Recent content by relcap23

  1. relcap23

    What consequences could there be if sales targets are not met?

    If the products have limited lifespan or shelf life it will become a burdensome inventory if not sold, same way with other non perishable products the cost of money spent on producing them has depleted in value.
  2. relcap23

    Do you think you can go for Vegan Lifestyle?

    Maybe a day or two but my body still needs protein coming from animal source. I cannot call a meal satisfying and complete without real meat products.
  3. relcap23

    What is your favourite fruit to eat in the summer?

    I love fruits all-time around. Summers fruits are mostly watermelons, cantaloupe, mangoes, pineapple and they are available all year round. I miss fruits like star apple, and other fruits in my childhood days that became very rare now.
  4. relcap23

    Have You Ever Tried Selling Sausage Roll?

    Is the sausage roll referred here is ground meat wrapped in pork fat then one can either fry or grill.. These kind of food last beyond days and won't get spoiled. If put in a chiller it can even lasts longer. I even saw some in supermarkets they call Chinese choriso and hanging there for...
  5. relcap23

    Is meat selling online good?

    It's good business but needs many hands. lol from the slaughter house to the butcher, to delivery, to storage if meat are not sold.
  6. relcap23

    Here I am relaxing while listening to the song Once There Was A Love ( Jose Feliciano)

    I also fell in love and the feeling is good. I did not play with it too but my responsibility for my family had more weight than my own happiness lol.
  7. relcap23

    I dollar for 3 days

    That's good you can do some for RIF, while administering exams. April 5 is declared as half day work. Will you still continue with exam on that day?
  8. relcap23

    Do you look at brands before buying an Electrical appliance?

    Most often brands determine the durability of the product. After sales services are also offered by those popular and tested brands. Popular brands have service centers too.
  9. relcap23

    MBA Worth it?

    Having a MBA will give one an edge over the others in the workplace. Undergraduate studies do not provide all thet is needed to be competent in one's job. Graduate studies will expand one's knowledge and skill.
  10. relcap23

    A shooting star

    I saw them before when I was small.
  11. relcap23

    Here I am relaxing while listening to the song Once There Was A Love ( Jose Feliciano)

    Love lost,love gone, all were.just memories,. Once in one's life there was love, there was emotion there was happiness. Loneliness seeps in but later on one moves on and continues to live. Maybe looking for another love lol.
  12. relcap23

    I dollar for 3 days

    That's still a good one. I hardly make a dollar in 3 days lol. I feel lazy lol. Sometimes when I wake up early then I log in here and before I sleep.
  13. relcap23

    How do you earn in YSense?

    lol that's so strange.
  14. relcap23

    Received my sixth payment from RIF

    Congratulations. Hard work pays off.
  15. relcap23

    Earn from casino forum

    By thr very name looks like a site for casino enthusiasts so topics about gambling would be the main focus.
  16. relcap23

    How do you earn in YSense?

    Y sense? when you read it aloud it's no sense in the dialect lol. I just heard of this.
  17. relcap23

    Do you like to have New year resolutions?

    I have wishes every Chinese New year which I write on a piece of paper.. These are things I want to be fulfilled because I will try to make my best effort to work.
  18. relcap23

    Factors to consider before taking part time job

    It's not easy to engage in part-time work if one is employed full-time. Personally I don't think I myself can do it unless maybe the pay is more than the amount I am already earning and if the work is something I would really enjoy and not something stressful.
  19. relcap23

    Save money on internet connection

    I see this feature on opera data on my phone and I got no idea what is it for but now. Thanks I will see how to go about it. I have unlimited wifi at home and also at work but when I'm mobile I want to have unlimited data.
  20. relcap23

    Penalizing Non active users

    What is PB, you may share link to me. I will check it out.
  21. relcap23

    Penalizing Non active users

    Thanks for that offer. I will think it over but for now I will focus here, and myLot. 1680094037 Thanks my dear, yes I rather focus here on RIF and myLot and watching movement of BTC
  22. relcap23

    What do you think about an earning site with daily withdrawal

    That's interesting. Most games apps even those paying crypto pay cents only. It's only an added feature for transacting crypto.
  23. relcap23

    How to help your credit customers avoid delayed payment

    Timely reminder is very important. It's also nice to give prompt payment discount and other rewards. One credit company here waives the last installment payment if payments are updated.
  24. relcap23

    What do you think about an earning site with daily withdrawal

    That's very rare to get a dollar every day.
  25. relcap23

    Which preparations are required prior to a job interview?

    Exactly. They are being intimidated and feels insecure of their position in the company.
  26. relcap23

    What do you think about an earning site with daily withdrawal

    That would be interesting to consider an app game that pays 1 dollar. There are games app but they only pay cents.
  27. relcap23

    It's extremely hot in my country

    How can we work effectively huhuhu,my collectors cannot go out in the field. It's very hot.
  28. relcap23

    How to gain a company's trust in handling financial services

    Day one at work is already a step towards building one's reputation in the company. Trust is earned through time, it's not instant.
  29. relcap23

    How would you handle an accusation of embezzlement of company funds?

    Resigning is not an option. It's better to address the matter legally. Challenge the person legally to prove his accusations.
  30. relcap23

    It's extremely hot in my country

    Had they officially announced summer? Yes terribly hot, and our air-conditioning units are going crazy, how timely. If they can't fix it soon I will ask my staff to hold office in the open field lol.
  31. relcap23

    What can make an employee to resign?

    Most common reason especially the younger ones is to look for greener pastures. Better offers from other organizations lure an employee to leave his present post. There are also times due to bad management.
  32. relcap23

    What do you do after loosing current job abruptly

    Remember what happen during the COVID 19 pandemic? Many people lost their jobs but some were able to pull through using their abilities and creativity. Food delivery, online selling flourished. It's a matter of rising up after the fall.
  33. relcap23

    Do you contribute to buy a gift for a co staff who has a celebration?

    That is being done in our office. By contributing we are able to collect an amount that can buy a beautiful gift. Sometimes as head of my department I contribute more during birthday celebration and the rest of the staff contribute too.
  34. relcap23

    What do you do after loosing current job abruptly

    Usually companies pay severance pay so make use of the money properly and look for other jobs immediately because expenses continue to occur. Frugal living must be observed.
  35. relcap23

    How to position self for promotion at the workplace

    An employee must show core competency. Basic qualifications and good credentials are also a requirement because these are entry points.
  36. relcap23

    Why is an automated payroll system preferable to a manual one?

    Use of automatic teller machine cards are attached to the payroll system.. It is a security measure for a company. Large amount of money need not be withdrawn at one time for disbursements as salary is deposited directly to the employee's account.
  37. relcap23

    What do you think about an earning site with daily withdrawal

    I wish there's one site that can do that,. though with the slow earnings of on-line works it's also impossible to achieve the minimum threshold. It's better to do a lot of activities so that we can have multiple opportunities.
  38. relcap23

    What rules apply to all businesses equally?

    All businesses in the country are regulated by the government agency involved. We have a law on ease of doing business and this has simplified the process of securing permits. Unless the environment is compromised all other conditions are addressed at conveniently. This eliminates red tape...
  39. relcap23

    Time taken to process withdrawal request

    So far most online activities I have pays promptly. This is an indication that the site is legit unless there is a already a set scheduled for payout like for example myLot pays every 15th if you reached the minimum of the ensuing month.
  40. relcap23

    What advantages can decent employee amenities provide for a business?

    A clean and properly watered ladies room is very important. Floors must be kept dry at all times with water direct from the faucet and flush working well. There must also be a pantry with a hot and cold water dispenser. Most important is the air-conditioning units in every offices must be in...
  41. relcap23

    Playing on Bling

    Has anyone here been playing on Bling? Bling is a financial portal where one can also play games and earn. Earning bling points is fast though small but a good way to while the time away. Cash out is easy it goes directly to your coinbase account.
  42. relcap23

    Which past life event used to get you teary

    Thanks so much. With the position given to me, I couldn't ask for more.
  43. relcap23

    Is My Forum. link scam?

    That's so sad. It's really difficult to determine whether the site is legit or scam.. We are lucky we have network here who got more knowledge and updates on PTP sites and sure they're in a better position to inform us.
  44. relcap23

    Which past life event used to get you teary

    In 2021 I got teary and really cried when my appointment was signed by the Secretary of Finance. Those were tears of joy. Before that event I was put down by some sectors especially the elected officials because they don't want me to be in the position. But they are not the approving body so...
  45. relcap23

    Enjoying your job, regardless of pay?

    I must learn to enjoy my job and enjoy it because it's what I wanted in the first place otherwise I should not have tried all effort to get the position. Once a position is given to us we must accept it wholeheartedly but.if it could result to self-destruction then stop.
  46. relcap23

    What are the benefits of being self employed?

    Being self employed means you own your time, you can also make your own decision in business without asking for somebody's opinion. No one can dictate you on how you run your business activities.
  47. relcap23

    Are you comfortable with the amount your bank charges you as transactional fees.

    I think bank charges are reasonable enough. Even paypal charges only a minimal.amount even free if you reached a certain amount.
  48. relcap23

    Time is wasted during meetings over any other business activity?

    This is often my complaint when I am required to attend a peace and order meeting. My job is to collect taxes and I don't think I have to listen to the police rendering a report. Told them I am busy but they require me to send representative which is also useless because it cannot make...
  49. relcap23

    Are Qualifications More Important Now?

    We in the government requires minimum qualifications before one's application is considered depending on what the job requirements are like an accountant must have the proper license. they must have the. license to practice their profession. Others must have passed government examinations. For...
  50. relcap23

    Success in Career and Having a Happy Family Life

    I can say I have a successful career and I can also say I have a happy family. My family is my brother and his wife. I am an old maid so I have no family of my own. Maybe this could be the reason why I don't have to choose career and family. I can have both without sacrificing one. I have...
  51. relcap23

    How to make easy money offline

    Unless one has the right expertise needed by companies job offers will flood his way. With the work competition so high more demands for employment and lesser job offers unless it's in sales one can start as a salesperson.
  52. relcap23

    Creativity in Businesses

    Small businesses may be hindered from being creative because of its limitations. It lacks resources both manpower and monetary to launch a grand system. Most small businesses are manned and operated by family members and they are not equipped with tools and capacities to make innovations.
  53. relcap23

    The benefits of having multiple business

    It's like laying eggs in different baskets. It's important though that business should complement like for example if you have a convenience store you must also have a refreshment parlor or a restaurant. You never have to stock on beverages because these are all sold in the convenience store...
  54. relcap23

    How much Does it cost to take Burger kings Franchise?

    I have no idea but maybe it would be in millions. Burger king is my favourite burger chain. Compared to Mc Donalds I would go for burger king. I also love Wendys. I am hungry now.
  55. relcap23

    Are you comfortable with the amount your bank charges you as transactional fees.

    Banks charge less than any other money transfer system. It's still better to use bank facilities, this are reasonable fees depending on the amount of transaction whereas other remittance centers charge a percentage of the amount.
  56. relcap23

    Best online survey site

    I just activated my swagbucks, I've heard it's a good site,. I will look into that. Rakuten and you gov are also good.
  57. relcap23

    Save money by dumping your credit card at home

    As long as you treat it with control. I use my credit card as reserve fund. I also use my credit card on necessary expenses.
  58. relcap23

    earncashbond: Legit or not?

    Thanks for this information. Issues like this are prompts that we should be careful already. I had issue with virily too and my earnings ate shown bit cannot withdraw because I am short of the required pay out, problem is no way can I find out how to make more points because they changed rules.
  59. relcap23

    Pains of having friends

    Did the girl know that her boyfriend is yours too? Did she temp your boyfriend?.
  60. relcap23

    China and Russia agrees to replace USD with Yuan

    The virus that halted the world. They didn't succeed at controlling the world.
  61. relcap23

    Earn with Depop

    Yes, though payout may take long as long as paid. I hope I will not encounter another like virily.
  62. relcap23

    Selling refreshments during Holy Week

    It would be a pleasant sight to see too, like refreshment push carts carrying fresh buko juice, sago at gulaman, iced tea, milk tea, slices of fruits, fruit juices, shakes.
  63. relcap23

    Selling refreshments during Holy Week

    I miss the street Halo Halo with pinipig, boiled camote and banana, beans, sweetened jackfruit. I don't go much for gulaman.
  64. relcap23

    Pains of having friends

    That was so funny, how young were you when you did this? We can never tell who the realm friends are. Good you know early.
  65. relcap23

    Selling refreshments during Holy Week

    It could be a good business idea to sell some refreshments during Holy week. Devotees go to different churches as part of tradition. We often see groups of them visiting one church to another. Though it's a season of fasting and abstinence some still feel the need to refresh and be energized...
  66. relcap23

    Do you work on holidays?

    If we have to meet deadlines I require my staff to render overtime with pay. I am not allowed to collect compensation but my staff can collect. However if I work on holidays due to election period I can collect and this is the time that all of us in the office are busy.
  67. relcap23

    Should a betrayed partner be given a second chance

    Feelings and emotions play a great part in deciding if we will risk them again by giving a second chance to the offender
  68. relcap23

    Fun ideas for fun day out

    It's nice to have a fun day with friends and co workers. Eating out, sharing stories and laughter, dancing and singing are just some of the things we enjoy doing. Out of town activities is also very enjoyable.
  69. relcap23

    China and Russia agrees to replace USD with Yuan

    It could be another step towards dominating global economy. But US dollar is still the benchmark of all currencies.
  70. relcap23

    Do you consider paying customers who bring in other customers in your business?

    Maybe I can offer some freebies to the group. This then will also be replicated if in that group somebody brings in another, then another freebie.
  71. relcap23

    Online payments

    I like Paypal because it's very simple and not. complicated. I don't like crypto, copying address, pasting address is too complicated for me. lol.
  72. relcap23

    Do you like Lemon Ginger tea?

    I love sipping this beverage hot especially after having a good massage.
  73. relcap23

    What payments are typically withheld from an employee's paycheck?

    There are deductions from home mutual. development fund, GSIS for government employee or SSS for private employees, Phil health contributions, taxes if taxable are just among those deducted. If their are unions or. cooperatives dues these are also deducted as long as there is a memorandum of...
  74. relcap23

    Can a business person, not a pharmacist own a pharmacy?

    You can hire a pharmacist and pay her salary. If you have small capital it's not feasible, but if you're a licensed pharmacy you have the advantage. Some physician are also pharmacist so all the medicines prescribed. by them they can also dispense.
  75. relcap23

    Earn Money becoming A Hairstylist

    Hair stylists in my country have extreme rates. If you go to a high end salon one will spend so much money and giving tips even to the shampoo girl, but if you go toman ordinary parlor they charge to as low as one dollar only, but no shampoo.
  76. relcap23

    Earning money from site

    I used to have this app but frequent updates is required before points are credited. It's using mischief storage.
  77. relcap23

    Legit đź‘Ť Review

    If you sign up there I hope to see you and interact with you. You will see some of us there.
  78. relcap23

    Earn with Depop

    That's true,all waste of time and battery. Better channel the effort to sure earning sites.
  79. relcap23

    Earn with Depop

    I had firefaucet tried for few days but earning my is slow, B.C Game no chance lol.. I had digital money forum but also slow lol. I might as well focus on forum site and surveys. Firefaucet has surveys too but points will be hard to redeeem.
  80. relcap23

    How can you make money from Esty

    What is this site all. about? Is it forum? survey? crypto? Just heard of this now.
  81. relcap23

    Agency supplying maidservants, cooks

    I am not very keen on getting househelps from agency. My friends have a not so good experience with these agencies. They pay the agency and after a few months the househelp leaves.
  82. relcap23

    Do you believe cryptocurrency will always exist?

    I have noticed BTC is doing good again. This is the first crypto I know and I have used it in paying for items.
  83. relcap23

    Higher Interest and Digital banks

    It's very convenient to use. It's also free to transfer from digital bank to e wallet, no transfer fees. Normal banks charge a transfer fee and some cashing in stations charge 1 percent
  84. relcap23

    Higher Interest and Digital banks

    They are offering loan feature I will try to. explore on that.
  85. relcap23

    How do you halt start of falling sick

    I also take plenty of water and eat fruits like oranges. I also try to get a good sleep. Once you're asleep your body recharges.
  86. relcap23

    How to make $30 weekly with stormgain?

    The site is a difficult site, at least for me. It is highly technical plus I have yet to know some crypto lingo I am not familiar with.
  87. relcap23

    Pains of having friends

    Good for them lol...Were they hit?. That's why it is good to have many circle of friends because you can easily get a replacement if one goes bad.
  88. relcap23

    8 ways to make $300 in a week online

    There's so much opportunities offered online, it's just a matter of hitting them right one that suits you. Sooner or later one can find a gold mine. The best of fortune to the seekers.
  89. relcap23

    How to increase workers passion for work

    It's important for a business to offer good compensation package and offer them a good work life balance. Profit sharing schemes if possible can be offered. In this way employees feel a certain involvement in the business
  90. relcap23


    That kind of business will thrive in an area close to a university. Most students prefer doing their things outside school premises where they can also be comfortable sipping a branded coffee and munching on some pastries.a.They can also freely discuss group assignments.
  91. relcap23

    Has becoming a business owner change how you do things?

    Time element is very important in business. When I personally attended to our store business I have to wake up early because after 8 in the morning there will not be much customers.
  92. relcap23

    How Much Should Be Your Markup Cost

    It depends on the products. If product comes from scratch you should add on all the cost plus a profit margin of at least 20 percent. If products are purchased and you only trade you have to determine if the product is fast moving and you can set a lesser profit margin. .
  93. relcap23

    Uninvited guest

    We're not related. We know her, she used to come here a lot when we were young. She considers herself part of the family. It's not that I don't welcome her but am just irritated lol, am not expecting her. I got other things to do. She goes to my cousins but always comes back when she feels...
  94. relcap23

    Time Social

    At least I've learned my lesson and have developed the attitude of sensing if the site is legit or not. I read reviews before getting into it.
  95. relcap23

    Time Social

    They are the so- called too good to be true. Once they offer big payouts one must be wary already. I got my first dollar from a spin to win game but they didn't give me my second payout and I need to keep tract of the schedule payout lest I lose chances of getting paid. 1679209350 Indeed...
  96. relcap23

    Time Social

    I also got scammed playing games on one site. I reached the payout threshold, but I cannot make payout. I sent email but there was no reply at all. My only consolation isnI enjoyed the game but they scammed me by asking me to watch ads.
  97. relcap23

    Uninvited guest

    How do you deal with the situation when somebody just arrive in your home on an unholy hour in the afternoon. I was already preparing to take my afternoon nap because it's a Sunday and I have no outside appointment. Suddenly somebody just arrived and looks like will also spend the afternoon in...
  98. relcap23

    Do you feel bored working on RIF ?

    It's not boring here because you know if you're earning or not. It's easy to make targets at daily earnings goal because the output depends on the inputs.
  99. relcap23

    Why did you join this site? For money or knowledge?

    Frankly, I join this site to earn money to add to my PayPal account. We may learn from the exchange of ideas but basically earning is my prime goal.
  100. relcap23

    How often do you offer bonuses to employees?

    Our government employees are given their 13th month pay not earlier as May 15 and the 14th month no earlier than Nov. 15. It depends on the agency if they can give more based on the guidelines set. Mostly they give more if there are savings.
  101. relcap23

    Which preparations are required prior to a job interview?

    Over confident interviewee may intimidate the interviewers. For all we know an applicant can be a future colleague and who knows may surpass the interviewer's position in the future.
  102. relcap23

    In the monthly reporting, what comparison is made?

    One good thing of owning your business is just look at your bankbook, if it's almost drained then it's time to cut back on some expenses and do prioritising of which must be paid immediately.
  103. relcap23

    What is the importance of a cash flow analysis?

    I am more concerned with incoming cash flow because this is where I can make decisions on which expenses to prioritise. We have fixed expenses of which are already covered by fixed income but I also need to back up some expenses which may not be covered by expected revenue.
  104. relcap23

    Recent site from which you received payment

    Thank you. It only shows that there are possible ways to earn online without capital. Most of us have smartphone and wifi access is everywhere, so there is always an opportunity to make money.
  105. relcap23

    Right skills to acquire for animals farming

    Before one invest in any farming venture like livestock production it is necessary to consult with the right people. Farm technicians are needed. One can seek the help me of the government as they provide technical skills and advice.
  106. relcap23

    Appreciate your best government officials here

    For me only the appointed officials are doing their work. All elected public officialls' goal is for reelection to stay in power. The whole time that they are in office they are preparing for the next election and if the term is expiring, they are again preparing for the election of their...
  107. relcap23

    March Payment from RIF - $190

    Wow, that's a hefty amount you got. You deserve a big clap, clap. Your hardwork is paying off.
  108. relcap23

    Which preparations are required prior to a job interview?

    When I joined the government I got interviewed only once and this is for promotion. The interview was done because it's a prerequisite although the position is already given to me. The flow of the interview is merely on the tasks expected once the position is given.
  109. relcap23

    Earn From RentAFriend

    It's really like getting an escort. Escort business was popular in the nineties, where agents look for applicants posting it in buy and sell and match them with high profiled clients posing as escort but who knows what the negotiations will be after.
  110. relcap23

    Recent site from which you received payment

    When I first joined mylot several years ago I see posts from members saying they make 1 dollar a day. I haven't reached that because I don't get to spend much time on the site, but I think it's possible depending on how the other members will interact with you. I joined the site when the...
  111. relcap23

    Earn From RentAFriend

    That's good if they make a thorough background check of both the members and the applicants. Looks like the site work like an agency where they provide manpower to client.
  112. relcap23

    Where to write movie reviews?

    Thelma is our kababayan, @Starmix. She's been writing for hp but I haven't read her write-ups.
  113. relcap23

    In the monthly reporting, what comparison is made?

    When I make my report it is comparing the figures from prior years based on the same period.
  114. relcap23

    Earn From RentAFriend

    My concern is not only the applicant to be hired but the client who will rent the friend.
  115. relcap23

    Which preparations are required prior to a job interview?

    One must compose and sell himself to the company therefore one must present how can he be an asset to the company, what qualities sets him apart from the rest.
  116. relcap23

    How to make $100/day online?

    Having limited knowledge of web system I cannot dream of that amount. People with web designing abilities can do that or those engage in Forex trading or some famous bloggers with thousand of subscribers.
  117. relcap23

    Recent site from which you received payment

    I also got payment from mylot 2 days ago and from rakuten last week.
  118. relcap23

    Is the requirement for a medical examination an invasion of privacy?

    It depends on the medical tests. Women applicant must submit pregnancy tests as it's important to know the condition of your women workers. Chest x-ray is also important because illness associated with the lungs is contagious. Drug test must also be conducted.
  119. relcap23

    What is the importance of a cash flow analysis?

    Cash flow is very important in my work. I can make forecast which is vital in scheduling the expenditure.
  120. relcap23

    What's your experience starting a business with a loan

    if the business needs additional capital it can opt for a loan so that it can move faster. However there must be a comprehensive study on the viability of, cost analysis, cash flow projections must be done.
  121. relcap23

    SVB bankruptcy linked to Goldman Sachs

    It was an investment decision by SVB opting to sell its portfolio. Thr bank could already be facing liquidity issues.
  122. relcap23

    Have you earned from Quora?

    I don't think it's a paying site. I'm on quora but never sensed that the site will pay.
  123. relcap23

    Can you Eat One Dish in All meals?

    Eating is also an art than merely stuffing one's tummy. Eating must be enjoyed and savored. You cannot enjoy eating one dish only for the whole day.
  124. relcap23

    A normal day at the office.

    Normal day at work is signing documents and checks, collecting taxes and counting money.
  125. relcap23

    Can you Eat One Dish in All meals?

    I am trying to have a balance diet so my meal should be varied not just one dish
  126. relcap23

    How can you make money from Esty

    I have not heard of this site but now.
  127. relcap23

    How can I run a poultry business in a residential compound?

    It's a modern technology. I myself was looking where the manure are. It looks like there's a septic tank.
  128. relcap23

    Earn From RentAFriend

    It is inconsistent with the real meaning of friends. Having friends has no monetary value. They better term it as Escort for rent.
  129. relcap23

    Earn From RentAFriend

    Looks like it's a risky thing to do. What exactly will be the role of beint a friend. What if one encountered a bad person.
  130. relcap23

    Have you received reward for shopping online with swagbucks?

    I have swagbucks, it's available in Philippines.I was inactive for a long time and just visited back, . almost halfway for the minimum payout. 1679135212 I only do survey, am still looking out how to earn by shopping.
  131. relcap23

    How can I run a poultry business in a residential compound?

    Modern technology now is the chicken are grown in air-conditioned facilities. The feeding is done by machine.. The waste matters are not exposed outside. Absolutely no smell.
  132. relcap23

    How can I run a poultry business in a residential compound?

    Poultry business is not allowed in our residential area, unless you only have 5 heads of free ranged chicken that roam and fly around and only goes back to your yard when you feed them. I am one of the regulating personnel of businesses in my place and we don't allow poultry business in...
  133. relcap23

    Studypool: Legit or Not?

    Please share any insights here.
  134. relcap23

    What should not be shared with others

    Never share your ATM PIN with other people.
  135. relcap23

    Online earning mistakes to avoid this year

    My online mistake was boosting on my FB page, I hit the wrong button. Good thing then virtual card attached does not work anymore and my other card saved on the site have restrictions on online activities.
  136. relcap23

    Feeling so lucky this day

    It's good to have friends especially loyal friends who understands us and stick to us.
  137. relcap23

    Do you think manufacturing units should Use the Day light savings techniques to Save on Power bill?

    Daylight saving time may help. Electricity is most used at night time so adjusting work. schedule earlier may lessen power consumption.
  138. relcap23

    Budgets: how are they created?

    Most important is set a budget for basic. necessities. For household budget it's normally for rent or. mortgage if one does not own the home, budget for transportation, food, clothing may be adjusted, put something for medical and health. Travels, recreation may be adjusted. Some househols need...
  139. relcap23

    Feeling so lucky this day

    That's a real cut on the price. You got a good deal for that.
  140. relcap23

    Budgets: how are they created?

    Before one can create a budget, it's important to determine the source of money. A budget is merely the draft of the picture, once you have the money then you start putting the colors. One cannot spend the budget without the money. Plainly saying the budget is just the plan of expenditure.
  141. relcap23

    What changes might take place as a result of a promotion?

    Promotion is partnered with responsibility. Increased income and benefits must be compensated with more work, more effort and most important more. contributions to the organization.
  142. relcap23

    Women's Month

    I just wonder if our community has more men or women member. This month is international women's month with emphasis on the empowerment of women. Based on the thread of discussion I can sense that topics are mostly masculine, but. how can we really know when our user name are not gender based.
  143. relcap23

    Easier to make money viewing ads compared to online data entry

    I've given up. paid to click. I rather concentrate on forums and surveys.
  144. relcap23

    Hello Women. Happy International Women's Month

    Yes, God bless us women. Let's be empowered to do our best.
  145. relcap23

    Feeling so lucky this day

    What kind of online business is that? She must really be doing good business.
  146. relcap23

    Feeling so lucky this day

    That's great news. Is she a native of CDO? am familiar with that area, it's hilly but it's not rough road, at least that's the situation before. That's a short cut road from Cdo to bukidnon and not passing by Puerto right? Wow, 1000 Us Dollar is no ordinary amount, what will you buy with that.
  147. relcap23

    Does Passive Income Guarantee Financial Freedom?

    Passive income may not be that big as what is earned doing active income activities. Example income from rental of property mat come out as lucrative but once you maintain the property by doing repairs the income may just be sufficient.
  148. relcap23

    How to make $30 weekly with stormgain?

    I also signed up but I don't understand. I tired deposit to wallet, I copied the wallet address but when I tried sending I don't understand where to go lol
  149. relcap23

    How to make $30 weekly with stormgain?

    Yes, like most of my colleagues, especially local treasurers. Most local treasurers maximized age limit and one reason is succession. Processing of application for the position is not easy. As of now I can't even choose from among my staff a competent successor.
  150. relcap23

    How to make $30 weekly with stormgain?

    I am not retired, am still working full time.
  151. relcap23

    Bought a second-hand TV

    That is the sad reality.
  152. relcap23

    Bought a second-hand TV

    That's the point, the family approach other people for help why not go to their rich uncle and cousins.
  153. relcap23

    Can’t Help Falling in Love ( Elvis Presley)

    If love is wonderful too much of it yes can kill lol. We hear crime of passion stories. Jealousy comes in when there's so much love.
  154. relcap23

    Display app has stop paying now

    I only heard this app from you. What does this app about?
  155. relcap23

    Strategies for Increasing Profits

    That is why big companies always do market research.
  156. relcap23

    Nice survey questions

    Exactly, I enjoyed taking the survey and I've also gathered inputs that can help my own organization as to the kind of training that would benefit us.
  157. relcap23

    How to deal with poverty?

    If the person is willing to cooperate he will be uplifted from. poverty because most government has program that help the poor. Some of these people does not want to change their lifestyle because they are contented with the meager assistance and they enjoy the culture of mendicancy.
  158. relcap23

    Can’t Help Falling in Love ( Elvis Presley)

    That's correct, love is wonderful if we give it to the right guy at the proper time. There are also unexpected occasion when we can find love, a blossoming of love in the most unexpected place and time. Love needs. nurturing too.
  159. relcap23

    Nice survey questions

    Just answered a few survey questions about leadership development. Being in a government organization we have limited information about training providers as this are mostly conducted by people within the public sector. By answering the survey questions which I answered for less than 10...
  160. relcap23

    How to Make Money From Facebook Instant Article

    It's not easy to get followers for an FB page. if you need to reach out to a lot of audience you have to boost it by paying. It's not guaranteed that those you reach will like your page.
  161. relcap23

    Which is your main site to cope with your demand of earning?

    Online jobs don't give much income monthly but if it's accumulated from all sites I joined it can augment my income. I have RIF, Mylot, and survey sites.
  162. relcap23

    Yet another online earning site? Can I believe it?

    If it's free many will register but there could be some catch, just be careful.
  163. relcap23

    Can’t Help Falling in Love ( Elvis Presley)

    We chose to be what we are. Our mental. faculties and instinct guided us on our decision.
  164. relcap23

    Are you a member of "Digital Money Talk" Forum?

    Ok I will try if I can sign up to tonight.
  165. relcap23

    Are you a member of "Digital Money Talk" Forum?

    Oh yes, let's try, see you there. I made money at noise cash before though I am not crypto savy , I was able to earn BCH but the site which is now Noise is no longer that attractive.
  166. relcap23

    Can’t Help Falling in Love ( Elvis Presley)

    We're the same many romantic loves that did not last.
  167. relcap23

    Can’t Help Falling in Love ( Elvis Presley)

    It's good to be in love, I used to be in love with someone lol and I love the feeling.
  168. relcap23

    The impact of population growth on agricultural investments

    It's a big challenge on food production. The increase in population will not only increase demand for food but also for housing. Agricultural lands are converted into housing subdivision thereby decreasing the area for agricultural production.
  169. relcap23

    Are you a member of "Digital Money Talk" Forum?

    I just heard of this site. That's a good payment scheme but topic is limited to crypto so cannot discuss much especially that my crypto knowledge is still in the nursery stage lol
  170. relcap23

    Can you quit offline for online

    My offline job is my main source of income and I will not trade it with online job which is unstable.
  171. relcap23

    Bought a second-hand TV

    I agree with you. Who should help each other but family. But there are occasions when one member of a family is extremely rich but he doesn't help the other siblings. Sometimes it's because of the intervention of the partner especially if the rich sibling is married. In my case I am not...
  172. relcap23

    How many hours of Sleep?

    Sometimes I can only get 6 hours and i feel recharged already. On most weekend I am able to get that 8 hours sleep.
  173. relcap23

    Starting A Job Consultancy Is Lucrative?

    What do you mean job consultancy? What kind of services will you provide? mean giving manpower services to companies?
  174. relcap23

    Do you know ForumCoin?

    I am actually a member of Forum coin but I haven't visited the site for a.along time. I never had a payout there.
  175. relcap23

    Investing in a pay trucking loading services

    I think it ran in millions plus until now they still ask for financial assistance.
  176. relcap23

    Investing in Hospital Operation

    In order for the hospital to make plenty of money it must have intensive care facilities, modern surgical units, competent specialist doctors because if it will only operate simply it's just like a clinic. 1678695448 The hospital structure is almost finished. When I asked for updates last week...
  177. relcap23

    Is Water Selling A Good Business?

    Water is life so they say, it shouldn't be abused.
  178. relcap23

    Housing agent.

    Becoming an agent is a good venture. Make sure you have the proper listings of properties you are dealing and that always get an authority from the owner stating also how. much commission will you get.
  179. relcap23

    Weekend get away

    You're lucky because you get to experience snow and also have the. chance to enjoy summer. I agree with you that it's a beautiful site to see women biking than skiing.
  180. relcap23

    Paid by walking apps

    I have sweatcoin but my question is can we redeem in PayPal? because I only see some redeemable items or discounts.
  181. relcap23

    What is iStock?

    Does one needs to be a professional photographer before he can upload? When I say professional photographer I refer to experts and they use high end camera.
  182. relcap23

    A better survey site to earn online?

    You got a point there. If one doesn't own a car one is disqualified from some surveys. If one doesn't have financial products like savings, insurance he will not also qualify.
  183. relcap23

    Earn Money With Data Sharing?

    I have stopped an app about this one, it's Honeygain,earnings is low and my battery usage is fast, I haven't made a payout.
  184. relcap23

    Weekend get away

    Where do you want to go for vacation? Would you like to travel far or just within nearby place
  185. relcap23

    Legit đź‘Ť Get paid to read books.

    We get paid in this forum for the posts we make, you're missing out what I am pointing out. 1678653930 That's exactly is worth finding out before we start doing things form the site.
  186. relcap23

    Legit đź‘Ť Get paid to read books.

    I wanted to know how many pages will one read.
  187. relcap23

    Investing in a pay trucking loading services

    I have nott met the donor but I hear news she's doing good with one kidney left.
  188. relcap23

    Is it easy to sell subdivided lots?

    I am with a group of licensed property brokers and appraisers. The first we inspected did not succeed. I'm taking some time off from this activity and focus on something I miss doing because of my site inspection.
  189. relcap23

    Decided to join Beermoney forum? Your suggestion

    That's the most important factor to make sure sites are legit and we also learn from all the sites that we join in addition to bumping into someone we interact in the other sites.
  190. relcap23

    How to celebrate Easter with the orphans

    Children at the orphanage would love to be given with foods enjoyed by more fortunate children who have their own parents. A treat from a burger chain with mascots would be very ideal. In addition to foods it's also nice to give them clothes, shoes and toys.
  191. relcap23

    Which is your favorite soft drink brand?

    I like root beer but since it's not always available I just choose coke or sprite. Lately however I prefer juice than sodas.
  192. relcap23

    Make your coffees to save money

    I amma coffee lover but I don't go to fancy and expensive coffee bars to have a sip of an aromatic coffee. I am contented with using my own brand of herbal coffee as long as it's piping hot.
  193. relcap23

    Weekend get away

    Summer breeze is now being felt by us and going to another place to unwind. I prefer going up to the highlands and enjoy mountain cold air than going to the beach for a swim. What do you prefer doing during summer.
  194. relcap23

    Earning by Doing Deliveries

    There are occasion that these delivery men are scammed. Some demon possessed individual order food only to fool the delivery man by giving wrong address or right address. but the name of the person does not exist. The poor delivery man ended up paying the food delivery.
  195. relcap23

    Selling Furniture A Great Business

    In order to succeed in this business one must know how to make unique designs. It's should be customized and should adapt to the need of the customer. The size of the furniture must fit well in the place where it would be put.
  196. relcap23

    The importance of analyzing financial statements when investing in fashion

    That is correct, it's important to get hold of the company's financial performance and checking on ratio analysis. One must be wary however since. some companies might window dress to have a good looking financial picture especially if they are looking for investors.
  197. relcap23

    Legit đź‘Ť Get paid to read books.

    Are you trying to say it's more worth it reading and doing reviews? Will you get paid if they will not like your review?