hot cup of coffee and reading the newspaper. As evening falls, I'll wind down by catching up on my favorite shows or having a game night with friends and family.
  173. You

    Do you like the plastic made kind of utensils?

    I try to avoid using them whenever possible. I much prefer reusable utensils made from more sustainable materials like bamboo, metal.
  174. You

    Do you have a special niche in your house?

    Absolutely, I have a cozy little nook in my home that's my favorite spot. It's a window seat nestled in the living room, surrounded by bookshelves overflowing with novels and framed by warm lighting. I've added plush cushions and throw blankets to make it an inviting reading nook.
  175. You

    Is saving money easy to you now

    For me, I've gotten better at it over time, it's still not easy. Living expenses, unexpected costs, and tempting purchases can quickly derail even the best saving intentions.
  176. You

    Have you ever tried keema samosa?

    Keema samosas are an absolute delight that I've had the pleasure of savoring many times.
  177. You

    How do you contribute to a better society?

    You make an excellent point. we all benefit from societal contributions, so it's important to give back. Like you, I try to support organizations that provide vital services and assistance.
  178. You

    Have you ever achieved any target that you ever set?

    Throughout my life, I've set countless goals and targets for myself across different areas personal, professional, academic, and more. While some targets have proven elusive, I've also experienced the immense satisfaction of achieving many objectives through hard work and perseverance.
  179. You

    What will happen to you without having money

    In my opinion, Not having money would make life extremely difficult. Without funds, it would be a challenge to afford basic necessities like food, shelter, and healthcare.
  180. You

    Do you donate to charitable institutions?

    I try to donate what I can to reputable charitable organizations and causes that align with my values.
  181. You

    The mango ice cream is delicious.

    It's wonderful that your local ice cream store carries your favorite mango ice cream brand! As for my personal choice, I'm a sucker for rich, creamy chocolate ice cream. 1716606199 It's wonderful that your local ice cream store carries your favorite mango ice cream brand! As for my personal...
  182. You

    do you love cats

    Cats are such fascinating and endearing creatures! cats bring me endless joy and amusement. I'm definitely a cat lover.
  183. You

    Do you like tender coconut water?

    I absolutely love tender coconut water! It's incredibly refreshing, especially on a hot day.
  184. You

    Best and Worst Decisions You've Made.

    The best decision I've made professionally was taking a risk and starting my own online business. It was scary leaving corporate life, but being my own boss has been immensely rewarding. The worst decision was staying too long at a toxic workplace that drained my passion and energy.
  185. You

    Do you use Washing soap or detergent for clothes?

    I prefer using detergent for washing clothes as it is specifically formulated to effectively clean fabrics while being gentle enough for regular use.
  186. You

    Billu is pregnant

    Aw, how exciting that Billu is expecting kittens! Cats can sometimes act oblivious to their pregnancy, playing and carrying on like normal. Her tiny size is a bit concerning, but cats are remarkably resilient. With proper care and nutrition, she should be able to deliver her litter without too...
  187. You

    Do you like boiled peanuts?

    Personally, I really like them. The slightly nutty taste and ease of eating them straight from the shell appeal to me. However, I know many people find the warm, soggy peanuts unappealing. It's one of those foods you either love or hate.
  188. You

    Do you like rainy season?

    Yes, rainy season holds a special charm for me. I love the earthy scent that fills the air after the first downpour.
  189. You

    Do you carry umbrella with yourself in rainy weather?

    Absolutely, having an umbrella on hand is essential for me when rain is in the forecast.
  190. You

    Do you eat fish in winter and summer?

    I enjoy eating fish year round, both in the winter and summer months. During the colder winter, few things are more comforting than a warm fish stew with roasted vegetables.
  191. You

    What do you hate about winter?

    one aspect I dislike is the harsh, biting winds that seem to cut right through you. I don't love having to shovel heavy snow or deal with treacherous driving conditions either.
  192. You

    What are your favorite things to do during the wintertime?

    Some of my favorite things to do during the winter months are cozying up inside with a good book and a hot mug of tea and coffe, going for crisp walks in freshly fallen snow, and baking comforting treats like pies and cookies. I also really enjoy winter sports like ice skating and building...
  193. You

    Is winter better than summer?

    In my opinion, winter trumps summer. The crisp, invigorating air, the serene beauty of freshly fallen snow, and the cozy charm of gathering around the fireplace make winter a magical season. For me, winter's peaceful tranquility outshines summer's liveliness.
  194. You

    What do you enjoy most about the winter months?

    The winter months bring a cozy, relaxing vibe that I really enjoy. There's nothing better than curling up by the fireplace with a mug of hot chocolate I also love the festive atmosphere of the holidays, decorating the home, and spending quality time with family.
  195. You

    What is your favorite food for a chilly winter day?

    On a cold winter day, there's nothing quite as comforting as a warm bowl of homemade soup. My favorite is a hearty vegetable beef soup, loaded with tender chunks of beef, potatoes, carrots, and celery in a rich, savory broth.
  196. You

    Umbrella or raincoat?

    I can relate to not feeling comfortable in a raincoat. They often feel stiff, crinkly, and restrictive. I much prefer carrying an umbrella when it rains.
  197. You

    Do you Prefer Face wash or Soap or some other thing to wash your face?

    For cleansing my face, I prefer using a dedicated face wash over regular bar soap.
  198. You

    Do you prefer reading text or watching videos?

    For me, it depends on the context and subject matter. I generally prefer reading text for in-depth analysis.
  199. You

    Ladies, do you prefer long hair or short?

    I definitely lean towards preferring shorter hairstyles for myself. Long hair can be beautiful, but I find it higher maintenance and more prone to getting in the way or feeling unkempt. Short hair is low-fuss, easy to style, and feels lighter and breezier to me.
  200. You

    Do you like to add any salt or chaat masala on your fruits?

    It may seem unconventional, I actually enjoy sprinkling a pinch of salt or chaat masala on certain fruits. I typically go light on the seasoning and let the natural flavors of the fruit shine through.