Recent content by arunima

  1. arunima

    What's that culture in your country you want abolished

    It's not in my country but I guess with most of the countries in the world including the Western developed countries, there is patriarchal society. I would like that to be gone. Every one should be equal irrespective of their gender.
  2. arunima

    Can you stop working if you are gifted money daily

    I will not. I don't have any financial obligations to work for but I still do. I do enjoy the earnings that I get from my work..but more than that it is important for me to stay engaged in life. I want to be active and productive all the time. My work also gives me a sense of accomplishment that...
  3. arunima

    Have you joined Professional Forum Posters?

    I just checked the site from the link provided by you. It seems interesting. I didn't explore it much. But could get a sense of it. We have to make 10 posts and threads to qualify for earning there. They have lower as well as upper limit ( that's the first time I found on any forum).It is 25...
  4. arunima

    How are you saving money while still doing what you love

    I would say that balance is the key to almost everything in life. If you indulge too much into what you love to do, you might end up wasting a lot of time and at times go in financial crisis. The best thing is to know your financial capacity and then do what you love in the modest way.
  5. arunima

    Does your Office Charge any Penalty if you are late to work?

    Not all job types provide the flexibility of hours to work. So, it also depends on the nature of job you are into. If your job requires you to be on time, you should be. It's sad that businesses have to take such steps like fining to impose this discipline in employees. Employees should...
  6. arunima

    Have you ever been discouraged to work online?

    We all might have faced scams or discouragement by others around us who find it a waste of time. But then there are factors that despite all these keep us going. It is all about having fun, learning and sharing and definitely making the extra money.
  7. arunima

    How to leave a job on good terms

    One is always looking for a better job it for better remuneration, better role and responsibilities or better work place. It's very common. One should always follow the work ethics and professionalism. And the same holds true for leaving a job. Have a smooth handover and given...
  8. arunima

    Chit Chat Thread

    Enjoying my summer vacation..want to optimise my online earnings during this two months of vacation.
  9. arunima

    Get paid for answering questions on Quora

    Actually whenever we ask any question, the search engine puts the quora answers on the top. It's a very popular site and visited by many. It's quite evident that it would be a great place for affiliate marketing. So, it does help with earnings indirectly.
  10. arunima

    Daily Motivational Quotes

    "Everything is impossible till it is done".. Don't know the source but heard it from one of our teachers and found it quite motivating.
  11. arunima

    Have you ever been discouraged to work online?

    Even I have not been very regular there off late. I was there few days back after a long break and could catch up a bit.. These days in the past two weeks I have been more active on myLot and RIF. Other sites are getting ignored.
  12. arunima

    Small and Large Companies adapting to changes in the market.

    A larger organisation has too many people, departments and processes. Bringing any change there to adapt to the needs of the market can be challenging..It is easier for small businesses as the number of employees and processes involved are less. But when it comes to changes involving investment...
  13. arunima

    Do you spend time still searching a new website to earn? offline work experience, we do get online experience. And that makes us more efficient and effective in earning online. I am not looking for any new site for now. I have summer vacation for two months from my offline work. I want to focus on the sites that I have in hand, be more...
  14. arunima

    Why Do Women Invest?

    The thread is a question..Why do women invest? And I would say that women invest for the same reasons as men would have. Making more money, securing the future of themselves and their families etc.
  15. arunima

    How did you get to know the RIF site?

    This site has gained enough popularity in very short time. It's being discussed on many forums and on all the forums I have seen that most users have given a very positive feedback about the site. That encourages others to come and join the site.
  16. arunima

    Why Do Women Invest?

    Managing personal finance is one life skill that has to be taught right from the young age. And women have always been smart with financial management. We have seen how well housewives have been running a household since ages. Now, they are moving out of the confined space and managing their...
  17. arunima

    Do you spend time still searching a new website to earn?

    When it comes to online earnings, we don't feel that it's enough or our hunt for better opportunities stop here. There is always a lack of security as one is never sure when one site might shut down, reduce the pay rate or just stop paying. So, one never stops searching for a new site to earn more.
  18. arunima

    How to Earn Passive Income Through KDP

    I agree with @Chibson . No matter how lucrative one opportunity looks, one needs to have adequate skills and knowledge about it beforehand. Else the opportunity might not click. And like any other earning opportunities, it would require consistency and effort. One has to put a good amount of...
  19. arunima

    How did you get to know the RIF site?

    That's good. The more the members are active here, the better it is for everyone. It benefits everyone and even brings more profit to the site by bringing more traffic. Also there are more thoughts poured in and so a better platform to share and learn. It's more interesting if there are more...
  20. arunima

    Have you ever been discouraged to work online?

    Forum Coin is an old and trusted platform. I think it's always beneficial to be active on that kind of platform. It does give you information about the various earning opportunities and also to know about the feedback, reviews and payment proofs. The discussions also let you know if there is...
  21. arunima

    Have you ever been discouraged to work online?

    Oh! Sorry about you being scammed a few times. It must have been upsetting. I hope you didn't loose money. I also assume that you would have lost a lot of time and effort, and even that's upsetting. Fortunately, I have not lost much. Somehow, I was alerted by the red flags raised on Forum Coin...
  22. arunima

    Small and Large Companies adapting to changes in the market.

    The businesses that might be in demand and running successfully today might not do well when time changes. When we were growing up, cyber cafe or Internet cafe was a very popular and successful business. But then each household got its own computer and Internet access,. Cyber cafe slowly lost...
  23. arunima

    What are the advantages of working with spouse?

    The advantages mentioned are as valid as the disadvantages and concerns mentioned by users in the comments. What would actually happen would differ from case to case. For some might work very well, but it might turn out to be a disaster for others. It depends on the equation between the two and...
  24. arunima

    Have you ever been discouraged to work online?

    Most of us who are working online have been scammed at least once in our journey. Only few fortunate ones have not experienced it. Some might have lost few pennies and effort while others might have lost decent amount. I remember that one good site after a promising start went down the drain. I...
  25. arunima

    Why Do Women Invest?

    The skills are not specific or bound to any gender. They are human skills and talents and not meant for any particular gender. It's actually the societal mindset and upbringing that brings the stereotyping. With changes in socio economic conditions, people are coming out of gender stereotyping...
  26. arunima

    Daily Motivational Quotes

    " The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding" - Leonardo Da Vinci.
  27. arunima

    Have you ever been discouraged to work online?

    I agree there. Unfortunately, scammers are everywhere..When it comes to online earnings, people are more wary and find it tough to trust any site. These scammers have really brought a bad name and disgrace to online earnings. That's the reason that many discourage it.
  28. arunima

    How to deal with a disrespectful Boss

    That's what many would like to do, but not all can afford to.. Many are the bread earners and providers of the family. They have a lot of financial responsibilities and obligations. So, one is not able to step out unless one has another job or source of income in hand. Also, one is not sure if...
  29. arunima

    Get paid for answering questions on Quora

    That's a good point that you have made. It would be easier. You have to promote and market your personal website on various platforms to get the traffic. But you need not put that much effort on Quora. It's quite popular site and when some one seeking the answer would come, they will...
  30. arunima

    How to deal with a disrespectful Boss

    Some people are good at reading people and managing with them with a cool and calm composure. They can be tricky in handling the tough boss. But then not everyone will be skilled to do so. It comes naturally to some. However, if the situation is really bad, one can bring it to the notice of...
  31. arunima

    Info Update on RIF Cash Withdrawal Processing Time

    Thanks for the update. It should not be a problem. I have not requested any payment request recently. I want to accumulate some more before I make the next payment request.
  32. arunima

    What are the advantages of working with spouse?

    As long as the two abide by the work culture of the place and treat each other like co workers, there should be no problem. But if they treat each other as spouses and bring their personal affairs at work, it's going to adversely effect both the work as well as their personal life. The challenge...
  33. arunima

    Have you ever been discouraged to work online?

    Some time back I had casually mentioned about these paid to post forums to the group of friends in the apartment who walk together. We all are doing good in our offline profession. While a very close friend found it interesting to know that I enjoyed learning and sharing with people around the...
  34. arunima

    Anyone experienced a deduction in earnings??

    Welcome to the site. I am sure that you are going to enjoy it. It's wonderful community here and it's a great place to earn. This was posted long back and my earnings were deducted due to some bug. The issue was fixed as soon as I reported. Admins of this site are very prompt.
  35. arunima

    Small and Large Companies adapting to changes in the market.

    Whether it's a big business or a small one, one can not deny the fact that change is inevitable. And to stay in the competition, one has to keep updating themselves to the current changes. The demand changes with the changing socio economic conditions and with advancements in technology. So, the...
  36. arunima

    Earn with Depop

    This app might not work for all countries. I know of sites and apps where one can sell old stuffs like cars, furnitures etc. Not sure if there is one in India for selling old clothes. I have to check. Most such sites have some local version.
  37. arunima

    Have you ever been discouraged to work online?

    I don't talk about my online work to many as it doesn't make any sense to them. Also, many don't believe that one can earn online. People have even said that I am wasting my time for pennies. I have good paying job and instead of doing it part time, I can increase my working hours to earn more...
  38. arunima

    How will crypto perform in the future?

    It's something that can be debated without reaching to a conclusion that would convince everyone. There are people who are optimistic and predict a bright future. Then there are opposites who are wary about it and discourage it in every possible way. I feel that it's a volatile market and no...
  39. arunima

    Do you post on non paying forums

    Though I have joined one non paying forum, I couldn't be active there at all. Time is always a constraint with online activities, especially when we have offline obligations too. I would like to make best use of that free time to make some money. Non paying forums would be like social media...
  40. arunima

    Save money staying healthy

    Hmm... It's not only specific or localised to your country. I guess it's a global thing. People do gender stereotyping in one way or other, knowingly or unknowingly. We don't even react to it because we have got used to it. No talks about gender equality would be effective unless we stop gender...
  41. arunima

    How to deal with a disrespectful Boss

    It must be a hostile work place to work. Sad that such bosses get their way because of whatever reasons and no one steps in to curate it. It would be easier to say that quit the job, but I know it's not a pragmatic solution. One can not leave a job unless one finds another better one to replace...
  42. arunima

    Save money staying healthy

    Well, we can't stereotype a gender for that. I have seen female who are very much financially responsible. And I know of men who go for overindulgence and have big financial debts. Financial discipline is a must for anyone irrespective of the gender. Similarly, a discipline around your...
  43. arunima

    How did you get to know the RIF site?

    I have already mentioned that I joined the site through referral link of Jordan on Forum Coin. I did get the joining bonus of one dollar and also 25 FCs there on Forum Coin. So, it was a great offer. The site might have stopped the joining bonus as it's already quite popular now and doesn't need...
  44. arunima

    Do you spend time still searching a new website to earn?

    That's actually a good strategy. Glad that it's working for you. Even I am not able to do all the sites everyday. I focus on any three in a day. myLot and RIF are two that I visit daily. I take any one more for the day. So, for others I visit them once or twice a week and keep accumulating my...
  45. arunima

    Do you have Daily Earning Target?

    myLot can be addictive. People know that they might not make much money there but still stick to it. Most of us don't see myLot mainly for earnings, but it becomes a part of your routine and you itch to be there. Last two days, I have spent more time there and I felt relaxed. My bank also showed...
  46. arunima

    Do You Have a Trading Strategy?

    One of our close friend is totally involved into trading. He earned enough from his job and saved enough to take an early retirement and get into full time trading. We see a couple of big screens in his office room where he keeps tab of the ups and downs in the market. Most of his Investments...
  47. arunima

    How will crypto perform in the future?

    Unless the government around the globe don't come with some clarity, one can not say anything with clarity. It's a volatile market involving high level of risks. But has been lucrative enough to lure so many around the globe and that's why so many are involved in it. It has gone through ups and...
  48. arunima

    Earn from TaskRabbit

    Now a days, more and more people are turning to digital world for any service. Whether you are an employee seeking job or an employer, you find online space a right place to seek for what you want. Task rabbit might not be working in all the countries, but I think most of us would have some...
  49. arunima

    Have You Used Any Survey website that pays directly to Paytm or Bank transfer?

    Sure, I would be more than happy to be there to help you. Even I avoid giving any personal information related to my finance in any public space. For Paytm, I don't need to provide my bank details or any other personal information. They can pay through phone number. Mostly they give a code...
  50. arunima

    Can we earn at least 2$ a day on mylot?

    Last two days, I spent a bit longer time on myLot. I was there on and off the whole day. I kept coming here and also doing other work..I made around 75 cents there. If we make more posts, our earnings are better. I am more into responding on almost all sites.
  51. arunima

    Do You Have a Trading Strategy?

    Trading does involve a lot of risk. So, one needs to have that risk appetite to start trading. And one needs to have the basic knowledge and updates about the market too. If you can't take the pressure or have low risk appetite, it's not your cup of tea. You can either totally avoid it or start...
  52. arunima

    Save money staying healthy

    Health is wealth. It's an old saying and the wise one. Not only you save on your medicine and treatment , if you are healthy, you will be more productive and can make more money. Also, one needs to be healthy to enjoy the money that is earned.
  53. arunima

    Do you spend time still searching a new website to earn?

    I have 6 paid to post forum sites and three surveys sites. That's good enough for me. In fact I am not able to be active on all that I have on the list in the little time that I have. I wish I had more luxury of time. I don't want to add any more to the list. But yes, I am looking for a good...
  54. arunima

    Sproutgig earning site, your view

    Oh! So you need to do it again?? I was under the impression that picoworkers has renamed it. It's not a new website. I thought that the old users would continue in the same way, only the name of the site would change. I was not aware that you have to do the formalities again.
  55. arunima

    How did you get to know the RIF site?

    Welcome to the wonderful community here. I also came here from Forum and have been here for few months. I just love this site and I am sure that you are going to enjoy it too. Just go through the rules and regulations. That would help.
  56. arunima

    How will crypto perform in the future?

    When reading about cryptos on these forums, I see many being optimistic about the crypto in the future. But when I read newspaper in my country, I am not very sure about the bright future of cryptos. The future of cryptos still hangs in air here in my country without any clarity. Crypto trading...
  57. arunima

    Sproutgig earning site, your view

    Hmm...I will not be comfortable providing my KYC details on such sites. I want to play safe and am very strict about keeping certain things confidential and not sharing them in public space. I would skip such sites.
  58. arunima

    ★ Off Topix - An active & friendly community ★

    Wow!! That's a big achievement. It's a milestone worth celebrating. Congratulations!! To the offtopix team. You are really doing great and going strong. 11,000 posts per month is remarkable. Wishing you more success in the future. And undoubtedly, it's a chatty bunch out there.
  59. arunima

    Websites Like Mylot that pay in crypto

    I joined and that paid in cryptos. It was the first time that I went with a site that doesn't pay through PayPal. But after few days I quit it. I was not comfortable with the way the site functioned and also, I couldn't make any sense as to how to use the crypto that I earned there. I...
  60. arunima

    How to deal with a disrespectful Boss

    That's a sorry state of affairs. I am sorry to know that one one raises a voice. This must be emboldening him. A professional behaviour never allows anyone to be disrespectful to other co workers at the workplace, no matter what power and position you have. Whether you are the boss or you are...
  61. arunima

    How to subtly confront a micromanager

    The easiest and best way is to keep the communication channel open and convey what you actually feel about the situation and what do you really expect.. The manager might be receptive and try to bring the changes. Or he might be too adamant. In the later case, it might be tricky and more...
  62. arunima

    What is international real estate agency business

    We often read and hear about famous celebrities and other rich people owing properties in different parts of the world. Every country has rules and regulations that one has to follow when buying a property. The rules might be different for the citizens of the country and the foreign investors...
  63. arunima

    What are a few outcomes of excessive regulation?

    There is a famous saying that Excess of anything is bad. And the same holds true for having very little of anything. A balance is the most important thing. One needs to have adequate amounts of regulations and also the ones that are actually effective.
  64. arunima

    Who is a micromanager

    The best managers are those who are a good team player too. They are in control of the situation but don't come out as overpowering one. They create an environment of ease and comfort, so that the employees feel valued and happy. This would lead to better performance at the work...
  65. arunima

    What do you do after loosing current job abruptly

    The concept of job security is gradually disappearing everywhere especially if you are into private job sectors. And in current times with so much of unpredictability around the world, the economic situation keeps fluctuating. Nothing is a surety. The saga of layoffs around the world is still...
  66. arunima

    Have you ever been discouraged to work online?

    I have never felt discouraged to work online. I am happy to be online in the free time that I get from my offline job and other chores. And the little extra money makes me happy. I feel it's a productive use of my free time
  67. arunima

    How did you get to know the RIF site?

    Hmm...I totally agree there. That's one discouraging factor there. I love the site. Once you are verified, the earnings are decent. I think that they should reduce the number of posts to get verified. This verification process has discouraged me to join the other sites owned by the same admin.
  68. arunima

    How did you get to know the RIF site?

    It's okay. You should not feel overwhelmed. Having few good sites at hand is good enough. Even I have time constraints and on one day, I can be active on any 2_3 sites though I have around 6 on hand. Trendri is good. I have made decent money there and made a few payouts. I have not been there in...
  69. arunima

    What is your preferred way to make money online?

    I am earning mostly through the paid to post forums and some bit from survey sites for now. It has become like my comfort zone. But I need to diversify that. I would love to earn from my personal blog. I am planning to do some online course to enrich myself about the same when I get summer...
  70. arunima

    Who is a micromanager

    A good manager would never be a micromanager. When you are working with Human beings and have the responsibility to keep them motivated and encouraged to deliver, you need to have some basic understanding of Human Psychology. No human being wants to be choked and instructed for every single thing.
  71. arunima

    How did you get to know the RIF site?

    Even I have started visiting BMF once in a while. I joined it a long time back but was never active. I am not much active there. Why don't you join Forum Coin? It's a great site to know about earning opportunities. And you just need to spend 20 minutes or less to make 10_12 posts daily and earn...
  72. arunima

    How did you get to know the RIF site?

    Oh! I did not know that. I thought that you are active member on many forum platforms. I have come across you on myLot and I was under impression that you might be there on Forum Coin and BMF too. I don't remember it clearly if I have come across you on any other site other than myLot, but I...
  73. arunima

    Who is a micromanager

    Micromanagement in any kind of relationship, be it professional or personal, is a recipe for disaster. No one would appreciate that. People perform well when they sense freedom and trust. They also feel more responsible when they are given space to think and act.
  74. arunima

    How did you get to know the RIF site?

    I might have read it but it didn't occur to me to join it. I joined it only when I came across the offer on Forum Coin posted by Jordan. I joined it through his referral link and was paid 25 FC to do so. I am enjoying the site and I am quite regular here.
  75. arunima

    Not Paying 🚫 forum Review

    Trendri is a very good site and I have made some decent money there and got paid a few times. But the site has a verification criteria. I am not sure what's the post limit at present to get verified there, not checked it in a while. Once you reach that limit, you have to send a message to the...
  76. arunima

    Earn from House Sitting

    I know about the myLot user that you are talking about. She and her husband do it and she keeps sharing about her experiences in many of her posts. Even I was surprised to know about such a job. It's an interesting concept. I am not sure if it has still picked up in India.
  77. arunima

    How did you get to know the RIF site?

    I came to know of this site from Forum Coin. I found a thread posted by Jordan to market this site there. And I joined it through the referral link provided by Jordan. I was not active for a while after I joined the site, but after that I have been pretty active here.
  78. arunima

    Who is a micromanager

    Micromanagement can be stressful for both parties...the one who is trying to do it and the one who is being micromanaged. No one likes to be the subject of micromanagement. We all enjoy the breathing space and freedom at workplace or else it can be choking. Micromanagement can make the work...
  79. arunima

    Do you know of any other websites from which we can get a launchpad to earn $100 a month?

    On the days that I would say are productive for online earning, I am able to make a dollar or little more. And this is not from a single site. I would be active on few sites. But then those days are rare for me as I hardly get time to be more online.
  80. arunima

    Websites Like Mylot that pay in crypto

    I have been with myLot for few years and absolutely love the site. I think that they pay only through PayPal. I am not into cryptos and so have never opted for sites that pay in cryptos. I only join the site if they have an option to pay through PayPal.
  81. arunima

    Are you making money with survey

    When I was new to online earnings, I joined almost a dozen of survey sites, but soon I gave up on most of them. I am sticking to three of them and have made few payouts from them. They work for me. I would have made more if I was more regular to them. But I find them monotonous and time taking.
  82. arunima

    Sproutgig earning site, your view

    Oh! Is it so? I have not come across any earning sites so far that would ask us to complete our KYC. This is something new to me and I find it strange. I will not be comfortable doing so and I would skip such sites.
  83. arunima

    Earn with Depop

    The list of countries that you mentioned has no Asian countries in it. It would be good if it gets more global and gets more countries on board. Asian countries are populated and they will get more business here.
  84. arunima

    Sproutgig earning site, your view

    That sounds good. The site might be low paying. But then with being consistent and working with patience one can benefit from it in a long run. That's a good point and it might motivate others to stay motivated and keep working instead of loosing patience and giving up
  85. arunima

    What do you do after loosing current job abruptly

    That's a very valid point. That's why it is suggested that one should inculcate saving habits from the very beginning. It's always wise to save for rainy days. Life and situations around us are so unpredictable. It's always good to have a financial discipline and save for emergency.
  86. arunima

    Sproutgig earning site, your view

    This might not be everyone's cup of tea. Many would just feel bored and loose their motivation soon. Such tasks can be really monotonous and boring. I would personally get bored of them.
  87. arunima

    Can we earn at least 2$ a day on mylot?

    Many users there are earning in double digits. Some active members who get a huge response to their posts mention that they earn around 40 dollars in a good month. That means that they must be making more than one dollar in a day.
  88. arunima

    Do you spend time still searching a new website to earn?

    The topics discussed there are mostly around business, finance, cryptos, investment etc. Not everyone might feel comfortable and knowledgeable around these topics. Moreover, we always get to hear about people being banned for not posting quality posts. So, that makes us hesitant to post anything...
  89. arunima

    Do you wear Specs

    Even when you don't need glasses for bad vision or eye power, it is advisable to wear protective glasses when working on laptop for long hours. This definitely helps to protect our eyes from all stress, strain and glare of the screen.
  90. arunima

    Does your Office Charge any Penalty if you are late to work?

    I agree there. It's a two way thing. When there are two parties involved, they both have to be respectful and considerate about each other. When there is a good mutual understanding, things go smoothly and each one benefits from each other.
  91. arunima

    Does PayPal have a referral program

    PayPal, I guess never had a referral program. I have been with PayPal for almost two decades and I have never found any referral program there. Generally, referral programs are a way to get traffic and popularity. PayPal is now very popular and doesn't need marketing. When it started, it was one...
  92. arunima

    Sproutgig earning site, your view

    Thank you for your reply. People say that it's a low paying site. But still you could make hundred dollars in a little more than a year. I would not call that to be a low paying one. Based on my personal experience, it's a decent amount to earn.
  93. arunima

    Do you spend time still searching a new website to earn?

    I don't remember correctly as to how many threads we need to make before we start earning there. I joined it at the same time when I joined myLot but couldn't be active there. I went totally missing there for few years. Now I have restarted visiting there, but I am not so active. Not very...
  94. arunima

    Do you spend time still searching a new website to earn?

    Today I was on myLot for a bit longer. I had a huge pile of notifications to clear. It took me some time. I couldn't get involved more in current discussions there. I was here for short time. Tomorrow I would be more on RIF and try to be on FC and BMF.
  95. arunima

    What is Minds?

    This is the first time that I am hearing the name. I am not much into social media platforms. But if there is one that pays, I am curious to explore about it. But seems that it's not functional for now. Would wait for more updates and feedback before I go on exploring it.
  96. arunima

    Chit Chat Thread

    It was a good productive day. Hitting the pillow now in some time.
  97. arunima

    It's possible to earn $10 a day through this...

    Well, it's definitely not impossible but also not an easy cake walk. Many people are totally into online earnings and they have to make that amount or more for living. It would be a dream goal for me. . I am happy on the day I make dollar one.
  98. arunima

    Can we earn at least 2$ a day on mylot?

    It's really tough but not actually impossible. Many active users who are only on myLot claim to have made that.. Yes, they are always there except for taking few breaks and they do get a lot of responses. As long as they are enjoying it, myLot never exhausts. Many of the active users there are...
  99. arunima

    Does your Office Charge any Penalty if you are late to work?

    Thank you for agreeing with me. We see that employers keep coming up with the policies and benefits to keep their employees happy at workplace. Happy employees are productive employees. But unfortunately, many employees start abusing those benefits. Inner discipline and motivation can be...
  100. arunima

    Does your Office Charge any Penalty if you are late to work?

    Any outward imposition does not work for too long. Over a period of time, people find some loophole to escape from such impositions. Employees have to love their work and workplace. That would lead them to have inner motivation to be punctual and effective at work
  101. arunima

    Do you spend time still searching a new website to earn?

    It's great to know that. I would say that you are making the best use of your time. Earning one dollar here would be easier than earning the same amount on myLot. So, better to spend more time here. I also try to be regular on both RIF and myLot. I make few cents there on myLot and around 20_30...
  102. arunima

    Do you give up on earning websites after some days?

    I don't give up on any site after I join it and as long as it's legit and paying. But ofcourse, one gets to develop liking towards certain websites and prefers them over others in the list. I don't quit ot completely, but I might get less active over the time if I find some other sites more...
  103. arunima

    Are you into buying and selling cryptocurrency?

    That's good. So, you are also into cryptos. Is there a way to convert them into real fiat currency? How do you do that? If there is a way to do that, I would try that. I am not sure about that. BMF has lower payout for crypto. It's too high for PayPal. Reaching fifty dollars would be a huge task.
  104. arunima

    Do you wear Specs

    I guess it's very common with growing age. Most of us get some sort of vision problems in our forties and fifties. All my friends have glasses now. I think very people are there who have good vision in their ripe age.
  105. arunima

    Are you into buying and selling cryptocurrency?

    If you are interested then you might start with earning bitcoin and other crypto coins through the sites that pay them. Many Indian users are doing that. That way you will have Bitcoin without any investment there. I am not sure as how to use that bitcoin and so I avoid anything to do with crypto.
  106. arunima

    Sproutgig earning site, your view

    Good to know about your personal experience. And you have experienced on both sides of the table. How long did it take you to make that 100 dollars as a worker? What kind of jobs do you seek there as an employer?? Are you still active on that site?
  107. arunima

    Question Why still Pending status of my payout?

    Sorry to know about that. Better to go for scan and other tests to rule out anything of concern. Take care @Jordan . Hope all is well soon.
  108. arunima

    Korean Drama and Mexican telenovels

    I am enjoying The Extraordinary Attorney. It's very well made. Though I use English subtitles to understand it, I still enjoy it. It's very engaging and each episode comes with an interesting story. Love the acting and the plot. Very elegant and realistic.
  109. arunima

    Do you spend time still searching a new website to earn?

    Yes, it does happen. Sometimes we don't have the time and sometimes we don't have the mood or feeling of urgency to do it. You must be spending a good amount of time here to make those fifty posts here. It must be an hour and half or more time needed to do that. Enjoy your time here.
  110. arunima

    What should you watch out for before joining a PT site.

    The mode of payment is one of the most important factor for me to join the forum site. I am only interested in joining the sites that pay through Paypal or into digital wallet Paytm ( some site do it for Indian users). I avoid the ones that deal in cryptos.
  111. arunima

    Do you spend time still searching a new website to earn?

    Writing eight posts more to get verified and start earning wouldn't need much time. There are many topics and categories there on Forum Coon. Each one of us would find something of our interest there. You can just stay focused and sit for one session and finish it. Take your time. Do it when you...
  112. arunima

    Do you wear Specs

    Oh! I see. I have to wear them when reading or working on laptop or phone. I have problem with short distance vision. My far sight is okay. It's the minimum power that most of us get with age. I got these glasses at 42.
  113. arunima

    How can I avoid being blocked on BMF?

    Yes, I need to be more active there and earn more points. But then I am not able to do that.I have other forums also and I am more active on them. I am not able to contribute much on BMF because I am not so knowledgeable about the topics being discussed there. Also, the fear of being banned( as...
  114. arunima

    Does your Office Charge any Penalty if you are late to work?

    That's an unfortunate thing. But sadly many do that. Every benefit that's been given to employees can be misused by them. Sad that people don't listen to their conscience and do such things. But then corporates have to think of a bigger picture and take care of the whole employee community.
  115. arunima

    How to earn writing articles?

    I enjoy writing articles and even creative writing. But then I get very little time from my offline job and chores. And then I spend them mostly on forums. Even the instant gratification of getting to see money flowing with each posts has to be blamed. I should try to make time for articles...
  116. arunima

    Do you spend time still searching a new website to earn?

    You earn there for every post that you make. I am not updated with their current rules and regulations. Maybe now they need you to make ten posts to be verified. I joined them five years back and we started earning from the very first post.
  117. arunima

    Writing an Article on Trendri Forum

    Oh! That sounds good. How long does it take for the threads to be approved by the admin? And how much is the extra credit? Admin seems to be pretty busy these days. I am not much into posting threads. I am more comfortable responding. I post threads once in a while.
  118. arunima

    How can I avoid being blocked on BMF?

    Yes, it's a lower threshold for Bitcoin withdrawal. But I am not into Bitcoin or any other crypto. PayPal is the only way that I have opted for getting payment from any online earning opportunities. That's why I am sticking to the sites that pay through the PayPal
  119. arunima

    Your last Drink

    I had some lime water after my lunch.
  120. arunima

    At What Age you started To Drive

    I started my driving lessons a few months before my 18th birthday. A week after my 18 birthday, I got my first driving licence.
  121. arunima

    Daily Motivational Quotes

    To err is human. I love this quote. It makes me feel so good that I am fit to be a human
  122. arunima

    The potential for agriculture investment in developing countries

    I think that it's the case with most of the developing countries. Especially, the countries in Asia and Africa are mainly into agricultural activities. And rice( paddy) is their major produce along with others.
  123. arunima

    Do you spend time still searching a new website to earn?

    I started my search for online earning five years back and landed on Forum Coin. After that I have never actively looked for any online earning opportunities. I have come to know of other platforms from Forum Coin and joined a few. I am still on lookout for a good paying article writing site but...
  124. arunima

    The potential for agriculture investment in developing countries

    India is called a agricultural country. A lot of our social and economic activities revolve around Agricultural sector. Agriculture is considered to be the backbone of our economy. Our government invests a lot in agricultural sector to improve the conditions of farmers and also in the...
  125. arunima

    How can I avoid being blocked on BMF?

    I am not much active there as their threshold for payout through PayPal is very high. That's a bit discouraging. Also, I am not very much able to contribute there a lot. I keep hearing users been banner there every now and then. And many are not sure why. They claim that they abide by the rules...
  126. arunima

    Can a landlord enter a tenant's apartment?

    I would agree there. Both parties have to sit together and sort out the agreement. The interest of both parties should be taken into consideration before drafting a legal rental agreement. That will prevent a lots of confusions and conflicts later. No one wants to have a bad rapport with their...
  127. arunima

    Which paid to post forum has the fastest payout?

    Thanks for your reply. That's a good pay rate. 11 cents per post is a very good rate. I assume that they would prefer quality posts with more words. It's sad that they have stopped accepting members from Asia and Africa.
  128. arunima

    Can a landlord enter a tenant's apartment?

    When getting into a lease agreement, both the parties ( the tenant and the landlord) have to set the rules and regulations clearly. We have two apartments on rent. I have never entered my tenant's home without seeking their permission. It's a basic courtesy to call someone before barging into...
  129. arunima

    February Proof of Payment

    Congratulations!! I am sure that there are many more to come in the future. The site is going good and we hope that it will get stronger each day. I also want to accumulate the money to dollar 20 before requesting a payout here. I am halfway there.
  130. arunima

    Can a landlord enter a tenant's apartment?

    Everyone is protective about their privacy. And it's a social responsibility to respect others privacy too. It depends on the situation. Sometimes there might be some legal situation or emergency situation where landlord has to enter the apartment without prior notice. Else in other situation...
  131. arunima

    What aspect of being a receptionist is most crucial?

    That's the biggest challenge that one faces in the job. You come across people with different kinds of attitude and behaviour. And some of them can be really rude. But then you need the patience and tolerance to accomodate all kinds of people. It's not easy to keep a pleasant face when someone...
  132. arunima

    Chit Chat Thread

    Today was a busy day. Actually I have come to spend some days with my mother in law. So, this whole week was busy with friends and family. I am going back on Monday morning, catching an early morning flight. I have been missing online all this week, only could spend very little time.
  133. arunima

    Korean Drama and Mexican telenovels

    Recently my daughter was here for vacation. And I watched few episodes of Korean web series called Extraordinary Attorney. I found it really good. I would definitely watch the series from the beginning. They do make very nice shows and that's why have a huge following all around the globe.
  134. arunima

    Which paid to post forum has the fastest payout?

    That sounds good. What kind of forum is that? Is it similar to other forums like Forum Coin, RIF etc?? Or does it require special interests like business and finance as in case of Insured forum or luxomexchange?? I am not sure if I have ever explored the site. If it's a good one, I might give it...
  135. arunima

    Chit Chat Thread

    Enjoyed some light lunch. After shopping I have to go for a family dinner. Looking forward to meeting few of my relatives after a long time.
  136. arunima

    Which paid to post forum has the fastest payout?

    I totally agree there. I have not requested for payout in last few months as I am accumulating my money to a bigger amount. But all my previous experiences with payment has been very smooth. I have received the payment within few hours of submitting my payment request. Fergal is very quick.
  137. arunima

    Chit Chat Thread

    After a rainy morning, it's bright afternoon. Going out for some shopping in a while.
  138. arunima

    Chit Chat Thread

    Enjoy your lunch. I am going to eat something light in daytime. Got a family dinner invitation
  139. arunima

    Chit Chat Thread

    I am happy to see the dark clouds going away. Hope to see some sunshine soon.
  140. arunima

    Question Why still Pending status of my payout?

    Welcome back Jordan. Thanks for the clarification. People do get concerned when payment is delayed. Hope you are doing good now and recovering well from the accident. Nice of Devin to step in in your absence. I am waiting for my earnings to reach a decent amount before I request the payment.
  141. arunima

    Chit Chat Thread

    It's 8 AM here. It is rainy and gloomy morning. It makes me feel lazy.
  142. arunima

    Korean Drama and Mexican telenovels

    Very true. I have heard the songs of BTS band. I would say that I might have not been crazy about the songs. But they are definitely very good. It's a perfect combination of everything that is needed for a wholesome entertainment...perfect music, catchy beats, a well made video and all the...
  143. arunima

    What is the difference between commerce and trade

    People tend to use the terms commerce and trade together and many a times as synonyms. But when it comes to the use of terms in professional or academic context, commerce is a wider umbrella. Trade is a subunit of Commerce.
  144. arunima

    Which paid to post forum has the fastest payout?

    Requesting for as low as ten cents...well that sounds impressive. I have never come across any such forum. Are they still doing it? If the payment gateway is PayPal, requesting low payments would end up paying more as the transaction fees at PayPal.
  145. arunima

    What aspect of being a receptionist is most crucial?

    There is a saying that" First Impression is the last one". That might be the case most of the times. Though things can still be sorted out even when first impression goes bad. But if it's great, the journey begins smoothly. Receptionists are that first impression for businesses and clients. They...
  146. arunima

    What should you watch out for before joining a PT site.

    I rely a lot on the forum sites like Forum Coin to get the feedback and reviews about any online earning opportunities. Forum Coin is a trusted platform for that. People share their experiences, reviews and payment proofs there. I have made few good trustworthy friends online. My decision...
  147. arunima

    What are the advantages of working with spouse?

    Yes, the topic is about the advantages. So, when a discussion would start around the advantages, the cons of the same can also be discussed. You have made valid points there. If there is a good understanding, this would be advantages. But if there is lack of understanding, these can become the...
  148. arunima

    What is the difference between commerce and trade

    Trade comes under Commerce. Commerce is actually all the process that is involved for a good to start from the producer and to reach to the last consumer. All the transactions that take place between buyers and sellers is actually a trade.
  149. arunima

    Have you ever felt that the pages of the RIF site are heavy and slow?

    I have faced it a couple of times. But then the reason was a slow Internet on my side. When my Internet works smoothly, I face no problem with RIF. In fact it's pretty fast. I mostly work on my smartphone here and I have not faced such issues.
  150. arunima

    Chit Chat Thread

    It rained in the evening and I had an urge to eat pakodas. But I controlled myself. We had enough fried and heavy stuff in the last few days with all gatherings and celebration due to Holi.
  151. arunima

    What are the advantages of working with spouse?

    Both of you have made valid points. These can be the advantages of spouses working at the same workplace. But the same advantages can be disadvantages too. If they lack proper understanding and respect for each other, conflicts can arise out of these things only. So, a mutual understanding and...
  152. arunima

    Which paid to post forum has the fastest payout?

    I guess Insured forum is still in suspended state. Correct me if I am wrong. Luxomexchange is the new one. I am yet to try and explore it. I will not be doing it any soon. Well, having multiple sites by the same owner is good. I guess they have to set daily limits on all forums for a regulation...
  153. arunima

    What aspect of being a receptionist is most crucial?

    They are the face value of any business or organisation. So, they need to be pleasant and welcoming. Plus they look over business activities and manage a lot of other things for the smooth functioning of the organisation. So, they need to have a mix of good hospitality and management skills. The...
  154. arunima

    Korean Drama and Mexican telenovels

    I totally agree with you there. There is a BTS army everywhere. I have seen my elder daughter being a crazy fan of Korean music band and shows. It's very popular amongst young population and they have worldwide followers.
  155. arunima

    Do you wear Specs

    You must have got used to it by now. My elder daughter has to wear one all the time from the time she was eleven. I have a reading glass and I wear it when reading or working on screen
  156. arunima

    Korean Drama and Mexican telenovels

    I have not watched either of the two. But I know that Korean dramas are actually overruling the entertainment world right now. They are so much popular globally. My daughters love Korean dramas. And it seems that most youths in their peer groups enjoy it a lot.
  157. arunima

    What are the advantages of working with spouse?

    That's very important. And it's not only for the spouse who are working together at the same workplace. It holds good for any working couple. They need to respect each other's professional lives and give each other personal space too. Not only working couples, but every couple needs to show that...
  158. arunima

    Do you wear Specs

    I am using it from the last three years. It's a reading glass for me. I am advised to use it while reading or using my mobile or laptop. So, everyday for few hours I wear it. I carry it everywhere as I might need it anytime.
  159. arunima

    What is that one thing that can steal your peace

    I feel the same. When my loved ones are not going through a good phase, I get very upset. I also loose my mental peace when my elder daughter is sick. She is away for her college in another city and quite far from me. Any slight sickness makes me worry a lot.
  160. arunima

    Which paid to post forum has the fastest payout?

    Fecom is a professional admin and you should not worry about the payment being delayed there. Your money is safe and you will definitely get it. Earlier Trendri used to pay within hours of making request. My first two experiences were like that. The third one got delayed. And after waiting for...
  161. arunima

    What do you do after loosing current job abruptly

    Every event, good or bad, in the life becomes an experience. And we do learn and grow with our experiences. Loosing a job can be hard hitting. But one has to take it as an experience that will make you better and stronger. Learn from it and move ahead. You will find ways to survive and might get...
  162. arunima

    Listen and Earn Money

    You have said it well. If one would treat them as money making apps, one is bound to have all frustration coming up with the low pay rates. Just think of it as an alternative for your music app. Your pennies will get accumulating while you enjoy your music. As long as they don't take a lot of...
  163. arunima

    Are you earning Brave Rewards?

    Such apps and browsers can not be expected to be a good payer. But one can't complaint as one is not putting any time, effort or investment to earn from them. As long as they are safe ( no damage to the gadget)and have all the features of any other browser, one can give it a try. I have never...
  164. arunima

    Chit Chat Thread

    It's time for dinner. But I am not hungry. Had a lunch feast with my family today.
  165. arunima

    Aside from content, how do you promote a new site?

    I would agree there. People when they start their online earning journey, they are mislead with many promising stories. These stories make you believe that you would turn rich overnight with the blog or other ways of earning. The real picture is quite contrast to that. And so many loose their...
  166. arunima

    What are the advantages of working with spouse?

    Whether you have same or different workplace, same department or different departments in the same workplace... there are certain problems that ought to come when both the partners are working. They have to develop a respect and professional attitude towards each other. It's tricky, but for...
  167. arunima

    Mental illness

    Mental illness had always been there. But it's being more and more noticed these days. Definitely there is an alarming rise in the numbers and it cannot be denied. More and more people are being aware of it now and come forward to accept it. And no doubt, a lot of this can be due to the current...
  168. arunima

    Mental illness

    Each one is different when it comes to mental illness and one kind of treatment might not be suited to all. Yoga and meditation along with your treatment has proved to be helpful.
  169. arunima

    Would you Like to Own a PTP someday?

    I have heard of but not been a member there. I think that the new ownership of BMF by some Chinese is confirmed. What do you mean by re-launch? Is the site suspended now? If he is relauching it, I am not sure if he would like to keep the same name, as now the owner of BMF is a different...
  170. arunima

    Aside from content, how do you promote a new site?

    You have made a valid point. There is no magic wand that would make it popular overnight. One has to keep up the consistency of good quality contents and constant promotion at various social media platforms. That will slowly get the traffic flowing to the site. That's how organically a website...
  171. arunima

    Will it be OK to let you know your employees play during their break?

    I totally agree there. Workplace should not be very restricted. No one likes that. Now a days more and more workplaces are giving employment happiness and mental health a lot of importance. Happy employees are more productive employees. So, workplace should accommodate things that would help...
  172. arunima

    Earn Money From Only Fans

    Oh! I see. I was not aware of that. Seems like it is more suitable for people who already enjoy a celebrity status. They would as such have huge fan following. So, I guess they bring more traffic to their contents and so more business there. That would definitely help them with their earnings.
  173. arunima

    Listen and Earn Money

    I totally agree there. The earnings there would be a bonus kind of thing that you would get while enjoying the music. If you are into music and you enjoy listening to it, you can use it. Listen to the music while you are busy doing other stuffs. The little earnings will keep accumulating. One...
  174. arunima

    Is time bucks a genuine website?

    It's the same here. I am too caught up with offline job and other obligations. I spend more time during weekends and vacation time. But this time, during our summer vacation, I would like to utilise the time more to learn a few things online. I need some devoted time to do that. It becomes tough...
  175. arunima

    Is time bucks a genuine website?

    I have not yet explored it. I don't plan to add any more sites to my earning list any soon. As such I have a lot. Also, the week is hectic one with travel. And rest of month would be hectic as we are nearing the academic year and we have a lot yo wind up. Summer vacation starts in last week of...
  176. arunima

    Are you earning Brave Rewards?

    Oh! That's good to know. That way you would not miss Chrome and would be able to earn too. That's a smart thing to do. 1678434200 How much have you earned so far? And how long have you been using it? What is the minimum payout there? Have you been paid any time so far? 2_3 hours per day would...
  177. arunima

    Earn Money From Only Fans

    I have no personal experience with the site and have not known anyone who has. All my information about the site comes from whatever I have read on Forum Coin. It seems to be a good site and one can find many useful contents of varied interests. People are also making good money there. But then...
  178. arunima

    Will it be OK to let you know your employees play during their break?

    As long as they are abiding by the rules of the workplace where they work, one should have no problem with what they do in their break time. If the workplace rules say that employees cannot play during break, then should not. These days, most corporates allow different things to relax minds of...
  179. arunima

    Understanding Mutual Funds

    I appreciate that. It's the best thing to do. One has to understand the investment well and feel comfortable before you venture into it. Investing some time beforehand to understand it well would save you from inconvenience and frustration later. It's your hard earned money and you should take...
  180. arunima

    Mental illness

    The first and foremost thing when it comes to mental illness is the acceptance. Unfortunately, people stay in denial for a long before they actually accept it and come forward for help. It needs a timely intervention like any other illness.
  181. arunima

    Legit 👍

    Forum Coin does not need much of your time. You can just spend 15_20 minutes in a day to earn around 15_20 cents. If you get some tasks available there posted by other users, you can earn even higher. It's a good website to get new opportunities and also to get genuine feedback about other...
  182. arunima

    Why is Crypto Banned?

    It's quite evident that crypto ban has not worked in any of the countries so far. Government bans it fearing that it's being used for nefarious illegal activities. But then still people are involved in it through some othe means. It would be better for government to bring rules and regulations...
  183. arunima

    Would you Like to Own a PTP someday?

    Yes, his forum became one of the best in no time. Despite all the love and hatred ( due to strict rules) and banning, BMF continues to be top rated. Someone mentioned about the forum being taken by some Chinese on Forum Coin. Not sure if Mr B has made announcement regarding the same. But seems...
  184. arunima

    How will crypto perform in the future?

    Recently author of one of the most popular book on financial stuff...Rich Dad and Poor Dad, Robert Kyasaki has states that crypto might be the future. That builds a lot of positive speculation around crypto market. He has a good reputation when it comes to finance and economy. His words can not...
  185. arunima

    Have you ever learned anything major online?

    I would totally agree that online resources can be a boon if used well. There are so many things available to be learnt online. These days I am reading a lot about launching our website, generating traffic to it, making product brochure etc. I plan to take up a few courses soon to enrich my...
  186. arunima

    Twitter removes Blue Tick from Taliban accounts

    It seems that Twitter now is allowing to buy blue ticks. I read it somewhere. Correct me if I am wrong. Hopefully,, these people don't misuse this process. They can buy these blue ticks under disguise. Twitter has to be more diligent to do the proper investigation before assigning any blue tick.
  187. arunima

    Which paid to post forum has the fastest payout?

    I do the same. I don't want to get tired and loose my interest. I generally sit for an hour with online work. I switch between two sites and make few contributions on both of them Then I take break to finish few chores and work. I come back again and do the same.I do like that for some time.
  188. arunima

    Legit 👍

    Last few days have been wonderful there on Forum Coin. I did get extra forum coins for completing some of the tasks posted by some users there. I earned more than 40 cents in a day spending around an hour there. Such days are like a blessing there.
  189. arunima

    Mental illness

    It's not only your country, it's a global phenomenon. The actual cases are far more than the reported ones. Digital world has made the world a global village but people are more lonely than they ever were. Covid times made the situation even worse.
  190. arunima

    Understanding Mutual Funds

    You have to explore and get some bit of knowledge before you choose to invest in any kind of scheme. It's your hard earned money and you should feel confident and comfortable before investing it. Don't go by word of mouth. Do your own personal research and investigation. Each one of us have...
  191. arunima

    Why people fall into scam investment

    Sometimes the scammers are too smart. They make sure that everything looks so authentic that even the smart and cautious ones can not escape their trap. When it comes to online earnings, I am sure that many of us would have experience of falling for some scam big or small. At times, it is tough...
  192. arunima

    How to earn big from Hivemicro?

    Oh! I see. It's good to see that they are fair to all and no discriminations happen them. I guess that your earnings there would depend on your skills, how many tasks you can complete. What kind of tasks are there? Do you have any personal experience of working on sites like that??
  193. arunima

    Which paid to post forum has the fastest payout?

    It's definitely not easy and I bet that it's going to be tiring too. I logged in here some 30 minutes back and have made only 13 cents si far. I have a good typing speed. Even that matters..I have replied to some notifications so far. I am yet to check new posts. But seems like I need a break...
  194. arunima

    How to earn big from Hivemicro?

    Hmm... that seems to be the case with many microtask sites and survey sites. Certain geographic locations like those in tier 1 countries are more favoured. That has always discouraged me. What kind of tasks are there on the site? What's the minimum payout??
  195. arunima

    Earn from TaskRabbit

    We have Urban Clap and No Brokers in our country where one can look for such services like plumbing, AC repair, gardener etc. Urban Clap has a good review and is popular. Lately a lot of complaints have been flooding the social media about the unprofessionalism of No Brokers. Well, they hire...
  196. arunima

    Have You Used Any Survey website that pays directly to Paytm or Bank transfer?

    Sure, do it when you feel that you are ready. I think that there is a referral program there. I am not sure about that. So, if you make up your mind, do let me know.
  197. arunima

    Wordpress Vs. Drupal?

    Thank you for your reply and this information. I am not at all into technology and programming would be out of question. I did study C and C+ as part of my computer classes in High school around 30 years back. Now, they would be Greek to me. I am sure that layman people like me would find...
  198. arunima

    Have You Used Any Survey website that pays directly to Paytm or Bank transfer?

    It's 5000 points to request for a payout. Once you send the request, you will receive 3500 Indian Rupees in your Paytm wallet. The points for each survey vary from 25 points to 250 points depending on the length of the survey. The 25 points survey takes around 2_5 minutes. The maximum time that...
  199. arunima

    How to rise financially after a business burglary

    Oh! Sorry to know about that. It must have been terrible. Working online doesn't come with a big money unless it's very high skilled job. It must have been trying times for you. What is your plan in the long run? What was your business about? Didn't you buy insurance for your business??
  200. arunima

    Have You Used Any Survey website that pays directly to Paytm or Bank transfer?

    Yes, the threshold is pretty high. But if we keep getting the surveys regularly, we reach there soon. I have been getting quite a few invitations lately but I have missed a few because I couldn't check my mail during work hours and by the time I check them they are closed. I am 1200 points away...