Recent content by Springtime

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  1. S

    What does one need to make money online?

    That depends on what you do online. If you just complete surveys and post on forums, you need to understand and write English. If you have more professional skills such as coding, graphic design, you can earn much more.
  2. S

    How do you keep the bank account active?

    I have three bank accounts. I got credit card from these banks. I have kept some money in all these accounts. I use the money to pay for the credit card fee every month.
  3. S

    Do you like to meet your friends online or offline?

    A lot of my friends are living overseas. So we have to meet online. For those living in the same city, we have online chat once in a while and gathering every month.
  4. S

    How many cups of tea or coffee daily?

    For me, I usually have a cup of coffee or Hong Kong milk tea for during breakfast. I would also drink a cup of milk tea when I have afternoon snack.
  5. S

    Do you prefer to work at night or day?

    I also prefer to work in the daytime. Nighttime is the time I would like to relax. Listening to my favorite music or watch some interesting videos on YouTube.
  6. S

    My Relaxation Techniques

    When I need to relax, I listen to music, play musical instrument, read a book, watch a movie, go out for a walk or chat with close friends.
  7. S

    Creative Ice Cream Flavors

    I love ice cream. There are lots of flavors I like. To name a few, I like mint chocolate chip, vanilla, green tea, strawberries and coffee.
  8. S

    WALK, JOG or RUN?

    As I am getting old, I prefer walking. I take a 30–45 minute walk along the riverside every morning. I think this exercise is very relaxing and good for my health.
  9. S

    Do you make meal at home

    Yes, I usually prepare meals at home. I eat out with family members and close friends once a week. Since my apartment is small, we go to a restaurant to have gatherings.
  10. S

    Ever eaten BEANS and Boiled Egg before?

    I love to eat beans. Kidney beans, black beans and chicken peas. As for eggs, I love them cooked in whatever way. I love fried eggs and hardboiled eggs in particular.
  11. S

    Do you think it will help us in weight loss if we can walk for 20 mins daily?

    I think 20 min is not enough. To achieve weight loss, you have to walk at least 30-45 minutes plus a diet with more vegetables and eat a lot of fruits.
  12. S

    Are you satisfied with your job?

    I am now working as a freelancer offering translation and business consulting service. I enjoy what I am doing. I have developed a pretty loyal customer base, but I will continue to work hard to find new clients.
  13. S

    Do you like Soy milk?

    Yes, I like soy milk though cow milk is still my most favorite choice. I have soy milk for breakfast once or twice a week. Other than soy milk, I also like almond milk.
  14. S

    How to get financially independent?

    To achieve financial freedom, you need to work hard and earn more. Save a portion of your money and make investment to let your wealth grow.
  15. S

    Can learning more languages help us get more money from our job?

    If you know more languages, you can work in an international company and have the opportunity to travel and work with co-workers of different nationalities. Such kind of work usually offers good pay.
  16. S

    Wish you had more of?

    To me, health is the most important. Other than that, I wish I have money and free time to enjoy life. Doing the things I am interested in.
  17. S

    Failures are delayed success

    Agree. No one is perfect. We've all made mistakes and have experienced failure. Don't get discouraged. Failure gives us an opportunity to learn and grow.
  18. S

    Should Juveniles be tried and treated as adults?

    To me, that depends on the crime they committed. If they committed crimes such as killing, they should be treated as adults and penalized heavily.
  19. S

    What you are enjoying about adulthood

    As an adult, you have the freedom to choose the lifestyle you want given that you have the financial resources. Also, you can make your own decisions.
  20. S

    Which is better In your country private or public hospitals

    In my city, public hospitals have better medical equipment. However, you have to wait for a long time to get treatment and most of the times, the rooms are full. For private hospitals, their service is much better and there are good doctors serving those who can afford to stay in private hospitals.
  21. S

    Time is like a dream

    Indeed, time flies. We're already in mid-2024. Before too long, Christmas is coming and that will be the end of this year. We should treasure our time and do what we are interested in.
  22. S

    What is your favourite type of holiday?

    I like to try different types of vacation. They can be city breaks, beach holiday, visiting old cultures and civilization, adventurous trip or educational tours.
  23. S

    A child attending public or private school

    In my city, there are good and bad public and private schools. We have some government subsidized schools which are quite good. The school fee is not as expensive as private schools and the teachers there are quite good.
  24. S

    Can you share your online earning experience?

    Actually, working online is just my side hustle. I started earning online by completing surveys many years ago. I am still doing surveys now though I try to avoid doing long and tedious ones. I am a newbie in posting on forums. I just started posting about a year ago. And I just post on RIF and...
  25. S

    Can you buy in larger quantities for the sake of discounts or offers?

    That depends on which products I need to buy. I have sensitive skin. The skin care products I use are quite expensive. When there is an offer such as buy one get one free, I will definitely buy more to stock up.
  26. S

    Do you eat what you like or do you eat according to the tight budget?

    I eat what I like. The food I like may not be expensive. I love eating vegetables, eggs and pork which are not so expensive here.
  27. S

    What are the things you spend your money on daily?

    I spend money on food daily. Actually, we are spending money on electricity, water and gas every day. It's just that we pay the bills at the end of the month.
  28. S

    Have friends who discuss about self-development

    I only have a few close friends. We share happiness at joyous times and support each other when we are facing challenges. We motivate each other to become a better person.
  29. S

    Price hike in foodstuffs

    In my city, inflation is just around 2-2.2 percent. And the economy is not doing well. Most businesses dare not to raise the price of their products at this time.
  30. S

    Is giving up a habit?

    I think it's more of the personality and mindset of the individual. Some people just do not have the persistence to keep on trying. They give up when they fail once or twice.
  31. S

    Is it a special trait of women to be very good with hiding things?

    I don't think it's a gender thing. It depends on the individual. I am a woman, and I am not good at hiding things. I have a cousin. My aunt told me he is really good at hiding money from her. lol.
  32. S

    What’s your all-time favourite memory?

    My all-time favorite memory is my university days. As I lived in a hostel of the university, when the exam was over, I always had chats with my roommates overnight. Sometimes, we cooked meals together.
  33. S

    Perfume Vs. deodorant

    I have sensitive skin. I do not use perfume. All my skin care products must be fragrance free. In summer, I use deodorant to make sure my body does not release any bad smell.
  34. S

    Do you make follow-ups on the current trending issues in your country?

    Yes, I check out online news sites every day to keep up with what is happening in the world. I also listen to podcasts or watch videos of a few KOLs for their opinion and analysis.
  35. S

    What is your most memorable holiday experience?

    My most memorable holiday experience was the visit to Angor Watt which is an enormous Buddhist temple complex located in northern Cambodia. It is one of the 7 wonders of the world.
  36. S

    What is your favourite way of entertaining yourself?

    I entertain myself by playing musical instruments. I play guitar, keyboard and piano. I also enjoy watching music videos on YouTube, watching a movie or reading a book.
  37. S

    Do you clean your room yourself or do someone else do for you?

    I do not have a maid. I clean my apartment myself. Honestly, I do not like this kind of work. But keeping my place clean makes me feel comfortable.
  38. S

    How do you style your hair?

    I do not use any gel, hair spray or mousse to style my hair. As my hair scalp is sensitive, I need to use a good shampoo and conditioner.
  39. S

    Telling a partner about the other's cheating habit

    If she is my close friend, I'll let her know what I saw, but I'll advise her to stay calm and find out more by herself.
  40. S

    Do you really keep up dated to the current times of the year?

    Yes, I keep myself updated on what's happening in the world every day. I check out online news sites and opinions of a few KOLs.
  41. S

    Eat your breakfast like a king

    Breakfast is an important meal to me. I always have a full breakfast to cheer up the day. I like to have oatmeal with milk, hardboiled or fried egg, and whole wheat toast.
  42. S

    What is your favorite vacation place?

    My favorite vacation place is Japan. I've been to Japan many times and still want to go there. I enjoy Japan's scenery, and the food. People are friendly and customer service is good.
  43. S

    What's your favorite thing about the holiday season?

    I enjoy the joyous atmosphere. We may also take the opportunity to meet with family members, relatives and friends. If you do not want to socialize, you may just relax by watching a good movie or reading a good book.
  44. S

    Why do people change to bad attitude sometimes?

    There can be many reasons. The person who suddenly changes his/her attitude because of jealousy or may be s(he) is not in a good mood.
  45. S

    How do stay away from eating out always

    I think it's a matter of self-discipline. You are in complete control of how often you want to eat out. If you would like to socialize with your friends, you may just have a coffee or other drink with them.
  46. S

    What was your Breakfast Today?

    Yes, when I have rice leftover, I put them in the refrigerator. Then the next day, I'll prepare fried rice with eggs.
  47. S

    Do you really find any pleasure with your online money earning activities?

    I mainly do two tasks online - complete surveys and post on forums. For the surveys, although some are quite tedious, there are interesting surveys which I enjoyed taking such as they asked for your opinion on their new logos, their new product launch. I enjoy posting on forums. It's great place...
  48. S

    What are your plans for the building of your self development?

    Lifetime learning is my motto. I always try to learn to be a better person and make contributions to the community. At work, although I am doing quite well in translation, I always try to enhance my translation skills.
  49. S

    How do you earn some extra cash for your finances?

    I am a freelancer working from home. My income is relatively stable because I have established a pretty loyal client base. To earn extra money, I complete surveys and post on forums.
  50. S

    What is your favourite memory from high school?

    When I was studying in high school, I was a member of the school choir. One year, we were invited by Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra to jointly perform in some reputable shopping malls during Christmas. It was an unforgettable experience.
  51. S

    How would you feel and react if your teenage daughter gets pregnant out of wedlock?

    I would calm down and also try to calm her down. Then I would talk to her in a peaceful manner and find out what she plans to do.
  52. S

    Is "you are looking sexy' a compliment in the real sense?

    If people say that I am sexy, I take it as a complement. I do not see anything negative in this word unless the person who is saying this has other thoughts in mind.
  53. S

    What clothes do you usually like to wear?

    I am working from home. No need to dress up to go to office. In summer, I usually wear a T shirt paired with jeans. In winter when the weather is really cold, I wear a sweater, a down coat and jeans.
  54. S

    Which clothing brands you like to wear most?

    My favorite clothing brands are Zara and Uniqlo. I like the design of their clothes and the price is affordable. Uniqlo in particular always offers promotion.
  55. S

    Health benefits of taking quava

    I eat guava occasionally. Yes, I am also aware that guava is good for lowering blood sugar. It also offers other health benefits such as boosting the immune system and is one of the richest sources of dietary fiber.
  56. S

    Do you wish to have a leader that pampers you?

    I do not need the leader to pamper me. I hope my leader can inspire me, develop me to my fullest potential. When necessary, s(he) should also criticize me in a constructive way.
  57. S

    Which gender would you prefer as your first child?

    I do not have a child. But frankly, I do not have any preference on the gender of my first child. What matters most is the health of the baby.
  58. S

    Comfort at relative's place

    I have a very close relationship with my relatives. I feel comfortable staying at their house during vacation. They always give me a warm welcome.
  59. S

    How can you rate your hard working level

    I would give myself a rate of 8/10. I am a freelancer. Do not have a stable income. I have to work hard to make a living.
  60. S

    How do you drink more water every day?

    I've already made it a habit to drink 7-8 glasses of water, plus milk or juice a day. No need to make addition effort for now.
  61. S

    What do you want to know about history?

    I am interested to know how people live in different cultures. I would also like to know the life of some great people such as inventors or great leaders.
  62. S

    Do you feel happy about the success of your colleagues?

    If I see that my colleague has worked hard and get a promotion, I will congratulate him/her and feel happy for him/her. No hard feelings at all.
  63. S


    I also daydream when I have problems or under stress. I dream of traveling to a lot of interesting places, seeing the Nothern lights, I dream of relaxing on beaches. That helps me to forget about the reality for a moment.
  64. S

    What was the most expensive clothing item you owned and how much did it cost?

    When I was working for a software company offering design solutions to fashion designers, I needed to spend some money on clothing because our clients are fashion conscious. I have bought clothes from designer brands. Now, I am a freelancer working from home, I just have casual wear.
  65. S

    What was your least/most favorite job?

    My most favorite job was when I was working for a technology startup. Although I did not get a very decent pay (well, I was offered shares instead), I enjoyed working with the small team of people who always tried their best at work. I enjoyed the collaborative atmosphere.
  66. S

    How do you know people are beefing

    You can tell from his/her tone and know if s(he) is beefing you. I simply ignore him/her and stay away from such kind of person.
  67. S

    How do you treat fair weather friends

    I will not consider those people as friends. I only have a few close friends. We share our feelings, celebrate good times and support each other in bad times.
  68. S

    Do you easily apologize for your mistakes?

    When I made a mistake, I make an apology without feeling bad. If my team made a mistake, I may also apologize for the team.
  69. S

    What is or was your favorite subject in school?

    When I was studying in high school, my favorite subject was Chinese Literature & History. During university days, my favorite subjects were music appreciation and psychology.
  70. S

    Do you get bored posting on forums?

    I do not feel bored posting on forums. As a matter of fact, I do not spend a lot of time posting and I just post on RIF and Discussion Bucks.
  71. S

    Do you live in your own house?

    I own a small apartment and I am living in it. I do not have to worry about paying rent. But owning a house or apartment also has a lot of cost such as regular maintenance and repair. Here, if you live in a rented apartment, the landlord is responsible for paying any repair fee.
  72. S

    Do You Always Pay Your Credit Card Bills on Time?

    I use credit card for cash back. I choose the cards which do not charge any annual fee. I always pay my credit card on item. Never paid any interest.
  73. S

    How much do you keep in your cash box?

    While I seldom use cash to make purchases, I do keep some cash at home, around $800. This fund is reserved for use when I need to call a repairman to fix something at my place. Repairmen here just accept payment by cash.
  74. S

    What's your favourite cat?

    I only had one cat when I was a kid. She was adorable. When I returned home from school, she sat on my lap quietly while I was doing homework.
  75. S

    seasonal foods?

    In winter, I enjoy having muttons or lamp chops. They can warm me up. I also have snake meat soup. It is tasty and can also warm your body.
  76. S

    Sometimes sorrow and pain are caused by an ordinary lack of love

    Yes, lack of love may cause sorrow and pain. If you feel that no one loves you, think of your family members and try to love and care for someone. They can be your good friends or relatives. You may find happiness if you try to give love.
  77. S

    Do you like spicy curd?

    I have not tried spicy curd. So I do not know if I like it or not. Actually, I am not a fan of spicy food. I do love curry with some coconut juice in it.
  78. S

    What is your favourite sport and why?

    Soccer for me. I do not play soccer, but I enjoy watching soccer games. Soccer involves individual skills and teamwork. You also need to think of a strategy on how to beat your competitor.
  79. S

    Making heaven when you passed on

    Be empathetic, compassionate and do good deeds. Always help those in need. Do not do things which harm yourself and other people. Heaven is here if you are happy and healthy.
  80. S

    How healthy is losing weight eating less calories

    I do not need to lose weight. Actually, I am a bit underweight. I need to exercise and have a well-balanced diet. Eat more varieties of nutritious foods.
  81. S

    Best and Worst Decisions You've Made.

    I think the best decision I've made was to work for a tech startup. They could not afford to give me a decent pay but offered me shares in the company. I accepted the offer. The company has been growing well over the years. I am still receiving dividends from my shares with the company. The...
  82. S

    You are poor because you lack self-discipline

    There are rich and poor people in every society. Some people are poor because they lack self discipline. Always spend more than they earn. That said, I know some poor people who are actually very hard working and live a frugal life. They just did not have a chance to receive good education and...
  83. S

    What is the most disrespectful thing someone has done while you were shopping?

    One time, when I was visiting a busy clothing store, there was a long line waiting to pay at the cashier counter. A person jumped the line and stood in front of me. I immediately told her she was jumping the line.
  84. S

    How many hours do you sleep

    I am a night owl. I go to bed at midnight and get up at 7:30-8:00 a.m. That means I have about 7-8 hours of sleep. I also take a short nap in the afternoon.
  85. S

    Do you have the problem for ove eating?

    No, I will not overeat because I have some indigestion problem. I tend to eat small meals but more frequent. That would make my stomach more comfortable.
  86. S

    Reasons to reduce intake of fried foods

    I seldom eat fried foods, in particular deep-fried foods nowadays. It is too oily and may cause sickness. I prefer steamed, boiled and baked foods.
  87. S

    What's your most go to earning forum

    Currently, I just post on RIF and Discussion Bucks. I visit these forums almost every day unless I am tied up with my freelance work. I particularly enjoy RIF. It's relaxing to post here.
  88. S

    What interesting thing are you looking forward to?

    I have planned a staycation in Hong Kong Disneyland in June with my nephew's family. I think that would be fun. I really look forward to it.
  89. S

    Are you interested in learning about history?

    Yes, I am interested in learning about history. When you learn history, you understand the world as is today. I am also interested in knowing the contributions of some great people.
  90. S

    What's the fruits your country have this season

    There are varieties of fruits in the market. They include apples, oranges, blueberries, pears, bananas. I think when the weather is hotter, there will be more watermelons
  91. S

    Drinking water first thing in the morning

    When I get out of bed every morning, the first thing I do is to drink a glass of lukewarm water. I feel very comfortable after drinking the water.
  92. S

    Are you planting flowers around your home

    I live in an apartment. There is no space for me to plant flowers. But I do buy flowers and put them in a pot. Indeed, flowers can brighten and beautify the environment.
  93. S

    How did you manage the multiple earning websites?

    I don't spend much time working online. I just complete surveys for a few sites and post on two forums which are RIF and Discussion Bucks.
  94. S

    What is the average cost of apartment rentals in your country?

    That depends on the location and size of the apartment. For an apartment located in a good area and is about 1,000 sq. ft, the rent can be as high as $5 -6K.
  95. S

    Are you still in touch with your School buddies?

    Yes. In fact, I met my close friends at high school. We've known each other for decades. I have also stayed in touch with my university friends. We have a reunion every year.
  96. S

    Do you like Black tea?

    I don't drink just black tea. I love Hong Kong milk tea which is black tea with evaporated milk. I occasionally drink coffee. But I don't drink black coffee. Must have milk with it.
  97. S

    Do you have any pets?

    No, I don't have any pets. My apartment is too small to accommodate a pet and I don't have the time to take care of a pet.
  98. S

    Do you grow your own Veggies?

    I cannot grow any vegetables because I live in an apartment in an urban area. There is no garden for me to grow any plants, flowers or vegetables.
  99. S

    What was your Breakfast Today?

    For breakfast, I usually have oatmeal with milk, hard boiled or fried egg and whole wheat toast. Occasionally, I may have congee (rice porridge) and fried noodles.
  100. S

    Can you Eat One Dish in All meals?

    I can but I prefer having a well balance diet. I usually have eggs for breakfast. For lunch and dinner, I usually have fish or meat with vegetables.
  101. S

    Do you like Frozen Chicken?

    Due to the animal flu, we do not have many markets selling live chickens. Most of them sell frozen chickens. I get used to eating them.
  102. S

    Country you might never visit and why?

    I don't think I want to visit North Korea. That is a terrible country ruled by a dictator. I feel sorry for the people there.
  103. S

    What do you want to be when you are small?

    When I was a kid, I wanted to be a teacher. I ended up working in the business field in my career, although I did act as a mentor for some young people.
  104. S

    What is your favorite flower?

    I love orchids. I think they look gorgeous and can last longer if you take good care of them. I also love roses, in particular red and yellow roses.
  105. S

    Are you Learning Cooking from Youtube?

    I love to watch cooking videos on YouTube, and I did learn how to cook some dishes there. A friend of mine is a very good cook, she also has a channel on YouTube. She has many subscribers and viewers.
  106. S

    How best can one cope with a quarrelsome neighbor?

    It is indeed a trouble having such a neighbor. I would try to stay away from him/her. If s(he) did something not appropriate, such as creating a lot of noises at late hours, I would report to the police.
  107. S

    Mango curry

    I didn't know that mangoes can be mixed with curry. Cannot imagine the taste. But I think the mixture of spicy taste and sweetness should make this dish unique.
  108. S

    Cursing others for a family member's crime

    That is not right for sure. But I agree that there are people who were offended and get angry would do that. They not only curse the offender but his/her family members as well.
  109. S

    Have you experienced a perfect moment?

    Perfect moments to me are happy moments. I feel happy when I have a great gathering with my family members. Watching sunrise/sunset is also a perfect moment.
  110. S

    In the winter season which country is your best choice for a holiday?

    That depends on what you want to do in that destination. If you try to avoid the cold winter in winter, go to places like Singapore and Thailand. If you enjoy winter activities, Switzerland, Canada can be a good choice.
  111. S

    How do you easily detect toxic people

    I usually detect toxic people from what they say and their actions. People always complaining and gossiping about the fault of others are toxic. I would stay away from them.
  112. S

    How do you easily make friends

    I think just be nice and friendly to people and you can make friends easily. But now, I am satisfied having a few close friends. I don't take the initiative to make friends.
  113. S


    Well, I seldom fast except for medical checkup. The experience was not bad. I just felt a bit hungry but that was acceptable. Maybe I should try to fast more often since it is good for health.
  114. S

    Do you believe in excuses?

    I would listen to what the person says when s(he) failed or made a mistake and judge if the reasons given was just an excuse or s(he) did try his/her best.
  115. S

    What can you do to help a partner that is neck deep into gambling?

    If a person is addicted to gambling, it is very difficult to pull him/her out. I have a relative who was like this. His wife had tried every means to stop him from gambling, but that didn't help. They divorced eventually. I think nowadays, may be seeking professional help is the only way.
  116. S

    Do you wait for specific times whereby you can get some discounts and offers in the shopping malls?

    Here, some stores in shopping malls offer discounts on a particular day of each week. I usually wait and buy on that day, unless I need something urgently such as OTC drugs.
  117. S

    What is the best strategy for sticking on your saving goals.?

    I put a portion of my income to a fixed deposit account every month. I have been doing this for many years. Due to compound interest, the amount of money in my fixed deposit account has increased a lot.
  118. S

    How do you manage your fiances?

    No, I do not use any apps or tools to manage my finance. I have a rough estimate of my monthly income and expenses. I never spend more than I earn.
  119. S

    Do you easily react?

    I do react sometimes but not quickly. If I am being criticized, I would stay calm and think if the accusation is true. If that is a false accusation, I would clarify.
  120. S

    What do you when you prepare for speech?

    The first thing I need to know is my target audience because I have to think of the right topic to speak about. Then I do research on the topic and drop down my thoughts on what I want to talk about.
  121. S

    Has LinkedIn helped you get a job?

    LinkedIn is a good platform which can help you to connect with people and find new opportunities. I have posted my profile there. In fact, I have got a few clients from that platform.
  122. S

    Necessity of Religion

    If you are a true believer, religion can help you to be a better person. But I have also seen a lot of bad people who claim that they are believer of some religions.
  123. S

    Do you go surfing

    Yes, I have tried surfing when I was young. It was a fantastic experience. I enjoy various types of water activities including swimming, wind surfing, canoeing, and water skiing.
  124. S

    Have you ever eaten chalk?

    When I was studying in primary school, I had some classmates who loved to eat chalk. But I have never eaten chalk. I wonder how it tastes. I have no interest in trying.
  125. S

    Do you sometimes prepare the bread at home and get the dish from outside?

    I do not know how to bake breads and I don't have the equipment. I sometimes do cook rice and then order dishes from eateries.
  126. S

    Did you attend a boarding school? Would you let your child attend one?

    I stayed in college hostel during my university days as my home is far away from the university. It was a fantastic experience. One of the roommates has become my close friend.
  127. S

    The more you hate the more you love - agree or disagree?

    I think that may apply to a love relationship. If you hate your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend very much, that means you still have some kind of feeling towards him/her. If there is no hate, that means that person is no longer in your mind.
  128. S

    Ever encountered something scary in your room

    I have not experienced any paranormal activity in my room. But I am very scared of some insects such as flying cockroaches. When there are flying cockroaches, I cannot sleep.
  129. S

    Do you have a special niche in your house?

    There's a corner at my apartment which I place my guitar and keyboard. I enjoy playing the instruments there and have fun myself. That is my entertainment area.
  130. S

    Aside money what's motivate you to work?

    Other than making money, I love my freelance work. I feel rewarding when I did a piece of good translation work. As I also offer business consulting service to SMEs, I feel good to be able to help my clients.
  131. S

    Bad effects of worrying

    Indeed, worrying can have a lot of negative impact on our physical health. If you have something to worry about, better sort it out as soon as possible or seek help from someone you trust.
  132. S

    What’s that thing making you sad right now?

    I have been feeling sad these days because my beloved brother has passed away recently. We had a very close relationship. He loved me very much. I missed him.
  133. S

    According to you, why should people embrace the family planning?

    Having family planning is important. Raising a child requires a lot of money and efforts. A couple should plan how many children they can take good care of.
  134. S

    Have you ever been to the herbalists?

    Here, we have Chinese medical practitioners. I have visited some of them. They use Chinese herbs as medicine. Some are quite effective. But in most cases, I see my family doctor when I am not feeling well.
  135. S

    Your business idea that you want to come alive

    I am now offering translation and business consulting service. Not prepared to start a business. If I really have the opportunity to start one, I would like to open a shop selling children's clothing and toys.
  136. S

    Choosing a friend or a friend choosing you?

    I this this is mutual. I have three very close friends. We met at high school. We just got along very well, and our friendship grow day by day.
  137. S

    Do you ever regret on your wrongly decisions?

    We as human beings can make wrong decisions. When I've made a wrong decision, of course I felt bad, but regret won't help. Better try to find a way to sort out how to handle the situation caused by the wrong decision.
  138. S

    One thing you want to really have

    I play musical instruments. I play guitar, keyboard, and piano. I have a guitar at home. But my small apartment cannot accommodate a piano. I wish I can have a piano at home.
  139. S

    Alternatives for the forum posting

    Other than posting on forums, I complete surveys. Actually, I have been taking surveys for many years. Some are quite tedious but there are also surveys which are interesting. And I can earn much more from surveys than posting on forums.
  140. S


    I have been a member of SpeakChatForum for a short while. I find it quite relaxing chatting with members on different issues. It's a pity it disappears without an announcement.
  141. S

    Do you like to take bath in Rain?

    No, not for me. Rain is polluted nowadays. And I don't my body to get all wet. It will make me sick easily. When I take a walk in rainy days, I always carry an umbrella.
  142. S

    Shower or bathtub

    I prefer a shower because it is more convenient. If I take a bath, I need to clean the bathtub beforehand. And I don't feel clean soaking myself in a bathtub.
  143. S

    Do you like to eat Sweet pickles?

    I seldom eat sweet pickles. I know Mango pickles are tasty, but I cannot eat them since I am allergic to mangoes. I will have skin rash if I eat mangoes.
  144. S

    Kids and social media?

    Nowadays, it is difficult to prevent kids to access social media. They have peer pressure. As long as they are not addicted to it and is used under parental guidance, I think it is okay to allow kids to use social media.
  145. S

    Do you do fruits fast

    No, I have never tried fruit fast. I need to have eggs, fish or meat in my meal. But I eat various kinds of fruits on a daily basis.
  146. S

    What do you see when you open the door first thing in the morning?

    I live in an apartment complex. The first thing I see when I open the door is the hallway to the elevators. I wish I live in a house where I can see a garden with beautiful plants and flowers.
  147. S

    How do you repair ruined reputation

    My reputation has never been ruined. But if that really happens to me, I would try to see if that is my fault. I would make a sincere apology if I really made a mistake. Otherwise, I would stand out and make clarifications.
  148. S

    Do you carry umbrella with yourself in rainy weather?

    Yes, I do carry an umbrella when it rains. I don't like to get drenched in rain. If you get totally wet, you will easily get sick.
  149. S

    How do you stay off trouble

    The easiest way to stay away from trouble is to walk out of the place having troubles. Simply ignore the people who aroused the troubles.
  150. S

    Going for events uninvited

    If it is a private event, I see no reason to attend without an invitation. This will cause a lot of embarrassment to the host and myself.
  151. S

    Practice makes perfect

    Yes, practice certainly helps to improve your skills. I play musical instruments. The more I practice, the better I can play with the musical instrument.
  152. S

    Which is your favourite moisturiser in winter season?

    I have dry and sensitive skin. I use Cetaphil or Physiogel moisturizing cream. It is formulated for dry and irritative skin. I find the cream very soothing.
  153. S

    How do you fight winter blues?

    Indeed, winter months with shorter days may affect our mood. I usually go out for a walk or if it is too cold, I stay home and play musical instruments.
  154. S

    What's your secret cure to fixing dry winter skin?

    I have very dry and sensitive skin. I first use a fragrance free extra gentle cleanser to wash my face and body. Then I put body cream on my skin.
  155. S

    Is power cut normal at your place?

    Electricity supply is pretty stable in my city. We seldom have power outage. Even if it happens, it will be fixed within a very short period of time.
  156. S

    How you protect your skin in winter?

    I have very sensitive and dry skin. I use fragrance free extra gentle cleanser to wash my face and body. Then I put on body lotion.
  157. S

    Do you like rainy season?

    No, I don't really like rainy seasons. I cannot go out for my morning walk when it rains heavily. I prefer sunny days. My mood is better on sunny days.
  158. S

    Have you ever worried about the negative effects of the flooding when it rains?

    When there is heavy rain, I do worry about flooding problems in rural areas. In the city, since our drainage system is quite good, flooding is not serious.
  159. S

    Have you ever experienced tutoring service?

    I have not been tutored but I have been a private tutor for a junior high school student many years ago. I helped him to review the homework and prepare for tests and examinations.
  160. S

    Do you miss online chat rooms?

    No, I do not have any experience participate in online chat rooms. But I can imagine that should be fun. Wonder why it is phased out.
  161. S

    What's your passion level for your online work?

    I basically do two tasks online - complete surveys and post on forums. I would say that I love to post on forums more because I can interact with members and share our experience, learn new opportunities. That said, surveys pay much more and there are some interesting surveys at times.
  162. S

    Have you ever thought of quitting your job over low pay?

    Yes, I would quit the job if I were not satisfied with the pay. But before I quit, I would find another new job with better pay first.
  163. S

    Do you prefer saving money on the purchasing more of the items on offer or discounts?

    If there is a good offer (such as big discounts or buy one get one free) on the product I use regularly, I would buy more. That would help me to save some money.
  164. S

    Daily soaps and serials? Aren't they addictive?

    I seldom watch TV. I watch TV only for news and occasionally some documentaries programs. No, I do not watch any serials. I find it very time consuming. I prefer to watch music videos on YouTube.
  165. S

    Do you prefer Monthly Pre-paid Recharge or Yearly?

    I prefer monthly subscription. One reason is I do not have to pay a large sum of money in one go. Another reason is I am not sure if the provider is offering good service. I do not want to get stuck.
  166. S

    There are things we desire for ourselves and our family.

    It is natural to have desires. I love traveling. I work hard to make money so that I can have a more comfortable life. Other than that, I save money so that I can travel.
  167. S

    Raw mango jam

    Haven't tried raw mango jam. In any case, I cannot because I am allergic to mangoes. I enjoy watching cooking videos on YouTube. I have learned to cook dishes from such videos.
  168. S

    Do you like Sugarcane Juice?

    Yes, I love sugarcane juice. I used to buy from a store which sell freshly squeezed sugarcane juice. It is a healthy drink and is tasty.
  169. S

    Growing of the green vegetables on the back yard

    I live in an apartment of an urban area. There is no backyard. No way for me to grow any vegetables. When I lived in Canada, we had a house and a backyard, I used to grow tomatoes and cabbages.
  170. S

    Would you like to reach the centennial age?

    Yes, if I am physically and mentally fit. What matters most is the quality of life. I do not want to live a long age if I need some to take care of me all the time.
  171. S

    What do you think of snatching another spouse

    To me, this is betrayal, a very wrongful act. If you really cannot get along with your partner, get a divorce instead of having a relationship with a third party.
  172. S

    Do you think it is better to buy a vacuum cleaner?

    Yes, I have a Dysan cordless vacuum cleaner. It is very convenient to use. Dysan's products are very reliable and durable. They are also very innovative and come up with new products from time to time.
  173. S

    Would you like to contest elections if the opportunity comes your way?

    I don't think I am interested because I am not the kind of person who enjoy going into politics. I rather do some volunteer work.
  174. S

    What Do You Love Most About Social Media Platforms?

    Social media platforms enable us to communicate with others anytime, anywhere. I can also enjoy free entertainment and education on some of the social media platforms.
  175. S

    At what age should you give your child a smartphone?

    I think as long as the kid knows how to use the phone, s(he) can be given one. What matters most is it should be used under parent's guidance.
  176. S

    Your happiness always begins with you

    Yes, to live happily, you have to be optimistic and have a positive mindset. Have some hobbies and do something you are interested in. No one can help you if you do not find happiness yourself.
  177. S

    What is your country’s favourite sport?

    For my location, I would say football and tennis. During the World Cup, a lot of people go to pubs or malls to enjoy watching the games.
  178. S

    How do you relate with your siblings?

    I am a very close relationship with my siblings. I have one elder sister and two elder brothers. My sister passed away a few years ago. Recently, one of my brothers also passed. I am feeling very sad.
  179. S

    What do you enjoy most about the winter months?

    I don't really enjoy winter months. I dislike the coldness. I cannot go out for a walk in winter months. If I must mention one thing I enjoy, I love having hotpot in winter months. It makes me feel warm.
  180. S

    Giving your property to orphans even when you have children

    This is not easy to do. I've heard of someone who intends to give all his money to charity, not leaving a cent to his children.
  181. S

    If you want something, pay the price

    Indeed, nothing comes for free. If you want to have financial freedom, work hard to earn money, save some money and make investments to grow your wealth.
  182. S

    How many glass of water do you drink daily?

    I have not counted. But I drink water quite often. I guess I drink about 7-8 glasses of water a day. I also have other drinks such as tea or coffee.
  183. S

    Do you like boiled peanuts?

    I love peanuts. I eat both boiled and roasted peanuts. I also like other nuts such as walnuts or almonds. I usually have a handful of nuts as a snack in the afternoon every day.
  184. S

    What do you do when you are Bored

    When I am bored, I will do the following things. Listen to music, play musical instruments, read a book, watch a movie, go out for a walk or chat with friends.
  185. S

    Is it wrong to have one supplier for your business?

    I think it is okay to work with one single supplier if it is reliable. That said, on the safe side, you should always check for alternatives should anything go wrong with your regular supplier.
  186. S

    Meeting with my bank manager

    I worked with a bank relationship manager quite closely. He is very professional and helpful. He always provides me with valuable advice on investments and keep me informed of any investment opportunities.
  187. S

    Do You Have Outstanding Loan?

    I never borrowed any money except the mortgage loan for my apartment. It was a 15-year term loan. By now, I have already paid up all the outstanding amount.
  188. S

    Do you have a separate bank account for online earnings?

    I do not earn much online. No need to have a separate account for online earnings. I usually receive PayPal money for my online tasks. I just keep the money in my PayPal account. When the amount accumulated to a certain extent, I transfer the money to one of my bank accounts.
  189. S

    Should a partner monitor the other partner's phone for texts and calls?

    I think this is unethical. You are intruding the privacy of your partner. I would be very angry if my partner is doing this to me. It shows lack of respect and trust.
  190. S

    Trust is like eraser, it gets smaller with every mistake

    I tend to think that once trust is broken, it's difficult to be mended. I do not trust a person easily. It takes time to build trust. Once it is broken, I find it difficult to trust that person anymore.
  191. S

    Are you a religious person?

    I consider myself a religious person. I pray every day. I think freedom of religion is a human right. I respect others whose religion is different from mine.
  192. S

    Active Participation in Politics

    I always keep myself updated on political issues, what's happening in the world. But I do not participate in political activities. I used to vote during election of legislative members. But the system has recently been changed. I personally do not think it's a fair system. I may not cast a vote...
  193. S

    Is snapping pictures the greatest method to preserve a memory?

    I agree that taking pictures can be a way to preserve memories. But a friend of mine never takes any pictures while traveling. She prefers to take the time to enjoy the sceneries and keep the memories in her mind.
  194. S

    Would you like to be a TV anchor?

    I am not particularly interested in being a TV anchor. I would prefer to be an investigative reporter. I find this more challenging and can find out the truth of certain incidents.
  195. S

    When did you last enjoyed your favourite drink?

    Hong Kong milk tea (a black tea with evaporated milk) is my favorite drink. I just had that today during lunch time. I had noodles with pork chop, and then paired it with HK milk tea.
  196. S

    What aspects of keeping a healthy lifestyle do you find most difficult to maintain?

    I am a night owl. I understand sleep early and get up early is better for health. I am trying to change my habit. But I enjoy the quietness of the nighttime. Changing my sleeping hours is a challenge to me.
  197. S

    Have you lately made any significant lifestyle changes?

    No significant changes in my lifestyle. I maintain my daily routine and a healthy diet. When I get up, I drink a glass of Lukewarm water, then do some stretch exercises. After preparing and eating breakfast, I go out for a walk.
  198. S

    What can I do to keep me busy and away from depression?

    When I am feeling low, I usually play musical instruments. Other than that, I may listen to my favorite music, read a book, chat with close friends or go out for a walk.
  199. S

    When did you last time visited zoos?

    Hong Kong does not have a big zoo. I am not so interested visiting it. Last time I visited a zoo was almost ten years ago when I visited Japan. It is a nice zoo with lots of animals including a lovey Panda.
  200. S

    Do you take a bath everyday?

    I take a shower every day even in winter. I usually go out for a morning walk. When I return home, I take a shower.