Recent content by Niyi Briggs

  1. Niyi Briggs

    Do you prefer hard copy or soft copy of pictures?

    I love the soft copies because I know when I back them up to Google Drive, they are backed up for life.
  2. Niyi Briggs

    What kind of people do you seek advice from?

    I always ask for advice from people that are more advanced and more experienced than I am.
  3. Niyi Briggs

    Do you like Raw onions?

    I can't stand the smell of onions. That is why I don't even eat the cooked ones in food.
  4. Niyi Briggs

    are you addicted to sugar?

    I have stayed for almost 3 months now without tasting sugar. I am not in any way addicted to sugar.
  5. Niyi Briggs

    Suing a family member

    I don't think that it is right to sue a family member. In my place, family problems are discussed and not with a lawsuit.
  6. Niyi Briggs

    I'm relaxing my mood in this rainy evening

    A rainy evening always sets up a cold evening that requires you to take a hot tea and tug yourself to sleep.
  7. Niyi Briggs

    Do you eat meat every day?

    If I am eating soup, I must eat meat because it is the balanced source of protein for the food.
  8. Niyi Briggs

    Having a male or a female as a help

    I think when it has to do with general work, the males can do better than the females. It tilts towards the females when it includes child care and cooking.
  9. Niyi Briggs

    Are You Good At Baking

    I don't know how to bake to save my life. And I have never had a free opportunity to learn the skill since I never really fancied it.
  10. Niyi Briggs

    Take out or dine in?

    I don't like to eat in public because it would seem to me like all the eyes are looking at me.
  11. Niyi Briggs

    What's your thought on pre-marital sex? is it a sin?

    Nothing wrong about premarital sex. Sex is just sex and there is no need to class one as premarital or not.
  12. Niyi Briggs

    How to Secure a Job?

    That is why I always advocate that people should study courses or gain skills that have a demand and would be relevant for a long time.
  13. Niyi Briggs

    Boost your motivation instantly

    Every serious business person should be self motivated. When you depend on external factors for motivation, your business would suffer.
  14. Niyi Briggs

    Most difficult aspect of being a business owner?

    I think the most difficult aspect of being a business owner is the ability to make sales and stay profitable.
  15. Niyi Briggs

    Effect of a business plan

    A business plan gives the operational and growth framework for a business to project it's short term and long term vision.
  16. Niyi Briggs

    Does a Cross border business need to be registered in more than one country?

    I think the business would just need to get some licenses from the subsidiary country powered by the registration it has in its base country.
  17. Niyi Briggs

    How to Monetize Your Travel?

    You would need a combination of a vlog and a blog to monetize your travels. I think that is better than writing a book.
  18. Niyi Briggs

    Are you culturally aware?

    Every business leader should understand that that people are very sensitive about their culture. And the business should not be seen to be disrespectful to that.
  19. Niyi Briggs

    Your business needs you, not your past

    Your business rather needs your vision and not the failures of your past. If not, the business would stagnate.
  20. Niyi Briggs

    Which is easier to market between a product or service?

    I think it depends on who is marketing. Some people are very good in marketing products whilst others are good at marketing services.
  21. Niyi Briggs

    Regular customers

    Every business needs regular customers to stay sustainable over a long period of time and grow. One time customers can't grow a business.
  22. Niyi Briggs

    Cure your depression

    You would need a lot of positive thinking to be able to move away from depression. It starts with renewing your mind.
  23. Niyi Briggs

    Enjoying Being a Senior

    I really don't wish to be old. I have always wanted to be forever young. Old age comes with a lot of complications.
  24. Niyi Briggs

    In Japan they plan offices in a way to let their employees relax!

    Japan is one country that prioritizes welfare. I heard that they give employees about 2 hours between work to nap.
  25. Niyi Briggs

    What do you do to relax?

    Music is the only way that I have to lift my frustration. When I listen to music, my mind gets relaxed with every melody.
  26. Niyi Briggs

    Money vs love

    I would go for money ahead of love. That's because I would always buy love with the money. Love is almost like a commodity now.
  27. Niyi Briggs

    To Forget and Forgive

    I find it easy to forgive people but I don't tend to find it equally easy to forget. I just avoid the person but I help when I have the chance to help the person.
  28. Niyi Briggs

    How to Sell Through Webinars

    To be able to sell through webinars effectively, you should already have succeeded with content marketing for the products to attract their attention to attend the webinars.
  29. Niyi Briggs

    Your network is your networth

    The value of your inner circle would to a large extent affect your own financial standing as a person and your business.
  30. Niyi Briggs

    Is Data Sales A Good Business?

    Everyone almost has free access to buy data nowadays. It is no longer profitable to sell data as patronage is very low.
  31. Niyi Briggs

    Build your relationship with marketing experts

    Marketing experts would help you to know the different approaches to use and market your business to have higher sales.
  32. Niyi Briggs

    What are the documents required by the registrar of companies to register a public limited company

    I think all the documents listed by the original poster are the same requirements needed to register a business in my country.
  33. Niyi Briggs

    How do you trade or withdraw crypto in your country?

    I use ByBit to withdraw crypto now in my country. Their peer to peer still supports Nigerian Naira. And it is a good one.
  34. Niyi Briggs

    Cryptocurrency insurance- Have you insured your cryptocurrency?

    I don't know of any insurance company in my country that offers crypto insurance. It is something I would really like to buy if the coverage is favourable.
  35. Niyi Briggs

    Investing Internationally

    If I am investing internationally, it would be geared towards establishing a business. I don't think I can do international stocks.
  36. Niyi Briggs

    Investing in Your Own Business

    I always believe that it is one of the most potent investments to build your business and commit funds to grow it.
  37. Niyi Briggs

    How serious are you in your investment?

    I am very serious and committed to my investment. I make sure to schedule a part of my income regularly to investments.
  38. Niyi Briggs

    What is Your Favorite Crypto Exchange?

    My favourite crypto exchange still remains Binance. It is super fast to see people to exchange with. And their support services is simply the best.
  39. Niyi Briggs

    What part of your house do you like the most?

    I love my bedroom the most because it is that part of the house that gives me comfort and relaxation.
  40. Niyi Briggs

    Do you believe that conflict is always bad?

    Conflicts are not always bad. They help people to understand themselves better. Healthy conflicts promote growth.
  41. Niyi Briggs

    Always believe in your abilities

    You can only sell your abilities to others if you are able to build confidence in what you can do.
  42. Niyi Briggs

    Do you believe in ghost?

    I don't even want to know if ghosts exist. I have never seen any and don't think I would ever see.
  43. Niyi Briggs

    There is always a backstory to every news report. Do you think so?

    I have accustomed myself not to believe all the sensational media reports because they are never the full story.
  44. Niyi Briggs

    Do you like Beer?

    I drink beer a few times in my life. There are very rare occasions that I have craving for beer and I buy and drink.
  45. Niyi Briggs

    Are you a lousy person?

    I would actually agree that I could be a bit lousy. It depends on who I am with and my disposition towards that person.
  46. Niyi Briggs

    Have you ever blamed your parents for your failure in life?

    My parents have already tried for me. Anything that I face now is caused by me and my decisions. I can't blame anyone.
  47. Niyi Briggs

    Do you make wedding fundraising for wedding ceremonies?

    I can't start a Go Fund Me for a wedding. I would do my wedding with what I have been able to raise myself.
  48. Niyi Briggs

    Owing a deceased

    I would make efforts to go and pay the money to the family members. It would be a big wickedness if I don't.
  49. Niyi Briggs

    Personal ways that you handle customer complaints

    For me, I make sure that I allow the customers to vent out their frustrations. From there, I tender an unreserved apology.
  50. Niyi Briggs

    Do you pay your debt fast?

    Even when it is difficult to meet up, you just have to consciously work and make sure it doesn't extend for too long.
  51. Niyi Briggs

    Workable ways to tackle business challenges

    Business challenges require critical thinking and evaluation to resolve. You might have to assemble a team if it is out of what you can handle.
  52. Niyi Briggs

    Reasons to avoid running a one customer kind of business

    Every business should have diverse customers. You need to understand that tastes and preferences can change which can lead to you losing customers.
  53. Niyi Briggs

    The reason why you are working online?

    The major reason that I work online is to earn additional income to boost my everyday earnings for the month.
  54. Niyi Briggs

    How many income sources do you have?

    I have three income sources. That is one main business, a side hustle and an online hustle.
  55. Niyi Briggs

    What is the most expensive thing that you achieved through saving little by little money?

    I was able to upgrade my accomodation from a single room to a flat and I saved everyday for it for 18 months.
  56. Niyi Briggs

    What are the circumstances for you to increase the selling prices?

    Also, when the demand for the products become inelastic, you can afford to increase prices without facing any challenges.
  57. Niyi Briggs

    Do you see the prices for the food items being too expensive for you to afford?

    Food is supposed to be a basic commodity but it is slowly turning into a luxury that some people would be cut off from being able to afford.
  58. Niyi Briggs

    What should not be shared with others

    Don't share your bank account details for someone to use and receive money. They can transfer criminal money to your account and you get into trouble.
  59. Niyi Briggs

    Is it necessary for the salaries to match with the level of proficiency on the workplace?

    These companies always want highly proficient staff but they don't want to bring out the money to pay and maintain such staff.
  60. Niyi Briggs

    Is cooperation and collaboration important in business?

    Any business that doesn't have staff collaborating would not achieve targets efficiently. It is very important for the sustainability of a business organisation.
  61. Niyi Briggs

    How to gain a company's trust in handling financial services

    Most companies have long staying loyal staff that they delegate to handle financial issues within the organisation.
  62. Niyi Briggs

    Managing Cashflow in Business

    To be able to have a grasp of your cash flow, you would need proper record keeping for your finances.
  63. Niyi Briggs

    How to Transition from Job to a Business

    Moving from a job to a business is not an easy thing especially when you consider that nothing is guaranteed in business.
  64. Niyi Briggs

    How much do you cash out weekly on RIF?

    Given the rates on RIF, you can make a maximum of $1.43 in a week if you fulfil the highest paying quota daily.
  65. Niyi Briggs

    New 🚩 Which section of Paid to Post forums do you have the most posts and earn most from?

    I have mostly done business section on all forums that I have worked on regardless of whether it is paid to post or not.
  66. Niyi Briggs

    Is Upgrading an account on a PTP Site profitable?

    I have upgraded my account on this site several times and it was very profitable for me. I don't know about other forums.
  67. Niyi Briggs

    Why do new paid writing sites just stop paying?

    It is always a lack of structure that makes new paid to post forums to close down abruptly. They have to find alternative sources of revenue apart from ads.
  68. Niyi Briggs

    How many days you can wait if you are not informed about the payment delay?

    If the delay is beyond the expected range that payments are processed, I would surely alert the admin to get clarity.
  69. Niyi Briggs

    New 🚩 Can you Earn $2 daily in your free time with Beermoneyforum?

    I am a member of beer money forum and I would tell you for free that it is not easy to earn $2 there in a single day.
  70. Niyi Briggs

    Legit 👍 - the best website for earning money

    I have known this site for a very long time and it is legit. I earned $5 from it back in the days.
  71. Niyi Briggs

    3 Workable ways to always have supplies for your business

    A company should try to have as many suppliers as possible. That's the only way they would never be out of supplies.
  72. Niyi Briggs

    The best time for the online working

    I agree with the original poster that the early hours is when one is refreshed to work online. When the sun comes out, it starts becoming difficult.
  73. Niyi Briggs

    How do you handle burnout?

    The best way to handle burnout aas a business person is to strike a balance betweeen your personal life and work life. Try to make it not overlap.
  74. Niyi Briggs

    How do you handle workers in business who are not performing well?

    It is very common to see incompetent workers in any business settings. I take out time to teach the ones that are teachable and leave the other once behind while preparing their sack letter
  75. Niyi Briggs

    How do you handle backstabber?

    I am very careful with such people. I take my time to study people and once I find out that you're backstabbing, I withdraw completely from relating with you
  76. Niyi Briggs

    What are the similarities that two people must share to have a successful marriage?

    Couples must be willing to make compromise when it comes to certain areas of their lives. The most important thing is that they both must share the same focus and purpose
  77. Niyi Briggs

    You would only grow in the area of your life that you develop.

    It is a truism that growth is constant but cannot be attained if you're not deliberate about you it. You can only achieve the desired result on your area of focus.
  78. Niyi Briggs

    Do you act gentle when you are in front of strangers?

    I am very conscious of my environment. I don't act or talk loosely in the public. It's not a pretence but a very deliberate action that depicts civility
  79. Niyi Briggs

    Is laundry service a lucrative business ?

    Laundry service has always been a lucrative business right from time and as such there is competition in the business.
  80. Niyi Briggs

    Always try to understand your customers

    Some customers can just be so tough and demanding. However your can understand your customer by thinking about strategies to help curb some complains
  81. Niyi Briggs

    Why creating room for failure is okay in business

    While creating room for failure, you're not under any obligation to fail. It simply prepares you ahead and r time to know that failure might come at anytime but you must be prepared to overcome it
  82. Niyi Briggs

    Do you love music?

    Music is an expression of feeling. Most times I find my expression in listening to music that touches my soul.
  83. Niyi Briggs

    What was Your Part Time Job in School?

    It is the same hustle that most bright students do to have some money to augment their pocket money. I also did that when I was in school as a side hustle b
  84. Niyi Briggs

    Respond in a timely manner to consumer's questions and issues

    In this fast paced world, when you delay to answer the queries of users, you are on a long thing as they would quickly dump your business for one that responds very fast.
  85. Niyi Briggs

    What's the most effective business marketing strategy you've used .

    The best marketing method that has really worked for me is social media promotion. I had to boost my social media ads and got really good conversions.
  86. Niyi Briggs

    Did you mine Notcoin?

    I also missed to mine Notcoin but I am not sleeping at all on mining Tap Swap as a lesson from me not mining Notcoin.
  87. Niyi Briggs

    Which coin helped you earn a lot?

    The coin that has profited me the most is Solana. I made a triple of my $100 investment in the token.
  88. Niyi Briggs

    Can you really make significant money using affiliate marketing?

    I don't know how to market a product and I won't try affiliate marketing because of that. I have seen some people making money from it though.
  89. Niyi Briggs

    Working on earning sites vs. working for individuals

    I don't think that I have any preference. I can easily work for both individuals and sites provided they are certified to be legit.
  90. Niyi Briggs

    Can you be a guarantor to your brother to secure a loan?

    The role of being a guarantor has it that if the person you stand in for fails to pay the loan, you would pay it for him or her. Can you be a guarantor for your brother to take a loan?
  91. Niyi Briggs

    What happens when you default in repayment of your loans?

    For some loans that are not secured with a collateral, the guarantor would have to step in and pay the loan.
  92. Niyi Briggs

    Is it typical to have differences of opinion at work?

    Those disagreements only reflect the various viewpoints in the organisation. At the end, it is to marry these viewpoints and make a sound decision on the best way to go.
  93. Niyi Briggs

    Do you feel comfortable wearing suits?

    Suits do not even look good on me. I rarely have time for occasions so I hardly wear them except the weather is cold, I could just wear it for warmth
  94. Niyi Briggs

    Which type of speaker are you—passive or aggressive?

    I am a very aggressive speaker, I believe I am a voice that must be heard. I say things the way it is
  95. Niyi Briggs

    Quarrel is inevitable in a relationship.

    It is very possible to achieve a quarrel-free relationship. Quarells might appear inevitable but could be avoided deliberately and consciously
  96. Niyi Briggs

    What are some signs that indicate a teacher is good or not?

    In my school days, the best teacher was the teacher who had the ability to impact and influence people even in their absence
  97. Niyi Briggs

    Do you give advice to people?

    I am a leader in my group, I advice people in a daily basis. However, I read books that would guide me to be able to advice others
  98. Niyi Briggs

    Have you ever felt disappointed before

    It is knowledge to know that you are likely to be disappointed by people more often than expected, it is wisdom to know how to overcome all these disappointments put together.
  99. Niyi Briggs

    Have you ever felt difficulty with getting up from bed in the mornings?

    It has become an habit that I wake up very early in the morning, It is now part of me. I wake up with ease
  100. Niyi Briggs

    Do you have a leadership potential?

    Some people are called to lead even when they're not prepared for it. Some people are just naturally leading an examplary lifestyle, I fall amongst these category of people
  101. Niyi Briggs

    Do you watch old movies?

    I love new movies more than the old movies because the industry has grown and has been able to improve from the old movies that had been there right from time. New movies are rebranded
  102. Niyi Briggs

    What are the key qualities of a successful entrepreneur

    A good entrepreneur must be ready to build a good system that would keep the business moving for as long as. He must be ready to invest and grow
  103. Niyi Briggs

    How do you handle rude clients?

    In every businesses, they'd always be the proud and the rude ones. I give them the best attention, I even go ahead to massage their ego by attending to their biddings. However, i don't let them cross boundaries
  104. Niyi Briggs

    How do you manage your business and love life if you are single?

    You need to strike a balance to be able to meet up with personal and business demands. The former is necessary but the later should be prioritized
  105. Niyi Briggs

    Is it unfair for the the team leader to get all the credits?

    It is not easy to lead especially when the followers are lazy. A good leader deserves to be singles out and praised. However, not only the leader but with the team
  106. Niyi Briggs

    Do you ask for the change from your spouse after the shopping?

    I ask for change not for me to collect but for him to keep account. This i believe would help him keep tract of his expenses and manage his funds properly.
  107. Niyi Briggs

    Do you give your neighbors discount?

    I give my customers ten percent discount because I believe one good turn deserves another. I intend to buy from them as well
  108. Niyi Briggs

    How do you feel when your neighbors don’t buy from you?

    I feel very less concerned, I don't really care if they bought from me or elsewhere, as long as my products are good and valuable.
  109. Niyi Briggs

    Has your bank account ever been limited with funds inside?

    For me, my account is limited to $20 a day because I haven't linked my ATM card details to the banking app.
  110. Niyi Briggs

    What happens when the people you lend money don't pay back?

    You would still be the one to lose out. They might state in court that they would pay you over the next 10 years. The court would not force them to pay instantly. Only lend to people what you can afford to lose.
  111. Niyi Briggs

    What payment mode do you prefer, is it daily, weekly or monthly basis.

    If I were to choose how often I am being paid, I would choose weekly because it makes cash always available in my hands.
  112. Niyi Briggs

    What do you say about the Bluetooth speakers?

    The Bluetooth speakers help people to enjoy their music without needing to buy a big expensive speaker.
  113. Niyi Briggs

    Is it possible to project two laptops on the same external screen?

    I want to project two laptops with different events and switching from one to another on one LCD screen. What would it take for me to achieve that in terms of hardware and software?
  114. Niyi Briggs

    Have you been to a court proceedings before?

    One of the things that I have longed to experience in life is a cout proceeding. I have not entered a court room before. Have you been to a court room where proceedings are in session? How was the experience like?
  115. Niyi Briggs

    Do you have your grandparents still alive?

    For some people, they are lucky to still have their grandparents alive. My grandmother is 70 plus and I enjoy her company so much. I have told her that she ain't going nowhere till I get married and have a child. Are your grandparents still alive?
  116. Niyi Briggs

    Holding all your assets in a close relative's name. Pros and Cons.

    Most wealthy people don't hold any financial asset in their names. They rather prefer to hold it in the name of a close family member. The advantage is that it protects them against confiscation of their assets in the event of legal tussle that warrants that. Such a person is broke by default...
  117. Niyi Briggs

    Do you work online in the midnight?

    The most important thing though is to have a balance of your working schedule so that you don't stress yourself to death.
  118. Niyi Briggs

    Do you get bored posting on forums?

    There is a point that it gets to and you would get bored of posting on forums. When it happens like that, just try and relax. When you are done relaxing, you would get your mojo back.
  119. Niyi Briggs

    Starting an online business

    Online business is something that one has to be very meticulous about in terms of research and structuring before you start. It is not something people jump into.
  120. Niyi Briggs

    Disadvantages associated with online earning

    The only disadvantage with online earnings is that it is not something that someone can bank his hope on because it can just disappear all of a sudden.
  121. Niyi Briggs

    What are the things you can't help someone do?

    You are right. So many people are languishing in prisons all over the world just because they helped someone carry a luggage. Also, I can't help someone link him or her up with a potential girlfriend or boyfriend. Go and find for yourself.
  122. Niyi Briggs

    Do you think it's okay to work at night?

    I personally can't work at night. If I have to, it would just be for few hours. For those who are used to it, I hope they have enough sleep in the afternoon.
  123. Niyi Briggs

    Is Your Online Business Registered

    My offline business is registered and since the online business is an offshoot of the offline business, I don't need to register it again.
  124. Niyi Briggs

    What do I need to setup a borehole drilling service company?

    The major thing that is required to set up a borehole drilling business is the rig and the team. When you can secure that, you are good to go.
  125. Niyi Briggs

    Sacking all the staff and asking them to reapply- Is it a good business move?

    When there is too much infighting between staff, the best thing is to sack everyone and investigate subtly so you know which of the staff to keep.
  126. Niyi Briggs

    How can staff uniform be implemented for the first time in a workplace?

    You would have to carry your workers along before introducing a uniform. You have to make them see the need for the organisation to have a staff uniform.
  127. Niyi Briggs

    Have you ever fought in your shop?

    Even when the customer has a reason to come fuming, I always make sure that I calm him or her down and we talk like mature people. Doesn't make me a fool.
  128. Niyi Briggs

    Unique ways to increase industry knowledge

    Industry knowledge is all about the level of information that you open yourself and your business to. And that can be easily gotten through networking with others.
  129. Niyi Briggs

    Do you make profit in your business all the time?

    Anyone that would be expecting profits all the time in business is living in an illusion. Losses are part of the business cycle.
  130. Niyi Briggs

    Do you talk much while attending to customers?

    Anyone that is in business should just make up his or her mind that he would be a talkative. There are always queries from customers to answer and you must talk.
  131. Niyi Briggs

    Have you heard of Exodus Wallet?

    I can categorically say that Exodus wallet is better than Trust wallet in terms of speed of withdrawals and deposits.
  132. Niyi Briggs

    What does it mean to trade futures?

    It is a situation where you enter a speculative contract with a person to trade within a particular future timeframe, hoping that the asset gets to trade at your predicted price.
  133. Niyi Briggs

    Changes in forum coin pay rate

    The reduction in the rates of forum coin was just too much. If he had reduced it to 0.8 even, it would have been better. Slicing it to three times lower was too mean.
  134. Niyi Briggs

    How Easy is it to Create and Sell Digital Products

    The level of difficulty in creating and selling digital products is dependent on the kind of digital product and the person involved. For someone that is already a good writer, creating an eBook is not supposed to be difficult.
  135. Niyi Briggs

    Have You Tried Creating Digital Courses?

    Creating a course requires that a person has theoretical and practical mastery of a field to be able to consult on that field. I have created a digital course before a d I still earn from it.
  136. Niyi Briggs

    How do you keep the bank account active?

    It is stupidity to be parading many bank accounts with no funds inside. I would rather have just two bank accounts with some funds inside. Sooner or later, all those numerous accounts would become dormant.
  137. Niyi Briggs

    Do you save money in the name of your kids?

    I think it is something very noble to open a savings account for your kids. By so doing, you have started making financial plans for their future.
  138. Niyi Briggs

    Have you ever been stranded because you exceeded the transaction limit on your account?

    I know the limits of each of my accounts. If I have to make a bigger transaction that is more than an accounts limit, I tell the other end of the transaction that it would take two days for the transactions to be completed.
  139. Niyi Briggs

    Do you support your parents and family financially? Is it a strain on your finances?

    I give money to my parents, not because they desperately need it. But because it is what I should do as a token of appreciation for them being there for me all those years. I am not under pressure to give to them though.
  140. Niyi Briggs

    Have you ever been scammed or financially exploited by a partner/ spouse?

    A friend of mine had this experience. Her husband took her ATM card and because he knew her pin, emptied all the money in her account, including funds she was meant to use and process orders for her business.
  141. Niyi Briggs

    25 Posts on

    Taken the 9th Spot.
  142. Niyi Briggs

    Is it fair not to hire an over qualified applicant?

    I won't employ someone that is over qualified. It can easily lead to contention especially if there is an established hierarchy.
  143. Niyi Briggs

    Do you focus on the attraction or the retention of the customers on the business?

    For me, I believe tha what you have at hand is more valuable than what you would potentially have. I put energy in attracting and retaining new customers but I focus more on retention of customers v
  144. Niyi Briggs

    Starting a baking school

    I totally agree with that. A catering school is broader and would easily attract people more than just a baking school which is too restrictive.
  145. Niyi Briggs

    Do you talk much while attending to customers?

    When those kinds of customers come around, you really have to suspend everything and attend to them. In the business world, you must accommodate all kinds of customers.
  146. Niyi Briggs

    Limit the cash advances of your employees

    I have been a beneficiary of salary advances and it is because I have shown myself to be a loyal staff.
  147. Niyi Briggs

    Do you support your parents and family financially? Is it a strain on your finances?

    It is because the members of the family have failed to grow. And if they don't stop giving them aids, those family members might not see a need to grow.
  148. Niyi Briggs

    Do you live in your own house?

    At least, you don't have to bother much about paying rents annually. If you know the amount people shell out every year for rent. I am a practical example.
  149. Niyi Briggs

    Have you ever withdrawn everything from the bank and to what reason?

    I had to clear my account before because I was looking for funds to help my brother with fees. The amount in my account no was not even enough.
  150. Niyi Briggs

    Saving in Gold Vs. Saving in Fiat Currency

    Any amount of money that you save in fiat is subject to depreciation. Gold would always surely appreciate. I prefer to save in Gold.
  151. Niyi Briggs

    How many debit cards do you use?

    I have only one debit card and I have even forgotten where it is. I rarely use cards for transactions, apart from online payments.
  152. Niyi Briggs

    What was the main purpose for your marriage?

    Men generally marry because they want to raise kids with one woman. If not for children, why would a man want marriage? Companionship? We get that everyday from our league of friends.
  153. Niyi Briggs

    Pay All Bills Before the Due Date

    When you pay all the bills before the due date, you would be able to have a relaxed mind and a life devoid of pressure.
  154. Niyi Briggs

    Are celebrities always doing the right things?

    In the name of role modelling, we put too much pressure on people that are humans like us and expect them to live like super humans.
  155. Niyi Briggs

    According to you, why should people embrace the family planning?

    The economy is very tough and one doesn't need to raise a battalion unless that person would die quickly. Family planning is important to control the number and timing of kids that you have.
  156. Niyi Briggs

    How many phones do your have?

    I have a button phone and a smartphone. The button phone is my main call phone. And the smartphone is for online activities.
  157. Niyi Briggs

    Ever fought for love?

    There are certain things that you don't fight for because if you do, you might not get the best of it. And love is one of those things.
  158. Niyi Briggs

    How do you style your hair?

    The only thing that I use for my hair is black hair dye. And that is because my hair is losing that default dark that it once had.
  159. Niyi Briggs

    What aspects of keeping a healthy lifestyle do you find most difficult to maintain?

    For me, it has to be keeping a balanced sleep routine. That's something that I struggle with because I have loads of work online and offline to see through.
  160. Niyi Briggs

    Have you ever tried online dating?

    Even the physical on site dating, we are still struggling with it. And then someone comes to talk about online dating where the relatives is as cheap as opening a new social account.