Recent content by cherry123

  1. cherry123

    How quick should it take to send a customer support response?

    No need for any waste of time you need to show seriousness when it comes to customer care service. It is bad and wrong to keep customer waiting at the other end
  2. cherry123

    Have you ever collaborated with a team or a partner on a project?

    Workers that need to foster progress at the work place needs to collaborate or partnered with others in the workplace to ensure together and teamwork. it does work for everyone
  3. cherry123

    What's the best business idea?

    Best business idea it is to do what works for you. it shouldn't be what others are doing but what you can really do. no matter how good a business idea is,
  4. cherry123

    If you want to resign from a company for reasons of low salary, then suddenly the boss offers a raise, what decision do you choose to stay or quit?

    This is a dicey situation that needs one thinking critically. I would stay on in the company. Since the key or main problem was the low salary, With salary increase I will continue work
  5. cherry123

    Is a mobile phone useful for business?

    Now a days , mobile phones are not only for communication , in today's world you can use your mobile phone for business transaction and make money online which is what I'm doing
  6. cherry123

    Which do you think would be more difficult to deliver a speech to: a group of individuals you don't know or a group of your coworkers?

    I will prefer speaking to my coworkers at work who i know a lot about them. it will boost my confidence because I will be talking to very familiar people
  7. cherry123

    Aside from working, do you have enough time to complete your goals?

    For me I have other goals to achieve, aside work, I try to achieve them along side my hustle. it is good to set your goals and achieve them ,
  8. cherry123

    What do you think about wearing uniforms in the workplace?

    Nothing wrong with this especially if it is helpful for One to easily identify members of staff of a particular organization. Just make sure you are obeying the company's instructions
  9. cherry123

    What do you think is a suitable business for a beginner who doesn't have a lot of capital?

    As a beginner with little to no capital, I think it is best for one to start with offering a service so that you don't need much money to begin or you start an online business.
  10. cherry123

    A Whistleblower in Business

    For me a neat job should always be done which would be reporting anonymously. so it would he to definitely report to the management with supporting evidence if need be
  11. cherry123

    Have you ever had a conflict with a co-worker?

    I try not to as I don't see the need. Though they might be times for issues and disagreements. There are resolved through discussions and dialogue. it does help everyone
  12. cherry123

    Religious Bias at Work

    There's no gain with region bias at the workplace someone who has different religion should he treated well with respect as long as there's cooperation at work from the person
  13. cherry123

    In business, what are some situations where you might need to show sympathy?

    Employee goung through difficult times or personal issues should be shown sympathy. staff that are grieving or have lost a family member and those going through depression should be considered
  14. cherry123

    Is it simple to ask for assistance at work?

    This is why being sociable at work is very important. you can easily relate with others in any work because that is the only way you can easily get urlp from others
  15. cherry123

    Have you joined this forum site: FUSION CASH FORUM

    From reviews this site seems a legit one though I haven't personally tested it since I can't work on the site due to my region but others can try it out
  16. cherry123

    How to motivate employees?

    Everyone love gifts same with employees so giving rewards or incentives would help to motivate them to do more. you can boost their drive through this to drive them to work
  17. cherry123

    $600 differential

    Yesh that was a tidy sum. And it was helpful for the family 1685571118 Yesh that was a tidy sum. And it was helpful for the family
  18. cherry123

    Alone again in RIF but surrounded with robots LOL

    That's why I skip that site now. I don't like the earning model
  19. cherry123

    What was your Dinner today?

    I prepared and ate my peppered stew with rice it was really nice
  20. cherry123

    How do you know you're in love, LOL

    Yeah love is a beautiful thing and the feeling is great
  21. cherry123

    Eczema Treatments

    It could even be an allergy from your soap or cream so be careful
  22. cherry123

    Pet issues šŸ•

    Becoming aggressive that isn't so nice . Hope it doesn't bite anyone
  23. cherry123

    My new car!

    That was nice. I like the car
  24. cherry123

    How many Twitter followers do you have?

    I don't like this social app so I have less followers
  25. cherry123

    Are you doing anything special today?

    Nope, I'm not having any special activity to do today
  26. cherry123

    Washing clothes manually or with a Washing Machine?

    We all need this but it can't happen for everyone as we do not have money for it
  27. cherry123

    Cool evening

    The little sun here is gradually going down as we move towards evening
  28. cherry123

    $600 differential

    That's how it should be. you have a nice family
  29. cherry123

    Feeling sleepy

    You got sometimes I just want to have fun on the site
  30. cherry123

    What was your Dinner today?

    Yeah the time is ticking close would soon be taking my dinner
  31. cherry123

    What your views on taking advice from pastors

    Exactly this way we can think right.
  32. cherry123

    Showing love to an enemy

    Oh wow that's awful but life continues
  33. cherry123

    How do you know you're in love, LOL

    Yesh we just have to always get our bulletproof to withstand the hurt.
  34. cherry123

    What was your Dinner today?

    Definitely you would get all the needed nutrients in it.
  35. cherry123

    Feeling sleepy

    Yesh sometimes we just need fun topics to relax with them
  36. cherry123

    Alone again in RIF but surrounded with robots LOL

    Sure that's it is. Little drops but become bigger later.
  37. cherry123

    Feeling sleepy

    Sure I'm going to spend my noon here on this relaxation section. I don't need serious posting today
  38. cherry123

    Alone again in RIF but surrounded with robots LOL

    That's the whole essence you feel good watching your earning tab increase
  39. cherry123

    Feeling sleepy

    That's true just checked your time it's night there. We are in noon here
  40. cherry123

    What was your Dinner today?

    You got it. you would get a lot of nutrients from it.
  41. cherry123

    Alone again in RIF but surrounded with robots LOL

    Yeah you wouldn't be distracted in a good way but money is made
  42. cherry123

    Feeling sleepy

    Way to go . you have a good rest thay way
  43. cherry123

    What was your Dinner today?

    You just love it just like I do. just spices and sauce will do
  44. cherry123

    Alone again in RIF but surrounded with robots LOL

    Sure your interact with the threads and make money
  45. cherry123

    Wrong but sounds right?

    I agree with you. you cam also give a sound advice though
  46. cherry123

    Feeling sleepy

    Sitting down Lol, do you want to fall just get a foam and you would be on your way to dream land
  47. cherry123

    What was your Dinner today?

    I like veggie salad without the cream though
  48. cherry123

    Alone again in RIF but surrounded with robots LOL

    Sure you still make your money even in the loneliness Lol
  49. cherry123

    $600 differential

    I'm sure they will love you more
  50. cherry123

    Cool evening

    I'm enjoying it a bit as I'm no heat person
  51. cherry123

    What your views on taking advice from pastors

    Yes it is to think deep to get the right solution
  52. cherry123

    Showing love to an enemy

    Oh wow that's no friend but a total enemy. So how is she faring now?
  53. cherry123

    How do you know you're in love, LOL

    Yes if you have it then you are good to go
  54. cherry123

    Have you joined this forum site: FUSION CASH FORUM

    Yesh I have noticed that good paying sites online don't accept the third world countries so we are stuck with just working on sites that just pays little for much work
  55. cherry123

    Can you survive a week now without money

    jt is really difficult the economy is not smiling
  56. cherry123

    What was your Breakfast Today?

    Rice and stew with plenty' water
  57. cherry123

    What was your Lunch Today?

    I will be eating vegetables soup this afternoon
  58. cherry123

    Feeling sleepy

    All work and no play makes jack a ..... so it is better to rest or sleep
  59. cherry123

    What was your Dinner today?

    Had jellof spaghetti last night it was really nice.
  60. cherry123

    Broken promises

    j know it is not good so I don't bother saying what I can't do
  61. cherry123

    Alone again in RIF but surrounded with robots LOL

    Your last line is apt. The most important is you earning here always
  62. cherry123

    What food are you eating right now?

    I just finished my breakfast as it is morning here. it was rice and stew
  63. cherry123

    $600 differential

    That's great of you. It is always good to put smiles on people's faces
  64. cherry123

    What was the best part of your day today?

    It is still morning here just about 11am so I will just relax after typing here
  65. cherry123

    Do you like wearing whites?

    Your excuse is valid it's same for almost every one
  66. cherry123

    How can one deal with a stalker on social media

    Yeah hit the nail on the head
  67. cherry123

    What food combinations do you enjoy?

    I like to eat my pears with corn. Eating each separately is not my thing
  68. cherry123

    Social Stigmas to get over

    it should be shaming unmarried ladies. We need to do better
  69. cherry123

    What food would you like to try?

    One of the native food jn my state. Groundnut soup don't even like the smell but want to try it 1685527156 One of the native food jn my state. Groundnut soup don't even like the smell but want to try it
  70. cherry123

    What are you worried over?

    Not able to make enough money to cater for my needs. I fear this alot.
  71. cherry123

    Unusual Places You Visited

    I can't think of any. I go to only where I feel safe and secured
  72. cherry123

    Reading News

    From both online and offline but mostly from websites online
  73. cherry123

    Red flags in life?

    Watch out for people that praises you when you are financially buoyant
  74. cherry123

    Object that would be annoying if music came from it?

    Cellophane bags, it will just total noise from them
  75. cherry123

    Wrong but sounds right?

    Taking people's things without permission
  76. cherry123

    Favorite pratical joke done?

    I think telling my friend her sister had accident just to see her reaction was the worse for me. That was a very expensive prank
  77. cherry123

    What would you do if your job gave you 3 days paid time off?

    I will spend my days in a fun Island. it will be all day long enjoyment
  78. cherry123

    Cool evening

    We are in the raining season here and everywhere is wet. So we are under the weather
  79. cherry123

    Going to take some time out from here for a while

    Dear friend you are good to go. You shall meet us here again
  80. cherry123

    What your views on taking advice from pastors

    I don't too, I prefer to search my soul for a better suggestions or decision
  81. cherry123

    Showing love to an enemy

    Yeah why not if it will help you feel better
  82. cherry123

    What information should I verify before signing a contract, in your opinion?

    Yeah you need to always check if all the details transcribed are accurate. you know ot os not good ro sign wrong information. Always check the details to be sure
  83. cherry123

    Are there any aspects of your local company culture that stand out to you?

    I think it is the business of having to haggle you would need to bargain to finally buy what you need. it is always good to haggle for a reduced price
  84. cherry123

    Importance of registered business.

    A registered business gain more than unregistered business. one with a registered business wil gain a lot of things from the government especially with govt to give grants to businesses.
  85. cherry123

    Do you believe that bargaining in business has cultural nuances?

    I don't know about this but I know that it is always good to bargain for a business transaction so that you can get little gains or discount than one mot bargaining
  86. cherry123

    How to motivate employees?

    Employee will always get motivated by anything that will make them happy. You can give them additional bonus or increase their salary. it will make them want to do more
  87. cherry123

    Would you agree to work extra hours if your boss asked you to?

    Why not I don't mind at sll working overtime to get a job done. but it it need me to work extra hours for a long period of time without pay then it is a no
  88. cherry123

    How do you feel about doing business being about establishing trust and relationships?

    Yeah any business that need to complete all business transactions must be open and show integrity. Anything that money is involved need all parties to be trust worthy at all times
  89. cherry123

    What influences does technology have on the creation of new goods?

    Technology has made it a lot easier to create goods that we have now. But most importantly it is in a shorter period of time now. which is really fine
  90. cherry123

    Understanding the Cross-Cultural Negotiation

    I think at this point there's so much a business owner needs to know or learn about. This is a new one but it is good to develop the skills
  91. cherry123

    Which abilities do you believe are most important for convincing the opposing side during a negotiation?

    You just have to be convincing enough. I know that a lot of things that I do or bought was me getting convinced by the sales rep you can do same.
  92. cherry123

    Is it simple to ask for assistance at work?

    Yeah one nees to be very open minded and accommodate people all the time. Be nice to people and have a good relationship with every staff in the workplace too.
  93. cherry123

    Which personality attribute do you find yourself using the most in conflict situations in business?

    That's a good one it is always good to try to pacify others. Everyone desire a calm tensed atmosphere at work. so one just need to try pushing this always
  94. cherry123

    Religious Bias at Work

    I know it is no longer rampant as companies these days do not talk about religion in the workplace. I know this as they companies I have worked for never did
  95. cherry123

    Nailing the Business Deals

    Sure that's the way to go businesses must develop deal-making and negotiation skills. that will help them across their whole workforce, they just have to click the different deals for the company
  96. cherry123

    Legit šŸ‘ Casino forum reviews

    Well I ni longer active on the site like j stated it might work for you but not for everyone. you need to know what works for you and stick to it
  97. cherry123

    Feel Me, Feel You

    Yeah I'm just a chat away hehe
  98. cherry123

    If everyone could vote, what would happen?

    I don't think it will change anything. it isn't about the population voting but those voted in to do their job
  99. cherry123

    Do aliens exist?

    Well, going by some documentaries I have watched of them I think they do.
  100. cherry123

    What do you hate paying for?

    Buying a very expensive weavon that I keep asking myself what was I thinking
  101. cherry123

    What would you be buried with?

    Nothing. Just me, myself and 1
  102. cherry123

    RIF maintenance

    Yay, the maintenance is over now and I love RIF even more now. it is looking great
  103. cherry123

    Best way to deal with life's fears

    How can one deal with fears that come with the unknown. You know like fear of the future that you just assumed
  104. cherry123

    What your views on taking advice from pastors

    Some people always consult with their pastors before taking any decision. What do you think of this sct? do you do this?
  105. cherry123

    Showing love to an enemy

    What do you think about showing love to an enemy that you are aware of.
  106. cherry123

    Going out your way to be nice to?

    I try to be nice to everyone. it is good to be nice to people
  107. cherry123

    Clothing always in fashion

    Yesh Jean and skirts of different styles. They never go away
  108. cherry123

    Animal being cute, if small?

    I think a baboon for me
  109. cherry123

    Love at first sight

    This is rare but they still happened.
  110. cherry123

    Relaxing while thinking

    I do this a lot lately I just relax and think things out for my life
  111. cherry123

    Useless things

    Yeah I think so. Some people just love to buy unnecessary things
  112. cherry123

    How do you enjoy bananas?

    I love it with groundnut. I just peel and consume it with groundnut
  113. cherry123

    What type of person are you?

    I think I'm one person that want to see and enjoy life to the fullest.
  114. cherry123

    Pedal boats

    I will love to use one . I just love adventures it is always a delight
  115. cherry123

    What time do you wake up in the morning?

    I wake up as early as possible maybe 6am
  116. cherry123

    Do you like to watch stars at night?

    Starry nights when the love of my life is with me watching the moonlit night full of stars. This is so romantic
  117. cherry123

    Do you find full moon romantic? LOL

    Sure, I love the smiling moon it gives me joy and keep me calm
  118. cherry123

    Describe your first kiss, LOL

    Yeah that's nice. I can't even remember my experience Lol
  119. cherry123

    Feel Me, Feel You

    Sure you are not alone anymore..I'm always here for you Dear friend
  120. cherry123

    Legit šŸ‘ Casino forum reviews

    Well different strokes for different folks. if you like it not everyone would. it is just my problem though with the site. I don't just like the payment system or model
  121. cherry123

    Welcome to RIF 2.0 šŸŽ‰

    This is so beautiful. I just like the new outlook. Yay !!! Can't wait for the contests. Cheers to us all
  122. cherry123

    Tackling Business Problems

    Yeah a business will be confronted with problems but the truth is that one must constantly adapt,and even make decisions which will help to take away these obstacles for the needed changes
  123. cherry123

    The importance of continuous learning and adapting in building a successful passive income stream

    Yeah no matter how it is , it is good to make money through both active and passive ways but the important thing doing is to always ensure that you build passive income
  124. cherry123

    Four Ways to Make Passive Income on Amazon

    Yeah different ways of making money here but I prefer the seller program for those who want to sell physical items. if you can sell these products you can make good money off it.
  125. cherry123

    How to Make Passive Income Through Mobile App

    This is one area I don't make money but it's a fact that you can generate money through mobile app. But one shouldn't rely on this though it is a simple way of making money
  126. cherry123

    Earn Passive Income on Fine Art America

    This should be a good platform for those that have the skills but the only problem here with this type of platform is that one don't know if it for everyone
  127. cherry123

    Three Passive Income Websites for Digital Artists

    Sure, it is good to always have an experience but knowledge as well espabout experience but knowledge especially if you are doing a passive income You need to follow those who are already doing it to get it right
  128. cherry123

    How to earn money by Amazon associate

    Yeah Amazon associat is another name for affiliate marketing program which is from Amazon. Yesh it is a free to join program. it is just to get affiliate links for products to advertise
  129. cherry123

    Make Money By Selling Workbooks

    This is possible, the thing is that you can definitely make money by selling workbook and it's a good way to earn decently. so it is worth trying it out
  130. cherry123

    How to Generate Passive Income Through Fiverr

    Fiverr is one site that have come to is a very good way to generate passive income as you can have repeated customers that will keep patronizing you to earn daily
  131. cherry123

    What is your favorite passive income sources

    The thing is that one can still build a passive income if one have the knowledge and skills to create the unique products or services that people would be willing to buy
  132. cherry123

    Generating passive income through rental properties

    This a good passive income way that a lot of people like including me . Yeah It's one of the most guaranteed and reliable means of passive income but it is capital intensive
  133. cherry123

    Invest in Annuity Schemes offered by Banks to Earn passive income

    This is a good model of passive income and can be available to anyone but it is capital intensive as it will need one to have money to invest in it.
  134. cherry123

    Are You Good At Building Referrals?

    I try my best but I don't really do it well. I just try to get the little I can but the hard part is about keeping them it is not easy
  135. cherry123

    I would be a millionaire if I kept the money I got from the faucets

    Yeah maybe you would have by now but the truth is that there's no way you would saved that much when you have other things you want to buy daily on your mind
  136. cherry123

    Do you find it easier to make posts or make replies on RIF?

    I do the two all the time but recently it has been very hectic for me . So I haven't been creating threads I do only comments but from next month I will start again
  137. cherry123

    Is Blogging Actually a Passive Income?

    Yes it is a passive income you would need to be active though to really make money, you will have to work regularly on your blog to make it a passive income source
  138. cherry123

    What do you like most about RIF?

    I like an earning site that one can work and chat with other users.Rhis os what this site offers and it is mit a bad idea. You can relax at the relaxation section
  139. cherry123

    Earning money from russian sites vs global sites

    I just want to work where I get paid whether a global site or a Russian site, the most is that they are legit and paying. There's no discrimination or any kind of scam.
  140. cherry123

    Can I earn $5 with $100 investment daily?

    This can only work with a scam. site and you know what that means it is to just go throw away your money or enrich the scammers more and more
  141. cherry123

    Why you stopped working in Faucets?

    it wasn't just working for me I don't want to keep wasting my time so I personally don't work at faucets anymore because I don't make money off it as I should
  142. cherry123

    Accepting bankruptcy in business

    That's business for you sometimes you gain while sometimes you lose. but you need to try if you can't then just selling the business will suffice and you gain from it.
  143. cherry123

    How to protect your passive income

    You need to spend wisely . making a passive income is easy but saving the money is the difficult part Just be careful with how you spend the money you have
  144. cherry123

    The best GPT in 2023?

    Same here I'm looking for same that is genuine and worth my time. I wouldn't mind working on a site that I can get a dollar from daily. in addition to this site
  145. cherry123

    Do you have any experience Earning From Ola?

    Knowing about this for the first time never heard of this before, from your description the company and their services is mainly for the indians but I like the business model though
  146. cherry123

    How often do you cash out on pay-to-post forums?

    No time wasting for me I take what i have as it is available. Nothing is certain or assured online. I don't need to wait further for it to cash out
  147. cherry123

    You need money to make money

    Yiu are right on this. it is a fact making money, either through investing or starting up a business.need one investing monsy so we always need money to kickstart it
  148. cherry123

    How to earn $100 monthly online?

    it is to be consistent with what you are doing it is not about just working but being very active at it to get the needed money at the end of the day.
  149. cherry123

    Create an employee recognition program in your business

    Personally I like act like this , it will definitely lift my morale and self-esteem and I'm sure it will do same for others. This will inspired people to work hard too
  150. cherry123

    What are the benefits of business travel?

    Business trips have a lot of benefits it is always good to have traveling business goals so that you can get them accomplished as you are stepping out to go
  151. cherry123

    Have you ever had a conflict with a co-worker?

    it is not always good to have issues with any cowork. it does bring pressure or rancor even if they refused to do their work it's better to report them
  152. cherry123

    Religious Bias at Work

    That's just it in a business we need to know that we would always come across workers, even customers of different religions. All we need do is to treat everyone equally,.
  153. cherry123

    Should managers be autocratic?

    An autocratic leadership comes with little to no benefits to the leaders that practice such. you would just be harsh for nothing because the juniors or subordinates would revolt such
  154. cherry123

    Sacking People is Not an Option

    Yes not all financial problem in a business or organization needs an outright sack. This is what the hosses don't know. Sacking people might not just be the solution to the problem
  155. cherry123

    Is a unanimous decision the best way to arrive at a decision?

    Well for me I don't just take suggestions without thinking it through before adopting it. The best bet will be to take an informed decision when you are taking any decisions
  156. cherry123

    When is it vital to take other viewpoints into account?

    No man is an island so it is always pertinent to listen to others suggestions when it comes to business. you need to allow others to advise you as their input might be very helpful
  157. cherry123

    How to motivate employees?

    Yeah Praise is it. it can make a person to perform excellently well. I agree with you that praise is a potent motivator that can be used for anyone now
  158. cherry123

    What distinguishes a corporate leader from a follower?

    As the words implies a leader leads while the follower only follows. Though they can be allowed to take their own initiative but it is also for them to discuss it first with the leader.
  159. cherry123

    What are the core components of new projects?

    New projects always need the right amount of money for execution. Without the needed capital completing or even starting off a new project can be very difficult. So get money and time together
  160. cherry123

    Why is it crucial for businesses to have higher production and efficiency?

    High production means being able to satisfy the people that needs your products or services. you need to also show efficiency which is what you would need in the business to excel.
  161. cherry123

    What are the main objectives for enhancing the service industries?

    Service industries are in high demands here and it is now for everyone to indulge. you just have to look at the industry you want to engage in and you need to have the skills
  162. cherry123

    Is a paper trail still important in business?

    I think it is still needed as paper trail is still required for record-keeping because it aids with information retrieval. A company's different departments will always need to retrieve documents and paper trails will be needed
  163. cherry123

    What influences does technology have on the creation of new goods?

    Technology is playing a vital role in the economy now. it has really improved the productivity of many businesses. . With good technology you can get to produce high quality goods
  164. cherry123

    What are the benefits of business travel?

    Yes any good thing can happen after the business trip but in most cases it is something very good. it is always good to use the opportunity to improve your business
  165. cherry123

    Does your business has its own Bank account?

    No matter the claims or arguments it is still advisable to have a separate account for a business. it will help you avoid the temptation of using up your business money
  166. cherry123

    Legit šŸ‘ - the best website for earning money

    it is always good to laid the card bare on the table . you do thos by tellimg a potential user of all the conditions that you have first and let them decide on joining
  167. cherry123

    The importance of business monitoring and reporting

    Having a business is one thing but another is to monitor it. monitoring and reporting in a business thus help to reveal hidden problems which can be sorted out very soon
  168. cherry123

    What is the best strategy for keeping employees' attention during meetings?

    it is also very good to always wait it out for your boss to be free. if you want to get the nest from. them. Bosses are very busy people though
  169. cherry123

    What are the benefits of business travel?

    A good business travel brings in a lot of money as you get to meet different business people and transact with them. You would also learn about their culture as well
  170. cherry123

    Why is Digital Marketing Important?

    Going digital is the sure wsy of connecting two or more people together for sales. The good thing is that it can be done from different parts of the world
  171. cherry123

    How to Build Your Email List the Right Way?

    Email marketing is a good avenue for marketing. it is cheap and easy to use but you need to use email marketing with recipients that always open and read emails.
  172. cherry123

    Understanding the Basics of Affiliate Marketing

    Affiliate marketing is worth the try if you have all that it's tskes. There are some great success stories out there which shows that one can earn high from.this program
  173. cherry123

    Exploring the Benefits of Content Marketing

    Thos is another good way of marketing . You can use this way of marketing and get it right with advertising. You write the right content that will lure people to it.
  174. cherry123

    How to build traffic on your website through influencer marketing

    Yeah I totally agree with you, being an influencer is not an easy task just like any other job online. you need the skills and knowledge but it is a good way of making money
  175. cherry123

    Social Media marketing

    Social media is easy to use for marketing. I know a lot go with the Facebook has it has great potential in bringing in the needed results. They are about 2 billion people on it.
  176. cherry123

    How lucrative is typing captcha business online?

    I know people are making money off it but it is not for me as it is really difficult way to earn money and the . Income is low so I skip
  177. cherry123

    Create an employee recognition program in your business

    Any employee in this case will feel proud with any recognition. people always feel proud of their endeavors so recognition will be like the icy on the cake. it boost their morale
  178. cherry123

    How to deal with unprofessional employees?

    Yeah helping a family member doesn't have to be that person working for you. It is better to give them a job else where than keeping them in your company .
  179. cherry123

    Where to ask for help about business?

    You can do exploit with your business if you have a mentor, so it is pertinent for young entrepreneurs to have a mentor you are right things like this need a mentor
  180. cherry123

    Dream Big in Business

    Sure creativity comes from our within. it lies so much on we can dream or imagine our business to be or go. I totally agree if you can dream or imagine it, then its possible
  181. cherry123

    Should business studies be given priority?.

    It is to get the right teachers and pay them well. some teachers here get monthly stipends that cant be called a salary. The salary is too poor that's just appalling
  182. cherry123

    What are the causes of rent increment?

    Upgrade in property might also be cause for rent incremen. This is after new facilities have been provided in the rented apartment the landlord might need a recoup thought rent increments
  183. cherry123

    What do you think about wearing uniforms in the workplace?

    Lol, sure no one if the the pay is right what would be the complain about having to wear uniforms when you even get to change u after work .
  184. cherry123

    Create an employee recognition program in your business

    Yeah you capture my words exactly recognition to worthy employees is the key as you would be boosting their morale and they will feel proud of the themselves to a large extent.
  185. cherry123

    What is the best strategy for keeping employees' attention during meetings?

    Yeah the leader of the meeting should try to keep the people from getting distracted . Anything tool or talks that will bring distraction should be eliminated that's how it should be
  186. cherry123

    How to deal with unprofessional employees?

    Sometimes I don't know why family members or relative's are always this way. it is way difficult to expect professionalism from them as they are still your relatives. I prefer working with strangers
  187. cherry123

    Should all business have a social media account?

    The truth is that most successful bussnesses have social media account. The fact is that it really helps the users to bring more sales to the business so it worth the use
  188. cherry123

    In business, how do you incorporate situational communication strategies?

    Yes there's always a break down in transmission where communication wasn't effective. you should be sure that the channel to reach the other person was quite clear and everyone is on the same page
  189. cherry123

    No sales period

    When it comes to a business people need to know that there would always be no sales period , but you just have to find the right ways to eliminate such
  190. cherry123

    Can customer loyalty really be created?

    Customer loyalty is built by Offering quality products at a reasonable price, you need to offer or provide excellent customer service that continue to drag the customers to your business
  191. cherry123

    What helps you prevent losses in your business?

    Yes do your research from time to time to know more about the trends and understand the needs of your customers. it is also pertinent to also do proper financial management.
  192. cherry123

    Is it simple to ask for assistance at work?

    We all need help at some point so it will not be a difficult thing to ask for assistance at work. This is why it is good to always relate with others don't be anti social
  193. cherry123

    In business, what are some situations where you might need to show sympathy?

    Sure, sick people in the workplace has to be taken care of by others that are well in the workplace. Even those having family issues should be spared as well
  194. cherry123

    Does your business has its own Bank account?

    To be accountable gou need a separate account. This is to ensure that you have a proper record of your business transactions. you would be able to know your profit
  195. cherry123

    How would you try to turn business proposal in your favor?

    You should make a kind of partnership with the person. People would want to look again at proposal that is a win win for everybody. it is better this way
  196. cherry123

    Running an internet cafe

    Yes it is still very profitable but you have to add other services like book and computer services which could be printing, typing of documents or files or even scanning digital stuff
  197. cherry123

    What would you do if your boss was busy?

    A lot of people I know do this too. They would continue working just as they used to until the boss is ready to listen to them. they don't like to wait
  198. cherry123

    Has there ever been a robbery in your business before?

    You are doing the right thing as precautions or prevention is better than cure so it is good to initiate pre cautions so that you prevent robbery from happening to you
  199. cherry123

    Have you ever had a conflict with a co-worker?

    That's the way to go no need getting petty with some immature people it is better to be the bigger person and ignore them if you can most especially too
  200. cherry123

    What is the best strategy for keeping employees' attention during meetings?

    Another point is that the meeting should be for a short time abd straight to the point no need prolonging a meeting that will make it becomes very boring to staff